Mar. 20, 2014
Volume 82, Issue 26
Student newspaper of the University of North Alabama
Officials to hire visiting professor for Integrative Health Program
Board names Cale ʻpresident emeritusʼ until December
The university’s plan to make the integrative health program operational is moving along slowly but surely. Most recently, university officials have nearly completed the process of hiring a visiting professor to teach courses in the integrative health concentration courses of the health and human performance Master’s program. “We have made an offer to a woman with a Ph.D. who lives in Canada and is Chinese by birth, who has a background in integrative health,” said John Thornell, vice-president of academic affairs. “She has some interesting knowledge and skill sets that we think are going to be very valuable. She will come teach to help us get that program off of the ground.” The faculty member will be hired for one year, using money from the $150,000 check the university received in August from the Shenqi Company, the university’s partner and main investor in this venture, Thornell said. “The position we are looking at right now is a one year appointment as a visiting professor,” said Tom Coates, chair of the Department of Health Physical Education and Recreation. “Part of the start up money that Chairman Zhang (Zhiting, owner of the Shenqi Company) gave to the university was to get someone in and check the viability of the program. Right now, (the faculty member is) scheduled to teach two courses in the fall and two courses in the spring.” One vital factor in this process is the relationship between University President Cale and Chairman Zhang. With Cale’s recent announcement of resignation, officials have to consider how to maintain the trust established between the university and the Shenqi Company, Thornell said. “Partnerships in China are
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this week’s paper
photo by MARIE KARERA I Student Photographer
University President William Cale and Trustee Rodney Howard review documents during the March 17 Board of Trustee meeting. Cale was named president emeritus until December 2014 at the meeting.
University President William Cale will stay on as President Emeritus through Dec. 31, following a resolution passed by the Board of Trustees at their March 17 meeting. Cale’s resignation will take effect July 1. In his role as President Emeritus, he will maintain
his current benefits and compensation package, according to the resolution presented by Rodney Howard, president pro tempore of the Board. Because he will maintain full compensation, he is expected to make approximately $125,454 over the six-month period. Cale is currently paid $20,909 each month for his position, according to the university spending
website. As the university moves forward with several large-scale projects, the resolution reads it is important to implement a transition “that preserves UNA’s forward momentum while transferring institutional knowledge and stakeholder confidence to a new administration.” The resolution is much needed, Howard said, and will
ensure the proper transition as the university seeks a new presidential candidate. “We want to make sure to the public that this search is transparent and honest,” Howard said. The search for Cale’s successor begins immediately, with the formation of a 16-person
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Student faces multiple charges from conduct board PACE HOLDBROOKS 6M_[ -LQ\WZ VM_[(NTWZITI VM\
A student has been charged with sexual misconduct, underage alcohol consumption and a drug-use related charge by the University Conduct Board. The student, an alleged suspect in a sexual assault investigation for a crime occurring in the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity house, appeared in a board hearing last week, said Kim Greenway, director of student conduct.
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The alleged crime took place Saturday, Jan. 18 and the victim reported the incident to UNA police Monday, Jan. 20, according to earlier reports in The Flor-Ala. “The student has three business days (to make an appeal) after they are notified in writing of a sanction or an outcome of a hearing,” Greenway said. “In this case, since the hearing was last week, the deadline would be sometime this week depending on when those business days fall.”
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The student was charged with committing high-level sexual misconduct. If not appealed, the consequence for the crime is suspension, Greenway said. “A student who is found in a high level of sexual misconduct would always be removed from the institution for a period of time,” she said. “That can be a minimum of a year or that can be complete expulsion, never to return to UNA.” Greenway could not confirm the student’s specific sentence at press time.
“The student is currently in the appeal period,” she said in an interview on Monday, March 17. “We might can comment on that later and it depends on what we’re also working on with the National Center for Higher Education to determine what we should and shouldn’t release. I’d rather not comment on that right now.” If the student is suspended, they will be trespassed from campus property as well as any
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