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Job Openings by Minimum Education Requirement
Job Openings by Minimum Education Requirement
The study identified which occupations have the most job openings, broken down by the minimal educational requirement including:
Post-secondary adult vocational Associate’s degree Bachelor’s degree Master’s degree or higher
Post-Secondary Adult Vocational
Table 3-13 shows the top 10 occupations with the most job openings in Southwest Florida for occupations requiring at least post-secondary adult vocational training. Customer service representatives had the most job openings with 411, followed by first-line supervisors of retail sales workers (275), licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses (247), firstline supervisors of food preparation and serving workers (241) and nursing assistants (210).
Southwest Florida
Customer Service Representatives First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers Nursing Assistants Cooks, Restaurant Security Guards Executive Secretaries and Executive Administrative Assistants Personal Care Aides Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers Source: EmployFlorida. Data Retrieved June 17th, 2021.
Job Openings
411 275 247 241 210 175 151 141 140 140

Associate’s Degree
Table 3-14 shows the top 10 occupations with the most job openings in Southwest Florida for occupations requiring at least an associate’s degree. Registered nurses had the most job openings with 1,517, followed by general and operations managers (151), managers, all other (140), critical care nurses (95) and respiratory therapists (75).
Table 3-14: Associate's Degree Job Openings
Southwest Florida
Registered Nurses General and Operations Managers Managers, All Other Critical Care Nurses Respiratory Therapists Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers Computer Systems Analysts Food Service Managers Dental Hygienists Source: EmployFlorida. Data Retrieved June 17th, 2021.
Job Openings
1,517 151 140 95 75 54 49 41 39 36

Bachelor’s Degree
Table 3-15 shows the top nine occupations with the most job openings in Southwest Florida for occupations requiring at least a Bachelor’s degree.13 Medical and clinical laboratory technologists had the most job openings with 99, followed by sales managers (80), medical and health service managers (67), accountants (54) and human resource specialists (49).
Table 3-15: Bachelor's Degree Job Openings
Southwest Florida
Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologists Sales Managers Medical and Health Services Managers Accountants Human Resources Specialists Teachers and Instructors, All Other Property, Real Estate, and Community Association Managers Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education Personal Financial Advisors Source: EmployFlorida. Data Retrieved June 17th, 2021.
Job Openings
99 80 67 54 49 42 34 30 29
13 Only nine occupations with Bachelor’s degree as a minimum education requirement were available at the time of collection.

Master’s Degree or Higher
Table 3-16 shows the top 10 occupations with the most job openings in Southwest Florida for occupations requiring a Master’s degree or higher. All other types of physicians and surgeons had the most job openings with 196, followed by physical therapists (116), speech-language pathologists (101), occupational therapists (78) and veterinarians (53).
Southwest Florida
Physicians and Surgeons, All Other Physical Therapists Speech-Language Pathologists Occupational Therapists Veterinarians Pharmacists Healthcare Social Workers Psychiatrists Family and General Practitioners Surgeons Source: EmployFlorida. Data Retrieved June 17th, 2021.
Job Openings
196 116 101 78 53 46 46 38 35 30