27th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning Featured Speakers
Dr. Robert Blaine, Jackson State University “Reaching the Connected Learner through Disruptive Innovation” Jackson State University's (JSU) Cyber Learning initiative harnesses the raw materials, life experiences and new knowledge that students learn to integrate as they engage faculty and their peers in science, literature, the arts, social sciences, technology and the pre-professions. Cyber learning puts JSU in touch with the world and gives ladders of opportunity for students to build careers, lives and meaning. Through our curriculum transformations, inverted classrooms, continuous and meaningful faculty development, and new student orientations, we are poised to ensure that students both create opportunity for themselves and others and manage their obligations as aware, facile, well-read and highly collaborative global citizens. Dr. Judith Bilsky, Former Executive Vice Chancellor, Florida Department of Education “Leadership Doesn’t Need a Title” “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” (John Quincy Adams) This presentation will focus on the core values common to effective leaders and key components of developing and incorporating these qualities into one’s professional path. Dr. Judith Bilsky, teacher, administrator, and mentor to a generation of educators, will share insightful vignettes of “what matters” in this interactive presentation exploring the “good, the bad, and the ugly” in leadership styles.
27th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning Featured Speakers
JP Mathes II, The Kentucky School of Bluegrass and Traditional Music Hazard Community College “The Global Bluegrass Music Classroom from Kentucky to Tokyo: Taking Bluegrass & Traditional American Music from Appalachia to the World with Modern Technology” This session will take a look at how a Bluegrass & Traditional Mountain Music program embedded into a community college setting has transformed the culture and student learning experience at Hazard Community & Technical College’s (HCTC) Kentucky School of Bluegrass & Traditional Music (KSBTM) in Hyden, Kentucky. The session will also discuss how they are taking their recording and music classes online with Skype and Blackboard, and opening up learning possibilities for students all across the world. The presenter is J.P. Mathes II. J.P. is an Assistant Professor and Director of Student Ensembles at HCTC. J.P. is also an international performer, lecturer, songwriter, and banjo player. Dr. Luke Cornelius, University of North Florida “Current Legal Issues in College Teaching” Dr. Luke Cornelius, an associate professor and Director of Higher Education Administration in the department of Leadership, School Counseling and Sport Management at the University of North Florida. He has both a law degree and a doctor of philosophy degree in education administration and policy, with an emphasis in educational law and finance. He will focus his presentation on copyright and speech in relation to online learning.
27th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning Featured Speakers
Kim Holder, University of West Georgia “Engaging With Our Global Environment: The #UWGTakesSpain Study Abroad Project” Social media can be a useful tool to enhance the learning process in economics and financial literacy for students both inside the traditional classroom and around the world. By consciously promoting the use of multiple social media networks for our university’s study abroad trip to Spain, we were able to extend engagement beyond those who were enrolled in the course, strengthen the university’s student learning network, and provide them with a differentiated learning experience in a global environment. In this session, we will highlight student research projects focused on the economics of Spain, the social media story interwoven throughout the semester, and how our trip highlighted the financial story of the Spanish economy. Kim Holder is an alumna of the University of West Georgia where she graduated magna cum laude from the Honors College with a B.S. in Economics and a double minor in Chemistry and Biology. She earned her Master of Arts in Economics from the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State, where she was both a Phi Kappa Phi and Southern Regional Education Board fellow.