Florida standard no 7

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No7 Summer Issue 2013

V isi t s

M i a mi

was a knockout success

Moneycorp opens a corporate trading desk

When in Rome Do as the romans do

UKTI Business Innovation Recognition Awards. Charity of Choice: The Lennox Lewis Foundation









Editorial Team PUBLISHER Justine Assal EDITOR Nicole Hatti ASSISTANT EDITOR Sarah Wilkinson CONTRIBUTING COLUMNISTS Robert Bolle, Kashmira Bhavsar, Virgin Atlantic, British American Business Council Miami, Stewart Rushton, BritWeek Miami

04 06 10 16 19 20

Moneycorp Opens a Corporate Trading Desk ROBERT BOLLE

ADVERTISING info@floridalinkcorp.com 407-401-9690

Immigration Reform - Senate’s Proposal KASHMIRA BHAVSAR


A British Houseguest’s Guide to the American Home VIRGIN ATLANTIC

NEWS Justine Assal Q&A Justine Assal SUBMISSIONS editor@floridalinkcorp.com

Meet Our New Trustee Members British American Business Council Miami Britweek Visits Miami in Review

The Florida Standard Magazine – The Official British Expat magazine of Florida is a publication of Floridalink LLC. & ORB Marketing Solutions Printed and published in the United States. Published 6 times per year. Copyright 2013 Floridalink LLC No portions of this work may be copied or reproduced without express written permission of the Publisher. We can be contacted at Floridalink LLC Info@floridalinkcorp.com 407 401 9690 www.floridalinkcorp.com




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BY Florida Board Certified Immigration Attorney Kashmira Bhavsar


IMMIGRATION REFORM On April 16, 2013, eight U.S. Senators (including Senators Charles Schumer, John McCain, Dick Durbin, Lindsey Graham, Robert Menendez, Michael Bennet, Jeff Flake, and Florida’s own Marco Rubio), now known as the “Gang of Eight” introduced a comprehensive immigration bill called “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013.” The bill is more than 850 pages and covers a slew of proposed immigration legislation. It covers issues relating to the estimated 10-12 million undocumented individuals residing in the United States, as well as, revising the current immigration laws to address the unreasonable backlogs for family and employment-based immigrants, shortages of skilled and unskilled workers, and border security. It is important to understand that this bill (briefly described in this article) is NOT law; it is simply a PROPOSAL of new law. In the United States, for an idea to become law, it is first proposed by Congress (either the House of Representatives or the Senate), approved by both, and then sent to the President to sign. In the present scenario, the Senate


introduced the bill. Thus, members of the Senate will likely take the next few weeks/ months to review the details of the bill, discuss it, debate it, revise it and eventually be put up for vote on the Senate floor to pass. If approved by the majority of Senators, the bill will then be sent to the members of the House of Representatives to go through many of the same steps described on the Senate side. If the majority of House of Representatives also approve the bill, it will finally be sent to the President to approve. Only after passing all three of these government processes, will the bill become law. As mentioned above, the bill introduced by the “Gang of Eight” is extensive. Below is a brief summary of some of these proposals: SECURITY: In order to better protect our borders, provide funding for 3,500 additional Customs and Border Protection agents nationwide as well as provide funding to construct further fencing around U.S. border states. UNLAWFUL POPULATION: Provide individuals in unlawful status to apply to adjust their status to a newly created

legal status called “Registered Provisional Immigrant” (RPI). The bill provides for individuals residing in the U.S. prior to December 31, 2011 and currently unlawful. They would be required to pay a filing fee, a penalty fee, and back taxes. Spouses and children can be included if in the United States. Individuals will have to remain in RPI status for 10 years prior to being eligible for Lawful Permanent Resident (i.e. a green card) but they will be permitted to work and travel outside the U.S. during this time. Individuals with certain criminal convictions will not be eligible. ELIMINATE BACKLOG IN FAMILYBASED CASES: The bill eliminates the backlog for family-based immigrants by re-configuring the entire process. Currently, there are four preference categories in family-based cases. The bill revises it to two categories to include unmarried adult children and married adult children who file before age 31. The bill eliminates the ability to file for a brother or sister and eliminates the Diversity Visa Program. The bill however would treat the spouse and minor child of a lawful permanent resident similar to that of a U.S. citizen by amending the “immediate relative”


category to include same. Finally, the bill revises the married sons and daughters of U.S. citizens to include only sons and daughters who are under 31 years of age. ELIMINATE BACKLOG IN EMPLOYMENTBASED CASES: The bill eliminates the backlog for employment-based immigrants by reconfiguring the manner in which individuals are counted towards the annual caps. Currently, the law requires each person obtaining residency to be counted towards the annual numerical limits on employment-based immigrants including the principal worker and each member of his/her family. The bill exempts derivative beneficiaries (i.e. the family) to be counted, aliens of extraordinary ability, outstanding professors and researchers, multinational executives and managers, doctoral degree holders in any field; and certain physicians. Between these exemptions and new allocations of the visas available, the backlog in employment-based cases shall drastically be improved. This is vital to individuals from India and China, who currently must wait decades for residency. INCREASE H-1BS: The bill would raise the annual cap of H-1Bs from 65,000 to 110,000 immediately and provides various avenues in the future to address further shortages by increasing the cap further. However, the bill also requires new advertisement requirements and requires further restraints on H-1B dependent employers. CREATION OF AN ENTREPRENEUR VISA: The bill creates a startup visa for foreign entrepreneurs who wish to emigrate to the United States to startup their own companies. This would encourage foreigners to invest in the U.S. versus abroad. CREATION OF A POINT-BASED SYSTEM FOR GREEN CARDS: Similar to the Canadian system, the bill creates a merit-based visa in the fifth year after the law is enacted, awarding points to individuals based on their education, employment, length of residence in the U.S. and other considerations. Those individuals with the most points earn visas towards Lawful Permanent Residency. Under one point of this merit-based system the Secretary will allocate merit-based immigrant visas beginning October 01, 2014 for employment based visas that have been pending for three years, family-based petitions that were filed prior to enactment and have been pending for five years, long-term alien workers and other merit based immigrant workers. Reform relating to E-2 visa holders will likely be included here. W-VISA: The bill creates a new non-im-

migrant visa called a W-Visa for lower-skilled positions. It allows an individual with a foreign residence to temporarily work in the U.S. for registered employers in the program. E-VERIFY: All employers will be required to use the E-Verify system over a five-year phasein period. This expands the use of an existing internet-based system that allows businesses to determine the eligibility of their employees to work in the U.S. CREATION OF A RETIREE VISA: The bill creates a new non-immigrant visa for those individuals who are at least 55 years old, have health insurance, do not seek to work in the U.S. and purchase a home in excess of $500,000. DREAM ACT: The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (or the DREAM Act), will no longer just give “temporary relief.” It will give those in such status the opportunity to obtain their green cards in 5 years and be eligible for citizenship immediately upon residency. As explained above, many of the proposals in the bill can be removed or revised through out the process of debate. This is why it is absolutely vital to reach out to your Congressman and express your opinion on the proposed laws. Without the support and demand of the public, immigration reform will not occur. Your one voice does count. Visit my website at www.kiblawgroup.com and learn who your elective officials are. You may find the “Write to Congress” link by scrolling down to the end of the home page. You will need to type in your zip code to receive contact information for the President, your two Senators, and your Representative’s information is listed. All you need to do now is call, email, or write to them! Attorney Kashmira Bhavsar is one of only sixty Board Certified Immigration Attorneys in the State of Florida. She can be reached at (407) 425-1202 or visit www.kiblawgroup.com.

KASHMIRA BHAVSAR Attorney Kashmira Bhavsar has been practicing law for more than 16 years and is 1 of only 60 Board Certified Immigration Attorneys in the State of Florida. She is the Treasurer for American Immigration Lawyers Association, Central Florida Chapter, and a member of the Central Florida Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at (407) 425-1202 or visit www.kiblawgroup. com.



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5,195 visitors to London Olympia Spring 2013

When in Rome... “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”, in other words when you visit a new place, you should try and do as the locals do. That’s where my thought process went while trying to think of a subject for the magazine. Originally I though l would present “What the Brits and Americans have in common?” the creative juices started to flow, and the article went from what we have in common, to what we don’t have in common. And also ended up being like the script from an edition of the television show “Family Fortunes”, where the participating teams have to name the top answers to a question. So here we go with the top three categories: 10 | FLORIDA STANDARD

THINGS THAT BRITS DON’T REALIZE ARE OFFENSIVE TO AMERICANS. AND THINGS THAT AMERICAN DO THAT DRIVE BRITS NUTS. Admit it Brits — subtly is not our strong suit, and it’s alarmingly easy for a Brit to insult an American if you’re unaware of their etiquette. So to get on in polite company, try to avoid the following faux pas. Swearing, Sex Talk and Toilet Humor: Swearing, discussing what goes on between the sheets or on the loo (toilet), is a lot less common among friends in the U.S. Back in the U.K., you could happily spend an evening drinking a full-bodied Rioja with friends and discussing orifices. Calling them “Yanks”: The “Y” word won’t offend every American you meet, but never use it to address folks from the South. There, it’s likely to earn you a stern look or a full-on snarl. Stingy tipping: This has to be the number one thing Brits don’t realize is offensive to Americans. Not only will

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you insult your server by leaving a slim pile of ones as thanks for a dinner that’s run into three figures, you’ll embarrass any American diners in your party. If you’re the person picking up the check, never stint on service, unless everyone at your table agrees that the experience was shoddy enough to merit a tiny tip. British reserve: When foreigners meet us, we’re not always warm and cuddly. Americans in particular


can take this the wrong way. So looking startled and responding with a blank expression to a stranger’s “Hi! Nice to meet you, how are you today?” will be perceived as rude. American people are some of the loveliest you’ll ever meet, and make us expats feel all warm, cuddly and very welcome here in the USA. But just occasionally they do, or say something that we Brits find a tad… eccentric. Saying “I love your accent!”: Before I moved to the States, I never imagined that my dreary UK accent made me sound smart or lovable. At first the compliments were nice, but then a lady l worked with asked me to talk to her snoozing two-year-old in the hope that it would rub off. A bit much, I thought. And I have even had instances on the phone where I am talking to somebody and there is an obvious silence at the other end, which, when questioned, is greeted with “ Oh just keep talking l love your accent” creepy…..urghh They take your plate away too soon: Now l am used to this, but Americans love to please, and nowhere is this more evident than in restaurants. If you want a side of pickled cows lungs or a splash of yaks milk in your coffee, then by God they’ll make it happen. On the flip side, over-eager waiters will whip away an individual diner’s plate the second it’s empty. In the UK they wait until everybody at the table has finished, here in the States your plate, if finished, is long gone before anyone else at the table has finished. And people are like, “Seriously, did you even chew?” No. No I did not. Spelling words the wrong way: I might as well pry the letter “u” from my keyboard for all the good it does me in the States. But you know which letter made it big in America? “Z”! Only, they pronounce it differently to the Brit’s “Zee” instead of “Zed”.





Pretentious pronunciation: It takes some getting used to, but Americans drop the letter “h” in some words, saying “erb” instead of “herb” and pronouncing “fillet” without the “t”. (I have to agree with “Fillet”…) BRITISH HABITS AMERICANS WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND. AND AMERICAN HABITS BRITS WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND. So let’s admit it, we Brit’s are a nation of oddballs, whose conventions and mannerisms defy logic. In the next category we look at British habits that Americans will never understand, our survey says: Apologizing Unnecessarily: How often do you as a Brit living in the U.S. — auto-deliver a completely unnecessary, “Sorry?” Sometimes, the American on the receiving end, instead of simply ignoring it or looking confused, will ask: “Why are you apologizing?” I’ve never been able to give a satisfactory answer. Thinking Tea Will Fix Everything: Ah the Great British cup of tea, or brew, is a Brit’s way to fix everything. Whether you’ve chipped a nail, broken up with your boyfriend or Girlfriend, or narrowly avoided being murdered, the first person on-scene will offer you a cuppa. This way, they get to keep busy, feel useful and put off coming up with soothing, wise words. Our Reluctance to Fix Our Teeth: Having aesthetically displeasing teeth is every Brit’s right. Turn up at an American dentist’s with a mouth full of wonky enamel, and they’ll probably assume you’re British, or grew up in a vile cult that outlawed orthodontics. Driving a Stick-shift on the Wrong Side of the Road: I’m convinced that some Americans believe that driving on the left is an eccentric choice made by individuals, not a rule laid down by British law. And while U.K. drivers think performing maneuvers in manual cars is the height of masculinity, tell someone over here you prefer a car with stick shift and it’s like admitting you do laundry in the river.



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FINALLY THINGS BRITS LOVE ABOUT AMERICA, AND LIKEWISE THINGS THAT AMERICANS LOVE ABOUT BRITAIN. We’re a tough bunch to impress, but most Brits secretly admire the burger-munching nation across the Atlantic. Here’s what we like best. The service: Every Brit knows that for truly spectacular service without a sneer, you need to head to America. Restaurant managers have been known to comp lunch just because someone asked whether their freshly squeezed orange juice was the real deal, and they admitted it wasn’t. No grievance is too petty. Friendly folk: Getting smiled at as you walk down a U.S. street is unnerving until you learn that the Americans doing the grinning mean no harm. Strangers may even be genuinely pleased to see you. Toilet seat covers: When you first pull one of these out of a wall mounted dispenser in a restroom, you consider the possibility that this shiny tracing paper with a gaping big hole in the middle was badly engineered piece of loo roll. Several seconds later, you figured it out and realize how hygienic the American are. The opening hours: We’re getting better at staying open for longer in Britain but we’ve got noth-



And as much as we love Americans, there are some cultural proclivities that will baffle British expats for as long as we live here. Flossing: Digging sharp string between your teeth every day is standard oral hygiene procedure in America. We know we’re supposed to do this too, but it hurts and it’s boring. Most Brits probably own a tub of floss, but only dust it off before a date or dental appointment. Sending personalized holiday cards: By this, I mean those creepy Christmas cards with a family portrait on the front. The children are wearing elf outfits while the parents grin unnaturally. Inside, there’s a run-down of the family’s year “Our educational vacation to Outer Mongolia, was not without its problems, especially when Chuck was arrested…” I’ve even heard of people inserting copies of their kids’ school report cards. Talking to strangers unprompted: This happens most often on public transport. You can be on a plane or train in the U.S., minding your own business, when someone you’ve never met will start up a conversation with you. Short of pretending to be deaf and/or French, there’s nothing you can do but talk back. Try doing that on the

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number 72 bus in London and see the harsh and stern look you would get from the Brit sitting next to you. Taking home leftovers: Doggy bags have long been part of American restaurant culture. Brit’s can’t quite bring themselves to make off with unfinished fare. It just feels wrong. Plus, they’ve usually overeaten, and are convinced they never want to look at food again. Naturally, they regret this decision the next morning when they could just eat that double mocha cheesecake with strawberry sauce that they did not finish the previous night.




ing on our U.S. friends. In America, it’s unthinkable that you wouldn’t be able to buy a bottle of milk, or find an open drugstore at four in the morning. Lots of Americans are Anglophiles, and their eyes light up at just the thought of making a visit to the U.K. they adore being abroad; anything is possible. While every day may bring a new adventure when visiting Britain, here’s a list of the most common things Americans fall in love with, almost as soon as they get there:


Accents: Yes, yes British accents are charming, singsongy and feel like cotton candy for your ears. The dullest story sounds lovely. The thickest person sounds brilliant. At the same time, American accents are just as attractive to our counterparts. You definitely feel special. It’s almost as if you don’t have to try so hard. Just being American makes you stand out and draw people in. History: The U.S. has a rich, diverse history, but it is a fairly young country compared to the U.K. The people of the U.K. are extremely proud of their centuries-long history and happy to share with you their stories. Of course, the magnificent museums hold plenty of stories of their own which you can move through at your own pace. The stellar architecture – ranging from Roman ruins


to 5th century cathedrals to row houses on cobblestoned streets – is history on its own. It’s everywhere! Royals: The royals are intriguing to many Americans simply because they don’t have them. Right, they have “Hollywood Royalty” but it’s not quite the same. The British monarchy is a media phenomenon on this side of the Atlantic. While celebrated in the U.K., it is just the norm to the common folk. For Americans it’s always an adventure to go visit Buckingham Palace and take a cheeky photo with the guards on duty. If


you’re lucky you might even spot the Queen entering the palace. High speed trains and flights to Europe: The high-speed Eurostar train, will get you to Paris, France in two hours. You can also pick up a train at King’s Cross in London and travel throughout England … or, sit back and watch the countryside go by as you make your way to Scotland. In addition, other means of transport include an overnight ferry to Ireland. And cheap low coast flights with airlines like Easyjet and Ryanair to anywhere in Europe. So there you have it, the differences between the Brits and the Americans, but in the end l think we can say, that rather than differences, we actually have a lot in common, and most of all we really do like each other.


STEWART RUSHTON Born and raised in the United Kingdom, from an early age l knew that whatever I did in life I wanted it to include aviation and travel. Left school and started my career in aviation flying as a flight attendant for British Airways, I then return back to earth and started to work on the ground in airline operations. Thirty years ago l was asked to come over to Orlando for three weeks to watch over the operators of the first charter flights that were to be operated from the UK to Orlando. That 3 weeks turned into 6 months, I returned home to the UK, obtained my US Visa from the Embassy and returned to Orlando where I have lived ever since and now have become a US citizen. I still work in aviation as an Operations Manager, and consider myself a lucky person who still enjoys getting up and going to work.



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A British Houseguest’s Guide to the American Home Brits who first arrive in the U.S. often have a false sense of security. Not only do we all speak the same language (ha!), but the houses are pretty similar too. Well, a word of warning fellow Brits — it all looks very familiar — until you attempt to do anything.


irst off, many homes have air conditioning, which comes with its own set of unspoken rules. Resist the urge to throw the doors and windows open at the first hint of heat; American air conditioning (called A/C rather than air-con, btw) will be one step ahead of you and in full throttle. Opening a window is therefore akin to leaving the fridge door open and will be met with variations of “What? Are we trying to cool down the whole neighborhood?” The question “Do you want the A/C turned down?” actually means, “Do you want this room to be even colder than it is?” since turning A/C down refers to the temp rather than the ferocity. When you wake up in the middle of the night, with chattering teeth and an ice-cream headache, resist the temptation to turn the A/C off. The room will become Hades Revisited in the blink of an eye and the A/C then has to work even harder to cool it back down. Homes in the States often have screens on doors and windows and I have to say, nothing beats British visitors and screen doors for pure entertainment. The tendency is to forget about them and bounce straight off when trying to enter a house; one poor guest hit my screen door so hard he grazed the end of his nose and bore


the scars for a week. Just a note though, as a guest, one surefire way to drive your American hosts crazy is to leave the screen doors open. And if you want to drive yourself crazy, try switching off a ceiling fan/central light combo when you go to bed. Basically, the fan can be controlled by the regular switch on the wall or by a chain hanging from the fixture itself. The lights above or below the fan are also controlled this way, and often by an additional switch elsewhere in the room — next to the bed, for example. You have more chance of winning the lottery than of both light and fan simultaneously coming on when you first hit the wall switch, and thus begins the dance. Usually the fan goes on, but not the light, which means you have to walk to the center of the room and pull one of the chains; the chain you pull will turn the fan off, but you won’t notice till you’re back at the wall switch and the blades have begun to slow down. Now you can’t remember which chain you pulled so you go back and pull a few at random. Something activates the light, so now you have a light on but no fan and you’re not quite sure which chain you pulled to turn the light on. (It often helps to have a two-man team at this point — one at the wall and one pulling

the chains.) Incidentally, some homeowners also use their ceiling fans in the winter to push warmer air back down into the room (the blades should move in a counter-clockwise direction in summer and clockwise in winter). Many kitchen sinks contain a handy dandy waste disposal, down which you can throw all your food waste and prevent it stinking up the kitchen. Make sure to check that it actually is a waste disposal before you do this, as some sinks have large plugholes masquerading as disposals. Not everything can be tossed down there, mind you! The main thing to remember is to run cold water when disposing of food, and keep it on for 30 to 60 seconds after you’ve finished. Without wishing to state the obvious, never put your hand down there until it’s switched off and the (very sharp) blades have come to a complete stop. Also, if you hear an odd, clanging noise coming from the depths of the disposal, switch it off immediately — they tend not to like forks and other hard objects getting in there. Oh, and the banging noise coming from the kitchen in the dead of night? Probably the ice-maker in the fridge. Originally produced for Virgin Atlantic and BBC America’s blog, www.bbcamerica.com/mindthegap

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Rebecca Mowat, Head of UKTI Southeast US and Taima Jones both worked to make a fantastic Britweek

UKTI Business Innovation awards - An evening of VIPs Actress Gabrielle Anwar, HM Consul General Danny Lopez, and Moneycorp’s MD Andrew Wooley presenting awards



IN REVIEW! A Celebration of the UK Creative Industries at SOHO Beach House


Mar 7 | UKTI Business Innovation Recognition Awards - A great evening with many British/Florida companies honoured for innovation, creativity, leadership. Hosted by HM Consuls General Kevin McGurgan and Danny Lopez, UKTI’s Rebecca Mowat and presentations by Actress Gabrielle Anwar, 5 times Olympic Medalist John Naber, Undisputed Heavy Weight Champion of the World and Olympic Gold Medalist, Lennox Lewis with a fabulous performance by the lovely Lulu.

A Celebration of the UK Creative Industries at SOHO Beach House 20 | FLORIDA STANDARD

A Beatles tribute indeed! SOHO Beach Club

Justin & Taima Jones – helped to host Britweek

Moneycorp’s Team

Rebecca Mowat, Head of UKTI Southeast US and HM Consul General, Kevin McGurgan wrap up a very British week!

Jef Harris- Digital Mauve, Trystan Forrest – Greenberg Traurig, Jim Monaghan – Ecoburner, David Prendeville – Moneycorp, Rob Bolle - Moneycorp FLORIDA STANDARD | 21



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Contact: Dwight Dean Williams M.B.A Region: Statewide Phone Number: (305)9031425 Email: dwight.williams@devere-group. com www.devere-group.com FURNITURE PACKAGES/ GAME ROOMS

Florida Villa Services Contact: Paul Dudley Region: Central Florida Phone Number: (407)238-2389 Email: pauldudley@earthlink.net www.floridavillaservices.com IMMIGRATION ATTORNEYS

Anthony Olsen PA Contact: Anthony Olsen Region: Tampa/ St.Pete/Clearwater Phone Number: (941)3627100 Email: info@immigrationvisausa. com www.immigrationvisausa.com

Bhavsar Law Group Contact: Kashmira Bhavsar Region: Central Florida Phone Number: (407)425-1202 Email: kash@kblawgroup.com www.kiblawgroup. com

Immigration Law Offices of Lisa Krueger Khan Contact: Lisa Krueger Khan Region: Central Florida Phone Number: (407)351-9075 Email: lisa@lisavisa.com www.lisavisa.com MARKETING/ADVERTISING/ DESIGN AND WEBSITES

ORB Marketing Solutions/ Floridalink Contact: Justine Assal Region: Statewide Phone Number: (407)401-9690 Email: justine@floridalinkcorp.com www.floridalinkcorp.com MORTGAGES

ACM Financial Contact: Melissa McGlinchey Region: Statewide Phone Number: (407)397-7300 Email: info@acmhomeloans.com www.acmhomeloans.com PENSIONS

1-2-3 Pension Transfer Contact: Dean Brady Region: Statewide Address: 7950 NW 53rd Street, Suite 337, Miami-FL 31300 Phone Number: +1(786) 464-8185 Email: deano_brady@msn. com www.123pensiontransfer.com 22 | FLORIDA STANDARD



GoldKey Property Management Contact: Valerie Brown Region: Central Florida Phone Number: (407)396-9090 Email: info@goldkeypm.com www.goldkeypm.com PUBS

The White Horse Pub Contact: Fay Lawrence Region: Tampa/ St.Pete/Clearwater Phone Number: (941)3581353 Email: contact@the-white-horse-pub. com www.the-white-horse-pub.com

Devenney’s Irish Pub-Davenport Contact: Jay Creighton Region: Central Florida Phone Number: (352)432-3825 Email: devenneyirishpub@gmail.com www.devenneyirishpub.com

Ballyorney Irish Pub Contact: Brad Malloney Region: Naples & Fort Myers Phone Number: (239)628-1444 Email: brad@ballyorney.com www.ballorney.com

Churchill’s Pub Contact: David Daniels Region: Miami Phone Number: (305)757-1807 Email: david@ churchillspub.com www.churchillspub.com REAL ESTATE

Buy Florida Realty Contact: Denise Assersohn Region: Central Florida/ St. Pete / Clearwater / Sarasota Phone Number: (407)709-6174 Email: denise@buyflrealty.com www.buyflrealty.com

Coldwell Banker Contact: Patricia Tan Region: Tampa/St.Pete/ Clearwater Phone Number: (941)5049232 Email: pat@patriciatan.com www. patriciatan.com

Realty World Top Producers

1091 Email: michellegibbons@yahoo. com www.grindhouseflorida.com Description: Coffee

Willows Tea Room

SALON & SPA Contact: Karen Payne Region: Tampa/ St.Pete/Clearwater Phone Number: (813)2541091 Email: kensingtonsalonandspa@gmail. com www.kensingtonsalonandspa.com SHOPPING

The Bristish Shoppe Region: Central Florida Email: gourmet@thebristishshoppe.com www.thebritishshoppe.com

The UK Shoppe Contact: Maureen Amengual Region: Central Florida Phone Number: (352)391-5788 Email: maureen@ukshoppe.com www.theukshoppe. com

Ready4 Best of Britain Contact: Justin Jones Region: Miami Phone Number: (786)457-9353 Email: justin@ready4. com www.ready4.com SPORTS

Winter Park Tennis Center Contact: Angela Zguna Region: Central Florida Phone Number: (407)599-3445 Email: winterparktenniscenter@gmail.com www. winterparktenniscenter.com TAX & ACCOUNTANCY

Thomas C Roberge & Co Contact: Tom Swapp Region: Tampa/St.Pete/ Clearwater Phone Number: (727)8229393 Email: tswapp@robergeco.com www. robergeco.com

Andrews Accountancy LLC Contact: Jimmy Andrews FCCA Region: Miami Phone Number: (305)323-1278 Email: jand592040@aol.com www.andrewsaccountancy.com TAX & ACCOUNTANCY

Chartered Accountants Inc

Contact: Kathy Rainford Region: Fort Myers / Naples Phone Number: (239)430-1700 Email: kathy.rainford@realtyworld.com www.realtyworldtopproducers.com

Contact: Phil Storey Region: Orlando Phone Number: (407)491-1157 Email: pstorey@cpa. com www.charteredaccountantsinc.com



Grind House Café Bar & Grill Contact: Michelle Gibbons Region: Tampa/ St.Pete/Clearwater Phone Number: (813)254-

WORLDWIDE MOVING COMPANIES Contact: Mark Nash Region: Statewide Phone Number: (843)225-7217 Email: mark@eurousa. us www.upakweship.com


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