South Africa Flow Magazine – Issue 3

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Alistair Metcalfe

MEP Graduate Faroll is our latest Gangstar apprentice. Read his story on page 6.


Simon Baker Sam Bloomfield SUBSCRIPTION, GIVING & SUPPORTER ENQUIRIES: T: +27 (0) 21 447 3906 E:


The Message Trust SA, 66 Victoria Road, Woodstock, 7925, Cape Town, South Africa Phone: +27 (0) 21 447 3906 WWW.MESSAGE.ORG.ZA

To open up our first halfway home for ex-offenders. We have increasingly realised that we need to provide an accommodation option for some of the graduates of our in-prison programme. That’s why we’ve committed this year to develop a supportive environment to enable those released from prison to flourish.

Welcome from Tim Tucker, National Director


The Message Trust




Welcome from Tim Tucker


071348794 PAGE BRANCH: Our ‘Five Big MOWBRAY Goals’ for 2016 BRANCH CODE: 024909 PAGE SWIFT CODE: Gangstar SBZAZAJJ Enterprises



For KineticIV to reach 10,000 young people through mission weeks in at least 10 schools across Cape Town. KineticIV will partner with churches to help them present the gospel in language that young people can understand.

Our motto in 2015 was ‘life and light’, and last year we really did experience the life-transforming power of the gospel shining brightly in difficult and dark situations. I’d like to share three images with you that, for me, encapsulate what this looks like for Message SA at work in Cape Town and beyond. The first enduring image of 2015 was the Message Entrepreneurship Programme (MEP) graduation ceremony. Following months of deep engagement, discipleship and training, 26 graduates of our programme were capped and gowned before a cheering audience of friends, family, prison authorities and Message business supporters. It was an incredible experience… transforming a previously notoriously dark environment into a place of joy. The second was the return of KineticIV. After six months of training in the UK, our first mission band came back to Cape Town in July. Their first mission week was in schools in Nyanga, famous for being the ‘murder capital of South Africa’. There was some apprehension as the band set up: how would their music be received? Would the young people respond to the message? But all doubts were cast aside within a few seconds of the first track, as the beat kicked in and the kids went wild. During that week hundreds responded for prayer, and KineticIV have been sharing life and light to thousands across the city ever since.

The third image comes from our first Eden team in Salt River. Having experienced the miracles of this team forming and all 13 members finding housing in the community, we were brimming with anticipation for all that God would do. And we haven’t been disappointed! The impact of Eden Salt River is encapsulated in a football tournament they held in the neighbourhood. The event connected the team with many community members and helped raise funds for two teenage residents to visit a Christian conference in the UK. Since then, the Eden team has been fully embraced by the neighbourhood – with amazing opportunities opening up for them to serve the community and share the love of Christ

Goal Three





Goal five



To have 20 new recruits to join and strengthen our existing Eden teams, and afford us the opportunity to prepare for our next Eden location.


Our fifth goal is a continuance from 2015… as well as an amazing answer to prayer! Last year we stated that we wanted to identify and move into a Leadership and Enterprise Centre. Through an amazing sequence of events, we are moving into our new base in Woodstock early in 2016. Our goal for this year is to complete the purchase of the building – and develop our plans to refurbish it over the coming years to fully meet our long-term requirements.

We look forward to continuing to share this adventure with you,

Tim Tucker National Director, Message South Africa




After six months of training at Message Academy in Manchester, we launched Message SA’s first creative mission band, KineticIV. The group consists of four members – Meryl Bendie (singer), Gilead Engelbrecht (rapper/dancer), Justin Barth (rapper) and Jabulani Majola (rapper).

In 2015 it was wonderful to witness our first Eden Team in Salt River grow from strength to strength. Every member of the team is now living in the community and all are actively involved in reaching out to young people.

for a family whose house burned down and been actively sharing Christ in the community. The team has already displayed an eagerness to not just proclaim this gospel but also live it out – we are excited to see what God will still do in and through them in 2016.

Already in 2016 we have commissioned our newest Eden team, in Pelican Park, in partnership with Cape Gateway International Church. We are also well on the way to recruiting our third Eden team, in Nyanga, having now signed a partnership agreement with New Crossroad Baptist Church.


EDEN PELICAN PARK: MEET OUR NEWEST EDEN TEAM So far, we have eight members accepted onto our newest Eden team. The team is already settled in Pelican Park and we are praying for housing for another couple to move into the community soon.

Report written by Jennifer Belcher, MEP Development Officer Someone once said, ‘It always seems impossible… until it’s done!’ In fact, the person who said it, the great Nelson Mandela, was incarcerated right where we launched the first ever Message Entrepreneurship Programme (MEP): Drakenstein Prison. Inside this very prison we learned that it is in the darkest places that we can find the brightest lights.


Eden Pelican Park had already provided bed space

Left to Right: Siphe, Chumani, Jade, Vuyo, Faroll



Why would someone move into a new community and join an Eden team? We asked two of our newest team members that question:

KineticIV was commissioned on August 1, 2015, and has been actively involved in school, prison and community outreaches since then. The band has visited eight schools and 14 churches, and performed twice in Drakenstein Prison. The impact has been amazing as we have reached approximately 8,400 people since the launch! As word has got around about

‘The need for sustained, real interaction is imperative! Coming once a week, in and out, is not enough. The Eden vision hit me right in the spirit – I had to join. I decided to live in or lose out!’ (Terry)

the band, we have been featured on radio and national TV including live performances on SABC 3’s ‘Expresso’ show and ‘Hectic Nine 9’. One of the highlights of 2015 was our performance at Cape Carols hosted by Radio CCfm. The team performed alongside some of South Africa’s most well-known artists such as The Jonathan Rubain band, Swiff D, Gracetown and the Tracy Carter band. There were approximately 3,000 people in the audience and it was the perfect way to cap off a successful year of ministry. Here are KineticIV’s members’ highlights of the year... Meryl Bendie – ‘My highlight for 2015 was our first school outreach, Fezeka High School in Nyanga. It was amazing to finally put to action the things



In 2016, we will be recruiting 20 new team members to strengthen our existing Eden teams, and we’ll begin the recruitment process for our fourth Eden team in another of the toughest neighbourhoods in Cape Town. To find out more, or to begin the application process to join an Eden team, contact: Praying for the Pelican Park Eden team


we learnt in the UK, and to see kids responding positively to our message.’ Justin Barth – ‘My highlight for 2015 was our outreach in Drakenstein Prison where we got to minister to a group of inmates. What blessed me was to see the amount of freedom and hope they displayed through finding Christ.’ Jabulani Majola – ‘My highlight for 2015 was our weekend in Citrusdal. We performed to many young people, and the way they responded to our performance really inspired and moved me.’ Gilead Engelbrecht – ‘My highlight for 2015 was the band’s official launch, as we were supported by friends and family and we finally got to display what we were taught in the UK.’

‘Eden… is an open door to a call I have to Pelican Park. I’m excited with what God is going to do this year through Eden!’ (Pascal)



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WWW.MESSAGE.ORG.ZA TRUSTEES Stephen Van Rhyn (Chair) Andy Hawthorne OBE Timothy Tucker Warren Lodge

‘The Message is an organisation that demonstrates a spirit of service to those who are, more often than not, discounted as being able to make a valuable contribution to the South African economy. Through Gangstar Enterprise Development, LegalWise is afforded the opportunity to support those who have risen above the rest to take responsibility for improving their own lives and those around them. Working with The Message is both rewarding and inspirational; within an environment that is enabling for corporate investment in small business development.’



Last year, we watched 27 men move into one cell and become pioneers for the first year of the Programme. These men evolved from cellmates to classmates, to an inspiring brotherhood they named the ‘Future Leaders.’

income generating opportunities for emerging transformational leaders. Here’s what Lesley, LegalWise’s CSI Manager, has to say:

Goal four

These snapshots of 2015 are all opened up in the following pages. I hope that as you read this edition of FLOW, you’ll be encouraged by all that God is doing through The Message team in this beautiful country. Many thanks for your continued interest and prayerful support of Message SA.



We are so thankful to LegalWise for recently providing Enterprise Development funding towards our latest enterprise, Gangstar Gear, which will facilitate the financial and operational independence of this micro-enterprise in 2016. LegalWise shares our vision to ultimately provide

To create jobs for up to 10 MEP graduates within Gangstar Enterprises, by increasingly aligning our small business development strategy with our in-prison work. It is so important that we have enough appropriate opportunities within Gangstar Enterprises for the young men we work with as they are released from prison.

YOUR SURNAME EMAIL: PAGE Message Entrepreneurship Programme

Eden update

We are so grateful for all our partnerships. It is no overstatement to say that Gangstar Enterprises has only been made possible through our incredible business partners in the Message Business Network. We meet quarterly to update them on Gangstar Enterprises’ progress and to provide a platform for input and interaction with business experts. In 2015 we have been particularly encouraged by partnerships with Seagems, Magents and LegalWise, a legal expenses insurance company.

Goal Two




Goal One



TRANSFORMING POWER Welcome from Tim Tucker, National Director

DEAR FRIEND, Our motto in 2015 was ‘life and light’, and last year we really did experience the life-transforming power of the gospel shining brightly in difficult and dark situations. I’d like to share three images with you that, for me, encapsulate what this looks like for Message SA at work in Cape Town and beyond. The first enduring image of 2015 was the Message Entrepreneurship Programme (MEP) graduation ceremony. Following months of deep engagement, discipleship and training, 26 graduates of our programme were capped and gowned before a cheering audience of friends, family, prison authorities and Message business supporters. It was an incredible experience… transforming a previously notoriously dark environment into a place of joy. The second was the return of KineticIV. After six months of training in the UK, our first mission band came back to Cape Town in July. Their first mission week was in schools in Nyanga, famous for being the ‘murder capital of South Africa’. There was some apprehension as the band set up: how would their music be received? Would the young people respond to the message? But all doubts were cast aside within a few seconds of the first track, as the beat kicked in and the kids went wild. During that week hundreds responded for prayer, and KineticIV have been sharing life and light to thousands across the city ever since.

The third image comes from our first Eden team in Salt River. Having experienced the miracles of this team forming and all 13 members finding housing in the community, we were brimming with anticipation for all that God would do. And we haven’t been disappointed! The impact of Eden Salt River is encapsulated in a football tournament they held in the neighbourhood. The event connected the team with many community members and helped raise funds for two teenage residents to visit a Christian conference in the UK. Since then, the Eden team has been fully embraced by the neighbourhood – with amazing opportunities opening up for them to serve the community and share the love of Christ. These snapshots of 2015 are all opened up in the following pages. I hope that as you read this edition of FLOW, you’ll be encouraged by all that God is doing through The Message team in this beautiful country. Many thanks for your continued interest and prayerful support of Message SA. We look forward to continuing to share this adventure with you,

Tim Tucker National Director, Message South Africa


That’s our new motto for 2016. Tim Tucker explains why, and introduces our five big goals for the year ahead When King Hezekiah was facing the biggest challenge of his reign as king of Judah, he gave this incredible, three-sentence speech: ‘Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power with us than with him. With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the LORD our God to help us and to fight our battles’ (2 Chronicles 32:7-8). The response of the people was complete confidence. The Message translation puts it like this: ‘Morale surged. Hezekiah’s words put steel in their spine.’ However, this confidence – that they would thrive in spite of seemingly insurmountable opposition – did not come out of a vacuum. Hezekiah had led the people in 14 years of


spiritual and practical renewal. His words of hope were rooted in the people’s assurance that God was on their side and would work everything for their good. As we look to 2016, we believe that God has called us to thrive – to see more fruitful work done to impact the lives of disadvantaged young people across the city of Cape Town. And we are fully committed to working hard towards this goal. But we recognise that it is not simply about hard work, great strategy, or the necessary resources. No, it’s entirely proportional to our dependence on God, on being revived daily by him, and ensuring he is glorified in everything we do. That’s why our motto for 2016 is ‘Revived to Thrive’ – and it’s with this in mind that we present our big goals for 2016.

Goal One To open up our first halfway home for ex-offenders. We have increasingly realised that we need to provide an accommodation option for some of the graduates of our in-prison programme. That’s why we’ve committed this year to develop a supportive environment to enable those released from prison to flourish.

Goal Two For KineticIV to reach 10,000 young people through mission weeks in at least 10 schools across Cape Town. KineticIV will partner with churches to help them present the gospel in language that young people can understand.

Goal Three To create jobs for up to 10 MEP graduates within Gangstar Enterprises, by increasingly aligning our small business development strategy with our in-prison work. It is so important that we have enough appropriate opportunities within Gangstar Enterprises for the young men we work with as they are released from prison.

Goal four Goal five

To have 20 new recruits to join and strengthen our existing Eden teams, and afford us the opportunity to prepare for our next Eden location.

Our fifth goal is a continuance from 2015… as well as an amazing answer to prayer! Last year we stated that we wanted to identify and move into a Leadership and Enterprise Centre. Through an amazing sequence of events, we are moving into our new base in Woodstock early in 2016. Our goal for this year is to complete the purchase of the building – and develop our plans to refurbish it over the coming years to fully meet our long-term requirements.


CHRIST CENTERED ENTERPRISE GANGSTAR ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT We are so grateful for all our partnerships. It is no overstatement to say that Gangstar Enterprises has only been made possible through our incredible business partners in the Message Business Network. We meet quarterly to update them on Gangstar Enterprises’ progress and to provide a platform for input and interaction with business experts. In 2015 we have been particularly encouraged by partnerships with Seagems, Magents and LegalWise, a legal expenses insurance company. We are so thankful to LegalWise for recently providing Enterprise Development funding towards our latest enterprise, Gangstar Gear, which will facilitate the financial and operational independence of this micro-enterprise in 2016. LegalWise shares our vision to ultimately provide

Left to Right: Siphe, Chumani, Jade, Vuyo, Faroll


income generating opportunities for emerging transformational leaders. Here’s what Lesley, LegalWise’s CSI Manager, has to say: ‘The Message is an organisation that demonstrates a spirit of service to those who are, more often than not, discounted as being able to make a valuable contribution to the South African economy. Through Gangstar Enterprise Development, LegalWise is afforded the opportunity to support those who have risen above the rest to take responsibility for improving their own lives and those around them. Working with The Message is both rewarding and inspirational; within an environment that is enabling for corporate investment in small business development.’

MEET FAROLL, OUR LATEST GANGSTAR APPRENTICE Faroll Moses graduated from the Message Entrepreneurship Programme in October 2015, having been released two months earlier. He joined Gangstar Enterprises as a part-time apprentice while completing the Message Entrepreneurship Programme, going back into prison three days a week, despite being on parole. Faroll has now returned to his family and community in Wesbank, Cape Town. Despite

being surrounded by the same pressures while growing up, he has shown tremendous strength of character and personal growth by not returning to his old ways. Here’s what he says: ‘I feel great to be working at Gangstar Enterprises. I am able to not only work but to be part of a family that loves one another and forms a brotherhood. God has placed The Message in my life for a reason and to guide and help me in my future.’ We are excited to share that Faroll will be employed full time with us in 2016!


Our business provides young people who are unemployed because of their criminal record, the opportunity to learn how to work in and eventually operate a business. This will ensure that individuals use their skills in productive income-generating activities rather than on the streets.


Gangstar: Faroll (see above) A clothing and merchandise brand that aims to change the perceptions of young people who are destined to join gangs.


Gangstar: Chumani Creating furniture and signs from pallet wood.


Gangstars: Jade and Siphe You can hire our beautifully renovated Food Truck to serve Gourmet Soft Serve at your birthday party, wedding or private function. There are more than 15 flavours to choose from, all made from natural, fresh ingredients. Contact Email: Website: Facebook: thesoftmachine1

Is your company looking for an Enterprise Development opportunity to support? The Message Trust has formed Gangstar Enterprise Development PTY Ltd. as a vehicle for genuine economic empowerment of previously disadvantaged South Africans. As such, we are well positioned to partner with companies that wish to utilise their Enterprise Development grants to not only create sustainable income for young people from tough backgrounds, but contributions also fit the criteria for your organisation’s BBBEE scorecard. Please consider partnering with us as we seek to create multiple opportunities for future gangstars. E:


Report written by Jennifer Belcher, MEP Development Officer Someone once said, ‘It always seems impossible… until it’s done!’ In fact, the person who said it, the great Nelson Mandela, was incarcerated right where we launched the first ever Message Entrepreneurship Programme (MEP): Drakenstein Prison. Inside this very prison we learned that it is in the darkest places that we can find the brightest lights. Last year, we watched 27 men move into one cell and become pioneers for the first year of the Programme. These men evolved from cellmates to classmates, to an inspiring brotherhood they named the ‘Future Leaders.’ Eight gates deep inside our MEP classroom, our students went through an intensive business, leadership and spiritual training. They were challenged to not only learn how to create businesses that would solve social problems, but also how to work together as a brotherhood. Pushed outside their comfort zones, the MEP students also went through an intensive public

speaking training course called ‘Toastmasters’. Invaluable business subjects were taught from various renowned guest lecturers and the men received visitors from seven different countries. At our first ever Business Model Competition, we watched these same men step out of their comfort zones and deliver polished, professional business pitches to a panel of guest judges comprising business owners, executives and professionals. The winner of the competition not only overcame his fear of public speaking but impressed judges with his eco-friendly container housing business concept, designed to bring real change and much needed hope to the informal settlement communities. At MEP Graduation, each student wore a cap and gown for the first time and walked across the stage to receive his entrepreneurship certificates as a completely transformed, changed man. It was a powerful day as family, DCS officials and Message supporters cheered the students on. The chains are heavy on this generation but the truth lies in what these men so powerfully sang at graduation as their closing song: ‘There is power, in the name of Jesus, to break every chain...’ We have learned that the chains of darkness are only broken by one thing: the message of God’s love. We want to thank everyone who has helped us bring the transformational power of God’s love to these men. Watch this space to hear more about this army of urban heroes rising up in the most unlikely of places! ‘He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains’ – Psalm 107:14


‘I was fortunate to witness and also be a part of what society depicts as being the “scum of the earth, the cast-outs, the failures of this world, the forgotten ones” and be “refined, renewed, remodeled and reshaped.” Graduation was not just a photoshoot with a cap and a gown but the benchmark of my new future, the birth of hope. For me it was the start of saying “I can (in fact, you can and we all can) surface to my God-given potential. I’ve taken my first step, alongside my brothers, some older, some younger… a wave of God’s army. The Future Leaders.’

‘I cannot hide my unbelievable joy which will stay in my heart for years to come. I certainly appreciate all the time and effort The Message has put in, having worked extremely hard to make a meaningful contribution to the Graduation Day, the most spectacular event for me, without a doubt. I’ve never been in a Graduation before, ever in my life. So I can say with confidence it was a great experience and the day will be remembered for a long time.’

If you would like to visit an MEP event, find out more about volunteering with the MEP, or become a business advisor, contact


EDEN NETWORK REPORT BY ALASTAIR BUCHANAN, EDEN REGIONAL DIRECTOR In 2015 it was wonderful to witness our first Eden Team in Salt River grow from strength to strength. Every member of the team is now living in the community and all are actively involved in reaching out to young people. Already in 2016 we have commissioned our newest Eden team, in Pelican Park, in partnership with Cape Gateway International Church. We are also well on the way to recruiting our third Eden team, in Nyanga, having now signed a partnership agreement with New Crossroad Baptist Church.

EDEN PELICAN PARK: MEET OUR NEWEST EDEN TEAM So far, we have eight members accepted onto our newest Eden team. The team is already settled in Pelican Park and we are praying for housing for another couple to move into the community soon.

Eden Pelican Park had already provided bed space for a family whose house burned down and been actively sharing Christ in the community. The team has already displayed an eagerness to not just proclaim this gospel but also live it out – we are excited to see what God will still do in and through them in 2016.

WHY JOIN EDEN? Why would someone move into a new community and join an Eden team? We asked two of our newest team members that question: ‘The need for sustained, real interaction is imperative! Coming once a week, in and out, is not enough. The Eden vision hit me right in the spirit – I had to join. I decided to live in or lose out!’ (Terry) ‘Eden… is an open door to a call I have to Pelican Park. I’m excited with what God is going to do this year through Eden!’ (Pascal)


In 2016, we will be recruiting 20 new team members to strengthen our existing Eden teams, and we’ll begin the recruitment process for our fourth Eden team in another of the toughest neighbourhoods in Cape Town.

Praying for the Pelican Park Eden team


To find out more, or to begin the application process to join an Eden team, contact:

REPORT BY SHAUN PRETORIUS, BAND MANAGER After six months of training at Message Academy in Manchester, we launched Message SA’s first creative mission band, KineticIV. The group consists of four members – Meryl Bendie (singer), Gilead Engelbrecht (rapper/dancer), Justin Barth (rapper) and Jabulani Majola (rapper). KineticIV was commissioned on August 1, 2015, and has been actively involved in school, prison and community outreaches since then. The band has visited eight schools and 14 churches, and performed twice in Drakenstein Prison. The impact has been amazing as we have reached approximately 8,400 people since the launch! As word has got around about the band, we have been featured

on radio and national TV including live performances on SABC 3’s ‘Expresso’ show and ‘Hectic Nine 9’. One of the highlights of 2015 was our performance at Cape Carols hosted by Radio CCfm. The team performed alongside some of South Africa’s most well-known artists such as The Jonathan Rubain band, Swiff D, Gracetown and the Tracy Carter band. There were approximately 3,000 people in the audience and it was the perfect way to cap off a successful year of ministry. Here are KineticIV’s members’ highlights of the year... Meryl Bendie – ‘My highlight

for 2015 was our first school outreach, Fezeka High School in Nyanga. It was amazing to finally put to action the things

we learnt in the UK, and to see kids responding positively to our message.’ Justin Barth – ‘My highlight for 2015 was our outreach in Drakenstein Prison where we got to minister to a group of inmates. What blessed me was to see the amount of freedom and hope they displayed through finding Christ.’ Jabulani Majola – ‘My highlight for 2015 was our weekend in Citrusdal. We performed to many young people, and the way they responded to our performance really inspired and moved me.’ Gilead Engelbrecht – ‘My

highlight for 2015 was the band’s official launch, as we were supported by friends and family and we finally got to display what we were taught in the UK.’





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