Feel joy
Take a moment to consider what brings you joy – maybe it is reuniting with a loved one, achieving a goal you have worked hard towards, or simply listening to your favourite piece of music. Although what brings each of us joy is very individual, joy is learned through social experiences and is one of most recognisable emotions across cultures (Izard, 1971; Ekman, 1992; Watkins, 2020; Arnett, 2023; Rogoff, 2003). Definitions of joy vary but tend to centre around a temporary emotional state that involves feeling elated or ecstatic. Joy can be caused by an alignment between one’s lived experience and one’s desired experience or a connection to something bigger than oneself (Emmons, 2020; Matthews, 2020; Arnett, 2023).
Although joy cannot be produced voluntarily, one can promote the capacity for joy by creating an environment which provides opportunities to experience the emotion ( Izard, 1972; 1977). While joy can be experienced alone, it is most frequently experienced with others (Johnson, 2020), and in children it is often associated with play. As such, developing a capacity for joy might include a caregiver fostering a close-relationship with a child and supporting them to play, or playing with them.
Related to the wealth of literature on the importance of play, joy has been found to support one’s willingness to play (Friedrisckson, 2004), ability to cope with challenges, and capacity to enjoy one’s life (Izard, 1977; Tornare et al., 2017). Experiencing joy in social events has also been found to promote wellbeing and strengthen a sense of community (Gabriel et al., 2020). While joy is a distinct emotion, early positive mood - which includes joy - has been found to uniquely predict life satisfaction in adulthood (Coffey et al., 2014: Lyubomirsky et al., 2005).
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