“F Photo by: Amanda Griffis
lorida sunsets are beautiful; you cannot go wrong. For 20 years I have been blessed to be able to see a Florida sunset … and this one was very stunning. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.” St. Augustine’s Amanda Griffis shot her portrait under the SR 206 Bridge in St. Johns County using a Canon Rebel T7.
y grandfather was an avid self-taught photographer. When he retired from Police Chief of Lake Wales, Florida, photography was one of his favorite hobbies. He loved to capture Florida wildlife at different parks, reserves, roadsides or even in his backyard. He took this photo in his backyard canal in Lake Wales, Florida.” —Madison Helm; The late Gary Helm of Lake Wales, Florida shot this photo on his Canon PowerShot SX60 HS.
Photo by: The late Gary Helm
F L O R I DAC O U N T RY Fe b r u a r y | M a r c h 2 0 2 3