Element & Essence: Exploring the Four Elements in Plant Signatures & Flower Essence Therapy

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Element & Essence: Exploring the Four Elements in Plant Signatures & Flower Essence Therapy

Flower Essence Society Thursday evening, July 16 through Monday, July 20, 2015

Overview: The Element and Essence Seminar The core of Dr. Bach’s approach to preparing flower essences involves the four elements. Elemental consciousness lies deep within Celtic heritage, and is at the foundation of an ancient worldwide alchemical tradition. During our seminar we will hone our perceptive skills for appreciating the unique confluence of elemental properties particular to each plant. By doing so, we come to a deeper understanding of the particular healing signature of each flower essence and how to use it for the greatest benefit to others. We will also turn our gaze to the human being, to discover how elemental qualities express themselves in the body-soul matrix of each individual. This twofold approach to healing wisdom will allow us to deepen and sharpen our abilities as practitioners; for the more we recognize the plant as a living substance with unique characteristics, and likewise understand these same elemental signatures within the human being, the more vibrant our healing work with flower essences can become. The FES gardens at Terra Flora will be in the peak of their summer blooming cycles. This environment will provide an ideal opportunity to approach the world of plants through living engagement with the four elements. The more we practice the ability to see Nature, not as a dead collection of things, but rather a living communion of beings, the more we anchor the core of our healing work as flower essence practitioners. Who is welcome to enroll Anyone is welcome to enroll who is practicing flower essence therapy, whether in a professional setting or home and community care. This seminar will assume a rudimentary familiarity with flower essences; it is not the intent of this course to cover introductory concepts regarding how to understand, select and evaluate flower essences.

Announcing the Flower Essence Society Advanced Studies Certification Program We are pleased to announce a second level of training and study for certified practitioners in the Flower Essence Society. Our goal is to now move to a further level of proficiency in flower essence therapy, recognizing those certified practitioners who wish to deepen their study with FES, or who are working in their communities in an area of specialty. Each year the Flower Essence Society will offer one or more advanced courses in specific areas of healing and research, such as aromatherapy and flower essences, plant signatures and related aspects of Nature Science, dream work and flower essences, and color healing and flowers. We will also focus on work with particular populations such as children, animals, or elderly; or specialized arenas of healing such as drug addiction, homelessness and displacement from community and family, war aftermath or other forms of post-trauma stress, domestic violence, human sexuality and the soul, environmental toxins and ecological healing, hospice care, mental health, autism, physical diseases and soul evolution, community service and collective healing. The goal of the research and teaching efforts in the FES Advanced Studies Program, will be to accelerate practitioner awareness and expertise, so that the soul-spiritual gift of flower essence therapy moves directly into the heart of humanity and into the heart of the earth, especially its current forms of suffering and related challenges. Credits will be designated according to curriculum hours for each course. Accrual of 80 or more hours is required to be granted an Advanced Studies Certificate from the Flower Essence Society. Credits for the FES Advanced Studies Program will be accounted for anyone attending, whether or not you are still in process with FES certification, or intend to pursue certification later. However, the final certificate for the FES Advanced Studies Program is awarded to those who have completed the basic certification program. This program will also recognize independent study from those practitioners who may wish to contribute to our body of research through on-line presentations of healing work in their own communities. To make proposals for such study, please contact FES directly. Elements & Essences 2015 course: 40 hours

The Earth Element in Plant Observation Is the plant well rooted in the soil? Does it have a strong tap root or a complex system of roots? How solid or rigid is the structure of the plant? Does it have a woody stem or trunk? Is it massive? Is the foliage dense or dark? Does the plant droop, point down to the earth, or seem weighed down by gravity? Are there parts of the plant that exhibit a fourfold or square shape?


Thank you for your incredible generosity and hospitality. It was such a beautiful experience meeting you and communing with all of the sacred flowers, trees, animals and souls/spirits at Terra Flora. I feel a deeper connection to the plants now that I have taken some time to connect with them on a soul level. — Andrea Rose, Waterloo, ON, Canada

The Earth Element and the Human Soul Virtues of Earth: Joyously embodied and fully participating in life; able to engage in material and financial activities in a grounded manner, emotional depth gained from life wisdom, compassionate insight, nurturing forces that impart stability and security to others Challenges of Earth: Materialistic outlook lacking in imagination or spiritual transcendence, feeling of weight and heaviness in the body, overidentification with bodily form or identity; antisocial feelings of criticism or negativity, plagued by feelings of depression and isolation

Thank you for opening your beautiful home and gardens for us all to share. The classes were fascinating.. . I was honored by the deep level of compassion and commitment to helping others you both shared as well as the other students. It was a true gift to be in the company of such a wonderful, caring group from all over the world.

— Lori Sloan, Ferrum, VA

The Water Element in Plant Observation Does the plant thrive in a moist or dry environment? Does the plant store water in its leaves and/or stem? Are there parts of the plant that are succulent or mucilaginous? Is the foliage lush, succulent and full? Does the plant hold dew on its leaves? Does it exude sap or other liquids? Examine the growth pattern and structure of the plant; does it have “flowing” quality and moving from one shape to another?

Lady’s Mantle with dew drops

The Water Element and the Human Soul Virtues of Water: Selflessness, flowing life, devotion, surrender, grace, beauty, openness, sensitivity, service, able to extend beyond individual self, calm rhythmic life; profound soul opening to higher realms, spiritual transcendence

Challenges of Water: Submerging of the ego, loss of consciousness, loss of sense of purpose or direction in life; endlessly repeats experience without learning; self-destructive, congested, stuck; purity, innocence and spirituality conflicted with human warmth, worldly engagement and sexuality

Your training not only expanded our knowledge on flower essences, but also opened our hearts and let in love and deep connectedness with nature and other human beings. — Lionela Geftar, Laguna Beach, CA

The Air Element in Plant Observation Observe the plant’s leaves. Are they feathery, allowing light and air to pass through? Is the plant flexible in its structure? Does it bend in the wind? Does the plant occupy an extended space? Does the structure of the plant contain interior spaces? Does it hold air within it? Does the growth pattern of the plant seem expansive or uplifted? Is the plant wind-pollinated? Are the seeds carried by the wind?

I have come away with a profound sense of the integrity and high standards of purity and honesty that you uphold in your work. I loved being at Terra Flora and staying at Beltane House. — Shirin Coleman, practitioner, Burlingame, CA

The Air Element and the Human Soul Virtues of Air: Enhanced consciousness and life wisdom, inspired thinking that brings spiritual thoughts into the earthly dimension, flexible and open-minded approach to life, resilient and adaptable to life circumstances, inquisitive and creative, sensitively attuned to one’s surroundings, socially connected and able to build community, light-footed and harmonious in body-soul alignment Challenges of Air: Overly intellectual or mental approach to life, susceptible to poor digestion and insomnia, short attention span, easily bored, superficial, lacking in emotional depth or sincerity, prone to mental instability, nervous agitation, fear, panic and anxiety, lack of grounding, easily infatuated, accumulation of knowledge that does not lead to wisdom

Downy Avens

The Fire Element in Plant Observation Does the plant favor warm or hot environments? Does it thrive in full sun? Does the plant bloom in the fullness of summer? Does the plant strike you as “fiery� in its gestures or colors? Does the plant have extended stamens or other features that suggest strong affinity for fire and light? Does the plant have any explosive qualities in how it releases it seeds? Are there strong aromatic oils in parts of the plant? How does the plant or its seeds respond to fires? Does the growth pattern of the plant evidence dramatic metamorphosis of form?

Scarlet Gilia

The Fire Element and the Human Soul Virtues of the Fire Element: Self-actualized, strong sense of self, fiery purpose and determination, enthusiasm, leadership, charisma, contagious energy; illumination and individuation; profound personal integration Challenges of the Fire Element: Inflammation of the ego, consumed by passions, lower emotions, greed, lust, fiery desire; tension, need to control, pronounced intensity that overwhelms others, inflammatory illness, heart disease

It will be forever in my heart, soul and mind, the experiences I had at the Professional Course. The lectures, the hikes, the place, the food, the people I met, the flowers…everything was spectacular! If I could, I would come back every year, just to ‘inhale’ the Terra Flora energy! — Anne Rocha, Dickerson, MD

Teachers for the Course: Patricia Kaminski & Richard Katz Patricia and Richard are married and professional partners, and directors of the worldwide Flower Essence Society since 1980. Through the Society they organize and inspire many educational, research, and publishing efforts throughout the world. They are authors of numerous articles and books about flower essences, including the best-selling Flower Essence Repertory, now in its fifth edition and translated into six different languages. Richard and Patricia have traveled extensively, giving seminars throughout the world on flower essence therapy. They also manage Flower Essence Services, which produces flower essences and herbal products at Terra Flora, their 27-acre Biodynamic / organic garden and wildlife sanctuary in the northern Sierra Nevada foothills of Nevada City, California.


Richard and Patricia showing the Lupine leaf

Enrollment for the seminar is limited and early registration is advised. Once you are accepted into the seminar, please make your own travel and accommodation arrangements (see below). Please contact the Flower Essence Society class registrar Jann Garitty (classes@flowersociety.org) with any questions about course content, schedule, or any other policies. The questionnaire included with the registration form is absolutely essential; without the completed questionnaire, your application will not be processed. The online registration forms are found at: https://flowersociety.wufoo.com/forms/element-essence-credit-card and https://flowersociety.wufoo.com/forms/element-essence-check-or-wire

Fees • Cost is $875 for the five-day workshop and includes four catered lunches • Breakfasts, dinners, accommodations and travel costs are additional

The Flower Essence Society P.O. Box 459, Nevada City, CA 95959 USA 800-736-9222 (USA) 530-265-9163 fax: 530-265-0584 classes@flowersociety.org www.flowersociety.org

Accommodations Beltane Community House at Terra Flora We are pleased to announce an opportunity to lodge directly on the Terra Flora grounds at Beltane Community House. There are a small number of shared rooms which are available on a first-come first-served basis. Beltane House includes a large community kitchen, common dining and living room areas, and six bathrooms, some of which are private in the rooms, and some shared by more than one room. Please inquire for room descriptions and pricing.

Other Accommodations in Nevada City or Grass Valley For other accommodations, please book early, as Nevada City is a popular tourist destination in the summer. For listings, visit the Nevada City Chamber of Commerce website, www.nevadacitychamber.com or the nearby Grass Valley Chamber of Commerce at www.grassvalleychamber.com. If you do not have a personal or rental car, please reserve at one of the accommodations in central Nevada City, in order to be able to connect with a car pool. Please note that FES does not coordinate accommodations at commercial establishments other than for our own Beltane House; these are chosen and arranged by each participant. Please direct questions to your travel agent, or your place of lodging. Also, we do not arrange for shuttles or other travel arrangements.

Meals Tuition includes a buffet style lunch, morning snack and herbal teas. We offer minimally processed and seasonally appropriate organic food. While we strive for enough variety to meet most dietary preferences, we recommend that if you have highly specialized or severely restricted dietary needs, you bring additional food with you each day. For daily breakfasts and dinners, we will provide you with a list of local restaurants and natural food stores at which you can dine or purchase deli items or groceries.

Transportation The nearest airport is Sacramento International Airport (SMF), which is about a 1.5 hour drive from Nevada City. If you do not rent a car, shuttle service from and to the airport can be arranged with SuperShuttle 800-258-3826 www.supershuttle. com. You can also reserve a ride with Nevada County Airporter, www.ncairporter.com, (530) 575-7011; Foothills Shuttle and Charter, 530-919-7004; or www.folsomlakeexpress.com. However, please note that it may be less expensive to rent a car from the airport. Transportation to the class site will require carpooling. Carpools will meet at and return to specified locations in the central area of Nevada City.

Schedule, arrival and departure The majority of the seminar is conducted during the daytime hours. The evenings are left open for dinner, relaxation and assimilation of the class presentations. However, the seminar does begin with an evening session on Thursday, July 16th. A morning tea break and lunch are provided on site at Terra Flora and are automatically included in the seminar fee. If you have highly exceptional dietary needs or need extra refreshment, please bring these items with you each day.

Course begins Thursday evening, July 16 You will be joining a carpool at approximately 6:45 pm from your assigned point of departure. When you arrive at Terra Flora, you need to check in first at the FES office to receive your final registration papers and class materials. The Thursday evening session is an important orientation to the whole of the seminar. This session will begin promptly at 7:30 pm and last until approximately 9:30 pm.

Course concludes Monday evening, July 20 The class ends around 6:30 pm on Monday evening, July 20. Unless you live in the local region, it is recommended that you spend the evening resting and assimilating the seminar information, and plan to depart at a convenient time on Tuesday, July 21st. You may also wish to extend your stay and enjoy the many scenic attractions of the Sierra foothills and mountains.

Payment and cancellation policy Fees are due at the time of registration. Our classes are located at Terra Flora, which serves as a home, garden site and cottage work facility. We limit the size of our classes in order to facilitate an atmosphere of social warmth and nature experience. You are urged to enroll early, as there is typically a waiting list later. Please note our cancellation fee policy: • Through June 15, 2015: We will issue a refund less a $75 cancellation fee. • Starting June 16, 2015: If we are able to fill your reserved space, we will issue a credit towards a future FES class, less a $75 administrative fee. No credit will be issued if it is not possible to fill your reservation, or if notice of cancellation is not furnished prior to the class. The online registration forms are found at: https://flowersociety.wufoo.com/forms/element-essence-credit-card https://flowersociety.wufoo.com/forms/element-essence-check-or-wire

The four elements are involved: the earth to nurture the plant; the air from which it feeds; the sun or fire to enable it to impart its power; and water to collect and to be enriched with its beneficent magnetic healing. — Dr. Edward Bach, describing his method for preparing the flower essences


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