The Stewards of the Earth " “The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof." Psalms 24:1
By: Maria M Hernandez
Leader in Environmental and Energy Design LEED AP LEED AP ID+C Certified General Contractor Building Analyst Energy Auditor Disaster Inspector Interior Designer Airplus Verifier
Broward Emerald Award 2011 Water Saver of The week by Broward County Environmental Project leather of the Month By Hands of Broward. Outstanding Contribution By Ciudad Weston Newspaper
Embracing Mother Nature: Worldwide we are witnessing two global challenges that are defining the way we live: the Economic Crisis and Climate Change. To address these challenges, building professionals find their inspiration in the beauty of the Earth and its precious resources to design and create better and more efficient buildings rooted on people comfort, resource conservation, greenhouse reduction, healthier environments, extreme weather resiliency and environmental stewardship. These High performance buildings are design to reduce operational cost, mitigate the force of Nature and reduce the negative impact on the planet, making this world a better place to live. As a Leader in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional (LEED AP) I have the knowledge of what constitute and also how to design a High Performance Building and as a Disaster Inspector I have witnessed the pitfalls of standard construction in devastations and the necessity of more resilient buildings capable of reducing the impact of Climate Change. This is why, through my knowledge and experience I am reaching out to you as a decision maker to offer you my services as a Sustainability Coordinator to maximize your building performance and profitability, and at the same time minimize your carbon footprint. Maria M Hernandez
A call for Action: Congregations Facts:
America’s 300,000 houses of worship spend more than $2 billion on energy each year. If they cut energy use by 20% we would save nearly: $630 million. Will cut electricity use by more than 3.6 billion kWh And prevent more than 2.6 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions, equivalent to the emissions from about 480,000 cars.
America’s congregations are called to action to promote environmental stewardship through greening their houses of worship and setting the example in their community. We can move mountains; small steps will lead to great results! It is our duty to protect God’s Creation.
Schools Facts:
A quarter of all Americans walk through the doors of a school every day where the air they breathe is filled with toxins and mold, where classrooms are poorly lit and overcrowded, and where resources are limited and outdated. American students miss more than 10 million school days each year because of asthma symptoms that are worsened by poor indoor air quality Each school lunch generates 67 pounds of waste per school year. That means, just one average-size middle school creates over 40,000 pounds of lunch waste a year. According to the U.S. EPA, packing a waste-free lunch saves an average student $250. Green schools empower kids to make a difference, and teach them environmental and health values that will stay with them for life.
The purpose of my presentation is to offer to your Congregation or School my professional services as a Sustainability Coordinator in a way you can afford while you start seeing results.
The Sustainability Coordinator’s goal is to achieve zero negative impact on the environment, while at the same time supporting the organization’s economic viability encouraging long-term thinking and actions that will result in economic growth, social responsibility and the reduction of the organization’s carbon foot print. You will become a leader in sustainability thought, practice, and education.
To achieve this goal, I implement Best Management Practices (BMP) to address issues in the areas of:
In order to ensure the comprehensive nature of sustainability projects, I will create a synergy between the environmental knowledge I bring to the table and the people who are doing the day-to-day work from budget offices, to administrators, to electricians and plumbers. I will exercise independent initiative and professional judgment to accomplish desired goals and objectives, leading efforts to build program support with stakeholders defining and promote sustainable practices within the organization
I will be focus on recognizing the most cost effective’s practices that will start producing saving to the Organization right away. I will analyze the best implementation based on the RIO (Return on Investment) and the amount of savings that will represent. Some implementation doesn’t have a startup value, their just a decision away to start seeing results.
Oversee and analyze current situation within all the departments, identifying deficiencies on waste, hazard conditions and potential areas of improvement.
Tracking and Interpretation:
Data entry and track of the use of energy and water consumption using Energy Star Portfolio Manager. Interpretation and analyze of all data collected for the best action plans.
Action Plan:
Establish a Green team to coordinate the efforts. Design strategies and propose sustainability initiatives assessing their cost effectiveness, technical feasibility and means of achieving the result. Develop sustainable reports and presentations.
Coordinate and works with all the departments, or professionals to implement sustainability projects. Supervise sustainability projects and ensure compliance with policies, standards, regulations, or laws applicable to sustainability.
Develop education and incentive programs for employees to create awareness and keep their firm up to date in the sustainability community. Develop sustainability events for volunteer projects. Communicate throughout emails new company sustainable policies. Promote environmental volunteer campaigns.
Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of sustainability programs to demonstrate results. Finds rebate opportunities, or other savings programs.
Identifies and pursues environmental certifications and recognitions.
Attract new and young members
People outside the church or inactive as members are often drawn to a congregation that expresses a commitment to things that they care about. Involving new members in the program can quickly get them engaged.
Deepen your Faith
The worship and educational components of the program will enable you to learn for caring the Earth and strengthen your resolve at a congregational and personal level to our responsibility for Earthkeeping.
Reduce Your Operating Costs
Environmental initiatives reduce operating costs by reducing material waste and resource costs. Resource efficiency – using less water, energy and sewage – reduces utility costs and reduce maintenance costs.
Become a Leader:
You will become the leader in your community setting the example for others to follow. Your commitment to reducing your negative environmental impacts and enhancing your environmental stewardship will foster strong relationships with your members, your students and your community.
Reduce Your Risk
Environmental initiatives help your organization hedge against rising natural resource (water, energy, wood, minerals) costs by reducing demand. In some instances you can switch to alternative and renewable sources. By eliminating hazardous materials, you can reduce the risk and costs associated with spills and injuries. You will be recognized by insurance companies as having a lower risk profile.
Improve Your Access to Bank Financing:
Some lenders are taking into consideration efficiency as part of the loan assessment process.
Increase your Organization property value:
Transforming your Organization in a sustainable one will increase its building value.
Once you demonstrate that your organization is in the green path, you will be in the position to apply and be recognized by your community and by environmental programs.
María M Hernández Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Environmental Activist (954)394-1949
2013 Newspaper Environmental Articles:
Volunteer Participation:
New Year, New Home Savings Love is in the Air Turning the inspiration of one hour into Worldwide actions Climate Change Florida Leading the way in Clean Energy Saving the Blue Sea Mitigating the Force of Nature Beat the heat wave, Save Energy
Hands on Broward Rebuilding Broward Together Habitat for Humanity Save the Water Keep Broward Beutiful Hands for Hunger Markham Park
“ Is the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the resourcefulness of future generations to meet their own needs�. Love the Planet, be part of the solution not the problem! This presentation was created by: Maria M Hernandez