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Fl Style es una marca de ropa deportiva y de gimnasio que nos brinda prendas de alta calidad hechas a base de fibras inteligentes. Fl Style trae a su público la ropa más duradera y resistente frente a la fricción y movimiento del cuerpo durante el deporte, permitiéndote exigirte al máximo todos los días sin maltratar tu ropa deportiva o desgastarla. Mantente siempre cómodo y en forma con las prendas de Fl Style.


Las prendas Fl Style están hechas de materiales resistentes e impermeables al contacto con el agua y el sudor, permitiéndoles un secado rápido y una mayor cantidad de horas de ejercicio garantizadas, según la rutina que sigas. Asimismo, están hechos con una tela suave que lo ayuda mantenerse fresco, preservando solo el calor necesario para un óptimo rendimiento. Si deseas lo mejor en ropa deportiva, Fl Style te trae lo último en tendencias con los mejores materiales y mejores diseños. ¡Ven por tu favorito! Pdta: Los precios que se mostrarán posteriormente son por unidad, por mayor llamar a los números indicados al final del catálogo.

TOP TIRAS m s/. 30 CAPRI YINNIN m-l s/. 55

BVD DECATLON s-m s/. 35 LEGGINS YINNIN s-m-l s/. 65

BVD DECATLON s s/. 35 CAPRI YINNIN s-m s/. 55

BVD MORELO s-m-l s/. 40 LEGGINS YINNIN s-m s/. 65 TOP BASIC s-m-l s/. 30

BOLERO s-m s/. 50 CAPRI YINNIN m-l s/. 55 TOP BASIC s-m-l s/. 30

CAPUCHA s-m s/. 60 LEGGINS YINNIN m-l s/. 65 TOP BASIC m-l s/. 30

BOLERO s-m s/. 50 CAPRI YINNIN m-l s/. 55 TOP BASIC s-m-l s/. 30

CAPUCHA s-m s/. 60 LEGGINS YINNIN m-l s/. 65 BVD NYLON s-m-l s/. 45

CAPUCHA s-m s/. 60 TOP BASIC m-l s/. 30

BVD KRIS s-m-l s/. 40 SHORT SUPLEX s-m-l s/. 30

BVD KRIS s-m-l s/. 40 SHORT SUPLEX s-m-l s/. 30

BVD KRIS s-m-l s/. 40 SHORT SUPLEX s-m-l s/. 30

POLO KRIS s-m-l s/. 40 LEGGINS CAT m s/. 60

POLO KRIS s-m-l s/. 40 LEGGINS CAT m s/. 60

POLO KRIS s-m-l s/. 40 LEGGINS SUPLEX m-l s/. 60

POLO KRIS s-m-l s/. 40 LEGGINS SUPLEX m-l s/. 60

BVD DECATLON s s/. 35 SHORT HIDRO s-m-l s/. 40

BVD LATISCHA s s/. 35 SHORT QUIC s-m-l s/. 35

TANK TOP s-m-l s/. 35 FALDA PRINT m s/. 40

TANK TOP s-m-l s/. 35 FALDA PRINT m s/. 40 SHORT SUPLEX s-m-l s/. 30

TANK TOP s-m-l s/. 35 FALDA PRINT m s/. 40

TANK TOP s-m-l s/. 35 FALDA PRINT m s/. 40

TANK TOP s-m-l s/. 35 CAPRI FLEXIBLE m s/. 65


BOLERO s-m s/. 50 TOP BASIC s-m-l s/. 30 SHORT SUPLEX s-m-l s/. 30

TOP BASIC s-m-l s/. 30 SHORT QUIC s-m-l s/. 35

CAPUCHA s-m s/. 60 LEGGINS PRINT s-m-l s/. 65 TOP BASIC s-m-l s/. 30

BOLERO s-m s/. 50 CAPRI PRINT s-m-l s/. 55 BVD KRIS s-m-l s/. 40

BVD MORELO s-m-l s/. 40 CAPRI PRINT s-m-l s/. 55 TOP BASIC s-m-l s/. 30

BVD MORELO s-m-l s/. 40 SHORT QUIC s-m-l s/. 35 TOP BASIC s-m-l s/. 30

BVD LATIS s-m-l s/. 40 SHORT HIDRO s-m-l s/. 40 TOP BASIC s-m-l s/. 30 BVD LATIS s-m-l s/. 40 SHORT SUPLEX s-m-l s/. 30 TOP BASIC s-m-l s/. 30

BVD LATIS s-m-l s/. 40 CAPRI PRINT s-m-l s/. 55 TOP BASIC s-m-l s/. 30

BVD RUNNING s-m-l s/. 35 SHORT RUNNING s-m-l s/. 40

BVD RUNNING s-m-l s/. 35 SHORT RUNNING s-m-l s/. 40

BVD HIDRO m-l s/. 45 SHORT HIDRO m-l s/. 40

BVD RUNNING s-m-l s/. 35 SHORT RUNNING s-m-l s/. 40

BVD RUNNING s-m-l s/. 35 SHORT RUNNING s-m-l s/. 40

BVD RUNNING s-m-l s/. 35 SHORT RUNNING s-m-l s/. 40

BVD HIDRO m-l s/. 45 SHORT HIDRO m-l s/. 40

BVD RUNNING s-m-l s/. 35 SHORT RUNNING s-m-l s/. 40

BVD RUNNING s-m-l s/. 35 SHORT RUNNING s-m-l s/. 40

POLO HDT m-l s/. 50 SHORT BIOLO m-l s/. 50

POLO HDT m-l s/. 50 SHORT ADVANCED m-l s/. 50

POLO HDT m-l s/. 50 SHORT ADVANCED m-l s/. 50

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