Flora Pulse Newsletter – September/October 2019

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Pulse Wellness tips for a healthy lifestyle

HAVE A HEALTHY FALL! Fall is upon us. This is a natural time to shift your focus inward and strengthen your body before heading into winter. In this issue of PULSE, we share tips and tricks to bolster your immune defenses, tackle your fatigue, and maybe get a fresh start with a gentle cleanse.

Inside: Why Everyone is going crazy for Elderberry Is this the hidden reason behind Your Fatigue? Get a fresh start this fall, with a Gentle Cleanse

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Crazy For Elderberry! Elderberry has become super popular lately. Bottles of elderberry capsules line the health food store shelves, crafty moms are blogging about how to make your own elderberry syrup, and chefs are incorporating the dark purple berries into everything from crumbles to coulis. What’s so great about elderberries?

1. They’re nutritious. Elderberries are packed with vitamin C, boasting a whopping 87 percent of the Daily Value (DV) in a onecup serving of fresh fruit. They’re also full of free radical-fighting phytonutrients such as anthocyanins, quercetin and rutin. That’s why elderberries’ antioxidant power beats both blueberries and cranberries.1 2. They’ve got history. When different traditional cultures around the world that have no contact with each other use the same herb for the same purpose, that’s a clue it’s effective. Native Americans to Russians to Germans, all have used elderberries in folk remedies. One of the main uses? Strengthening immunity. When it comes to staying well, it seems people consuming elderberries all those years ago were on to something.

The researchers found that when people took elderberry before their flight, they were slightly less likely to feel under the weather four days afterwards than those taking a sugar pill. The real difference, though, came in what happened next to the people in both groups who felt a little off. The lucky folks who took elderberry had milder discomfort and were on the mend about twice as quickly. 2 This study echoes the findings of two other well-designed studies: When you’re unwell, elderberry helps you feel better, faster. 3,4 4. They taste amazing. It’s pretty cool when your immune-boosting tonic isn’t something you dread but something you look forward to. Elderberry is a sweet fruit, after all, so taking it is downright enjoyable. That goes double for little ones. “It’s good for you” isn’t always a game-changing argument for kids.

3. They’ve got science. The verdict is in: elderberry works! One study took a clever approach, tracking over 300 people taking long airplane flights—the kind with uncomfortably close quarters and recirculated air… ick!

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Move over, elderberry syrup, there’s another way to get the immune boost of these beneficial berries: elderberry crystals! Syrups are great and all, but crystals have less sugar and they’re more versatile. You can mix them in your favorite juice, add them to sparkling water for a refreshing beverage, or sprinkle them into a smoothie bowl. Whether you feel a tickle in your throat or you want to build up your immunity for the cold weather months, certified organic Flora Elderberry Crystals and Flora Elderberry Crystals for Kids are a convenient, natural choice.

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Another way to Elderberry

If you’re looking for a powerful shot of vitamin C, certified organic Flora Acerola Powder is another handy option. It’s made from organic acerola cherry, a tart, tangy fruit that’s one of the most concentrated sources of vitamin C in nature. One serving of the powder contains as much vitamin C as 14 oranges! Power up and power on! 1 2 3 4

Wu X, et al. J Agr Food Chem 2004; 52:4026–4037. Tiralongo E, Wee SS, Lea RA. Nutrients. 2016 Apr;8(4):182. Zakay-Rones Z, et al. J Int Med Res. 2004 Mar-Apr;32(2):132-40. Zakay-Rones Z, et al. J Altern Complement Med 1995 Winter; 1(4):361-9.



WITH A GENTLE CLEANSE The changing of seasons often inspires us to make a new start. What better way to start fresh than doing a cleanse? Some people are turned off by the idea of cleansing because it seems too extreme or harsh on the body. No one is a fan of spending hours chained to the toilet. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can gently detoxify your system in just one week.

What to eat

Focus on easy-to-digest foods. Oatmeal and smoothies are both good choices for breakfast. Kitchari— a traditional Ayurvedic dish made with rice, mung beans, and vegetables—is a great choice for lunch. For the rest of your meals, choose pureed or steamed vegetables, whole fruit, nuts, and eggs (unless you’re sensitive to any of those foods). Most importantly, nix white flour, sugar, and processed foods.

What to drink

Simple is best when it comes to hydrating during a cleanse. Stick to filtered water or green tea (preferably warm, not iced) and try to up your fluid intake to at least 10 cups a day. That way, your kidneys can go to town flushing toxins out of your body. We probably don’t need to tell you this, but take a break from caffeine and alcohol. Your liver will thank you!

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What to take Flor•Essence is your cleanse ally. Unlike harsh diuretic and laxative formulas, this detoxifying liquid gently supports your body’s digestion and elimination processes, while also providing antioxidant protection. In fact, it’s so gentle it can safely be used every day.



1 oz. Flora Apple Cider Vinegar




Is this the hidden reason behind your fatigue?

1 oz. cranberry juice // 4

We all seem to have accepted that tired is the new normal. It’s easy to write off persistent fatigue as the inevitable result of a busy, modern life. But what if there’s a correctable physiological reason behind your exhaustion?

oz. sparkling apple cider // ½ tsp Flora Mānuka Honey // garnish with sliced apple // sparkling water to float

Iron deficiency is more common than you think

1. Mix ½ tsp honey with cranberry juice and Apple Cider Vinegar until honey is dissolved. 2. Fill wine glass with ice and pour in Apple Cider Vinegar mixture. 3. Combine with sparkling apple cider and stir. 4. Float with sparkling water. 5. Garnish with apple slice.

Your tiredness could be due to iron deficiency. You need iron to help your body manufacture hemoglobin, a key component of red blood cells. If your blood vessels are streets, hemoglobin is the delivery truck that carries oxygen to all your cells. No oxygen? No energy. Around the world, more people are low in iron than any other vitamin or mineral. The U.S. is not immune: up to 12 percent of white American women have irondeficiency anemia and almost 20 percent of African-American and Mexican-American women do, too. Who’s at highest risk? 5

• Women who lose blood every month through their menstrual cycle • Pregnant women who are producing extra blood to help their babies grow • African-Americans, Hispanics, the elderly, and vegetarians.

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How to find out if you’re deficient in iron If you think low iron may be the source of your troubles, get your iron levels tested. Your doctor will be looking at three main things: 9

1. Your ferritin, or stored iron. Normal is 12 to 300 ng/mL for men and 12 to 150 ng/mL for women. 2. Your hemoglobin, an iron-containing protein. Normal is 13.5 to 17.5 g/dL for men and 12.0 to 15.5 for women.10 3. Your hematocrit, the percentage of your blood made up of red blood cells. Normal is 34.9 to 44.5 11 percent for women and 38.8 to 50 percent for men.

Floradix® to the rescue! If you’re low in iron, it can be really hard to raise your levels through diet alone, which is why a lot of ladies turn to iron supplements. Floradix Liquid Iron + Herbs is the best-selling iron supplement in North America for good reason. It’s a low-dose formula, so it won’t cause constipation; it’s made with whole food concentrates and B and C vitamins, so it’s easily absorbed; and it comes in a tasty liquid, so you’ll actually take it. What’s not to love?

5 Killip S, Bennett JM, Chambers MD. Am Fam Physician. 2007 Mar 1;75(5):671-678. 6 Le CHH. PLoS One. 2016 Nov 15;(11):11:e0166635. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0166635. eCollection 2016. 7 Johnson TC. WebMD. 2016 Jun 21. https://www.webmd.com/baby/guide/anemia-in-pregnancy#1 8 The American National Red Cross. 2018. https://www.redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/blood-donation-process/before-


9 Stoppler MC. MedicineNet. Reviewed Jan. 18, 2018. https://www.medicinenet.com/ferritin_blood_test/article.htm#what_does_a_low_ferritin_level_mean 10 Iron deficiency anemia. Mayo Clinic. 2018. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/iron-deficiency-anemia/diagnosis-treatment/drc-


11 Iron deficiency anemia. Mayo Clinic. 2018. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/iron-deficiency-anemia/diagnosis-treatment/drc-



You can trust that Flora’s Mānuka Honey is 100% genuine.

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Mānuka honey is a special honey made in New Zealand from the nectar of the mānuka tree. It’s important to note, some labels might say “mānuka” even when the honey inside is missing the enzymes and antioxidant properties of true mānuka honey. So how can you be sure you’re getting the real thing? Flora Mānuka Honey is UMF™-certified and every jar is 100% traceable, all the way back to the source. Just scan the code on the label to learn where your honey was made, its lab test results, and its UMF™ rating. Flora is dedicated to providing pure mānuka honey—because you deserve the sweet truth.

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