Flying Start Parenting Magazine

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P R E G N A N C Y \ B I R T H \ E A R LY Y E A R S L E A R N I N G & D E V E L O P M E N T Spring 2010

Under 3’s

Top Tips for Travelling without Tears

Saira Khan talks to Flying Start about The Apprentice, Hard work and Success.

Meditate your way through childbirth Kids don’t

DIVORCE Child’s Talk

Flying Start talks to the Senior President of Playhouse Disney Worldwide, Nancy Kanter. Plus LOTS more!...

s to Do g n i h T e l p Ten Sim



a Teena f o t n e r a P y as a a D e l g n i S y r


Spring 2010


06: Read all about it

20: Saira Khan

09: Stuff We Like

talks to Flying Start about The Apprentice, Hard work and Success

22: Child’s Talk

Flying Start talks to the Senior President of Playhouse Disney Worldwide, Nancy Kanter

26: Ten Simple Things to Do Every Single Day as a Parent of a Teenager

In Flying Start’s news pages

We share a bit of ‘Stuff We Like’ from London‘s ExCel Baby Show

10: Arctic Mummy

Flying Start talks to mum of three, wife and MD of Simply Stuck, Jo Hutchinson, about her quest to complete the 2011 Race to the North Pole...

16: The First Three Months

More fantastic advice from Sue Atkins from

Listen to a real mum and find out what she really found essential in her first three months.

38: Kids don’t Divorce

29: The New MultiMac

In the UK, one in four children lives in split families. Francine Kaye author of The Divorce Doctor and Divorce and Relationship Coach offers advice

44: Top Tips for Travelling without Tears

Five top tips for travelling with young children to help make sure that mums, dads and kids have a truly memorable holiday

48: Meditate Your Way Through Childbirth

Flying Start talks to Barbara Ford-Hammond from The Mind Emporium about meditating your way through childbirth

Page 48

When Rachel Francis found out that she was pregnant for the fourth time, one of her first thoughts was ‘what car will I have to buy to fit my family in?

59: Kids Review

Page 22

Jake and Emma, our twelve and nine year old ‘in-house’ reviewers rave about Micro Pets, Bendaroos and Paperoni...

60: New Must Have Accessory for Mums To Be Read all about the Doula

61: Your Stories

From young mum to young grandparent in 17 years

Flying Start Group of Publications are published by Magenta Press Ltd 45 Centurion House, Centurion Way, Leyland, Lancashire, PR25 3GR Telephone the advertising office on 01772 436518, 641536 or 459418 or email Visit for full terms & conditions. Cover Image © Julián Rovagnati -

Page 20



THE COST OF 18 TO 30? MORE THAN £30,000 The cost of having adult children is hitting parents hard, with new research out today showing they expect the cost of supporting an 18 to 30-year-old to exceed £30,000. The findings, from The Children’s Mutual, highlight the growth of a generation of YUCKIES (Young Unwitting Costly Kids), with 93 per cent of parents funding their adult children. Yet many of these parents haven’t planned for the costs and are putting their own financial futures on the line – almost three in 10 parents (28 per cent) have either remortgaged or plan to remortgage to fund their Yuckie, with more than half of all parents borrowing to assist with costs. According to the research it’s the Yuckies who are necessitating everyday purse tightening in families – two thirds of parents say they have had to or will reduce their day-to-day living costs to fund their adult child, from shopping more economically for food (28 per cent), selling their cars (seven per cent) and monitoring the use of heating and lighting at home (42 per cent). David White, Chief Executive of The

Children’s Mutual, said: “These figures unveil the stark reality of the cost of being a parent. No longer does turning 18 mean financial independence – in fact 16 per cent of parents questioned expected their child to remain financially dependent on them into their thirties and beyond. “The families we questioned had just one message for parents whose children are still young ,– save, save, save! More than half agreed that if they’d have known when their child was born what they now know about the cost of having an adult child they would have saved more through the years, with just 13 per cent having saved regularly in preparation. These figures give us a very clear warning – children aren’t financially independent at 18 and parents need to plan for this to save their whole family’s financial future.” The research from The Children’s Mutual was undertaken among 1,484 parents of children aged 18 and over to establish the cost to parents of their adult children. Other findings included: Parents aren’t just funding ‘big ticket’ items, they are also providing regular financial support for bills/payments (32 per cent), general living costs (48 per cent) and paying back debts/loans (14 per cent)

70 per cent of parents questioned said they had underestimated the cost of financially supporting their child during adulthood. For parents of younger children, The Children’s Mutual hosts an online calculator to help plan for future costs – available at

AND 0-21?... £201,809

A recent news feature published on stated the average cost of raising a child to the age of 21 has crashed through the £200,000 barrier for the first time according to new research from the UK's largest friendly society LV=, revealing parents are shelling out £9,610 a year to feed, clothe and educate a child. To view the full article please visit: 010/feb/23/child-cost-inflation

............................................................................................................ UNDER-FIVES NEED A HEALTHIER START IN LIFE Government policies and programmes have not significantly improved the health of the underfives in the past decade, according to a new study by the Audit Commission. Giving Children a Healthy Start, published 3 February 2010, says more than £10 billion has been spent, directly or indirectly, on improving the health of under-fives in England since 1998. But results are disappointing considering the level of investment. Some aspects of young children’s health have improved. There are fewer deaths in infancy and obesity rates are slowing overall. But gaps between the health of children in disadvantaged areas and those in better off places have grown. A child in a deprived area is 19 per cent more likely to have bad teeth than

the average child. The report recommends how to achieve better value for the money being spent on young children’s health. Acting now could cut diabetes, heart disease and hypertension and ease a future strain on NHS resources. Steve Bundred, Chief Executive of the Audit Commission, said: ‘It’s encouraging to see some improvement in the health of babies and young children, but the underfives rarely seem a priority locally. Overall, the findings are disappointing. Children need a healthier start in life and policies are not delivering commensurate improvement and value for money. ‘Large inequalities persist and this report bears out the outcomes displayed on the Oneplace website. Despite progress, our infant mortality rate remains higher than countries such as the Netherlands, France, the Republic of Ireland and Spain. Even

before they are born, for many, place and parents’ income determine their quality of life and their lifespan.’ Councils and health organisations are aware of health issues facing young children, such as a decline in immunisation rates for mumps, measles and rubella. However, the number of health visitors in England has dropped by 10 per cent. And some parents from vulnerable groups are not using Sure Start children’s centres because they are unaware of the service, or they say they dislike the ‘judgemental nature of health professionals’. Some councils and health organisations have reached out to vulnerable people with tailored services. Yet the gap between rich and poor has hardly changed in a decade and local policies for children vary widely. The Commission found children from minority groups were likely to have poorer health and their parents are less likely to use health services.


choice of ‘cup sizes’, you can choose just how much boiling water comes out. It is ideal if you quickly need to sterilise small baby items or if you are thirsty, pop in your cup, pop in your Tea Bag, press the button and by the time you get back from the fridge with your milk, your cup is full and your Tea brewing!

Mum’s (and Dad’s) juggling the baby and work lifestyle, will find the new Breville Hot Cup the quick, simple and effective solution to time wasted standing by while a kettle boils!

But with the new generation of Hot Cup, Mums can protect their babies utensils in under 40 seconds and with a larger capacity of 2 litres there will be enough Hot Water left over for a round of brews. It’s easy to fill, easy to use and easy to love.

The new generation is available NOW at the RRP: £59.99 at Argos and all good retailers.


Flying Start says “This time saving and energy efficient Hot Cup from Breville boils water in 40 seconds and with a

....................................................................... FLYING START RECOMMENDS.... Whilst trying out the fantastic new Hot Cup (above), we were sent some Mama Tea. Mama Tea was founded by Anna Louise Simpson who struggled to find tasty herbal tea throughout the different stages of her pregnancy and so

created this fantastic range suitable for consumption whilst pregnant and nursing. Flying Start Says, “The aromas that came from the Tea were amazing and the tastes were out of this world. I am a huge herbal tea drinker and these teas have obviously been blended with great thought and care. My favourite was the Raspberry Leaf and Rose Petal blend, which is perfect for pregnant

HAVE YOU SEEN.... Flying Start’s new ‘Mummy Bloggers Book Club”?



Whilst you are there, don’t forget to click the profiles of the mummy bloggers to visit their own blogs - you will be kept amused for hours... but don’t blame us when you find yourself addicted to reading them!

Dreading the amount of chocolate due to be consumed by your children this Easter? Why not treat them with an alternative Easter gift. We love Tup Tup Toys, and what’s more they have a great Spring selection bursting with things guaranteed to keep your little ones entertained for hours. Check it out for yourself at

If not, then you really do need to check it out. Flying Start has teamed up a group of blogging mummies to review some of the best parenting and children’s titles around. This brand new blog, still in it’s early stages, already boasts reviews of brand new 2010 titles. Visit Our mummy bloggers are in the process of reviewing lots more for you - so why not go and see what’s in store. You will also find pregnancy, birth and parenting titles to help you along your way.



women after 38 weeks. Raspberry leaf and motherwort are both herbs that stimulate the uterus and help to cause contractions. There is also Ginger and Chamomile, Rooibos and Elderflower, Spearmint and Chamomile and Fennel and Lemon Balm”. Visit the Mama Tea website to check out all the flavours and benefits for yourself. Visit Visit


Sterilising bottles, feeding equipment and dummies have enraged a love/hate relationship with the kettle, forgetting the primary role to help make a calming cuppa.


ow F Sh The recent Baby show at London’s ExCel was once again a huge success, with around 25,115 F ! Baby U visitors attending, there were many parents and parents-to-be all shopped out and no doubt E s T ’ K soaking their feet after a very busy day! We thought we’d share a bit of the ‘Stuff We Like’.... S LI ndon Lo E m o W r F

These fantastic disposable sterile feeding bottles are ideal for feeding on-the-go and hospital use. Add cooled boiled water, milk formula, shake to mix and you are ready to feed your baby. Visit RRP £ 2.99

The yoomi self-warming baby bottle warms baby feed to ideal breast milk temperature (32-34°C) in just 60 seconds . We haven’t tried this bottle out for ourselves, but liked the idea or a bottle and warmer in one. Visit RRP £22.50

Another great product from Vital Baby - Freezer Pots. These handy little pots are ideal for freezing homemade food or breast milk. The thing that caught our eye was the practical design of the ‘press ’n’ pop’ base. Simply press the soft base and the frozen contents pop out in a cube, or you can microwave defrost, warm up and feed straight from the pot if you prefer. We love stuff that makes life easier! What’s more... with an RRP from just £3.99, we say go get your pots today! Visit

Top: It’s always nice to see new companies, especially when they are mumpreneurs like Hannah, who after the birth her baby in 2008 began to use her graphic design talents in her own nursery and soon saw the birth of Mini-D Kids Art. We were very impressed with these quality contemporary nursery art pieces. See for yourself, visit Left: We loved the quality and designs of The Nursery Company’s unique collections of nursery blinds, curtains, cot quilt covers and accessories. There is a large range of beautiful and exclusive designs to choose from, all of which can be viewed close up in their online gallery. 10/10 for quality & Design. Visit There was part of the show we skipped as each time we attempted to get down the aisle, it was jam-packed! We soon discovered that the huge interest was in the Happy Hopperz®! Children can bounce around whilst strengthening core muscles, increasing balance control and developing coordination skills! Visit to see some live bouncy action!

We loved Future Freak’s clothing and bibs and returned home with a pink vest featuring Mr T with his famous phrase... I ain’t drinkin no milk! At just £9.99 this is a bargain! We tried and tested and the results: Washing... came out as perfect as it went in (minus some dribble). Overall... 10/10, everyone loved it and wanted to know where they could get one from... easy, just visit We tried to say hello to Tracey Jane at Bras 4 Mums but she was inundated with parents-to-be and new mums checking out her fabulous maternity bras, nursing bras and sleep bras. We recommend visiting the website to check out their full range of beautiful lingerie at fantastic prices too! Visit


Arctic Mummy Words: Jenni Shuttleworth

Flying Start talks to mum of three, wife and MD of Simply Stuck, Jo Hutchinson, about her quest to complete the 2011 Race to the North Pole...


she had lost the weight and had caught the walking bug. “I am passionate about my family’s well being and by taking on this huge challenge I can raise awareness of the Change4life campaign, which encourages families and their kids to eat well, move more and live longer. I can also raise funds to support local sports clubs and other projects, which aim to get children moving more and eating better,” continued Jo. The Race to the North Pole will consist of two to four highly trained, non-professional athletes taking part in one of the world’s most gruelling and spectacular races. “I am very excited about the prospect of the race,” said Jo. “It will be a huge challenge, both mentally and physically, working with people who I will meet and get to know this year. It will be a fabulous opportunity to see a very different part of the world, which may not be here for too much longer,” she continued. The Polar Race starts from Resolute Bay in Nunavut (the former North West Territories of Canada) and takes contestants 350 miles across the

world’s most desolate terrain in -40C temperatures to the Magnetic North pole. Tackling extreme weather, terrain, and wildlife, the teams race against each other for four weeks across the arctic. Competitors are self sufficient, dragging 50kg sledges on foot or by ski, containing tents, food, communication devices, cooking equipment and medical supplies. Checkpoints re-supply competitors at three stages along the route, but they remain independent across the race, choosing their route and race strategy. Training for the race has required the contestants to get together every six to eight weeks, building up physical fitness and learning essential skills such as using a GPS, putting up tents and handling a gun. The contestants have been given a suggested activity schedule, which includes endurance training with long walks starting from 10 miles - once a week; strength training twice a week (they will each have to pull their own sledge, which will be equivalent to their body weight); aerobic

training two or three times a week – running, swimming, cycling, fast walking - to build up stamina. “I am doing lots of walking for stamina and endurance, pilates for strength and tennis for aerobic fitness. The levels of these will increase throughout the year. At the moment, I am doing one really long walk a month circa 20 miles. I have the MoonWalk in May and hope to enter the Nijmagen Marches in July,” Jo told Flying Start. Training aside, raising the sponsorship (£22.5k) has proved to be the biggest challenge of the whole event for Jo, particularly in the current economic climate. “People have been very supportive and given me lots of good advice. I now have my website set up; my literature ready to send out; and online payments in place. “I have also set up ‘Friends of Jo’ where companies or individuals can support me by making donations. I have planned some fundraising events, which will split the funds raised between sponsorship and charity fundraising. It’s one of those catch 22 situations, if I don’t

Jo at work

Jo with her family

Jo Hutchinson set up personalised label company Simply Stuck with two others in August 2000. Originally just offering personalised labels for children’s clothing and belongings, the business now specialises in personalisation; offering a range of decorative and interactive stickers. It also produces bespoke short run labels for a number of small businesses, and will be launching this spring. To mark Simply Stuck’s 10th birthday, managing director Jo signed up to the Race to the North Pole, which will take place in March 2011. Describing herself as an energetic and determined individual who thrives on challenges, it is clear that Jo has a passion for sports and outdoors activities: “In April 2007, I ruptured my cruciate ligament skiing. Due to various reasons it was October 2008 before it was properly sorted out. Six months post op and my fitness levels were at their lowest in 20 years and I had put on nearly 2 stone in weight.” Jo decided to take control of her eating habits and also increased her daily exercise. By September 2009

raise the money to participate in the Polar Race, I can’t promote Change4life to the same level or raise the funds to support clubs that will help deliver the message,” she added. Jo also hopes to also raise £22.5k for local sports clubs: “My children have played for most of the local clubs and are happier, fitter, more social children for their involvement. These clubs are all run by volunteers and need regular funds to purchase equipment, train coaches, employ expertise, and provide a safe environment. In line with the objectives of Change4life, I think it is really important to raise the awareness of the range of sports clubs and activities available and get more children participating.” After the Polar Walk, Jo’s focus will be very much family orientated: “We have some family adventures we would like to organise, Vietnam is high on the list (inspired by Jeremy Clarkson!).”

jo training

You can help with sponsorship by contacting Jo to discuss the packages available, or by becoming a ‘Friend of Jo’ on her website People can also help with fundraising by donating to ‘Healthier4kids’ on the website.

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Advertising Feature

Have You Seen?... There are so many companies out there offering the most fantastic products for babies and children, but all too often these unique smaller companies selling unusual or bespoke products are hidden by the presence of marketing by much larger companies and can go undiscovered to thousands of parents. Priceless memories from only £59.00 Described by parents as “fantastically simple the perfect combination of safety and luxury. If you’ve ever struggled to lift a slippery baby from the bath and into a small towel you’ll appreciate just what a juggling act it can be! Cuddledry’s unique apron design keeps you dry and leaves both hands free for safer lifting. Made with unbleached, organic

We stock a fabulous selection of unusual toys, gifts, children’s bedding and accessories. Our products have been carefully selected for their quality, usability and great designs. Our beautiful range includes; Maileg bunnies and matchbox mice, Oskar & Ellen soft play bags, Moulin Roty, Janod wooden toys, Freckles Bedding, Win Green Play Tents and accessories.

Cuddledry is silky soft and super warm – ideal for snuggling and cuddling your little one dry. Since appearing on Dragons’ Den in 2007, the Cuddledry has become the bath time must have for stylish, eco-friendly tots everywhere – one in twenty babies in the UK now has one!... have you got yours yet?

............................. ............................. visit our Shop. You will not be disappointed!

Based on a farm in the beautiful Ribble Valley, Lettuce sells desirable, beautiful and contemporary children’s clothes (0-14y) that have been cherished by others. “Go Green” and recycle your children’s clothes: Lettuce takes in your lightly-worn designer children's clothes and shoes, sells them and gives you a percentage of the selling price. It really is that simple! 12

Yvonne Fearn is your local branch of Smallprint covering the northwest area which is taking the children’s keepsake market by storm. Yvonne creates beautiful jewellery that captures

and childrens writing in silver. Pendants, settings and come beautifully packaged. ‘I go then create them in the evenings ,’ says Yvonne. ‘And what’s more, the jewellery just sells itself. Most of my new customers have seen someone else wearing a piece of my jewellery and want one with their own child’s 01925 721908 or visit

For little more than the cost of some kits, you can have a hand crafted, professionally hand or foot. Using a simple and quick clay moulding technique, we create high quality, unique three-dimensional casts, which preserve an image of your child’s hands or feet in perfect detail forever. From about six weeks to adults, individual children sets of twins, even threes or fours; there are options to suit every combination. on their own or combined with casts, we also create bespoke wedding sets. New in our line up is a fabulous range of glass and acrylic; hand and foot prints, children’s drawings, messages etc. on vases, tankards, storm lamps and a host of other hand made glassware. If you run a nursery or toddler group and you are raising money or perhaps you’re a mum or dad who would just like to earn a discount on your own casts or just earn some cash, why not hold a “Little Impressions” party at your house ? Memories are made of this……………… For more details on our products or franchise opportunities in your area contact or visit the website

way of carrying baby and all of your essentials in one stylish easy to use product. Since its launch the Baby and All Bag has taken the industry by storm – picking up a trail of awards, including a coveted Mother and Baby Award and the Tommy’s award for Innovation. You can use it hands free, as a side or front carrier, or as a hip support, which is ideal for toddlers who can’t decide if they want to walk or be carried! The double shoulder strap makes it very comfortable to wear. Quick and easy to use, Comfortable and convenient, Ample pockets inside and out Changing mat included, Carrier suitable for 7-15kg Available online for just £45 at

'Funky handmade clothing and accessories for babies and toddlers. Fed up with mass production and unimaginative presents? Then look no further. We love creating unique pieces that you and your little one will cherish for a long time....

UK Children's Jewellery specialise in and supply high quality Children's jewellery and Christening gifts for Babies and Children. Our carefully selected and beautifully designed jewellery make perfect christening gifts, birthday gifts and keepsakes for you little treasure. From birth right through to teens there is gift that is just perfect for every occasion. Let us help you for your little prince or princess.

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Labels 4 Kids sells a wide choice of personalised name labels and stickers for children: economy iron on name tapes for clothes, woven sew on labels, sew on clothing labels, iron on clothing labels, traditional half inch wide identity tags, one inch wide identity tags, Stikins® stick on clothing labels, dishwasher proof and microwave proof vinyl labels, personalised bag tags, personalised gym bags and ID wristbands. Our name labels are ideal id labels for kids for their school uniform and clothing labelling as well as sports equipment, scouts, brownies and day care nurseries. Order your name labels Labels4kids online.

clothing to kit-out children up to 12 years old. This specialist company also sells a host of educational games & toys to encourage and enthuse youngsters. Little Terra is the brainchild of mother of two, Carolyn Budding, who knows children love being outside. She is continually on the search for new products and ideas for the Little Terra website, which has suggestions for outdoor activities too. If you want to kit out youngsters for muddy walks, fun on the beach, in the pool, on the ski slopes, back to school or summer camp then Little Terra really is a one stop shop for you. 01773 837395 Shop at 21 Sadler Gate, Derby DE1 3NL

............................. .............................

Cheeks and Cherries is a brilliant new online boutique selling fabulously stylish, brightly coloured reusable nappies. Patterns include cupcakes, skull and crossbones, spots, stars or stripes, whilst some brands feature designer fabrics from Alexander Henry and Amy Butler. Easy as pie to use (founder, Alix, is a mum of 3 and reluctant convert to washable nappies only on her third baby!) no soaking, no pinning or folding, this is the way to go green with your baby and get ahead in the style stakes too! Visit or call 0844 665 3664

Step by Step Education is an Education Recruitment Agency who specialise in placing teachers, cover supervisors, teaching into schools and nurseries throughout the North West of England.

which is second to none. We focus on quality and build on trust. With a passion to deliver exactly what the client and candidates require, we are proud to be the preferred supplier to an array of schools and nurseries throughout the area.

Feel free to call us on 01772 713819 for an informal chat. Alternatively, you can email us

Magic Fairy Wings is a family business based in Bedfordshire. Customers have over 3000 products to choose from. Their core area is educational toys that are both fun and help with children’s development. Their aim is to provide all customers with quality ised service. Many of their educational toys have been tested out on their own children. Their educational toy range includes wooden toys, soft baby toys, musical instruments, board games and puzzles, funky organic clothing and designer clothing for babies and children, maternity products and baby products. An exclusive range of personalised cards, invites and birth announcements is also available. As a company they try to look after the environment wherever possible. Instead of packaging products in new boxes ones from suppliers are reused. Eco friendly products are available. There are several low cost business opportunities available with both Magic Fairy Wings and their sister sites, and causes.




The Greatest Children’s Books Available!


your loved one’s prints on recycled silver keepsake pieces. Fingerprints, hand or footprints and children’s artwork can be

keyrings and bookmarks and make perfect gifts for all occasions. The signature Cluster Necklace is a popular gift choice for mums, as its quirky nature allows the recipient to add charms or beads to the piece as the family or children grow. For further information and product details, contact or go to or 14

Product Showcases

children dry on the outside but were not breathable leaving them wet and soggy on the inside! All Puddle Jumpers are made in England are fully washable and come in a variety of colours. Launching in 2010 is the Puddle Jumpers range of hi viz waterproofs.

uct Showcases

Puddle Jumpers sells quality childrens breathable waterproofs. Lynn launched 8 years ago when the only

Product Showcases

The only baby and toddler shop you will ever need! Everything for your child from pushchairs to soothers, plus lots of unique brands such as Manhattan toys, Doidy cup, Taggies, Haba, Billy Bob Dummies, Travis fancy dress, Little Darlings christening, Kidorable rain wear, Alex bath toys, Snack Trap, Silly Billyz bibs, Skibz, grobag ect based in Stockport,

Birth onwards ranging from: Farmyard to Fables; Leopards to Languages; Phonics to Fish; Dinosaurs to Diggers; Wildlife; History; Geography; and many more educational and fun books. We are also giving others the opportunity to start and develop their own business in Children’s Literature. Call 01835 864107 or to see our full range

Mural By Numbers 01908 543530 Interior designer and mother of two Sarah Hodgkins has come to the rescue of all parents who dread the thought of decorating their children’s bedrooms due to a lack of time, skill and inspiration. Her answer to transforming a dreary bedroom into a creative, unique environment for children is Mural by Numbers – wall decorations for you to paint. From spaceships, to fairies, there is a great choice of designs for both girls and boys rooms. “The response has been amazing” says Sarah, “Parents love it as it allows them to involve their children to create a bespoke space which the child takes pride in creating.”

Kidsfabrics Ltd, established in 2000, specialises in quality cotton soft furnishing fabrics for children’s rooms. With an impressive range of fabric and online ordering, it makes shopping quick and simple. As well as a fabric only option we provide a comprehensive made-to-measure service.

Little Fish Toys specialises in beautiful wooden toys, kids furniture, soft toys, and educational more - at the best prices. Find it cheaper anywhere our customers the best service and best price around. That's why we constantly price check our stock to give you the best deal. However, should Visit our website today!

f a s t fo l d

The superlite is the latest generation of strollers from the Micralite stable. Weighing in at around 6kgs, with the Micralite trademark bullhorn bars, the Superlite is a compact and ergonomic stroller, easily manoeuvred using only one hand and having an ingenious single handed fold. The chunky rear wheels with pneumatic tyres can cope with the muddiest of paths, whilst its swivelling front wheels give excellent manoeuvrability in the street. The Superlite is available in Red, Yellow, Blue, Grey and Black. Why not personalise your Superlite with one of the range of cool washable liners. Micralite Strollers Designed and engineered in the UK

baby progresses through the varying stages.

hand. fountain pen, but without the mess. The rollerball glides easily across the page whilst EASYergo has a thick HB lead to prevent breakages and comes with an ergonomic sharpener. Both are available in left or right handed the pen. Available from Morrisons, Rymans, WHSmiths and all good independent stationers.

We have one of the largest selections of theme partyware available from stock – Peppa Pig, Clone Wars, Doctor Who, Dinosaurs, Hello Kitty and many more. Party Plus Limited, 4 Acton Lane, Chiswick London, W4 5NB, Tel 020 8994 1674

dining chairs. There is also an incredible Pop-Up Travel Cot which folds into a small bag weighing less than 1kg! With so many great ideas to make travelling with babies easy – your only problem will be deciding where the next holiday will be. Call 01384 878276 for more information or visit or

street! I’ve looked further lovely brands that I am here at hedgepig. All of to Norfolk, some are even new to the UK. We hope you enjoy the range

of Infant Allergies and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and is a must for parents who want the very best start for their baby. The unique design of a fully breathable mesh free air circulation preventing overheating & possibility of CO² re-breathing. The SleepSurface is easily removed and fully washable, making it extremely hygienic, ensuring that dust mites, bacteria and fungi, that often lurk within a traditional mattress, are natural SleepSac ensures you are providing your baby with the healthiest night’s sleep possible. Call 01384 878276 for more information. or call 01223 236596 At Tots To Teens in Clitheroe you will be able to anything for that special occasion. We sell quality gifts and toys as well as School Uniforms, Scout and Guide Wear, Premature, Baby Wear, Christening Wear, Swimwear and our ever populer Emile Et Rose range of clothing. The makes of toys we stock include K'Kids, I'm Toys, Plan Toys, Clippasafe, plus lots more. Remember the Hungry Caterpillar as well as Peter Rabbit, Spot the here too as well as a small selection of books. Traditional wooden toys and mobiles plus plush hand puppets,jack in a box, drums, spinning top, and jigsaws to numerous to mention. Our range also includes Taggies and Daisy Roots Leather shoes. the only baby shoes made in England.

Product Show

A hedgepig? Whats a hedgepig? Well, quite simply it's a hedgehog with a twist. Never being one to conform, it stands to reason that I would call a hedgehog a hedgepig from a very early age and open a boutique stocking funky clothing that is a little

The healthiest night’s sleep for baby...

fun. Sam, the toy buyer, uses her background as a trained teacher who specialised in special needs, to select the best toys for fun learning.

Product Showcases

Party Plus has a retail shop in Chiswick, West London and also a mail order company

For busy mums on the move... Travelling with babies can be a nightmare with so much paraphernalia required, but Koo-di has some fabulous solutions allowing a quick get away without having to drag everything but the kitchen sink! Koo-di’s Storage & Travel Bag protects pushchairs and baby’s belongings while in transit, while the Pack it! Seat Harness is a

Lighthouse Toys, a completely independent family business, opened in May 2004. It is a toy shop where the toys, puzzles, games, science, construction, craft and books are all chosen for their educational value. We believe that children learn most


individual packaging with pronounced age grading and bold highlighting of product features and developmental stages. Following tradition, many of the toys have been

A yummy mummy’s dream collection... Samsonite’s Nursery Collection is perfect for the discerning parent, unwilling to comprise their style and panache simply because baby has arrived. Its extensive range of changing bags exude style, while containing everything you could possible need for baby – and it’s not just mums who are catered for! Samsonite has recently introduced an amazing new ManBag – a changing bag which doubles as a laptop bag and designed purely with men in mind. Samsonite also has a range of high quality baby carriers and slings, plus some extremely compact and versatile travel cots – perfect for weekends away. Call 01384 878276 for more information or visit

The STABILO ‘s move easy rollerball and EASYergo retractable pencil have been designed with ergonomic

Product Showcases

Lamaze is introducing 15 new toys in 2010 including the Space Symphony Gym, Cheese Sorter and four new Play & Grow characters. Each naturally maintains the developmental features long associated with the Lamaze

STABILO are Experts in Ergonomics


The First Three Months ... Entering the world of motherhood is one huge upheaval and a very steep learning curve. The market is saturated with ‘essentials’ for you and your newborn, so here we break it down for you. Listen to a real mum and find out what she really found essential in her first three months.

OUT AND ABOUT Stokke Xplory They say: Since it’s launch in 2003, the award-winning Stokke Xplory stroller, has allowed parents to keep contact and interact with their children in a way that other strollers and pushchairs are unable to imitate. The unique high seating of the Stokke Xplory stroller elevates your child to not only increase contact with you, but to see and share your perspective rather than that which is happening around your feet.


We say: The Xplory is the ultimate stroller. It can be used anywhere - from the London underground to the beach - easily. It’s compact, lightweight and looks fab. With the cosy toes, my baby has been comfortable and content. Once you’ve been Stokked, there is no going back. We are all Stokke Lovers in our house.

Once you have been Stokked, there is no going back ... Papoozle Sling They say: The Papoozle is a hybrid of the best points of the various carrier styles on the market combining the comfort and closeness of a fabric sling with the ease of use of an upright carrier. We say: Using a sling for the first time can be daunting, but the Papoozle was a really great introduction to babywearing. It seemed easy to wear and provided more support that other fabric slings we had looked at.

We weren’t disappointed. Our little one gets all tucked up inside her sling, and falls to sleep within moments of going for a walk. It’s ideal.

IN THE NURSERY Stokke Sleepi They say: Beautiful to look at and designed to make the transition into the world a softer experience for your newborn child, the award winning Stokke® Sleepi™ crib system is an elegant children's bed with modern soft curves. We say: The Sleepi was out first Stokke product. Our little one slept in it since birth and adores it, she sleeps well. The mini crib is just too cute. Everyone who has seen it, admires it. Slightly more expensive than some cribs but if you consider the longevity and quality of the product, you can’t fault it.

WEBSITE WATCH If you are looking for all things cool for your under fours, you need to check out Bambino Goodies. is the place for mummy bloggers to meet, network, learn and grow their sites. The whole approach is to create a conference that's by bloggers for bloggers. Exciting.

WEBSITE WATCH Still checking out the all the maternity and nursing wear on the The Bump Wear Project.

Hellium Balloons

Stokke Sleepi

Ewan - Dream Sheep

They say: Yesterday we looped a helium balloon round our baby’s leg and then moved it to her arm too, she moved, the balloon moved, she smiled and wriggled, the balloon moved some more, this she thought was brilliant and squealed and wriggled more ...

They say: Beautiful to look at and designed to make the transition into the world a softer experience for your newborn child, the award winning Stokke® Sleepi™ crib system is an elegant children's bed with modern soft curves.

They say: We also went to great lengths to make sure that we used the best possible sounds in our dream sheep ... the actual womb sounds and heartbeat of a pregnant mum were recorded and combined with household, musical and natural sounds at low bass frequencies of 125hz to produce ‘pink noise.’

We say: We read this blog and thought that sounded like fun, so we brought the biggest balloon we could find. At first she stared, but then squeeled with joy. Hellium balloons are fab for baby entertainment. Simple pleasures. But don’t leave your baby alone with a balloon, just in case they get tangled. Wooden Clutch Toys They say: One of the many wooden baby toys from the popular Haba range. Small hands love the brightly coloured rattling toy. Great for pulling, twisting, stretching and safe for baby to chew! We say: Since our little one has been able to grab, she has loved her clutch toys. And we love wooden toys!

We say: The Sleepi was out first Stokke product. Our little one slept in it since birth and adores it, she sleeps well. The mini crib is just too cute. Everyone who has seen it, admires it.

We say: We heard about Ewan and decided to give it a go to see if it would help our little one settle. It did. Amazingly so.

Ewan has become our little ones comforter, and an essential part of somethour Lights off, It’s slightly more expensive than inbedtime g will groutine. oasleep. here..Perfect Ewan on, baby some cribs but if you consider the ..........for .... £29. longevity and quality of the product, you can’t fault it.

Content contributed by Claire Chaplin, first time mum to a little girl. Also founder of The Bump Wear Project (

Capture Memories Like every new parent, we took hundreds of images of our newborn. But not one of them compares to the photos taken by Matt Wreford at Slugs & Snails ( The pictures are amazing. We have had a series of them printed and mounted and we gave them as gifts. Every recipient has been blown away with just how amazing they are. We’re currently deciding when to have the next session as we want to capture every moment. We also have loved record every detail with The Hungry Caterpillar Very Special Baby Record Book ( It’s a beautifully illustrated boxed keepsake with spaces for photos and envelopes to put babies keepsakes – a must for all new parents.

At Slugs and Snails we understand that every child is different. It is their unique personalities which we bring out and capture for you through our personal approach to every session. The sessions are geared around your child taking care to ensure they are relaxed and happy. Wherever the shoot takes place, we will create an environment they are completely at ease in, allowing them to be themselves, and us to take great pictures. Our ethos at Slugs and Snails is to approach every shoot with a fresh eye. That way we can create unique imagery unlike anything you may find elsewhere. We aim to create beautiful and artistic imagery which celebrates your child and their personality whilst providing you with a great experience from start to finish.

You can find our website at Get in touch via email

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Voucher Code: FS-3009-SS Use this voucher to receive 10% off your first print order with Slugs and Snails photography. This voucher is redeemable until 30th September 2010. You must present the voucher on or before the day of your session.


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... talks to Flying Start about The Apprentice, Hard work and Success.

It was exactly 5 years ago that I received the much coveted title, “mouth of the south” after my performance on The Apprentice. It was the first time many British viewers had seen an Asian gobby bird doing business like a man and leading the pack. Thankfully my performance got me to a respectable position in the show and whilst many felt I should have won, in hindsight I’m really glad that I did not. After the show I got my own BBC children’s business show “Beat The Boss” and managed to present some amazing programmes, I wrote a book published by Random House called P.U.S.H. For Success and I set up my own business formulating and selling natural skincare products for


delicate skin which are now distributed via John Lewis, Waitrose , and Ocado. It’s been an amazing five years. But I think I have to make some things very clear – just because I appeared on The Apprentice I didn’t wake up to people knocking on the door and offering me amazing jobs, my phone was ringing every five minutes from top companies offering me unbelievable opportunities and I didn’t become a business expert overnight just because I appeared on a business reality show. Before appearing on The Apprentice I had gained a BA (Hons Degree) and an MA. I started my career as a Town

Planner and did this for 5 years before deciding on a career change and dived head first into the commercial world. I worked in the biscuit market, as well as putting on a few pounds, I also progressed quickly in sales and within 2 years was managing my own team of sales people in Central London. I realised that I was born to sell and loved the psychology of it and giving customers the best service. It was all this that stood me in good stead for The Apprentice, my performance wasn’t a fluke or down to good editing, I did have some actual skill. I love working, thinking and learning and setting up my own business has given me the chance to do all the above everyday. It’s been such hard work, harder than I ever imagined it would be and harder than what anyone advised it would be. Since 2006 when I launched miamoo I have been working 16 hours a day to keep all the plates spinning and let me tell

you, if you want to be a successful entrepreneur and you don’t have the privilege of a rich mummy or daddy or access to unlimited funds then the reality is that the first 5 years are going to be HARD WORK and like me you may have to keep a main job going to fund your business in the early years. My business miamoo sells natural skincare products for babies and children with dry skin. There main reason why I decided to go into was because I have suffered with dry skin most of my life and I have become an expert in knowing what really works and what does not. When I carried out my market research I was amazed to find the following: 1. The domination of cheap, chemicals laden skincare products available on the high street for parents to buy and use on their children 2. The lack of availability of natural skincare products 3. Ignorance of parents to what was contained in their children’s skincare products 4. Low priority parents paid to preventing dry skin in

Khan children 5. GP’s giving unhelpful advice to parents whose children have dry skin and prescribing creams that can make dry skin conditions worse over time Having discovered the above I was convinced that there was certainly a gap in the market for a brand based on natural ingredients and one that informed parents about the potential risks of the cheap chemical laden products. I wanted to set up an ethical company selling ethical products which would ultimately benefit my customers and respect the environment. I have to say, I used innocent drinks as a model to follow, I liked their honesty and their way of communicating to their customers. Running an ethical business does not mean that I have to disregard the quality of my packaging or that I should be ashamed of making a profit, on the contrary, I have gone out of my way to ensure that my product is of a premium quality , they are 98% natural and do not contain any nasty chemicals that can cause delicate skin to dry out and get irritated. The packaging has been designed beautifully by my designers so that my customers can feel proud of using the product knowing that they have not compro-

mised on quality. I manufacture the products in the UK and 90% of my packaging comes from the UK thus reducing my carbon footprint. I am always asked why my products are on the expensive side, there are 3 main reasons, 1. I use top quality ingredients and my products are all over 97% natural.2. I manufacture in the UK because I trust UK production, 3. I cannot order huge amounts of stock so this makes my costs higher than a multinationals. But as more and more people buy my products I will be able to buy higher minimum order quantities and therefore reduce my costs and pass these savings onto my customer.

We are giving away 5 nanight balms worth £10 to 5 lucky winners. Miamoo are also offering flying start readers 25% off miamoo products when buying directly from To receive the discount type “flying” in the promotional box at the checkout (please note that delivery charges are additional costs and will apply, purchases over £50.00 are free). This offer is valid until May 1st 2010. "naturally protects delicate skin"

When I start making a profit, I will give 10% of my profits to charity, but at the moment I am focussed on growing the business through Waitrose, and Ocado. I have big plans for miamoo 2010. I am close to signing a very big export order to France which will take miamoo to a different level. I am determined to tell more and parents about the benefits of using natural products on their babies and children’s skin, its better for them and for the environment.


Child’s Talk Childrens’ television isn’t just a way to keep the kids quiet, it can also educate them and help with all aspects of their development. Flying Start talks to the Senior President of Playhouse Disney Worldwide, Nancy Kanter, and finds out more

FS What is your background in children's television? NK I actually started as a producer and worked on some television movies for teens in the US, which were called Afterschool Specials. I then found my way to Sesame Street and worked there for about five years as an executive producer. I oversaw 30 specials and videos for the show and then ventured on to Playhouse Disney in 2001. FS What is it like to work for the Walt Disney Company?

Senior President of Playhouse Disney Worldwide Nancy Kanter 22

NK It’s great to work for a company that is so trusted, so well regarded by families and kids and loved by audiences around the world. It’s a very family centred company, which is great if you

Words: Jenni Shuttleworth

have kids. Anne Sweeney, who’s the head of our division, always encourages you to take time to have a really good work-life balance. It’s an exciting place to work because it really is such a creatively driven company. FS What aspect of your job do you enjoy the most? NK I think I like working with the writers the most when we’re first developing scripts for a show. I love working with them to fine tune the ideas and figure out exactly how we want to tell the story. And because I first worked in the entertainment business as a film editor, I love that aspect too. Once the show has been shot or animated and you start to put it together, I love reviewing it. You can really make something quite different by how it’s edited. FS What have been the most significant moments for Playhouse Disney so far?

NK I think it’s the success of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. We were able to take a character that was so iconic for the company and in a sense, re-introduce him to a whole new generation of kids and make him feel vital and contemporary and very relatable. FS What would you consider to be your most popular shows and why? NK I think Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Handy Manny are certainly our highest rated and most popular shows. Jungle Junction is getting off to a great start but it’s obviously more recent, and shows with this audience sometimes take a little longer to build because you don’t have that instant word of mouth that you have with older kids’ programming. It really has to spread through the mums talking about the show to their friends.

FS Which show do you feel most proud of? NK I’m tremendously proud of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse because there was every possibility that we may not succeed with that show. But I am equally proud of Jungle Junction, which is our first animated UK series, which premiered in the UK in September 2009. We’ve been able to support a smaller scale animation company here in the UK and I think it’s pretty significant when, all of a sudden, you get a great big commission from Disney and have it go worldwide. FS Can you explain the educational curriculum behind Playhouse Disney? NK What we look to do is put messages and learning into our shows that are age appropriate across the whole spectrum of a child’s developmental skills, so some shows

will be more academic and cognitive learning, such as Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Some will be more emotional and feature social skills like Handy Manny. Jungle Junction has an eco-friendly theme; it is partly cognitive, teaching children about the environment, ecology and the science, but it’s also emotional because it’s about learning to respect your world and how to nurture it. Imagination Movers is really about creative thinking, perseverance and teamwork, which are all aspects of a child’s development that we know are important to mums and that are certainly essential for kids to develop healthy and confident children. FS How do you believe Playhouse Disney can assist children in learning? NK I think when children see good positive role modelling,

whether it’s on television or in a book or in a game that they play, it’s something that they will remember and try to mimic. So we try very hard with what we present on screen models something that is important and age appropriate. Kids will then take that into their own world. Parents can appreciate that when a character is behaving well or being curious or learning to count that those are things that kids want to emulate because they fall in love with those characters. FS How do you see children's television evolving? NK I think television is going to compete increasingly with other forms of new media, whether it’s mobile phone technology, downloading, streaming videos, online video or online gaming. I certainly see it in my 16-yearold. He is part of the genera-

tion that we call platform agnostic, which means they don’t really care if they watch a show on television or on a mobile phone. I think that the television industry is going to have to recognise this. Playhouse Disney provides broadband access to its shows. We regard the websites as not just ancillary content but as part and parcel of the show when we’re in the development process. Our websites give preschoolers the chance to fulfil that sense of participating in a show. FS What can we expect from Playhouse Disney in the future? NK More great shows, both long and short-form. Increasingly, we want to give our viewers the chance to experience our shows in various ways, not necessarily just via a linear television feed.



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Ten Simple Things to Do Every Single Day as a Parent of a Teenager

You can never be too loving with your teenage children. Get rid of that old wives’ tale that hugging them, holding them, or telling them you love them is spoiling your children. If many of the parents of the world paid more attention to their children, the world would be a better and happier place. I can think of many children who suffered because their parents were too busy, too selfish, or too preoccupied to spend time with them. I have never met a child who was worse off because their parents loved them too much. That situation’s just not possible. But be more sensitive to how you show your affection when your child has turned into a self conscious teenager – a friendly pat on the back, or gently ruffling their hair is often more appropriate once they have hit the hormone zone!

t "DU BT B 3PMF .PEFM Have you ever noticed that you have many of the same attitudes, habits, and opinions that your parents had when you were growing up and even though you swore you’d do it all differently? Well, that’s because your parents were your first, important role models, and you are now the same to your children. Imitating parents is a natural part of how children develop and grow. Perhaps you’re not aware of the subtle messages you send to your teen all the time, particularly as they pretend not to notice now they are maturing, but all


your actions and emotions are communicated to your kids. That’s why anxious parents produce anxious children and positive parents bring up confident kids!

t *OWPMWF :PVSTFMG JO :PVS $IJME T -JGF One of the most important things you can do to safeguard your relationship is to spend time with them. None of us ever feels we “have enough time� to do the things we have to do much less the ones we’d like to do! But strong family ties are formed between teenage children and their parents if a little regular daily effort is made to spend time talking, eating and being with them. So ask yourself how you can enhance the quality of the time you spend with your teenage children? Even teenage children with their own friends, lifestyle and interests should be absolutely sure that they can count on your time with them. Set aside time when you can give your full attention to your teen. Could it be at family dinner time, homework help time, or once-a-week outings? And each of your children needs some time to spend with you alone, apart from brothers and sisters.

t 4IBSF ZPVSTFMWFT The whole point of spending time with your children is to share your own values, beliefs and enjoy being with them. Talking with and listening to your teen is one of the most important “quality time� activities you can do and it can happen anywhere, at any time—while folding the laundry, playing a game, doing the shopping, or

driving home from Grandma’s house.

t 'PDVT PO 'MFYJCJMJUZ Your role as a parent changes as your child grows. What worked well when your child was in nursery doesn’t necessarily work when she reaches junior school and is likely to outright fail when she enters adolescence. The drive and independence that makes your three-yearold say ‘no’ all the time is actually part of the same process that makes your

13-year-old daughter argumentative at the dinner table. It is also what makes her more inquisitive in the classroom and even later on in her career. So embrace the wider implications of your child’s actions. Parental flexibility is all about getting inside the mind of your child at their particular age.

t 4FU #PVOEBSJFT BOE 3VMFT The two most important things children of all ages need from you are love and structure.

Some of the parents I work with don’t want to repeat the strict upbringing that they experienced, so they go the other way and have no rules or boundaries at all. They then wonder why their children don’t listen to or respect them or why they feel so exhausted all the time. Even teenage children enjoy routine and knowing your rules. Like everything in life, providing your child with structure is a balancing act. Structure makes children feel the security of love around them. If your child feels insecure, they may fall in with the wrong crowd, try drugs to give them confidence or look for people interested and willing to spend time with them that may not have their best interest at heart. Remember the real reason for having rules and setting boundaries is that over time your teenager can develop the ability to set their own boundaries and manage their own behaviour. You need to realise that your child’s ability to be controlled by you leads to their ability to control themselves.

t #F $POTJTUFOU The biggest single contributor to a teenager’s disciplinary problems is inconsistent parenting. I know you’re probably thinking, ‘Well, being consistent is easy to say, but hard to do’. True enough. But the secret of consistency is keeping your expectations clear and always meeting the same behaviour with the same reaction. 5JQ If you’re having trouble disciplining your teenager, the first thing to do is take a step back and ask yourself, ‘Am I being consistent?’ Parents have many reasons for becoming inconsistent, but stress and tiredness seem to be the most common. In

today’s hectic and frenetic world, everyone gets tired. When you feel like giving in or that you don’t have the energy to take on the battle or argument, you can easily get distracted or lose your focus. So take control of your time by the three “D’s� -

1. Deciding what you want to achieve each day and by setting yourself just one or two goals that you really want (not need) to accomplish. 2. Discarding any tasks or jobs that aren’t really important in the big scheme of life and 3. Delegating tasks that other people or your kids could do. This frees up your energy and helps you to stay focused and consistent with your kids t &ODPVSBHF *OEFQFOEFODF From the day you play ‘peek-a-boo’ with your baby, you’re preparing her for separation from you. From her first day at school, first sleepover, and first school trip to France to the day your daughter leaves home. Good parenting is a step-by-step process, a gradual moving out into the big world, confident and independent from you. You tread a fine line: Good parenting requires a balance between involvement and independence. Your teenage child learns self-confidence from learning to manage their own self-sufficiency. Parents, who encourage independence in their children, help them to develop a sense of self-direction. To be successful in life, children need both self-control and self-direction. They also need self-discipline to balance their own individual needs with the needs of others.


At each stage of your child’s development, you must establish your rules that you expect your child to obey. But you also need to expect that your child will at some point challenge you and test your limits. This behaviour’s just what kids do. 3FNFNCFS Your job is to do what’s best for your child, whether they like it or not. You are the adult; you are the more experienced, wiser person who can see the bigger picture. So don’t let your 14-year-old refuse to change her smelly shirt after a netball match because she gets all huffy and won’t speak to you for a couple of hours. Don’t let your teenager get away with not emptying the dishwasher because you can’t bear her sulky behaviour as she does it. Remember you are teaching life skills and helping to develop a well rounded, helpful, self reliant adult for the future and if it helps‌.this phase doesn’t last for ever! Your child’s judgement isn’t as good as yours. You are building an adult and tomorrow’s future generation so stand your ground.

t -JTUFO 'JSTU 5BML -BUFS 3FNFNCFS Listening is the best gift you can give anyone including your kids. Listening makes teenagers feel valued, heard, and understood. It makes them feel important. Through listening properly to your children, you help them find their own answers. They also let off steam. You may even get to ask the odd great question and your child may start to see things from a different perspective.

So turn down the TV, stop reading the paper, and stop peeling the potatoes. Look at your teenager and give them your full attention. Listen with genuine interest and really pay attention to what they’re telling you. Keep an open mind and don’t judge or interrupt them. You know how frustrating it is when your friend or partner interrupts you, half listens, or just says ‘aaahh haaa’ now and again. Your kids deserve better. I think it helps to remember that you have two ears and only one mouth for a reason!

t 3FTQFDU :PVS $IJME Your relationship with your child is the foundation of their relationships with others. If you treat your child with compassion, kindness, and respect, they’ll grow up to be concerned about others, caring, considerate, and respectful towards people. If you are uncaring, rude, and dismissive, your child is very likely to have these characteristic when they grown up. Respect is the key to a good family and it brings everyone together. Families don’t die from their setbacks, but they can wither and die from a negative, sarcastic, taunting, or guilt-ridden culture within them. 5JQ As obvious as this sounds, speak politely to your child and respect their opinion. Pay real attention when they speak to you and treat them kindly and remember, your children may choose your old people’s home one day !!! "TL ZPVSTFMG t 8IBU TNBMM DIBOHFT DBO * make this week to move me closer to my teenager? t )PX DBO * TIPX UIFN NZ


love in new more grown up ways? t )PX DBO * MJTUFO UP UIFN more effectively this week? t 8IBU XPVME CF UIF CFOFรถUT to me, out relationship and to UIF GBNJMZ BT B XIPMF JG * committed to these small changes? t )PX DBO * NBOBHF NZ UJNF more effectively this week? t )PX DBO * CF DMFBS BCPVU TFUUJOH รถSN GBJS TQFDJรถD BOE negotiated boundaries this week that are flexible but consistent for everyone? t 8IBU XJMM CF UIF BEWBOUBHFT of taking this action this week? t 8IFO * IJU BO PCTUBDMF XIBU DBO * EP UP HFU SPVOE JU through it or over it to keep moving towards the bigger picture to my parenting?

Sue Atkins is a Parent Coach, former Deputy Head with 22 years teaching experience, mother to two teenage children and is an NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer trained by Paul McKenna. She has written many books on self esteem, toddlers and teenagers and has a collection of Parenting Made Easy Toolkits available from her website. She is also the author of "Raising Happy Children for Dummies" one in the black and yellow series published worldwide and a Judge for the National Family Week โ Family of the Yearโ Competition. To receive her free newsletter bursting with practical tips and helpful advice from toddler to teen log onto


Water Buddies float suits have been designed by children's safety swimwear specialists Splash About to protect babies and children in and around water. Funky patterns and colours combined with practical swimwear solutions have resulted in a range of products that make children's lives safer, easier and loads of fun.

them a respect for water. And, it can help to build a unique special bond between parent and child as well as helping to develop regular sleeping patterns. Research has also shown that babies and children who swim are MJLFMZ UP CFOFรถU GSPN CFUUFS social skills and are more independent, less timid and cope better with new situations and experiences.

However, Water Buddies are not just for splashing about in the water โ ฆthey have been developed to help teach toddlers how to swim by combining correctly positioned floatation that can be gradually reduced to stop kids becoming dependent on floats.

The key elements when teaching children to swim is UP NBLF UIFN GFFM DPOรถEFOU and comfortable in the water BOE UP LFFQ JU GVO 5IBU T XIZ well-designed, visually appealing buoyancy swimwear, that gives full use of arms and legs, is important. Water Buddies is a complete range that caters for children aged 1-6 year olds and comprises Floatsuits; Short John Floatsuits (with above the knee legs); Sun Protection Floatsuits with extra cover around the neck, back & chest plus short sleeves and legs; AIFSF DPNF UIF HJSMT %FTJHOFS Floatsuits in fashion colours and frills; and simple but

Apart from the obvious safety plus points, learning to swim IBT NBOZ CFOFรถUT GPS DIJMESFO *U T HSFBU GPS UIFJS health and well being as it promotes balance, strength, coordination, and stamina BOE QSPNPUFT PWFSBMM รถUOFTT *U FOIBODFT UIFJS TFMG FTUFFN and importantly teaches


stylish Float Jackets for children aged 1 year and over, older children and adults. Prices start from ยฃ19.99. All Water Buddies are made from special SPF 50+ fabric which blocks 98% of the suns rays, so parents can be safe in the knowledge that children are protected from the sun when swimming and playing outside.

When Rachel Francis found out that she was pregnant for the fourth time, one of her first thoughts was ‘what car will I have to buy to fit my family in?’ It is a dilemma that many parents with more than two children have to face, and more often than not the solution of buying a larger seven seater car that will fit three or more child seats in is a very expensive one. That is until now. The MultiMac car seat is an ingenious invention in child safety and allows up to four children, from birth up until the age of 12, to sit comfortably in the back of an average sized car and is available at a fraction of the cost of a larger MPV. As Rachel, who lives in Northumberland explains, finding the MultiMac could not have come at a better time for her: “We saw the MultiMac on the Fifth Gear TV programme and thought that this is the answer we had

been looking for, as we were quite happy with our BMW X3 and did not really want to get rid of it. After searching on Google, I found the MultiMac website. “We already had three boys, aged nine, six and two when I got pregnant with my fourth child. One of my immediate concerns was ‘what car?’ Not only would we need a seven seater, but also a four wheel drive as we live in rural Northumberland. We looked at every possibility on the market and the options were either too expensive or had the extra two seats in the rear where frankly you wouldn't even put a dog let alone your children.” “The MultiMac has allowed us to keep our car, making the rear seats safer for all the children and really importantly, you keep all of your boot space. We headed off to the Scottish Highlands a few weeks after buying the MultiMac with the three boys an 11 week old baby girl and all of the luggage that four children need and still had room in the boot. Even with a seven seater car the boot

space is so limited we would have needed a roof box or a trailer, but with the MultiMac we just loaded the car up as usual and off we went.” The MultiMac greatly exceeds all the crash test requirements of ECE 44-04 which is exceptional due to the fact that the seat has to cope with dramatically variable loads – from a single nine month old to four 12 year old test dummies. To cover all possible scenarios, 11 different child age/load combinations have to be crash tested to meet safety standards. The MultiMac sits on top of the existing seat and is secured using the adult rear seatbelt mountings and a pair of metal legs resting on the floor with fitting or removal taking just moments. It also comes as a three-seater, with the option of adding headrests or rear-facing MiniMac cradle seats for babies. MultiMac can also provide bespoke upholstery to match your cars interior.

seat such as the MultiMac, were too good for her to disregard: “My baby seems and looks very comfortable in the MiniMac baby seat, she always falls asleep! The boys love the seat belts - like formula one racing drivers and they like the fact that we get to keep the same car too. My six year old and two year old always fall asleep on long journeys and the headrests are really supportive.” “I just love the MultiMac! It is a piece of genius design and really helped us to solve our problem; it was the answer we were looking for. The MultiMac converts a five seater car into a six seater, but crucially it does not affect insurance premiums Norwich Union has specifically approved the MultiMac and also other insurance companies have similarly accepted fitment of the seat with no change in premiums. For more information on the MultiMac car seat or to register your interest, go to

For Rachel, both the price and the convenience of a safe car


5 THE BIG SECRETS OF HOW TO JUGGLE WORK AND FAMILY LIFE Here’s how 4 women achieved their perfect lifestyle balance! Read on to learn their secrets of how they juggle their private life with a rewarding career that earns them an income that most people only dream of...



Break the shackles of working for and making money for other people - start thinking like a leader! Sue Botterill did just that when she started her own local community magazine and an empire was born... read her story.

Having read Russian and French at university and then joined the Barclays management training scheme after graduation, it’s fair to say I’d always been very career focussed. But that all changed when I got pregnant aged 30 and decided not to go back to work after Cameron was born. It cut our income by half, but


we could manage. I enjoyed being at home with my children and it was only when my husband decided to set up on his own as a consultant that I thought a second income might be helpful. The boys had started school but I still had my daughter at home and didn’t want to put her in childcare. The trouble was I couldn’t find anything that suited me. I began to wonder about setting up my own business, but I wasn’t sure what I would do. Then I remembered that when we’d moved to the area I’d thought it would be useful to have a little booklet of local services such as takeaways and things I could do with the kids not some big weighty thing like the Yellow Pages. Was there a business opportunity for me there? When I told my husband, he was supportive but sceptical, but I wanted to give it a go. The booklet would contain advertising, reviews of restaurants in the area, features

on local businesses and cinema listings. It would come out once a month and I’d distribute it by myself with a bit of help from the family. The first issue was a massive learning curve. I was taking care of everything including layout of the pages. But I took a deep breath, bought myself some publishing software and got stuck in. I got a reasonable printing quote and then started ringing local businesses to get them to place the adverts. I got everyone to pay up-front so I'd have the money for the printers. Amazingly, I made £1,800 profit in the first month. I think I surprised everyone. It was so nice to have my own money again and I felt I had really worked hard for it, so I treated myself to a brand-new outfit. My customers started to become friends and give me loads of referrals. Sometimes I can hardly believe how well it worked. I remember coming home one day after I’d been to see a potential advertiser. After

a brief call, I’d booked £900 of advertising. Not bad for 10 minutes work.

With repeat advertising, the magazine started to run itself. I’d drop all the kids off, go to the gym, come home and do a couple of hours work, then I’d be free for my daughter in the afternoons. The magazine brought in about £3,000 a month, which was more than I was earning as a bank manager and for far fewer hours. It’s worked out so well that I put together a start-up pack to help other people set up similar directories


So you want to take action in your life but don't have an idea! Well the good news is that there are plenty of people who have the knowledge and have done it - like Sue!. All you need to do is make that life changing decision to seize the moment and there are business blueprints for you to follow. Paula Mickley did exactly that and brought one of Sue's packs - The My Mag Formula.

I'd only been living in Tickhill for a couple of weeks when I saw an article for My Mag in Prima magazine. 'To Women Who Want to Earn Full Time Money in Part Time Hours'

the article was headed. Well that was me for sure. I went straight onto the My Mag website and as I started reading, the first thing that hit me was the similarity between mine and Sue's history. I made my decision, I was going to become a 'My Magger'!

My magazines are very profitable. My smallest one takes me only one week of each month to produce, yet generates an income that many would consider a full-time monthly salary. The other one generates almost twice as much revenue!

It is almost three years now since I first delivered copies of my first magazine through 2000 doors in my village and nervously waited for a response.

My Mag has been really fantastic for me and my local community and the team at Head Office are very supportive.

And what a response there has been! The magazine has grown from 24 pages to 68 pages and barely a day goes by without someone contacting me about the magazine. My Mag has been one of the best things I have ever done in my life and I now have two magazines covering two separate communities.

I am definitely much better off than I would have been if I had returned to work - and I don't just mean financially!

!"# $"%& '( ) $* + 'Rossington Today and Tickhill Today'

sell for Birthday Parties, Weddings, Christenings, Corporate Events, and Charities (and there's a big market for businesses too). They make great Christmas and Easter presents too. It's great to send a chocolate bar rather than a card - the possibilities are endless! Georgi McGeary explains her reasons for starting a new My Little Wrapper part-time business.


Sounds simple but if you start a business on a part-time basis, guess what, you'll see more of your family! There's plenty of opportunities out there and you can make a really meaningful contribution to the household income with some of them. Sue and Paula have amazing flexibility and

I started My Little Wrapper in September 2008 after seeing an article in a parenting magazine. I had been looking earn good money with My Mag to earn some money but have three young children at school but what else is around? and needed work to fit in with my busy home life. Well, another mini business idea is My Little Wrapper - a I had never run my own personalised chocolate business and was a bit nervous wrapping business! Now so I sent out an email to who doesn't like chocolate? everyone I knew letting them know I was starting to sell My Little Wrapper has huge personalised chocolate bars. potential. It enables you to create beautiful, high quality, personalised chocolate bars to

The response was phenomenal and I got my first order straight

For more information on My Mag visit email or call Liz on 0800 142 26 56 Email your address and we’ll pop a My Mag brochure in the post.

away! Then whenever I spoke to anyone I told them how excited I was with the new business and gathered two birthday and one wedding order as well as a corporate promotional bag enquiry all within my first week! I mainly do children's party chocolates and once a customer has bought, they keep coming back for more! Almost a year in I am still thrilled with the response I get whenever I tell people about my business and I'm overjoyed at my new found confidence in dealing with new customers plus I'm earning good money!

Georgi McGeary For more information visit email or call Kelly on 0800 142 26 60 31


Alison Pate from Northampton found the perfect solution in and is earning over £9,000 revenue a month!

I found out about thebestof franchise four years ago at the Franchise Expo and decided that it suited all my requirements. It was a proven business model with low start-up costs, a really supportive management infra-structure, proven road map to success, low outgoings and very flexible working hours. Because I am part of a national team, there is plenty of support. Essentially, I work at a local level to promote all that is brilliant in my town (Northampton). I work with local businesses to promote them to local people, both on and off line. My website is unique to my town, as is all the templated promotional material. It’s easy to manage and you can choose what you use and when you use it. I’ve become an integral part of the community and my clients love the fact that I’m continually promoting them. The greatest buzz I get is when my customers email me to thank me for a great job and recommend other good businesses to me.

I earned well into the higher rate tax bracket last year – mostly residual income. I am set to double that this year. The more I work, the more I earn, but I know that I can take a week or even a month off and it won’t affect my income. That’s a real benefit for me and I know there are lots of franchisees who work around their families and make good money. To be successful in this business you simply need a genuine desire to help people. thebestof give you all the training you need and are really receptive to new initiatives from their franchisees. It’s all about getting out there and talking to people. Word spreads extremely quickly when you talk to the right people, so a ‘people person’ would get on well in this business. The support is great, both in the field and at Head Office – it’s like one big happy family all moving in the same direction. It’s the perfect vehicle for me to become financially independent, enjoy what I do, make a difference in my local community and take time for myself when I want to. It’s the ideal work-life balance.

If you are interested thebestof hold regular Discovery Days to give you a chance to meet with existing franchisees and ask those searching questions that will allow you to make a decision about whether thebestof is for you!

For more information visit email or call Cat on 0800 142 27 76

SECRET #5 BE DECISIVE AND TAKE THE PLUNGE Until you give it a go you won't know! It's exactly what our ladies that you have read about all have in common. And remember apart from Sue they have all had a bit of help and still get support from people who have done it. It doesn't have to be lonely, you don't need to be original - all you need is drive and bags of enthusiasm.

My Mag email Call Liz on 0800 142 26 56


thebestof email Call Cat on 0800 142 27 76

Get in touch with one of the businesses featured for a chat about your situation. They will help you decide whether a new venture is for you or not!


My Little Wrapper email Call Kelly 0n 0800 142 26 60

Mums and dads, take a look at what’s in store for you and your children, helping all the family get fit, active and healthy.




Your Children...

Is your child aged 1-5?








The importance of a garden for the young with special needs has always been fully understood. Its layout, design, relevance and, most of all, the importance of providing fun and stimulation for all ages with varying physical and mental challenges is vital for a long term sensory garden. For over 20 years Tim Lynch Associates have been designing gardens for people of all ages, who have required, for many reasons, environments that turn them from a passive state of being to an active state by using a variety of stimuli. The term “Sensory Garden�, primarily for the elderly, has relied on plants, sound and movement to create an active state of mind. For the young of all ages, this can be expanded, but equally may well be no more than

large-scale models or basic play equipment. This may, in the main, be down to budgetary control and the need to raise funding. Working on limited budgets can greatly restrict the approach taken for the garden. Having said this, there is now available from many different companies equipment that is either computer controlled from a central point within the home, or sensors that can be located within a garden that can be activated by up to 20m away. Imagine placing a sensor underneath a rubber crumb surface that detects movement, which in turn activates music, water fountains, light or sound. When moving away, it automatically switches off and another sensor activates a computer, which has been

pre-programmed to create sound or visual stimuli to the needs of the user and their family.

the need to provide a safe environment for young people to play and use as required.

This could also be used on outdoor walls, with projected movement of imaginary balls falling for catching and when in theory caught, by placing the correct motion sensors in place, that ball turns into a computer controlled animal, fairy or coloured rainbow.

Tim Lynch Associates is currently instructed on designing a garden using modern technology and whilst at an early stage, many of the key principles of how it will be used and how it will integrate into the special needs school are in place.

The possibilities are now ever increasing and, whilst certain items still remain expensive, some items are not, and are easily fully waterproofed. External hi-fi systems that are used on yachts are easily and readily available for the mass market and would allow any home to have quiet, relaxing areas with the sound of animals and water, through to full music for teenagers for parties, or educational needs.

To this end they have produced a free of charge perspective of the garden outlining their ideas and the location of the computercontrolled equipment. By contacting them, they will send you this perspective, with outline supportive information to help you start viewing your garden in possibly a different way!

This is not forgetting the core need of the garden and to keep with tried and tested areas such as garden clubs to grow plants in, secure greenhouses to sow seeds, colour in whatever form and

For further information please call 01225 865866

Their aim is to simply show what is available and to assist you in costing such a garden. They can help you to design a garden that not only touches on the past but, more importantly, embraces a computer controlled garden of the future.


Kids don’t... The Statistics In the UK, one in four children lives in split families. The implications of divorce on kids are well documented. You and your partner have been like two book ends supporting your children in the middle. Now you are parting its vital that you keep your kids from ‘falling down’ in all the guises that brings. Telling your children you are divorcing creates uncertainty where there was once stability. Unless you want to imprint an indelible memory of the worst time of their lives on your children’s minds, how you handle telling them and how you behave towards your ex during and after separation will most certainly impact the way your children think, feel and act ongoingly. If both parents are attentive to their kids needs and can maintain civility and resist drawing their children into their own upsets and bitterness, it’s possible to raise well-balanced children who grow into loving compassionate adults. Do it the other way and you’ll get what ever you get!

Telling the Kids Children aged 2 ½-8 years Timing is vital. This is not something to announce in anger, so they know ‘exactly what kind of a mother or father they have’. If possible


both of you should tell your children together in the same room. Do it during the day, when you can go on to do an activity all together afterwards. (Remember this is not about you!). Be prepared afterwards for any questions that may arise. Imagine its Saturday morning. After breakfast ask the children to come into the sitting room because daddy and mummy want to speak to them. Sit next to your partner with whilst marinating eye contact with your kids. Keep it simple. Divorce is an adult business. Children are looking for reassurance that life as they know it will not fall apart. Who betrayed who with whom, is too much information. Say something like: “Mummy and Daddy have decided that we are not going to be married anymore and we are just going to be friends instead. Pause and wait. Children will be trying to work out what this means to them. Now say: This means that Daddy is going to live in another house and you will stay here with mummy and you’ll see daddy very often. We both love you very very much and this has nothing to do with you. It’s not your fault, it’s between mummy and daddy and it’s a grown up thing”.

It’s impossible to tell what they’ve understood at this point. So don’t assume. One mother told me that after telling the children her son aged 4 burst into tears. Both parents thought it was because the news was such a shock. They let him cry for a bit and cuddled him. Mum went back into the ‘we love you very much’ part when their son said, ‘yes I know that, but what I want to know is who is going to get the fridge magnets?’ Another question may be “Are you getting divorced”? Children from 5 may know friends from split families. But you need to discover what divorce means to your child so you can offer reassurance. This takes a very special kind of listening. Say: Yes, we will one day, but I’m wondering what you think getting divorced means?

love you very much and I will always be there for you. I am not going to leave you. Is there anything else that is bothering you”?

Your child may say something like; “daddy goes away and doesn’t come back.

Children aged aged 9-12

Reflect back so your child feels acknowledged and heard and say: So you think daddy may go away and not come back? He says “Yes” Dad says “Well, daddy will go and live somewhere else, but he will see you every weekend (or whatever your arrangements are) and you can speak to him every day on the telephone. Dad says “I

Be prepared to answer more concerns and go through the process again. Listen to your Children When a child of any age is listened to and acknowledged they feel safe enough to ask questions. If you fob them off with anything other than the simple truth, they will eventually close down because they won’t trust that you understand what’s going on for them. Young children find it difficult to articulate their new feelings. That’s not surprising because they have never had them before. You’ll need patience and compassion and then even more patience.

This age group are far more aware. They may have an idea of why you are breaking up. They may be embarrassed and not want to talk about it. They may have been impacted by your behaviour towards their other parent in the previous months or years. But they are still young and still powerless to do anything about it. Say something like “Mum and I are just not making each

DIVORCE other happy anymore and we don’t want to continue to do this to ourselves. So we have decided its time to stop hurting each other and move on with our lives apart. This is nothing to do with you. It’s not about you and you couldn’t have done anything to stop it happening. We want you to know that both of us will never stop loving and supporting you and we are always here for you when you need us”. Some children in this group will change their behaviour at school by paying less attention, underachieving and developing ailments such as headaches or stomach aches. Their bodies are swallowing up their pain. It’s vital to get children of this age to talk. Take your cues and clues from them. Every behaviour your child exhibits will be based on the question ‘who am I now that my mum and dad are not together? I thought I was part of a complete family and now I’m not’. ‘Who am I’? The ultimate question we all have regarding our identities are being asked by a child.

Ages 12 and above The same explanation above applies, but there will still be identity issues for many teenage kids.

Parenting Effectively All kids need care and attention after parents divorce. Inform the school of your new living arrangements. Find out if there is a school counsellor and get her to have an informal chat with your child. Watch their behaviour carefully and listen as if you had three ears. Almost everyone who has been in this situation will have a story to tell. Listen to them all and learn from others who have been through this. Parenting Apart After parents part the myth of a united front is exploded. Each parent will parent their own way and there is little point in worrying that Dad feeds them takeaways and sweets when mum is a stickler for nutrition. Make it easy on yourself. You do it your way and let your ex do their way. Unless there is a suspicion of neglect, abuse or safety issues, don’t make it any harder than it already is for you and the kids. Work out a parenting plan together that works logistically and geographically. If you ex is moving far away, work out holiday contact times well in advance and wherever possible be flexible. Share Christmas and Birthdays every other year and remember that kids need both parents. Parents are our

first role model of males and females. Absent Dads create boys without boundaries and girls who lose out on male love. Absent mums create boys who don’t know how to nurture and girls that miss out on female bonding. Remember this is not about you.

from mum if that’s your arrangement. Give them space and time and don’t make a big deal of it. It may feel right to acknowledge how hard it is to go from one home to another, but on the whole, if you and your ex manage the process well, kids will adapt into a routine.

Decide how to inform the other of parent evenings, school plays, health issues, etc. Bite your tongue and be civil to your ex to make transitions from one parent to another painless so your children will feel like packages being passed between you. Its hard enough being ‘suitcase kids’. Expect heightened emotions from your kids when they come home from Dad’s or for Dad when he picks them up

Above all, maintain your dignity, behave amicably and emerge positively from you divorce. Francine Kaye The Divorce Doctor Divorce and Relationship Coach The Divorce Doctor by Francine Kaye (Hay House, £9.99)

Reader offer... To win one of two one hour ‘parenting after divorce’ sessions please email readeroffer@flyingstart To get 25% off plus free p&p go to and enter the promotional code FS001 at the checkout. The offer will run until 31/05/10. 39

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that pupils are well motivated and eager to learn. Each pupil is actively encouraged to achieve their potential, and parent-teacher relationships are excellent in this warm and enabling environment. Excellent results are achieved that are commensurate with pupil ability and can be seen as a reflection of the School's success.

We place great emphasis on providing a complete and balanced education. Class sizes are deliberately kept small, allowing individual attention from staff members which in turn helps to ensure

We have a strong tradition of developing the academic and creative talents, social skills and confidence of each of our pupils. Many activities and clubs are held outside of school and these vary in

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range from Dance, Art, the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Music, Speech and Drama, in addition to all sports, including skiing. A new performing arts and sport facility opened at the beginning of September 2007. Our next Open Day will be held on Saturday 6 March, from 10.00am to 12.00 noon (last tours beginning 11.30am). No appointment is necessary and our staff and girls look forward to showing visitors around the School.

Open Mornings for our Nursery and Infant Department throughout the year our next session will be held on Thursday 20 May. This is an ideal opportunity for you to view the School during a normal working day, to talk with our teachers informally and to observe our children at work and play. Please telephone to book your place. To find out more or to arrange to visit the School and see our superb facilities for yourself please contact the Registrar on 01442 240333

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Boys prepared for transfer at 13+. Girls prepared for their next school at the age of 7.


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Chaventré, Head of Little St. Helen’s, which is the home of early years education at St. Helen’s School in Northwood, describes the search for the right school as “a bit like house hunting as it is such an important you will know.” So what should you consider when researching infant schools? “Look for a school with a bright, colourful environment with lots of things for the children to look at and plenty of space. By looking round a school, you should get a feel for its atmosphere, which should be welcoming and stimulating. At Little St. Helen’s, we have made sure that our accommodation feels homely and warm and I think that this is really important,” explains Miss Chaventré. a feel for the attitudes and relationships in the school. Look also for a broad curriculum with a good balance between the academic and other aspects of the curriculum such as creative and physical activities. On a more practical level, you may also want to consider factors picking up your child, if you need to drive to school; whether the school has a dining room with nutritious, varied meals cooked on site; and the provision of good toilet facilities that are located near to classrooms for very young children.

For more information T: 01923 843210 each stage of the pupils’ education is kept quite separate so there is a feeling of progression from one stage to another. Little St. Helen’s has its own accommodation, playing areas and dining room which means that the younger girls enjoy learning and interacting in their own small community. This means that they can take full advantage of all the opportunities that there well-rounded individuals, who are ready at the end of Year 2 to move on to the next stage of their education in our Junior School.”


Top Tips for Travelling without Tears Under 3’s Family holidays should be a time of fun and relaxation, but parents can find them quite stressful. Family holiday experts First Choice asked hundreds of parents with children under five, to let them know what worried them the most about holidaying abroad. Whilst 96% of respondents said that holidays were important to them, the survey flagged up a number of concerns about travelling with little ones, with 86% of parents worrying that their kids will get bored on holiday and 62% of mums concerned about exceeding their baggage allowance. First Choice have put together their five top tips for travelling with young children to help make sure that mums,


dads and kids have a truly memorable holiday (for all the right reasons)

1. Packing 21% of parents said that packing was the most stressful part of their holiday, with 62% of parents with children under five saying what worried them most was the fear of exceeding their baggage allowance, so here are some ideas to make it easier. * Babies travel with a lot of kit, however some airlines don’t give you baggage allowance for your infant if they have not been booked their own seat. Make sure you check your infant’s baggage allowance before you travel so there are no nasty shocks at the airport. Thomson Airways gives you an extra

10kg luggage allowance for infants travelling with you to help you pack all those extra baby things * To save space try and find out whether you can buy your baby essentials such as nappies, baby food and milk formula at the supermarket overseas. Alternatively check to see if you can pre book a baby pack. First Choice offers baby packs at many of their family properties. These packs include a high chair, buggy, steam steriliser, food blender, changing mat, sun tent and baby bath and start from just £50 per week * To save space in your hand luggage and make nappy changing on-board easier, prepare individual nappy sacks with clean nappies and wipes to avoid taking a huge changing bag into the toilets with you * It is tricky to know how

many toys and which ones to bring, generally fewer and smaller is good advice. However one way to make sure they don’t get bored of the things you bring too quickly is to hide some of your child’s favourite toys a few weeks before going away. It may sound a little mean, but they’ll be greeted like old friends when you pull them out of the bag on holiday * If your baby still has a bottle, bring some fresh or UHT milk, ready-mixed cartons or sachets of powdered formula milk and some sterilised water for the journey. It’s best to bring them in re-sealable containers because you’ll probably have to open them at airport security so they can check what’s inside * If you are travelling with infants it is always worth popping some spare clothes

for your child in your hand luggage for those little…incidents. And you might want to put in a fresh top for yourself while you’re at, accidents do happen!

2. At the Airport Unsurprisingly 39% of parents find the airport the most stressful part of the holiday. Certainly, hanging around with young children, surrounded by masses of people is not a scenario most would choose, however there are ways to make it better. Keep in mind general security rules you are allowed: * One piece of hand luggage for each person * Liquids limited to 100ml and carried in a re-sealable plastic bag * You can shop and get more food and drink once you’re through security * Baby milk and formula are considered to be essentials. This means you can carry milk in bottles of more than 100ml. But they’ll ask you to taste it to prove it’s what you say it is, so it’s best to bring these things in re-sealable containers. The same goes for baby food. * You can take nappies and wet wipes, but creams, pastes and lotions can’t be over 100ml * Dress the kids in bright coloured clothes so they can be easily spotted in busy airport departure lounges should they wonder off at the airport * Make sure you give yourselves plenty of time to check in and go through security, remember that it takes longer when you’ve got kids and there is nothing more stressful then nearly missing your flight! If you live near the airport check to see

if you can check in the day before you travel not only is it quieter, it saves a lot of time on the day, perfect if you have an early morning flight

3. Up in the air With tiny tots it’s the flying itself that many parents fear, we all know how unpopular the couple with the screaming baby is! When we asked parents with children under five what the hardest part of flying with kids was 55% said that it was keeping them happy and entertained throughout the flight that was their biggest worry. * We all have to adjust to air pressure changes when taking off or landing but babies can’t do it for themselves so it can be painful for them. A good way to ease it is by feeding your baby at these times as it will help your baby’s ears to ‘pop’ and take away the pressure on their ear canals * For older babies and toddlers, you can give them a carton of juice or a beaker to sup on and their ears should also pop more easily * Cabin air is very dry and so it is easy to get a bit dehydrated, so make you’re your kids to drink regularly. * Remember there is no microwave on the plane so heating things up can take a lot longer. If you need to ask for bottles and food to be heated, ask well ahead of when you need them as they’ll have to do it using hot water.

4. Food It’s a difficult balance satisfying fussy little eaters with grown ups who want to try local fare and eat out, and one that 44% of parents worry about.

No one wants to spend their whole holiday cooking but neither do you necessarily want to spend your whole holiday eating at the hotel. However in the last few years new options have become available. Many all-inclusive resorts now offer numerous a la carte restaurants as well as the standard buffet. For example at the Holiday Village Red Sea in Egypt, there is a top class seafood restaurant where your wine, soft drinks, side dishes and desserts are included in the all-inclusive and then you only pay extra for your freshly caught lobster and fish A lot of family hotel resorts offer both self-catering and all-inclusive within the same complex and have apartment style rooms as standard. If any of your family members have got food allergies ask your hotel for a card written in the local language saying what you’re allergic to. It’ll make all the difference when eating out

5. Health on holiday Spending time in the sun is one of the joys of being on holiday, however if you’re not careful enjoying it can lead to sunburn and sickness. We found that 63% of parents worried about sunburn and sunstroke. Make sure your kids drink plenty of water, even if they don’t think they’re thirsty, as they need to stay hydrated. Giving them sugary or fizzy drinks won’t do the job – no matter what the funky ads say. To make sure they’re not dehydrated, you could check your kid’s urine from time to time. If it’s darker than usual, cloudy or strong-smelling, get them to drink more Dress for the heat especially if you are out on an excursion for the day. Sweat irritates

sensitive skin and can give you prickly heat or sweat rash, so make sure you bring some clothes made from natural fibres If you are out in the sun for any length of time make sure you are all wearing hats as well as sun cream. Ones with wide brims and neck flaps are the best for youngsters playing outdoors Get your kids some shades. Not only will they be the coolest kids on the beach, they’ll be better protected against the sun’s glare. After all, their eyes are more vulnerable than yours The sun’s rays are much more powerful in the water so if the kids are swimming in the pool or sea in the middle of the day cover their shoulders up either with a special UV suit or with an old t-shirt Don’t let your air-con get too cold at night as the dramatic change in temperature from outside to inside can make you and your kids sick Hotter countries suffer from mosquitoes, which could get in your room during the night. Most hotels don’t have mosquito nets for baby cots, so if you are staying somewhere tropical you might want to bring your own.

Looking for holiday ideas? Visit Also, don’t forget to check out Flying Start’s travel directory, visit www.flyingstartmagazine. and select Travel, Holidays and Days Out from the drop down Products and Services bar.


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Meditate your way through childbirth Meditation can help to ease childbirth by creating a peaceful and comfortable experience. Flying Start talks to Barbara Ford-Hammond from The Mind Emporium about the history, the process and the benefits of meditating your way through childbirth...


As more women begin to realise that they can take control of their labour, alternative birthing methods such as meditation are becoming more popular. With the ability to practise during a hospital birth, a home birth, or wherever the baby decides it is time, meditation doesn’t dismiss extra help, it is meant to be entirely complementary. A peaceful atmosphere is known to ensure the birthing process is a calm and comfortable experience for mother and baby. Meditation complements this by calming nerves and reducing stress in preparation for delivery by training the subconscious to create the natural relaxed states that are needed for a positive birth experience. “Hypnotic meditative techniques increase the natural production of beta-endorphins, serotonin and oxytocin. The release of this natural chemical pleasure cocktail reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and reduces discomfort naturally,” says Barbara Ford-Hammond.

doesn’t need to be made more difficult than it is. “Once learnt, it is easily replicated. Some people like to take classes but many prefer to use the process in the privacy of their homes where the mother and birthing partner can become ‘experts’ at their own rate. Some birthing partners take on the role of using triggers such as touch or key phrases to remind the mother of the process. The meditation can be started at any time and can help relieve discomforts, nausea and sickness at any stage of pregnancy. The mother learns how to completely relax and recognise that each stage of labour is exciting, as she can feel her baby is getting closer to being born,” says Barbara. Talking about the history of meditation during childbirth, Barbara tells Flying Start: “I think humans have probably always used it in one form or another. The Lamaze Technique is known for utilising a relaxed, peaceful environment and breathing techniques have been used for longer than most people can remember.”

Barbara first discovered the benefits of meditation while recovering from major back surgery 20 years ago. “Injury had left me disabled until I had an operation to put rods and screws into my spine. I used hypnotic meditation for pain management, to help sleep and to accelerate the healing process.” Since then, she has been running her own private practice and the Bliss Through Childbirth Meditation CD is the culmination of many years teaching and sharing techniques. Bliss Through Childbirth Meditation is designed for women who are planning to make a baby, are already pregnant and even those who have babies due next week. Barbara teaches hypnotic meditation and has realised over the years that people can quickly learn how to put themselves in the state so it

Barbara explains that our bodies possess a brainwave patterning that denotes the amount of activity we are experiencing. In the normal thinking, sometimes stressful state, we are in beta. If we relax and meditate, we are in alpha. In this state we are at our creative best and experience calm control. During the state of deep relaxation, we go into theta where we dream and our imaginations can be vivid. Deep sleep shows the pattern as delta where not much happens. “We mostly go through beta and alpha during the day and down to delta during the night. If we don’t get enough calm or peace through the day by experiencing alpha it becomes hard to rest fully at night. When this happens we wake up feeling un-rested and cluttered with old stress. Stress can sit about in our

bodies and mind causing aches, pains and stress related illnesses. Over time, this becomes habitual and damaging to health. If there has been a previous stressful birth there may be left over tensions but these can be reduced by learning to relax fully before labour begins,” explains Barbara. Using meditative techniques regularly helps to reset a ‘normal’ while boosting our immune system. The more relaxed we are, the more comfortable we are, while having a baby as well as generally. There are also benefits for the baby too, as they react to their environment and the stress of the mother. When relaxation occurs the baby is able to be free from anxiety before and after birth. If the mother is anxious, it causes muscles to tighten that create pain but in a calm state the muscles can do exactly what they are meant to do; contract and relax in an harmonic rhythm to gently, comfortably ease the baby out. Barbara explains that people react differently to meditation and have differing ideas depending on their personal experience and although a personal choice, it can be useful for the birthing partner to be privy to it in case the mother needs guidance or extra support. “If the partner uses the method too it will also reduce any tensions they may have as anxieties might spread to affect the mother,” she says. Barbara believes that meditation during childbirth will continue to become increasingly popular as more people begin to realise just how simple it is to learn the techniques, which can then be transferred and used in any situation. “It sets off a natural cycle and when babies and children are massaged, spoken to softly or read to they are in a gentle meditation state. Pure bliss!”

Barbara Ford-Hammond The Bliss Through Childbirth Meditation can be listened to as many times as desired through pregnancy: it will create a calm confident approach to enable a positive birth. Barbara says: “Using the colours of the rainbow, we have created a unique method to minimise discomfort and worry. Meditating while using colourful hypnotic techniques empowers the listener to create the desired response in any part of the body whether that is for relaxation, pain relief or simply feelings of wellbeing and pleasure.” Visit

for more details on Bliss Through Childbirth Meditation.



Educational Baby Sensory “One of the most exciting advances in child development has been the discovery that babies actually learn before they are born. Even more amazing direct result of the trillions of connections made between the brain cells. This is why it is so important to introduce a rich variety of sensory experiences at every possible opportunity.” Dr Lin Day (PhD Dip. Ed. BSc. PGCE. M. Phil) ‘’Pond dipping’’, one of the many shared social experiances the babies enjoy at baby sensory

Recent research illustrates that the most important time for development is


Language development – many parents experience intense frustration in understanding their baby’s signals. Sign Language is one way of taking the guesswork out of parenting.


Physical development – although babies should always sleep on their backs, tummy time is an essential aspect of development from birth. Babies need to be on their tummies in order to go through the fundamental movement patterns that stimulate both sides of the brain.


Social development - happy social play sets the tone for the acquisition of future skills such as cooperation, turn taking and sharing.


Emotional Development – massage is one sensory delight that really strengthens the bond because it provides an opportunity for parents to express their love.

Parents and babies exploring the wonderful world of scents during the Baby Sensory “Country Garden” During social activities, babies show a great interest in each other. They may extend session their arms, hold hands, gurgle and coo to each other or kick and wriggle their legs as if conversing with each other. Even though their level of play is solitary, the way in which they interact with each other suggests that they are already social beings. The sensory organs for smell develop as early as 15 weeks gestation. The newborn soon discovers which smells delight, settle and soothe him and which ones are unpleasant. In fact, the baby uses his keen sense of smell to learn about every facet of the outside world. Baby Sensory introduces you and your baby to a world of rich and varied sensory experiences in a creative and enjoyable environment to encourage learning and development.

“Many of us spend the majority of our lives thriving to improve our communication skills for professional and personal reasons. As our children grow older we will spend many hours helping them to develop good communication skills and supporting them in situations where they have misunderstood others or been misunderstood themselves. During the vital

t 4Jgning is an intriguing and remarkable tool for the development of language. Parents automatically make eye contact, speak slowly and allow their baby time to respond, which promotes excellent interaction. t #BCJFT Move songs and rhymes with a repetitive theme. If they are accompanied by actions, babies will learn new words in a fun and enjoyable way. more than at any time there is so much t Parents can enhance their baby’s language skills by concentrating on the we can do to help our babies develop vital early communication skills.” Dr Lin when trying to speak. Day (PhD, Dip. Ed, BSc, PGCE, M. Phil). Baby Sensory, the award winning Baby t 4OVHHMJOH VQ XJUI your baby and a book is one of the best ways to develop Development programme, provides early communication skills. It also many opportunities for babies to provides the physical closeness so develop communications skills.

critical to social and emotional development. Baby Sensory classes run throughout the UK and the programme consists of over Leaders are fully trained to understand how each activity will help the babies to develop.


Breathtaking Family Breaks When visiting the Isle of Man a “must do” is to travel on the three seasonally operated Victorian Railways. A ride on the 3’ gauged Isle of Man Steam Railway, dating back to 1873, gives you the opportunity to experience authentically travelling in the way your forefathers would have done over 100 years ago. The journey from Douglas to Port Erin covers 15.5 miles and meanders through some historic towns and idyllic scenery on the way. Port Erin Railway Museum and Souvenir shop can be found within the parameters of Port Erin Station. Housed in part of a former engine/carriage shed, the Museum contains fully refurbished steam engines, original carriages and equipment and provides good information of how life was, and still is, working on a Steam Railway. The Manx Electric Railway, opened in 1893, is the longest narrow gauge vintage Railway in the British Isles and still operates using its original tram cars. Tram cars numbers 1 and 2 date back to 1893 earning them the record for being the world’s oldest

regularly operated tram cars. The Manx Electric Railway also has a 3’ gauge and covers over 17 miles as it travels north along the East Coast from Douglas to Ramsey. En route to Ramsey the Manx Electric Railway passes a number or Glens where passengers can alight for a leisurely stroll. On arrival at Laxey passengers may wish to change lines and take a trip on the Snaefell Mountain Railway. Staying on the Manx Electric Railway the journey continues north, climbing out of Laxey up to Bulgham Cliffs which at 588ft above sea level is the highest point on the line. From Bulgham Cliffs there is a magnificent view of the bay and Laxey area. There is also the possibility of seeing wild goats clambering on the rocky headland at Bulgham. From Bulgham the tram continues on through Dhoon, Glen Mona and the breathtaking scenery of Maughold before the Victorian structure of The Queens Pier comes into view in Ramsey Bay on the approach in to Ramsey. The Snaefell Mountain Railway has a 3’ 6” gauge incorporating the “Fell” central rail braking system and is powered by overhead wires carrying 550 volts DC.

Kids will LOVE!

The line which is approximately 5 miles long was constructed in just seven months and opened in 1895. Leaving Laxey the Snaefell line climbs up an average gradient of 1 in 12 on its way to the Summit which is over 2000ft above sea level. There is one intermediate stop on the Snaefell Mountain Railway which is at the Bungalow where the track crosses the world famous Isle of Man TT Races Course. From the Summit, on a clear day, you can get a spectacular view of seven kingdoms which are Mann, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Heaven and Sea.


For more information please contact the Railway information line: 01624 662525 or visit

Port Erin Harbour


Dhoon Glen Station

Images: Isle of Man Department of Tourism and Leisure



We are so pleased with the room. It is everything we had envisaged it would be and more. The girls are all having hours of fun and relaxation, depending what mood they are in. It really does seem to be helping Lydia and Ella, especially visually as this is still an unclear area to what they can actually see. It was very important for me to make sure the girls had the correct effects in the room to help their needs and from the first time we met you, you listened to what their particular needs were and made suggestions to suit these needs. Thank you for installing such a fabulous room. Leann and family ­ Bourne

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(Note to editor: hands

Jake and Emma, our twelve and nine year old ‘in-house’ reviewers rave about Micro Pets, Bendaroos and Paperoni... (Our editor hasn’t touched this - she wouldn’t dare!) Me and my sister were sent some really cool toys. First, we played with Micro Pets, they are awsome. They are interactive and play with their footballs, walk around and sing. Depending on how many times you knock on the floor, depends on what they will do. They talk to each other and if you put them face to face they will start to sing to each other. My sister Emma said:


Micro Pets are really cute and they are a good toy for kids to play with. I liked how the Micro Pets moved about , spoke to each other and played with their football. I also liked how whenever you put them face to face they start to sing really cute songs with each other. I like how they make different noises and when you knock on the floor they do different cool stuff


Next we played with the Paperoni, we also think this is really cool. It is fun to play with, you have to take time and be patient but it is great to do with your family. I made a flat fish. My sister said:


I think this is very fun. I had to get some tweezers and stick some little pieces of Paperoni onto a sticky object. I did a bird which was brown and it had black eyes with a shiny gem mouth. I like Paperoni its really fun


Next we played with the Bendaroos. We have been looking forward to reviewing these because we had seen them advertised in the magazine and on TV.

Me an d my s ister

I like these because you can make whatever you want, it also comes with a booklet that has steps to show you how to make lots of different things, for instance me and my sister made a watch each. For this, we had lots of different coloured strips of Bendaroos which we put together. They are very flexible which means you can make spirals and allsorts of shapes.

What we made

My sister said:


I think Bendaroos were very fun to play with. You choose colours and then bend them into shapes to make your design. I made a watch as Jake said earlier. I like Bendaroos because you can make whatever you want with them and if you are stuck for an idea you could just look in the booklet and follow the steps to making a design


Thank you to the people who sent us these great toys to review, me and my sister had been looking forward to playing with them ever since my mum told us that we were reviewing them for the magazine. Now hopefully we can bribe our mum to letting us buy some more of these!



y l l a e r l! o co


New must-have accessory for mums to be ... A new face is starting to appear in delivery rooms and on maternity wards up and down the country, that of the Doula. The Doula is an experienced woman who gives support to a woman or couple before during and after childbirth. She can help with many of the different aspects of pregnancy, childbirth and post-natal care, including breastfeeding, and is there to provide emotional backing. A course accredited by Middlesex University and partly delivered on its Archway Campus in London is welcoming more and more women like Tracey Anne Neill, who want to take up this supportive role. Tracey Anne took the course because she was already involved with mums to be in her capacity as a reflexologist. Before becoming a Doula, she was able to go with her client to the hospital but when it came to the delivery she had to step out of the room and so was looking for a way that she could extend the support she had been giving the mother up to the birth to


include the delivery and beyond. She said: “A friend of mine is

a Doula and she said I should do the course so I would be allowed to follow the whole process through. There were three or four courses and I thought with accreditation from Middlesex University you know you will get quality training.”

The training includes basic anatomy and physiology, breastfeeding support and how to work in partnership with medical professionals. As a mother of two childrenone year-old Lilly and Owen, 4 – Tracey Anne was an ideal candidate for the role. She said: “The course prepares you but once you are in the delivery room a lot of things are intuitive.” Since her course, she has already assisted at two births, which she said went “fantastically well”. Tracey Anne said her relationship with midwives is generally extremely good. She said: “I think they’ve realised that Doulas are not

there to take their jobs. In a lot of hospitals they totally get what a Doula is there for. We are definitely not there to be involved with the medical side.” The Doula can keep supporting the couple or woman for up to a year after a birth, or may stop the support soon after the baby is born, depending on the client’s wishes. The Cricklewood mother of two said she often recommends to friends that they should take the five-day course, as it is something that has improved her job satisfaction immensely. Marcia Blackstock, of Doula Consultancy Services UK, the non profit company which runs the courses accredited by Middlesex, said: “Becoming a Doula can be incredibly rewarding, regardless of whether it is in an antenatal, birth or a postnatal capacity. All three roles provide opportunities for being with new mothers and their babies. “Our principle aim is to train Doulas to a level where they

act as competent, safe practitioners, delivering high quality psychosocial interventions at all times.” She added: “We are of the firm belief that Doulas are not a substitute for Midwives but instead complement that role. Mother, partners and significant others are benefiting from quality non-clinical interventions that a Doula can bring.” Kamala Muniandy, Senior Midwifery Lecturer at Middlesex University agreed. She said: “Doulas are an ever growing presence in the childbirth experience and while they will never be a substitute for Midwives, whose role is absolutely essential, they are a welcome additional support for an increasing number of women.”

For more information about Doulas go to , call 0800 0463 929 For more information about Middlesex University go to

YOUR STORIES Finding out I was pregnant at 18 years old was a shock! It wasn’t planned and it certainly scuppered my plans for my much-desired career in the RAF. However, sometimes in life you just have to get on with it. I was lucky that I had a steady boyfriend and my parents gave me as much support as they could. I’d already left home and the disappointment was clear. They’d wanted so much more for me but supported all my decisions.

Over the years that followed, we tried to lead as normal a life as possible, interspersed with hospital visits but no relapse. I went on to have another two children and battled with whatever life threw at us. I was always unsure what the future held for our daughter because there was no completed research or statistics about what the chemotherapy had done to her body. I was unsure if she could ever have children herself.

I had a stressful, complicated pregnancy with many hospital visits because baby was considered “small”. My daughter was born the day before my 19th birthday on 2nd May 1991 weighing 5lb 10oz.

The relationship between my daughter and I has always been emotionally volatile. She reminds me so much of me and I wanted her to have all the opportunities that I was provided with… and more! She moved out at the age of 16; an angry teenager who knew what was best for her. I was devastated. I felt as though I had failed as a parent. How would she survive? Where would she live? My main purpose in life had been taken away from me and I didn’t know where I fitted in any more.

I wanted so much for my beautiful daughter. I strove to give her the best I could afford and all the love that came for free but there are some things that love and money just can’t protect you from. I found out that she had Cancer when she was just 14 months old. I was only 20 years old myself. The following days became a blur of tests, long words, nursing staff, car journeys to and from the hospital and not a lot of time for anything else. All I wanted was for our baby girl to get better and not to suffer in the process. The staff on the cancer ward became our second family for the next six months as we endured beside vigils after two operations, six months of chemotherapy, endless blood transfusions and many a mercy-dash to the hospital in the middle of the night with a raised temperature. My daughter was given the all-clear and officially went into remission on Christmas Eve 1992.

We spent nine months repairing our relationship but she never made moves to come back home. She’d had a taste of independence, learnt about having to budget and was, in many respects, surviving. I always knew that I was destined to be a “young” grandparent but I never expected the announcement to come quite so soon. In July 2008 she hit us with the bombshell that she was going to have a baby and she was already 15 weeks pregnant. I don’t know whether she didn’t actually find out until she was so far into her term or whether she’d purposefully left it too late to consider any

options that could have been offered to her. Whichever way, I was determined to support her decision, no matter how difficult or heartbreaking it would be because I wanted to ensure that history didn’t repeat itself. I showed no emotion other than total support. She had already decided to keep the baby and, after a few months, asked if she could move back home. Whilst I was elated by her request, we, as a family, had adjusted to her not being there so there were other factors to consider. A family meeting was called, views were listened to, and rules were made and agreed. She moved back to the family home a couple of weeks before Christmas 2008 and the baby was due on New Years Day 2009. She would be 17 years old and I would be 36 years old. So much for not wanting history to repeat itself; my daughter was closely monitored throughout her pregnancy and her baby was also considered to be ‘small’. The decision was made to induce her pregnancy two-and-a-half weeks prior to her due date. She was excited and worried all at the same time. Preparations for her trip to the hospital were made quickly and she went off with the usual, “Oh, I’ll be fine. STOP worrying, Mum!” But, as a mother, I knew what she was feeling inside.

Me and everything that would follow. She had a long build-up to the actual labour – three-and-a-half days of monitoring and induction processes. By the time she was actually ready to give birth she was worn out, spaced out and ready to throw in the towel. Oh, if only! I needn’t have worried at all. She sailed through labour with the support of her boyfriend and gave birth to her own daughter on 17th December 2008, weighing 5lb 2oz. She is the most natural young parent I have ever seen. She is never angry or upset with the baby and she is muddling along nicely. I am so proud of her. Yes, people tell me the support network she has makes her strong but I’m inclined to disagree. She is a headstrong teenager who is out to prove to the world that she CAN do this. Just like her mother did. The story doesn’t quite end there. She expecting another baby and it is due on the 4th of April. She will be 19 years old in May. She is raising a beautiful, clever daughter and she is down-to-earth enough to know that the next few years will be a struggle raising two babies who are only 16 months apart in age.

No-one could prepare me for the rush of emotions I felt. I wanted to cradle my baby, prevent her from worrying and hurting again, soothe her brow and make everything alright again, just like I used to be able to with a kiss and a cuddle. She was 17 years old – © Nicola O’Hara February 2010 far too young to be going through something like this


BRINGING UP CHILDREN YOU CAN BE PROUD OF….. What do the founders of Google and Amazon have in common? They credit their success to their early education in Montessori schools. The Montessori Method of education allows the child to develop independently, at their own pace and with confidence and a sense of achievement. The approach is based primarily on a fundamental respect for the child. Children have 'absorbent minds' that allow them to learn and absorb complex skills, even language, through copying and repetition. To give your child the benefits of a Montessori approach, you don’t need to set your home up as a Montessori school, but just use the principles of order and respect in conjunction with specific Montessori activities that are fun and stimulating for you and your children. Montessori language and maths materials give a concrete foundation on which to base future learning. The literacy programme is a phonics based approach and the maths system uses tangible equipment to give children a real sense of the value of numbers. As the Montessori Method of teaching continues to gain popularity it is no longer the preserve of the wealthy, but easily accessible for all children and their parents. Many of the teaching aids and ideas used are available for you to use at home to support your child's early years. Fiona Moon Fiona is a qualified teacher with over 10 years experience teaching in mainstream primary schools and a Montessori pre-school. Her company, Absorbent Minds Ltd, sells Montessori equipment to parents, schools, nurseries and homeschoolers. Visit the website ( for more information on Montessori based education.


Online children’s interiors brand, understands that a child’s bedroom is one of the most important places in their life. searches the planet to look for range of kid’s bedroom furniture and accessories to create the perfect space for babies and children. For those who like a contemporary feel to their home, the new Skyline range is a must. Available in a choice of the best of British colours; red, white and blue, the bright high gloss Skyline range makes a real statement in any nursery or children’s bedroom. For a more traditional feel, Hemingway Two is a true classic. beech trims complementing the simple shaker styling, it creates an airy look and feel to a baby’s or child’s room. Both ranges are designed to last from nursery through to junior bedroom with a cotbed and junior bed available. They will last your little monster for years to come! To see the full Skyline and Hemingway Two ranges visit For a limited period, they are the website. Log onto and enter promo code START15 The website stocks a unique range of kid’s bedroom furniture and accessories for all ages. With beds, wardrobes, storage solutions and fabulous bedding designs, you are guaranteed to create the coolest bedroom in the universe.


YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN WILL LOVE THESE... I WAS JANE AUSTEN'S BEST FRIEND Cora Harrison Illustrated by: Susan Hellard Jane says that friendship is the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love . . . When shy Jenny Cooper goes to stay with her cousin Jane Austen she knows nothing of the world of beautiful dresses, dances, secrets, gossip and romance that Jane inhabits. But Jane is already a sharp observer of the customs of courtship, and when Jenny falls utterly in love with the dashing Captain Thomas Williams, who better than Jane to help her win the heart of this most eligible of men?

GRISLY TALES FROM TUMBLEWATER Bruno Vincent A stylishly sick new voice in children's Gothic horror. WARNING: NOT FOR THE FAINT-HEARTED! Welcome to the very damp and woeful world of Tumblewater, home to a creepy collection of depraved characters. Meet a young boy punished most appallingly for picking his nose; a pair of devilish bakers with murderous intentions in their buns; and a dentist whose strange, colour-changing eyes belie his perfectly gleaming smile . . . Horrifying tales for good children and fair warning for bad! FAIRY BEARS 1: DIZZY Julie Sykes Visit the magical Crystal Caves and discover the secret world of the Fairy Bears . . . Fairy Bears are the size of a bumble bee and live beneath a giant Sycamore tree in Firefly Meadow. Fairy Bears always do their best, working hard 'to care for the world and all its plants, animals and children.' This is the Fairy Bear Promise. You’ll have to be quick to see them, and you’ll have to believe in magic . . . When Dizzy the Fairy Bear gets her first proper task, she's so excited that she can't sit still! Louise is supposed to play the recorder at her school concert, but she's too nervous to play well. A sprinkling of fairy-bear magic will make all the difference, and it's up to Dizzy to provide it. It should be easy - but Titles from Macmillan Children’s Books Dizzy soon has to make a difficult choice . . .

"Tip-tap went the crab. Count from one to ten with a little crab on her sideways walk into the deep blue sea". This book is a joy! This is an enchanting tale of a crab who lives under a stone in a rock pool. Her rock pool is beautiful but she is bored of it and sets off for a sideways walk into the deep blue sea. As she "tip-tap"s along she meets many different sea birds and creatures, one noisy seagull, two sleepy sea-lions dozing in the sea... etc. Number ten had me smiling, as the crab was followed back to her home at the rock pool by ten tiny crabs that "all walked sideways like their Mum!". While this is counting to ten book, it is much more! There are fantastic descriptions on each page, and it is more detailed than your basic counting book. As for the illustrations, well they really do speak for themselves, it is no wonder that this book is an Early Years Award winner for Best Emerging Illustrator. On the last page there are ten gold coins to find, engaging your child further. Kieran was very pleased when he found the last coin! This is a lovely book to have at home but I'd also recommend it as a good choice for a gift. Thank you Macmillian for sending us this book to review - as you can see, it's a big hit! Review by Nicki Cawood as featured on


You’re Having a Baby? Like most mums to be you want to be sure of 2 things: A healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby

Stopping smoking is the single most important thing you can do to achieve this. Having a baby should be an exciting and challenging experience. You’ll want to make sure that you have a straightforward, relaxed nine months. But if you’re a smoker you increase the risk of complications during pregnancy. You and your baby have a lot to gain from you quitting. It’s a really positive step for you both.

Each cigarette contains thousands of poisonous chemicals. As soon as you light up they enter you and your baby’s bloodstream. They include: Carbon monoxide – the lethal gas that comes out of car exhausts Ammonia – which is found in household cleaners Cyanide – an extremely poisonous substance Butane – which is used to fuel cigarette lighters Arsenic – a toxic substance used in ant killer

THE BENEFITS OF NRT IN PREGNANCY t :PVS CPEZ XJMM SFDFJWF B much cleaner form of nicotine than when you smoke. t :PVS CPEZ XJMM OPU SFDFJWF the other poisons such as carbon monoxide, tar etc. t *U NBZ EPVCMF ZPVS DIBODFT of quitting. t :PV BOE ZPVS CBCZ XJMM benefit from long-term health benefits by quitting smoking. Oral NRT products such as gum, lozenge, microtab and inhalator are the preferred choice of NRT in pregnancy, as they do not provide a constant dose of nicotine. However, a patch may be used if oral products are not suitable. You will be advised to remove a patch before bed. You are advised to speak to your local Stop Smoking service, or your Midwife if you are thinking of using nicotine products. They will be able to advise you on the risks versus the benefits.

I’M ALREADY WELL INTO MY PREGNANCY – WILL IT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE IF I QUIT NOW? Yes! – The moment you stop smoking you start increasing your chances of a healthier pregnancy and a well developed baby. It doesn’t matter how many months pregnant you are – it’s never too late to quit.

IS IT OK IF I JUST CUT DOWN? No – its better to stop altogether. Smokers who just cut down tend to inhale more deeply and smoke more of the cigarette. The result is that you don’t reduce the amount of harmful chemicals going into both you and your baby.


WHAT DO I GAIN FROM QUITTING? The improved blood supply to your skin will improve your complexion so reducing the ageing process. Your breathing will be easier, especially as your baby becomes bigger. You will have more energy and so be better able to cope with the demands of pregnancy labour and a new baby, not to forget the extra money you will have to treat yourself! WHEN I STOP SMOKING, WON’T I JUST GAIN EXTRA WEIGHT – ESPECIALLY WHEN I’M PREGNANT? One of the good things about giving up smoking is that your food tastes better! But many women worry they might replace the habit of smoking with snacks. Drink plenty of water and make sure that you are eating balanced meals with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.

CIGARETTES HELP ME TO FEEL LESS STRESSED NOW I’M PREGNANT. HOW WILL I COPE IF I’M NOT SMOKING? Smoking during your pregnancy won’t actually take away any stress and will do you, and your baby, a great deal of harm. Instead of reaching for a cigarette, try some relaxing deep breathing. If you are worried about your pregnancy or stress feels overwhelming, have a chat with your Midwife or Doctor. Every new Mum gets anxious, so don’t be afraid to ask questions. HOW CAN MY PARTNER HELP ME TO QUIT? The more encouragement and support you get from your partner, family and friends, the more successful you are going to be. Your partner can help you by not tempting you to smoke. If he is a smoker, ask him not to light up in front of you. Better

still: get him to quit with you! The same goes for grandparents or anyone else who smokes – second hand smoke can be almost as harmful to your baby as Mum smoking. Halton & St Helens has a stop smoking service, called SUPPORT, which employs trained staff and dedicated Staff & Midwives to help you to stop smoking. They can offer one-to-one sessions with advice on nicotine therapy and will support you through your quit attempt. SUPPORT also offers nicotine via a voucher exchange scheme so access to therapy is easy.

Want to Know More? Call Your local stop smoking service or the NHS Pregnancy helpline : Or visit smoking-and-pregnancy

Acclaimed school for children with Autism to open in Kent news for parents with children tions as local facilities are often thin on the ground. It is estimated that there are over

Hillcrest Autism Services, who run the award winning Hillingdon Manor School in Middlesex, today announced that they have acquired Baston School in Hayes, on the outskirts of Bromley in Kent. Formerly an independent private girls school, the new special needs unit will be known as Baston House School and will provide a centre of excellence in education and development for children who have been diagnosed with an Autistic Spectrum Condition.

Autism in Kent and the new school is expected to cater for up to 150 students. Commenting on the news Alison Hunter, CEO of Bromley Autistic Trust, said. “With the increasing number of diagnoses in the Borough, we are delighted to hear of more

Hillingdon Manor school said. “I’m really excited and pleased that we are able to extend our powerful approach to educating children with Autism, Asperger Syndrome and other much anguish and frustration that parents can go through in their search for suitable facilities, having been turned away by 26 special needs schools when I was searching for appropriate education for my two sons who are both

Bromley and wish the school every success.”

Baston House is a lovely school in 5 acres of beautiful grounds and my team and I are really Baston House will be an looking forward to opening the independent special school for doors in September, and children aged between 3 and a opening up a new chapter of half and 19 years of age, and special following a complete refurbish- needs education in Kent.” ment will open its doors to the out more about Baston House admissions can email Anna Anna Kennedy, pioneering Kennedy on The announcement is welcome founder of the acclaimed Many parents try to encourage their children to read and appreciate the value of books. way that they can have fun and if it's a story at bedtime then it is also a great opportunity for you to spend some quality time with your child. By using a personalised book, a little touch of magic captures their attention as they feature in the story as it unfolds. There are many titles available and all of these can be found Online.

Welcome Baby Home Designer Styles not Prices For all your baby needs, prams, pushchairs, premature, organic and designer clothing and shoes. We have beautiful Christening and occasion wear as well as shawls, educational toys, cribs, travel cots, high chairs and gifts. We have everything you need from maternity to 4 years of age. Our ranges are Marie Chantal, Sarah Louise, Peter Rabbit, Pex and Little Green Radicals. Tel – 0191 5236161 Mob – 0773 7689396 Tunstall Village Road, New Silksworth, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, SR3 2BB


Anna Kennedy is the mother of two boys, Patrick and by autism. In 1997, in response to the growing need for support for parents of children with autism Anna founded the registered charity Hillingdon Care and Support (HACS). Two years later in 1999 having been turned away by no fewer than 26 special needs schools when searching for appropriate educational facilities for her sons she remortgaged her home and transformed a derelict council building in Middlesex, West London into Hillingdon Manor School. The school, which is now a centre of excellence, has earned considerable recognition for its outstanding work, and caught the imagination of Esther Rantzen who is now its patron.Esther is excited about the new project and has agreed to become Baston House School’s Patron.

Kids curtain company Ltd is a well established family run web complete range of quality made-to-measure soft furnishings for children’s rooms all hand-made in our own work rooms at the foot of the South Downs. Our extensive range of products include curtains, blinds, duvet sets, headboards, toy boxes, light switch covers and lined beanbag and we have just added Fabric Art to our range, with even more products coming soon!! We have created a simple easy to use on-line shop with over 300 children’s designs to choose from. Please take advantage of our free sampling service to see the fabric in your own home then use our how much your choice of soft furnishings or fabrics, linings and accessories will cost. If you require any help or advice please contact us, we are happy to help.




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Quality - Affordable Childcare Warm stimulating environment Full of love, Laughter and cuddles! Cater for children from birth to school, all on a full or part time basis The Toddler Room Daily record of events for you to take home. Activities to keep their minds occupied The Baby Unit Self contained baby unit cosy and well equipped homely atmosphere




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The revolutionary way to label school uniforms

No Sewing...No Ironing...No marker pen... No More Lost Uniforms! Lost property is one of the largest grievances made by parents and means teachers spend valuable time searching for garments and dealing with complaints. Attach-a-TagTM is the simplest way to label school uniforms, bags, football boots and other soft objects. Sewing in or iron on labels to mounds of school uniform is a laborious task that Mum’s just detest doing! Traditional methods are time consuming to apply and are prone to coming off in the wash, and marker pen easily fades, leaving the garment unidentifiable. Attach-a-tag TM is an affordable and ingenious method that laser etches the child’s name onto a small discrete tag that replicates a button. Guaranteed not to wear off, each button is attached to the uniform with a one click applicator in seconds. No needles, no ironing, no hassle! It can even be reused. Suitable for temperatures up to 1000c, dry cleaning and even direct heat from irons. For more information about how Attach-a-Tag can solve your lost property problems contact Attach-a tag on 01757-638926 or order online at


MARKETPLACE Sundeala manufacture Pin and Notice boards from 100% waste newsprint. All products are made in the UK at their factory in Dursley, Gloucestershire. The 24-hour process produces three quarters million square metres of board annually, that is the equivalent of processing approx. 110 million newspapers or 4000 tons of post consumer waste per annum. As each ton represents that’s a national saving of 1200 cubic metres a year! Despite the obvious environmental waste newsprint is an ideal material for the product has a relatively high density, that

Skibz, makers of the award-winning stylish dribble bib that looks like a fashionable bandana, have launched a new organic range for newborns and young babies. Made from organic cotton and ultra absorbent sustainable bamboo, the smooth texture makes Organic Skibz perfect for babies’ tender skin. Organic Skibz are smart enough to be worn all day. Available in pastel shades of baby blue, powder pink and vanilla, the bibs will


a soft textured surface, which is highly durable, safe and easily maintained. The basic board is a natural light grey colour, however with the use of non-toxic pigments added during manufacture 8 contrasting colours can be produced. All colours are integral meaning that they are saturated throughout the board’s thickness, not just a or indelibly marked they can easily be revitalised with the use of sand paper, use. Within the range of recycled boards is a series of shapes.



Where kids just keep coming back... !"#$%&'()*+"#$(+&"$)",*-./0" +'!(%.%1"!%&")*% !"#!"#$$"%&%&"$'""%"($'&(")"*)*+', "-+"&!),"+*#*./,"0/$-"(1&.23'4 (/55$-&(")&/$" ."-6$"6* .&')*-&-."'/0..' (7*")&#&)0 (/8/+*7")&/-

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An award winning escape, hidden away on the beautiful Roseland Peninsula in a peaceful rural setting yet minutes from some of the best sandy beaches in Cornwall. Children just love it here and all are welcome to join the daily feeding of our friendly animals. family friendly, yet really relaxing with stunning views and safe gardens. Oh... and then there’s the home cooked Aga meals delivered to your door. All Weather Tennis Court . Green Tourism Gold. Valerie & Tim Penny, Pollaughan Cottages, Portscatho, Truro.TR2 5EH Tel : 01872 580150



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6.$&%("71!(#&1(&0#-#'!-"&%$'7*!14&8&+(#91&:$t ill! 1 in 3 30 year old males will have a stroke, cancer or heart attack before the age of 65. The same applies to 1 in 5 women of the same age*.

Planning not to get ill is a risky strategy If the main earner in your family is unable to work due to illness, how would you cope? Could you still..... Pay your mortgage, rent and other bills? &&&&&&;<(*+&4(7*&2$$="4&%.(5> Buy your children new clothes? Go on holiday? Critical illness insurance pays a tax free lump sum if the person insured is diagnosed with one of a range of critical illnesses**. The lump sum can be used in any way the family choose i.e. to reduce the mortgage or replace lost income. *Source: ERC Frankona 1998 ** Not all providers cover the same illnesses

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There is nothing more enchanting than a baby's little hands and feet. Happy hands can now enable you to preserve this memory with The ingenious Babysafe inkless kit helps you take the prints quickly and without mess from the minute they are born. Have your baby's hand and foot prints on Birth Announcement, Thankyou or Christening cards, Ceramic Tiles and Mugs, and also All these products make great gifts for a newborns, Christenings or toddlers. It's never too late to take your baby's hand and footprints!

Please visit our website at: or call Jo on: 020 8715 2385

Introducing 3 new strollers from Hauck swivel/lockable front wheels and a one-touch brake function. All take an easy to clip on car seat to convert to a travel system. Available in a range of vibrant colours to suite everyone’s taste. The Capri has 360° swivel handles so choose the angle that is most comfortable for you. the boot of a car. Malibu is the ideal companion for shopaholics as it has a large shopping basket and is easy to manoeuvre in the smallest of spaces. The Manhattan is a 2 in 1 combi stroller and has a multi position seat unit that converts into a pram by way of a strap mechanism (mattress and apron included). It has a height adjustable sliding handle and a fold away sun visor. Hauck products making life easier. Visit or call 01978 664362


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Adventure 1oint, a leading soft play centre in the North East is urging parents to take their children to childhood obesity. A recent survey bZ UIF #ritish Heart 'oundation #)' found that parents overestimate the amount of exercise their children actually do. In conjunction with the 1lay 1roviders AssociaUJPO 11A Adventure 1oint is encouraging parents to utilise indoor play centres to ensure their children get the Government’s recPNNFOEFE NJOVtes of play activity a day. $arolyn Maxey, owner of Adventure 1oint at Morton 1arL JO %Brlington, says: “With a New Year upon us, there’s no better time for parents and their children to make this important lifestyle change. If it’s too cold or wet to do something outside, suggest a trip to a soft play and see the kids’ faces light up. It’s exercise in disguise, but children love it!�

'or more information tFMFQIPOF or visit

Equator Sun offers an extensive range of excellent quality Australian sun protection beach and swim wear for babies, children and adults. Including t#BCZ 67 TVJUT BOE DBQT t4VOTVJUT MPOH TIPSU TMFFWF


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Pre‐School Management, Training + Safety MARKETPLACE

One of the biggest problems facing early years staff appears to be paperwork relating to the EYFS Many solutions are put forward, but thousands of early years practitioners find Trackers to be the best. Here is something that will make your life a lot easier – and remove those paperwork headaches. Trackers Plus will help you make sense of the Development Matters statements – you are given examples of the skills, understanding or competence you should be looking out for. There is space provided to enter your observations and keep progress notes. The prompts and examples will also help you when you are planning new activities. So in Trackers Plus you’ve got a system with planning and evaluating all in one for each child . . . how great is that? You need one book for each child – there is space to write up your progress and planning notes (and you can use the prompts that are provided to make it easy), get parents/carers comments and keep the EYFS assessment profiles up to date. Have a look at the sample pages on and you’ll see why thousands are using Trackers Plus. Single copies are £6 post FREE (multiple copies are much cheaper ... e.g. 10 are only £4 a copy).

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Pre‐School Management, Training + Safety MARKETPLACE

M&B are one of the UK’S leading suppliers of safety play surfacing. We offer a product to meet all budgets but ensure that all products meet our own very high quality standards and the standards of BS EN 1177: 1998. All products are clean on the clothes, non toxic and have a very pleasant aroma. locations with the option of a ‘next day’ delivery if required. Typical clients would include: The general public, Local authorities, Pre-schools, Kindergardens & Playground contractors. Please visit our website for further information and prices: or call 01782 812 731.


Pre‐School Management, Training + Safety MARKETPLACE

Our adventure began over 15 years ago when we started to build our unique understanding of children's play and development. In 1999, Adventure Playgrounds was formed with a mission to provide high quality timber and steel play As a family run business, we've built a reputation not just for quality equipment, but also for our prompt, friendly service both before and after attentive service every step of the way. With customers ranging from playgroups and parish councils to schools, local authorities and housing developers, we're equally at home working on projects of any size.

For further information Tel: 01239 612284 Mobile: 07779 716 557 Email: or Visit

Garden Design Artist and garden designer Paul Cooper has established an extensive and highly acclaimed portfolio of private and commercial gardens designs, 'show' gardens, sculpture and environ­ mental art. In garden design he has gained a reputation for his innovative and often radical approach. His aim, since turning to garden design in 1984, has been to emphasize the art of the garden rather than the craft of gardening, to make gardens that respond to the issues of today's lifestyle and reflect the spirit of contemporary art and design.

New challenges always interest Paul Cooper and his background in sculpture has proved useful in his recent commissions to create interactive, sensory gardens. 07966 376429




Pre‐School Management, Training + Safety MARKETPLACE

Welcome to Worktime Solutions Do you need training in health and safety and first aid ? WHY NOT TRY OUR COST EFFECTIVE COURSES IN HEALTH AND SAFETY AND FIRST AID SPECIAL OFFER FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH AND APRIL


Telephone: 07828 117310 kudzai@worktime­ www.worktime­ 1 Sandown Close, Corby, Northamptonshire , NN18 8QW.

T.G Johnson

Building and Landscapes Ltd

St Chads School House, School Lane, Freehay Stoke on Trent, Sta!ordshire, ST10 1TS T: 01538 722609 F: 01538 722669

We are a family run company specialising in providing products & installation services for some of the worlds major play equipment manufacturers and UK Local Authorities. Playground rubber safety sufacing supplied and installed to EN 1177 including coloured graphics,

ideal for nurseries, to aid learning and playing together 86

Pre‐School Management, Training + Safety MARKETPLACE Al fresco learning is now being acknowledged as an important aspect of a child’s development, with schools and nurseries increasingly turning to their outside space to establish an exciting new outdoor classroom environment. Award winning garden design and build company Lime Orchard - specialists in the creation of educational gardens – is working with establishments across the UK to create natural and inspirational alfresco learning spaces. A recently completed project at a nursery in Langham, Rutland transformed into an inviting children’s paradise. “The Kids sand play area shielded by shade sails; water play; sound play; a living willow igloo den and a dedicated planting / growing section. The entire garden is navigated via a serpentine path with sensory / visually stimulating planting throughout – including a chocolate vine! Lime Orchard can be contacted on 0845 5391467 or visit

t: 0845 539 1467 visit Do you have a rubber play area or childrens safety surface that has seen better days? Then elite exteriors can help. these surfaces often become dirty weed infested and dangerous for children to play on. We specialise in cleaning safety sufaces and childrens play areas. with our experience we can restore surfaces to a 'as new' condition improving grip and the appearance of the surface and most importantly ensuring the children can play safely. We work nationwide and promise a fast turn round on quotes which we are often able to do over the telephone. Contact us today for a informal chat or email

Elite Exteriors, Unit 15 Workspace House 28/29 Maxwell rd, Peterborough, PE2 7JE

Tel: 0800 7316319

We supply a good range of Cycle Shelters and bike racks to suit all budgets and at very competative rates. There is also a range of covered Walk­Ways to keep Children and Staff dry between classrooms. “Shelving” Check out our shelving and storage range to make good use of all your available storage space. “Lockers” Ask about our range of School Lockers and Laptop Storage Lockers that provide cost effective lockable storage for laptops and laptop accessories.

Contact us on: 0113 281 7467 email: Visit our website at:


Pre‐School Management, Training + Safety MARKETPLACE FORERUNNERTRAINING LTD Tel: 0161 211 3484 Email:

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Client testimonials are available upon request. "##$%&'()*)$+(*$,'##-$%*(./0%+.*12$$$3#')$4+5-$4&(*2 2­hour courses start from as little as £150.00 per session. Discounts offered for multiple courses booked. For all your training requirements please contact Franklins Fire and Safety Ltd. Training Consultants on (01245) 382 525 67$3(/&(-$8+(4$9&+1:$;+.0*#1$3*<*(*#:$=>*#4),&(1:$?))*@$=A7$BCD T!"#$%&'()$*+'$)')$$$,-./"#$-/01!""!234.56"/ Web: www934.56"/


Pre‐School Management, Training + Safety MARKETPLACE Fire Safety Consultancy and Training Fire Risk Assesment Specialist

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With over 30 years experience Fire Risk Management Solutions will help you.... @&008%4()%&%.(++%."0,%0"'1%&'',''2,#) A&"#)&"#%#4(0%'&.,)8 @427+8%5")6%)6,%+,$"'+&)"4# &'$,%&-!"/,%4#%0,2,-"&+%&/)"4#' B,$,+47%#4(0%."0,%74+"/",' C04!"-,%."0,%0"'1%)0&"#"#$%.40%#4(0%40$&#"'&)"4# ("$,%24#,8 ;(0%."0,%0"'1%&'',''2,#)'%2,,)%)6,%0,3("0,2,#)'%.40%*,')%70&/)"/,%&'% -,)&"+,-%"#%)DE%FG%%"0,%H"'1%D'',''2,#)%I%J("-&#/,%&#-%&%0,/42I 2,#-,-%2,)64-4+4$#9%%%%

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paediatric first aid (Emergency aid for early years) What's this course for? In 2004 Ofsted issued new guidelines for workers caring for children in the absence of their parents. This course is designed to meet the requirements for this report. Who should attend? This course is designed for people who care for children in the workplace (including in a self employer arrangement) where the parents do not stay with the child. What's in the syllabus? This course is designed to run for a minimum of 12 hours normally over two days. The qualification is valid for three years. The students will learn about: Risk assessments appropriate to their workplace Contents of First Aid Kits Recording accidents and incidents Resuscitation of children and infants Management of choking Medical conditions common in children and infants For further information please call 07717 155 122 or email visit for details of all our other First Aid Training courses.


Pre‐School Management, Training + Safety MARKETPLACE

FIRST AID COURSES WITH CAPRICORN TRAINING Safe approach Primary assessment CPR Choking Control Bleeding Control, Shock Management & Continuing Care. Special additions of; Childhood illnesses and injuries are included on Paediatric course Isolated injury and Helmets are included on Sports Medicine course. Heart problems and Diabetes are included on Adult basic first aid course. All courses approved by the HSE, OFSTED, NCMA and PLA and Birth to Fives All courses are designed to meet your needs for your venue We are listed in the Birth to fives training directory and have been used by many schools in Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and Norfolk. Our Courses start from as little as £30 per person and discounts are available for groups of 10 or more! Capricorn uses only Qualified Experienced Instructors to deliver relaxed hands on courses giving candidates the confidence to use their skills in all situations. All Instructors are assessed from outside our own organisation as a further guarantee of excellence and reassurance for you.

Capricorn Training 08448842285


Pre‐School Management, Training + Safety MARKETPLACE For further information or to check availability dates please contact us

Fact: Fire travels faster than most people can run

Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order. Paul was also a trauma including paediatric courses, that are HSE approved. Question:

t: 01759 301185 m: 07808 845496

Lean­to Canopies for Schools FREESTANDING OPTIONS AVAILABLE. A truly versatile product that can be used for a variety of applications: * Covered Play Areas * Sheltered Waiting Areas * Door Canopies * Staff Smoking Canopies * Covered Walkways * Cycle/Motorbike Shelters A wide range of features that make the Living Space Canopy the right choice: * Vandal Proof and virtually maintenance free * Flexibility of design ­ can be adapted to meet most requirements * Full design, build and installation service * Attractive finish in a variety o colours and designs * Full 10 year guarantee * All installations are to HSE Standards and comply with current building regulations

Corner House, 120a Normandy Drive, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 2LE Tel 0844 884 2341 Fax 0845 017 1984


Pre‐School Management, Training + Safety MARKETPLACE

ABC Professional First Aid – Delivering expert training throughout the North West Cringle Brook House, 33A Lindsay Road, Manches‐ ter, M19 2JE 23!1'4)1,5#6!&+78$9-!1%:+#3 Tel: 0844 448 1899 Mob: 0701 386 3387 / 0701 386 9899 ;191-4)<--=4>>***:!&+78$9-!1%:+#3

Two day Paediatric First Aid course for up to 12 people + many more courses to choose from. Flexible First Aid training courses for all your business needs. With training made easy and !"#$%!&'()*()+!,)+!-($)-#)!'').#/$)$(0/1$(‐ ments.

Choose A.B.C Professional First Aid.

ABC First Aid Training Services ABC First Aid Training Services provide a selection of HSE

First Aid Training for your needs

courses including the 12 hour childcare course following SureStart, Early Years and Ofsted requirements.

Courses CPR and Defibrillator Training 4­hour First Aid Awareness NEW Emergency First Aid at Work 16­hour course for outdoor specialists First Aid at Work First Aid at Work Revalidation Paediatric courses Certificates issued by HSE and QCA registered organisation

Our course can be arranged to take place at a local venue or at your own premises and what’s more, weekend and evening courses around your working hours. insured trainers from childcare backgrounds. Nationwide locations are covered. CRB and references are available.


For further information please call 0800 612 3319 or 07885422257

Modern, Interactive, Participative Courses Full course manual per participant 1 resuscitation manikin per 2 candidates Experienced trainers Typically 70%/30% practical/theory session ratio Contact Alan Sherliker 07981194439

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TInspired by the goals of ‘achieving quality primary education for all, children being equal and no child being left behind’, we at Craft-ED have developed a unique early years teaching resource available by subscription, which is affordable and can be adopted by nurseries, playgroups and Kindergartens . We recognise at Craft-ED the importance of ‘reaching them at a young age’ if you want to tackle the challenges in education today. Our methodology of using a hands-on creative approach stimulates the child and inspires them to learn through active play. By subscribing to the Little League Club, we provide the educator with the essential tools to deliver personalised and fun adult-initiated activities. Our programme helps engage children to enjoy learning and sets the building blocks for the educational, cultural and social stepping stones of the lifelong learning process. All of our activities are written by qualified teachers and support the Early Years Foundation Stage. Within each activity, ‘Key Words’ and specific ‘areas of Learning and Development are identified, thus reducing staff preparation time. The initial joining kit includes a die-cutting machine, 3 dies, 3 Activity Guides and 7 further project ideas building into a comprehensive and creative library of project resources. Subsequent months include further dies, Activity Guides and project ideas. Included in the joining kit, is the current month’s resource which will be supplied to you FREE of charge. If you would like to know more about the benefits of our Little League Programme and how it can assist you in spreading the cost of building your classroom resources, and ensuring that your registered early years’ facility meets the statutory educational requirements, then we welcome your enquiry.

from playgrounds to mulituse games areas to hard surfaces such as concrete, block paving and tarmac. With our experience and professional equipment, you can be confident that your dealing with a competent company. We have references that can be viewed upon request, please email 0800 731 6319 -Anytime or visit Research has shown that outdoor activity throughout a child's life from their early years onwards is fundamental in producing well balanced healthy individuals which have a firm grasp on their behavior and those around them. BuildPlay is a company who designs, builds and installs bespoke outdoor play equipment for nurseries, pre-schools, and schools across the UK. We adapt current designs to suit customers specific needs, our goal is to create a product range developed for each individual project using ideas from the children, teachers and PTA groups so they have a purpose built activity area. Our product range covers all aspects of outdoor play which encourages development in children through role play and cooperative, imaginative play. The range of products available includes; outdoor classrooms, play cottages, shops, sandpits, trains...really the possibilities are endless and we welcome the challenge of the customer’s input to give your school a truly unique product. For more information go to

T: +44 1993 892400 F: +44 1993 893387 E: W:

Playpens manufactured from solid VITRATHENE™ will not crack, corrode or splinter. It is Non-toxic and chemical resistant. Toddler Slides are Rust and Corrosion proof with optional fixing positions, front or rear. Highchairs feature safety belt, food tray are tested for stability, easy to clean, high-impact strength are non-toxic, chemicalresistant and guaranteed for five years. For more information, please visit

We specialise in cleaning children's outdoor play areas, safety surfaces, sports areas. We clean surfaces

Coverall Systems provide a wide range of high quality canopies, shelters and walkways for Schools.

Craft-ED (UK) Limited, 1 Parkside, Avenue Two, Witney, Oxfordshire. OX28 4YF

They offer: Year round, all-weather protection, Limitless opportunities as adaptable and useful outdoor shelters, Ideal for linking building’s and protecting pathways Make attractive focal points at entrances, whilst sheltering stairways and ramps Many schools have canopies installed next to a classroom in order to provide sheltered outside play areas. They are also often used to create ‘quite areas’ where pupils can get away from the bustle of the playground, or covered areas for waiting parents. Each canopy is made to individual specifications and manufactured to conform to the HSE requirements the aluminum frame is rust resistant and designed for low maintenance, and will never need repainting! They can be enclosed at the sides with vertical glazing orroller shutters. Call Us Today for a FREE Site Survey 01582 434272 Foundation stage children need stimulating, creative and engaging out door opportunities to help promote their physical, emotional, social and creative development. Play space design in Early Years settings should allow children the space to manipulate, problem solve and communicate, stimulating the sense of wellbeing and involvement, therefore giving young children the confidence in reaching their full learning potential. Primary Landscapes will work with you in designing and installing an outdoor setting tailored to your requirements to assist in meeting these outcomes. Our aim is to provide you with inspirational spaces within your setting from quiet sensory, to sound and activity. For more information please visit SchoolMaster – Fee Billing and Pupil Records for Independent Schools. SchoolMaster is a highly functional School Fee Billing and Pupil Records system which has full integration with Sage Accounts. Sage Accounting software is in use across the UK in all kinds of different environments and it is well known for it’s user-friendly and

intuitive interface. However, the specialized accounting requirements of Independent Schools have meant that they have been unable to take full advantage of the products on offer. Now SchoolMaster provides comprehensive fee billing and links dynamically to Sage Accounts to give Independent Schools a fully integrated accounting and administration system. Data can be accessed through the range of standard reports. Sage sales accounts can be automatically created from pupil records, further reducing the amount of data entry required. Other features include sibling discounts, user definable terms, charging for uniforms, trips and other extras and the ability to roll classes forward at year end. SchoolMaster stores pupil details, generates and prints invoices with the minimum of effort, posts invoices to Sage Accounts without any re-keying, provides valuable financial information and allows the monitoring of as many pupils and schools as required. Full training and support is available, Sage Accounts and Payroll software can also be supplied if required. For more information or to arrange a demonstration, contact C-A-Solutions: Phone: 0844 322 0005 or Email: Ladybird Outdoor Classrooms is a division of The Perfumed Garden dedicated to the creation of outdoor learning spaces for schools of all sizes. We believe in educating children about the things we grow and eat, and the environment. Being able to learn about these things hands on can only help children understand about the world they live in. As RHS GOLD medal winning designers and landscapers, we are able to offer schools a complete service from initial conception to completion of a garden using our own teams of fully trained staff. Contact: Tel: 01763 838870 Ladybird Outdoor Classrooms, 4 Abrams Lane, Chrishall, Royston, Herts SG8 8QD



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The best toys are those which get children interested, get them to use their imaginations, get them enthused and, most of all, get them talking. Resource Education has a long tradition of producing computer programs designed to get children inspired in the same way. It’s not much use sitting a child alone in front of a computer and expecting them to get up smarter. Like a good book, a good piece of software is meant to be shared and enjoyed so that everybody involved learns something. Education isn’t about learning lots of facts for ticks to be added to target checksheets: it’s about learning about how to communicate – about learning to be a person. Software from Resource Education has been used successfully in schools for more that 25 years. It is highly regarded by teachers for its simplicity, effectiveness, attention to detail and humour. Programs suitable for home use can be downloaded from the Resource-at-Home website in code-protected self-extracting zip files – so you know they’re safe. They can be easily installed with a free 14-day licence for you to try before buying. Software is also available on a free CD if you prefer. Telephone: 0115 972 2356 Activity and Leisure We all learn about our world through our senses, and with guided exploration and teaching by parents and educators. We also use a lot of equipment which offers additional sensory experience. This is particularly important for children with sensory deprivation and other learning difficulties. Mike Ayres Design has a wide range of sensory equipment, sensory environments and soft play spaces. Education We all learn through our senses and build up a library of experiences and language to enable us to retain and develop our skills and abilities. The use of a wide range equipment and tools will add to our library of experience and references to draw from, for further development. Children with learning, sensory and communication difficulties may need additional help and tools. Mike Ayres Design specialises in


providing sensory equipment, multi sensory rooms, relaxation rooms, soft play equipment and soft play rooms. SEN and disability Some children need additional help and support to learn, communicate and progress through the normal developmental stages. This may be due to learning difficulties, sensory deprivation, physical disabilities or a combination of specific needs. Mike Ayres Design provides a wide range of specialist equipment for sensory development and soft play experience. These include, multi sensory rooms, safe spaces, soft play rooms and equipment such as tactile panels, bubble tubes, fibre optic lights, wind machines, solar 250 projectors, tactile panels, switches and switch control units. Visit our website, or ring 01359 251 551 for information and a full catalogue. The Natural Play Company, design, manufacture, maintain and install unique and personalized playground equipment and outdoor classrooms. We specialize in timber playground equipment hand crafted by us to create a natural and unique environment. At the The Natural Play Company we work with you to create natural features and interesting spaces by introducing tactile elements such as sensory planters, living willow sand and water thus enhancing the children's play environment Tel : 01962 711498 mobile: 07590226616 E: ray@thenaturalplaycompany or visit our website at uk A Holiday in the Devon Countryside Family together time! Take time out to explore different things together at Torridge House – the baby guinea pigs, mice, little rabbits, ducks, hens and pigs. Take time to walk the hedgerows, to immerse yourself in the stunning countryside, time out in a part of England that is far away from the busy bustle of modern day life. Watch the animals, join in to help feed and care for them, enjoy the country life, take a break in the play room or a game or book from the library. Torridge House Cottages have over 22 years experience of

offering family holidays and come highly recommended by their visitors. They are ideally suited to toddlers and babies as well as older children. Eight cottages around a private green and a detached 5 bedroom house deep in the country. Details on What would you do if your baby was born deaf? Without hearing or with little hearing it is hard to understand spoken language and to communicate with hearing family and friends. Even with cochlear implants many deaf children cannot hear all the sounds of speech and it is only possible to lipread about 30%. This makes it difficult for deaf children to understand or think in English and consequently hard to speak, to lipread, or to read and write. Using British Sign Language does not solve all these problems; it takes several years to learn and it is a completely different language from English. There is another way. More parents are learning Cued Speech so that their deaf children can understand the English language. Cued Speech uses just eight handshapes in four positions near the mouth together with the lip shapes of normal speech. It can be learnt in 20 hours and it totally clarifies lipreading. It is widely used abroad. Research and case studies show that with Cued Speech deaf children can use and understand English and can read and write as well as hearing children. For information or training contact national charity: the Cued Speech Association UK: phone: 01803 83 27 84 fax: 01803 83 53 11 M&B are one of the UK’S leading suppliers of safety play surfacing. We offer a product to meet all budgets but ensure that all products meet our own very high quality standards and the standards of BS EN 1177: 1998. All products are clean on the clothes, non toxic and have a very pleasant aroma. We deliver

promptly and efficiently to all mainland locations with the option of a ‘next day’ delivery if required. Typical clients would include: The general public, Local authorities, Pre-schools, Kindergardens & Playground contractors. Please visit our website for further information and prices: or call 01782 812 731 Sunshade services........ Is a midlands based company providing bespoke designed shade sail structures serving the entire UK. Here at Sunshade Services we believe that the whole outdoor experience should be enjoyed by all. This is why we can offer you a solution that will not only provide the valuable levels of shade you require, but will look great also. Shade Sail structures can vary immensely in size from relatively small triangles to huge areas covering seating areas in stadiums. Our custom designed shade sail structures offer a stunning backdrop to any outdoor area whether it be for recreational, educational or purely decorative purposes. All of our designs from concept to final details are prepared using the latest computer aided design software which means that no matter what project we undertake, our standard design details ensure a consistently high finished product working closely with our customers we can ensure that all of your needs are met right from conceptual design through to the final installation of your chosen product. We concentrate on your practical needs with a mind on your financial restraints thus ensuring that we supply you with the right product to suit your needs. Contact: David Brough Tel: 01538 724060 Mobile: 07807 063734 Email: davebrough@sunshadeservices or visit our website at

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