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Florian Vecsey

I Desig単o 3 I Feb. 2010


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Florian Vecsey

I Desig単o 3 I Feb. 2010

DEFINITION Logo is a term used to refer to a graphic mark or emblem commonly employed by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition. Logos are either purely graphic (symbols/icons) or are composed of the name of the organization (a logotype or word mark). The blue octagon representing Chase Bank is an example of an abstract mark, while the „everyman“ icon of PBS is an example of a representational mark. Examples of well-known logotypes (word marks) are the striped IBM design, Mobil written in blue with a red „o“ and CocaCola written in flowing red script. In the days of hot metal typesetting a logotype was a uniquely set and arranged typeface or colophon. At the level of mass communication or simply in the high street a company‘s logo is today often synonymous with its trademark or brand.

ISOLOGO Isologo o Marca gráfica es distinto de logotipo ya que éste último se corresponde con la parte tipográfica que coincide con la denominación de marca del producto o empresa que representa. La etimología indica que es la unión de icono y tipografía: ▪ Iso = Ícono/Imagen ▪ Logo = Tipografía/Texto (también conocido como Logotipo) El logotipo unido al símbolo, que hace referencia al símbolo visual gráfico, forma un Isologo o Marca Gráfica. Es responsabilidad de la Marca Gráfica representar los conceptos definidos en una estrategia de comunicación empresarial basada en la visión y misión de la institución.

ISOTIPO Isotipo se refiere a la parte, generalmente, icónica o más reconocible, de la disposición espacial en diseño de una marca ya sea corporativa, institucional o personal. Es el elemento constitutivo de un Diseño de Identidad, que connota la mayor jerarquía dentro de un proyecto y que a su vez delinea el mapa connotativo para el diseño del logotipo, así como la siguiente aplicación de diseño en las restantes etapas de un proyecto de identidad corporativa, como la aplicación en papelería, vehículos o merchandising. La palabra Isotipo hace referencia a aquello que es „igual al tipo“.

LOGOTIPO Logotipo (coloquialmente conocido como logo) es un elemento gráfico, verbo-visual o auditivo que identifica a una persona, empresa, institución o producto. Los logotipos suelen incluir símbolos claramente asociados a quienes representan. Históricamente, los artesanos del barro, del cristal, los canteros, los fabricantes de espadas y artilugios de hierro fino, y los impresores utilizaban marcas para señalar su autoría. Los reyes, además de firmar, cruzaban los documentos legales con un logotipo de su creación, a mano o con un sello.


TIMELINE TYPO The first typeface was designed by Johann Gutenberg, for his movable type press. Books were all hand-lettered at the time, and Gutenberg wanted to create a faster way to produce books that looked hand-lettered. He designed his type in the style of the Gothic blackletter at the time, so that his printed books would look handlettered.

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As more printing shops opened up, printers began to look at other lettering styles to use as models for typefaces. More thought was put into creating typefaces, and this gave rise to the art of typographic design.


r yellow, use PANTONE速 123 r red, use PANTONE 485 Note: Screening of colored versions is not permitted. One color reproduction should show the Arch or s hape in solid black, yellow or red.



The cooperate identity system of Burger King is similar to the one of McDonalds. The pattern of these two companys look almost the same, exept a few personal Items.


Vecsey is my family name. I like the composition of the leters in this word. To the left is a random of Logos which were produced on the way to the final brand. Like a mindmap I tryed to designe a plenty of different directions. So I had enough to do a selection. The Aquarius or Neptun is my zodiac sign.

Logofonttype: Acens




www.wolda.org www.logooftheday.com www.brandsoftheworld.com www.designreviver.com www.wikipedia.org www.dafont.com www.typografie.de

Annual Reports 7 , Graphis Graphic Design

Florian Vecsey

I Desig単o 3 I Feb. 2010

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