Jan. 23 Issue

Page 1


Jan. 23, 2014

Volume 82, Issue 18


Student newspaper of the University of North Alabama

REMEMBERING A MENTOR photo pho p o co contr ntributed by y NOE NOEL O LG OE GEIG GER R

photo ho c contr bute ted ed by NOEL GEIG GER

pho o co phot contri ntributed by ASH ASHTON TO HEN TON HENSLEY

photo phot p o contri contr bute butted d by y SAM SAMANTH A A FOTOVITCH

pho o by phot p y SHA SH NNON NN N WEL W ELLS I Uni E U versity y Phot hot otto og ogra ogr gra g grrap pher phe ph he

photo by p y SHANNON WELLS I Univer ers rsity ity ty yP Ph hot h ottog o ogra grrra gra g ap pher he err

phot pho p oto o co ontriibute ed by yA AS ASH SHTTO SH TON O ON NH HEN NSLEY NS EY Y

phot ph p hot ho h o otto c co o on ntrib buted by KA AITLI TLIN TLI N CHAPP APPE ELL

phot p oto o co contri ntribute ntri buted by buted y ASH ASHTON TON HEN HE LEY HENS photo phot oc contr ntribute buted d by CHE HE ELLS SEA S EA K EA KEE KE EE EEN NUM NU M

photo contriib p bute ed by by ASHTON TON HENS HENSLEY phot ph pho p h ho hot otto co o contri nttri trrib bute b bu ute ut u tte ed b y C CH HELS LSE SEA KEE SEA KEE KE ENUM NUM NU M

phot pho ph p hot ho h otto c o contri ntrib buted t by y NOE NOEL GEIGER R photo by phot y I Chie Ch C hief Ph hoto otog grap ph p her er

pho p oto contribute ntri t ibute buted d by y KATIE TIE DAY

photto by phot by SH SH SHA HANNON NNON WE WELLLS I Univers verr ity Photogr ogra ra apher phe

pho ph p oto c contribute bu ute ute ed by by KA KAIITLI ITL N CH C APP PE ELL

ph p ho otto co ontri nt bute nt b ed db by y LAU UREN R HULSEY HUL HU

photo co c ntriib buted bute d by KA KATHLE THLEEN EN BOYD BOYD

pho hoto to con co tribut but uted ed d by KA KAITL IT IN CHA ITL APPELL LL

photo co p ontri ntr bute ed by y ASH AS SH HTON TO ON HEN HE EN ENS ENSLEY NSLEY Y

ph photo p h hot o o co ontr ntri ntri r bu bute ute ute ted by by N NOE OEL GE GEIGER GE ER ER

Campus, Shoals community celebrate professor’s life BLYTHE STEELMAN


“It’s a beautiful day here at North Alabama. It’s very nice to see your very beautiful selves on photo contributed by CHELSEA KEENUM this very beautiful day,” was the opening line for each of Larry Nelson’s courses during his 30year tenure as a history professor.


this week’s paper

Nelson died Tuesday, photo contri p ibuted d by y CHE ELS SJan. SEA EA KE KEE E14 NUM M after battling stage-four Glioblastoma brain cancer, which he was diagnosed with in May 2013. “He was in his 30th year of teaching, and he impacted a lot of students during his time,” said Chris Maynard, chair of the Department of History. “By choice, he always had a heavy teaching load, particularly with freshmen pho o contrib photo con ri contri r buted bu but b uted by uted y LAUREN LA EN HULSEY HUL HU ULS U LSEY LS SEY Y

NEWS................2AA NELSON.............5A VIEWPOINTS.........7A

courses. He always wanted to teach as many kids as he could.” President William Cale delivered remarks at the funeral on behalf of the university, and he spoke of Nelson’s impact. “Ask anyone at UNA to name our finest professors and with 100 percent certainty, Larry Nelson’s name comes forward,” Cale said. “Deep in Larry’s heart were equal measures for his passion

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SPORTS...........3B 3B LIFE...............5B EXTRA.............8B

— teaching — and caring for his students. The life of a great educator like Larry lives on not only through family friends, p his phot photo o co ontrib ntribu but b u ute tted ed by band KATHLEEN KATHLE HLEE HLE HLEEN EN E N BOYD BOYD but through the students he has touched.” Graduate student Clint Alley took Nelson’s “History of the South” course in 2007 as a graduate student. He had known phfor o co ontri ttri rib ibute bu dyears, by KA by KATIEand DAY Nelsonphot several he said his future was chal-

lenged during a conversation one afternoon inontNelson’s office.AY p phot o co trib buted by KATIE DA “He asked what my plans were after graduation,” Alley said. “I told him that I would be a high school teacher. He nodded his head and said, ‘Oh yes, we need good people in that field. But have you ever thought about teaching on the university

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photo by SHANNON WELLS I University Photographer


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