by Eleanor Lakelin & Adele Brereton
by Eleanor Lakelin & Adele Brereton
‘Tidelines’ is a collaborative exhibition by Artist in Wood, Eleanor Lakelin and Silversmith Adele Brereton. The exhibition explores a mutual interest in the fragments of eroded objects and material they find on the Thames foreshore near their studios. As low tide reveals the layers of time, remnants of material connect us to the treasured objects, industries and lives of people who have shared this location for centuries. Both artists explore using fragments of the past to create new narratives - reinterpreting found textures and forms in wood and silver.
Adele Brereton works in Silver and Gold. Adele intuitively translates forms by hammering flat sheets of metal. By using ancient techniques, she creates tactile and understated pieces.
Eleanor Lakelin is a British artist, creating vessels and sculptural objects in wood. Eleanor creates distinctive forms in response to the passage of time etched into the fibres of the material.
Price List Code Artist Details Price TEA1 Eleanor Lakelin Tidal Rill Vessel I/21 £ 2,990.00 TEA2 Eleanor Lakelin Rill Vessel £ 1,755.00 TEA3 Eleanor Lakelin Tidal Rill Vessel II/21 £ 895.00 TEA4 Adele Brereton Undulating Vessel £ 2,200.00 TEA5 Adele Brereton Lacuna Forms 1 Form I £ 980.00 TEA6 Adele Brereton Lacuna Forms 2 Form II £ 680.00 TEA7 Eleanor Lakelin Lacuna Forms 3 Form III £ 2,015.00 TEA8 Collaboration The Nestling £ 1,200.00 TEA9 Collaboration Material Balance £ 795.00 TEA10 Adele Brereton Rippling Vessel 1 £ 780.00 TEA11 Adele Brereton Rippling Vessel 2 £ 675.00 TEA12 Eleanor Lakelin Rippling Vessel 3 £ 520.00 TEA13 Adele Brereton Eroding Sphere 1 £ 1,200.00 TEA14 Eleanor Lakelin Eroding Sphere 2 £ 1,690.00 TEA15 Eleanor Lakelin Eroding Sphere 3 £ 1,560.00 TEA16 Adele Brereton Stummel Form 1 £ 780.00 TEA17 Adele Brereton Stummel Form 2 £ 445.00 TEA18 Adele Brereton Stummel Form 3 £ 445.00 TEA19 Eleanor Lakelin Pitted Vessel I/21 £ 3,380.00 TEA20 Collaboration Precious Equilibrium £ 1,200.00 TEA21 Collaboration Echoing Curves £ 990.00 TEA22 Eleanor Lakelin Furrowed Pot £ 1,600.00
TEA1 Eleanor Lakelin Tidal Rill Vessel I/21 Cedar of Lebanon planted by Duke of Wellington in 1827 at Kingston Lacey, Dorset. ( leftover wood from National Trust commission to celebrate bicentenary of Waterloo in 2015) 24 cm x 24cm x 21 cm 2021
TEA2 Eleanor Lakelin Rill Vessel Sequoia grown in Britain Finished with Iron solution 20 cm x 20 cm x 19 cm 2020
TEA3 Eleanor Lakelin Tidal Rill Vessel II/21 Cedar of Lebanon planted by Duke of Wellington in 1827 at Kingston Lacey, Dorset 12 cm x 12 cm x 10.5 cm 2021
TEA4 Adele Brereton Undulating Vessel Britannia Silver 6.8 x 7.5 x10.5 cm 2021
Lacuna Forms 2021
TEA7 Eleanor Lakelin Lacuna Forms 3 Form III Sequoia (Iron solution) 16 x 16 x 23cm
TEA5 Adele Brereton Lacuna Forms 1 Form I
Sterling Silver 20 x 9.5cm x 9 cm
£980.00 TEA6 Adele Brereton Lacuna Forms 2 Form II Sterling Silver 12.2 x 6.6 x 6.4cm
TEA8 Collaboration The Nestling Britannia Silver/ Sequoia 13 cm x 13 cm x 5cm 2021
TEA9 Collaboration Material Balance Found metal canister, found metal plate - cleaned and waxed. Sterling Silver and Bog oak 11.5 x 8 x 7.5 cm 2021
Rippling Vessels 2021
TEA10 Adele Brereton Rippling Vessel 1 Britannia Silver 7 x 6.2 x 5.5cm 2021
TEA11 Adele Brereton Rippling Vessel 2 Britannia Silver 7.2 x 6.3 x 6cm 2021
TEA12 Eleanor Lakelin Rippling Vessel 3 Bog Oak (5,000 years old - dug up in Cambridgeshire Fens 6 x 6 x 4.5cm 2021
Eroding Spheres 2021
TEA15 Eleanor Lakelin Eroding Sphere 3 Cedar (Duke of Wellington) 12 x 12 x10cm 2021 £1,560.00
TEA14 Eleanor Lakelin Eroding Sphere 2 Sequoia 12 x 12 x 12cm 2021 £1,690.00
TEA13 Adele Brereton Eroding Sphere 1 Sterling Silver 11 x 11 x 11.5cm 2021 £1,200.00
Stummel Forms 2021
TEA16 Adele Brereton Stummel Form 1 Britannia Silver 0 x 5 x 4.5cm 2021
TEA17 Adele Brereton Stummel Form 2 Oxidised Copper 11 x 4.2 x 5cm 2021 £445.00 TEA18 Adele Brereton Stummel Form 3 Oxidised Copper 8.3 x 5 x 5cm 2021
TEA19 Eleanor Lakelin Pitted Vessel I/21 Sequoia (Iron solution) 26 cm x 26 cm x 13 cm 2021
TEA20 Collaboration Precious Equilibrium Sterling Silver and Bog Oak (5,000 years old) 14.8 x 5.5 x 6 cm 2021
TEA21 Collaboration Echoing Curves Sterling Silver Sequoia Found Object 2021
17.2 x 2.7 x 2.4cm 3.5 x 3.5 x 16.5cm 8.2 x 1.6 x 1.8cm
TEA22 Eleanor Lakelin Furrowed Pot Ash ( from an ash tree taken down in Lewisham near to the studio and foreshore in 2021) 14 cm x 14cm x 13cm 2021
Flow is a renowned contemporary craft gallery situated in the heart of Notting Hill and was established by Yvonna Demczynska in 1999. The gallery features around six exhibitions a year as well as having a permanent collection, curated by Flow as well as guest curators, and includes ceramic, wooden and metal objects and jewellery. 1-5 Needham Road, London, W11 2RP +44(0)20 7243 0782 +44(0)20 7792 1505 | info@flowgallery.co.uk | www.flowgallery.co.ukuk