Sibéal Postgraduate Feminist and Gender Studies Network
Values Rooted in the scholarship and activism of gender and feminist studies, Sibéal holds a commitment to social justice and equality for all.
Aims: Sibéal is Ireland’s only postgraduate gender and feminist studies network and aims to provide opportunities and support for scholars working on and interested in issues related to gender and feminist studies across Ireland and the UK. Sibéal aims to:
Maintain and foster a network of scholars working in the areas of gender and feminist studies Provide a variety of avenues for the sharing of research and the dissemination of outputs from research in the field of gender and feminist studies To create a variety of spaces to facilitate interdisciplinary discussion, debate and dialogue around topics related to gender and feminist studies To raise awareness both inside and outside of the academy about current feminist and gender studies research
To establish Sibéal branches with representatives in all higher education institutions and continuously recruit members for the organisation To organise an annual conference giving postgraduate students the opportunity to prepare and present current research To provide publication opportunities following participation in the conference giving students the opportunity to develop writing skills To provide and up-to-date website, share portal, blog and social media spaces facilitating dialogue and knowledge exchange To provide funding opportunities for those working in the field of gender and feminist studies
Members Sibéal is open to postgraduate members working in the field of or with an interest in gender and feminist studies. Sibéal is a non-profit organisation and exists for the benefit of its members. Membership is free. Members have the following rights:
One vote at the AGM To be nominated and elected as a Trustee To avail of all of the services provided by Sibéal
Members have the following responsibilities: To promote and encourage gender and feminist studies research Trustees Sibéal is managed by a Board of Trustees (not less than four and no more than 6). Where possible, the board will consist of members from various regions. Trustees must be registered postgraduate students and members of Sibéal. Duties: To protect the values of Sibéal To pursue the aims and objectives of Sibéal To manage fundraising and account for monies spent To meet at least three times a year To organise an annual AGM to coincide with the annual conference Election of Trustees: Trustees will be elected at the AGM Nominations of trustees will be invited at the same time that notice goes out for the AGM and must be submitted to trustess at least two weeks prior to the AGM In the event of more nominations that vacancies, an election for Trustees will take palce at the AGM Trustees may serve for a maximum of 3 years Each year, a minimum of two trustees will resign and where possible, two new trustees to be elected Trustee Meetings
Trustees will hold at least three meeting per year. The chair must rotate every year. The following roles should be assigned: Chairperson/Secretary, treasurer, Membership Co-ordinator, Communications Officer, Media Officer, Liaison Officer/Branch Co-ordinator
Trustees will seek to reach decisions by consensus where at least three trustees must be present
Sibéal Brach Representatives Sibéal will seek to recruit Branch Representatives in higher education institutions. Duties:
To promote Sibéal in their institutions and locally To promote Sibéal events To organise an event in their institution or work with another Branch Representative to organise a local event
AGM Members will be informed of AGM in correspondence regarding the conference at least three weeks in advance A quorum of 10 members is required for the AGM Trustees will present the annual report, including a financial statement and a vision for the year ahead. The Annual report will be presented for approval by members Members may table motions for discussion at the AGM. These must be submitted in writing to the Trustees at least two weeks in advance of AGM Decisions are by majority vote, one vote per member Proposals for changes to the constitution can be made by submitting the proposal in writing at least two weeks in advance of the AGM. Such a proposal must be promoted by at least 10 members and must be passed by a 2/3 majority
Money and Property
Money and property must only be used for the purposes of Sibéal Trustees must keep accounts which should be presented to the members at the AGM Trustees cannot receive money except to refund reasonable out-of-pocket expenses Money must be held in Sibéal’s bank account and statements must be shared among trustees at each meeting
This amended Constitution will be ratified by those present at the Sibéal AGM in Belfast 22nd /23rd of November 2013