Watch eat bulaga replay on pinoy tambayan

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Watch Eat Bulaga replay on Pinoy Tambayan Eat Bulaga is a noon show that is broadcasted in Philippines. This show has earned the status of the longest running show on the television network of Philippines. This show also holds the records for the number of shows recorded in the history of Philippine TV network. This show is aired during weekdays and Saturdays on GMA network. The main hosts of this show are Joey de Leon, Vic Sotto and Tito Sotto. Eat Bulaga means “Lunchtime Surprise”. th During July 2015, this show celebrated its 36 year. A franchise of this show is aired in Indonesia. The show premiered on July 30th, 1979. The show faced a lot of challenges while being aired. There was a danger of the show being cancelled in its initial days on the television network. It faced immense competition from “Student Canteen”, which was the longest running noontime program during that time. Eat Bulaga as well lacked advertisers. The workers of TVJ hadn’t received their salaries from six months.

Despite the challenges during the initial days of being aired, the show managed to pick up slowly. It earned top rating during the year 1980. The introduction of “Mr. Macho” to the show made it quite popular. The show is quite popular and in case you wish to watch the episodes that were aired earlier, then you can watch them online on Pinoy Tambayan . You can watch episodes of brilliant video quality online at any time on the webpage of Pinoy Tambayan.

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