Living Well With Arthritis: Stress Management

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What is Stress? !   Mental and physical responses to the changes and challenges of everyday life. !   Caused by stressors







The Stress Response Cycle




Warning Signs of Stress Elevated Blood Pressure

Grinding Teeth, SweaMng

Increased Heart Rate What Are Other Effects of Stress?

Headaches & Migraines

Stomach Aches, Gassiness

Stress & ArthriMs !   Managing and coping with stress is important for people with arthri:s. !   Stressful events in your life can trigger chronic pain, joint inflamma:on, and muscle tension. !   Chronic pain, in of itself, is a ongoing stressor. !   Stress as trigger for muscle tension.

Managing Stress ! ! ! ! ! !

Pinpoint your stressors.   Keep a posi:ve aAtude.   Redirect your focus away from pain.   Organize, priori:ze, and strategize.   Ac:vely prac:ce relaxa:on techniques.   Exercise and eat right.

Pinpoint Your Stressors !   Recognize and evaluate the stressors in your life. Change them! •  Control your surroundings. YES •  Find a support network. •  Plan for stressors you can Can I change the an:cipate. circumstances? NO

Can I change my aQtude? Always!

Keep A PosiMve AQtude !   Prac:ce posi:ve self-­‐talk. !   Turn away from self-­‐defea:ng thoughts. I can’t do this.

I can and will do this! I am unique!

Why can’t I be like ___?

Redirect Your Focus !   The amount of :me you spend thinking about pain is directly related to how much discomfort you feel. !   Focus on a :me you felt healthy, happy, and relaxed. !   Spend :me with the people you care about and do the things you love.

Organize, PrioriMze, Strategize

What do I need to do? What can I do now? What can I save for later? Can I do this in the :me given? How do I do the things I need to do?


PracMce RelaxaMon Techniques ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Visualiza:on   Progressive Muscular Relaxa:on Techniques   Get 7-­‐8 hours of sleep every night.   Yoga   Tai Chi   Massage and spa therapy   Medita:on   Aromatherapy Find relaxaMon techniques that work for you.

Exercise and Eat Right !   Try the Arthri:s Founda:on’s Programs for BeZer Living (physical ac:vity programs).

!   Head outdoors! Engage in regular and moderate-­‐ level exercise. !   Eat a balanced, healthful diet, and avoid drugs and alcohol.

Conclusion !   Everyone experiences stress. !   For individuals living with arthri:s, however, it is important to manage stress to prevent triggering stressors that can induce more stress. !   Prac:ce good stress management, and find the techniques that work for you!

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