TedxSuzhou DNA

Page 1

Section 1: Introduction About TED & TEDx About TEDxYouth About TEDxSuzhou About TEDxYouth@Suzhou

Section 2: Speakers & Performers Speakers Info Performers Info

Section 3: DNA Gallery DNA in My Mind

Section 4: Acknowledgements

About TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. Started as a four-day conference in 1984, TED has grown to support world-changing ideas with multiple initiatives. At TED, the world's leading thinkers and doers are asked to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Talks are then made available, free, at TED.com. Follow TED on Twitter at twitter.com/TEDTalks, or on Facebook at www.facebook. com/TED.

About In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Our event is called TEDxSuzhou, where x = independently organized TED event. At TEDxSuzhou, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group.

About TEDx events for kids and youth bring together educators, youth organizations and young people for live presentations, activities and storytelling that encourage learning about and experiencing the world in new and different ways. The TEDx format is a perfect medium for engaging and inspiring kids, and to highlight young voices from diverse communities. Many TEDxYouth events are held to coincide with TEDxYouthDay. TEDxYouthDay is a series of independently organized TEDx events worldwide that all happen around Universal Children’s Day at the end of November. Independent TEDxYouth and TEDxKids events may also be held on any other day of year.

About TEDxSuzhou is a local, independent and nonprofit organization under the license of TED. We define TED as “Technology, Education, Development”. Our mission is to build a global classroom by organizing online and offline events, which inspire young people to practice ideas locally with a global vision. TEDxSuzhou includes 6 kinds of activities, including an annual TEDxSuzhou conference in March, an annual TEDxYouth@Suzhou event in November, a monthly club event, and different TED Live events. We also hold TEDxSuzhouSalon and TEDxSuzhouWomen so that more people can join us.

About Welcome to TEDxYouth@Suzhou, an event launched in November, 2013. As a unique “by youth, for youth” event created in the spirit of Ideas Worth Spreading, we intend to inspire young people, ignite their creativity and find young leaders among the new generations. TEDxYouth@Suzhou brings together some of Suzhou’s most inspired visionaries, young thinkers who are changing the future for the better. Our lineup includes some remarkable young speakers and performers, and delegates who live for ideas and who want to share them with the world.



Designed by: Wassili


Su Miao 缪素臻

The Currency Of Joy # 快乐的货币 #

2. Leo 陈联

Education 2.0 # 因材施教 #

3. Mia

The Climate Change Gazette

6. Liu Shujian 刘书剑

# 气候变化公报 #


Cui Yuqi 崔宇旗

How I Became An Amateur # 从业余说起 #

5. Felicia 林俞妗

Small Dreams Matter # 先从一颗星星做起 #

Dreams? Let's Be Realistic

# 给自己一个借口 , 但别留退路 #

7. Quan Xingmei 全杏梅

Why I Am A Volunteer # 尽我所能 , 人人公益 ——做你所喜欢的事情 #

8. Lu Yu 鲁煜

What I Really Learnt From This Trip # 北极行之后的我 #

9. Chen Mangkun 陈莽昆

The Social Network: Where Dreams Come True # 社交网络: 梦想实现之地 #

10. Liu Chang 刘畅

Dreams Never Acts Itself # 舒适圈外的梦 #


Song Jialei 宋嘉磊

I Dream With Music # 不要停止我的音乐 #

缪素臻 Su Miao 创业者 Entrepreneur Chinese Americans or commonly known as ABCs are often perceived as successful because they grew up in an advantageous environment and have access to better education. But as Su Miao will demonstrate, this is not often the case. Growing up in a first generation immigrant household, Su aspired to achieve beyond her humble roots and successfully became the first person in her family to receive a college degree and soon after a job in a US fortune 7 company. However, despite these “successes”, Su felt like she hit rock bottom, she was stuck in an uninspiring and tedious job and she found herself a member of the masses of the people going to and fro from work without purpose. Su left for Shanghai to seek more challenging opportunities and three years later, she finally discovered her passion in a very unlikely hobby, salsa dancing. The discovery of her passion ignited her to pursue living her life like never before including starting her own business and writing her first book. Now she is on a mission to connect others to their passions too. Find out how Su found her passion.


并不是每一个美国华裔都如我们想象的一般一 直顶着亮丽的光环——缪素臻的经历就是如 此。 出生于一个新移民家庭,毕业于波士顿学 院——良好的教育和光鲜的工作却让缪素感到 疲惫和无聊。 海归上海后的三年,她终于在 Salsa 看到了自 己的兴趣——她的创业激情从此完全点燃。如 今,她正致力于帮助 1000 万个中国人找到自 己的生活激情。 从行尸走肉的枯燥,到对工作和周围一切的无 限向往。缪素臻的生活,到底发生了什么改变?


Leo Chen


Entrepreneur 在移动互联网领域,他摸爬滚打了数十年。 早在 1999 年,陈联就创建了 MindBond,并因 其出色的业绩在两年后得到收购。 之后在苹果公司担任大中华区教育总监的经历让他 得以在中国引进数字课堂和混合式的教育模式,为 教育界贡献力量。 如今,陈联正在创办 IdeaTree——一家基于

Chen Lian has 10-year experience in the field

O2O 的创新探究课程开发的教育公司。他也正与

of mobile Internet.

全球超过 500 位教育人一起改变着学生的学习体 验,希望他们能随时随地,享受自主学习。

In 1999, Chen founded MindBond, which was acquired 2 years later because of its potential.

IdeaTree,智慧之树。陈联正和他的公司一起, 走在改变教育的道路上。

After that, he headed Apple education team for Greater China and brought digital classroom and blended learning initiatives to his motherland. Today, Chen is doing his latest company called IdeaTree, which is currently working on O2O inquiry based learning curriculum and technology. He is also working with over 500 educators transforming the learning experience for students, hoping that they could enjoy the learning whenever and wherever. IdeaTree has a profound meaning of wisdom, which shows Chen’s ambition to change the future of Chinese education.


Mia Oenoto 西交利物浦大学 环境科学系 大二

Year 2 (Bachelor) of Environmental Science, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

On campus, Mia is an ordinary girl. Like many

在校园里,Mia 是一个平凡的 19 岁女生。跟

other young people, she loves exciting things


including sports like diving.


When it comes to her profession, Mia is a

而在自己的专业领域,Mia 是一个不平凡的

distinguished doer. She became the climate


leader from the Climate Reality Project Group

国青年组织 YOUNGO 的气候大使,并成为

since last March attending the South Africa

Climate Reality Project 的小组领袖。

Training and also the climate ambassador of the YOUNGO, the youth organization of United

热心绿色事业的 Mia,期待和你一起创造绿色



Mia is hoping for a green earth in the future. She needs your hands.



Cui Yuqi

同济大学 环境设计系 大三

Year 3 (Bachelor) of Environmental Design, Tongji University

Cui Yuqi transferred from physics to


environmental design when she was a freshman,


having jewelry marketing and management as


minor. She is always ahead of her fellows.


In 2011, Cui did translation and poetry for M50

2011 年 她 在 M50 Image Tunnel 进 行 独 立

image tunnel. A year later, she worked as chief

纪 录 片 的 翻 译 和 诗 创 作。2012 年 她 参 与 策

operator of Fablab-Shanghai, which is the

划 中 国 第 一 家 Fablab 开 放 创 造 实 验 室 的 筹

first fablab in China. And in 2014, Cui is doing


China30s with people keen on creativity.

年,崔宇旗又在中国第一家创新人群故事平台 China30s 里接触着生活创新和跨界的人群。

“The creativity of society is not just for Republic, but should be with every citizen in the life.” Cui


insists on the creativity of life, and is looking


forward to the challenge of future.

对于创新生活的执着,正推动着她步入更具挑 战的明天。


林俞妗,一个看上去和同龄人没什么异样的女生, 却已经在多个地方践行着自己的学业。 出生于印尼,她在新加坡完成高中课程并获得国际 文凭,而如今又来到中国,开启自己的大学学程—— 一边念书,一边家教,一边用书籍和音乐充实自己。


一个初入大学的女生,一个 20 岁就已经在多国闯


西交利物浦大学 生物科学系 大四

Year 4 (Bachelor) of Biology Science, Xi’an JiaotongLiverpool University

荡的女孩,一个独自来到中国的歪果仁。 她希望每个人都能坚持梦想,无论这个梦想看上去 有多么渺小,或是触不可及。 她究竟如何定义梦想? 在 TEDxYouth 的舞台上,她将为我们娓娓道来。

Born in Indonesia, Felicia finished her high school and earned her International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma in Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) in Singapore. And now, she is in China to earn her Bachelor Degree in Biological Science. Aside from studying, she also teaches English and Science as a tutor, while enjoying herself through books and music. She insists that everybody should pursue his/her dream, whatever the dream is. So, what does dream mean for her? Please pay attention to Felicia’s talk on TEDxYouth.



Liu Shujian

宁波摩根工业设计 创始人、总经理及 设计总监

Founder, General Manager & Design Director of Ning Bo Morgen Industrial Design Company

Talk about design, practice design, and make friends with designers. Liu Shujian is always with design, from his experience in Porsche Design (Austria) to Audi Design (Germany). He is trying to change the world through design. He thinks design is fun, and people’s life is worth being influenced by it. Morgen Industrial Design Company is just established for this concept. Liu hopes that the reform of design education would take the interest to more people, which might turn them to professional designers eventually. What is the most remarkable point in Liu’s design concept?


谈论设计、动手设计、与设计师打交道。从保时 捷设计中心,到奥迪设计中心。 无论工作抑或生活,刘书剑的梦想始终围绕着设 计——他希望通过设计来改变世界。 设计是一件好玩的事情,人们的生活方式值得因 此而改变。基于这样的理念,刘书剑创办了摩根 工业设计,希望可以通过设计教育的革新,带动 更多的人步入设计殿堂,成为优秀的设计师。 他的设计之路,到底有着怎样的不同寻常?

全杏梅 公益人

Quan Xingmei Public Service Promoter 阅读推广志愿者。 这是全杏梅给自己下的标签。 她曾是绿风助学第一任理事长,专注于乡村教育。 她曾经参加黑苹果青年、免费午餐、中国滋根、梦 想行动国际等 NGO 活动,担纲志愿者和负责人。 她于 2013 年加入 iJoin 社会创新管理咨询,成为 iJoin3.0 百特教育 VMI 的项目咨询师。

A reading promotion volunteer. This is how Quan Xingmei tagged herself.

尽我所能,人人公益。全杏梅相信公益从来都不是 什么高大上——只要你想做,就触手可及。

She was former chairman of Green Wind organization in the first council, focusing on village education.

NOTES: She has ever appeared on the scene of Black Apple Youth, Free Lunch For Children, Zigen, Dream Corps International and some other NGO activities, being volunteers. In the summer of 2013, she joined iJoin Social Innovation Management Consulting, and acted as a consultant for BeBetty VMI Project. "It starts with one." Quan believes that everyone can make the contribution to public welfare if he or she wants, since welfare is never a difficult thing for anyone.

看芭蕾。 玩斯诺克。 去北极科考。



Lu Yu

西交大苏州附中 Senior 2, Suzhou High School Affiliated 高二 to Xi’an Jiaotong University

鲁煜,中学生大军中的一员,努力读书,却也想做 一些不一样的事情。 她的生活从来不缺乏挑战,她也愿意接受挑战。 作为本场唯一的高中女生,她的能量也许比你想象 的更多。

Ballet. Snooker. A Tour to North Pole. Can you image these are what a Chinese high school girl is doing? Lu Yu studies hard as all her peers do, but what she wants is more than courses and exams. She likes challenges, and her life is full of challenges. Have you notice that she is the only high school speaker here? Be all ears and the young girl’s energy is more than you can see.


在大多数人眼里,社交网络是一种消遣,一种娱乐 的方式。而在另一些人手里,社交网络却可以是一 份工作,一片创业的天地——陈莽昆就是这些人的 代表。 去年 12 月,“PPT 设计前沿”刚在人人网上建 立就荣膺当月的涨粉冠军,并在之后的自媒体大赛 中斩获涨粉第一,综合第二的战绩。作为这一切的


Chen Mangkun

南京大学 生命科学学院 研三

Year 3 (Master) of College of Life Science, Nanjing University

创始人,陈莽昆的成功并非偶然,而是源于自己对 自媒体和社交网络的独到见解。 如今的他,除了继续投身社交网络之外,还受邀开 发课程和图书。 来到 TEDxYouth 的盛会,他将以一个过来人的

SNS is often considered a way of entertainment for


most people. But, for some others, SNS is more than recreation. It can be a job, even a career. Chen Mangkong is just one of those people. A public page called the Design Front of PPT was set up last December and quickly ranked first in fans increasing, after which it also gained other awards. As the founder of the page, Chen Mangkun attributes the success to his distinguished ideas of self-media and SNS. Recently, Chen is designing courses and books also. On the stage of TEDxYouth, he is going to give you some unique advice.


Liu Chang Year 4 (Bachelor) of Chemistry, Xi’an JiaotongLiverpool University

刘畅 西交利物浦大学 化学系 大四

A graduating student, LCP of AIESEC in XJTLU, a volunteer in Ghana and India. These are some parts of Liu Chang’s life. He has ever planned a 3-day conference for

面临滚蛋的大四狗、AIESEC 学校分会老大、

500 delegates, showing his outstanding ability.

曾经深入神秘非洲的 volunteer。这些只是刘 畅众多头衔中的一部分。

He has hesitated when facing the choice of finding a job or further study, as everybody

他曾经参与策划过 500 人参与、为期三天的

may have experienced.

大型活动,能力拔群;也有过在读研和工作之 间的权衡,面临所有人都必须做出的选择。

He may give you a key to success: Being yourself instead of moving along with the






苏州大学 计算机科学 与技术学院 大四

Song Jialei

Song Jialei, who belongs to the year of monkey,

Year 4 (Bachelor) of College of Computer Science & Technology, Soochow University

shows both characters of active and lazy. He is always on his way and likes making friends. On

宋嘉磊,一只 92 年出生的猴子,好动和懒惰

the contrast, he may stay staving in the dorm, just


because he’s too lazy to find foods. 他可以不辞辛劳地到处跑,广交友;也可以在 Is he a literature boy? Maybe. He is keen on music,


good at piano and has a great collection of CD discs. 他是文艺青年?没错,他爱音乐,擅长钢琴, Is he really a literature one? Not yet. Having no


interest in reading and writing makes him not literary enough.

他真的是文艺青年?哦不,他不爱看书,写不 来文——这也配叫文青?

He is a sensitive boy and is ready to observe the beauty of details.


He likes freedom, since he thinks it’s the best


success to pursue what he loves.


This is Song Jialei. He is trying to tell you more about




MGrils These five girls are from Malaysia, four of whom are just below 10. They didn’t know each other, but they came here for the common interest for dance. They are loyal to arts.


Bar Bar Bar is their own work. It is written and


guided by Jazz.


On the stage today, what will these angels

Bar Bar Bar 是一支属于孩子们自己的舞蹈——它

bring to us?

由 MGrils 成员 Jazz 亲自编写和指导,其他人悉 心自学掌握。 今天,这些来自异国的小天使会为我们带来怎样的 激情与活力?

Blinkinrella Sourced from Cinderella, We finally got the name Blinkinrella as our band’s title. Although the name looks complicated, it just shows our pursuit for music. We hope to shine, with grand and flowery light, just like what Cinderella does on the party. The seven of us were nothing in the crowd, but we insist on our favorite with the enthusiasm for music. We believe we can be the brightest one among the stars.

源于“Cinderella”的灵感,几经改变,最终形成 了“Blinkinrella”这个名字——这个看似复杂的 名称背后,其实是我们对音乐最单纯的追求——我 们希望能够在音乐中散发光芒,正如蜕变后的灰姑 娘般光彩照人。 七位高中生成员也曾埋没于人群,但凭着对音乐的 热情,我们努力着,坚持着心中最爱的事——我们 也坚信,“黑菇凉”将蜕变成夜空那颗最亮眼的星。

苏大舞之炫 苏大舞之炫从来就不缺乏优秀的舞者——他们曾荣 膺 2013SUD 齐舞比赛亚军,包揽 2013 独秀星 动力前两名,更在 2014 炫舞大赛中勇夺第一。 这些荣誉的背后,是这个成立 12 周年的社团始终 如一的和谐氛围——We are together. We are family,这是他们的座右铭。而在这句话的指引下, 苏大舞之炫正期待舞出更精彩的人生。

Wu Zhi Xuan from Soochow University always has excellent members. They were the runner-up in 2013 SUD, and got both gold and silver medal in 2013 Du Xiu Xing Dong Li. In this year’s Dance Championship, they ranked first. What brought them these honors is their continuous harmony in their 12-year history. They take “We are together. We are family.” as the motto. They are looking forward to creating a wonderful life by dancing.

Leading up to TEDxYouthDay weekend in November, we’re asking young people around Suzhou to complete the sentence, "If I ruled the world..." and share their ideas for the world with us all.

张馨仪 苏州星海实验中 学国际课程中心

管苏萌 苏州星海实验中 学国际课程中心

汪澄川 苏州大学

焦磊 苏州星海实验中 学国际课程中心

贾泽尧 苏州中学德威国 际高中

王早早 西交利物浦大学

Brief Introduction of XJTLU Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) is a pioneering, international joint venture university located in the city of Suzhou, China. This innovative university is proud of its focus on research led learning inherited from its two parent institutions: the University of Liverpool, UK, and Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. XJTLU offers English taught degrees in sciences, technology, engineering, architecture, business, media, language and culture. All bachelors, masters and Ph.D. graduates receive the University of Liverpool degree, with undergraduates also receiving an XJTLU degree (Chinese Ministry of Education). XJTLU has won wide recognition for its internationalised environment, advanced educational concepts and high-quality talent cultivation. For further information, please visit our website: http://www.xjtlu.edu.cn

西交利物浦大学是中国目前唯一一所理工 管起步、强强合作的中外合作大学,坐落 在素有“人间天堂”之称的苏州。 这所新型国际化大学是经中国教育部批准, 由西安交通大学和英国利物浦大学合作创 立的。学校以“研究导向、独具特色、世 界认可的中国大学和中国土地上的国际大 学”为愿景。 学校已开设理、工、管、商、文等 26 个专 业。所有本科生、研究生及博士生毕业后 可获得英国利物浦大学文凭,本科毕业生 同时获得西交利物浦大学文凭。 学校独特的大学理念、高水准的人才培养 质量和浓厚的国际化特色得到社会各界的 广泛关注和认可,被誉为“中外合作大学 的标杆”和“中国高等教育改革的探路者”。 更多信息,敬请访问: http://www.xjtlu.edu.cn

Brief Introduction of misCub We are Young, and we know better about the youth than any other agency. We are small, super small, but we are professional enough to serve our clients and even, our dreams. We are misCube, a company with a two-year history. In a common afternoon with sunshine, several


SJTUers formed a name “misCube” as our title,


and hope to use our creativity to make the media industry more interesting. We hope to make profits,


but our final aim is to give our clients some changes


in their ads or designs. We believe we can make communication a little different.

我们是 misCube,一个诞生刚满两年的小 作坊。

Attention, please. We are really smart. We have served dozens of clients including giants like


Yamaha and Adidas, and small businesses just established, all of which are satisfied with our works


and attitude. Planning, Designing, Videos or post

将“ 滚 蛋” 的 交 大 人 聚 在 一 起, 想 出 了

production, whatever you need, we can help a lot.

“misCube” 这 个 自 认 为 还 算 洋 气 的 名

Feel free to contact us and we may have a meal


together. Oh, yes, our treat of course.

让传媒业乃至平凡人的生活变得充满创意 起来——这便是我们最初的想法。说不想

For more please click www.miscube.com. Our


service is always waiting for you.

带给客户眼前一亮的改变,在不经意间让 传播充满乐趣。 最 后 打 个 小 广 告, 我 们 真 的 挺 聪 明, 从 Yamaha、Adidas 这样的行业巨人,到初 创不久的小型企业,找过我们的甲方都觉 得自己颇有眼光。策划、设计、影视、后 期——其实我们会的还挺多。有空的话, 大家一起吃个饭呗。 更多请戳 www.miscube.com。我们全年 无休,24 小时不打烊。

“珍威”的故事始于 2013 年 10 月,或许更早。 一个叫珍妮,一个叫威廉。 一个在中国,一个在美国。 某次偶然的视频聊天,我们从默契十足的好朋友变成

Brief Introduction of J.W. Creatives

互相信任的合伙人。由此,珍威广告设计事务所应运 而生。 设计、传播的科班出身让我们很专业,“大绝招”——

The story of J.W. CREATIVES started from October, 2013. Maybe earlier. One names Jenny, the other William.

24 小时时差工作法让我们很高效。我们,心怀梦想, 脚踏实地。我们创造与众不同、用心了解客户,更用 作品为自己代言。

One is in China, the other in USA.


We founded J.W. CREATIVES studio by an


occasional video chat. We were good friends


before, then, we became as mutual trust partners.


We are professional for we majored in Design &


Communication. We are efficient for we have a jet lag working method. We have dreams in mind, but step feet on the ground. We create outstanding, we know you by heart, and we show us by works. Our head office is in Shanghai, but we have branches in Boston, Seattle, Zhejiang province now. Our working partners from all over the world! They are young, innovative, have dreams and acts. Our clients come from all parts of China and world. Some are famous, like Harvard University, Shanghai EXPO Museum, Sony, etc. Some are entrepreneurial teams or growing companies. We make contribution to their brand promotion and visual design. All of them speak highly of our design and service. Wanna know more? Please visitwww.jw-creatives. com. Welcome to communicate with us! We are ready to be your friends.

大学、上海世博会博物馆、索尼等,也有不少成长初 视觉设计等领域做出贡献,都得到了高度好评哦! 希望了解更多? 请戳 www.jw-creatives.com。欢迎与我们交流, 乐于与您成为朋友。













LinkedinID: TEDxSuzhou

邮箱: Youth@tedxsuzhou.com

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