The Florida Standard

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No3 June/July 2012

Feature Story:

HM Consul General & Lennox Lewis

100 Days to the London Olympics Out & About in Florida

Region by Region South to North Diamond Jubilee parties through-out Florida Pat Pearce

The Children's Hero







Contents 6 Business

An Olympian in Florida Courting the Industry’s elite from around the globe

8 Lifestyle

The Children’s Hero Dreams Take Flight over a Glass of wine! The story of Pat Pearce and Dreamflight

Highland 12 The Games Caledonian flavor of Dunedin A weekend festival since 1966

Consul 15 The Corner

100 Days until the Olympics A bike ride with British National and former Olympian Lennox Lewis


Out & About

British events through-out the State

Miami Central Florida Sarasota South West FL Tampa Bay/ St. Pete

Tartan 30 The Invasion Scotland vs. USA

32 British Resources 34 Cooking by Carol Where to go and who to contact

Queen of Puddings A delightfully dainty desert

2 | Florida Standard

Editorial Team Publisher Justine Assal Assistant Editor Sarah Wilkinson Chief Columnist Laura McLoughlin Contributing Columnists Her Majesty’s Consul General Kevin McGurgan Simon Plumb James Donovan Dominic Forth Contributors Carol Dudley Richard Charman Advertising 407-401-9690 News Justine Assal Q&A Justine Assal Submissions

The Florida Standard Magazine – The Official British Expat magazine of Florida is a publication of Floridalink LLC. & ORB Marketing Solutions Printed and published in the United States. Published 6 times per year. Copyright 2012 Floridalink LLC No portions of this work may be copied or reproduced without express written permission of the Publisher. We can be contacted at Floridalink LLC 407-650-3443

Florida Standard | 3


Words from the Publisher

W Look out Florida, It’s going to be a very British summer

hat a year to be a Brit! There’ll be more than a bit of pomp and circumstance coming to Florida this summer and it just gets better

and better! British associations and groups, both social and professional, throughout Florida are getting involved in the fun, with events planned from one end of the State to the other. The festivities began by celebrating the 100 day countdown to the Olympics and are beginning to really gain momentum. There has never been a lack of pride amongst expats but this year… well we expect to see more than a few Union Jacks proudly flying alongside the Stars and Stripes. And indeed, why not? After all there’s a lot to be proud of and just because we choose to live in Florida, to enjoy the sun and lifestyle, doesn’t mean that we can’t have the best of both! Coming up on June 5th is Her Majesty’s 60th Jubilee and although we may not have a 4 day weekend, it doesn’t mean that we won’t have fun. Events are being arranged from North to South, so read through the regional updates in the pages ahead to find out more about events in your area. Then on to the 2012 Summer Olympics… need we say more! Watch out Florida, it’s going to be a very British Summer!

l a s s A e n i t s Ju 4 | Florida Standard

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A British Olympian in

Ocala 6 | Florida Standard

To make a living out of something you are passionate about is something that very few people are lucky enough to achieve. To win an Olympic Gold Medal and two Silver Medals while you’re at it, is an even rarer feat.


eslie Law won his first Silver Medal in Team Eventing, whilst representing Britain in the Sydney Olympics in 2000. In 2004, he took home Gold in the Athens Olympics for Individual Eventing and earnt his second Silver in Team Eventing. Leslie hails from Herefordshire but now runs a very successful business in Ocala with his wife, Lesley, who herself has represented Canada at the highest level in Eventing and has a won a plethora of trophies and accolades to show for it. For nearly seven years the Law’s have run their Eventing business in Ocala, which is not only considered to be the horse capital of Florida, but is arguably the premier destination for Eventing, Equestrian, Breeding, Dressage and Racehorses in America. The Law’s have a fantastic facility that sits on eleven acres, with as many as twenty five horses in the stables at any one time. Two full time staff help run the barns and take care of the horses and the school is going from strength to strength. Each year the client base is growing as people from across the US come to learn from the best. Being a top sportsman does not automatically qualify you for coaching, however, as the two mindsets are very different, but it seems that Leslie adapts to his many roles with great ease. Leslie offers clinics, individual lessons, lecture demonstrations and assists clients

from all over the world in buying the right horse. He is also assisting some of the competitors prepare for this years’ London Olympics. As well as all of these services, Leslie still competes at a very high level himself and travels throughout America picking up trophies along the way, proving that he hasn’t lost his touch. America, specifically Ocala, has given Leslie and his wife a fantastic opportunity to create something special and this enables him to still compete to an exceptionally high standard. In fact, with his new horse, Leslie has high hopes for a very successful season. I had the pleasure of spending time with the Law’s at their school and it became clear to me, that Leslie is a very modest man, but if you spend five minutes researching him online, you will see that he really shouldn’t be. To win a Gold Medal at the Olympics takes a level of dedication and talent few of us can even imagine, let alone emulate, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that Leslie is able to run a very successful business focused around those talents.

Simon Plumb Simon is originally from North London and has lived in Florida since February 2010 and is the General Manager for Kestrel International helping expatriates with their UK pensions. He is also on the board of the British American Chamber of Commerce simon.plumb@


Dreams take flight

over a glass of wine... Most girls’ nights out involve a few glasses of wine, some gossiping, maybe a moan about the other half and just maybe another glass of wine. Having participated in the oddgirls’ night out myself, I can attest to the fact that most result in a fuzzy head the next morning, rather than changing the lives of thousands of sick children. 8 | Florida Standard

As it was, Pat Pearce, who flew with British Airways for thirty nine years, came up with the idea for Dreamflight over a glass of wine with pals. Her vision was to give sick children the holiday of a lifetime so they could forget about their illness and just do what children do best; have some fun in the sun. It was only meant to be for a year says Pat; well, that was back in 1987 and today, the UK registered charity is still going strong, having given thousands of children the holiday of a lifetime and with supportersincluding Cliff Richards and Ian Poulter, in addition to numerous well recognized corporate sponsors. So now, every year, one hundred and ninety two deserving children, aged between 8 and 14 from all over the UK, accompanied by a team of medical carers, board a chartered Boeing 747 and head

to Orlando to spend ten magical days full of fun and excitement. Many children could not undertake such a trip without the support of the army of doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and non-medical volunteers who care for the children 24 hours a day. The party starts the minute the children arrive at the airport and does not stop until they have landed back in the UK. Having volunteered for Dreamflight as a ‘Daily’ myself, I have witnessed first hand the pure joy the children experience and the dedication of the team who look after them.I have to admit, although extremely rewarding, it takes a lot to keep up with the kids energy! Pats’ dream was to give the kids the ultimate holiday, but she now truly feels that Dreamflight is more than just a holiday. The children leave their families behind giving them an

spirit, seemingly inherent in Dreamflighters, has helped Pat really bond with the children, having now been through what they have. Pat fondly remembers asking a girl who had lost all of her hair due to cancer treatment if she was having a bad hair day as the girl exited the pool. ‘Only you could get away with that, Pat’ was the girl’s humorous response! With many other similar stories, Pat decided to write a book, not only about Dreamflight, but also her years of flying with British Airways, where she flew with many members of the Royal family, including the Queen. The proceeds will, of course, go to Dreamflight, along with the hundreds of other events that go on both in the UK and the US every year, to ensure that lives can continue to be changed. It must have been a spectacular glass of wine…. For more information on Dreamflight go to and for Pats’ new book go to

opportunity to discover independence, confidence, and a whole new outlook on life. Often for the first time, these children realize that they are not alone, and they are not the odd one out. They see children around them who have also suffered, they gain perspective and experience things they never thought possible. This belief is certainly shared by Paralympic Gold Medalist, Liz Johnson, who is not only a high profile supporter and volunteer, but a past Dreamflighter herself. To Liz,Dreamflight made it okay to admit that she was disabled and this pushed her onwards to achieve tremendous success, no matter what challenges she faced. And Liz is not the only one, in 2008, eight of the returning Paralympians from Beijing, many of them medal-winning, had been Dreamflight children, each citing their Dreamflight experience as a turning point for them. It is only fitting then, that following a nomination by British Airways, Pat was chosen to carry the Olympic Torch for the London 2012 Games. Pat carried the torch 300 meters through Woodstock, near Oxford. Five other Dreamflighters, including two past Dreamflight children, also represented the charity by carrying the torch. Pat has also had her struggles, battling, and beating, cancer eight years ago. This fighting

Laura McLoughlin Originally from Wigan in the North West of England, Laura relocated to Florida in 2005. Laura now considers herself a true Floridian as an avid golfer and has no intention of moving anywhere else. Laura is Country Manager of Moneycorp Inc.

 Pat Pierce image the Dreamflight wonders (pictured), included Patricia Pearce MBE (Co-founder of Dreamflight) and Emily Broughton, Aiden Healy and Sean Goldthorpe – three children that have experienced the Dreamflight holiday Florida Standard | 9

Diamond Jubilee 2012

The Queen’s

60th Jubilee Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne on 6 February 1952 and her coronation took place on 2 June 1953. To mark Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee, the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh are visiting England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland during 2012. Other members of the Royal Family are also travelling throughout the United Kingdom and overseas this year. 10 | Florida Standard

The Central Weekend to celebrate The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee takes place from Saturday 2 June to Tuesday 5 June 2012, with celebratory activities throughout the UK, across the Commonwealth and beyond. Further information is available on theofficial website of The Queen's Diamond Jubilee and the Directgovwebsite. The Queen has been Head of the Commonwealth since 1952, with 2012 marking the 60th anniversary of this

role. Commonwealth Realms and other Commonwealth nations will be creating their own events in celebration of the Diamond Jubilee. In addition, they will be represented at, and involved with, the events taking place over the central weekend in the UK. To mark the occasion, the Royal Commonwealth Society is inviting people across the UK and around the world to share their memories and stories of the last 60 years to create a digital Diamond Jubilee gift for Her Majesty The Queen. The project is set to be the most ambitious digital legacy of the Diamond Jubilee. Find out more on the Jubilee Time Capsule website. The Big Jubilee Lunch will be a part of the main programme of events. A record number of people are expected to take part, with Big Lunches set to take place on Sunday 3 June in the UK, Commonwealth and other countries. Find out more on the Big Lunch website.

May 10, 11, 13: About 500 horses and 900 people take part in the Diamond Jubilee Pageant at Windsor, west of London, a colourful show giving a taste of the queen's visits around the world. June 2-5: A four-day public holiday to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's coronation on June 2, 1953, includes: Saturday, June 2: Epsom Derby, the racing meet which the queen attends every year to watch her horses take part. Sunday, June 3: Up to 1,000 boats take to the River Thames, led by the queen, for a pageant comprising everything from wooden launches, steam vessels and naval ships, and including up to 30,000 flag-waving members of the public. "The Big Lunch" is also planned across the country to get local communities eating together to celebrate the jubilee. Monday, June 4: A total of 2,012 beacons are lit across Britain and the Commonwealth, starting with Tonga (13 hours ahead of GMT) and ending with the flame on the Mall in front of Buckingham Palace. Tuesday, June 5: Service of thanksgiving at St Paul's Cathedral with a special jubilee prayer, before a carriage procession and the queen's appearance on the palace balcony.


Over the years, Dunedin has maintained a unique Caledonian flavor. Its schools, shopping centers, streets and buildings all carry pleasant reminders of Scotland. The culmination of this proud heritage is in Dunedin’s Highland Games and Spring Clan Gathering each April. What originally started in 1966 to raise funds to support the three Scottish bands of Dunedin: the City of Dunedin Pipe Band, the Dunedin High School Scottish Highlanders Band and

12 | Florida Standard

the Dunedin Highland Middle School Band; this year’s event took on extra significance as it marked a final farewell to Alexander “Sandy” Keith. Scotland-bornpiper Keith died

unexpectedly on February 2nd at the age of 76. Not only was he the Highland Games Committee President, but he also taught bagpiping and drumming to thousands of students in Dunedin’s middle and high schools. He was also a longtime leader of the city of Dunedin Pipe Band. Terry Eldridge who took over as president of the games committee after Keith’sdeath said although everyone was shocked to learn about Keith’s death, they quickly pulled together for the fest. Rain or shine, the event was scheduled for Saturday April 21st in

Highlander Park and while yes there was heavy rain, true to his word it didn’t stop the games. Like many, Jane Wrobel, born in Woodbridge, Suffolk persevered throughout. “It was too bad it rained,” she said. “But who doesn’t like big men in kilts throwing heavy things!” This was Jane’s seventh Highland Games and she said despite the rain this year more people attended the event than any of the other year she’d been to. “The Sheepdogs were really fun to watch too,” she said. “Not to mention all the 18 to 55 year old men (plus some women too) competing against each other in all events. Everything

from pole tossing to stone throwing!” Athletics were the highlight for many visiting. This year’s events included the caber toss, with the average caber being 19 feet in length and weighing 120 pounds; the sheaf toss, a 16-pound bail of hay thrown for height; the Scottish hammer, a 22-pound throw for distance; the Clachneart, or “stone of strength,” a 17-pound stone throw for distance; and Weight throws, including a 28-pound throw for distance, a 56-pound throw for distance and a 56-pound throw for height. In addition, there was another optional event: the Dunedin 100-Pound Stone challenge. Athletes are not required to throw the Dunedin Stone as part of the competition, but each year, the winner of the Dunedin Stone has his name “eternalized” by being added to the “Arc of the Dunedin Stone” - the wooden chest that is used to store and move the Dunedin Stone to and from the Games. The Highland fun continued throughout the day. There were Pipe Band competitions, dancing competitions for the Highland Fling, the SeannTrubhas and the GillieCalum – the Sword Dance, plus sheep dog demonstrations took place several times during the dayon the main field. These were led by Stuart Ballantyne and Judith Kelly.Ballantyne hails originally from the Ayrshire hills of Scotland and is a graduate of the Scottish Agricultural Training Board Stockmanship&Sheep Shearing courses. They were both a big crowd favourite. The biggest crowd-pleaserof the games though wasthe Seven Nations live performance. Their set encompassed everything from roots and traditional folk to dance and fusion-rock. Tampa resident Brefni McHugh, originally born in Galway, Ireland said, “They were excellent. A great crowd too. Even better than the last time I saw them.” The whole day was filled with a variety of excitement and it was the tributes paid to Keith that were deemed to be the best. His tireless devotion to Dunedin was noted throughout the day and his enthusiasm for preserving the heritage of the community will long be remembered by his peers, by his students and by the community that benefitted from his generous contributions. Next year’s event will take place April 13th 2013 and while preparations are already underway, it was noted that Keith’s legacy will continue long beyond that into the future.

Dominic Forth Is an award-winning TV executive for Hearst Television. Originally from Ormskirk, Lancashire, Dominic gained experience with the BBC before moving to the States in 2002 and has since been commended for his work with PBS, NPR and NBC. He now works with a triopoly of TV Stations in the Tampa Bay area – MOR-TV, thisTV Tampa Bay and EstrellaTV , and is active with the Tampa Bay British Expats Group.

Florida Standard | 13


Miami’s Diamond Jubilee Event H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Gala Dinner Saturday June 2 7:00pm – 11.00pm Cost: Members $135 per person, $1250 table for ten, Non-Members $165 per person $1500 table for ten Conrad Ballroom, Conrad Hotel Miami All events require pre-registration RSVP: or Peter Black, 14 | Florida Standard

Miami 100 Days to Go event with Lennox Lewis The British Consulate-General Miami hosted a promotional event to mark “100 Days To Go� to the opening day of the 2012 Olympic Games in London. The event feature 100 participants riding bicycles along

the famous South Beach strip on Ocean Drive in Miami Beach, lead by two-time Olympic Medalist and Undisputed World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Lennox Lewis, who is a British National.


Miami GREAT Sony Ericsson Open The British Consulate-General Miami joined the British American Business Council (Miami) in supporting the UK’s tennis stars and Olympic hopefuls at the Sony Ericsson Open in Key Biscayne. The world-class matches included performances by athletes including Andy Murray, Rafael Nadal, Heather Watson, Maria Sharapova, Serena Williams and Venus Williams.

16 | Florida Standard

Consul General throws opening pitch to celebrate 2012 London Olympic Games British fans at Family Day hosted by Miami's British American Business Council (BABC) On 13 May 2012, British Consul Gen-

eral Kevin McGurgan threw the ceremonial opening pitch at a baseball game between the Miami Marlins and the New York Mets. Kevin's pitch celebrated

Great Britain's role in sport and the 2012 London Olympic Games. The pitch also marked the countdown at 75 days until the Olympics begin.



elcome to the Sarasota British Club. We are a large group made up of ex-pats, American spouses, or individuals who have joined just because they have an interest in things British—its culture, social life and traditions. This makes the Club a diverse group with interesting and varied back-

grounds, but with common interests. Ours is a very active social Club and we usually have at least one event each month. Social activities are geared to a wide range of interests and have included, for instance, barbecues, theatre visits, horse racing, pub crawls on a trolley bus, Halloween parties, trips to polo games, parties celebrating Her Majesty‘s birthday

and St. George‘s Day, cocktail parties at members’ homes and our annual Christmas Party. Importantly, we are a hospitable group and promise a warm welcome and good fun as well as marvelous opportunities for meeting new friends. If you have questions or want more information, please phone me on 941751-3811

Join us for our Jubilee party Saturday June 2nd: Calling all Brits for this great occasion ... 60 years on the throne and still doing duties and looking wonderful. It is our duty as Her Majesty‘s subjects to come out in force to show our patriotic love to our Queen and Country. On Saturday June 2nd between 4.30pm to 7pm, The Polo Grill Lakewood Ranch is offering us a chance to gather together.

18 | Florida Standard

Bring your friends, family and pass the word to anyone that is British that would like to be with other Brits on this very special day. All drinks will be Happy Hour prices wine $3.50, lager $2.50; martinis or cocktails $4.50. Bar meal at $5 plus 6 different choices of pizza for $10 are also at the Happy Hour prices. Come fly the flag for our Sovereign‘s Diamond Jubilee

Located on the west coast of Florida, Sarasota, Bradenton and their islands offer a myriad of lifestyle choices. We are home to a vibrant arts and cultural community, a nationally recognized education system, world class golf and sporting facilities, year round blue skies and balmy weather, and some of the world’s most beautiful beaches – Siesta Key Beach is officially the Number 1 beach in U.S.A and ranked in the top 10 worldwide, by National Geographic magazine. Sarasota saw a seven year high in the number of properties sold in March 2012 with 831 properties changing hands. This, accompanied by falling levels of inventory and high demand for properties in some sectors give strong indications of a market in recovery. Prices are starting to improve in some neighborhoods, and new construction is in particularly high demand, but there are still some bargains to be had. Find out more at

Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate 400 St. Armands Circle, Sarasota FL 34236


VENICE Golf and Country Club Value! 3 beds, 2 baths and a 2 car garage. Quiet preserve views to the rear. Fantastic outdoor kitchen. Golf, tennis and much more. $216,750

The team at Your Global Agents provide specialized services to American and international clients buying and selling real estate in Florida and around the world. We work with a team of trusted professionals to address all aspects of the real estate transaction, from tax to title, finance to foreign exchange, and immigration to insurance to name just a few. Put our global resources to work for you!

SARASOTA Close to the Beaches Very private. Lake and preserve views from the 4 bed 2 bath home in well maintained community close to shopping, beaches, restaurants. $305,000

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BRADENTON Bulk Purchase Condos Unbelievable. 10 condos, tenants already in place. Close to shopping and beaches. Mixture of 1 and 2 bedroom units, community pool. $390,000


Broward County British American Chamber of Commerce The British American Chamber of Commerce of Broward County is a volunteer organization which seeks to foster expanded trade growth and provide our members and guests with opportunities to celebrate our rich culture and heritage outside of our native home. Though the bond between the US and the UK had its ups-and-downs early on - and there was that little "tea dumping" incident we will not mention - the relationship between the US and the UK is among the strongest between two countries worldwide. In regards to the state of Florida's relationship with the UK:  1.5 million Britons visit Florida each year.  At $5B, the UK is the second largest investor in Florida.

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 Total trade between Florida and the UK was $2.5B in 2006. With the UK representing the second largest market in the European Union at 60M people, there are significant trade and investment opportunities on both sides of the Atlantic for US and UK companies. Telephone: 954-942-7330

Join us at the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The British-American Chamber of Commerce (Broward / Palm Beach) is delighted to host a

Diamond Jubilee Gala Venue: PRIVATE INTRA-COASTAL RESIDENCE OF AJ. ACKER 280 North Compass Drive, Bay Colony, Fort Lauderdale

Saturday June 2nd (7.30pm-11.30pm)

$115.00 per person Dress Code: Formal: Men: Black Tie or Evening Suit Ladies: Gown or Cocktail Dress R.S.V.P 954-942-7330

Spaces VERY Limited

British-American Chamber of Commerce (Broward) 954-942-7330 (Office) 954-592-7728 (Cell)

Florida Standard | 21

Central Florida

EU SHOWCASE REPORT The EU Showcase that took place on the eighth of May 2012 was a phenomenal success! This event was collaborated by the British-American Chamber of Commerce, the Orange County Government, and the French American Business Council of Orlando, in efforts to honor the annual celebration of peace and unity in Europe. We had many government officials from multiple countries, business owners, and Orlando residents in attendance; all having an amazing time and mingling amongst one another. This was a great way for everyone to make meaningful connections and see what the British-American Chamber of Commerce has to offer.

CHARITY GOLF REPORT The British Chamber of Commerce Charity Golf Event was a great opportunity to put your golf swing to the test. Over 55 golfers were in attendance, and from their responses, it was a very exciting experience. The focus of the event was to assist a well known and established organization called Dreamflight in their efforts to help seriously ill and physically challenged children from around the world.

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The Olympics is going to be held in London this year and we wish to bring the entertainment here to Orlando, and our Diamond Jubilee Event will be one to remember. Spectacular showcases such as our Year End Galas breakfast events are just one of many ways you can come to learn more about the BACC. Join the World Affairs Council of Central Florida and the British American Chamber of Commerce as we present a lunch series “Central Florida and Natural Gas. What is the future of energy� For this discussion we have invited Ms. Marianne Kah, Chief Economist for ConocoPhillips. Ms. Kah will explain the economic impacts and the future of natural gas in the US and globally. Lunch will be included in the dis-

cussion as well as a Q&A on ConocoPhillips forecasts for the future of energy. INFORMATION Date / Time: June 7, 2012, 11:30 am-1:30 pm Venue Citrus Club, 255 S. Orange Ave Suite 1800, Orlando, FL 32801 Cost: $35 BACC Members $45 Non-members

Central Florida

Save The Date! Friday, June 8th Join the Chamber in another one of its signature events as we honor Queen Elizabeth II and bring London to Orlando. The Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II is the international celebration throughout 2012 marking the 60th anniversary of the accession. Bag Pipe Celebration * London Olympic 2012 Special Preview *Queens Hat Competition *‌ But Dress Up For information regarding this event e-mail: 24 | Florida Standard

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Tampa / St. Pete

Tampa Bay / St. Petersburg Brits Club The Queen’s Birthday Party on April 21st at The Queenshead Eurobar and Restaurant in St Petersburg. “It was a great evening spent meeting new friends at a top venue, I love the Queenshead” — Heather Milbourn (UK Expat)

26 | Florida Standard

SW Florida


e are an Ex-Pat social club that was established in SW Florida in 1970. Our socials are held the 3rd Friday of each month. You do not have to be British to join or attend socials so come meet some new mates. Cheers!

Mission The BAC is open to people of any nationality. Socials are held on the 3rd Friday monthly from 7pm –10pm in the lounge at Friendship Lanes, 1899 Del Prado Blvd. S., in Cape Coral. You do not need to be a member to attend. Visit us online at www.SWFLAbrits. com or email info@swf Proceeds from our functions go to support local non-profit organisations. In 2010/2011 Our events benefit

the Alan W. Neuman Foundation, assisting local young adults in need of gaining higher education to improve their lives, and the lives of others. For more information about the foundation or to make a tax deductible donation, please contact: The Alan W Neuman Foundation 5583 Buring Ct., Fort Myers, FL., 33919 28 | Florida Standard

Company Overview The BAC, a not-for-profit organization, was founded on January 17, 1970 and is one of the oldest established Ex-Pat social clubs in Southwest Florida. Phone: 239.691.6955 or 239.691.4745 Email: Website:

This year, 2012, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her Diamond Jubilee. Only one other British Monarch in history, Queen Victoria, has reigned for 60 years or more. It is a very rare and special occasion for the British nation and the Commonwealth. So, in the best British tradition of Jubilees, we're throwing a party! Saturday June 2nd at 4pm WHERE: The United Cafe Bar & Bistro 2236 First Street Fort Myers, FL 33916 239-362-1831

Scotland vs. USA The Tartan Army in Florida May 26th in Jacksonville The USA has very quickly become the number one destination for touring football teams (or soccer teams as known locally) at both club and national level for their pre-season friendly fixtures. With the NFL (American football) and NBA (Basketball) now playing regular games in the United Kingdom each year as part of their normal season it can only be a matter of time before the USA starts to host football teams from around the world in games that really do count. The Scottish national team is the latest to visit North America and played the US national team for the first meeting between the teams since their previous 1-1 draw in 2005 that took place in Glasgow, Scotland. 4,428 fans showed up to see the USA play Scotland at EverBank Field in Jacksonville

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on Saturday, May 26th. The fans set a new record for a U.S. match in the state of Florida. Those who showed up were treated to a show, too, as Landon Donovan scored

a hat trick in the newly-striped kits and the Americans routed Scotland. This match although billed as a friendly, was won by the USA 5-1. For Scotland it

offered great preparation for their qualifier against Serbia on September 8th for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. Scotland have played in 5 previous World Cups and will be highly motivated to make the 2014 finals after narrowly missing out on a place in this years upcoming European Championships. The USA are also preparing for their World Cup qualifiers which start on June 8th against Antigua and Barbuda. This game will also be played in Florida, at the Raymond James Stadium in Tampa. The USA spent the week preparing for their game against Scotland at the Disney World of Sports Complex. Florida looks to be the current preferred state for the US National team and who can blame them with the glorious weather we have. Over the next few months Tottenham Hotspur, Chelsea, Liverpool, Swansea City, Stoke City, Aston Villa, Nottingham Forest, AC Milan and Real Madrid are also playing games throughout the USA including here in Florida at Miami and Orlando. I was fortunate to visit Chicago and watch the USA play England in 2005. I got the chance to

visit an exciting city that I had never visited before while enjoying a great sports event. Something I would highly recommend. It allows you to meet many like minded people whilst experiencing parts of America you may not have otherwise visited. So go watch a game either here in Florida or make a long weekend of it and go visit a new city and whilst their take in some great sports action at the same time.

James Donovan James Donovan is a Real Estate broker with Team Donovan. The company specialises in the sale of Orlando area properties primarily used as holiday / vacation use or investment. Please contact him by e-mail James@ Phone 407-7052128 or visit www.


Online resources for British expats the essential online resource for Brits who live in, are visiting or are interested in moving to America. Hundreds of pages of information including Real Estate glossary, guides for Health Insurance, US Visas, Living in and travelling to America plus all the businesses and services that can assist you. the social network for British expats living in America. the British Consulate in the USA. contains information for new and prospective Florida residents. has information about living/moving to Florida. has local information on crime rates etc. is full of information on schools in the USA. gives you details on how to get your Florida driving license. all the paperwork and forms needed for registering businesses in Florida and electronic filing. small business advice and assistance. where to get your social security number / card. packed with essential travel advice and tips. contains all the immigration forms and information. the website of the US Embassy in London. search available property for sale in America. play touch rugby in Orlando. the official website of Orlando City Soccer club. soccer coaching in Central Florida. T20 cricket. the official website of the United States Snooker Association. the Florida Scottish Highland Games. the British American Club of Southwest Florida British American Social Club of Citrus County. the Tampa Bay British Expats Meet-up group. petitioning for E2 Visa reform. news, features and advice for British expats. America's only British newspaper. 32 | Florida Standard

Florida Standard | 33

Cooking with Carol

QUEEN OF PUDDINGS This is probably one of the lightest puddings with a swirl of meringue on the top.

Pre-heat the oven to 350F, (180C) or gas mark 4. You will need a generously buttered 1.1/2 pint pie-dish Oval looks nice with this pudding. First pour the milk into a saucepan and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat and stir in the butter, breadcrumbs, 1 oz of the sugar and the lemon rind, and leave for about 20 minutes to allow the breadcrumbs to swell. Now separate the eggs, beat the yolks and add to the cooled breadcrumb mixture. Pour it into the pie-dish and spread it out evenly. Bake in the centre of the oven for 30-35 minutes, or until set. 34 | Florida Standard

 1 Pint milk (570 ml)  4 oz fresh white bread crumbs (110g)  1/2 oz butter (10g)  2 oz caster sugar or fine sugar (50g)  the grated rind from one small lemon.  large eggs.  level tablespoons of raspberry jam. (UK measure)

Meantime, in a small saucepan melt the jam over a low heat, and when the pudding is ready, remove it from the oven and spread the jam carefully and evenly over the top. Next beat the egg whites until stiff, then whisk in 1 oz of sugar. Spoon the meringue mixture over the pudding. Finally, sprinkle a teaspoon of caster sugar over the top of the pudding and bake for a further 10-15 minutes until the topping is golden brown. This is lovely with fresh cream and may be some fresh raspberries.

28th - 30th September 2012 NEC Birmingham


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Tampa / St. Pete / Clearwater Mortgages Tampa Connect Mortgage Solutions Mike Dover Tel: 727 945 7722 Fax: 407 472 5900 Statewide Service Accountancy / CPA Tampa Thomas C Roberge & Co Tom Swapp Tel: 727 822 9393 Statewide service Tea Rooms & Restaurants Café/Clearwater Grind House Café Bar & Grill Michelle Gibbons Tel: 727 726 5577 Salon & Spa Tampa Kensington Salon & Spa Karen Payne Tel: 813 254 1091 Email: kensngtonsalonandspa@

Sarasota Area Immigration Attorneys Sarasota Anthony Olsen PA Anthony Olsen Tel: 941 362 7100 Email: Statewide service Pubs Sarasota The White Horse Pub Fay Lawrence Tel: 941 358 1353 Email: Real Estate Coldwell Banker Patricia Tan Tel: 941 504 9232

36 | Florida Standard

Central Florida Pubs Devenney’s Irish Pub - Davenport Jay Creighton Tel: 352 432 3825 Email: Shops The British Shoppe Jon Hanson Tel: 407 898 1634 Statewide service The Villages The UK Shoppe Maureen Amengual Tel: 352 391 5788 Email: Real Estate MainStreet Realtors John McLoughlin Tel: 407 666 3279 Email: Buy Florida Realty Denise Assersohn Tel: 407 709 6174 Team Donovan James Donovan Tel: 407 705 2616 Printing Services Performance Business Solutions Simon Aspery Tel: 321 304 8011 Statewide service Pensions Kestrel International Simon Plumb Tel: 407 704 6207 Statewide service Business Solutions AUE Staffing Solutions Terry Wiseman Tel: 407 666 7381 Statewide service

Property Management GoldKey Property Management Valerie Brown Tel: 407 396 9090 Mortgages ACM Financial Robin Stacey Tel: 407 397 7300 Statewide service Marketing/ Advertising/ Design & Websites ORB Marketing Solutions / Floridalink Justine Assal Tel: 407 401 9690 Justine@OrbMarketingSolutions. com Sports Winter Park Tennis Centre Anzela Zguna Tel: 407 599 3445 Financial & Investment Services Edwards Financial Services Jason Edwards Tel: 407 678 9400 Statewide service

Jimmy Andrews FCCA Telephone: (305) 323 1278 Statewide Service

Naples & Fort Myers

Pubs Naples Ballyorney Irish Pub Brad Malloney Tel: 239 628 1444 Email: Real Estate Realty World Top Producers Kathy Rainford Tel: 239 430 1700

Miami Area Pubs Miami Churchill’s Pub David Daniels Tel: 305 757 1807 Email: Tea Rooms/ Restaurants Miami The Copper Kettle Celtic Pamela Edwards Tel: 305 255 1515

Furniture packages/ game rooms Florida Villa Services Paul Dudley Tel: 407 238 2389

Merchandise Ready4 Best of Britain Justin Jones Tel: 786 457 9353 Statewide service

Worldwide moving companies UPakWeShip Mark Nash 843 225 7217 Statewide Service

Accountancy Andrews Accountancy LLC Jimmy Andrews Tel: 305 323 1278 Statewide service

UPakWeShip Mark Nash 1 866 868 6386 Statewide Service Miami area Andrews Accountancy LLC

North West

Tea Rooms/ Restaurants Willows Tea Room Linda Smith Tel: 850 747 1004 Email:

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38 | Florida Standard

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