Halloween p. 2 - 6 Quidditch on campus p. 7 Midsummer NightĘźs Dream review p. 10 From quarterback to wide receiver p. 11 October 20, 2016 Vol. 85, Issue 5
Actors provide scares at Arx Mortis EDITOR-IN-CHIEF JASMINE FLEMING
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A 2015 Arx Mortis cast member gazes into the distance. Life Editor Monday Sanderson visited the haunted attraction Oct. 13 with other staff members. MONDAY SANDERSON Life Editor life@florala.net My heart was racing. I tried to make jokes to keep my mind off the fact that I would be facing some of my biggest fears. However, even a joking mood didn’t keep me from regretting my decision to go to Arx Mortis. I went to my first haunted house Oct. 13 thanks to Student Government Association. Editor-in-Chief Jasmine Fleming and Student Photographer Trevor Kiddy accompanied me in this experience.
I was already nervous before I entered the building, but it became worse when I was waiting in line. Actors in full costume would weave through the line interacting with the guests. One actor walked around scraping blades together that created sparks and a smoky scent. He became less terrifying though when he said, “thanks man” to Trevor who complimented the actor’s costume. The sounds, decorations and actors immediately made me regret my decision more than I did before. They worked together to make me scared from the beginning. I held Jasmine’s
hand the entire time, and I had to stop myself from squeezing her hand too tight. My favorite part was Covington Clinic, which also contained a mental asylum. This section was the longest one, or at least it felt like it. While most of the time the bloody makeup of the actors and loud, thundering noises scared me, there were times where I was not too scared, and I actually interacted with the actors. Tickes are available on Arx Mortis’ website starting at $20. To read about Sanderson’s clown encounter, go to florala.net.
Spirits appear on Florence ghost walk KAITLYN DAVIS News Editor news@florala.net
I stepped onto the sidewalk of Wilson Park Oct. 13, ready to ghost hunt. The bright moon peeking out from behind the cloudy night sky and the cool October breeze created the perfect atmosphere for the Ghostly Faces from the Past Florence Ghost Walk. With my scaredy-cat mother in tow, we followed tour guide Debra Glass around downtown Florence as she told us about the ghosts who still haunt the city. At each stop along the way, a different ghost appeared, much to my mom’s horror. We started off at Wilson Park with a story about Ryan Piano Co., which Glass now owns. Former owner Mr. Ryan died of a heart attack at the desk in the old music school, located off of Tennessee Street, Glass said. But death has not stopped him from greeting those who come through the door.
Glass discovered this one night as she was sitting at the deathbed desk, and a voice surprised her by uttering a simple, “Hello.” A former piano player myself, I’ve always been curious about the business. However, Glass’ storytelling quenched my thirst for knowledge about the place. The ghost who appeared on this stop, Mr. Ryan, awkwardly crept around the crowd and could not even coax a slight yelp from my mother. My favorite stop on the ghostly journey was UNA’s Off Campus Bookstore where we became acquainted with the spirit Molly. The ghost presented herself as an eerie child in a ruffled dress, whose vacant expression definitively gave both my mom and me the creeps. Molly died in the upstairs room of the bookstore. She lost her life after playing with a dog who had rabbies and contracting the disease herself, Glass said. From a boarding house to a fraternity house, the bookstore has a colorful history.
Kappa Sigma members, bookstore workers, even students in a 1950s homecoming parade, have spotted Molly inside or outside the building. Molly asks those she encounters if they have seen her dog, Glass said. Feel free to think about that the next time you are trying to score a deal on a textbook. We also heard ghoulish stories at Trowbridges, the O’Neil home and Wakefield home, both off Court Street, Pope’s Tavern and Regions Bank. As a parting gift, Glass kindly told the crowd at the end of the tour, “The one time that I did see Mr. Ryan, and I’ve only seen him once, was at my house. So, they can follow you places.” Halloween is my favorite holiday, and for $15 the ghost walk was the perfect way to kick off the season’s festivities. The tour delivered a dose of creepy tales mixed with a shot of Florence’s history. I suggest catching the Ghostly Faces from the Past tour next time Oct. 20. Check out the Florence Ghost Walk’s website for more information.
3 Creative costumes on a studentʼs budget Draw inspiration Get creative with 2. household goods. 4. from T.V. characters. ANDREW FULMER Sports Editor sports@florala.net
Need a fire Halloween costume but stuck with a college student’s budget? Then have no fear because The Flor-Ala is here to help find the best costume ideas for anyone needing an inexpensive ensemble. There are many ways to create a cheap and unique costume without breaking the bank. So, instead of wasting hard earned money on this years trendiest costumes like “Sexy Vampire” or “Harambe,” save some cash using these tips.
Take advantage of local thrift stores.
The notion of spending up to $100 on what will most likely be a one-time use costume seems nonsensical, especially when great materials can be found at thrift stores dirt cheap. With the numerous shirts, pants and shoes available at stores like The Salvation Army, it will be like having a personal wardrobe fit for Hollywood.
This tip could save the most money out of all of them. Going as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle? Use a aluminum roasting pan as the shell. Going as Harry Potter? Use a graduation robe as a Hogworts robe. Going as Donald Trump? Wear a blue suit, white shirt and a red tie, and use Jersey Shore amounts of bronzer. Many other everday items can add pizaz to a costume like old makeup, gliter glue, arts and crafts materials, HVAC ducting and so on.
Make use of “punny” costumes.
“Puns are the lowest form of humor” is a common proverb, but they can come in a lot of use when brainstorming a cheap costume idea. One of the better cheap ones is to take a bunch of blank, stick-on name tags, write many different names on them, place them on a shirt and go as an identity thief.
This tip works well in combination with thrift stores. Many character costumes can be almost exclusively purchased at thrift stores because of the eclectic selection those stores tend to carry. I once dressed as Dwight Schrute from The Office, and I purchased everything I needed from a Goodwill store for under $10 Plus, character costumes often look more authentic when they are purchased piece by piece than buying a complete kit from retail stores.
Plan ahead for next year.
If hunting for scraps and pieces of costumes proves to be too time consuming, it is possible to find the retail costumes cheaply. Many stores will run sales on costumes and other related items after Halloween, and sometimes the days leading up to the holiday. Sign up on retailers’ email list to stay in the loop on these sales.
What are you dressing up as this year?
“I’m going to be Wonder Woman because I see a lot of evil, and I’m going to save the day,” said Sophomore Davia Young.
“My best friend is dressing up as Freddy (Krueger), so I’m going as Jason from Friday the 13th,” said senior Jo Han.
“I’m more than likely going with a unicorn or mermaid, something magical. I like to be different,” said senior Sierra Elston.
“I’m going to dress as a witch, but I like to make it fun with glitter and stuff. I already have the costume,” said senior Jessica Kelso.
“Maybe a witch would be cool. They do magic and are associated with cool animals like cats and bats,” said junior Ashylnn Maxwell.
“If I decide to dress up, I’m going to do Cartman from South Park. Cartman seems to be the most far-fetched character,” said senior Adam Benefield.
“I’m going to do a black bandana with camo pants, boots and a black DriFIT shirt. I think I can pull (Rambo) off,” said senior Darnell Dothard.
1. Cut picture from page. 2. Tape to pumpkin. 3. Cut black shapes out. 4. Tweet a picture to us @UnaFlorAla.
JACKIE WILLIS| Graphic Designer
Clowns cause trouble near universities JASMINE FLEMING Editor-in-Chief editor@florala.net
Many in the campus community might be concerned about the clown craze sweeping the U.S., but officials say it has yet to reach the university. “There have currently been no reports (of clowns) on the UNA campus,” said Chief of University Police Kevin Gillilan in an email. However, Gillilan said students need to be aware of the recent reports of clown pranks and threats. The clown threats are disturbing since clowns are supposed to be kidfriendly, said sophomore Ashlee Romer. “People associate clowns with fun and laughter,” she said. “At the same time, some people are terrified of them. These clowns can lead to psychological problems, especially for someone who sees them while driving. They could have a breakdown.” Gillilan said at a September conference with local law enforcement, officers in Lauderdale County said they received reports about clowns, but no one was convicted of a crime. “People said they would see clowns, and the law enforcement would follow up on it, but they didn’t find anything,” he said. Many universities have had clown scares, including Auburn University.
Auburn University Public Safety received reports of people dressed in clowns on campus Sept. 19, according to their Facebook post. However, upon responding, they found no clowns, and said they “were not aware of any danger or threat to our campus community.” In the Auburn case, as with Pennsylvania State University in early October, there were reports of students looking for, or “hunting,” clowns, although there were no verified sightings, according to both universities’ police. If students do spot clowns on UNA’s campus, vigilante justice is not the appropriate response, Gillilan said. “It is the job of law enforcement to investigate and bring to justice those who violate the law — this includes those taking the law into their own hands,” he said. “Officers are trained to deal with these types of situations and equipped to bring them to safe resolutions. It is never recommended to place yourself in potential danger to investigate or respond to any incident.” In another Alabama case, an adult, Makayla Smith of Flomaton, and three youths created Facebook accounts with fake names “FLOMO KLOWN” and “Shoota Cllown,” which they used to threaten individual students, the Flomaton school system and the city. This caused Flomaton high and middle schools to go on lockdown for hours. Although some might think social media threats do not heed the same repercussions as in-person ones, that is
not the case. “Any student directing a threat toward another would be subject to arrest and sanctioning through student conduct,” Gillilan said. “The criminal charge and sanction would depend on the level of the threat. The criminal charges could range from harassment (misdemeanor) to making terroristic threats (felony).” As Halloween approaches, students might decide to dress as clowns. Arx Mortis owner Vinny Grosso said clown masks have been the most purchased items in their gift shop. “My advice to students choosing to do so would be to be aware that the general public may become nervous of anyone wearing a mask or face paint, and some even suffer from phobias related to clowns,” he said. “I would not recommend driving a vehicle or entering a place of business while wearing a mask. “Generally speaking, it is much safer to wear a costume only in places where it is permitted and in the company of those who know you personally. It is best for everyone’s safety that pranks be avoided as well.” Many videos on social media, whether staged or authentic, have shown clowns with weapons. However, even if a student wears the costume and brings a weapon as a prank, it still breaks university policy. “Weapons are banned from campus and may result in arrest and sanctioning through student conduct,” Gillilan said.
Ghost encounters in campus buildings LAUREN HONEYCUTT Student Writer lhoneycutt@una.edu With UNA being 183 years old, the campus has its fair share of ghost stories. There is no way to prove if they are true, but some in the campus community have shared their stories. Two buildings on campus have recorded rankings on the electromagnetic meter, which measures the level of ghost activity in a building. 1. Guillot University Center The Guillot University Center ranked third in Alabama with a rating of 87.5 Hz on the electromagnetic meter, according to mosthauntedplaces.org. A normal field measures around 60 Hz, according to the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena. Debra Glass, a professional writer and tour guide for hauntings on campus, had an experience in the GUC. Glass said her most recent encounter was with the ghost Priscilla who hung herself in the elevator in the old dormitory O’Neal Hall, the current location of the GUC. “While telling the story of Priscilla on the ghost tour one night, one of the elevator doors in the GUC opened of its
own accord, well after the building had been locked up for the night,” Glass said. “Moments later, the automatic front door swung open, remained open for several seconds and then closed. Perhaps Priscilla was coming out to hear her story.” While there are accounts of paranormal encounters, there is also skepticism. “Who says (electromagnetic) ratings are valid measures?” said Professor of Psychology Larry Bates. “Just because the meter gives off a high number, it doesn’t really mean (there are ghosts).” 2. Wesleyan Hall Wesleyan has the 14th highest electromagnetic rating in Alabama, according to mosthauntedplaces.org. “There has never been any supernatural activity in Wesleyan,” said Department Chair of Psychology Richard Hudiburg. “I’ve been in this building since 1988, and I have not seen anything ghost-related,” he said. 3. Willingham Hall Senior English administrative assistant Dana Burbank, who works in Willingham Hall, said she encountered a ghost in 2006 while her student worker, alumna Nikita Duke, was helping her put things away for a retiring co-worker. “I saw from shoulder up in profile this female with long, dark, curly hair
coming out of the office and going into the stairwell, and I thought, ‘Well, why is my student worker up here? I just sent her downstairs a few minutes ago,’” she said. Burbank said when she asked her student worker, she said she was downstairs the entire time. “I can honestly say there was no one in this building, and she was coming out of a locked office and I had the keys,” she said. The ghost made an appearance again in November 2015, said English instructor Stephen Melvin. “As the door was closing, I saw the reflection of her completely translucent from head to toe,” he said. “I could make out every detail. She was wearing a white night gown which came up to midcalf. I could see her bare feet. “I stood there frozen for what seemed like a few seconds. I then looked behind me, and nothing was there. I looked back at the reflection, nothing there. I locked the door, shrugged and thought, ‘These papers aren’t going to grade themselves.’” 4. LaGrange Hall Sophomore Mikayla Moore lived in LaGrange Hall from 2014-2015. She said she experienced supernatural
activity in the bathroom. “It felt like we were being watched the whole time,” she said. “The bathroom stalls would open on their own.” The paranormal activity might be students playing tricks on other people, said freshman Mary Jones. Glass said experiences vary from person to person. “I think everybody has experienced some sort of inexplicable event,” she said. “It might be real or imaginary, but it depends on what the person believes.” Editor’s Note: This article ran in the 2016 SOAR Magazine.
6 “Boos and Brews” to fundraise for HIV testing BREANNA LITTRELL Student Writer alittrell1@una.edu Thrive Alabama will host “Boos and Brews” at Singin’ River Brewing Co. Thursday, Oct. 27 from 6 – 9p.m. Tickets are $10 a person. Thrive Alabama is a non-profit organization that provides healthcare to people living with HIV, free HIV and STI testing and many other services. The event will help raise money to obtain a mobile testing unit, April Koonce, Manager and Social Worker for Thrive Alabama. “Boos and Brews” will feature two guided Ghost Walk cemetery tours, said Mark Moore, Director of Development and Marketing for Thrive Alabama. “We will have several local people and actors tell stories from some of Florence’s dearly departed,” Moore said. “I think cemetery tours are just fun anyway, and with this one being in a lovely space, and we will have lights along the path, I think it’s going to be really nice.” There will be a tour that leaves at 6:30, and the other at 7:45, Moore said. “At the brewery there will be food
and music and dancing and just good times there,” he said. The last feature of “Boos and Brews” will be the costume contest. Moore said he encourages everyone to wear their best costume and try to win one of several prizes at the end of the evening. There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes. Koonce said that the event will be a “friendraiser.” “We would love for college students to get involved,” she said. There are volunteer opportunities available for anyone who would want to help, said Jay Hixon, Community Relations Specialist. “Volunteers would help us decorate and also deconstruct at the end of the night,” he said. “We will also have volunteers setting up the cemetary for the ghost walk.” He said students who want to volunteer can email development@ thrive.org. Koonce said they want to bring awareness to their organization with the event.
To learn more about Boos and Brews go to florala.net.
Photo courtesy of Thrive Alabama
Guests participate in Boos and Brews costume contest in 2015. Mark Moore, Director of Development and Marketing for Thrive Alabama, said he encourages everyone to wear their best costume and try to win one of several prizes at the end of the evening.
Top 4 scary movies to watch in October HANNAH ZIMMER Student Writer hzimmer@una.edu
Every holiday has movies, and Halloween is no exception. There are hundreds of horror movies, but there are some only a few people find scary.
With the help of fellow classmates, I picked four movies that were the scariest. I numbered these movies one to four with one being the scariest. I
also listed the Rotten Tomatoes score for the reader to have a better idea of each film.
1. The Conjuring (2013)
2. Lights Out (2015)
3. Insidious (2011)
4. Devil (2010)
Ed and Lorraine Warren go to a house in Harrisville, Rhode Island, to investigate paranormal activity that plagued the home of the Perron family. A Satanist named Bathsheba, who sacrificed her newborn to the devil, haunts the land. The years following the sacrifice were followed by murders and suicides on the land. The Warrens must save the family members before the another mother on the land kills her child. They must stop history from repeating itself. The movie is full of heartstopping moments that leave the viewer petrified. This is, without a doubt, the scariest movie I have ever seen. It scares me that a demon will possess a mother so it can kill a child. “The Conjuring” is the epitome of horror films. 86%.
The main characters of this film are three members of a very dysfunctional family. A young boy named Martin lives with his mother who has mental illness and depression that has recently resurfaced in her life. Martin’s older sister, Rebecca, investigates her mother’s wellbeing and realizes that a spirit that haunted her as a child has returned into their lives. The spirit latches onto the children’s mother and causes havoc in their lives. The spirit thrives in darkness, so the characters must find all the light possible to escape alive from the spirit. “Lights Out” is more than a scary movie. This film includes characters with real-life problems, apart from an evil spirit haunting them, to which a viewer can relate. I found the movie to be refreshing and original. 77%.
After a family of five moves into a new home, odd occurrences begin happening. One of the children, Dalton, falls into a coma. After being in the hospital for three months, the doctors allow the parents, Josh and Renai, to take Dalton home, and paranormal activity begins. They soon discover that he inherited the ability from his father to travel mentally to the astral plane. The movie focuses on the father and his journey to save his son from the demon realm. A creepy twist comes in the end of the movie that will keep the viewers on the edge of their seats. In this film, viewers see the demon that haunts Dalton. I believe this takes away from the mystery of the demon realm, but “Insidious” is sure to frighten anyone brave enough to watch. 66%.
The plot begins when five strangers file into an elevator in a building in Philadelphia when the elevator mysteriously gets stuck in the shaft. While this is happening, a character named Ramirez gives a voice-over of a story of the Devil himself sometimes coming to Earth in the form of a human to punish those who have committed transgressions. An unknown force begins to kill the people in the elevator. Suspicion looms as the passengers try to figure out who the guilty party is. In my opinion, this film did an excellent job of keeping the viewer guessing. This movie did, in fact, lack in scare factor, but it made up for it with its suspense. 52%.
Photos courtesy of Amazon
Quidditch tournament flying to campus in December HANNAH ZIMMER Student Writer hzimmer@una.edu A bit of Hogwarts magic is coming to UNA as the Student Government Association will host a Harry Potterthemed Quidditch Tournament Dec. 1. The tournament will be at the football practice field and is free to students who present their Mane cards, said SGA Representative Molly Ratliff. “The tournament will be held a week before Study Day as an outlet to de-stress before exams,” Ratliff said. “We just want everyone to come out and enjoy the weather before it gets too cold.” SGA hopes to have at least eight Quidditch teams in the tournament and a maximum of 16 teams, Ratliff said. There will be no fee for team members to participate. Teams can preregister for the tournament on SGA’s Orgsync beginning Oct. 18 and ending Nov. 14. Participants need to include a team name, team contact and the names of the players on each team. There can be a maximum of 10 players for each team. To play Quidditch, seven people will play on the field with three alternates permitted for each team, and there is a seeker on each team who is assigned the job of catching the snitch. However, due to a limited budget there will not be brooms at the event, Ratliff said. In the realm of Harry Potter, the snitch is a flying ball. In the tournament, the snitch will be a person running around since SGA has not
Photo courtesy of Jessica Jiamin Lang Photography
A group of students from Ohio State University play a game of Quidditch in 2015. UNA’s Student Government Association will host a Quidditch tournament in December. mastered any levitation spells yet. Next, there is a keeper for each team who guards the goal posts and tries to prevent the other team from scoring. On the other hand, chasers are the three team members who try to score the quafle ball through the goal posts. Lastly, there are two beaters
assigned to every team. These are defensive players who try to eliminate the opposing team’s players. The Quidditch tournament is an innovative event, said freshman Kacy Hudson. “I think the tournament is a new, fresh and exciting idea that UNA should definitely pursue,” Hudson
said. Community members are welcome to sign up to be on a team, Ratliff said. There is a fee of $3 for community members to participate at the Quidditch tournament, she said.
To find out what SGA will give away at the event, go to florala.net.
Officials build relationships with community colleges BREANNA LITTRELL Student Writer alittrell1@una.edu UNA is working on strengthening relationships with local community colleges. The university is collaborating with Northwest-Shoals Community College, Bevill State Community College and Calhoun Community College, said Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management Ron Patterson. The schools are working together to allow reverse transfers between twoyear and four-year schools. Reverse transferring allows students to gain credit for degree completion from both institutions, Patterson said. With a reverse transfer, students will be able to start their initial educational studies at one of these two-year community colleges and then transfer to UNA and complete their 120hour degree requirement, he said. They will then be able to revert 60 of those hours back to the community college from which they transferred
and obtain their associate degree from that school, along with their bachelor’s degree from UNA, he said. Patterson said he expects the Alabama Community College System and all four-year institutions to sign the Memorandum of Understanding, within the next couple of months, which will approve reverse transfers. Other plans to attract transfer students to campus include an event planned for transfer students called Community College Day, Patterson said. UNA will celebrate Community College Day at the home football game against North Greenville Oct. 22, Patterson said. The university is inviting all who are interested to come and visit the campus, he said. After transferring to UNA as an undergraduate, graduate student Jennifer Sewell loved the campus so much, she decided to stay to obtain her masters degree in business administration, she said. Unlike larger universities such
as the University of Alabama and the University of Auburn, UNA was an easy transition, Sewell said. UNA is also starting to reach out to over 25 other community colleges across Alabama, Tennessee and Mississippi, Patterson said. UNA allows in-state tuition to fulltime, undergraduate students who are receiving at least $1,000 of scholarship money from UNA. Exceptions include scholarships from outside organizations and the UNA Foundation, he said. Transfer Coordinator Lauren Beasley said she visits these community colleges to help increase the visibility of UNA on their campuses. Associate Director of Admissions Julie Taylor conducts transfer workshops at these campuses to give students an opportunity to learn about UNA and have their questions answered, she said. In addition to the free food at these workshops, students attending who wish to apply to UNA have the $35 application fee waived, she said. “We have a beautiful, beautiful
campus, a wonderful institution in terms of the people that are here, faculty, staff and students,” Patterson said. “So, we are trying to increase foot traffic on our campus.” Patterson said UNA is striving to provide better resources for transfer students. Senior and Northwest-Shoals transfer Ben Wilson said he chose UNA because he has always lived in the Shoals area and knew that it was an excellent school. Junior Jeanna Wade said she also transferred from Northwest-Shoals and chose UNA because of the proximity to her home and the academics. Wade particularly loved the new science building because of the cutting-edge labs, she said. Patterson said he is also working on ideas to welcome more transfer students to campus and to make them feel more at home if they choose to stay.
To find out what future plans UNA has for transfer students, go to florala. net.
8 NEWS Retired professor works in campus basement
MELANIE HODGES| Chief Photographer
Professor Emeritus of Psychology George Robinson discusses his work. Robinson conducts research in the basement of the Math Building, also known as “the dungeon.” JASMINE FLEMING Editor-in-Chief editor@florala.net A UNA professor who retired in 1998 remains in “the dungeon.” Professor Emeritus of Psychology George Robinson is the last professor to have an office in the basement of the Math Building, which the psychology department affectionately calls the dungeon, he said. “When I first got here in 1970, that was my office, and it still is,” Robinson said. “They told me I could have another office somewhere else, but I figured I better keep that one because no one in their right mind would compete for it.” Although his lab has consistently been in the basement, Robinson has also had an office in the Math Building and Wesleyan Hall, he said. After retirement, Robinson returned to the dungeon and began a position as an adjunct that ended in 2010. In addition to housing Robinson’s office, the dungeon is also the home of research within the psychology department. “My number one rule to all research assistants is no one ever goes to the dungeon alone— too isolated and eerie,” said Professor of Psychology Larry Bates in an email. “Of course, Dr. Robinson lives down there, in spite of its eeriness.” Senior Kelly Melton said she has participated in a few research projects in the dungeon and enjoyed the space. “It’s private, which is nice, especially when what you’re doing requires your full attention,” she said. “When the research is in a classroom or whatever other place, there’s a lot
of distractions.” However, she said the overall comfort of the area could use improvement. In addition to research areas, the dungeon also has an abandoned classroom. Robinson, who once taught in the classroom, said he had an interesting experience there during a dark adaptation lecture. “I said, ‘For example, if all of a sudden the lights were to go out, and you were to stay in here for 30 minutes, you would become some 10,000 times as sensitive as you are now visually,” he said. “When I ended that sentence, there was a power failure. I could not have timed it better. I had the most attentive group from then on.” He had to grab a flashlight to continue teaching until the lights came back on, he said. Bates, who was one of Robinson’s students, said he remembers a lecture Robinson gave on classic conditioning wherein he shocked himself. “So that we could see how scared he was, he had the sensors for anxiety connected to a speaker, so the pitch would get higher the more anxiety that he had,” Bates said. “So after a shock to himself, he would be a bit more anxious before the next shock. “So the speaker would start wailing, which would make the class laugh, which caused more anxiety, causing the speakers to wail loudly, which caused our class to nearly riot,” he said. “(It) was absolutely the best single class lecture/demo that I ever saw in all my many, many classes.” Department Chair of Psychology Richard Hudiburg said in an email that he taught classes in the Math
MELANIE HODGES| Chief Photographer
Professor Emeritus of Psychology George Robinson’s books line a shelf in his office. Robinson has an entire room devoted to his books outside of his office, he said. Building’s basement from 1983 to about 1990. “It was OK to teach there, but I believe the students did not like it very much,” he said. Some of the experimental rooms in the dungeon are refurbished, such as the one Robinson uses to store his books. After retiring, his wife told him he could not store them in their home, he said. “She said, ‘Either you can come home or the books can, but not both,’” Robinson said. He said there also used to be a room housing pigeons and another housing rats. After the rats appeared in class, Robinson would feed and care for
them throughout the rest of their lives, he said. Although Robinson’s office has changed over the years, it still has some of his equipment from teaching, such as his oscilloscopes. These pieces of machinery test whether or not equipment that uses an electric signal is working correctly. Robinson’s research in the lab has also included psychophysics, a branch of psychology that examines relations between physical stimulation and psychological response, he said. Some of that research has resulted in publication. To read about what Robinson listens for in the basement, go to florala.net.
SIERRA HILL| Staff Photographer
Sophomore Trey Avery works on an assignment for class. Students are more successful when they utilize digital resources, said Director of the First-Year Experience Program Matthew Little.
Students learn better using online sources HANNAH ZIMMER Student Writer hzimmer@una.edu The Association of American Publishers conducted a study that shows students learn better and get higher grades when they use digital resources. Organizations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Michael and Susan Dell Foundation have discovered through research that education technology crafts personal learning for each student, which in turn contributes to success. Students are more successful when they utilize digital resources, said Director of the First-Year Experience Program Matthew Little. Assistant professor of Health, Physical Education and Recreation Jean Helm Allen teaches the course Motor Learning online. She said digital resources can help some students. “I only teach one online class, and the software I use comes with the option to use a digital textbook or get a physical textbook, and I’ve had several students do that because they want that physical copy,” she said. UNA has many digital resources to offer to both online students and in-class students. UNA offers online tutoring services to those who have online classes as well as access to Canvas, an online platform for classes, for every
UNA student. The success center strictly limits online tutoring to online students since many of them are unable to physically come to the center, Little said. On the other hand, online students can physically come to UNA to take advantage of the resources. Junior Emily Craig takes online classes through UNA. Craig said her online classes offer her easy access to any information. “With online classes, I have access to Google at my fingertips,” she said. Associate Professor of California State University, Saint Bernardo Anna Ya Ni’s study shows that online learning can be more successful than in-class learning in an analytical comparison. The research shows that through online learning, students continually maintain group discussions, the level of reflection is high and students’ sense of anxiety lessens. Craig said her online classes offer her more time to finish assignments. “Instead of being assigned work on a Tuesday to be turned in on a Thursday, my online assignments are due every other week. It makes my class easier when I have lengthy assignments,” she said. Little said Canvas can be a very valuable asset to the students who use it. “Through Canvas, students can
always track their progress and check their grades no matter where they are,” he said. Little said while he sees value in digital resources, he believes students should first experience classroom learning. “I recommend students easing themselves into online learning,” he said. “I think it’s best to do it the oldfashioned way in order to have a support structures like faculty members so translating what college is like online is easier.” Helm Allen said she does not want to leave behind face-to-face teaching. “I think there will always be learners who learn better in those situations,” she said. Online learning offers more flexibility, so students can determine the pace at which they want to study, Craig said. “I advise students to keep up with your work, (and) don’t put your assignments on the back burner,” she said. “Pace yourself.” Craig said she would recommend online learning as opposed to in-class learning because she has experienced so much success with her courses. “You can take your online courses anywhere, so it’s much easier, and you never have to worry about missing a class,” she said. “The online teachers I’ve had are very helpful and will answer any questions you have. Just don’t be afraid to try something new.”
ONLINE LEARNING While students can learn better when they use digital resources, they should be careful and make sure using these sources is right for them. Students should only take online classes if they are self-motivated and can pace themselves.
Theatre puts modern spin on Shakespeare BREANNA LITTRELL Student Writer alittrell1@una.edu MICHAEL MEIGS | Graphic Designer
Online hacks affect millions MONDAY SANDERSON Life Editor life@florala.net
Yahoo informed the world in late September that anonymous hackers gained access to over 500 million users’ accounts in 2014. “In the world today, it is very difficult to cover all aspects of information security,” said assistant professor of Computer Science and Information Systems Jason Watson. “Even organizations that rely wholly on security will likely find themselves a victim of an information security breach. Unfortunately, it is the nature of the world we live in.” If a student is a consumer of a company that hackers have targeted, they should change their passwords, Watson said. “In most cases today, passwords are encrypted and when stolen, the attackers would need to spend a significant amount of time to decipher your password text,” he said. “This would give most people enough time to simply change the password and keep their information safe.” UNA officials sent an email Oct. 3 informing students and staff that there are new password requirements “in an effort to improve security surrounding all UNA accounts.” The Executive Council made the decision to implement new security
strategies, said Chief Information Officer Stephen Putman. “There is no method to change the initial password when you log in to portal, so some students keep the same basic one for their entire time at school,” he said. “With these new requirements, at the worst case, students use one password for an entire year.” The new requirements are too extreme, said senior Mary Beth Wilcoxon. “Remembering a 12 character password is too much,” she said. “I can barely remember a four character password. I also feel that if someone does hack into my student account, they won’t be getting much.” Watson said there is not much students can do to prevent someone stealing their information. “When you place information online, you are essentially putting a lot of trust in that party to secure or be good stewards of your information,” he said. “I think people should expect their information to be compromised at some time and should establish a plan of action when it occurs. The good news is that this is not likely going to be common.” Wilcoxon said she takes different steps to protect her privacy. “I always use private browsing and I make sure I have no major personal info online,” she said. “If I ever want to shop online, I use a
prepaid gift card.” While Yahoo informed the public about the breach in September, they knew about it in August. Watson said not every company waits to release this information. “This happened in the Yahoo case, but it should not happen,” he said. “More and more organizations are becoming transparent when dealing with (information systems) security breaches. “I can’t be for sure, but most organizations that fail to timely release information to the public are trying to bury it and hope no one discovers the truth. There is a strong incentive to do this because of the financial and image damage done because of security breaches.” Wilcoxon said she uses Google, and they inform her of when someone attempts to log into her account. “I always get a notification asking if I was the one who recently signed,” she said. “Afterward, I usually change all of my passwords for any account I have, and I change my recovery email.” Watson said the only way students can protect their information online is to be vigilant. “People should always be concerned when placing personal or sensitive information in the hands of others,” he said. “I believe people should still use online services freely, but to exercise some caution with where they trust their data to be stored.”
The cool fall evening of Oct. 14 was opening night for the UNA Theatre production of William Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” As I walked into the George S. Lindsey Theatre with my boyfriend and best friend, I could not have been more excited. As the lights dimmed, I was delighted to hear pop music begin to play. My excitement grew as I realized they were going to put a present day twist on my favorite classic. While keeping very close to the Shakespearean script, they performed as if the events took place in 2016. The four storylines intersect with the Athenians fighting about the upcoming wedding, the Fairies arguments amongst each other, their ultimate interference with the Athenians’ love and the Mechanicals working frantically to prepare a play for the wedding of the duke and the queen. The opening scene began with two young Athenians who are set to be married, although the girl does not love the boy. In true 2016 fashion, one awakes the other via text message. I loved seeing text messages in Shakespearean language on the projector screen. In addition to the cell phones, one of the characters used an iPad in a couple of scenes. Also, several Snapchat images were shown of the young lovers, which I felt was an ingenious touch. The wardrobe was very modern, which updated and added humor to the show. Short denim overalls and a tie-dyed t-shirt was worn by one of the actors, and another wore a denim jacket. The male actors wore khaki pants and blue jeans. One wore a t-shirt saying, “Vote for Pedro,” which was taken from the movie “Napoleon Dynamite.” Another wore a “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” t-shirt. Continue reading at florala.net.
SPORTS 11 Scoreboard Oct. 7-Oct. 16
Oct. 8 vs. Florida Tech Canceled (Weather) Oct. 15 vs. Shorter (HC) Win, 45-0
MELANIE HODGES | Chief Photographer
Junior wide receiver Jacob Thomas takes a reception into the end zone for a touchdown against Valdosta State Sept. 17 at Braly Stadium. Thomas’ career began as a quarterback at Troy University before transferring to UNA in 2013.
Former quarterback finds success as receiver MIKE EZEKIEL Managing Editor managing@florala.net Not all fairy tale endings have a smooth journey, and UNA football player Jacob Thomas might just be living proof. The 5’8’’ junior receiver from ClayChalkville high school was a standout quarterback in high school, leading the Cougars to multiple playoff appearances. Thomas then received an opportunity to play at Division-I’s Troy University. But the story would not end there. After “not fitting in” at Troy, Thomas looked for places to transfer with intentions to play quarterback. He eventually found his way to North Alabama in the 2013 season, expecting to compete for the starting job. Once again, Thomas’ desire to fit would not come to fruition. “When I came in, I thought it would be more of an open job, but it wasn’t,” Thomas said. “That’s just the way things go.” Thomas received a redshirt for the 2013 season, then came into 2014 as a scout team quarterback. He was third on the depth chart behind quarterbacks Luke Wingo and Jacob Tucker. Thomas said he would be lying if he said thoughts of transferring never entered his mind during that time. “It was a thought,” Thomas said. “But
I love UNA, and I love this football team. It was more of an emotional panic type (of response). I’m very stubborn, and I wasn’t going to settle for not playing here.” Nonetheless, Thomas continued to compete with passion in every practice, earning him the nickname “Rage” among his teammates, said Tucker, the current quarterback for the Lions. “Anybody that knows Rage knows that he wears his emotions on his sleeve,” Tucker said. “When he got here, that’s what he became known for. On a good play, he’s going nuts, and on a bad play, he’s going nuts. He’s always going to show that emotion.” In the fifth week of the 2014 season, Wingo and Tucker both were suffering from injuries. Thomas would receive the nod to start, leading the Lions to a 27-6 victory. He finished 8-for-16 passing with 223 yards and one touchdown in the only quarterback start of his career. “That Pembroke game was awesome,” Thomas said. “I was very blessed to have that opportunity as a third-string quarterback. That’s something most third-string quarterbacks can’t say, having the opportunity to start.” Wingo returned from injury the following week against Florida Tech, once again putting Thomas on the sidelines holding the clipboard. When Thomas realized later that playing quarterback might not be a possibility, he went to then offensive
coordinator Cody Gross and asked what he had to do to utilize his athleticism, he said. Heading into the 2015 season, Thomas moved from quarterback to wide receiver. “Luke (Wingo) had been starting for three years, and I knew that wasn’t going to change,” Thomas said. “I just said (to Gross), ‘I want to play,’ and that I would do whatever I had to do.” Fast-forward to 2016, and the move is paying dividends. Thomas scored his first career receiving touchdown against Valdosta State Sept. 17. He has six receptions for 131 yards on the season. UNA wide receivers coach Ryan Aplin is in his first year with the Lions and missed the early part of Thomas’ career. Nonetheless, Aplin said he sees the same fire Thomas had while carrying the burden of not touching the field. “For a guy to move from a position he loves to another position just shows the unselfishness you have to have in order to be successful,” Aplin said. Thomas said while the journey has not been easy, he would not trade it for anything. “I’ve grown so much since I’ve been here,” Thomas said. “The place I’m at now I wouldn’t trade for the world. I wouldn’t trade it to play quarterback. “If something crazy happens, and I have to play quarterback, I’ll play it. But I’m a wide receiver at UNA, and I’m happy about it.”
Oct. 7 at Valdosta State Loss, 0-3 Oct. 8 at West Florida Loss, 0-3 Oct. 11 at West Ala. Win, 3-0 South Region Crossover Oct. 14 vs. Barry Win, 3-2 Oct. 15 vs. Eckard Win, 3-0 Oct. 15 vs. Saint Leo Loss, 2-3
Soccer Oct. 12 vs. Delta St. Win, 3-1 Oct. 16 vs. Miss. Col. Win, 2-1
Cross Country Oct. 7 Watson Ford Inv. Men: 1st Place Women: 2nd Place Games continued at roarlions.com
Football: Lions defeat Shorter at homecoming game CIERA GOLLIVER Staff Writer cgolliver@una.edu
MELANIE HODGES | Chief Photographer
Senior defenders Susan Lang (left) and Samantha Parrish attempt to defend an opposing advance Oct. 16 in a home game versus Mississippi College. The Lions won the game in two overtimes. This is the second time UNA won a game in overtime this season.
Soccer defeats Mississippi College in overtime MIKE EZEKIEL Managing Editor managing@florala.net With the Gulf South Conference season nearing its end, the UNA soccer team needed a win to hold an advantage in the standings. The Lions (6-6, 5-3 GSC) hosted a previously unbeaten Mississippi College team in conference play (92-1, 6-1-1) and notched a 2-1 overtime victory at the Bill Jones Athletic Complex in Florence. “We knew this was going to be a competitive game,” said UNA coach Chris Walker. “(Mississippi College) has done really well in region games and conference games
this year.” Early in the second overtime period senior forward Ele Costello nailed the game winner, as she split two defenders to set up a one-onone opportunity against the goal keeper. The ball rolled past a diving goalie, giving UNA the 2-1 win. To open the game, the Lions jumped out of the gate quickly, gaining possession within the first minute and scoring the opening goal. Freshman midfielder Haley Yarber knocked in a header off a corner kick from sophomore forward Kylie Huey. “We set out to control the first 10 minutes of the game,” Walker said. “We obviously got a goal and got it going from there.”
UNA held the 1-0 advantage heading into the second half. Mississippi College drilled the equalizer in the 59th minute, as Lauren Smith found the net to tie the game. Neither team would score again in regulation, sending the game to extra time. The Lions started overtime with four quick attacks, but no goals came from three shot attempts. The Choctaws also failed to score, sending the game into the second and final overtime period, where the Lions sealed the win. UNA finishes a four-game home stand this week, before closing the home season against Valdosta State on senior night Oct. 23 in the final home game of the season.
The UNA football team shut out Shorter for its homecoming game Oct.15 in Braly Stadium en route to a 45-0 victory. The Lions (4-1, 4-0 Gulf South Conference) are currently the only team that is undefeated in conference play, while Shorter (0-7, 0-4 GSC) remains winless. “The players stayed focused, and I think they came out and executed,” said UNA head coach Bobby Wallace. “I think they did a great job.” The Lions started off with a dominant first quarter, taking an early 17-0 lead. Senior Kevin Henke started the scoring off with a field goal to put UNA up 3-0. A touchdown pass from senior quarterback Jacob Tucker to junior wide receiver Julius Jones made the score 10-0. The Lions also added a threeyard touchdown pass to senior Jay Ramson. Henke’s extra point put UNA up 17-0 to end the quarter. Tucker started off the second quarter with a six-yard run. A 15-yard pass from freshman quarterback Blake Hawkins to Jones made the score 31-0 at the half. Sophomore Damon Cox added another touchdown with a 19-yard run to extend the lead to 38-0. Senior Philbert Martial was able to put the game away with a 55-yard punt return for a touchdown to end the scoring at 45-0. “I’ve actually been waiting to (run a punt back for a touchdown) all year,” Martial said. “Coach was actually going to take me out on the last one, but I was like, ‘No, I’ve got to get one.’ He put me in, and I’m glad because I was able to take it to the house.” UNA has played Shorter five times and has outscored the Hawks 201-14 in those meetings. The Lions will take a break from conference play to face Super Region 2 opponent and future GSC member North Greenville in Braly Stadium Oct.22. UNA will be back in GSC action Oct. 29 when they take on Delta State at Cleveland, Mississippi.
Grades do not determine students’ worth
Social Media Coordinator mwinkler@una.edu “I can’t believe I just failed that exam.” Students stress over their grades and GPA because, to a certain extent, their GPA determines their future.
Sometimes, a single bad grade can be a huge determining factor for an overall grade in a class or even their GPA for an entire semester. If students fail to reach a certain GPA requirement, they could lose their scholarships, and sometimes, confidence in themselves. While students work hard for their grades, every student performs differently under pressure. There are many factors that account for the way a student performs during an exam. Positive emotions can help a student by decreasing distractions on an exam, while negative emotions that accompany test anxiety can hinder a student’s performance, according to the Journal of Contemporary Educational Psychology. However, students should not allow a single assignment grade to define them. GPAs and grades sometimes
cannot capture what a student truly learns about themselves or about life during their college years. About 40 percent of a student’s exam performance is due to factors beyond their control, according to the Journal of Research in Personality. The remaining 60 percent stems from their work ethic, attendance, goals and study habits. These study habits can affect freshmen as they adapt to the collegiate level of academics. When the student comes to college, especially when they uproot from their familiar surroundings to attend a university in a different city, the transition can be difficult. Many times, freshmen fall victim to the idea that college will be similar to high school, and they can deploy their old study habits in their new environment. Upperclassmen, however, fall victim to a hectic work and extracurricular schedule, as well as increased difficulty in their course load.
This stress can affect a number of aspects, including grades. But that does not mean they are a bad student. Stress associated with a student’s social, emotional and family life may impact academic performance and ability to learn, according to the Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing. Excessive stress can cause mental and physical problems, as well as decrease the student’s sense of selfworth. Even with all-nighters, weeks of preparation in studying and unwavering dedication to the assignment, the grade can sometimes still be short of the student’s expectations. Since midterms are over, it is time to focus on the remainder of the semester. Continue to work hard, and do not allow grades define what matters most. Stay positive, and know that purpose and direction are not solely dependent on the numbers on a transcript.
SGA continues to make progress on goals
BELLA MARTINEZ SGA Chief of Staff amartinez@una.edu The Student Government Association established four overall goals for the 2016-17 school year. For each meeting, University Program Council and Senate have put these goals
up in clear view to keep them in center focus. The first goal is to connect students to campus resources. This goal is being fulfilled through the President’s Cabinet, and SGA President Sarah Green has taken this responsibility. The President’s Cabinet consists of each president of the on-campus registered student organizations. The cabinet meets once every month to discuss upcoming events their respective RSOs are hosting. The group also discusses any issues or concerns they have directly with the Executive Committee of SGA. UPC is hosting the upcoming Health Fair Nov. 17, which also helps accomplish this goal. The second goal is to increase school spirit and student involvement. This goal is one that our programming council has advanced tremendously through events such as the annual homecoming pep rally. In fact, I believe
Letters Policy Letters to the editor should be emailed to editor@florala.net or mailed to:
this year’s homecoming week has been the most fun for me since coming to UNA. We also had some new events, like the Arx Mortis “Are You Afraid of Getting Involved?” event. One event that really stood out to me this past week is how the student section was completely packed full against Shorter Oct. 15. The student section is actually on the home side this year, which I believe is a huge success because of the work of our SGA, especially President Green and Immediate Past President Nick Lang. Student involvement is a goal I believe we are fulfilling, especially through the work of our webmaster, Derrick Flynn. Flynn is currently working on our SGA website and has rebranded SGA. He also has created a social media sub-committee that controls the SGA Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat. Our third goal is to be good stewards
of our financial resources. This is a goal every branch of SGA is mindful of. Senate chose to go through every line item in the SGA budget to see exactly what each dollar goes toward. Another occurrence that really stands out is how up-to-date the budget is at every meeting, which is all due to the work of Treasurer Nikki Mathews. The fourth goal we have set as your SGA is to enhance campus beautification. This goal is currently being pursued through many different SGA members. The university is conducting research on many parts of campus, including an area behind Keller, the benches at the Memorial Amphitheater as well as possible renovations on the second floor of the Guillot University Center. SGA is always looking for ways to better our organization and to serve you better. Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
Do you have an event you want us to cover? Let us know!
The Flor-Ala, UNA Box 5300 Florence, AL 35632 Letters must include name and telephone number for verification. Please limit letters to 400 words. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish a letter.
Please notify us two weeks in advance if you would like The Flor-Ala to be at your event. Call 256-765-5182 or email us at editor@florala.net.
Congratulations to our Writer and Photographer of the Week!
Breanna Littrell & Melanie Hodges
The Pride of Dixie
Halftime festivities The color guard and band take the field for a homecoming halftime performance. As the football team went to the locker room, the Pride of Dixie performed “Pure Imagination” by Gene Wilder, which was featured on Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory in 1971. HILLARY TAYLOR Staff Photographer htaylor1@una.edu There are some aspects that no football game is complete without — the sound of the crowd chanting, the coaches calling plays and the cheerleaders cheering. But over all of the excitement, there is a distinct sound that has become the soundtrack to all UNA games. Loudest of all comes a distant melody as the nationally famous Pride of Dixie marching band begins to play familiar tunes, majorettes toss batons and the Lionettes move in colorful dances across the field. For many POD members, the halftime show seems to be the most enjoyable time of the week. Performing in front of thousands of fans appears to be the payoff to a long week’s journey, and it is a chance for the band to show their talents to the whole university. The rush of a good performance, of course, comes with a lot of hard work. The path from the practice field to the stadium begins with a rigorous audition.
Only the best can make it on this team. If one is lucky enough to make it in the band, the real work begins with band camp. Band camp consists of several weeks of blood, sweat, tears and practice in the hot sun. Once school begins, the pressure to perfect the show becomes daunting. It seems like a lot of work, with several days of practice a week and every Saturday night given up to perform, but for many, the rewards are invaluable. The lessons learned outweigh the hardships. Sophomore Kristie Grigsby said being in the POD helps her be a better student. “It teaches you a lot about time management,” she said. “It’s hard work, but the experience is worth it.” Getting the chance to show off their skills isn’t the only perk for POD performers. For all of their hard work and dedication, the band members also receive a scholarship, and serves as a great resume builder. I know I speak for many when I say that we appreciate the work they do to give us a great performance. After all, what would a football game be without the halftime show?
To find out more about joining the Pride of Dixie, visit their website:
“Ting-ting” Sophomore Lauren Harrison plays the marimba during the Pride of Dixie’s halftime performance. A multitude of instruments are used in each POD production.
Onward marching Members of the Pride of Dixie march down Court Street in downtown Florence as part of the homecoming parade Oct. 15. The award-winning band is one of many attractions during homecoming week.
CALENDAR 15 Thurs., Oct. 20 What: SGA Senate Meeting When: 3:00 p.m. Where: GUC Room 200 What: Guest Artist Recital: Yun Ju Pan, Percussion When: 7:30 p.m. Where: Music Building Recital Hall
Fri., Oct. 21 What: UNA Volleyball vs. Lee When: 6 p.m. Where: Flowers Hall What: Step Show When: 7- 9:30 p.m. Where: Norton Auditorium
Sat., Oct. 22 What: UNA Football vs. North Greenville When: 6 p.m. Where: Braly Stadium What: “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” When: 7:30 p.m. Where: George S. Lindsey Theatre
Sun., Oct. 23 What: UNA Soccer v. Valdosta State- Senior Night When: 1 p.m. Where: Bill Jones Athletic Complex
The Flor-Ala file photo
The brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, inc., perform their routine at Step Show 2015 in Flowers Hall. Step Show takes place Friday, Oct. 21, in Norton Auditorium.
Tues., Oct. 25
Fri., Oct. 28
What: The OAC Pumpkin Carving and Halloween Costume Contest When: 6-8 p.m.
What: Dia De Los Muertos When: 6-9 p.m. Where: Memorial Amphitheater
Where: Meet at OAC What: UNA Fall Choral Showcase and Honor Choir When: 7:30 Where: Highland Baptist Church
Wed., Oct. 26 What: It’s On Us Campaign When: 11:30 a.m.- 2 p.m.
What: “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” When: 2 p.m. Where: George S. Lindsey Theatre What: The Flor-Ala’s writers’ meeting When: 4 p.m. Where: Student Publications Building
Where: Memorial Amphitheater What: Inclusive Classrooms and Beyond with Dr. Kathy Obear When: 8:30- 10:30 a.m., 11: a.m.- 1 p.m. or 2:30- 4:30 p.m. Where: GUC Banquet Halls
Thur., Oct. 27 What: SGA Senate Meeting
Mon., Oct. 24 What: UPC Meeting When: 3:30- 5 p.m. Where: GUC Room 208
When: 3:00 p.m.
What: Bankhead National Forest Backpacking Trip
What: UPC Meeting When: 3:30- 5 p.m. Where: GUC Room 208 What: Halloween at Collier Library When: 9 a.m.- 2 p.m.
When: Leave at 2 p.m.
Where: Collier Library
Where: Meet at OAC
Tues., Nov. 1
Sat., Oct. 29
What: Depression Education and Awareness When: 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. Where: GUC
What: Bankhead National Forrest Backpacking Trip When: Return at 6 p.m. Where: Meet at OAC *Those interested must attend a mandatory pre-trip meeting Oct. 25 at 5 p.m. at the OAC.
Sun., Oct. 30 What: The Flor-Ala’s writers’ meeting When: 4 p.m. Where: Student Publications Building
Where: GUC Room 200
Mon., Oct. 31
What: Take Back The Night When: 6- 7:15 p.m.
What: Athletic Department Costume Contest When: 10:30 a.m.
Where: Memorial Amphitheater
Where: Flowers Hall
What: The OAC Singing River Brewery Tour When: 3- 4 p.m. Where: Meet at the OAC
Wed., Nov. 2 What: Depression Education and Awareness When: 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. Where: GUC
Check una.edu for more events and activities.
See a photo in print or online that you like? The Flor-Alaʼs photos can be purchased for $10 each. Contact photo@florala.net with questions.