1 minute read
Nidus Idearum. Scilogs, VIII: painting by numbers
In general, all three NP components are: either totally independent, or partially independent and partially dependent, or totally independent –depending on the application and on the experts.
See: http://fs.unm.edu/NSS/PracticalIndependentNeutro sophic36.pdf.
The sum may be any number up to 3.
For example, you can calculate P1 using some parameters, while P3 using other parameters (so P1 and P3 are not necessarily related).
Similarly P2 calculated using different parameters.
In your case with alcohol, there is only one parameter = alcohol, so the three probabilities are dependent and their sum is up to 1.
The sum up to 3 is not purely mathematical, as you say, but occurs when the three probabilities are calculated with respect to different parameters.
For example, P1 is calculated with respect to alcohol, P2 is calculated with respect to stress, P3 is calculated with respect to something else not related to the alcohol nor to stress...
Florentin Smarandache
A SuperHyperGraph is a HyperGraph (where a group of Edges form a HyperEdge) such that a group of vertices are united all together into a SuperVertex { like a group of people (=vertices) that are united all together into an organization (=SuperVertex) };