Coleopter S
mall and medium beetles of all colors are probably the land insects that fall into the water the most. The model presented here is a dressing by Roberto Messori and was first presented in ‘Fly Thread’s 2006 special Dressings’ edition. The readers that recreated this model are well aware of it’s potential. Indeed, it is more buoyant and “convincing” than expected. It is built with a feather bent in the style of the ‘Wonder’ wings. The latter
is placed over the abdomen and cupped by a series of pheasant barbs that are dyed red. The fly presents a perfect dimension, is very light as it withholds air, and has a similar consistency to that of the insect. It is a fly that will rarely be ignored by fish that have already tried a bite of a beetle. For this dressing I have preferred to present the images taken of the original model of Roberto Messori.