October 20, 2011
Volume 80 No. 9
Student newspaper of the University of North Alabama
Finding a cure
New parking deck not likely any time soon, officials said
@UNAFlorAla @FlorAlaSports
photo by Phillip Holcombe
Student Morgan McVay parks outside the Communications Building on campus May 17.
;\]LMV\ ?ZQ\MZ IIJMZVI\Pa(]VI ML] See page 2 UNA freshmen adjust to new bus routes and the parking situation.
photo illustration by Kayla Sloan
Breast cancer will affect one in eight women in the U.S. during their lives, according to Peggy Bergeron. The American Cancer Society said 2,000 cases of breast cancer will occur in men this year. See page 11 Illegal downloading is prevalent and litigation has caused problems close to campus.
See page 5 Fears come to life in the Haunted House of Horror.
See page 8 The Renaissance Fair will be celebrating its 25th anniversary this weekend.
See page 9 Soccer team prepares for big week in conference play. Check out the preview.
UNA raises awareness about fight against breast cancer 4]Ka *MZZa
Two years ago, UNA junior Kelsey Pruitt came to a startling halt in her life when her mother found a lump in her breast and was forced to undergo a bilateral mastectomy to remove the cancer. The cancer, however, spread to her mother’s lymph nodes and left arm, and eventually she had to have a full hysterectomy because the physicians discovered she had developed pre-ovarian cancer. Doctors told Pruitt and her two sisters that they each had a 50/50 chance of developing breast cancer some day, which is why they have mammograms every six months to detect any early signs of cancer.
“I’m not as scared now because I know what it’s going to be like if I do get (breast cancer),” said Pruitt, a member of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority and whose mother continues to fight cancer today. Peggy Bergeron, certified registered nurse practitioner with the UNA Health and Wellness Center, said one in eight women in the U.S. are at risk of having an invasive form of breast cancer at some point throughout their lives. For men, approximately 2,000 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed this year, according to the American Cancer Society. Bergeron, who has lost two family members to and had a personal scare with breast cancer, said breast cancer is more deadly when found in young women.
“Everyone is affected by it,” she said. “There are students on campus who have family experiences with breast cancer, be it with their mother, aunt, cousin, sister or sister-in-law.” Being female, family history of breast cancer, inherited genes, tobacco and alcohol consumption, diet, exercise and exposure to estrogen are some of the potential risk factors of developing breast cancer, said officials with breastcancer.org. Breast cancer was more of a death sentence when Emily Kelley, coordinator of the UNA Women’s Center, was younger, but better education and early detection of the cancer have been key to
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Students shouldn’t expect to see a parking deck added any time soon to UNA’s campus, according to officials. With the announcement of UNA making the transition to Division I, many students wonder whether the university plans to implement changes, such as a new deck, to the current student parking situation on campus. “If UNA is moving to Division I, it definitely needs more parking because more students will start enrolling,” said UNA student Jessica Addison. The UNA master plan shows two additional parking decks on campus, said Michael Gautney, director of facilities administration and planning at UNA. The plan shows a parking deck located between the Communications Building and Norton Auditorium, turning the current ground parking into elevated parking. A third deck is planned for the west side of campus to provide parking for athletics, events and nearby student housing. Additional funding would be required for construction of new parking facilities to begin, but Gautney does not see this happening in the near future. UNA does own property for future development. The institution owns approximately 20 acres west of campus,
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Faculty, staff voice concerns about D-I 2W[P ;SIOO[
In an effort to better inform faculty and staff members on campus about Division I, the faculty and staff senates are hosting several open forums throughout October regarding the D-I transition. Vice President of Advancement Alan Medders and Director of Athletics Mark Linder are speaking to the groups to provide more information to UNA employees regarding the shift in
athletics. The first of the meetings was held Monday in Stevens Hall to an audience of approximately 20 faculty and staff members who were given the opportunity to voice their concerns, give ideas and ask questions about the move. “It’s an opportunity for (faculty and staff members) to hear some updated information about the plans and the specific academic requirements for Division I athletics,” said Faculty Senate President Darlene Townsend. “It’s also an opportunity for faculty to ask specific questions and
whatever may be on their minds.” In the future, both Faculty and Staff senates would be open to hosting more meetings if new information arises, Townsend said. Linder and Medders opened the meeting with a presentation they have given to almost 140 groups in the past. The two met with the Decatur Rotary Club just before
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photo by Barry Minor
Dr. Alan Medders speaks to faculty and staff Oct. 17 in the Stevens Hall auditorium. The presentation was one of several forums that will be held through the month of October.
Thursday, October 20, 2011 • The Flor-Ala
Judicial Affairs works Campus brings awareness of domestic violence at UNA in gay and leswith police to ensure 5ITQ[I 5K+T]ZM ;\]LMV\ ?ZQ\MZ bian relationships U[UKKT]ZM(]VI ML] is even more campus safety u n d e r- r e p o r t e d
October is Domestic Violence than violence in Awareness Month, and organizaheterosexual re;\INN ?ZQ\MZ tions on campus are hoping to lationships. He RZJZILTMa(]VI ML] educate UNA students about the said part of the resources available to victims of reason for that is When a student gets caught drinking on domestic violence. people don’t see campus, in possession of illegal substancDomestic violence includes healthy same-sex es, or any other legal offense, they can verbal, emotional, physical and relationships, parexpect to face not only the campus police, sexual abuse that occurs in an ticularly on telebut the Office of Student Conduct as well. intimate relationship. Women vision. “We handle everything,” said Dr. Kimbetween the ages of 16 and 24 There are orberly Greenway, director of Student Conexperience the highest rate of ganizations on duct and Student Affairs Planning and Asdomestic violence, according to campus that can sessment. “If a student violates our code breakthecycle.org. help those inof conduct, we handle that. There may be According to UNA police volved in a violent a secondary process going on downtown, Chief Bob Pastula, there are usurelationship. The but we still handle it if they are a student.” ally 2-10 cases of domestic vioWomen’s Center Once the Office of Student Conduct lence reported at UNA each year. offers programs receives a report of a possible code violaThis September, two cases of year-round that tion, the first thing that happens, accordsexual assault were reported. deal with domesing to Greenway, is the office contacts the College students face unique tic violence and student and informs them of the report and obstacles concerning domestic other women’s isgives the student a meeting time with a violence. Jennifer Berry, of UNA sues. hearing officer. Counseling Services, said that photo by Malisa McClure On the 20th “That’s where the discussion of what students’ desire for connection of this month, happened and the actual review happens,” Jean Ann Willis, a victim of domestic violence, remembers the relationship she may cause them to overlook the the Women’s Greenway said. early warning signs of an abusive left behind in 2007. Center will be In most cases, according to both Grerelationship. Although college-aged women are at holding a Stop enway and Area Coordinator of Residence “It’s in that first part of the relationship higher risk to experience domestic violence, the Violence campaign. The campaign will Nathan Meints, this hearing will handle (that) we typically overlook those warning the crime can happen in any relationship. It include two major events. The “Clothesline minor offenses like noise, visitation and signs,” Berry said. happens in gay and lesbian relationships as Project,” which will take place that day, smoking violations in the residence halls, There are many signs of an abusive re- well, according to Nathan Meints, an area will allow students to decorate T-shirts and but, for more serious offenses, a more forlationship. Jealousy, possessiveness and a coordinator for Residence Life at UNA. hang them from a clothesline to speak out short temper are a few signs of an abusive “Violence, sadly, knows no borders,” he against violence. Take Back the Night will partner. Berry suggests setting boundaries “It can happen in any relationship.” be a series of performances, speakers and If a student violates our code can prevent one from getting involved in an said.Domestic violence is an under-reported ;MM >174-6+- XIOM of conduct, we handle that. There abusive relationship. crime. Meints said that domestic violence
may be a secondary process going on downtown, but we handle it if they are a student.”
Freshmen adjust to new parking regulations
-Kimberly Greenway mal process will take place. “We usually refer it to a university student council board,” Greenway said. “The alleged violator speaks to the board, gives a statement and witnesses are called in. “Afterwards, their first deliberation is if the student violated the code of conduct. The student is then asked what they would consider an appropriate educational sentence.” Then, the board will take that suggestion into consideration, and will hand down what they feel is an appropriate punishment, which usually includes community service, reflective papers and sometimes disciplinary probation. “We make it a very safe environment to make mistakes,” Greenway said. “Unless there’s safety of another individual, suspension is not even on the table. Safety is the number one factor in that decision.” But if the safety of the students, staff or faculty is in danger, according to Greenway, suspension can be used, along with its more serious counterpart, expulsion. “It’s a very rare process,” Greenway said of expulsion. “It’s got to be a very serious offense to have expulsion on the table. Our main focus is to have it be an educational process.” If an offense does reach the level that expulsion is on the table, it is likely that the UNA police will also be involved in the case. “We work pretty close with student conduct,” said UNA police Chief Bob Pastula.
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photo by Barry Minor
Students wait for the Lion Express shuttlebus to transport them to the off-site parking location on Darby Drive. Students are picked up periodically at the Harrison Plaza entrance to campus and transported to their cars.
In order to solve parking problems at UNA, university officials have asked freshmen to park at two off-site locations to ease parking issues on campus. They must either park in the downtown parking garage or at the UNA-owned parking lot behind Lauderdale Lanes bowling alley. The new parking situation has been something to get used to for most students involved, as well as the UNA Police Department. “I am not sure how many tickets I have given out to off-campus freshmen, but the parking situation has not been a problem so
far,” said UNA police Chief Bob Pastula. “No one has caused any trouble.” Pastula believes that the parking situation will be worsened by the renovations being made to the university. “The new student building is going to knock out even more parking,” he said. While most of the upperclassmen appreciate the new regulations due to the opening up of parking spots, several freshmen have a different opinion. “It is ridiculous for off-campus students,” said UNA student MacKenzie Kimbrough. She has been late for class because of the parking situation. “There is nowhere to park without walking a mile,” she said. “There should be des-
ignated parking spots for off-campus freshmen. If I have a three-hour break, I can’t go back to my apartment, because I do not have a car, and the buses come at random times.” Other freshmen, like Matthew Davenport, are unhappy with the time intervals of the buses’ arrivals. “It takes too long for the buses to get here,” he said. Many students are concerned with the fact that they have to be on campus longer than they would like. Also, some students have on-campus jobs that prohibit them from riding the bus when it arrives to pick up students. “It is hard for students with jobs,” said UNA student Russell Kershaw. “Many of us work late or participate in band or other athletics. So, we have to wait on the bus, and it is not always there to pick us up.” In order to stay positive about the change and adapt to the situation, students like Nathan Rickles park their cars in the morning and do not move them the rest of the day. While most off-campus freshmen would rather not park off-campus when attending classes, there are several universities, such as the University at Albany in New York, that do not allow on or off-campus freshmen to purchase parking permits or have vehicles on campus at all, according to the university’s website. University of Alabama freshmen must park in front of the residence hall that they live in, while upperclassmen have specific zones to park in. “It is not too bad for freshmen because they park their cars at their dorms and walk to class, but upperclassmen’s specific zones may not be anywhere near their classes,” said University of Alabama student Katie Langsford.
Thursday, October 20, 2011 • The Flor-Ala
Thursday, October 20, 2011 • The Flor-Ala
Letters Policy The Flor-Ala welcomes and encourages Letters to the Editor. • The deadline for submitting letters is 10 a.m. Monday, the week of publication. • Letters must not exceed 400 words. • Letters must be accompanied by the writer’s name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail. • The Flor-Ala prefers to publish your letters exactly as written, but reserves the right to reject slanderous or libelous material. • The publication of any letter is left to the discretion of the Editorial Board. • Priority is given to letters critical of The Flor-Ala, or written in direct response to an editorial, a column, or a news story. • When the editors deem it necessary for ease of understanding or to clarify facts, an Editor’s Note may accompany a letter. • Address correspondence to The Flor-Ala. UNA Box 5300, Florence, AL 35632. E-mail: florala@una.edu. Letters may also be submitted through our website at florala.net. • Phone: 256-765-4364
Copyright © 2011 The Flor-Ala All rights reserved. First copy free. Additional copies $1 each.
PAWS UP, PAWS DOWN Calling it like we see it at UNA, in the Shoals, across the state and around the world
Florence nightlife needs mellow bar In the spring of 2009, I went bigger one with karaoke, someon a road trip through Cleveland, times, and country music; and Buffalo, Niagara Falls, New a dark, smoke-filled house of York City, Philadelphia and back metal, alternative metal, hardhere—home. core, DJs and country music. While in Cleveland, my trav- Copy and paste to the south side eling companions and I stopped of the Tennessee. at a piano bar. It was relatively I do exaggerate quiet for a Saturday night, (slightly), but I’m makand we sat at the bar for a ing a point. Our area couple of hours listening to needs a place that is a jazz pianist play standards, more than a big room to take requests and improvise get drunk in. A bar that new songs. is still a bar but with the The place was lit with )VLa <PQOXMV feel of a coffee a nice, mellow tone. The 4QNM -LQ\WZ shop, perhaps. music was comfortable, the XI\PQOXMV(]VI ML] It would be drinks affordable and the clithe kind of entele appeared happily subdued place where someone could go by music and conversation. The enjoy an evening without havplace had a classy feel, but it ing to worry about yelling over never felt pretentious or hoity- a room full of people who are toity. In short, it was every bit of yelling over an acoustic jam sesenjoyable. sion. Let’s imagine Swampers’ We talked about how incred- sound, Truly Cigars’ look, Sweet ible a place like that would be in Magnolia’s quality, and the feel downtown Florence. of the bar from Billy Joel’s song The nightlife in Florence is “Piano Man”—without the brolacking, and everyone knows it. ken dreams, preferably—all in We get to choose between three one, and on a student’s budget. bars without going across the The entertainment would be river: a loud, tightly cramped hall readily available. We have an with DJs and country music; a amazing music department filled
with pianists, jazz combos, vocal ensembles, guitarists and a whole symphony of string players. Not to mention local performers like Dillon Hodges, Spencer Murphy and all the others who create legitimate music. I’m not talking about some highbrow, shirt-and-tie kind of place either. It would need to be geared toward the entire community, students especially. This wouldn’t be a place with crystal glasses and fine linens, but it should be one of quality. A place that is classy without being pretentious and exclusive. While I don’t know what starting a business like this would entail, I don’t think it would be a waste of time or money. I think it would provide some relief to those of us who want to see some change in this area in terms of music and culture. It would provide a creative outlet for a demographic that is greatly untapped in this area— those wanting to have a nice, affordable night while enjoying audible conversation and creative expression.
SGA president updates student body Greetings! UNA students, it is I recently created an ad-hoc my esteemed pleasure to report to committee under the leadership of you that your Student Government SGA Treasurer John Ledgewood, Association is diligently serv- responsible for helping the SGA ing and working to promote raise the $25,000 or more your interests to the univerrequired to establish the sity administration. Since the endowed scholarship. SGA State of the Association This committee will Address in September, the be tasked with locating SGA has put in motion the 100 individuals to give necessary tools to accomplish a pledge of $250 over the various goals that were the next year in order to outlined at the event. raise the desired The SGA-proposed recy- :ITXP )SITWV] amount. ;/) 8ZM[QLMV\ cling program continues to ]ISITWV](]VI ML] SGA Senate move quicker than originally is actively doing anticipated. At the moment, the the needed research on the proSGA is forming a partnership with posed UNA day care and multhe Florence Recycling Center in ticultural centers, as well as the order to achieve this goal. The safety for pedestrians on Pine Florence Recycling center, in col- Street, and the results of those will laboration with UNA, recently be put in legislative writing before acquired a grant for this purpose the end of the semester. and is very eager for the SGA’s I am pleased to announce partnership on behalf of the stu- that the SGA Ideas to Action dents. Campaign has been a success so The SGA plans to have an far. The two main branches of informal survey on recycling Oct. SGA have been setting up at dif25 in the GUC Atrium in prepara- ferent locations on campus once tion for the SGA recycling kickoff a month to listen to your ideas Nov. 15 in simultaneous locations and input. So far, you have shown on campus. your willingness to engage with
SGA to help solve some of the problems you are encountering. The next Ideas to Action will be in November, and you can always contact Laura Giles, SGA chief of staff, at lgiles@una.edu with any comments. The University Program Council has also been working to bring the best value for money programming for students. The SGA-UPC Service committee will be having a Halloween Festival Oct. 27 at Florence High School to benefit special needs kids. SGA will also be hosting the 2011 Step Show Nov. 1 in Flowers Hall, and we are really excited to be in a position once again to raise necessary funds for United Way, all in our effort to reach out to the community. As SGA President, I want to encourage students to continue to engage with us as we reach out to you, and I hope that your experience here at UNA will only get better. The SGA meetings are open to everyone. Senate meets on Thursdays at 3:30 p.m., and UPC meets on Mondays at 3:30 p.m., both in GUC Room 200.
Director of Athletics Mark Linder and Vice President of Advancement Alan Medders met with faculty and staff at UNA in an open forum Oct. 17 to discuss new information regarding the Division I transition. Transparency is important as UNA makes this move. Bluegrass giant Ricky Skaggs will play with his band, Kentucky Thunder, at the Shoals Theater Oct. 20 at 7:30 p.m. as part of the On Stage concert series. Tickets are $15 for students. The Rev. Charles Dale, a Russelville resident and figure in the Civil Rights Movement, had his name inscribed on the Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial last Sunday at the National Mall in Washington. A new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that excessive alcohol consumption costs the U.S. $224 billion due to the costs associated with the loss of productivity in the workplace. Based on 2006 data, the figures report that excessive alcohol consumption costs the average American approximately $746 a person.
Congrats! (From left to right) UNA students Ann Harkey, Chris Pennie, and Shelby Boman are new Flor-Ala staff writers.
Congratulations to Student Writer Jacob Wallace for writing last week’s story of the week!
Thursday, October 20, 2011 • The Flor-Ala
Haunted House of Horror
Scary attraction in old Courtland High School brings fears to life *Q[PWX )TM`IVLMZ
The Haunted House of Horror, recently ranked the No. 3 most viewed haunted house in Alabama, formerly the old Courtland High School, is located in historic Courtland. The 40,000-square-foot facility features the latest state-of-the-art horror frights that the haunted house industry has to offer. “We bring your fears to life,” said Charlie Chaney, co-owner. The haunted house doesn’t skimp on size. “It takes an average of 15 to 20 minutes to walk through,” said Stacey Jones, co-owner. According to Jones, the search for a location to host the haunted house took several months. However, they were given a tip about an old abandoned high school in Courtland that had been vacant for six years. “When we first toured the six-year-old facility, we were knee deep in old debris,” Jones said. The $400,000 renovation process started in Feb. 2011 and concluded in August, according to Chaney. “The first thing we did was make sure that all safety precautions, such as installing fire sprinkler systems, life safety, security and evacuation plans, were put into place before we started,” said Chaney, a recent retiree from fire and rescue. Both Chaney and Jones, along with other business partners, attended a national Haunted House Convention and Trade Show during the summer in St. Louis to gather ideas and advice from nearly 3,000 haunted house business vendors who were
in attendance. The Haunted House of Horror employs 46 staff members and 36 actors. “It’s a great atmosphere filled with energy and excitement to work in,” said Joel McGuyre, a freshman from Wallace State who’s employed with the Haunted House of Horror. “The role I play is a clown, and usually two out of three people are afraid of clowns anyway.” Guests who come through the haunted house will get their money’s worth, according to McGuyre. To ensure the safety of the public, camera monitors are installed in every room so security and staff can keep a close eye on the general public as they proceed through each room. “It also allows us to see firsthand the reactions from everyone,” Chaney said. “It also helps us figure out the areas that can be critiqued and improved so that next year’s Haunted House of Horror will be better than our first one. We’ve had visitors travel all the way from Columbus, Ga. to view our attraction. The staff has worked really hard to bring it all together, and we’re hoping that this will become an annual attraction every year.” One thing that sets apart this haunted house from the rest is the gym that has been renovated into a waiting area for the general public. Guest are able socialize, buy souvenirs from the gift shop, watch a horror movie on the projector screen, and buy pizza and drinks from the concession stand area while they wait for their tour to begin. “We want to give our guests something to do instead of just sitting around and waiting,” Jones said. The Haunted House of Horror staff encourages everyone to come out and see
photo by Malisa McClure
Killer clowns, bloody butchers, zombies and chainsaw cowboys are just some of the scares lurking in the Haunted House of Horror in Courtland.
why this attraction has put Courtland on the map. “We’re also in a central location that is close to Muscle Shoals, Florence, Sheffield, Decatur and other nearby towns,” Jones said. The Haunted House of Horror will be
open Sept. 16 through Oct. 31. Ticket sales open at 6 p.m. and remain open until the line is empty. $20 for General Admission, $40 for Fast Pass and $60 for VIP package, which includes a Fast Pass, T-shirt and photo. For more information, go to hauntedhouseofhorror.com.
Cigar store on Cox Creek Parkway offers relaxed, friendly atmosphere when walking through the doors of Truly Cigars. It offers the Florence area a plethora of different cigars, but it also offers a different environment to kick back and relax in. The shop is in the Target shopping center and is open photo by Darrick Dawkins Truly Cigars, located in the Cox Creek Parkway shopping center next seven days a to Target, offers a comfortable atmosphere with a full bar, TVs and a week. It also hosts monthly wide selection of cigars. events, such as )VV 0IZSMa the Perdomo Cigar Event in the beginning ;\INN ?ZQ\MZ IPIZSMa(]VI ML] of October, where newcomers and regulars are welcome to try the cigar and meet the Low lights, leather and the lingersales representative. ing of cigar smoke is what one can expect Truly Cigars wants to make their cus-
tomers feel at home. The store is furnished with padded leather chairs, mounted TVs, and ceiling-to-floor shelves of cigars. People can expect to find Alec Bradley, Don Pepin, Habana Cellars, Rocky Patel, Monte Cristo and Avo brands of cigars lining the shelves. “All are welcome,” said Tobias Jones, manager of Truly Cigars. “You don’t have to be of any sort of social class. Men and women of all incomes and ethnicities are invited. Come check us out. We will take care of you when you visit.” The regular customers enjoy what the store offers. “I’m on my website, working, every day,” said Rebecca Lehnert, a local real estate agent and store regular. “It is a nice place to get out of the office and meet people. I love the ambiance. I’ve gotten leads here and people to help my business. It’s a win-win situation.” Other regulars come for the same reasons. “The store offers nice atmosphere and people,” said Josh Flanagan, a regular. “It is
a great place just to come in and relax, and watch sports on the TVs.” The store employees enjoy catering to
”Itʼs a nice place to get out of the office and meet people.” -Rebecca Lehnert their fan base. “There’s a good team of hardworking people who are dedicated to serving the people working here,” said Trent Busby, an associate of the store and tobacconist. The store also has a website, www. trulycigars.com, where people can order cigars, find information on what it takes to be an “aficionado” and information on upcoming events. Truly Cigars strives to provide a comfortable environment, a knowledgeable staff, and a wide, detailed variety of cigars to select from.
Renaissance Fair Tradition By Kayla Sloan - Staff Photographer E-mail: ksloan@una.edu The annual Renaissance Fair includes one of the most interesting collections of people I have ever seen. And seeing as people watching is one of my favorite pastimes, I make sure I am at the Renaissance Fair every year. Everywhere you turn in Wilson Park, there is another weird sight. Whether it’s a grown man dressed as a troll, a glitter-blowing living statue or a medieval video game character that doesn’t really belong, I’m never surprised. But these things don’t really belong in downtown Flor-
ence on a regular basis. No, they come out and let their nerd flag fly for one weekend only in October. And I love the Renaissance Fair for that. It contributes to the charm of this weird, little town. It’s a fair where the everyday high school English teacher gets to dress up like the heroine from her favorite novel, and that guy in your math class gets to fight all the dragons he doodles all the time. So go feel free to fly your nerd flag next weekend. Everyone else will be!
Visit florala.net to view more photos.
Thursday, October 20, 2011 • The Flor-Ala
Thursday, October 20, 2011 • The Flor-Ala
+)6+-: KWV\QV]ML NZWU XIOM higher survival rates in recent years, she said. Kelley lost her aunt to breast cancer in the late 1960s and said her death had a deep impact on her entire family. “It does affect so many lives in such a deeply profound manner in so many ways that people don’t even have an appreciation of,” she said. “People need to be aware of it and work toward finding a cure. Just because more people are surviving doesn’t mean we should give up looking for a cure, doesn’t mean we need to be complacent.” Breast self-exams, as well as screening and diagnostic tests, are recommended for women and men to detect potential symptoms of breast cancer, Bergeron said. If detected, breast cancer can be treated with surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, hormonal therapy and medications. The philanthropy for ZTA is breast cancer education and awareness, said Jennie Sun, UNA student and president of the sorority. Because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, her organization is planning a number of breast-cancer events at UNA through the beginning of November. “The community and campus should get involved because our main goal is to
ATO to host Valhalla party to support tornado relief fund 4]Ka *MZZa
The brothers of Alpha Tau Omega will host their annual Viking-themed Valhalla party Oct. 21 at 9 p.m. to raise funds for the Caring for the Pride tornadorelief campaign. UNA student Chance McCullough, public relations chair for ATO, said the party is free to the public, but photo courtesy of Chance McCullough donations will be accepted to provide aid to students and professors affected by the April 27 tornadoes. The Valhalla party, which will take place at 625 N. Locust St., will include musical performances by Flux and SpeakerBoxx, followed by a dance party with DJ Longhaired C-Will. The party is a substance-free event, where no alcohol, tobacco or narcotics will be permitted. “I think (students) should come to the event because it’s for Alabama tornado relief for students who have been affected.” McCullough said. “They can come to the event, watch two bands, come to the dance party after, and it’s totally free and for a cause that affects everyone on campus.” ATO officials have worked to publicize the event through various social media platforms, as well as utilized QR codes in their flyers. When scanned by a smart phone, the codes send users to the chapter’s website, which offers information on the party, how to buy a T-shirt and how to donate to the fund. For more information, contact McCullough at 256-710-3892 or cmmccullough@una.edu.
raise as much awareness as possible for breast cancer,” she said. “We want to make sure women of all ages are educated about this life threatening disease and can detect it as early as possible.” Members of ZTA will host the annual Pink Party the evening of Nov. 4, for all students, faculty, staff and community members to participate. Erin McCay, Pink Party chair with ZTA and UNA student, said the party will consist of entertainment by Moon Dance, a yogurt eating contest, a pink balloon arch with breast cancer awareness bows and more. The breast cancer events leading up to the Nov. 4 party will include ZTA members handing out pink lemonade, encouraging fraternities to purchase individual paper links for a breast cancer awareness paper chain, and painting the UNA campus pink. Tamara Lee, secretary for Knowledge for Life, said her father’s cousin recently photo by Darrick Dawkins discovered she had breast cancer and had Members of Alpha Kappa Alpha, whose philanthropy is breast cancer awareness, her breast removed this past summer to take part in a march against breast cancer Oct. 5 on campus. prevent the cancer from spreading. into perspective. always think of other people having it, but For Lee, the reality that any person, re“You never know when (breast cancer) it can always happen to you.” gardless of age or gender, can be diagnosed with breast cancer helped her put things is going to happen to you,” she said. “You
.7:=5 KWV\QV]ML NZWU XIOM tion regarding Academic Performance Rate or APR. The APR for a Division I institution must be at 925 for each sport in the athletics department, Linder said. Currently UNA has eight sports ranking at or above the standard and four that fall below the standard, he said. “At the Division I level, we are going to photo by Barry Minor have to commit more Officials discuss the D-I transition at the open forum for academic support (to our students),” Linder said. faculty and staff in Stevens Hall auditorium Oct. 17. “APR really governs evmeeting with the group, Medders said. erything you do as a Division I program.” “This is not just an athletics decision, UNA Athletics is currently working on it’s an institutional decision,” Medders bringing the four sports that fall below the said. needed APR up, Linder said. The move is a growth model and is “APR is a big deal, and we could get how UNA is looking to grow the institu- a lot better academically moving to Divition, Medders said. Medders told the fac- sion I,” Linder said. “To have eight at the ulty and staff the main way to grow the 925, I thought it was pretty good.” university is to keep students here, and Linder cleared up some misconcepbring new ones in. tions about UNA moving to the SEC, and “People misunderstand, we are all an said that UNA will not be the “whipping admissions counselor, we are all retention boy” for the Division I institutions it plays. officers,” Medders said. “ We are all in the “Ideally, we would like to land in the business of keeping our students and get- Ohio Valley Conference,” Linder said. “A ting more students.” sport we are going to get a lot better on is Linder presented some new informa- basketball. The Ohio Valley Conference is
known for their basketball.” There has been a shift in athletics around the country, and UNA can compete as a “mid-major” in Division I, Linder said. “The only way we are going to grow is having a strategic plan,” Linder said.
UNA D-I forums for faculty/staff: Oct. 24 - 9:30 a.m. East Campus Oct. 25 - 7 a.m. Stevens Hall auditorium 3 p.m. East Campus “Athletics can serve as a catalyst. There is quality product in our beakers right now.” UNA as a whole does not want to go into this at a mediocre level, Medders said. “It really affects everything,” Medders said. “We are starting to talk about that now, and how we are going to get there.” Medders said every time Linder and he meet with groups, they always ask about the old days of UNA playing Jacksonville State and Troy. “Going back to the way it used to be is not an option anymore,” he said. “UNA isn’t leaving Division II, Division II left UNA.”
8):316/ KWV\QV]ML NZWU XIOM but right now that space is not conducive for parking, Gautney said. “I don’t even consider the parking deck for parking because I know there’s not going to be a spot,” said student Katie Bullen. To alleviate current parking conditions, the parking lot behind Lauderdale Lanes at the corner of Darby Drive and Florence Boulevard is now being utilized for freshman parking. Approximately five shuttle buses run that route daily every 15 minutes, carrying students to and from
campus. “I think the off-campus parking right now is a very viable solution,” Gautney said. Recently, 30 employee parking spaces at the old maintenance facility have been moved off campus. UNA is currently working to move parking for the custodial and grounds department to the old university police station on Waterloo Road. Employees currently parking on Oakview Circle behind Kilby School will be parking at that location to free up more spaces.
In addition to the motor pool, as well as the maintenance service vehicles being moved off campus, UNA has reduced the number of vehicles it is currently using to occupy spaces on campus, Gautney said. “Right now, President Cale has made the new science and technology building a priority, so we are making that our priority,” Gautney said. When construction of the new science building begins next year, it should not interfere with existing parking for students, officials said.
Thursday, October 20, 2011 • The Flor-Ala
HEAR YE! HEAR YE! North Alabama Renaissance Fair celebrates its 25th anniversary 3IaTI ;TWIV
photo by Kayla Sloan
Belly dancing troupes are just one of the sights at the North Alabama Renaissance Fair. The 25th anniversary plans to be full of fun and fantasy.
Lords and ladies of Florence: it’s that time of year again—the beloved Renaissance Fair is here. And this year, the festival at the Fountain on the Green (otherwise known as Wilson Park) is celebrating 25 years of honoring all things Renaissance Oct. 22-23. “We’re doing a couple new things this year,” said Rebecca Linam, former Renaissance queen and member of the Round Table committee. “All the past monarchs are being recognized, there will be more dancing and we have a sword in the stone for the kids.” The Renaissance Fair, which draws 30,000-40,000 people to the site each year, has been named one of the top 20 events in the Southeast by the Southeast Tourist Society in Atlanta. Dressing up in 1400s-era period costumes is also a tradition at the fair,
even for those who aren’t part of the Round Table committee. “The Renaissance Fair in Florence is like a Dragon Con almost,” said UNA student Rose Ray. “It’s more like a fantasy festival than a Renaissance Fair just because everyone comes out for it. Someone even came as a Storm Trooper once.” Ray has been dressing up for the fair for as long as she can remember. “It’s an opportunity to wear some of my favorite clothes and not be looked at like I am a weirdo.” She definitely isn’t the only one who loves to get dressed up. The festival even hosts a costume-making workshop every year a couple weeks before the fair, free for anyone to attend with just the cost of fabric to make the costume. “Wal-Mart always has Renaissance costumes this time of year in the Halloween section for relatively
cheap,” said Linam. Even those who wish to remain clothed in traditional garb of the 21st century can enjoy the shopping. The fair is lined on all sides with vendors selling fine art, jewelry, swords and other items one might expect to find at a 1400s-era street market. If you’re willing to spend the cash, you can walk away with a unique new pair of earrings or even a Renaissance costume for next year. Traditional Renaissance dances will also be taught for anyone willing to join. “It’s a good way to get everyone involved, even if you’re not dressed up,” Linam said. But Ray encourages everyone to participate. “It’s more fun to be a part of it,” she said. “I thought about being a normal person this year, but I can’t not dress up. I just can’t.”
Shoals Symphony gets ready for fall concert, coming season *Ta\PM ;\MMTUIV
photo by Kayla Sloan
The Shoals Symphony practices for their 2011-12 season. The first performance is entitled “Fall Magic” and will feature music from Mozart, von Weber, Bizet and Mussorgsky.
The Shoals Symphony at UNA is gearing up for a busy season. The orchestra, under the direction of conductor Viljar P. Weimann, has four concerts planned for the year. The Shoals Symphony is comprised of approximately 60 musicians. About 60 percent are UNA students, and the other members are professional musicians hand selected from the community and surrounding areas. Weimann, who has been with UNA and the Shoals Symphony for eight years, is looking forward to the upcoming season. “In the eight years I’ve been here, we’ve built this into a reputable orchestra presenting the very best in classical music,” Weimann said. The Shoals Symphony’s first performance, “Fall Magic,” is scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 23 at 2 p.m. in the Florence Freshmen Center and Middle School Auditorium. The show, which will have an air of mystique and magic-like qualities, will feature pieces from Mozart, C.M. von Weber, Bizet and Mussorgsky. Dr. Yasmin Flores, assistant professor of woodwinds at UNA, will perform as a clarinet soloist. Flores strongly encourages students to attend the performance. “It’s going to be a great program,” she said. “It is attractive music and very dramatic, which the students will enjoy.” The Symphony will join with
the UNA Chorus, led by Dr. Ian Loeppky, for their Holiday Concert Dec. 11 in Norton Auditorium. The show will begin with a piece from Vivaldi and also includes the Nutcracker Suite and Songs of the Season. Weimann and the Symphony are excited about the “Heroic Moments” concert in March. This concert marks the start of
”It is attractive music and
very dramatic, which the students will enjoy.”
-Yasmin Flores the 30-year anniversary for the Shoals Symphony at UNA. The winner of the UNA concerto competition, held in November, will perform a major work accompanied by the orchestra. The program also includes pieces from both K. Raid and Beethoven. The spring concert, titled “Jazz and America,” will be held in May. The performance will highlight the influence of jazz music on America. The show will conclude with George Gershwin’s work, “An American in Paris.” North Alabama native Ken Watters, who has won many awards and competitions and is an acclaimed jazz performer, will play the trumpet alongside the orchestra. Tickets are $15 for adults, $5 for students, and are available at The Kennedy Douglas Center for the Arts and at the front door on performance days. For more information and updates about the Shoals Symphony at UNA, visit www.una.edu/shoals-symphony.
Thursday, October 20, 2011 • The Flor-Ala
Soccer team prepares for big week in conference play 7ZZMa *WT\WV
Team Leaders
With the end of the season on the horizon, UNA hopes to play comGoals: Chloe Roberts- 13 g, 9 asts. and 35 pts. petitively this weekend against rivals UAH and West Florida to improve Jennifer Osmond- 12 g, 7 asts. and 31 pts. their playoff seeding. UNA (12-3, 4-1) bounced back Nikki Brown- 6 g, 10 asts. and 22 pts. from the loss to Valdosta State with wins over Montevallo (3-0) and again Goalkeeping: Alex McLay- 0.55 GAA., 7 so. Monday night against West Alabama (4-0). Jennifer Osmond and Chloe tournament to avoid top seed West Florida Roberts for the Lions each recorded until the finals. three goals in the wins. On Sunday, the Lions will travel to The defense behind goalie Alex McLay West Florida for a huge game to show exheld its opponents to a total of five shots in both games combined. With a win against actly where UNA falls in the conference. “The games this weekend are huge, and West Alabama, UNA clinches a playoff spot we need to at least get a tie in the game on in the Gulf South Conference tournament. “It was very important for us to come Friday against UAH to avoid West Florida away with two wins and to secure a place in the tournament,” Winkworth said. “We hope to get secure a top three seed, in the post season,” said UNA coach Graphoto by Malisa McClure ham Winkworth. “It is very difficult to score and the game on Sunday against West Flor- Senior midfielder Jamie Takala pushes the ball down field against Valdosta State earlier against teams that pack it in and focus all ida is a warm-up game for a possible game this season. their attention on our offense. Credit our against them in the future for a repeat final son, Chloe Roberts continues her brilliant last week,” Winkworth said. girls for wearing out the defense and to get from a couple of years between us.” season, with 12 goals leading the team, and “We were able to conduct some fullUNA was able to get a good week of creative to be able to score goals.” UNA will continue on the road with much-needed rest to get ready for the post- behind her is Jennifer Osmond with 12, length practice sessions and also get back very tough games. First, against rival UAH season last week with only one game against giving the Lions one of the top offenses not to the basics. It was really good to be able only in the conference, but in the nation. to get back to that and improve on areas on the Friday, and a win or tie could set up Montevallo. “Th e girls were able to rest their bodies needed to be improved.” Going into the last weekend of the seaa perfect position for the Lions in the GSC
Students overlook bass fishing, rugby, paintball, unknown sports 5I\\ ?QT[WV
There is no tailgating involved. There are no cheerleaders in attendance. In fact, most students around campus are probably unaware of the club sports at UNA. Outside of the 12 varsity sports offered at UNA, there are options for those seeking something different. The UNA Bass Fishing Team is in its fifth season and has already seen a good deal of success. They won the 2009 Southern Collegiate Championship and finished that same year ranked nationally in the top 10. In 2010 they were ranked No. 11 nationally in FLW Magazine. They can often be found on the Versus channel and get more television coverage than even the football team. “The fishing team can be more competitive in Division I than some of the other sports,” said Bass Fishing Team President Mitchell Ray. “We can go down to Auburn’s or Alabama’s home lakes and beat them.” Started by Nick Cupps and Ryan Salzman, the fishing team grew into a club currently consisting of 19 members. UNA’s Bass Fishing team also helps with fishing
activities around the community, including the C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation’s event each year and the national championships hosted at McFarland Park in May. UNA’s Rugby Club was started in the fall of 2010 by current senior Caleb Aldridge. Aldridge transferred from Freed-Hardeman University to UNA where he brought his passion for rugby and forged the initial movement to start the team. Not long after the team was formed, current coach Eddie Roberts contacted the players and told them he was interested in helping. Roberts helped build a rugby program at Lee University, and his volunteered time has helped the UNA Rugby Club become a stable athletic group at the university. “There’s a core group of guys on this team that devote as much time to building this program as other students devote to classes,” Aldridge said. UNARC is governed by USA Rugby and competes in Division II in the Dixie Conference during the spring semester. UNA’s paintball team was created in the spring of 2010 by current senior Bo Bailey. They have also experienced success even as a young program, placing in the top five of every tournament they have competed in.
Player of the week
Week at a glance Volleyball When: Friday - 7 p.m. Saturday - 4 p.m. m.
Natalie Marsh Hometown: Cincinnati. Major: Early Childhood Edu Position: Outside Hitter Stats: She had a total of 36 kills and 31 digs in the West Georgia Regional Crossover tournament this past weekend. She also had two double-doubles.
UNA’s paintball team competes in numerous leagues, including the Alabama Challenge Event Series, Paintball Sports Promotions, Midsouth X-ball League, and the National College Paintball League, and they have competed against many of the major universities photo by Malisa McClure in the Southeast. They will be UNA rugby player Robert Gooch runs downfield for a potential competing in score during a game this past weekend. Rugby, bass fishing, and the PSP World paintball often go overlooked by UNA students. Cup Oct. 20-23, at 7:30 p.m. which is paintball’s biggest event, boastThe Bass Fishing Team has their spring ing hundreds of teams from all around the team selected, but students can contact world. Mitchell Ray at mkray@una.edu. Any student interested in these organiThe Paintball Team is always looking zations is welcome to contact the respective for new players, and Marshall Hess can be presidents or attend one of their meetings. reached at Rhess@una.edu. The Rugby Club meets in the GUC Oct. 27
Where: 1. New Orleans 2. West Florida Who: 1. New Orleans 2. West Florida
Soccer When: Friday - noon. m. Sunday- 1 p.m. Where: 1.UAH daa 2. West Florida Who: 1. UAH 2. West Florida
Football When: Idle Where: Idle Who: Idle
Thursday, October 20, 2011 • The Flor-Ala
Concussions play major role in contact sports 4I]ZMV -[\M[
A raging epidemic keeping talented athletes benched or on the sidelines are concussions, affecting those who play contact sports, most obviously football. Many high school, collegiate, and professional athletes, exclusively football players, are dealing with this issue. “No pain, no gain” is not always true, being as those who suffer a concussion during a game are not only finished from the specific game they are playing at that time, but often go to the doctor and miss workouts, practices, and competitive play until they are cleared by a doctor. “After you get a concussion, you stay far from contact,” said UNA linebacker Demetrius Bryant. “You just have to train yourself to tackle a certain way. “A basic cause of a concussion is a headto-head hit. Instead of doing that, go back to your football basics and train yourself to hit with your shoulder to prevent concussions.” Athletes usually deal with symptoms like blurry vision, nausea, headaches and confusion after hits causing concussions and can even last several days after the incident. “If I remember correctly, light bothered my eyes, I was nauseated, throwing up and had a bad headache,” Bryant said. “I still had a light headache the next two days.” Not only are collegiate athletes dealing with this major problem, but it is occur-
ring in high school programs as well. Seventeen-year-old senior quarterback Tyler Anders has had three concussions
”Always be careful, and do not come back until you are 100 percent ready. Bad things can happen when you come back too early.”
-Tyler Anders while playing football. “I remember being confused and having a crazy headache, but, honestly, you usually don’t know you have a concussion because you really don’t know anything,” Anders said. “It’s just one of those things. photo by Darrick Dawkins People can tell you’re acting The Lions football team prepares to run a play on the goal line against Delta State last Thursday. different, so they pull you to the Plays like these involve head on collisions where concussions can be very common. side and check you for it.” ready to come back and perform, but the poor tackling. Athletes agree taking pre“It’s basically that you have to make a cautions in any game-related injury is cru- mind of the athlete still favors the injury. The athlete then has to make the deci- decision: are you going to keep going, or are cial to the healing process. “Always be careful, and do not come sion whether or not to put the past injury you going to pull back? For me, I can’t pull back; I have 10 other people on the field that back until you are 100 percent ready,” An- aside and play like they are capable. “It’s a mental thing, ” Bryant said. “You I have to help. ders said. “Bad things can happen when you play a sport because you love it; that’s why “My teammates count on me to make come back too early.” Often, athletes’ bodies are cleared and I said go back to the basics of tackling be- tackles. So, go back to your tackling, go full cause that’s what a concussion comes from: speed and that’s basically all you can do.”
Thursday, October 20, 2011 • The Flor-Ala
Illegal download litigation hits close to campus *Ta\PM ;\MMTUIV
The practice of illegal downloading and file sharing has grown exponentially in the last decade. Illegally downloading and uploading content, such as movies and music, became popular with the birth of sites like Napster, Limewire and Bittorrent. The entertainment industry brought in $14.6 billion in 1999; today, the industry draws in less than $6 billion. Dr. Robert Garfrerick, chair of the Department of Entertainment Industry, said that the desire for music and content is still there, but people simply just do not want to pay for it anymore. “The challenge now is figuring out how to monetize the market,” he said. “Once content is given away, people expect it for free. And it’s hard to compete with free.” Walt Aldridge, an associate professor in the entertainment industry department, said that the industry model needs to be restructured to meet the changing needs of both the consumer and producer. “The world is changing, and we’re grappling with how to change with it, and how to reinvent the model of the industry so that creativity can be reimbursed and even encouraged,” he said.
While entertainment groups cannot punish every offender that practices illegal downloading or uploading, students should understand that this issue is a federal offense and it does affect more people than just the artist. “When students don’t purchase music, they don’t realize that they’re hurting more than just the artist,” said Jenni Powell, UNA junior entertainment industry studies major. “Students should consider the writer and publisher, too, who only make about .091 cents per song anyway. It may seem like a small thing, but it adds up and makes a pretty substantial impact.” The Christian Student Center was recently presented with a lawsuit from Comcast for an alleged illegal uploading incident that occurred in the spring of 2010. The CSC reported that someone allegedly accessed its wireless Internet to upload a movie to a file-sharing site, where Maverick Entertainment Group, Inc. initially came across the offense and sued Comcast. The CSC has since taken several steps to protect itself and its Internet access. Like the CSC, students should update their firewalls and safety software frequently and change wireless Internet passwords regularly. Danny Pettus, director of the CSC, urg-
photo by Malisa McClure
Someone allegedly used the Christian Student Center’s wireless Internet to illegally download a movie a few months ago. The CSC has a wireless network that students involved with their program can access.
es students and members of the community to remember that this practice is illegal and punishable. “Depending on the severity of the incident, and the number of times, the
fines could range anywhere from $750 to $150,000, not to mention the fees someone would pay for a lawyer and court costs,” Pettus said.
Immigration law has little effect on UNA, students *ZIVLWV )VLMZ[WV
Alabama’s new immigration law has caused mixed responses from the state community since its origin a few weeks ago. However, it is hardly effective in the UNA community. In the past weeks, the state government passed a new immigration law that resulted in a lack of participation from people who could be questioned for immigration at work places, schools and other institutions. In spite of the statewide response to the new law, there appears to be no similar movement at UNA. “(After the law was passed), the next day there were hundreds or thousands of students across state that did not attend school, probably children of illegal aliens” said David Shields, vice president of student affairs. “I don’t know if we have had that issue at UNA yet.”
“Everyone is here legally as far as I know,” said UNA Registrar Katrina Sharp. “It would be extremely difficult to be enrolled illegally and meet the academic standards we have here.” Shields noted that the law would be more effective in public grade schools rather than colleges because of the large amounts of information a student must provide for documentation and verification. “There are more layers for a student to come to a university than for a K-12-grade kind of person,” Shields said. One of the obstacles that universities have over other schools is verification of social security, as Shields pointed out. “If an application comes in and there is no social security number and there is no identifiable information that can verify that a person is of legal origin, then we are going to have to ask additional questions.” The Office of International Student Affairs also confirms Shields’ remark and
>174-6+- KWV\QV]ML NZWU XIOM open mics held at The Women’s Center. Nov. 7 – 11 will be Sexual Assault Awareness Week. Kaylie Watts, a UNA student, is organizing the event in order to educate students about the issue. She said the event will include giving out rape whistles and having an installation of shoes to represent statistics about how many students are victims of assault. “We’re going to try to make it come re-
ally down to earth to show that it could happen to anyone,” Watts said. Emily Kelley, director of the Women’s Center, said it’s important for victims of violence not to blame themselves. “They haven’t done anything wrong,” she said. “They are the victims.” If you or anyone you know is being victimized, contact Judicial Affairs or Counseling Services for further assistance.
2=,1+1)4 KWV\QV]ML NZWU XIOM “When a student gets involved, we send copies of the reports to student conduct. Sometimes, the student can get in trouble with both the law and student conduct.” While the UNA police handle the legal part of the offense, they share information and ideas with the Office of Student Conduct, and Pastula encourages students to
seek help from Student Conduct if they think they have a problem. “If something happened to you and you didn’t feel comfortable talking to the police, you can talk to Dr. Greenway or David Shields about it,” Pastula said. “They’ll send it to Student Conduct or the UNA police— wherever it needs to go.”
states that institutions of higher education make it hard for illegal immigrants to enroll in college. Kim Mauldin, director of admissions, describes the process that a student must go
”It would be extremely dif-
ficult to be enrolled illegally and meet the academic standards we have here.”
-Katrina Sharp through to enroll at UNA and their cooperation with the Office of International Student Affairs. “There is a question on the application that asks ‘are you a US citizen?’” Mauldin said. “If they say no, then we send them to the Office of International (Student) Af-
fairs. Any time when someone’s citizenship is questioned, we send him or her to the Office of International (Student) Affairs.” Even in the Office of International Student Affairs, special care is taken to make sure that students are enrolled legally. “As far as the law goes, it does not apply to us because our students have to be here with an F1 visa and a green card,” said Linda Allen, admissions coordinator for the Office of International Student Affairs. “Otherwise, they cannot be admitted.” As far as the law goes for questioning, some students shared their personal opinions about the law. “I think the law is a little harsh,” said UNA student Anna Brasher. Shields and other university faculty find that they are not at a place to argue the law, but only take it for what it is. “No matter our opinion, we must follow the law as it is written and passed in the state, and we’ll do that,” Shields said.
Tweets of the week
October 20, 2011 â&#x20AC;˘ The Flor-Ala
DISCLAIMER: The tweets below are public tweets found on Twitter by searching hashtags involving UNA, Florence, Shoals and other university-related topics. Want to see yours on here? Be sure to hashtag UNA and Shoals in your tweets.