Volumne XV Issue 1: 2009 Spring Banquet Issue

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PRESIDENT’s Message IN THIS ISSUE “Incredible” pretty much sums up this past year here at UC Berkeley Circle K. How so? With over 20,000 service hours completed and more than $13,600 raised for our district charities, including Pediatric Trauma Program, ELI Captain PlanM O L A U H S By JO SIDENT PRE et Foundation, and UNICEF 6 Cents Initiative, it is no wonder “incredible” is the first word that comes to mind. All of this could not have been possible if it were not for such an amazing membership that works as hard as it does. Yep, that means YOU! It is incredible how fast time flies when you are having fun! I feel like it was just yesterday when I applied to be your Spirit and Social chair two years ago! Some of my best memories here at Cal have taken place at Circle K social events! I remember eating three pounds of ice cream with fellow Circle K members during the Fenton’s Challenge, singing my heart out to Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing” with you all during a bit of CKI Karaoke, and leading you all in intense cheer battles at District Convention! As your immediate outgoing Administrative Vice-President, it has been such a pleasure to see you all take part in planning Circle K events at committee meetings and take charge by chair-

ing service projects on your own! I want to say how proud I am of all the chairs this past ’08-’09 year. They have grown from shy and apprehensive individuals, to outgoing and prominent leaders. The amount of growth we have experienced as a club this year is just incredible and that is just one of the many reasons which compel me to continue the next Circle K year as your 2009-2010 President. I am so excited to say that we have an incredible ’09-’10 board! All the new chairs have been working so hard to provide you all with funny skits, exciting fundraisers, informative articles, updated website content, and so much more! I also have a diligent Executive Board that constantly makes sure that every aspect of our club stays strong and thriving. All of us on board are in for one wild ride and we can’t wait to spend it with you all in the months to come! With a new year having just begun, I am happy to know that UC Berkeley Circle K and its members have an incredible amount of passion, devotion, and drive that will take us to new heights. And with that, let us retire our swords and armor as the Knights of the Circle K, and take a trip to Hollywood where the celebrities of Circle K show the world just how good service can look.


Circle K’ers bake for soldiers serving Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, overseas. PAGE 3 consectetur adipiscing elit. Sus-

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Circle K secrets revealed! PAGE 10


I pledge to uphold the objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill towards others through service and leadership, to develop my ability and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of mankind’s potential.



MAY 2009









5:30p-10:00p UCB CKI SPRING BANQUET Lipman Room





11:00a-4:00p 11:00a-4:00p 5:00p-10:00p SOLDIERS’ ANGELS’ FINAL CHILL NIGHT STUDY-A-THON BAKING PARTY Student Learning Ctr Memorial Glade Nina’s Apartment LAST DAY OF CLASS



11:00a-4:00p STUDY-A-THON Student Learning Ctr















heating up GET READY TO chill

Come to Memorial Glade after the last day of classes for an afternoon of RELAYS, WATER BALLOONS, CANDY, & OUTDOOR GAMES. Then, cap the night off with a dinner at NATIONS. Eat and reflect on one of the best Circle K years to date!

Final Chill Night May 11, 2009








11:00a-4:00p RCD WALKATHON Memorial Glade



wants a graduation photo

to be THIS memorable

? SAVE A SENIOR. Help with

grad photos today.




April Service Brings May Flowers By PETER LE SERVICE V.P.

I always thought gardening projects were really simple and relaxed, but on Saturday, April 4, eight Circle K’ers embarked on a gardening project that proved me wrong. Jumpstart Gardening was more than meets the eye. From the description, volunteers were led to believe that they were just going to garden or, in other words, put plants in the ground. (Not saying that there’s anything wrong with that, of course. =]) In fact, none of the eight members – myself included – expected to spend the day building a garden from scratch as we did that morning. This project surely surpassed our expectations. I was impressed with all the tasks we had to do. We went to work behind the King Child Development Center using power tools to piece together wood, pick axes to break bricks, shovels to dig, and wheel barrels to spread a mountain of decomposing

mulch. By the day’s end, we had made a as we toiled under the sun. By the end of the project, we were proud stone pathway, dug holes for the plants, and constructed raised wooden beds for the to see the transformation that was made in kids to plant in. We also leveled the ground just a few hours. The weather that Saturday in order to clear an area where they could morning was perfect for an outdoor project, and it didn’t hurt that I didn’t need to go to stand during their gardening lessons. At Jumpstart, our members went crazy the gym afterwards, either. =] and showed everyone how hard Circle K can work. MONICA BAYYA used her super muscles to dig holes while JOSHUA WEI used power tools to break the rocks used to construct the pathway winding through the garden. FLORENCE LEE even broke a shovel because she was working so hard! Throughout the project, the Jumpstart staff generously provided Working up a sweat, MONICA BAYYA (left) and JOSH WEI (right) prepare holes for the legs of the raised wooden beds. us with snacks and drinks


Egg Fun for

EVERYONE! How do Circle K’ers like their eggs? We like our “eggsBy TAMMY TRAN ster”ed, of course! SECRETARY On Saturday, April 11, 24 Circle K’ers gathered at the Campanile for a day of kids, crafts, and candy. Eggster is an allday event in which low-income children enjoy pre-Easter activities, including arts and crafts, an egghunt, a bounce house, and educational booths promoting literacy and science. This year’s theme was “Space Eggploration,” so there were many posters and presentations on rockets, constellations, planets, and other space-related topics. This year, for the first time ever, Circle K had its own booth at the event and Public Relations Chair MINJI GWAK was in CAL KRONICLE

charge of the straw-painting activity we provided. Using diluted paints and straws, kids blew colors and made designs on paper. They would then leave their masterpieces with us to dry while they explored the other realms of space. These other realms included making cool tops out of pennies and CDs, bunny statues out of plastic eggs and pipe cleaners, and baskets out of paper and glue. Once they had made a basket, the kids proceeded on to the Easter egghunt. JAMES LEE, who administered the 0 to 2 aged egghunt, really made the toddlers work for their eggs. He hid the eggs underground, behind bushes, and even in trees! Whichever baby found those eggs could undoubtedly be named the next James Bond. On the flipside, JOSH LOMELI, in charge of the 3 to 5-year-old egghunt, merely scat-


tered his prizes by throwing them into the grass from where we stood. Where’s the challenge in that? It was honestly quite tempting to eat some of the eggs ourselves. Who can resist sour worms, jelly bellies, and chocolates? Definitely not the kids, judging by all the energy they had. But hey, maybe that’s just because they were happy from all the awesome-ness that was there. Because there were so many Circle K’ers present, a lot of us were able to roam around and join in on the fun with the kids. We were able to (re)learn about the solar system and make our very own pieces of artwork. We even received free books at the end of the event. (Yay for Literacy!) One booth that stood out was the UCSF booth where we were able to touch healthy livers, intestines, and lungs and compare them to those of an alcoholic or a smoker. (Yay for Health and Safety!) Even though we were not ages 0 to 7, we were still able to benefit from this great project. Congrats to Circle K for helping Eggster bring Easter to ­hundreds of kids.




After the cookies had baked and cooled down, we wrapped them up and stacked them in a box to be sent to the other side of the world. To show our appreciation for the soldiers – and to warn potentially allergic soldiers about the peaThere’s nothing like biting into a soft, but- help of other Circle nuts in some of our cookies – we made tery cookie with crunchy chocolate flakes K’ers, they have shipped and decorated a card with drawings scattered throughout and topped with a dozens upon dozens of of cookies, stars, and a Circle K bear. crisp Cadbury Mini Egg. I had the plea- chocolate chip, oatmeal, (It looked like a card from a group of T SLEY HAR sure of trying a Mini Egg cookie – one that Reese’s Pieces, sugar, and By WEFF WRITER 6-year-olds, but I think the soldiers STA wasn’t suitable for the soldiers since it had Mini Egg cookies to the will appreciate it :P.) cracked, of course – and it tasted incred- soldiers overseas. The event was a relaxing and stress-relievibly delicious. Though even I can appreciate At the baking party on Sunday, April 5, we ing way to make a difference, especially in homemade cookies (well, most kinds any- had a small group of Circle K’ers including the middle of midterms. The baking parties way), the soldiers who are TAMMY TIEU and are just friends hanging out and doing some serving us right now across DIANE CHEN helping easy baking for a great cause. the world can appreciate out. First, we gathered Nina and Andrea plan on hosting many them much more than any ingredients and took more baking sessions, continuing the bakof us. They miss the taste of turns mixing them into ing parties as a monthly project. The next food freshly baked with the bowls, mostly with the one will be later this month, so keep listenlove they had back home. help of beaters. The ing for the announcement and keep refreshThe Soldiers’ Angels bake best part came next— ing the online calendar every five minutes. to give the soldiers abroad getting our hands dirty Everyone is invited! Baking cookies is some of that homemade in sticky dough to mold so simple, anyone can help and have fun. taste and brighten up their cookie balls for bak- So please come out and give back to our Mmmm! Yummy Cadbury Mini Egg days. ANDREA KERN and ing. The dough was so soldiers! You can also help by donating to Cookies handmade by our Circle K’ers. NINA YANG have already sticky that we had to Nina and Andrea, since the costs of shiphad three baking parties this year since get our hands wet beforehand, but they still ping boxes and baking ingredients tend to starting the project in February. With the ended up covered in it. be very expensive.

The Perfect

Gift From Home

of his shirt after he spent a few hours on his knees, scrubbing paint off the floor. On Saturday, April 25, Circle K participated in Rebuilding Together’s National Rebuilding Day alongside local volunteers. Though the site was only a tenminute walk from campus, the event began at 8 a.m., which is an early enough wake-up time for a typical college student. So how do you energize a huge group of sleepy college students? Simple: feed them food! After a breakfast of Noah’s Bagels and Peet’s Coffee – generously provided by House Captain Janett and her firstmate, Chris – the group was wide awake and ready to work. For the first hour and a half, Circle K’ers prepared the rooms of the care center for painting. Furniture was moved and covered with protective plastic, floors were covered with construction paper, and window edges


Getting Down and


At 4:30 p.m., a group of paint-spattered Circle K’ers gathered in front of the Berkeley Adult Health Care for a photo. Though many were tired from a day of service, everyone was in high spirits. In nine hours, the group of 19 finished repainting the inside walls of the Alzheimer’s care center, and many had the battle scars to prove it: enthused ceiling-painter JOSHUA LOMELI had drips of green paint clinging onto the tips of his hair, while WESLEY HART had patches of paint smeared on the front 3


were taped. For the remaining time, everyone picked up a roller or a brush to color the salmon-orange walls with an earthgreen shade. The hours flew past the Circle K’ers as they worked to the beat of pop songs playing on the radio. By 4:30 p.m., almost everyone was humming Black Eyed Pea’s lastest single, Boom Boom Pow, which played like a broken record on the station. Though this event was a service project in every sense of the word, it was also a social for Circle K’ers as they talked while they worked. During one of their breaks from painting, MINJI GWAK, TAMMY TRAN, and ANHPHA NGUYEN conversed while snacking on peeled mangoes. Others took a break from the paint fumes and headed outside for a breath of fresh air. With good food, fellowship, and 153 total service hours completed, Rebuilding Together ABE surpassed expectations. Though it was a lot of work, the event turned out to be an organized and meaningful project for us and for the Berkeley community.



What better way to spend Easter than with your family – your Circle K family, that is. With the sun shining and food aplenty, it was a perfect day for the Family Picnic Park Social. On Saturday, April 12, a large group of Circle K’ers trucked over to the beautiful Heather Farm Park in Walnut Creek for a day of food, games, and, of course, an Easter egg hunt! Even before diving into our delicious lunches, many gave in to their urges to explore the playground. The rock wall beckoned, and we answered its call to the tune of success because, as you know, Circle

K’ers never back PYO HONG even managed to find a silver down from a egg, which, although not part of the Circle good challenge. K batch, was an admirable accomplishment. After conWith the egg hunt over, we casually sepaquering the rock rated and drifted between different activiwall, it was time ties and games. From (failed) attempts to to chow down. do homework to volleyball and basketball M e m b e r s h i p , games to simply relaxing in the sun and Development, chatting, we were all able to spend some and Education fun, quality time with one other. DIANA Chair IRIS HSU TRAN showed off her basketball skills organized a while JOSH LOMELI claimed the champigame of musical onship title in Chubby Bunny. lunches The day concluded with so we could swap food with one ana reenactment of the inother. Mayonnaise aside, the sandfamous “Flight of Jeswich I ended up with was pretty sica Lai” incident, and altasty and the lack of leftover food though I wasn’t there for indicated that everyone else was the original event, I can satisfied with their lunch as well. imagine how epic it must After lunch, it was time for the have been because of the big event… the Easter egg hunt! recognition it still merits After the Circle K’ers divided up today. into their respective families, it was Overall, I believe my on your mark, get set, GO! And we JOSH LOMELI amazed all friends (I wish) in the were off! Although AMY WANG with his ability to stuff ten band Sherwood would and ALEX CHU did a great job marshmellows in his mouth! most aptly describe the hiding the eggs, the Circle K’ers had their day: “it’s a beautiful sky on a beautiful day eyes on the prize and a couple of people but only you [Circle K] can stretch a smile prevailed with numerous eggs. YOUNG across my face.”

The newsletter staff celebrated their banquet at Coriya Hot Pot, an all-youcan eat hot pot buffet where you could grab as much vegetables, tofu, meat, milk tea, and shaved ice as you wanted (just as long as you finished it all!). JAMES and KENNETH LEE, however, skipped the hot pot altogether and went straight for the Korean Barbeque, which was also provided at Coriya. I have never seen so many plates of Korean Barbeque consumed in my life. An hour and several plates of food later, FLORENCE LEE was in for a surprise when MIMI DAO announced the “initiation” that she had planned for her successor. We all agreed to make Flo eat a bowl of shaved ice in less than two minutes – with-

her dance to Britney Spears next. I won’t go into detail about how that one went, but it was entertaining to say the least. As a last little surprise for our new newsletter chair, Kenneth stole her room keys and ID card on the bus ride back. I have to admit, it was fun watching her panic and look around frantically for Newsletter “hazing”: FLO stomthem before achs IRIS’S shaved ice special. realizing I had them all along. All in all, it was a great social, accompanied by amazing food and hilarious entertainment. Good luck with your new position as newsletter chair, Flo!


Easter with Your

Circle K Family



Hot Pot & Shaved Ice,



out using utensils. (AMY WANG later decided to take pity on her and allowed her to use her hands to make it easier). Flo already had at least three bowls of shaved ice before the task, and she only managed to stuff a few pieces of fruit in her mouth during the allotted time. Since she wasn’t able to complete the first part of her initiation, we made




A Weekend to




Every year, UC Berkeley Circle K and the Berkeley Kiwanis hold the annual Camp Cazadero Renovation Project. This year’s “Camp Caz” was the most exciting one thus far, as it was the debut of Cazadero as a weekend-long work party full of fun, friendship, and teamwork. Join us as we look at highlights of all the memorable moments, successful projects, and hilarious fun at Camp Cazadero.

Friday afternoon, the first team of Circle K’ers and Kiwanians arrived to set up the camp for all the nighttime arrivers. Taking the “scenic route,” they enjoyed a majestic drive through the mountains toward their destination. Upon arrival, Circle K’ers such as ALEXANDER CHU and KAREN CHEN worked with Kiwanians PHUOC KHONG, GAIL NIPITNORASATE, and DEBRA WONG to put up tents and beds throughout much of the camp.

Friday night was a blur as cars arrived at the campsite one by one. After a scrumptious dinner, Circle K’ers set out to play games and explore the camp. TAMMY TIEU and MINJI GWAK hugged a huge redwood tree in the middle of the night while a group of laughing volunteers played Cranium after dinner. Meanwhile, MONICA BAYYA and WESLEY HART explored the living quarters before preparing for a good night’s sleep.

The members of Team Man served and impressed with their manly muscles.

After all the work was done, it was time for an evening of revelry and games. Many Circle K’ers such as ROCKY ROJSIRIVAT and KEIKO TANAKA took a dip in the Cazadero Creek, enjoying the beauty of nature. Dinner was the highlight of the night: Kiwanians PHUOC KHONG and JACK ROSANO cooked meaty steaks and portabello mushrooms for all the volunteers. Wesley commented that “it was amazing; it was the most food I’ve ever eaten.” After dinner, Circle K’er JOE VU rocked the foosball table, beating competitive players BRIAN SIU and DARRELL HAWKINS. The night concluded with a magnificent bonfire, which brought Circle K’ers, Kiwanians, and Camp workers together as JC ALHAMBRA and CHERIZ CAJITA led the group in campfire songs.

Sunday morning was an eventful, but peaceful, day. Members of the Kiwanis Family completed the last of their tasks from Saturday, building fences and finishing up railings. Volunteers brimmed with pride as they surveyed the camp, seeing all that they had accomplished that weekend. As they left the tranquility of Cazadero, Circle K’ers had one last chance to breathe in the fresh mountain air. Before returning to UC Berkeley, members stopped by A&W for one last get-together, feeling closer to nature and closer to their Kiwanis Family. Brian reminisced, “I loved the way this project brought together Kiwanis and Circle K for one weekend, working toward one great cause.”


Saturday morning was full of hard work and high-octane action. The Circle K’ers were divided into teams, each led by a Kiwanian. One group, Team Man, filled dozens of tents with hundreds of heavy metal beds and mattresses, while MARIAMA JALLOH and the Bridge Team were responsible for putting non-skid pads on the bridge slopes. Meanwhile, manly men such as Wesley Hart and Kiwanian TONY NG dug holes and built railings at the Caretaker’s quarters. In charge of preparing the wood for building railings and fences, “Dainty Wrist” JOSH LOMELI looked on as AMY WANG did all the work. Overall, the Kiwanis Family accomplished the tasks they set out to complete, creating huge improvements all across the camp.

After a weekend of non-stop service, the 25 Circle K’ers repacked Sunday morning and prepared to head back to UC Berkeley.








Profession: Retired Captain of the Fire Department Administrator Years in Kiwanis Family: Joined in 1981 right after retiring from the Fire Department Positions Held: Past President and Secretary for 20 years Calls Himself: A real “softy” – NOT the angry grouch that he pretends to be! What did you learn in Berkeley Kiwanis? “It’s important to enjoy people. Enjoy people who are right there with you; they are the real things in life. Being in the Berkeley Kiwanis taught me the benefits of living ‘now’ and not thinking about what might happen.”

What Makes Berkeley Circle K So Good? “We are surrounded by a group of goaloriented people who care. These people actually love working with Circle K’ers. They didn’t join the Kiwanis Family because they don’t have anything to do. Berkeley Kiwanians have real hearts, and they make all of us swell with pride!”

Advice for Future Circle K’ers: “Enjoy every minute of it. You’re never going to know when it will be over. This is all about enjoying what you have now, and learning how to be realistic.” If you were stranded on an island, what two things would you bring? First, I would not bring a telephone. Instead, I would bring my significant other, Karen, who has always taken care of me. Because of her, everything else is tolerable. I would also bring matches to build a fire and to cook food.”

To the seniors:

May all the friends you've made

in the past 4 years

remain by your side for a lifetime . CAL KRONICLE





JOE LEE, alongside Circle K’er VINCENT LIM, prepares to give a Berkeley cheer his all during one of the many cheer competitions held at this year’s District Convention.



District Convention is the epitome of Circle K. Not only is it a wrap-up of the entire Circle K year and a chance to congratulate each other on a job well done, but it is also a fair representation of the three tenets of the club. This year, the California-NevadaHawaii (CNH) District Convention, also referred to as “DCON,” was held at the Marriott in Woodland Hills from Friday, March 27 to Sunday, March 29. The theme was “CNH in Concert: The Sounds of Service.” Well, the “sounds of service” definitely rang throughout the entire weekend, as CNH Circle K clubs bonded through a common love for music, service, cheers, workshops, and – what else? – dancing! At DCON, we’re given, first and foremost, the opportunity to celebrate all the service we’ve accomplished throughout the Circle K year, and it becomes clear that service is something that Circle K’ers keep close to their hearts. In fact, most of the Berkeley students lost their voices not from yelling during the cheer battles, but from cheering for one another as Berkeley swept all of the biggest service awards at dinner Saturday night. It’s apparent, however, that community service is something that the whole district of California, Nevada, and Hawaii (and not just Berkeley) loves to do and knows how to do well! DCON also gave Circle K’ers the opportunity to develop their inner leaders with the workshops presented throughout the weekend. Some of them were casual, like the Hip-hop and Improv workshops, but others were more professional, such as the Presidents workshop led by our very own Immediate Past President JAMES LEE. Even members who were not ready to take

on the role of leading an entire club were able to learn valuable skills that they would be able to use both inside and outside of Circle K. The final tenet was the strongest of the three at this year’s DCON; the sense of fellowship was palpable in the air. Clubs normally separated by distance were able to spend an entire weekend bonding with one another. There was the talent show, where Berkeley rocked the house with an amazing act put together by our Immediate Past Spirit and Social Chair, TIFFANY ORNEDO, and Immediate Past MD&E Chair, LINDA SHI. Our club’s theme for the performance was ”Stronger,” which featured a singing trio, jazz, and hip hop dances. As the very first act, our performance definitely got the crowd going. After the talent show, the dining room was transformed into a dance floor! Circle K’ers from all throughout the district gathered together and danced the night away in celebration of all our great accomplishments! But whether it was sitting with each other at meals or cheer battling our hearts out, each moment spent together brought us closer with not just the other schools, but within our home club as well. Alas, after a very tearful farewell to our past District Board at the closing session, it was time for us to say good bye – good bye to the friends that we had been reunited

“DCON is the perfect embodiment of what Circle K represents...”



with, to the friends we had just made, and to a truly amazing weekend. As I hopped back in the car to head back to Berkeley, it suddenly occurred to me why DCON is such an important event, why members wait an entire year for it: DCON is the perfect embodiment of what Circle K represents – service, leadership, and fellowship.

UC Berkeley’s 2009

DCON Awards

1st Place – Total Achievement (Gold Division) Growth Enhances Membership (Diamond Division) 100% On-time MRFs 1st Place – Outstanding Interclub Frank Bliss: Kiwanian of the Year 2nd Place – Outstanding Non-traditional Scrapbook 2nd Place – Outstanding Website 2nd Place – Outstanding Newsletter 3rd Place – Oratory Contest Distinguished Kiwanis Family Distinguished MD&E Distinguished Club Treasurer Distinguished Club Secretary Distinguished Admin. Vice President Distinguished Service Vice President Distinguished President 1st Place – District Service Initiative 1st Place – Single Service 1st Place – Mei Po Wong Overall Service Award (Gold Division) Distinguished Club Most Funds Raised for PTP Most Funds Raised for All DFIs 2nd Place – Talent Show Golden Gate: Divisional Unity Most Members In Attendance Most Miles Traveled




A Message From Your STC NORTH CHAIR

n Golde


sio i v i D ate


et u q n a al B

Lua u May 3, 2009



said MIMI and CARY’s workshop on running effective committee meetings was really good and helpful. If Berkeley thought so, it must have been even more awesome. HU By ALEXRC ITER W I think the best F F TA S part of the day was being able to talk to Circle K’ers from all over Northern California including Reno, Nevada. Making new friends and sharing slightly inappropriate jokes, I really had fun putting together this year’s Spring Training Conference and am so grateful for all the help and support my workshop presenters and I received. I hope you had fun, too!

congratulations to...

workshops like “Massage to De-stress” for all Circle K’ers. The event started with a hilarious skit that featured some of our very own DisEager to relax after a long day, many attended NITT CHUENPRATEEP’S trict Board members. Who massage workshop – one of the most popular workshops of the day. knew Awards Chair DMIIt was a gloomy Saturday morning the TRIY SHAPIRO had hidden Chinese acday of Spring Training Conference (STC) cent skills? (I think he does it better than North, but the rain could not dampen the me – and I’m Chinese!) After a few words spirits of the forty or so UC Berkeley Circle from the STC chair – did I mention it was K members who were ready to embark on a me, Alex Chu? – it was time for the workDistrict adventure! Waking up super early shops to begin. morning to meet at 7 a.m., everyone started This year, we had a ton of workshop prethe weekend sleepily with an hour-long senters from Berkeley, all of whom did drive to UC Davis. amazing jobs such as JAMES LEE, CHERSo what is STC North? STC North is the IZ CAJITA, MONICA BAYYA, MARGAfirst District event of the new year, a lead- RET CHIU, PETER LE, JOE LEE, and ership conference with constructive work- KATHLEEN WONG! LILY OKAMURO, shops like “How to Chair an Event” and fun our super cute Scrapbook Chair, even

James Lee

recipient of the 2009 oski award for

outstanding student leader



recipient of the 2009 oski award for

outstanding student organization 8


Curried Chicken Pot Pie


4 cups frozen vegetable mix, peas, carrots 1 – 2 tablespoons canola oil 3 tablespoons butter 1 cup chopped onions 1 cup chopped celery 1½ cups low sodium chicken broth ½ cup milk 3 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon curry powder 2 tablespoons dried parsley 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon fresh ground pepper 2 cups cubed cooked chicken 1 package puff pastry


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. Toss frozen vegetables with canola oil and spread evenly onto the sheet pan. Place pan into oven and cook until golden brown. 3. In a sauté pan, heat 1 tablespoon of butter and sweat the onion and celery. Add 2 more tablespoons of butter to the celery mix and cook out the water. 4. Add the flour and curry and cook for 1 to 2 minutes. 5. In another saucepan, heat the broth and milk. Whisk the hot milk mixture into the curry and cook until thickened. Add the parsley, salt and pepper. Toss the browned vegetables and the chicken. 6. Pour mixture into a shallow baking pan or a large terra cotta pot base, lined with foil, and top with six to eight circles of puff pastry. Place into the oven and cook until puff pastry has browned and the mixture is hot and bubbly (about 25 minutes). 9

Extra Notes

• Don’t be afraid to go crazy! The veggies that go into this dish don’t have to be limited to what’s mentioned above. Try adding diced potatoes, red bell peppers, mushrooms, or even all three! Make sure to sauté it along with the onions and the celery! • You can also mix one egg with one tablespoon of water and brush it over the crust



before baking, giving the crust a beautiful golden brown appearance. • You can buy puff pastry from nearly any store, but did you know puff pastry is also easy to make? It takes a little time and patience, but homemade puff pastry usually comes out equally, if not better than, storebought brands. If you want a recipe for puff pastry, email me at thats.oneforthebooks@ gmail.com, or talk to me any time!

Fun Facts about



Responsible for the deaths of at least 15 magicians, the most dangerous magic trick is the bullet catch. During the trick, a bullet is fired at the magician and he must attempt to catch it with his teeth. Even though the rabbit hat trick is a classic symbol of magic, the act itself is rarely a part of a magician’s show. The image of a rabbit being pulled out of a hat was initially created as a publicity stunt to capitalize on the public’s interest in a woman who claimed to have given birth to a litter of rabbits. The magic words “Abracadabra cadabra cadeen” were coined by Professor Henry Bessette. Harry Houdini had a brother named Theodor Hardeen who was also a magician. Theodor Hardeen was a leap year baby, born on February 29,1876. APRIL/MAY 2009

Contrary to popular belief, Houdini didn’t die during his water torture cell illusion. Instead, he died of peritonitis from a ruptured appendix when a student supposedly punched him in the abdomen as a part of an act. Houdini is the most commonly invited guest to many Halloween séances since Halloween marks the anniversary of his death. “Alexander” is one of the most popular stage names for magicians. It is the stage name for no less than nine magicians. In addition to being a magician, Houdini was also a movie producer and an actor. Eliaser Bamberg, a court magician in Holland, was considered one of the best magicians of his time. Even though he lost his leg during the war, Bamberg had secret compartments built into his artificial leg, which he used to hide his magic items.




The bear whose wit is as sharp as his claws! Finals are coming up, but I have not studied nearly enough. What is the most effective way to cheat? Remember: with cheating you might get caught no matter how

good your plan is. In case cheating does fail, I would be prepared with alternatives. I suggest bribing your professor. (A tip on this, though: you may need more than twenty dollars.) If this fails, then contract a life-threatening disease; your professor may be persuaded to give you an extension in this case. Personally, I would just stick with studying. -------------------------------------------------It will soon be the end of the school year, and I won’t see my boyfriend for three whole months! What do I do? As a member of a species that mates seasonally, I cannot help you. I don’t


x o B t e r c e S ies Eonnthtrof April


hen no e elevator w h t in e c n a (I d in it.) one else is until I got to (I slept with college.)


the lights on


on have a crush

so cute =)) Kenneth. He’s

. VP e Admin sh on th ru c a (I have ke that she is li I really ent. 3) d ce me. < n e p e d an noti in c e sh t tha I hope



hot =)) (I think Josh is

(Ja m e s L e e is h at) coo l... s o m e w

... se in public o n y m k es I pic uous.) (Sometim make it inconspic o t but I try

l razy coo r been E K is c t.) (I’ve neve (CIRCL re c e s y m ) is :X … d :) that kisse


even think about my girlfriend for most of the year! Just consider yourself lucky that it’s only three months. You humans get to have a lot more fun than most bears do, that’s for sure! -----------------------------------------------What do you enjoy doing over the summer? You know, the usual things: relaxin’ on the beach, chillin’ with my friends – basically anything that ends with “in.”

Have a question for Calvin? Send an email to

cki-newsletter@lists.berkeley.edu e (I had th t s e t a gre reak spring b s k n a h ever t roach a c a c a to Vijay named ) Suzuki! a s Tsuba

e and (I think Dian the cutest Wesley make ne ) . ;)ia pleinevkerD (Icotuh y and Wesle est cut make the

ed bear liv a small , ed e v li im t e pon a y day, h (Once u ll of st. Ever e fu r , fo fe li e g l in a lar wonderfu er, little did ful and owev H . n a peace oon fu would s re and adventu is peaceful life D NEXT , h NUE he know CONTI TO BE change. ISSUE)




Late Night


real options f

science – news

chinese martia



nds – camp cazadero – ta

concession sta

ocial – hands on science

newsletter & pub


bling – visit to s

lic relations committee m

eetings – movie s


or city kids – hands on

l arts tournament set-u p – chinese mar

CALVIN: What compelled you to join Circle K? JASON SIU: After an absence of service over the summer prior to leaving for college, I felt happy doing it again, and it was fun at Be the Change Day 2008. That service project, to this day, is my favorite. C: What is your most memorable moment in Circle K? SIU: Children’s Halloween Festival: scaring the bejesus out of little kids and some Circle K members. Muahahaha :)!

ention – distrcit ser

vice project –

This month, JASON SIU attended Best Buddies International, the Golden Gate DCM, cheer training, the movie social, and, of course, DCON! Beyond that, Jason volunteered for the pollworking fundraiser with Fundraising Chair KENNETH LEE and invested long hours in the creation of UC Berkeley’s towering castle scrapbook. (Rumor has it that he also acted as a secretary for Immediate Past Scrapbook Chair ANDREA KERN and convinced her to order sushi!). As if that didn’t merit an award already, Jason is also a proud, active member of the Green Penguins family as well. So here’s to Jason: way to practice service, fellowship, AND leadership! We're proud of you, Jason!



district conv


Interview by CARY LUU

aint andrew’s (driver)


tial arts tournament

Introduction by SOOYUN CHOI

scrapbook workdays


letter comm. meeting


Illustration by SOOYUN CHOI

Jason Siu




? ?


? BA



(by Anonym ou


HAVE A S U B M IS S ION? Email cki-newsle it to tt e r@ li s ts .b erkeley.edu !

Art of the Month

(Find the answer on the last page!)



? TH

What is Your Favorite Movie and Why?

“Momento because it’s so twisty that I still don’t get it!” – Helen Ngo “Parent Trap – because I’ve always wanted a twin sister or a sister I could hang out with. Oh and I love the lizard scene my favorite.” – Diana Tran “I have a list, but one of my favorite movies is A Walk to Remember. I cry every time I watch it.” – JC Alhambra “My favorite movie is Spirited Away because I feel as though it takes me to a completely new fantasy – filled world. I love Hayao Miyazaki’s work.” – Anhpha Nguyen “Ima Aini Yukimasu (Japanese movie; English title is Be With You) It’s such a sweet story!!” – Keiko Tanaka “The Prestige! What an awesome twist! It’s cool because you don’t know who the protagonists and who the antagonists are.” – Tammy Tran “Rush Hour! Cause when Asians and Black people get together, something HILARIOUS is bound to happen.” – Joe Vu “HOT FUZZ. A Delicious Mix of Murder and General Brit Silliness.” – Josh Wei “Harry Potter. I always want to have super powers and the Harry Potter guy is cute!!” – Virginia Liu “The Mummy and The Mummy Returns. Because they’re freaking cool! I love mysterious Egyptian stuff. The graphics, images, actors, and actresses were all super cool! I could watch these a gazillion times without getting bored.” – Margaret Chiu

since MARCH 2009 2243.2 SERVICE hours 6010.8 OTHER hours


$1,493 RAISED



May 12

May 12

May 15

May 16

Ian Ventura








May 24

June 1












The 2008-2009 BOARD reflects on a year of ground-breaking leadership, unprecedented levels of service, and unforgettable fellowship.




geth o t p u ge a gro r fun hu s s a h IT head supe muc SPIR d so ice, our arts and ually e h s serv r he mpli divid acco ssion for put ou ike to in MITTEE e M.R.P. CH v a M l ly a g AIR We h ip and p t we tru that I’d Y CO Workin ! M n e O t e a u ! h T s b o s h , E a t r t l y s e a f TO THE G SOM ably is ha t act emb ny o m th , RAD le K a year th large m nd talen e so ma side fro nd AWE will prob lf, and I c r i r C Thank yo UATING SENIOR r a a e t t A a . t s , u a t a . l s i u e l o ) h h e u r k o a t S f r = h s e u all for w c y a e lp f si te De oh my throug mpfire to us all. Ou being an in: onica, IC. Th onal no zing, he face - on nonsen ith all o nM w P o e a A y E M e n c sp d a w onica, c M y I knrow th y y rs ar Ik ns liocnhicea, bu M se at sounds iration u ca our sex cle K ye more pe ort of am ile to m p with m to work g year... o t .. Y . it ’s . e su true. Wcitr h in er sm ing u nd his Cir t on a everyone heout eac per for m com ing s gest als a tt of you h maz a h t soci aking t keep tha en noth t the big for pu as it was r this up and w e r u e s “freshm to encoaur ng re ho h e m o h en” to go ryage all o iggi ress ne a mo t into , but I’ll u have b s broug so muc pleasure store f s t c f o ommunit ! u k a in a o agi nno ed to y, we wo ut and support o D than hole: Y is year h ank yo s much u have t I ca nnot im e want you uldn’t be u to u d a b y w a o Th . h , a w I y t . where we r honestly g of ady eally c n as a ou all ver :p) me was all of i e h r h c d a l f t r o g e a n a o o y ’t know r in e y d e what I a imes whole. I d in ever g from system e te g to do with you with er (ever ing with MATT an s. t y m n t a b r come to s ll gone. S k a in a n a v o you be fore that wor ee what EPIC-ne d it so m club as nd beyo someth en a gre =) Don’t tways to k visit. Or else we s i a e n e e e a n o e b r e p h s t o k t v o w id e e o a il n o ho t wait v l find ou t o s v a m ’ p t b a l I y e l a o e h : u d v a . b e G W a r D n e ’ o l l orld! I’m I can re it wil 9 BOAR to me a eally gon that I h 5 peop eing you sure you od luck in the Rea 1 0 e w r l ’ n u w ill all do for s THE ’08- ave bee e have ear, kno rs. You I’ll be s haha. just fine. h vo t, and r, . W the y a u a s TO e o e u y d y s n f n t t e a e o x u o th ll ne re eb ing a ct board through my futu u all th you all o h e n y t f h i o r t i o ish out w pe sIg me w .Iw g do. A ill help iendship t to han w r n f a t a d w n l th Nice face, Darrell! HA! I stil ort a supp ed out if k TREASURER frea L.O.V.E ch . he bea t n o Hello FELLOW CIRCLE K’E s ie RS! Board Wow, I never thought the day I stop being Fundrai sing Chair would come so and how I knew close to HAHA soon~ I can still remember nothing about planning fundraisers when I first beg my first project a year ago both being the Fundraisin an . Bu t, it’s all thanks to you gu g Chair and a board memb ys that I got a lot better at er. I have definitely impro into this crazy girl who can ved from the shy quiet gir ’t stop talking now (and yes l I was in my freshman yea , I’m still all about the Gr say announcements at gen r een Penguin pride MWAH eral meetings without stu AHAHA), AND I can fin ttering! Thank you all for this year, for coming out ally list en to the fundraisers, and ma ing to me talk about my king them go ever so sm fundraisers so patiently to win Petey and Moolah oothly~ Without you gu at District Convention! ys, we would never have I also want to thank MY CO been able MMITTEE for coming out !I firs to support me at my meeti s said, whren t sta rte ng d, I had no idea what to do s and making the mini fun a for a mi draisers me st hsoe nt. But then I soon learned not to panic before my meetini fundraiser. Everything seemed so complicated and impo possible. Like I t ng ssible to implewe s, r because whenever I start never ran short of them. o the meeting, new ideas jus And despite my rantings, hf we t as kep alw I t pouring out, c did ays . I admit I was very nervo got things done on time! a us when I first started, hav I hope you enjoyed my me have a new family of peop Re ing eti ♥ ngs as much everyone stare at me all le dedicated to raising mo at the same time, but by ney for charity and seeing the but I’ll never forget the sup en d, I feel like I those numbers rise, rise, port, experience, and fun rise! This might sound che I got from FUN COMM and for helping the club esy, . Thank you guys for helpin raise so much money for g me become a better lea our PTP, UNICEF, and Ca Finally, I want to thank the der pta in Pla net Foundation~ 08-09 BOARD for always being there for me this yea fundraisers and for respo r. Th nding to my calls for hel ank you for being the bac p at board meetings! Wi k ups to all the hardcore year, and a lot of the fun thout you guys, I’d have draisers would not have a lot less guidance and bac been possible. For examp one to drive me to pick up k up this le, I’d have nowhere to sto donations and move the re the garage sale donatio m to storage, no one to sta help at graduation photo ns, no y during finals season an s, no way to do intense con d even after finals are do cession stands over sum of the 08-09 Board this yea ne to me r, an d the list just goes on an r, and I hope you guys lik d on. I loved being a part ed having me as a part of I really want to thank eve it too ! ryone individually and rec ognize those who have do this year, but then this wo ne a lot lot lot more than uld take forever, but I ho their share of helping me pe I’ve shown my apprec known without it being out iation enough throughou written here. All in all, TH t the year, to let this feelin ANK YOU FOR A GREA g be T YE AR ! <333 i doesn’t know!


ed n r O iffany






Tiffany N


Margaret Chiu



ins ANIMAL SHEL!TIEsRta, rted thisg k w a H e arrell E BERKELEYimals with m missed playinnd RVIC LE SE



H a n d als an helter D AT T ve of a EERE ring the lo loved anim siting the s I am so T N U VOL ings re vi r sha use I O HAS ank you fo did it beca ny of you a ne of the th alk sheets. H W E I h a o t N ’w , you, thing. ERYO r, so m helter e the dogs help make TO EV you, thank pecting any ne year late visit the s h t on and nitely Oh Thank year not ex But now, o ats. When I our names ng you defi e walking y i u t . c r s n e e ,J la hom conti ts, ar s and luntee event oe dog at ith the dog dogs and ca , and by vo pe you all y m h o t h it ew wi Ih the E from nd played w again, and ing tim TH TH a spend o see, aside u t ED WI o u P y o L k n E t e n H happy ve to be tak yable. Tha d cats :) WHO Pun ween jo HOSE n k llo lo n a T e y s L e g e L r o A o Th d D g m n’s Ha rolpcaknd e n N s i r A y z d a l a i E d it o their ng those am he Ch MITTE our he i both t ith all of y 0 kids and ut! E COM AY, ! m C G I o V N o d I r R w 0 g n ! YW ers new E SE ver 5 MAZ SINGL ECTS IN AN een how A been??? I k ct to have o ilies memb ijay sa 9 0 V ’ 8 e J , s e e 0 m fa RO E’ it ore hav h exp TO TH SERVICE P ould have f ival would t I did not friends and lay. ork nt i t W p u s c E ause I 0 b e e L 0 , o F h g gt er 1 rts reat n bec ow, SING crap! Wh n v g i o A o i h e t t i & c b s t a c a o o h i Holy nd the Mus ere going t ith us or t audience w oved this p oject. But n on w l w a e pr I n s w l h t e a a t n e v w g i e n e t w Linda! MD&EFes kn nt I sa nin llo be i e ev a I n h d a , t H l r n i p k e a a oyme yone for r t j d a e h o n r c n w e m b a e e o d d l c g ce ld c tin har t an ervi :) u ever milies st wou e Single S cess of crea excitemen nk yo orthwhile a PUBLIC RELATIONS All s h heir fa on King ca Th e o t t . r h w s s t p t a f d n e o e n v i miles m i a v e t r L e s e of the into my te e collabora vice becau tended the memorabl Going a part of th e Single Ser lies who at ce Chair so AMY WANGSTER - I think you are really fun! I wish I had ould be fami Servi so lov w at I al s and their 009 Single h t e z the chance to bask in your presence more! I reali s of the kid our 2008-2 ce sy NEWSL the fa term a ETTER C CHERIZ - I’m glad I got to be on a volleyball team with you making my HAIR I sure am one luck and bang our legs together! L-O-V-E we love our LTG! I had on y girl. ly officia hole of no retur lly joined for a JAMES - You have some sauce on your face right there. fe n called CHEES Cir Prow weeks before Y.) I was su helped c HEDWIG and J cle K... bjuetcIt ’mC cke AMES w on n ALEX - I love how when you smile, you smile with your ere amo ootorlodoikning for d into this blac freakish vince me in th kn an a eir own ha entire face! implicit g the first totsopr y escape. (HO for boar ppiness. Then e W w a J d at a C a k to me PK Eat- OE and JOSH c ys to stick with , an and I d for-Serv onvince t idn’t rea h is club r d they world! the in board funnest the are We BOARD 08-09 d ic ll e m y eeking o .. t h e . u AHAHAHA! , e a n se indiv v nd I did Kf iduals a derstand what . My int ery explicitly, t You made all the work so much fun while we did it togethFa n e o apply I g e w reat dea rview p was gett sletter c m r l, for I t hair, bu er. =) That’s what she said. But really, thank you for all of three of ruly fee ing myself into obably sucked l blessed , them. D t a member of , b ut I tod the support you gave without any hesitation! I love you all! your 08 amn, I lo to have a 08-09 BO y o w 0 b e v 9 e et en C ARD: yo of you. u guys a his club now. W ircle K board, a not only your Now, w r lo e T ng with a H ll . a A MINJI GUACAMOLE - I’m so excited about your upcoming it ma h ny for me, at least I care m time, I’ve come zing. From the way… year as our Public Relations Chair! I promise I will always uch mo b t o e You alm g r in e s nin pect you re for ost ( a great d g, I liked every be just a phone call/text/email/tap on the shoulder away! And the d! or do) put othe you the more I e one al m e n =D have bear there’s MY NEW rs to shame, yo respect you. An ore, and, at leas en the b u t d ’r S u e I love yo LETTER ane of m guyss qhe u guys! COMMIT all so cool! y lp e e T x d comp istence.. EE. I ca 09-10 BOARD- Hey... this sounds like the beginning of a c y le ahn air has been an h te my year, and, u . I KID. If board n’t stress enough h hilarious joke.... How many Circle K-er’s does it take to iffla buil ow me ltim on T ideas jokes. Your workor and thank you ately, my love fo t the foundation, you run a club? 16! Ha! Ah Ha! Ha! Ha....! r y for putt I did or C h ing up w ircle K. Being ou could n as been outsta with all n y o it o d t h u in implem that ent for y g, and even th me, especially r VIJAY - CHANGE YOUR RINGBACK TONE! Love, Finally.. now LOL. ough th my ou, I ha . MEMB e ve no d ERS: yo Your best wing-woman. have an oubt tha re are many y MRP u t FLO ca levels, b ’re all crazy. Y ship do n deal ou don’t ut as CH es not t RIS PLA have th ake any mitmen e S o T t fficial fo itle – yo ERER m ty rm o um ent again if ou put into this I didn’t club is… f recognition r ioned at DCON ay not e believe willingly a , leadera lly, and lmost sc we s t with yo erve… but you had an amazin ary. I wouldn’t he level of com u guys a have ru g mem n nyway! know, enough of this c bership I would for board heesine gladly Your 08 ss! I hOav -09 new e anoth and u r s le M tter cha secrer year imi Dao ir, . rell!

Cary Luu

Mimi Da


on ’t







m n’t



Andrea Kern

TO MY 08-09 BOARDIES: Wh o knew a year ago that this is what we would accomplis be on board with all 15 of h! I am so proud to you. We each brought our own to the table and togeth could accomplish anything er I really felt like we we set out to do. You are all so amazing, and I’m gratefu TO EVERYONE: THANK YO l to have you guys. U!! I seriously can’t say tha t enough! Everyone who hel scrapbook (all 60+ memb ped out with the ers), stayed long hours, hel ped lug that huge castle aro showed up to the random und, everyone who service projects I chaired! You guys seriously made amazing experience. I’ve nev my W year on board an er met a group of people so loving and dedicated to theho w club. I must be one of the luc coma mu ky ones to say that I’ve had and nnit this great chance to work wit of you guys know I’m leavin t.syMo h all of you g this July for Spain, but I fee msto l like when I return my sen my Circle K family to com ior year I’ll still have re e back to. That is a GREAT feeling! Now we’re on to 200 already awesome! I hope I 9-2010, you guys are get to see you guys kick ’08 -‘09’s butt!!





es k the 08-09 ong oesg the ly want to thand al re I . es Kathleen W tim od ! s, and go st bein es closed), and ju rvice, laughs, smile SECRETARY

ey r all of the se d, being d to do it with my THANK YOU fo g on my snowboar inutes (even if I ha in m g an gg tin ee bo m to d a, ar nz bo nce ever those rty bona What can e up to type all of my first hip hop da ght New Year’s pa m ni in g g er in in ov ep t nc es ke da , W e, o SP m G g LS : atin ket squares for D ghlights of the year BOARD for motiv , and a million blan e! My personal hi re ar ua u sq yo ur at fo th g, le op tin lovely pe e, finger pain with Keiko at Taho n! extremely daring ! W MEMBERS: you guys are crazy (period);)!. ve hNE s District Con ntio e, JoTH ZY A KR a E d an ll the craziest! at FTC, ther TO ORES: but we’re sti OM on t PH SO s E TH o TO l numbers<3 run for Secretary Ws Alm big hearts in smal shman, got me to for fre a ve as lo b of t clu lo e a th wit TO THE JUNIORS: EX)! I have ght me into AL ou ks br an gy er (th hT y en ar ur et r! Yo w I’m District Secr iffa ired us all, I swea at you do! d what the heck no the class that insp an , S: ge OR lle NI co SE of n ck in everything th E lu ar TH ye of t hout the years! st TO 1s y! be y e m th g u in yo ing us grow throug h! I wish ) after finish ch uc at ES to w M d se JA lo an ks t heights! n’t or an do pp (th e su pe w Eboard Circle K to great r all of you fo CB U ks y an rr Th you guys and I ho ca . ill ol w co Thanks really ow you ! I’m quite proud. s* Cheriz, you’re ! Good luck! I kn of re do ro stu e ill ge w on d r u an de yo *h gs un e! in rs e t th CHERIZ: hi m year of 4 Circle K’ rward to the grea we lasted a whole D: I’m looking fo : Good timesss! AR Y) t. AN BO en FF W tm TI NE ar d E ap an TH e T, th TO AT M nd , ou KY ar s OC es crazin ENT-MATES (R my *occassional* & TO MY APARTM for putting up with KIWANIS FAMILY CHAIR

Gangster! AMAZING year. I say? It’s been an

Monica Bayya

I hate good-byes/farewells with a passion. Farewells seem so final like there is no other choice but to look straight ahead for what has yet to come. So I will attempt to write a farewell. I apologize in advance haha. TO MY SUCCESSOR DIANE CHEN...I know you will do the Kiwan is Family Chair position proud. DON’ T STRESS OUT SO EASILY. Save it for school :]

line Waiting in akes

ll m arre



TO THE BEST KIWANIS FAMILY COMMITTEE...You made my re! job much easier than it really shouldhe e have been. Everyone contributed a little something that made r a s me fall in love with the Kiwan villanis Family even more. From a huge successful turnout for Key to College to the first-ever Murde Ther Mystery dinner, you should . feel super accomplished for making the Kiwanis Family stronger. Thank you for showing up to table mformy committee meetings and just being o c n u helpfu l in genera l. le eop TO THE BERKELEY KIWANIS...My definitions of young and old are completely different now. I never had the chance to get to know my Kiwanis in high school but even if I ever did, I suspect you would still be infinitely more amazing. I love how everyone’s personalities work and even sometimes clash. I truly believe there is no greater Kiwanis club than the one I call my home: the Berkeley Kiwanis. TO THE BOARD 08-09...I love you. I couldn’t imagine a more perfect board. We put our hearts into our respective positions and made magic happen. I’m still amaze d at what everyone did. We did it. Not only did we make each position our own, we made it go above and beyond all expectations. I’m so proud and honored to have served with you.





ookin’ evil there,arJoe. e

Notice the lack of actual or any farewells. Haha I told you I suck at them. Goodbye 08-09 year and hello 09-10 year!



Vijay Suzuki

don’t get too cold. You don’t l. Like ice cream, but cooler. But coo Ice l. coo ded d soun of ld shou it did that right I am still just not ready to say goo Hey, hey~, heyyyyy~! Now if you a little carried away there. I guess Got e. n’t dby goo have ior still I Sen ! n whe yeah Oh, here do ya? thrown out of want me to amputate your foot now RS and I feel like now I am getting d here for like less than TWO YEA been rence. I want to help! I know i soun diffe only a e I’ve mak me. to t for wan hard still It’s I bye. ple, peo e mor t It’s e. mee leav to t to t wan ld, i just don’t wan get involved, I still that Berkeley has become my wor done anything yet! I still want to do so much in this world and now to t s people in People’s Park who wan i eles it, hom e help thos cant i of but one , selfish right now Everything I own. I’m like e. ther stuff my all my door for once. No, have ally ld actu ,I home. If it was then I wou lock is this the place I call home. In my dorm that nes rmi dete if it that Joshcarries all their belongings with them. But it’s not my stuff much, but how else can I phrase it? I honestly would not of stayed in Circle K and ple hé peo Clic e e. thes hom is & people here that makes me feel like this didn’t go. And now I have to face it’s theT iffapeople in it because I could do volunteer work with any other group, but no. IBec e here cause I’m ause i need to hide from everyon the here n weren’t for y t, forget that, instead, i am tailgating my gluteus maximus out of like I need to ng feeli out with ial Soc stay at the Family Park even t say goodbye. Yeah righ can’ I y, ousl Seri s) -nes olar (Look at this bi-p too scared to be close with you all. didn’t even say goodbye. much I went home early for work, and I I elf, all I can do is complain on how mys d ude secl I run. And I did. to be writing a senior goodbye, but ose know supp you am s, I it? time isn’t first ic of Iron lot a e. er dby y from you all. I still rememb Awa Here we are again, the word goo y. awa be to g And goin elf. I’m mys like and then introduced word makes me feel hate that word. How much that obnoxious and making fun of you g bein was one ably the ’s prob that I e and caus ect ling a service proj ling. Hopefully smi “hellos.” Where we would be at you either super mad at me or smi ow ing iIkn mak use me of beca T ory JEC mem a PRO or e GLE nam want to go to EVERY SIN me es BAM! Now you either have a nick mak that all you you of but one d, y t that sounds weir akers, it’s each and ever giddy inside. In a manly way. Wai I was aiming for. Gosh darn will eone will be there makes me all som EFF that! I just LOVE you! ! that g too. win ice Kno serv e. g ther s doin e eon like s I’ll be seeing som g service with people who e doin like I les. n smi r you i like I y. s n. I like your compan tbiumea know wha you wouldn’t be reading this ally LOVE you! ns we have a connection or else s ousl mea ’ I eseri that le artic . this r ing read ’re d bye one. I can’t say goodbye to you article because if you t Pe Yes, the person reading thisldn’t. And I guess that’s what makes it so hard for me. I am a hello guy, not a goo ed up like a ball in the fetal position nch long essay. Man, I know i wou I am in the corner of my room scru a smile because deep down inside with e leav and out walk just t I can’ I do. so say goodbye. But that’s the thing: suppose to take you further. And praying that I don’t really have to to choose. They’re the ones that are need you fork s to e one com the I ally So usu sn’t. are s in life to be the one that doe They say that the hardest decision now, as the other decision seems travel are suppose to hurt you the most that s ? Or do I stay with the group and one lone a the el are trav they and p lif,e grou my the far in from rate sepa I Do I ? so it this es do taken, a path that mak , their friendship. Can I V : their support, their comfort in my road. Do I take the path not ther is e yon ht ever mig use that ld i beca n wor agai j this on in aypers over and over there is one the path that has been walked on ’ s change them? Make them feel that me? ple, peo from help that felt and ld you e wor Hav t the ss acro can live another day? oo even have what it takes to travel take a bullet for them, just so they cood.l That I would be ! all their trust in them and I would my own flesh and bloo like you to up n not even know them at all buthput ope did I fora five letter you to e spok I n whe that simple “hello” was deeper than osyou my all and scn,hand Have you ever felt like I gave the bond that was created with a t Tha ? ched r brai atta you so J into feel I y bod why r ool of need? Is that r blood cells, traveled you , you s, lung r there for you in the time you into red ente e eled through the air you breathed, but you for the rest of eternity? And with keep r to trav me of only e not piec a that d but wor e e than a memory, t is so that I could give you mor back down to whe th re the hearthat . you xicating to it give to ted n on this keyboard, alcohol is into t you wanted piece, I wan es my vision imp whether or snot aired as if every time I pushed dow . You you see I n whe mak le It smi ts. to o hur all It I have to say goodbye. I ever wanted. You all. You ng And now ythi ever of trol e. con ther lm like lose out me e the best medicin it really is and making I have to leave. To me, laughter is A em the depressant my syst ause Bec go. n to whe have I me use with h beca laug have illness that I I already know. Just all to laugh because it cures this se just don’t say goodbye because plea I’ll me, go, to see me you for es time t com Nex . time you of finally when the So for my last request that I ask do, just laugh and I’ll smile, and ing that my because I am joke. Whatever you scared I’ll laugh really loud hop get I time y ever And . we crack a joke. Or laugh at me way the of step y far away. ever too me not w is follo it and know that home travel while hearing the laughter go but will ly you’ll laugh back and I’ll hear eful yone hop y ever and to up le ng smi a givi on not am pass I know where I am just Flower Girl will reach you, so you know that hn lauga t to give me a message but don’t wan ever ld. you if wor And the K. in g le f thin Circ in ous people ion dollar smile is the most contagi ifThank you to all the where ever I am because your mill Tyou see and that smile will get to me





As us

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Peter Le

TO BOARD: Well, I didn’t exp ect this year to go by so fas t, but it did. I had the privile an amazing board this year ge of working with and I am flabbergasted eve ry time I think of the accom I would not be where I am plishments we made. without the 08-09 Board me mbers. I am proud of our love everyone and I will alw accomplishments. I ays cherish the time we had working together. Here is have had. I know everyone to the great year we will go on to do even bigger and better things. We showe possible! d that anything is TO THE MEMBERS: You me mbers were crazier and mo re active than we were last a lot. Thanks for being so year and that is saying awesome and making this yea r a memorable one. Thank chaired a project and everyo s to eve ne else for being active by going to service events. It is Virg ryone who that this year was so great. becauseinofiaall of you Let the good times roll. B






Joe Lee

that it was you who played a significant part in my life at Cal. TO CIRCLE K: Thank you for creating the person I am today. If you are reading this, please know if it weren’t weren’t for Circle K, I wouldn’t have been able to meet the most amazing people in the world. And If it weren’t for Circle K, I wouldn’t have been able to develop my social and leadership skills. If it life. for passion and ambition my find to able been have wouldn’t I K, for Circle been a lifealone cannot express how I feel, but I would like to let everyone know that Circle K has definitely I want to thank all of the members and officers I’ve worked with for the past four years. Words how I feel by your Senior year. exactly know you’ll and it with Stay =). granted for club the take don’t MEMBERS NEWER THE changing experience for me. TO I thank better life. I will think about Circle K everyday and how the organization has led me up to this point. I thank you, Circle K, for saving me in so many ways. I feel the utmost confidence to strive for a you, Circle K =). --tell you the truth, I cannot sleep because I am thinking about each and every one of you. TO BOARD: Oh my God. Am I going to miss you or what? It’s almost 6:00 in the morning, and to and ridiculous reason I wanted to use to “quit.” I have to say that I’ve admired your charisma many times, JOSH – You have taught me patience and the lesson of how there is more to life instead of whatever a ditsy guy, I know still you’re though Even leader. a as and person a as grown you’ve that feel I year. this you you’ve definitely tried your best instilling hope, appreciation, and encouragement in everyone around that’s one type of personality I’ve always enjoyed on board. =) foresee definitely respect that! I’ve seen the passion that you have for Circle K since day one and I can definitely DARRELL – You were always that guy who believes in respect for yourself and for others, and I I want to thank you for allowing me to be part of it all. I felt so honored to be part of something and amazing, unspeakably were projects service single The career. college entire your that strong drive throughout great, impacting our communities in such huge ways – no joke! committee single time I run into you, the majority of my stress disappears. Board meetings, general meetings, CARY – I remember being so excited to have you on board. I want to thank you because every you in the world. Your voice, your jokes, and your smile… it’s all like else anyone is there if wonder me makes presence your – parties at especially and meetings, socials, service projects, on-campus, off-campus, because you’ve saved me from stress many, many times. beautiful - I am speaking from my heart! I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart again! Do you 2) our drive/walk to your apartment after board meetings! Do you remember Yosemite? Let’s go ANDREA – Two fond memories I’ll always have with you: 1) Yosemite and service projects and who brought our Circle K’ers you was it because you to hours service those of thousands dedicate to want I – Andrea one! remember all those service projects? Of course, because you drove to almost every single after board that you’d always be willing to help, and that made me happy. Our drive/walks to your apartment to the projects. I remember freaking out every Thursday and Friday night about rides, but I knew I am so glad I did. meetings: priceless. I feel like I learned something new about you every drive/walk we’ve had, and all areas am so glad that you’ve stuck with Circle K this far. Margaret, you are extremely hardworking in almost MARGARET – I am so glad that I ran to the back of the Dwinelle lecture hall to greet you, and I myself. You = random spasms, outbursts of evilness, angry fun, happiness, and best of all, especially enjoys, everyone that personality great the have to able also You’re inspiration. ultimate me of life and that gives Come find me and let’s hug! You deserve all the happiness in the world. appreciation. This makes you an awesome human being. You are so cute, funny, and even naughty! down, deepest part of my heart for everything that you’ve done for me. You were there whenever I was feeling the from you thank to want I and lot a through been We’ve LINDA - Oh my. Where to start with you? at some moments, haha! I’m always proud to say that you’re girlfriend my really were you like felt I what? know You hand. own your of back the like me know and you always knew how to make me feel better. You we first met. that my other friends question where their friendship stands with me haha. I will never forget how one of the bestest friends I’ve made in Circle K and at Cal. I brag about you so much to the point an amazingly creative Kiwanis Family dinner organized You program. College to Key outstanding an organized You history. K Circle in MONICA - I am so proud of you. You have created the largest committee and ambibut at the same time, I knew you could succeed no matter what, especially with your awesome goals at the end of your term. I felt like I missed out too much of your committee meetings and projects, Circle K, you are Besides family! own my to even and friends to everywhere that expressed I’ve and happy, so me tion. You literally brought the Kiwanis Family Chair position to a whole new level. You truly made such a good friend. You are so mature and I really look up to you for that. =) K work. I to those old e-mails and listen to the songs to relax whenever I’m stressed out from school or Circle TIFFANY O. - Can you continue sending me those cute songs over e-mail? Haha! I still go back nights. You know what comes to my mind when I first think of you? A girl with an outgoing, bubbly and days the during feel I how in difference a made truly that think I because that, for you really want to thank person with you definitely catch my eye everyday during the schooldays. Tiffany, thank you for being such a nice personality with a ton of humor and great sense of fashion! You never fail to make me laugh, and a big heart for everyone around you. time managea huge part of Circle K despite how hectic your life is. Tiffany, you seriously inspire me with your TIFFANY N. - I am so happy that you didn’t go back to Las Vegas. I am so happy that you’re still school and all activities. I learned a lot from you this year for wisely more time my use and harder work to want me make You yours. like schedule ment skills because there is no way I would survive a diligent lot of success I hope we have more times like that! You’re an amazing person and I know you’re going to have a and I thank you for that. I loved that one time we hung out at Ikea and spilled each other’s secrets.


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in the future. to adapt the board life as an executive officer! I want to let you know that I was extremely proud of your ability KATHLEEN - I remember the times when you first hopped onto board, learning and adjusting to for your and working with you has made my executive board experience so much better. Thank you so much quickly and become such a positive role model for the board this year. You have been so responsible patience. your admire I forms! report unfinished the about reminders those all and patience the district. for all that you did for the club and most importantly, for the communities you’ve impacted all over PETER - You have saved my butt so many times and I also want to say that I am extremely proud is perfect for you and so far, you are rocking it. One of the things I admire about you position President Vice Service The has. r e K’ Circle true a what is that and service, for passion You have an unbelievably huge around and it has really been heartwarming to see that. Peter, you’re a person with a big heart for everyone the most is your ability to listen, learn, and change for the better. You’ve changed and grown so much you. Thank you for being you and good luck this year! able to here and there. I feel like we lost touch, but at the same time, whenever we run into each other, we’re VIRGINIA - Throughout this past Circle K year, I’ve definitely missed our frequent lunches and dates we’ve had in the past. Remember our watertalks intimate the forgetten haven’t still I and advice, best the give still You smart! and continue off from the last page we left off of. Virginia, you are so kind, thoughtful, life is over! Thank you so much for still being a good friend and we’ll definitely hangout more now that our officer melon-eating day? That was something extremely special and I can never repeat it with anyone else! of what Circle example best the being for you Thank are. you tired or busy how matter no going keep to able VIJAY - Thank you for instilling that passion for service in everyone’s heart. Thank you for being club wouldn’t those Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights with your volunteerism for driving! Without you, our K means to you. Not only have you been my ultimate inspiration, you definitely saved my butt on - your and myself can always count on you for any kind of help. That’s one thing I really like about you membership, board, entire The you! to hours those of thousands dedicate I hours. 19,700 its have reached =). board on with working miss I’ll quality special one That’s can. you whenever out willingness to help board board members who didn’t complain about anything. You were one of the prime examples of a diligent MIMI - I am so glad we got to know each other better. Mimi, you have always been one of those made my working experience on board so much more enjoyable! You’re truly has personality your because person unique that being for you thank to want I And K. Circle member who has a really good heart for this in you that it makes me so freaking proud, and I cannot wait to see what you’ll bring for your board the Administrative Vice President now, and you’re doing an amazing job so far. I see so much ambition next year =). Let’s have more lunches together! club board grown! I want to say that this was very unexpected, haha. I had no idea the two of us would stick to JAMES - Wow. We did it =). We survived three years of board together, and look at how much we’ve year, I realized that you developed an past This help. the needed I whenever there being for but President, inspirational and for so long, and wow. James, I want to thank you for not only being such a hardworking doctor. on board very awesome. I want to wish you the best of luck at UCLA! I know you’ll be an amazing amazing ability to listen, and find friendly solutions around any problem. You have made my experience



Dear board, thank you so much for being amazing. 2008-2009 was the perfect Circle K year for me,




and all of you have made that possible!


James Lee



atio ns

Hi CIRCLE K! Thank you for giving me the best years of my life. I’ve learned so much over these past four years, starting off as weird, awkward freshman and becoming a confident, ridiculously good-looking senior. Thanks for teaching me patience, time-management, success, and what it means to make friends that will last forever. I still remember spending my Gualalas building bunk beds and playing telephone charades. I won’t forget the times when I ripped my pants at broomball, held hands with the other freshmen while crossing the street at my first DCON, and made hand prints on a mural at DLSSP. Forever in my heart will be this year, all the things we’ve learned, all the things we’ve accomplished, g in t all the times I’ve embarrassed eeall the memories. I won’t forget tee mand mitmyself, my board, our year, and this family. Thank you Circle K and I promise I’ll be there for you in the future, even if I’m halfway across the state!



Scrapbook James


We were strangers, starting out on a journey Never dreaming what we’d have to go through Now here we are, and I’m suddenly standing At the beginning with you Circle K has influenced my life in every way. It has taught me things like planning events and talking to strangers. Most importantly, Circle K has taught me how to love unconditionally – to love strangers, to love service, and to love friends. When I first joined Circle K, I was really shy. Although I am still shy, I feel that I have grown so much. I have learned what it means to sacrifice and to give something my all. For that I want to thank everyone in Circle K. TO THE FRESHMAN CLASS, thank you for being so dedicated. TO THE SOPHOMORE CLASS, thank you for sticking around. TO THE JUNIORS, take what Circle K has given you and apply it. TO MY SENIORS, I love you all. No one told me, I was going to find you Unexpected what you did to my heart When I had lost hope, you were there to remind me This is the start To CHERIZ, KATHLEEN, JOE, ALEX, and JAMES: From the first Fall Training Conference and the first District Convention to the last, we had so many good times. You made Circle K what it is today. I wouldn’t be where I am without any of you. Good luck to each and every one of you. Let’s gnaw that $h!t! We were strangers on a crazy adventure Never dreaming how our dreams would come true Now here we stand unafraid of the future At the beginning with you



Alex Chu

Throughout my now four years in Circle K, in the best club ever in CNH International, I’ve seen our club grow so much. From a small club of maybe 70ish members, we grew to a hundred + club when I was MD&E my sophomore year. Back then, I thought that numbers were everything. All I wanted was the biggest increase ever because I thought that would leave an impact that would last. But looking back on all these years, I’ve found that growth is not just about members recruited or hours increased. In fact, what we measure success by is no where near as tangible. The communities we impact are left better. People leave our club changed – better, and strangely happier and smilier than when they came in. Even if we weren’t the number one club in the District every year (and we totally are – the District Secretary told me), I’m leaving the club that I love fulfilled because our members have grown so much, as leaders, as friends, as people, finding themselves as they find ways to help those less fortunate than we are.

Cheriz Cajita

At the end of my four years in Circle K I literally don’t know what to say in this Senior Farewell. Save the tears and the most personal stuff for that Senior Goodbye at banquet. There are a lot of things I take away from Circle K and the most important are – the memories, the friends who’ve become my family, and life experience which overall made me a better person. Thanks to all the past Circle K officers for shaping me into the person and leader I’ve become. I really miss being a part of club board and even though it was SO stressful and nonstop; I’d go back in time and do it all over again. To the 06-07 BOARD, I remember when I fell in love with all of you and all the growing we endured that year. To my 07-08 BOARD, sometimes I can’t believe you put up with me as your president and also thank you for keeping me alive hahaha... TO THE GUARDIANS, thank you for putting up with my crazy and sometimes scary intensity. TO MY SENIORS, I don’t know what I’m going to do without all of you. You taught me how to love, to be a good friend, and to accept help from other people. TO UC BERKELEY CIRCLE K, I hope that I come back in a few years and you’re still yelling my cheers at DCON and that Final Chill Night and Cheer Training still exist. You’ll always be a part of my heart, UC Berkeley Circle K. I know I’ll use everything I’ve learned as a leader for this club and use it throughout my life. Thank you for making me into the person I am today. I love you, UC Berkeley Circle K.





HEY BERKELEY CIRCLE K: HOW DO YOU FEEL? Because I feel pretty spiffy right now! Why? Because I really, really, REALLY can’t imagine a better way to cap off this amazing Circle K year than with the CE LEE Spring Banquet and, N E R O L F y B TER CHAIR NEWSLET of course, all of you guys – the people who made this year a year to remember. Come to think of it, this month in of itself has been pretty amazing, don’t you think? From DCON to the first general meeting of the 2009-2010 term, I can’t think of one moment when you guys didn’t make me smile like crazy. Thank you, MIMI for putting up with


my cluelessness and holding my hand through my first issue as Newsletter chair. I just wanted to tell you, “GIRL! Why are your feet so big? Because your shoes sure are hard to fill!” Hehe, corny jokes are my specialty, but really – thanks, Mimi! I couldn’t have hoped for a better predecessor. On a more general note, I hope you all enjoy reading through my committee’s first issue of the ’09-’10 year. Hopefully you see some changes that you like, read through some articles that make you smile, and continue reading future issues of the Cal Kronicle! So, to all you Circle K’ers: Are you ready to put on your stunna’ shades and hang your V.I.P. tags around your necks? Because you’re going to be needing them for the coming year. You’re in for a year of lights, cameras... SERVICE!

Going to miss Circle K over the summer?

You don’t have to.

Contact Iris Hsu to sign-up for the summer mailing list. Receive updates about summer socials & projects.

Service doesn’t have to end!

Josh Lomeli

Tammy Tran

Kenneth Lee

Minji Gwak

Tammy Tieu

Diana Tran

Lily Okamuro

Iris Hsu

Darrell Hawkins

Florence Lee

Matt Tadros

Diane Chen

Sooyun Choi

President (909) 725-8551 cki-president@lists.berkeley.edu

Secretary (714) 290-4411 cki-secretary@lists.berkeley.edu

Mimi Dao

Administrative V.P. (714) 925-9044 cki-adminvp@lists.berkeley.edu

Peter Le

Public Relations Chair Fundraising Chair (510) 926-1174 (714) 326-3127 cki-fundraising@lists.berkeley.edu cki-publicrelations@lists.berkeley.edu

Single Service Chair Webmaster Scrapbook Chair (714) 360-4284 (909) 837-8114 (818) 642-0916 cki-webmaster@lists.berkeley.edu cki-singleservice@lists.berkeley.edu cki-scrapbook@lists.berkeley.edu

Member Development & Education Newsletter Service V.P. Project Coordinator (818) 292-0397 (949) 433-7405 (310) 804-1458 (323) 919-2422 cki-servicevp@lists.berkeley.edu cki-membership@lists.berkeley.edu cki-projectcoord@lists.berkeley.edu cki-newsletter@lists.berkeley.edu

Margaret Chiu

Treasurer (718) 612-3620 cki-treasurer@lists.berkeley.edu


Spirit & Social Chair (562) 746-2331 cki-social@lists.berkeley.edu

K-Family Chair Member Recognition Program Chair (718) 612-3548 (951) 398-9891 cki-k_family@lists.berkeley.edu cki-mrpchair@lists.berkeley.edu




Did you manage to GUESS THAT BABY?

Board Contact Information


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