INTEGRATED DESIGN REPORT Leaf St: Re-appropriating Hulme High St
PRACTICE APPROACH Engaging with the atelier approach of investigating real communities whilst using our architectural, research and creative skills in parallel with the deep knowledge of local residents has been inspiring and challenging. Personally, I believe that people should be kept at the forefront of architectural design as they are the ones who engage with the final product. As architects, I feel we can often get caught up in our own personal agenda avoiding our involvement with the social realm. Working alongside this atelier approach has urged me to continually realign myself with who I am designing for and why I am designing it. Spending time deeply researching the community for whom you are designing and building relationships creates a powerful foundation for design and point of knowledge to continually return to throughout the design process. I was inspired further in this approach by author and architect Jeremy Till who writes ‘The key ethical responsibility of the architect lies not in the refinement of the object as a static visual product, but as a contributor to the creation of empowering spatial, and hence social, relationships in the name of others.’ (Till, 2009: 178) His acknowledgement of the architects responsibility within our communities and the power in which we hold to bring change to our landscapes challenged me further and lead me throughout my design process.
Figure 1: Group work, ‘Transient Learning Fair’
INVESTIGATION: REFERENCES This year our atelier projects were based in Hulme, Manchester. The ward of Hulme has a distinctive and diverse history. In order to understand the territory in depth we firstly began exploring the history of Hulme to gain an understanding of the place. This lead us through the understanding of the stages of demolishing and rebuilding which have happened since the 1900’s, from the demolishing of the industrial slums, to the building and then demolishing of the crescents and on to the regeneration of Hulme today. This began to allow us to understand the background of Hulme and how these events have impacted their community therefore contributing to the functionality of the ward today.
Hulme Present
The crescents, 1970’s
Figure 4: Figure ground development of Hulme Regeneration 1994: 18)
Industrial slums, 1920’s
Beginning to understand the history led us further into conversations with locals who have lived through the different eras of Hulme, allowing us to begin to understand the complexities of life through each era.
As vehicle maintenance and play’ (Hulme Regeneration 1994: 37) I firstly noticed how this creation of security had lead to an introverted nature by the figure ground of Hulme development shown up. The enclosed spaces created communities within themselves closing off their activities from the rest of Hulme. Through reading theories by Jane Jacobs, I began to question the ideas of safety with integration and how the two relate, ‘there is something everyone already knows: a well-used city street is apt to be a safe street. A deserted city street is apt to be unsafe.’ (Jacobs, 1961:44). Understanding that well used streets create vibrancy and community as well as enhancing the safety I sought to apply Jacobs theories to Hulme, testing to see if they would be applicable in an inner city ward.
Talking to local resident Tracy Daley helped us to understand the sense of community that Hulme holds “People (…) had a really strong sense of community. They had brought their families up there, but they knew they had to move on (…) if they could have sorted out the problems people wouldn’t have moved. (…) There is definitely (still) a strong bond between us all. We all still look out for each other. We might not see each other for years but we will always be from Hulme.” (Daly, 2015)
As a practice, we developed our understanding of Hulme and began to see the that the term ‘Community’ has implicit connotations, that don’t necessarily represent the feelings of an area. Instead we devised the phrase ‘Co-locality’; - An assembly of people associated with a specific place or area. - Two events that happen at the same place but not necessarily at the same time
Figure 2: Exploded axonometric of Hulme regeneration, group work
Play in Hulme prior to development
Play in Hulme today
Ideal state of play Figure 3: Play in Hulme over time, group work
These conversations led me into knowledge of local residents, beginning to see Hulme how they see it and understanding their Hulme from their point of view instead of jumping to my own conclusions. Conversations with residents led me into discovering intimate elements of the place, local stories and tales. They led me to understand where issues were occurring and how the residents responded and felt about said issue. As research developed I began to draw my own conclusions from a personal understanding of Hulme, informed by knowledge of the place. For instance I recognised how empty the streets of Hulme were from play and general habitation, with a lack of a local gathering space such as a high st. Through reading the ‘Hulme Guide to Development’ I began to connect elements of the regeneration design that either were unsuccessful or bad design qualities. One of the design guides of Hulme is that ‘Private areas are encouraged to create security within the blocks: Back streets and courtyards can provide for private and communal activities that are inappropriate for the street, such
Figure 5: Map of co-localities identified in Hulme, group work.
This theory was born out of further conversations with locals, a worker at a cafe described the area as: “The area is very clique. Everyone identifies themselves with their housing type, like the yellow bricks or red bricks.” Davies, E. (2015) Realising these elements of theory, history and precedent I began to develop the concept of creating co-locality through integration in Hulme. Leading my project in a way to bring people out of the introverted nature and allow play to happen within a wider communal space.
CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS SITE MODEL: MEASURING THE CONTEXT In order to develop the site model we had to analyse the context figuring out the heights of each key surrounding building. We did this by using Jake who stands at 180cm to be our measure, standing him by each building. We then used computer software such as google maps and digimaps to figure out building dimensions and form, and further analysed our photos to figure out height ratio.
When analysing the site one of the key considerations was looking at transport networks and the movement of people. Relating back to the key concept of creating co-locality, access to the site and analysing this thoroughly became an influential aspect of design. Diagrams in figure 6-8 highlight the key analytical aspects of the site which were to inform my design further.
Figure 12: Site model in use
Figure 11: Measuring heights using human scale
1. Transport links
Figure 6: Transport links
2. Accessing site
Figure 7: Site access
3. Who uses the site
Leaf St site has a series of ‘landmarks’ which surround it. In a ward with limited landmarks, this location is an influential part of Hulme. Hulme bridge, MMU Birley Fields and Princess parkway all surround the site and are key points for transport, focal and education, places which attract and bring people into the ward.
Figure 8: Site use
From this I established that Stretford Rd was a key transport link as it connects out to other wards, has key bus routes and is a key pedestrian route through Hulme. The footpath on site has a high footfall, and creates a key connection into the city centre and maintains a high footfall throughout the day. Analysing and understanding the positioning and nature of these routes became key contributors to design to make sure that access and relationship to context was considered well. Figure 13: Site context using Sketch Up model
Maintaining the footpath/ circulation through the site. This was developed further through the design to allow this circulation to become a design strategy.
Allowing key routes to flow directly onto site. This maximises views and circulation.
Figure 14: Analysing heights of surrounding context using photo-montage
Developing Leaf St into a key route, but respecting the residential area which surrounds the site
Figure 9: Site strategy analysis plan
Front facade to be that of Stretford Rd. Circulation opening out onto the Rd and views taking you up the site to encourage the eye, also south facing so sunlight is directed through the circulation route. Figure 15: Height ratio diagrams
SCALE Analysing the heights of surrounding and onlooking buildings and landmarks influenced the height of my scheme. With Hulme bridge over looking the site, designing a building which responded to landmark would engage visually and not allow the scheme to be overpowered by the bridge. The height of MMU’s Birley Campus buildings also allowed for increased height. However, allowing elements of the scheme to be on a domestic scale is important to relate to the residential houses surrounding the site.
PROGRAMME ANALYSIS In designing the programme for the project I was faced with the development of three programmes; the homeless shelter, the training centre and the retail units. For each individual programme I began researching similar building types to gain an understanding of the needs of each building. I analysed programme using the macro, meso and micro scale, understanding the wider context of the programme through to the detailed elements of each programme.
1. Delivering Figure 22: Pedagogy and Space diagrams
2. Applying
Figure 17: Programmatic layout of the Homeless Shelter
Figure 19: Capsilo Homeless Shelter plan, Arch Daily (2011)
Figure 20 + 21: Programmatic and schematic layout of Training Centre
Figure 18: Schematic programmatic layout
In order to understand the complexities of programmatic layout for the homeless shelter I looked at precedent analysing key spaces that would be needed. I looked at the Capsilo homeless services centre in San Obispo, California as well as researching other centres. I then began to breakdown the specific needs on site, deciding on bedroom quantity and other key spaces which connect into the overall scheme. Analysing precedent allowed me to consider elements which I may have disregarded. Observing layout of the buildings also led me to begin to understand how programme would contribute to form.
Once again I analysed another precedent of a training centre, Deaking Training Centre by Y2 architects (Arch Daily, 2014). I analysed how adult training centres work spatially and identified key programmatic elements. Specific to my project I adapted the programme to cater for the users, resulting in deciding on key spaces such as open learning spaces and availability to computers to serve those who are unemployed and homeless. The centre will adopt the concept of co-locality, developing learning spaces which are open and interactive creating connection through the building.
4. Creating
5. Decision making
As I moved into 3.2 the Training Centre became the focal point of my design, therefore I began researching detailed programme looking specifically at pedagogy and space. Analysing how pedagogy affected the types of spaces and controlled form allowed me to break down different spaces into learning approaches. I identified five learning types that would be suitable for the training centre and began applying them to spatial orientation throughout the design. The diagram to the left shows how the spaces have been broken down into different types to allow for diversity in learning and to cater for personal learning issues, ranging from larger open learning spaces to intimate one on one learning environments.
Figure 16: Macro programme layout for scheme
During 3.2 the homeless shelter was left at a schematic level. It has simply been generated to a plan and is no longer the focus of the project. However, these qualities apply to the programme of the schematic shelter.
3. Communicating
Figure 23: Pedagogy and space layout on building plan
Figure 24: Retail unit grid concept
The retail units began as a modular system which had spaces which could be appropriated differently. As the design developed the grid became too controlling. Taking away the modular grid allowed for freedom of individuality within the retail spaces. Figure 25: Retail and storage space distribution
Figure 26: Potential retail user layout
SHIFTING GEOMETRY, CREATING PROGRAMME The geometry of the retail units and the programme developed hand in hand. The programme of the retail units was established through research of stores currently in Hulme and the need for opportunities to open up for trade. I broke the categories down into 1. Bringing in well established and loved elements of Hulme community, 2. Stores which provide training (relationship to the training centre) and 3. Stores for possibilities (encouraging new traders to occupy the space). The detailed store layout is shown in 3.2. In arranging these stores and the spatial constraints I designed larger spaces for grocery stores, cafĂŠs and bike stores, considering the storage spaces that specific stores would need over the standard retail unit with basic storage.
PRECEDENT DERIVING GEOMETRY During Big Draw 2, I used precedent to apply the geometric plan of the Kurve 7 onto the site and began developing the geometry of the retail units from the Kurve 7 plan. Applying the plan directly to site, I then used context analytical studies to inform and personalise the plan. KEY DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Transport links
Figure 27: Mass modelling 1:200 on site model
1:200 Mass modelling showing the homeless shelter, training centre and retail unit masses. Exploring potential layouts in relationship to context and key concepts e.g. relationship to Stretford Rd, surrounding networks, solar geometry and creating façades.
Building context
Building distance Figure 28: Overlaying historical maps onto mass modelling concepts
Using historical maps to create an anchor point for the scheme. The public baths were a key historical point on site, connecting the location with the training centre to form a historical basis for the scheme, tying back to the well loved community of the industrial era.
Circulation Figure 32: Geometry of plan development
Following the constraints of the site and strategies that had been laid out and key design points I began to develop the geometry of the retail units. This resulted in designing 7 separate buildings for the retail units, each with individual geometries to create unique retail spaces. The key focus of Stretford Rd was maintained and enhanced with the units ‘kicking out’ at the Stretford Rd end of the site.
Figure 30: Explorative spatial photographs within the model
Exploring the initial design further and developing the site with relationship to context. As shown in the diagram, key site strategies and concepts are considered in the layout of design. Above images show the exploration of these concepts in the internal spaces of the scheme.
Figure 29: Mass model of initial concept annotated and analysed
1 Figure 31: Rethinking plan diagrams
Beginning 3.2 I started rethinking the plan. Shifting the homeless shelter to the back of the site, the training centre to be central focus and lifted the grid off the retail to free them up to become more geometric and encourage circulation through the centre of the site.
Figure 33: Geometry of full scheme development
The geometry of the retail units then became the basis for developing the rest of the site. Again using the building context to inform I lead the lines of geometry through from the last two retail units creating facade lines for the Training Centre and opposite building. This then created circulation directly through the site to establish a north entrance where the footpath once was creating an ease in flow of pedestrians through the site.
STATEMENT OF TECTONIC INTENTIONS In approaching the strategies for tectonic intentions we were asked to consider the people for whom we are designing for and maintain an ethical and political attitude towards developing strategy. Therefore, I approached the structural strategy with the intention of using ethical, locally produced and sourced materials that can be built by local workforces with a reduced need to outsource to specialist manufacturers. This also strives to maintain the concepts and strategy of programme within the construction and structural process. Aiming to provide learning and training through construction for those within the local surroundings. Choosing to design using sustainable methods was influenced by this statement by Adrian Parr, “As the public’s enthusiasm for sustainable ways of life, environmental stewardship, and social equality grows, popular culture is rapidly becoming the predominant arena where the meaning and value of sustainability is contested, produced and exercised. To state the obvious, this is because sustainability culture is a social practice. It is an instrument of knowledge formation; it is how a local context is narrated; it engages new and emerging social values and the energies driving these in dialogue with more traditional values and conventions, along with the habits and stereotypes underscoring these.” (Parr, 2009:3) Incorporating sustainable methods into the strategies is not only a way to contribute to reducing our impact on the environment but furthermore a way of creating social connection and edifying values. It also provides opportunities for learning, as shown in the way MMU Birley Fields display their sustainable concepts (Leigh, 2014). The impact of designing in a sustainable manner not only benefits the design and systems of this project but also aims to further the culture of integration through knowledge formation and engaging social values. With a contextual understanding of site and the location of residential areas identified as surrounding half of the site, the strategies must be considerate of the residents with quick construction periods and limited disturbance to site. In order to achieve this I researched precedents to find construction strategies that limited disturbance, exploring mainly prefabricated structural design. The CLT structure Ritblat Building, by Hawkins\ Brown (Arch Daily, 2013) became influential in researching and developing CLT structure as part of the main strategy for the retail units. For the Training Centre, a much larger building I explored steel framed construction for another fast construction process looking at buildings such as LSE Saw Swee Hock by O’Donnell + Tuomey (Arch Daily, 2014). Both structural strategies then allow for exterior materiality to be explored and developed in ethical manners. In interior material selection I maintained aiming to source as ethically and as locally as possible. The retail units exposed interior CLT creates structural honesty and a blank canvas for creating individuality in the retail units. The interior finishes in the Training Centre remain simple with moments of timber and steel reflecting the structural strategy and connecting the site together through a material language.
Figure 33: Retail Units CLT structural strategy approach
TRAINING CENTRE - Steel frame system selected for ease in construction, can also support the brick and timber facade. The shape and scale of the building means a larger system is needed such as the steel frame to support the three floors. - The steel frame is supported by pad foundations so the loads from each column is taken by the concrete pad and into the foundations. - The steel frame allows for creating double heighted spaces easily, allowing connection from floor to floor within the building. - Brick and timber envelope can be attached easily onto the steel frame with the wall block-work and concrete slab flooring contributing to bracing.
- The CLT panels act as the primary structure, this can be prefabricated with windows and door openings cut in off site. - The CLT walls contribute to the structural support of the roof CLT panels. - The foundations don’t have to be very deep due to the lightness of the CLT, they are strip foundations to support the structural walls which take the main loads. - The timber clad envelope can be simply added to the CLT along with insulation to create exposed CLT within the retail units. This leaves the CLT as a blank interior canvas for the retail owners.
PRIMARY: CLT panels act as the primary roof structure
SECONDARY: Ridge beams supports primary roof structure
SECONDARY: Purlins support primary roof structure
SECONDARY: Gypsum wall creating interior space
PRIMARY: CLT panels act as the primary structure
PRIMARY: CLT panels act as the primary structure
FOUNDATIONS: Concrete strip foundations
Figure 35: Retail Units CLT structural strategy
How the loads work: Roof loads are carried into the structural walls
CLT roof panel CLT Structural Wall
CLT Structural Wall
Loads spanning across roof beams Loads taken down through structural columns Loads from floors taken horizontally through steel frame Figure 34: Structural strategy diagram showing primary, secondary structure and loads.
Loads travel through the structure and into the strip foundations which support the structural walls
Figure 36: Annotated photograph of Retail Unit test model
- The organisation of construction is done in the simplest way possible working from the foundations up. - The steel frame will need larger building machinery on site due to height, mass and weight. - In relation to order of construction for the complete site, the training centre would be constructed first as it has the greatest implications in assembly and larger machinery would be needed on site. The retail units can then be erected around the developed training centre.
- The CLT panel construction is a simple and quick process. As the panels are prefabricated off site they are then brought onto site and erected quickly - Foundations are prepared before the panels are brought onto site. - Once the panels have been erected this means that the cladding can then be simply attached to the structure. - This then allows for construction to move into the interior where the gypsum walls and final finishes can be completed. Spaces for windows and doors are cut into the CLT during prefabrication so can be slotted in easily. 3. CLT roof panels - Placed onto the supporting CLT walls with additional secondary structure if needed. 2. CLT structural wall panels - Secured into the foundations
1. Basement foundations are set first with concrete retaining wall. Then the main building pad foundations are laid at ground level to support the steel frame.
2. Primary structure, steel frame is constructed above the foundations
5. Interior gypsum walls - Built when structure is constructed
3. Secondary structure supporting the roof, steel rafters placed into steel frame.
2. CLT structural wall panels - Secured into the foundations 4. Polished screed flooring - Creates the flooring of the building 1. Foundations - Concrete strip foundations are laid on site
Figure 38: Retail Units Construction sequence
4. Concrete slab floors placed between steel structure. Creates the floor structure as well as contributing to lateral bracing of the frame.
5. Envelope of the building attached. The concrete block-work is placed between the steel frame to contribute to bracing and support the cladding. The brickwork and timber are attached to block-work and steel.
6. Now the building has become waterproof the interior walls and floor materiality can be added along with other interior finishes such as banisters, stairs and the lift.
The cladding is the final step of construction externally. The cladding is simply attached to the CLT structure. The wall build up e.g. VCL, insulation and DPM are applied onto the CLT then timber battens are attached to the layers and the cladding applied onto the battens.
CLT structure Build up of cladding materiality (insulation, VCL, DPM) Foundation detail Scottish Larch Cladding attaches onto timber battens which are attached to the wall build up.
Figure 37: Training Centre construction sequence Figure 39: Retail Units exploded axo of wall build up
- The main environmental strategies involved how to use natural daylight within the space and how to connect services around the building to support the ventilation, heating and electrical systems. - The overall strategy for the scheme is to use sustainable methods which have the least environmental impact as possible - Maintaining an environmental strategy which relates to the overall design concept of the journey, the journeying of systems.
- Throughout the retail units the key environmental strategies were bringing light and ventilation into the retail space to maintain user comfort. - The aim was to use as sustainable methods as possible and have least environmental impact through the integrated ideas. (Diagram shows the environmental strategies applied to one of the retail units. The strategies are applied to all 8 CLT retail units)
Gradient of roof contributes to drainage of rainwater. Collected and drained using hidden drainage system. Rooflights above rooms which have limited access to daylight. This brings in natural daylight into the space Services are run within the drop ceilings to access electrical outlets, ventilation pipes and underfloor heating. Toilet windows open to allow for natural ventilation Underfloor heating around the building contributes to heating. Double heightened spaces aid ventilation throughout building
South facing glazed faรงades controlled with timber battens to maintain thermal comfort Natural ventilation through doorways
Water tank supply
DAYLIGHTING - Rooflights in the storage rooms allow natural light to flood into the space to reduce artificial lighting costs.
WATER - Hidden drains are located at the base of the roof where the roof meets the exterior wall. The gradient of the roof contributes to rainwater runoff flowing into the drains where the water is then carried away through hidden drainpipes behind the timber cladding.
Figure 40: Exploded Axonometric of Training Centre showing environmental strategies
SERVICES KEY Water Electrical Air Underfloor heating hot water
AIR - Air pipes run through the open ceiling and provide air conditioned air during the summer and heat during the winter. Vents are located in key positions such as above the doorway.
ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING - The lighting inside the retail units is exposed and hung from the ceiling. This provides artificial lighting throughout the day and evening.
NATURAL DAYLIGHT - Large windows on the sides of the retail units not only allow provide visual connection into the space but also allow for increased daylighting into the space.
ELECTRICS - The electrics are stored in the space above the toilets. From there they distributed into the retail space overhead and then connecting to outlets.
Figure 41: Exploded axonometric of retail units showing environmental strategies
NATURAL VENTILATION - The doorways allow for natural ventilation into the retail spaces. The windows also open up (shown below) to increase ventilation in the summer months.
Heat recovery ventilation system unit
Plant room (energy hub) is based in the basement. From here, electricity, water and air are distributed around the building. This location allows easy connection to the geothermal energy source below the building.
MECHANICAL AIR SYSTEM - The air system is stored in the roof space above the toilets. The air is then distributed into the retail spaces through pipe work which is run freely in the roof space.
- The bi-fold doors increase natural ventilation during the summer months allowing air to flow directly into the retail units reducing the need for the mechanical system. In the winter these close to maintain thermal comfort. Figure 42: Bvdoors diagrams
Suspended ceilings
Cavity walls and insulation
TRAINING CENTRE USER EXPERIENCE 1:20 Detail Section - Ceilings are suspended for visual and environmental purposes. The gypsum ceilings sit 500mm below the floor, this space allows for services to run through the floors. The heat recovery ventilation ducts, pipes and electrics run through the floor. The suspended ceilings allow for these services to be hidden from view and create a smooth ceiling where only lighting can be seen. - Gypsum board ceiling panels are insulated to enhance sound proofing between floors.
Steel structure hidden
- The floors materiality is polished screed. Although quite a harsh material this allows for hard-wearing and multi-purpose use. The activities which take place during training can then operate easily. An underfloor heating system is incorporated under the screed, this provides long lasting heat throughout the cold months and creates a warmth to the material.
Plasterboard walls
- Windows are large with large glass panes. This allows for maximised views to the outside to reduce the feeling of being enclosed. There is always a constant connection to the outside and what lies beyond the possibilities of the centre.
Polished screed flooring Insulated gypsum board ceiling panels
- Plasterboard walls, these are simple and allow for creativity to be spread across the walls when needed during learning. All walls inside the training centre are simple to allow for use during training. The only walls which are more considered are within key spaces such as the entrance where wooden panels are added to relate back to the material language of public keeping the consistency of connection in the building. - Steel structure is concealed within the walls and floors of the building. Structure only appears in the building through columns that invade the floor plan.
Large window
Underfloor heating
Figure 43: 1:20 Detail Section, Training Centre
EVALUATION: COST CONSIDERATIONS BUILDING FORM - The geometric form of the buildings can create cost issues through construction. However, the simple form of the steel frame allows for materials and construction methods to work within the boundaries of the frame in the training centre. The building is not overly large with an approximate floor area of 360sqm. This is where the most costly materials are used. The retail units are of ranging sizes yet follow the same structural and material assemblage strategy. There forms are different geometrically and do not follow a set pattern. However, these issues are initially resolved in the prefabrication of the structural CLT panels providing a sound basis from which to work from. Having a prefabricated construction method to compliment form will reduce costings in intricate building. The medium sized building of the Training Centre and its relationship to its structural system allows for cost efficiency in construction and maintenance. Geometric layout of the retail units resolve their potential cost issues through prefabrication, allowing construction to follow the already established form reducing error in construction.
STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN - Several environmental strategies have been incorporated into the building to contribute to reducing running costs. One of these is placing glazed façades south facing to maximise daylighting into the building. The glazed façades open onto the double heighted learning space. By gaining the most amount of daylight into that space it will decrease the need to use excessive artificial lighting within the space and also contribute to solar gain during the year, especially the summer. The daylight is also controlled to maintain thermal comfort by timber battens strategically placed on the facade.
Daylight enters into the main double heighted space through south facing windows on two façades. This maximises daylight into the space reducing running costs for artificial lighting and heating to an extent.
Figure 44: Comparison of elemental and overall cost per unit for buildings having the same plan area but different proportions (Osbourn & Greeno. 2007)
In Mitchell’s introduction to building the costings of simple floor plans to more complex of the same area are valued. Although adding more costing by geometrically enhancing the plan, the rationality and structure of the frame layout contributes to aiding a system to the form. (Osbourn & Greeno. 2007)
Figure 43: Leaf St annotated plan
MATERIAL SELECTION - One of the reasons for selecting CLT in the retail units was due to its cost effective nature of the material. CLT is now becoming a known structural material due to its low cost. For example, the White Cube at Glyndebourne uses CLT for the temporary pavilion. The pavilion has a floor area of 72 sqm, similar to some of the retail units, with a total cost of £131,000. Although used alongside other materials, the ratio to cost evidences the material as a low cost construction material. Other materials used within the project such as Scottish Larch are also relatively cost efficient. As the larch is used throughout the project extensively, sourcing an ethical, cost efficient timber was a key decision. Well sourced larch presents itself at £565-£700 per cubic metre (Scottish Wood Ltd, 2000) the cheapest of the varieties with woods such as oak ranging from £1260- £1765 per cubic metre. The image below shows Scottish Larch used on Cliff House, Dualchas a 115.0 sqm which total cost came to £240,000. The site and having stone as the other prominent material allows us to evaluate the cost efficiency of using larch within this design as being cost effective.
Figure 47: Partial Training centre section showing light penetrating into building
ASSEMBLY - The CLT panels are prefabricated off site. This allows for standardisation in sizing and construction. Developing and re-evaluating the construction method off site reduces costs in on site errors. These panels are then brought onto site where they are then assembled easily, further reducing costs to labour and other on-site construction costs.
Prefabrication of CLT reduces costs in helping to increase construction costs, limit human error in construction and reducing waste through production.
CLT used within the White Cube at Glyndebourne (Architects Journal, 2015)
Figure 48: Retail Units CLT structural strategy approach Figure 45: Photograph, White Cube at Glyndebourne (Architects Journal, 2015)
Cliff House, Dualchas (Architects Journal, 2013).
Figure 46: Photograph, Cliff House, Dualchas (Architects Journal, 2013)
LIFESPAN - Throughout the project Scottish larch timber cladding is used as a predominant cladding system in the training centre and retail units. As a material Scottish larch is naturally durable and is ‘classed as “moderately durable” (class 3 according to BS EN 350-2)’ (Russwood Ltd, 2015). Its life span potential is 30-50 years with suppliers suggesting the material could last up to twice as long. With the structural elements of both buildings having significant life spans and the ability to be recycled after use, considering the life span of the exterior is key to design integrity. The other facade materiality, brickwork, has a known admirable life span with the ability to be reused.
In choosing the materials throughout my project I adopted environmental considerations through my material strategy. Therefore, I aimed to source materials which are sustainably sourced and developed. CLT is an environmentally considered structural material. CLT is a renewable material, with manufacturers aligning with sustainable forest management principles. It can also contribute to health, ‘Occupants exposed to wood have shown benefits in their well-being [Fell, 2010]; CLT—if left exposed—may contribute to a health and comfort objective’. (E. Karacabeyli and B. Douglas, 2013: 462) The material also provides natural ventilation. Scottish larch timber cladding is sourced in a sustainable manner from Scotland. All timber grown in Scotland all comes under government legislation controlling felling and ensuring the future of woodlands in the country. As a material the larch is naturally durable the need to apply harmful preservatives to the wood is not needed, enhancing the ethical and environmental credibility of the wood.
As an atelier approach we aimed to use materials that could be sourced locally, therefore reducing the carbon foot print through transportation. I have continued this into my material assemblage approach as I want the scheme to use local products to edify the values of the project of sourcing local. The CLT panels however are sourced from within the EU. They also use timber from within the EU and require construction to be achieved outside of the UK due to their engineered quality and the need for prefabrication. However, the benefits of the material in the long run contribute to the effectiveness of the material. This is also said of steel, which will also aim to be sourced from UK steel producers. Sourcing the exterior materiality was of top priority and selecting a material that met the ethical ideals of the schemes concept. From research I have found that both the brickwork and the Scottish Larch Cladding can be sourced from within the UK, considerably reducing carbon footprint created by transportation of materials as well as encouraging the local economy. Bricks are sourced from brick supplier ibstock, the specific brick from their factory in Chailey, England (Ibstock, 2016). The Scottish larch cladding is sourced from Fife, Scotland. The suppliers are located 242 miles away from Hulme providing only a 4hr 8min drive.
Figure 49: Larch cladding (Russwood Ltd 2015)
Figure 50: CLT (Arch Daily 2015)
Map showing the distance to sourcing the Scottish Larch Cladding from Scotland.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT As mentioned above all wood that is sourced for this project will be from supplies who guarantee sustainable methods of providing their timber. This contributes to lessening the impact of felling trees on our environment. The steel frame however is the least environmentally considered, ‘Steel production has a number of impacts on the environment, including air emissions (CO, SOx, NOx, PM2), wastewater contaminants, hazardous wastes, and solid wastes.’ Greenspec, (2016). However, steel does have its redeeming values in its ability to be reused after the lifespan of the building has ended. As for the construction environmental impact on-site the prefabricated elements help to reduce impact with parts made off site in controlled conditions. Prefabrication reduces material waste at production, reduces the amount of time spent on construction meaning machinery is not used for long periods of time and construction details can be more closely observed to create environmentally sound structures for the long term.
CONSTRUCTION As CLT is a prefabricated product the process of assembly means there is minimal construction waste and construction time is shortened. The construction time is much shorter than insitu construction, therefore reducing the overall environmental impact on site with the reduction of machinery needed. Panels are craned onto site, the minimum use of cranes needed means that noise is limited from excessive construction methods. The short construction time is beneficial to the residents immediately surrounding the site, a contextual consideration laid out earlier in the design process. The Training centre will however have more environmental impact through its construction. With more intense and deeper foundations results in the groundwork becoming more time consuming. The prefabrication of the steel frame will contribute to reducing environmental impact on site, however the time period for the assembly of the rest of the training centre details and cladding will span a longer interrupted period. Having the majority of buildings on site using a more environmentally friendly method of construction does however decrease the overall environmental impact of the complete site.
The specific brick chosen for this project is sourced from Chailey, in south England. The distance slightly further than Scotland, yet still within a local proximity. Figure 51: Scottish Larch transportation map
LIFESPAN AND POTENTIAL FOR RECYCLING The lifespan of this building can be estimated to be around 80 years +. The structural elements of the buildings (steel and CLT) if well maintained will remain sound for a considerable time period. The question of lifespan would be in the materials used for the cladding. Brickwork is renowned for its durability and longevity. Sourcing well made bricks will contribute to the lifespan of the brickwork. The Scottish Larch is said to have a life span of 30-50years although its producers claim that this can be doubled at least. As this is the most likely material to need replacing, that can be possible with a re-cladding. As the timber does have a long life span this should not need to happen more than once within its lifetime. All materials used within this project have the potential to be recycled, from the structural elements through to the cladding. Elements of the steel frame can be recycled with ‘Globally around 85% of construction steel is currently recovered from demolition, UK 96% source (sourceWSA)’ (British Constructional Steelwork Association Limited, 2015). CLT poses potential with re-usability, as a panellised system the CLT can be disassembled and reused easily. As the larch is a natural material and harmful preservatives are not used on the wood this product can then be recycled or reused within the construction industry. The same goes for the brickwork which can surely be reused as reclaimed brick.
Figure 55: Training centre, user access and internal circulatory routes Figure 52: Plan of Training Centre with fire strategy
Training centre, fire safety
FIRE SAFETY ON SITE - In an assembly building the distance to an exit is 18m if there is possible exit both ways. - The main staircase adheres to basic fire requirements therefore can be used to escape, but not as the main route of escape. - Fire doors are 1000mm, adheres to the requirement 110+ people door must be <850mm. - Stair widths are 1200mm, should be over 1100mm - Refuge point between fire stairs of 1400x900mm - Assembly points are located around the site which will be clearly marked - Retail Units have two means of escape in smaller units and three or more in larger units. - Training centre has four means of escape.
TRAINING CENTRE - Entrances into the building are of a flat surface meaning disabled users can easily access. - Corridors are over 1500mm in width. - Circulation routes around the building are over 1500mm (this consistency remains on each floor) - Toilets are 1500 x 3000, over the guideline size for disabled users (1500 x 2200) - Doorways are 800mm with 300mm inset from wall for turning - 1500 x 1500 turning space in-front of the lift, the lift doors are over 800mm wide. (Approved document B: Fire safety, 2010)
(Approved document B: Fire safety, 2010)
Figure 53: Plan of retail units with fire strategy
Figure 54: Training Centre section moment showing handrails and diagram
Figure 56: Ramp up to retail units
-The training centre has several mezzanine elements where guardrails are needed to protect from falling. - The hand rails within the training centre adhere to K2 legislation in all handrails must be at a height of 900mm in places of education and public use. (Approved document K: Protection from falling, 2013)
Figure 57: Retail Units, user access and internal circulatory routes
RETAIL UNITS - The units are 150mm above ground level, therefore ramps are put in place to allow ease of access. The ramps adhere to requirements in a length of 2000 and Max height of 155mm. - Disabled parking is located near to the retail units, each bay is 2400 x 4800 total length with 1200mm space for exiting the vehicle on each side. - Each retail unit has 1500m ² space for wheelchair users to move around and rotate. Objects within the space are spaced out to allow wheelchair users to pay by easily and access the full floor. - Retail doors are 1000mm wide. This allow ease of access for disabled users and other users.
REALISATION STATEMENT In the realisation of this scheme we can begin to understand the impact that the project Leaf St: Re-appropriating Hulme High St, will have on Hulme. This is a place where the people of Hulme can now come to interact. It is a place where the businesses of Hulme such as Hulme Community Garden Centre and Tea Time Collective, have now got retail units near to each other so they can engage further and develop relationships. It is a place where those who are unemployed or homeless directly within Hulme or in surrounding Manchester can come to learn and be trained, enabling them to gain and develop skills enhancing their well being and life. This then allowing them to step back into society with the right skills to achieve what they want to achieve. The openness and extroverted nature of the retail space and exterior landscape creates a place where the localities of Hulme can socialise; the students, the Caribbean community, the red brick estate residents etc. now have social outlet which involves the everyday. As the site creates a key circulation route to the city it has wider effects on who the project impacts, enhancing cycle and pedestrian routes. This opens the scheme up to be a connector to the city, especially with it inviting the homeless people of the city centre to come and be a part of the Hulme community. The geometric architecture and design of the building and the creation of the social avenue implies a new and exciting way to shop in Manchester. With retailers being locally sourced it will attract people from around Manchester to experience what this small ward south of the city centre has to offer. Figure 58: 1:1250 Location and Strategy Plan
CONCLUSION Overall my scheme, Leaf St: Re-appropriating Hulme High St, has met both the requirements of the UK construction industry whilst serving the user needs. The structural strategy and construction methods of the scheme I believe enhance the user needs from concept to final outcome, the user including those who are on the workforce and a part of building the project. The aim was for this project to integrate everyone at every moment of the build, inviting the overarching concept of co-locality into the scheme. The structure is suitable for the needs of learning and retail, chosen and adapted specifically to allow for the best user experience. The scheme sits well within its context as it has been considered throughout the design process. The retail does not overpower its surrounding residential area welcoming the residents of Hulme in with ease, with the training centre becoming the focal landmark to encourage the excitement an enhancement of learning yet within a welcoming and vibrant location. I believe this scheme would improve the community of Hulme in aiding the integration of its people. Retail brings people to one place, the spaces which have been considered are designed to invite and entice users. I believe through considered material selection and programme choices that the context will only be edified by this scheme. Throughout the process my atelier approach has drawn me further into regarding who I am designing for more clearly. As an architect, I feel I have developed in how I can manage creativity with need, understanding that our role as architects is to create inspiring spaces for people but the ideas and programme are born out of the need or issue. It is our job as architects to uncover these issues and resolve them through providing well educated, considered and creative design, with the people who we are designing for at the forefront of the design process.
Figure 59: Perspective journey through the eyes of the a homeless man engaging with the scheme.
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