The Calloused Digit by Frederick Meekins Issue #11
Sword Of The Lord Columnist Insinuates Sci-Fi Fans Not Fit To Teach School For decades, the Sword Of The Lord has served as a voice of independent Christian Fundamentalism. This publication has fulfilled that mission by regularly standing its ground against the encroaching liberalism and modernism plaguing broad swaths of the Christian church. One of the most interesting regular features of the paper is “The News and Views” column by Dr. Hugh Pyle that usually applies Christian plain-spokenness to a number of items of public interest. However, in the October 21, 2005 issue of the Sword Of The Lord, Dr. Pyle goes beyond his normal commonsense to draw conclusions not supported by the evidence or deducible from it. In his Oct 21, 2005 column, Dr. Pyle laments the poor example set by many contemporary public school educators and how in times past these guides along the path of learning imbued their students with a sense of spiritual as well as academic knowledge. As proof of his thesis, he cites a feature in his local paper where an interviewed teacher responded to a survey that his favorite movie was Star Trek. Dr. Pyle responds, “You had better give your children all the education you can at home and in a good, fundamental church and Sunday school.” From his reaction, you’d think the teacher had admitted to having a stash of girlie videos. Would Dr. Pyle have said this had the teacher admitted to liking sports? With all the nonsense going on in the public schools, you’d think that a teacher that enjoys Star Trek and related science fiction would be the least of any concerned citizen’s worries and might even be considered an asset on an academic faculty. For despite the moral shortcomings that pop up from time to time in the plots, over the course of its various incarnations, Star Trek has consistently remained one of the few expressions of popular culture to present itself as if ethical reflection actually mattered and was often essential to the story. Dr. Pyle further laments, “Usually my teachers were well read in good and great literature, which included the Bible, and it showed up in class.” And what exactly did this great literature consist of?
Shakespeare? It may come as a surprise, but the plays of Shakespeare were the Star Trek of their time because --- while we consider them highbrow literature today --- these dramas were performed primarily as popular entertainment. Paying homage to this tradition, Star Trek has often employed Shakespearean allusions and motifs throughout its history. Though I cannot speak fully as to Dr. Pyle’s personal convictions about the matter, for a number of those operating in a closely related socioecclesiastical circle even literature produced by fellow Christians is not even good enough. For while most Christians were pleased about the attention given to C.S. Lewis as a result of the cinematic adaptation of The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe even if they had reservations about every last point in his systematic theology, more hardline pastors, scholars, and evangelists want Lewis roundly condemned on all counts rather than to sift the wheat from the chaff in what he has written and some come close to heaping damnation on anyone that dares crack open one of this professor’s books. One pastor in an audio sermon, in an attempt to scare Christians away from seeing the film, claims demons literally hovering in the theater might latch on to unsuspecting viewers (as if this won’t happen in most churches these days, many of the Fundamentalist ones included). Others a bit more reasonable in their criticisms such as David Brown of the First Baptist Church of Oak Creek, Wisconsin claim C.S. Lewis is inappropriate for Christians to read since Narnia is inhabited by creatures of a questionable spiritual pedigree such as centaurs, fauns, and witches. However, such insights fail to properly analyze classic Western fantasy literature. Just because there is a witch in The Chronicles Of Narnia does not set off the Harry Potter alarm. Unlike Rowling, Lewis conforms to traditional literary aesthetics by casting the witch in the role of the antagonist or villain. The most thoroughgoing separationists ---- the term in this sense meaning those that choose not to
ecclesiastically affiliate with those of differing religious viewpoints rather than those misinterpreting the First Amendment --- contend that Lewis must still be avoided. To have a witch in a story in any capacity is a violation of II Corinthians warning the Christian to touch not the unclean thing. If that’s the case, then what are Patch The Pirate Clubs doing in numerous Fundamentalist churches? In much the same manner as Rowling has glamorized witchcraft, numerous churches have romanticized the life of high-seas piracy. Potter critics rightly point out there is no such thing as a good witch. Likewise, there is no such thing as a good pirate. Why not just organize Jack The Carjacker Clubs for kids since that’s what pirates essentially were in the Age of Sail. Better yet, why not update things for the current millennium and start Tommy The Terrorist Clubs? At least Lewis had the decency to cast the witch as the villain. What’s the excuse for this strand of Fundamentalism that demands every last detail be in apple pie order or they’ll bring the legitimacy of your Christian faith into question? Pirates have probably ruined as many innocent lives and possibly even more than the average witch ever has. If every character in every story abided by every last behavioral norm and stricture insisted upon by many Fundamentalists, frankly there’d hardly be any literature worth reading. This does not mean though that a book must be filled with promiscuity or profanity to be interesting. To these critics, even the most wholesome classics uncomfortably push the limits of acceptability. According to Kevin Swanson of Generations Radio, Little House On The Prairie suborns lesbianism since Laura Ingalls Wilder dared to exhibit a bit of an independent streak; I guess Half-pint was too tomboyish or spoke her mind one too many times for old Pa Swanson’s tastes. As evidence, Swanson cites Laura’s refusal to say "obey" in her wedding vows. However, it must be remembered that these are simply a cultural manifestation of a Biblical imperative and despite popular conceptions to the contrary aren’t spelled out verbatim in the pages of holy writ. No Chronicles Of Narnia. No Little House On The Prairie. Doesn’t exactly leave much to read and from the literary theories expounded by these pious ascetics, it’s a wonder they still let the good Christian read the Bible. For while David might have been a man after God’s own heart, there’s a goodly portion of
his life you’d hardly want your children emulating. Perhaps some Christians are too quick to embrace C.S. Lewis in his entirety without casting a discerning eye on those areas where he did come up short. But if that is the case, these overly-exacting members of the clergy have themselves to blame in large part. For if these divines find contemporary speculative fiction to be inappropriate if it does not adhere to their particular systematic theologies on every point, are they themselves doing anything to produce acceptable alternative narratives, sagas, and epics? Furthermore, are they actively encouraging the bright young minds in their congregations to pursue artistic or literary callings? Because from what I have studied of and experienced from those of this particular Evangelical perspective, most have adopted a proto-Romanist mindset that those possessing a religionist vocation are somehow more important than the rest of us and the work of such sanctified journeymen more essential to the fulfillment of God’s good purposes. That’s why in many churches, Christian schools, and youth groups one hears an awful lot about becoming a missionary to the heathen savages in some far off jungle but precious little about targeting the barbarians that are taking over this culture and trying to undue the consequences of godless thinking upon our own institutions of thought and learning. Interestingly though, the Sword of the Lord does not hold a consistent position against all forms entertainment. For while fans of science fiction aren’t fit to teach and a Christian had better not dare go to a movie since even the money from more wholesome motion pictures is likely to flow into the coffers of reprobates, the staff at the Sword of the Lord gets as googoo-eyed around celebrities as the remainder of the population and turn a blind eye when it suits their fancy to the exacting standards of deportment usual insisted upon by the publication. Featured in the top-left corner of the December 20, 2005 edition is a profile of outdoor sports host Chad Schearer. In his testimony, Chad tells of being invited to a NASCAR race by one of the stockcar owners. If the Sword of the Lord is to be consistent, shouldn’t this individual be chastised and disfellowshipped for going somewhere where alcohol, scantily clad women, and profanity are bound to be present? As outcast in Christian circles these days as I am among the heathen, I don’t have much of any moral qualms about motorsports. However, I am not the one whose publication is insinuating one is some kind of deviant if one likes laser guns and spaceships and calling into question the legitimacy of one’s
Christianity for occasionally associating with conservative Southern Baptists or level-headed Charismatics. However, I guess if you are part of the “in crowd”, you don’t necessarily have to abide by the rules and standards derived from a particular interpretation of God’s Word the common believer in the pew is expected to adhere to. For you see, Chad’s pappy is pals with the editor. Furthermore, if Christians are suppose to stay away from works of imaginative speculation such as Star Trek and The Chronicles Of Narnia, how is it that these pastors and evangelists know so much about them? Unlike some things one knows to be inherently wrong by their mere existence, to nitpick these narratives on a nuanced doctrinal level one is going to have to sit there and study them for awhile.
Therefore, if preachers are going to address the issue from pulpit and pen, doesn’t the admonishment to be a Berean compel us to do our own first hand research since in the Protestant tradition one is not to blithely accept the ruminations of the clergy without some kind of collaboration through the application of one’s own critical thinking skills to what has been postulated by those holding ecclesiastical office? If anything, by speaking out against imaginative literature, pastors should rather be pleased then when members of their congregations go to research these works for themselves [First published in Prolegomena Of The Unexplained: Reflections Upon Science Fiction, Eschatology & The Paranormal by Frederick Meekins (2009).]
Religious Socialist Hopes To Capitalize On White Guilt Hoping to capitalize on the racial hysteria sweeping through the ranks of America despisers, religious socialist Jim Wallis published an excerpt of his book “America's Original Sin” in the February 2016 issue of his propaganda screed Sojourners Magazine. Apparently even an economic egalitarian such as himself can't resist the temptation to invoke the privileges of rank, ownership and hierarchy. The article is subtitled on the cover “What If White Christians Acted More Christian Than White?” Does this raconteur in the coming months intend to run similarly titled essays referring to other ethnicities and demographics? For example, “What If Black Christians Acted More Christian Than Black?” For nowhere in the canon of Scripture and the corpus of systematic theology or Christian ethics can
one find justification for looting beauty salons for hair care products or boxstore retailers for the latest electronics over a police action or jury verdict with which one happens to disagree. Nor can one find justification in the divine revelation for an illegitimacy rate pushing nearly 75%. And perhaps even more importantly, where in Christian tradition is it acceptable for these deadbeats to send their women out to work (if they even work at all) while these so-called men stand around all day drinking in allies or smoking pot in their basements? Longterm unemployment the result of economic downturns might be one thing. However, these urban vagrants don't even make an effort to forage for abandoned scrap metal or to use their ubiquitous smartphones to peddle second hand goods or small handcrafts through an assortment of social commerce venues.
Pope Exposes His Biblical Ignorance In Hurry To Promote Globalist Agenda As part of the centuries-long effort on the part of Vatican elites to collapse the United States on behalf of the New World Order, Pope Francis said regarding Donald Trump, “...a person that thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not about building bridges, is not Christian.” However, it would seem that most of the things said about walls in divine revelation are overwhelmingly positive. For example, Proverbs 25:28 counsels, “He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is
broken down, and without walls.” Some might dismiss that as rhetorical metaphor rather than as a literal example where actual people and lives are involved. In terms of history, an entire book of the Bible is dedicated to an individual moved by God to take on as his life's work the rebuilding of the wall around the Jerusalem that he loved. That was none other than Nehemiah. And to those that dismiss that entire account as Old Testament, the New Testament speaks perhaps even
more favorably of walls. For example, in Revelation 21:14, Heaven or the New Jerusalem is described as having a wall made of jasper having twelve foundations (each named for one of Christ's twelve Apostles). With this wall measuring 12,000 stadia in length, width and height, assorted Bible scholars estimate this wall to be 1400 miles long, 1400 miles wide, and 1400 miles tall. Given that Heaven is where the concentrated presence of God dwells, it is safe to conjecture that God must really like walls. As the institutionally professed Vicar of Christ, does the Pope now take it upon himself to claim that he apparently knows more about what God wants than
God? Lastly, what about the walls built by the Roman Catholic Church in terms of doctrine and dogma to control access to God? For example, it is doubtful that one will be granted access to what those administering this form of Christianity believe to be the gateway by which to enter the Kingdom of God (namely Communion, the Lord's Supper, or the Eucharist) unless one consents to this denomination's particular peculiarities. As such, why shouldn't the United States be allowed to determine for itself by what criteria outsiders will be granted permission to enter here as well?
Radical Homeschooler Sides With Leftist Establishment Against Conservative Talk Radio In a discussion of the impact of talk radio upon the political process, home school activist Kevin Swanson suggested that the believer should be leery of the hosts such as Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, and Rush Limbaugh that are divorced. It was a wonder such a fanatic did lump in Laura Ingram or Monica Crowely for simply being female. There was no divine mandate from Heaven barring access to the airwaves or the First Amendment those than have been divorced. Mass communications is not an explicitly church office. And what about forgiveness? If these figures are to be banned from nonecclesiastical occupations on the basis of divorce, should the radical Christian Reconstructionists or Dominionists ever seize power, what is to prevent them from implementing a religious caste system similar to that found in Hindu India that would ban all but the most doctrinally rigorous from certain professions? In condemnation of talk radio that he categorized as secular, Kevin Swanson warned that hosts must be careful to obey the admonition of not mocking rulers or dignitaries.
But America, the authority is actually the Constitution; not the occupant of a particular office or even the office itself. So just how debauched can the offices be that we are obligated to respect? Must Hugh Heffner and Larry Flint be respected as the dignitaries of their respective firms (that being their respective businesses and not the assorted carnality they peddle)? Does this deferential respect also apply to the AntiChrist and False Prophet which are just as much offices as they are personalities? In condemnation of radio talk shows that might be considered more secular in that the programs do not constantly beat you over the head with direct Scriptural quotations in regards to every issue addressed, homeschool activist Kevin Swanson criticized the medium for the failure to emphasize that it might be God's sovereignty to turn the reigns of government over to the tyrannically reprobate. So does that mean when the jackboots come to ravish and debase the daughters of homeschoolers that the truly godly such as Pastor Swanson would encourage surrender to and applaud such defilement?
Would Hillary Remove Lady Justice's Blindfold? In a campaign commercial, Hillary Clinton assures the child of illegal aliens during a loving embrace not to worry about the disposition of her parents and to leave that to Hillary. Will similar gestures of comfort be extended to the distressed offspring of members of the Bundy Militia
or those whose parents have been financially ruined for failing to comply for reasons of conscience with gay marriage mandates? For is not violating immigration law as much a violation of the duly promulgated laws of the land as these politically incorrect causes?
Would Pope As Eagerly Welcome Immigrants Trashing The Vatican? In his tremendous consumption of fossil fuels and the expansion of his carbon footprint, Pope Francis appeared on the border between Mexico and the United States as part of a staged pity party on behalf of the swarms of illegals violating the sovereignty of American territory. He went as far as to insinuate that Donald Trump was not even a Christian.
Does this mean that the Pope will celebrate the conspicuous disrespect of Vatican property and decorum? Let's see if the Pontiff remains similarly broadminded if he is awakened in the middle of the night by raucous music and the uninvited wantonly urinating on the floor of St. Peter's Basilica.
Will “Peter's Dragon” Be Remade As Solemn Fantasy? “Pete's Dragon” is being remade. But from the trailer, it looks like this interpretation won't be a family musical. Instead, the narrative looks to be constructed as a serious fantasy. Just wait until “Mary Poppins” gets a similar treatment. No longer will the chimney sweeps be depicted as happy-go-lucky as they dance across the
rooftops of London. Most likely these laborers will be depicted as oppressed proletarians suffering a variety of chronic health problems. And forget about the tunes “A Spoonful Of Sugar” or “Feed The Birds”. Child nutrition and animal welfare activists will probably put an end to these beloved classics.
Trump No Less Pious Necessarily Than Average Christian In contemplation as to whether or not Donald Trump is a Christian, Pastor Sean Harris of Berean Baptist Church in a SermonAudio podcast alleged the presidential candidate has not produced any fruit testifying to such. As an example, this pastor did not offer any proof such as Trump enunciating an errant Christological profession or even the tycoon's shocking confession that he did not have any sins needing forgiveness. Rather, the criteria referenced by Harris included no proof of regular church attendance, lack of a spirit of generosity, and lack of fidelity to a single woman. How is charity being defined? By the tossing of money at a particular cause or organization with no expectation of anything in return?
By that definition, the financial oblation many believers place in the collection plate each week doesn't count either. For most are doing that for the purposes of curring favor with God or to workout some kind of arrangement between the taxman and/or the church leadership. Secondly, it must be admitted that Trump's conjugal relationships are less than ideal. However, unlike Bill Gothard, Josh Duggar, Jack Schaap, at least Trump seems to be attracted to woman over the age of consent or not beneath him on an organizational flowchart where the occupational statuses of the objects of his desire are not threaten if they spurn his advances.
Random Observations Pastor Jason Cooley in a SermonAudio homily counseled Christians celebrating Christmas that the holiday is not a hill to die on. Those insistent upon continuing to do so only look foolish. As opposed to what? That particular pastor's own brand of legalism elevating his own idiosyncrasies to the level of a clearly delineated dogma?
Emergent Church movement is the child of Fundamentalism because of the Fundamentalist movement's propensity towards compromise. However, it is also the result a wing of Fundamentalism to clamp down on things where there is no clear mandate provided by Scripture other than individual conscience.
In a SermonAudio oration on the myth of nonessential doctrine, Pastor Jason Cooley insisted that the
Often in their repeated emphasis about children being born inherently sinful and wicked, it would be helpful
if these particularly rigorous Reformed theologians would clarify that such a soteriological observation is not being invoked to justify the mistreatment of such unsuspecting youngsters. For from the manner and in the contexts in which this reminder is proffered one almost takes away the impression that the ones making such verbalizations would enjoy nothing more than beating a small child senseless for the smallest infraction in the eyes of some aging prune neurotically obsessed with finding as many faults as possible. What did Ben Carson think that other candidates and media pundits were going to speculate as he rushed back to Florida to do his laundry as the caucus process was reaching its crescendo? Makes you wonder how many times he pulled something similar in the operating room. More importantly, it also gives one pause to consider if he can handle the pressures of the Oval Office is a campaign where no lives are directly on the line causes near exhaustion or an emotional breakdown. Contrary to what was insinuated from a pulpit, there are dangers in the contemporary church other than a critical spirit. Isn't it an example of the critical spirit to be critical of the critical spirit? And perhaps most importantly, at times isn't what is viewed as a critical spirit actually discernment? In a sermon illustration, a pastor poked fun at a hypothetical parishioner that spotted the alleged shortcomings of others at the worship service such as immodest dress and signs of inebriation. But isn't that Christian merely applying that they have been indoctrinated regarding for years by the kind of pastor now spoofing such exercise of judgment. There is rarely any winning at this sort of thing if you are a mere pewfiller. On SermonAudio, a pastor remarked that a person ought to abide where God has placed us. In other words, one ought to simply obey and not question those invoking a higher status over and above you.
It was said in a SermonAudio podcast that most people like themselves too much in terms of self esteem. As proof of this out of control ego, the theologian presented the example that most people clothe and feed themselves. Are we supposed to sit passively and wait for the church consistory or deacon board to determine the privilege of what provisions with which we are to be bestowed? Towards the end of the Dec. 23, 2015 issue of Christian Century, readers are urged to click through to from the publication's website. By surfing that particular route, the Christian Century will earn a percentage of anything purchased. But isn't that part of the capitalism that the religious left any other time denigrates as systematic oppression and undermining face to face COMMUNITY exchange? Instructive, Donald Trump confessed that he is capable of transforming into anything that he needs to. Greta Van Sustern is celebrating her 3500th episode on Fox News. I remember back when her primary focus was serial killer of the week. In reference to Donald Trump, Marco Rubio hypothesized that, if a candidate despised by nearly fifty percent of the party wins the nomination, the Republicans will implode as they turn on one another. So why are Trump supporters obligated to betray their convictions and fall in line dutifully behind Rubio? Why shouldn't the Marcoists be the ones to stifle their dissent and relent to Trumpian preferences?Shouldn't there be greater outrage at President Obama speaking at a mosque with ties to Islamic terrorism/extremism than presidential candidates that spoke at Bob Jones University in the days when the school forbade interracial dating? Regarding the schools that are requiring students to telework during snow days. Are the schools going to pick up the tab for Internet access or tech support?
Will Evangelical Wimps Elevate Manners Over Survival? In justifying why it is acceptable to vote for Mitt Romney but not Donald Trump since it is likely that neither is a valid Christian, the pastoral staff of Berean Baptist Church in Fayetteville, North Carolina enunciated during a SermonAudio podcast an interesting array of verbal criteria to justify such an electoral decision.
For example, Romney is supposedly a much more pleasant individual more concerned about unity and bringing people together. Furthermore, it was clarified, even if his Mormon faith is in error, it is still sincerely held. So would these pastors have as much problem if people utilized a similar criteria in deciding what
church to attend or join? For example, sure, Brother Osteen has his glaring doctrinal deficiencies. But one cannot deny that he treats people a whole lot better than Touch Not The Unclean Thing
Hyperseperationist Baptist Church where Pator Knowitall yells at the top of his lungs about women wearing pants rather than dungaree skirts so long that they herd dustbunnies as the garment scrapes the floor.
Gideon Often Invoked To Bash Congregations In a sermon, Gideon was mocked for hiding in a wine press. What is so wrong with hiding from an adversary tactically superior in number to you prior to your receiving direct revelation from God regarding what to do about the situation. There is no winning with these kinds of ministers.
If Gideon had decided he had had enough and was going to slay any Mideonites coming in his direction, we would have been subjected to an endless number of homiletical expositions about vengeance being the Lord's and why Gideon was in error for failing to instead appeal for the intervention of the civil magistrate.
Fossilized Newshound Mocks Trump Voters As Elderly In condemnation of Donald Trump, Cal Thomas during a Chicago radio morning show interview castigated the assembled at the candidate's rallies as mostly old and mostly White. But can you really get much older or Whiter than Cal Thomas? By the standard appealed to by Thomas, was the widespread destruction of property in Baltimore and
Ferguson mitigated by the predominance of minority faces in the mob? Does Thomas now flagellate himself for the White privilege that has played a role in enabling him to become, as he bills himself, the nation's mostly widely syndicated columnist if such racial pandering has now become part of his stock and trade.
Elites More Concerned For Pampered Orcas Than Abused Families Bowing to threats by environmentalists and animal rights raconteurs, Sea World has announced an end to its killer whale breeding programs and ultimately theatrical performances involving these particular cetaceans. Given that for decades Sea World served as a front for the Aneheuser-Busch Corporation, does that mean that should the temperance lobby become sufficiently agitated, booze peddlers ought to cease the
distribution of noxious beverages despite a desire for them by a larger percentage of the population. Moral libertines will likely retort that, unlike orcas in captivity, no one is harmed as a result of intoxicating libations. Battered spouses, neglected children, and those mangled in a variety of automobile accidents might argue otherwise.
Hipster Nazarene Insists Daily Bathing Perpetuates Western Imperialism In a sermon, a Nazarene pastor condemned everyone as an oppressor. In a self-flagellating confession, the pastor admits he is guilty of this particular evil by taking showers everyday while the natives of an area of Africa to which he went on a short term missions expedition did not have the luxury of using water in such a carefree manner. And how is that the pastor's fault? Neither can the Africans probably afford airline travel halfway around the globe. However, that apparently did not prevent the pastor from engaging in such extraneous travel.
More importantly, did this pastor ever stop and think that these Africans are probably being denied the benefits of modern utilities such as an advanced sewer system as a result of the environmentalist organizations that such self-aware hipsters usually support insisting that the bushmen are more adorable in a state of perpetual primitivism? Furthermore, even if the White man was magnanimous enough to gift these savages with the latest water distribution technology, will these backward cultures be willing to maintain it or will they get too distracted by the overwhelming compulsion to slaughter the neighboring tribe?
Shoddy Theological Reflection Surrounds & Penetrates National Prayer Breakfast In an examination of President Obama's 2015 National Prayer Breakfast remarks comparing recent Islamic violence with that committed by Christian's centuries ago, homeschool activist Kevin Swanson observed that both Islam and Roman Catholicism have both made the error of being faiths inordinately concerned with power and its accumulation. And Swanson's own theological persuasion of Calvinism has been immune from this particular temptation? Servetus might insist otherwise. Swanson, ministering with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, would no doubt likely align himself with Christian Reconstructionism or a Postmillennialism that insist that a feckless Christ is not able to return until optimal sociopolitical conditions are achieved. So apart from power (the ability to make people do that which they would not
otherwise often under threat of violence or actual violence), how does Swanson intend to implement his sect's particular peculiarities? In a recitation of his sins at the National Prayer Breakfast, NASCAR personality Darrell Waltrip enumerated among these transgressions being aloof. Aloof is defined as being emotionally distant, reserved, or unwilling to take part in things. This might be an era where one of the primary modalities of Christian fellowship consists of regurgitating the contents of one's inner being for group condemnation on a level just below that of what would take place in a Marxist prisoner of war camp. However, so long as you politely nod to those greeting you as you saunter through the church narthex Sunday morning, I've yet to find a Scripture condemning those that primarily stay to themselves.
Narcissism Or Aversion To Communalism? The cover of the 5/20/2013 edition of Time Magazine reads, “Millennials are lazy, entitled narcissists who still live with their parents. Lazy and entitled narcissists might be reason for moral concern and reflection, but on what grounds is it the business of the wider society as to whether or not individuals live with their parents? In regards to such an issue, Scripture is largely silent with individuals of regard and esteem living in a variety of ways in relation to their respective parents. It seems Isaac remained at home until his 40's. Some have speculated that the Virgin Mary might have been as young as 15 or 16 before having the Christ child
and fully becoming the wife of Joseph It might be that the demographic targeted by this intended smear might skew a little “too White” to be extended a number of the privileges other such categories. When was the last time a major news weekly (if it hadn't already ceased print publication) published a cover story criticizing welfare recipients (especially minorities) for being “lazy and entitled narcissists”? Yet many of those not only incessantly suckle off the public teat but also grumble indignantly nearly to the point of threatened uprising if what flows through the civic nipple grows increasingly sparse or diluted in
their opinion. Just what is being categorized as “entitled”? Does this include things such as Obama phones and the cancellation of student loans after 20 years irrespective of whether or not those willingly assenting to such debt are anywhere near to fulfilling this financial obligation? Is “entitled” apparently preferring to live in the comforts of the home they have known their entire lives rather than in cramped, roach-infested apartments filled interestingly with the kinds of “entitled” folks good liberals such as the editors of Time Magazine lack the spine to criticize? Young adults born into American families (especially of a Caucasian phenotype) apparently deserve condemnation should they decide for whatever reason to stay with their parents beyond the time upheld as standard ironically by those the most insistent that standards do not exist. Yet these very same radical relativists heaping condemnation upon typical American young adults living at home with their parents turn around saying how wonderfully family-oriented it is when nearly a dozen immigrants pack themselves into domiciles that begin to feel cramped with four people residing in them. Granted, self-absorption can be taken to extremes. Lindsay Lohan, numerous members of the Kenendy clan, or the British royal family clearly attest to this truth. However, given what is known about the kind of liberal mindset predominant at the highest echelons of American journalism as typified by Time Magazine, the discerning should probably read a little between the lines. If an individual is residing with their parents, it can inoculate them to an extent against a number of social or mental pathologies that many liberals and secularists applaud as the “New Morality”, which isn't quite so new anymore. Such allegedly cutting edge ethical reflection is beginning to sag in many places like the aging hippies that thrust their decadence into the face of American popular culture and public awareness. For example, sin can take root in any of our lives in the dark corners that we would least expect. However, the young adult living with parents that expect those living under their roof to abide by what would be considered a broadly traditional morality will probably have to work a lot harder at things such as boozing and generalized carousing if those are the deepest longings of one's heart beyond those brief
temptations that plague us all in weak moments. In the collectivist mindset serving as the foundation of contemporary liberalism, “narcissistic” does not necessarily mean a propensity to wallow in the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life as warned in Scripture. To many of those that would like to see American society revolutionized away from an ethos of responsible individualism and single family orientation to something more group oriented, narcissistic can mean nothing more than tending primarily to the concerns of one's own household, looking to one's own abilities and resources to make it through the struggles of life, and expecting that all but the extremely disabled or the aged that have paid into the system ought to do the same for themselves This is evidenced in the numerous graduation exhortations delivered on the part of the Obamas. In these orations, the President and his consort admonish the students not to pursue private sector careers marked primarily by what they consider the material comforts that accrue as a result of success and achievement in that particular sector of human endeavor. Instead, those persuaded to embrace President Obama's vision of the good life will give themselves over to what is considered the public sector such as government and forms of the nonprofit activism fomenting revolutionary upheaval such as community organizing. However, it is through the overwhelming majority of businesses that exchange a good or a service for financial profit that most needs and desires are met. As John Stossel pointed out in a documentary on the subject, though her motivation may have been nobler, corporations such as Walmart and Microsoft have actually done more to elevate the material status and quality of life of a greater number than Mother Terresa ever did. To those of the Obamaist mindset, the ideal place for young adults is not laboring to establish the foundations of their future by either getting their own place or by residing with their parents and saving for the day when they will be on their own by purchasing their own home or inheriting one upon the passing of their parents. Rather, the totalist progressive would like nothing more than to see these organic sociologically processes disrupted by altering whatever trajectory the productive young adult might find their life headed by conscripting them into some form of involuntary servitude. The minds of most are set to a default to conceptualize of that as some form of military service. As such, many are programmed to respond, “And
what is so wrong with that?� Nothing in a time of actual declared war where the very survival of the nation is on the line. However, contrary to the hypothesis put forth by luminaries such as historian Stephen Ambrose and, to an extent, even William F. Buckley, the military during peace time does not exist to ensure that everyone sings from the same songbook. During such periods in American history, the nation is better served by a force of volunteers that have decided to pursue military service as a life's calling or only for a short season. That way the number is sufficient so that the country is protected but not so large that the interests of the military threaten the well being of civilian institutions. However, when liberals such as President Obama extol the glories of compulsory voluntary service, those tasks within the narrowly defined parameters of the military are the last such orators are calling for the completion of. What these elites have in mind are
more akin to the police state functions undertaken by the infamous totalitarian regimes of the early decades of the twentieth century. For example, as he was laying the groundwork for his regime, Barack Obama announced his vision for a civilian security force as large as the military and capable of intruding into areas of your life where the traditional military would never dream of intruding. Michelle Obama reiterated that, under Barack, we would not be allowed to return to our lives as we had previously known them. Though abandoning or altering a number of fundamental worldview assumptions regarding the nature of work and the relationship of the individual to the overall economy, communalist elites are able to manipulate the unsuspecting into viewing the most basic and innocent of activities as acts surpassing the most vile acts of debauchery in terms of overall subversion.
Random Observations It is being asked would it be appropriate for Melanie Trump to be First Lady despite her past of questionable photo spreads in which she appeared particularly immodest. While worthy of criticism, seems this is less offensive than the depravity alleged to take place at Bohemian Grove, John Kennedy defiling staff members in the White House pool, or Bill Clinton getting a blow job from underneath the desk in the Oval Office. Apparently these kinds of acts don't disqualify an individual from a position of high honor but whether or not polaroids commemorating such instances apparently do. Hillary Clinton insists that, instead of building walls, the nation needs to tear down barriers. Should she be elected, will a priority of her administration be the elimination of the assorted barriers and traffic obstructions erected throughout Washington, DC in the name of the pervasive national security state? The same filthy beatniks jacked out of shape over Donald Trump tweeting a Mussolini quotation probably regularly peruse Mao's Little Red Book while wearing their cruddy Che t-shirts. If Donald Trump is expected to repudiate the endorsement of controversialist of David Duke, is Bernie Sanders expected to repudiate himself for being an avowed socialist? Did President Obama
repudiate the endorsement he received from the Communist Party, USA? In a podcast rant posted at SermonAudio, Jason Cooley insisted that Internet ministry does not count as a church. Given that his is a ministry that claims it holds to no position that cannot be backed up by the warrant of divine revelation, from what passage is this prohibition derives? If the Cooleyites want to contend that the only valid churches are those operating from the sanction of historically authorized churches to the extent that any good works done as a result of unauthorized Internet will be burned up on the Day of Judgment like hay and stubble, does Pastor Cooley intend to bring his church and ministry under the direct control of the Vatican? In his condemnation of Internet ministries, Pastor Jason Cooley in a SermonAudio podcast (itself an Internet ministry) insisted that, if you as a mere pewfilling Christian have a question or a problem, you are obligated to seek the answers from sanctioned Christian authorities rather than dare to research the concern on your own over the Internet. Don't the acolytes of the Watchtower (the weirdos that just happen to know to knock on the door Saturday mornings when you are either sitting on the can or romping in the sack with your spouse) make nearly the same threat to those ensnared by that particular
variety of spiritual deception? And who is one to turn to if the power structure of your particular church is what is giving you troubles or raising your doubts? Wouldn't that particular chain of command be insufficiently removed from the situation in order to render impartial counsel? The podcast Standing For The Truth posted an episode pondering the role played by sports in the life of the believer. In Wisconsin from where the program originates, it was noted that, on the days of Green Bay Packer games, churches offering two services would have a higher attendance at the earlier. So long as folks showed up that week, does it really matter at what time they attended? The Pentagon insists that parents and schools must cut junk food so that the armed services can muster a sufficient number of recruits. And what if parents refuse to comply? The American people don't breed children for the greater glory of the Fatherland. Mitt Romney emphasized that Donald Trump did not build his own business but instead inherited his fortune. That's what we call an example of the dye job calling the toupee black. House Speaker Paul Ryan forcefully condemned the supposed endorsement of Donald Trump by alleged White supremacists such as David Duke. Was the Speaker as emphatic in his repudiation of past remarks by Jeb Bush insisting that the wanton violation of America's borders was an act of love and that the racially mixed are superior to those whose parents procreated with those of their own breed. A pastor remarked that accumulating facts about the Bible is not learning. He insisted that one can only learn by doing. Does that mean one cannot learn about what the Israelites endured to take the Holy Land from the indigenous pagans unless one goes out and kills a few? The cover story of an issue of the Nation magazine boldly warns “Donald Trump Is Dangerous”. And Barack Obama was not in his threats to fundamentally transform America? At least Trump wants to make America great again and not essentially destroy everything that we know and love. Was this propaganda outlet as blunt and forthright in regards to the Occupy Movement and Black Lives Matter? As shocking as some of Donald Trumps outbursts are, I don't believe that there have been reports of Trump
supporters defecating on the sides of police cruisers or (perhaps even more interesting) looting the same wig shop on multiple occasions. A number of celebrities are threatening to leave if Donald Trump is elected. But isn't that an incentive to actually vote for the mouthy mogul? Cogitating upon what might transpire if Trump is denied the Republican nomination at a brokered convention, Clinton flak Paul Begala fretted on CNN that violence might erupt. For unlike Democrats, these activists are supposedly armed. And what about in cities such as Baltimore, Oakland, or Ferguson that are Democratic strongholds were welfare leeches and their subversive handlers rampaged in the streets and laid waste to private property in the path of looting mobs? Father Jonathan Morris in a Fox News interview remarked how he thinks churches are better off without armed security. Does this Roman Catholic intend to call upon the Pope to disband the Swiss Guard (often toting submachine guns) as a display of the Pontiff's reliance upon divine protection? According to an article titled “Biobots, Roll Out” published in the April 2016 issue of Discover Magazine, scientists are attaching an assortment of wires and WiFi receptors to insects such as moths and roaches for the purposes of controlling these creatures for an assortment of surveillance and intelligence missions. Perhaps an even more important question to ask is what to prevent this from being done to human beings? In his condemnation of Internet ministry, Pastor Jason Cooley insisted that such efforts are undertaken from the perspective of despising the local church. Maybe so in certain cases. But can't it also be done to protect the flock from those imposing their own idiosyncrasies on others as if such preferences were revealed doctrine? On International WOMMMMENNNN's Day (said with political incorrect intonation and syllabic emphasis) wonder how many will have the guts to point out that the majority misery celebrated during this festive occasion is the fault of radical Islam. Isn't insisting Donald Trump's own rhetoric is at fault for the near riot breaking out in Chicago akin to blaming a scantily clad woman that she got raped?
Too bad the leftist media is not as outraged by the "Knock Out Game" perpetuated by ghetto youth usually upon unsuspecting Whites as they are about the few punches thrown at Donald Trump events. So I guess if Marco Rubio has his way not only should protesters be allowed to disrupt candidate events but they should be thanked by lavishing such human detritus with increased welfare handouts. Apparently CHIPs is to be remade as an action/comedy. If the series was considered a serious police procedural in the 70s, shouldn't the source material be similarly respected today? If Hillary is so against "bullies", wonder if she has anything to say about what her husband and Butch Reno did to the Branch Davidians. Rubio says conservatism cannot be about anger and division. But aren't there things you are supposed to be angry about and not want to be a part of? If you disrupt any candidate's rally beyond asking a question during the designated question and answer period, why shouldn't you expect the possibility of being whacked by a billy club? Sally Fields admits she did not like the film “The Amazing Spider-Man”. She should be assured that, regarding certain aspects, that feeling is mutual. Her depiction had to have been the worst casting and portrayal of Aunt May in the history of the character. So why is Lindsay Graham's remarks regarding violence being done to Ted Cruz more acceptable to milksop Republicans than Donald Trump wanting to bop a protesting Beatnik? If Jorge Ramos is so concerned about "hatred" on the part of Trump, does that propagandist ever condemn La Raza (an Hispanosupremacist hatre group)? Donald Trump is blamed for the disturbances that erupt in response to his rallies. Applying similar logic, is Belgium at fault for the terrorist attack because authorities there arrested a jihadist in connection to the attack on Paris? It is exclaimed that, without a brokered Republican convention, we would not have not had President Lincoln. You either think he was the greatest president of them all or the spawn of the Devil himself. However, one has to admit that that phase of
American history wasn't exactly the most enjoyable that this nation has ever endured. Hilary Clinton insisted that America needs a president to defend the country and not embarrass it. This from a woman whose husband got a blow job from an intern beneath the desk in the Oval Office. Some will respond that Hillary should be considered on her own merits. Fair enough. Are we to consider her drunken bar hopping in Columbia the pinnacle of American foreign policy? If Panerra Bread is now emphasizing in an advertising campaign that their food is clean, the concerned consumer really needs to ask how many times have these victuals been dropped on the floor. A commercial mentioned that there are something like 28 flavors of Poptarts. Yet when goes to a supermarket, there is usually only one or two kinds there on the shelf. In a sermon, prosperity minster Chuck Pierce confessed that “Tomorrow booty is coming to my house.” Does he mean as in wealth or something else? Given the number of sex scandals that plague churches these days, it can never hurt to ask or clarification. If WOMENNNNN (the term said with its politically correct intonations) are so dimwitted that they should not be held responsible for the decision to slaughter their unborn children, why should such WOMENNNNN be trusted with the right to vote? If women that have had abortions should not be charged because the act was not criminal at the time the act was committed, neither should specific Germans be held accountable for what they did at the time of the Holocaust because those deeds were also legal under German law. Some might respond how there is a natural law transcending temporal statutory law. If you are unwilling to apply that in the case of the unborn and the mother, you still do not fully embrace the idea of the unborn being a fully alive human. Albert Mohler, on an episode of his Daily Briefing, said that the guilty party in a abortion is the one actually taking the life of the unborn child and not the woman seeking it. Extrapolating from such logic, the best way for a man to get rid of a wife he no longer desires is to contract with an underworld hitman. That way, only the mercenary gangster would be guilty of
murder. If women that have had abortions shouldn't be punished, neither should men negligent in paying their child support. At least in the case of such fathers, the children are still alive and not shishcabobbed. If preachers are going to raise a fuss about folks coming to worship service but not Sunday school, they shouldn't be surprised when these targets of their articulated ire eventually drop the worship service as well. Geraldo is still tossing a hissy that Ted Cruz's remarks concerning New York values are a veiled form of antiSemitism. So apparently it is not enough that we must allow establishmentarian elites to destroy the culture. We are also not allowed to say anything about it either. And are we to assume that those dwelling in New York City articulate nothing but positive support in regards to rural Christians? During episodes of the drama Quantico, isn't it racist
for the Indian gal to advertise “The Jungle Book”? If color doesn't matter and we aren't to notice it under threats of ostracism, why not yet the blond chick so pale that it looks like she's never seen the sun introduce the commercial? The radicals jacked out of shape at Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson for praying as he felt led by the Holy Spirit at the NASCAR race he sponsored out of his own pocket are the same ones all in favor of biological men urinating in the same restroom at the same time as your underage daughter. Yahoo featured a link to a Huffington Post article titled “5 Resasons I Hate Religious Christianity”. Will this be one of a series of articles to include similar titles such as “5 Reasons To Hate Observant Judaism”, “5 Reasons To Hate Devout Islam”, and “5 Reasons To Hate Practicing Homosexuals”? The African American Museum in Washington, DC frankly looks like the Jawa sandcrawler in Star Wars.
Reformed Theologian Downplays Total Depravity In Pluralism's Name On an episode of Issues Etc, Dr. Michael Horton condemned the Donald Trump campaign on the grounds that no candidate should run for the presidency on the basis of fear and for promoting a mindset of Us vs. Them in terms of “opposing the Other”. Dr. Horton positions himself as standing in the camp of rigorous Reformed theology. Reformed theology promotes itself as approaching the world as it actually exists rather than how fallen humanity would like it to be. As such, aren't there many things in a world
permeated by sin that we need to protect ourselves from or (to put it in other words) be afraid of? Furthermore, it could be argued that, apart from biological racialism since you can't change skin color (no matter how hard Michael Jackson might have tried), Reformed theology has got to be the ultimate form of Us vs. Them thinking. For no matter how much effort one might put into the attempt to persuade someone to repent and turn to Christ, it is ultimately God alone who selects from eternity past those that will be with Him in Heaven and those that He will allow to slip into Hell.
Ostentatious Ecclesiastical Potentate Condemns Self-Centered Displays In an oration before the National Press Club, head Episcopal Bishop Michael Curry denounced individualism as a kind of golden calf. However, this was euphemistic praise of collectivism and an assault against economic liberty. For in this tirade against consumerism, the free market, and individual rights, it seems nary a word was articulate against some of the ultimate forms of self-centeredness such as gay marriage and abortion on demand.
Bishop Curry warned that selfishness is such a blight that, left unchecked, it could apparently destroy the planet. Yet apparently he himself has not yet evolved into a perfected communal state. For this ecclesiastical hierarch has not yet announced that he will forgo the extensive travel characteristic of his position if the church is to emphasize the perspective that certain persons are no more distinctive than any other.
Why Isn't Pawnstars Celebrity Kicked Off The Airwaves? Chumlee of History Channel's “Pawnstars” has been arrested in connection with a number of sexual assault, firearms, and controlled substance violations. As such, shouldn't the series he is a cast member of have been yanked from the programming rotation by now? After all, Dog the Bounty Hunter, Duck Dynasty,
and Paula Deen were tossed off television for a period for mere verbal formulations that in no way violated any duly authorized statute. The Dukes Of Hazard was banished from television entirely with the majority of its cast either now dead or living in post-celebrity obscurity.
Hardline Baptist Denounces The Universal Invisible Church In a SermonAudio podcast, Pastor Jason Cooley categorized the universal invisible church as a dangerous heresy. For apparently the believer is much more edified and protected by being conditioned to believe that the only acceptable Christians free from error in the eyes of God are a minuscule percentage of Baptists and that, no matter how bad a particular congregation one might find oneself trapped in in terms of belittlement or even abuse, one ought not want to escape for fear of being cast out into uttermost darkness. In his condemnation of the concept of the universal invisible church, Pastor Jason Cooley insisted that the doctrine was Catholic and Protestant but not Baptist. As someone that positions himself in the camp of Sola Scriptura, shouldn't he instead concern himself as to whether or not a doctrine is instead Biblical or Christian? For the Baptist church is nowhere explicitly referenced by name in the pages of divine revelation just as in the case of that form of ecclesiology's
Protestant or Catholic counterparts. In expounding on the superiority of the physicalized church over the universal invisible church as manifested in the form of Internet ministries, Pastor Jason Cooley insisted that, unlike Internet ministries which are accountable to no one, in the context of a local church such as his own that he would be required to answer to the men of his church if he got out of line in terms of deed or doctrine. Maybe so in terms of theory. However, in a church such as his own, as characterized by his SermonAudio podcasts, where those that disagree with him on secondary matters of opinion are dealt with by shouting down and verbalized ridicule, would a man that was not in jackbooted lockstep with this pastor be granted a position of authority or even allowed to accrue any influence before being kicked out? For in these kinds of churches, most are usually manipulated into being afraid of the pastor.
Didn't Pious Ideologues Lay Foundation Of Trumpism? Syndicated Columnist Cal Thomas has published a commentary critical of presidential candidate Donald Trump titled “The itching ears of Trump fans”. In the piece, Thomas astutely points out where the billionaire's bold promises often lack specifics as to how the proposals could be implemented in a way that would minimize the disruption from an uncooperative opposition as epitomized by the Occupy movement and BlackLivesMatter not above the use of what most Americans would categorize as violence in the attempt to sway public opinion and policy. But did not Thomas himself play a part in paving the way for the ascent of Trumpism? In Blinded By Might, Cal Thomas admonished how the truly devout ought to dichotomize their worldviews to separate what constitutes spirituality
from what constitutes competent political leadership or governance. Now that droves of Evangelicals and Roman Catholics have flocked to a candidate that might not abide by Biblical behavioral norms in his personal life but who not only speaks bluntly about the nation's problems but in a manner that does not act like everything wrong in the world is America's fault, theologians and even conservative pundits that set this ball in motion nearly twenty years ago stand gapping in dumbfounded amazement. In his commentary, Thomas levels condemnation at Donald Trump for speaking out of both sides of his mouth. But isn't Thomas a bit guilty of this himself? In referencing the cruel things Trump's disturbingly
fanatic supporters have called Thomas, the witty correspondent confesses being called “old” probably hurt worse than even being called a sack of excrement. But of that particular verbal put down, Thomas writes, “Remember when age used to go with wisdom unless proven otherwise?” Yet any other time in his desire to gain the favor of the media elite, Thomas has mocked both Tea Party
gatherings and Trump rallies for being composed primarily of elderly White faces. But one cannot get much more elderly and White than Cal Thomas. Does he intend to consistently live by the principles he now professes by surrendering the place he does occupy in the media or the no doubt hefty check he receives for doing so?
Indians Wanting White Man's Handouts Should Abide By White Man's Laws On National Geographic's “The Boonies”, it was pointed out that only American Indians are allowed to fish with gill nets on Lake Michigan. If this is a concession to preserving an ancient culture, why is it allowed to take place from a motorized watercraft designed by the White man?
Such technologies were not part of an alleged way of life stretching back centuries. Are Indians so dimwitted that they are not capable of learning how to fish with other techniques? So apparently color of skin ought to be taken into consideration when law is applied after all.
Baptist Church Opposed To Old Glory Has Pro Wrestler Address Student Body On its SermonAudio page, Berean Baptist Church of Fayetteville, North Carolina uploaded a discussion on the use of social media facilitated by professional wrestler Brad Cain. Admittedly, I have enjoyed professional wrestling from time to time over the course of my life and don't really know much about this individual. But it must be pointed out that any other time this church is so wrapped up in practicing its religion 24/7 that the leadership denounces Christians that enunciate a strong devotion to or respect for the American flag. But apparently it is acceptable to watch professional wrestling. Just don't root for Sgt. Slaughter or Hacksaw Jim Duggan while doing so. Both SermonAudio and Berean Baptist Church seem to have little problem with promoting a doctrinal schizophrenia
For example, in his remarks, Brad Cain announced his own practice of “social media free Sundays” as if such a custom made him holier than thou. Yet according to his Wikipedia entry, Cain has played a homosexual as part of his ringside persona. One would think that would upset God a bit more than if you check Facebook. Elsewhere on the SermonAudio website, there are diatribes passing as Biblical exegesis insinuating that your daughter will possibly become a lesbian if she enjoys Little House On The Prairie or the town tramp if she is allowed to leave the house in pursuit of a college education or even premarital employment. If the response is that ministries enjoy the discretion and Christian liberty to upload from a wide range of perspectives, just say something positive about Catholicism even if you don't agree with that system in its entirety and see how long your account remains active on the site.
Science Fiction Fandom As Ripe Missions Field An episode of Generations Radio addressed the topic of “Why Science Fiction Authors Tend To Be Atheists”. For one thing, Christian youth that might have skill in that genre are not often encouraged by their private school educators to pursue opportunities in such areas.
About the only vocational guidance they are given regards the foreign mission field. That is fine and dandy that there is concern for the Pygmies and Hottentots. But what about outreach to Americans through their own cultural idiom for a change?
Trump Critics Often Fail To Understand World As It Actually Exists The title of the cover story of the 3/5/16 issue of the Spectator is “America Turns Nasty: The Rise Of Trump & The Souring Of A Superpower�. The title is accompanied with a caricature of Donald Trump dressed as the Statue of Liberty. But instead of lifting aloft the famous torch, Trump is instead thrusting the most expressive of digits erect into the air. To clarify for those feigning a sense of shocked innocence, that is of course a reference to the middle finger. Interesting it is America in general and Trump supporters in particular that are blamed for turning nasty and sour. Apparently the title is a reference to the spreading sense of irritation experienced on the part an increasing number of Americans fed up with having to take responsibility for the expanding number of deadbeats and human detritus in the world. Donald Trump has indeed verbalized a few things that could have gone unsaid such as remarks directed towards Carli Fiornia, John McCain, and Hedi Cruz. However, many of his other quips were actually quite measured in terms of the domestic and international developments that provoked them. For example, many were no doubt shocked when Trump suggested banning Muslims from entering the United States. His proposal could have perhaps been worded more artfully as banning admission of migrants and travelers from countries either known for supporting terrorists or unsuccessfully interdicting such violent nihilists within their respective borders. Such a rhetorical miscalculation is still not as nasty as flying hijacked jetliners into prominent landmarks. Nor are Trump's remarks as nasty as slaughtering an unsuspecting member of the military along the side of the road and making a broadcast pronouncement regarding such an atrocity while still soaked in the victim's blood. Others are even more outraged at Trump's proposal to build a wall across the border with Mexico for the purposes of curtailing the riffraff compromising the territorial and demographic integrity of the United States. But shouldn't even greater outrage be directed towards incidents such as the case of one particular illegal alien that was released as a result of an alleged bureaucratic mix up that is now accused of a murder spree as a serial killer? Those whose brains are so wired to crave social
acceptance and approval over the innate survival instinct will moan that such crimes are committed by only a minuscule percentage of unauthorized transborder migrants. Supposedly most aren't all that different than any other human being simply striving and struggling to make their way through life. That is irrelevant. If you are awakened in the middle of the night by someone rummaging through your refrigerator that you did not give permission to be there, should such intruders be allowed to remain if they are otherwise nice people? In such instances, is it also somehow immoral if you decide to have someone kicked off the premises because at one time you did not use to own the house? A number of uterosupremacists are outraged over a number of remarks made by Donald Trump pertaining to WOMMMMENNN (spelled that way in phonetic solidarity with the way in which prominent activists seem to pronounce the term). But if you are outraged over the things Trump has said in regards to a particular segment of the population no one is allowed to criticize or contradict just because their particular genetic architecture is built upon two X chromosomes, by default aren't you obligated to support the broad principles of Trumpian realist foreign policy? For example, Donald Trump has been condemned for categorizing Islamists and radical Muslims as being bad. How can such a political and religious movement be categorized as anything but such when contemplating its prospects and intentions for WOMMMENNN (as well as men while we are at it)? For example, perhaps those obsessed with mammography as about the only form of cancer detection elevated to the level of a civil sacrament ought to be reminded that, in certain ISIS-controlled territories, women have had their breasts hacked off by these ghoulish demoniacs for the offense of not belonging to the regime's sanctioned religion. At times, the verbal formulations of Donald Trump are a bit gruff and over the top. However, the United States has not faired so well as of late under the leadership of those that elevate ostentatious manners over prosperity and even survival in a world where those gaining the upper hand often don't care so much about what fork to eat the salad with as they do about the rusty knife they intend to use for the severing of heads.
Anti-American Rhetoric Pervades Even Conservative Denominations On an episode of Issues Etc. examining pop culture apocalypticism, Lutheran Minister Jonathan Fiske admonished that believers need to get away from an American Republican view of Christianity that we are meant to live a good life here and now to a ripe old age after which we go on to our eternal reward in Heaven. Interesting how the default term to denigrate these days out of the mouths of so many professional relgionists is “America”. Furthermore, is his enunciation of the term “Republican” also invoked to besmirch the ideological proclivity of those assembling under the banner of the GOP to believe that the path towards the broadest swath of prosperity for the greatest number is to be found in individuals for the most part left alone to pursue their own well being, dreams and callings? Does Rev. Fiske intend to cast as much aspersion upon an American Democratic view of Christianity that instead sees the path to a society approaching something akin to justice as one where the individual is nothing more than a cog in whatever group one happens to be a part of for the purposes of the government dispersing its largess to favored demographics and constituencies? Furthermore, is the desire to maximize pleasure and evade misery necessarily a distinctively American characteristic?
Or is it that America through the blessings of the Almighty has been more successful than most regimes in achieving this most desirable yet elusive state of affairs? For one will find that the average Third Worlder (unless brainwashed by the likes of fanatic Islam) is usually as averse to pain as most Westerners. It is just that their respective society has not been as successful in alleviating these vicissitudes. Often those given towards ostentatious verbalized declarations of their own piety articulate a willingness to welcome increased suffering. However, was it not the God such souls claim as their primary loyalty the one that imbued part of His creation with that mysterious quality known as life along with a desire to see that distinct gift continued for as long as possible? Though it may be ended as a result of a wide variety of intervening contingencies, if the believer strives to live by these principles God has established in the social sphere, won't the odds be in your favor for a life characterized by a bit less trouble? After all, does not Scripture urge one to honor your mother and father so that your days upon the Earth might be long? That text even admits it is a Scripture that dangles before the hearer a carrot in order to encourage compliance.
Random Observations In a homily posted at SermonAudio, Pastor Sean Harris remarked that he did not understand how their could be a percentage of believers in his Baptist church that were not in a hurry to be baptized. Upon hearing that, if in the South as his church is, one ought to go find an independent-type Methodist church and instead get baptized via pouring or sprinkling. See, I am encouraging baptism and even church membership. If Republican elites such as the Bushes and the Romneys are remaining aloof from the convention over differences of policy and procedure regarding a particular likely nominee, why are the rest of us obligated to lavish the party machinery with our time and treasure when the moneyed secret societies instead have their way in the selection of a candidate. The cover story of an issue of New York Magazine warns never has our democracy been so ripe for
tyranny. Interesting how the establishmentarian media failed to raise this valid warning when they were celebrating erection of Greek temple facades and the suggestion that all of history should be reckoned in relation to Obama for him accomplishing little more than popping out of his mother half Black. Russell Moore accused Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton of representing the moral sewage of reality TV. Does he intend to enunciate similar condemnation of C.J. Mahaney for allegedly covering up child abuse and for pastoring churches that attempted to micromanage the lives of the congregants? A Yahoo headline lamented, “Fears Of Trump Drive Immigrants To Become Citizens”. In other words, migrants should continue to reside here without declaring loyalty if we are to view an impetus for such people to become citizens as negative.
Hillary Clinton insists gun violence often occurs in areas damaged by pervasive racism. In other words, it's Whitey's fault when Tyrone gunsdown Shalonqueesha. Not drafting women is not about protecting women. Their lives are no more valuable then men's. It's actually about protecting the lives of the men that would end having to pick up the slack in combat situations. Even if exempted from combat situations, is there some reason women can't be compelled to render some form of involuntary servitude? They certainly don't mind living the confines of the home to labor elsewhere these days and do not making breeding for the glory of the state their foremost priority During the Obama regime, businesses and schools have been forced to alter their patterns of operation to placate the purveyors of perversion. How much longer until this tyrant or his successor attempts to dictate the doctrine taught inside the church in America as transpires especially in European countries. What a hypocrite. The town newspaper published an article about a local Baptist pastor that did his doctoral research how the COMMUNITY has become more diverse and less White. Even prior to the publication of this municipal propaganda, he resigned his position from this particular church to pursue a ministry opportunity in Canada, probably the Whitest country in North America. Senator John Thune has issued a letter demanding that Facebook respond to allegations that the social network's administrators suppress trending conservative news. As disturbing and outrageous as that happens to be, doesn't it pale in comparison to an official of the U.S. Government making threats against a private organization? For what is to prevent similar arm twisting against conservatives or the religiously motivated that also present information to favor their own particular worldview or agenda? The rumored antagonist of the proposed Justice League film is Steppenwolf, one of Darkseid's generals. Isn't this character a little obscure to catch the attention of the general viewing public? Even I barely care. He had better be featured for the purposes of readying for Darkseid's arrival or this is going to flop.
In a graduation oration, President Obama contemptuously mocked what he categorized as an endless wall to keep out immigrants. Will he as enthusiastically oppose the proposed increase in the height of the fence surrounding the White House? Responding to protests on the part of Sanders' supporters following the theft of the Nevada caucus, Democratic Party Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz demanded civility on the part of the offended and outraged. Would she have called for such if instead the agitated consisted of a BlackLivesMatter mob looting businesses and burning private property to the ground? A pastor lamented that in his neighborhood visitation, a number did not open the door when it was knocked upon but later noticed that the material was taken inside. Firstly, the occupant is under no obligation to open the door. Secondly, is this pastor as receptive to operatives of the Watchtower that come knocking on his door? It was remarked in a sermon that often the ones smiling in a crowd are Christian. And the Scripture backing this up? Maybe some people just aren't the type to smile with little provocation. To paraphrase C.S. Lewis, if you don't think a particular believer's expression is sufficiently joyous or Christian, just think how much sadder they'd look if they didn't know Jesus. In a sermon, Joel Osteen insisted that God does not want prayers about our illnesses. He prefers prayers about our dreams in terms of our most intense desires and aspirations. But if your sickness is of a sufficient duration or intensity, aren't most of your dreams focused upon your health being restored? A Washington area TV station is to broadcast an expose on bartenders selling booze to pregnant women. Firstly, is it against the law to sell this legal product to women over the minimum drinking age in such a reproductive state? Secondly, is it not her body to do with as she pleases? If not, why does that principle apply in an abortion clinic rather than a bar? For the unborn baby has more of a likelihood of surviving the experience at the bar rather than the abortion clinic. Shrieking banshees known as feminists are now on a rampage about the pink alternative of certain products costing more than the version marketed towards men.
Do these equality activists also intend to advocate for the reduction of male auto insurance rates or the abolition of government handouts intended to advantage female enterprises and businesses? It was warned on Generations Radio that our weekday idols take away from Sunday worship. But what about the danger of elevating the Sunday experience to a place where it is assumed that God can only be worshiped through the trappings and mechanics of formalized religious gatherings? Fascinating how President Obama praises the entrepreneurs of the Communist dictatorship of Vietnam but lectures those of the United States regarding their endeavors “you didn't build this”. On WMAL, it was remarked that selecting Martin O'Malley to run the Democratic National Committee would be a step backwards in terms of diversity. In other words, the former Maryland Governor is too White, possesses a penis, and that particular appendage is aroused most likely by women rather than other men. Groveling on the world stage regarding the bombing of Hiroshima, President Obama admonished that the world needs to move beyond the fear that makes nuclear weapons necessary and instead embrace a posture of disarmament. But would he be so courageous if not guaranteed a place in the civil defense facilities designed to protect the planetary elites during an atomic crisis? This has got to be the most mindless thing I've ever heard from a pulpit. It was suggested that one ought to drive around a neighborhood not so much handing out flyers regarding vacation Bible school but offering to drive children there. Try explaining this when the police are called about some weirdo asking kids to get in their car. If these are primarily immigrant children, if the parents can find their way deep into the United States far from any border, am sure they can find their way to a church in the neighborhood on their own. In an analysis of “Captain America: Civil War”, homeschool activist Kevin Swanson condemned super heroes for saving people from threats the podcaster categorizes as superficial. But a movie is not a systematic theology. Taking this reasoning to its logical conclusion, should firefighters be condemned
for pulling people from burning buildings instead of preaching from the periphery about the eternality of Hellfire? During a PBS town hall, President Obama lamented the demise of civility in relation to the discussion of public issues. Does this condemnation extend to minorities looting wig shops and liquor stores repeatedly in response to unpopular court verdicts? One child sneaks into a gorilla enclosure likely as a result of inattentive parents. As in the case of the Sea World orcas, before it's over with, there will be no zoos. Elites will continue to berate us as to why we should surrender still more freedoms but not be allowed to see these creatures. PETA is not so much pro-animal as it is anti-human. Just ask the numerous animals that the organization has allowed to perish or actively brought about the deaths of rather than to be enjoyed in various capacities by humans. During a PBS town hall, President Obama lamented the demise of civility in relation to the discussion of public issues. Does this condemnation extend to minorities looting wig shops and liquor stores repeatedly in response to unpopular court verdicts? It's one thing that aspects of the X-Men movies differ in detail from the comics. However, can't the producers take the time to keep the films consistent with one another? And if more than 20 years have elapsed within the past three movies, shouldn't at least Professor X and Magneto have appeared to age? A pastor commented that some young people treat church as a place to go on a date. And the problem? There is nothing in the Bible saying your mind has to solely be on God in the confines of the church structure. The same ascetic would then turn around and toss a fit if the same couple went to the movies. Would he rather woo be pitched in bars? How is Donald Trump suggesting that radical Hispanic or Islamist judges might be biased against him appreciably different than these tolerancemongers that are applauded and fawned over for decrying White man's law and the imposition of Western standards upon backwards cultures and societies?
Men In The Women's Bathroom A Greater Outrage Than Trump's Carnalities In an age where it is apparently acceptable for a grown man to whip out his wiener in the presence of a little girl in the ladies' room, unless Donald Trump raped them, why are we to get all jacked out of shape if he has enjoyed a few women in his day? They probably liked the attention at the time. If a woman does not like men fawning over her and, well, asking her to model certain outfits, perhaps
she would prefer another line of work. Didn't liberals set the precedent with Bill Clinton that this kind of hankypanky was off limits in terms of criticism and scrutiny? If women are going to have meltdowns over this, why should we think they will be able to endure the horrors of frontline combat?
Why Must Elimination Be Limited To A Restroom? It has been argued that individuals should be allowed to utilize any public restroom of their choosing in order to relieve themselves or to engage in whatever form of public exhibitionism arouses them sexually. In an age where it is questioned if even the remaining minimalist standards should still be imposed, who is to say that the truly liberated individual should be required to confine themselves to
a room before commencing the natural process of elimination? Think this sounds outrageous? Just wait another half century or so. For did not Diogenes pull this sort of stunt? And to this very day he is celebrated in many an Introduction to Philosophy or Western Civilization course as the epitome of a truly authentic individual.
Judgmental Homeschooler Afraid To Discuss Amish Shortcomings On an episode of Generations Radio, Kevin Swanson insinuated that mothers working outside of the home are to blame for increases in autism because the Amish seldom suffer from the affliction. Swanson went on to insist that the way contemporary Americans live their lives results in the
genetic changes bringing about this condition. Perhaps on an additional episode the homeschool activist could elaborate upon the genetic diseases that do plague the Amish as a result of the indirect inbreeding that takes place as a result of a stretched and shallow gene pool.
Military Spouses No More Deserving Of Spare Organs Than Anyone Else WRC 4 broadcast a story about an Air Force wife in need of a new kidney. Does the station broadcast profiles of every other patient in need of a transplant as well as the occupations of the accompanying spouses? The anchors remarked what a wonderful
opportunity to contribute to someone in such profound need. As such, do these propagandists plan to offer their own organs for extraction and reassignment to someone they don't even know or even really care about?
Hermione Granger Recast As Black Woman In a stage play depicting the characters from Harry Potter as adults, Hermione Granger has been recast as a Black woman. Tolerancemongers will likely snap that one isn't supposed to look at color. Then why is it that the girl
that plays Hermione and Ron Weasley's daughter just happen to split the difference in terms of flesh tone? Why not a pale Swede or a freckled Irish girl with flaming red hair? Most of the Weasley clan were gingers after all.
Random Observations If possible, it is better to take care of aging family in a home setting. However, zealots insist you are under religious obligation to care first hand for the declining elderly round the clock because your parents raised you. By this standard, would parents be negligent if they took a child to a medical facility to address issues that can't be cured with chicken soup and cough syrup? It was remarked on “The Worldview In Five Minutes with Adam MacManus” that God must apparently be protecting parental rights because a Norwegian family has been reunited after the children were removed from the home over a religious dispute. Applying this reasoning, had the children not been returned or in reflection upon the number of families languishing under the heel of assorted social welfare systems around the world, couldn't one conclude that apparently God is not protecting or cares all that much about parental rights? Seems a rather poor criteria either way by which to assess the importance of this sort of thing in light of God's preferences for humanity. Russell Moore has correctly observed that Donald Trump is likely a lost soul needing to repent. After all, the candidate did confess that he really didn't have anything he felt that he needed to be forgiven of. However, given that Moore has himself celebrated the demise of what he has categorized as “cultural Christianity”, by that definition what does the real estate mogul's soteriological state have to do with a fitness to hold presidential office? It seems June is celebrated as Immigrant Heritage Month in a number of communities. As part of these commemorations, it should be pointed out that when most of our ancestors arrived here, most were required to adhere to clearly delineated standards, were expected that this land would be their primary loyalty, and that from this end were free to book passage back to their respective trashpile. On the docudrama “Barbarians Rising”, Jesse Jackson was briefly interviewed in regards to Hannibal because the Carthaginian general was African and presumably Black. So would such a genetic analogy qualify Howard Stern to lecture the viewer regarding Judas Maccabeus? Homeschool activist Kevin Swanson in a Generations
Radio broadcast seemed a bit ecstatic that Social Security payments could be cut by as much as 30% by 2024 as a result of projected budget shortfalls. Perhaps families and individuals should prepare for that by directing to the care of the elderly the tithes that they would instead donate to the institutional church and ministries. Especially if these funds go to cover the expenses of other family members, there really is not a legitimate moral argument professional religionists can make against such a financial strategy. The cover advertisement of the May 5, 2016 issue of Variety Magazine says of the Fox drama “Empire” that the drama is “Grounded in something real and the most important show on TV.” Would the same thing be said if this program was about White people? Were grandiose sociological explanations proffered as to why the antics of J.R. Ewing were obligatory viewing? In an analysis of the David and Goliath narrative, it was said regarding King Saul's armor that true Israelites did not wear such tactical apparel because that would be to rely on earthly means in battle. Was this a Biblical command or simply a human cultural adaptation? Furthermore, given that America is not Old Testament Israel, such a fact has little bearing on US military policy. Fuss is being made that the La Raza to which the judge Donald Trump is condemning holds membership is not the La Raza that is the leftwing activist group. That is irrelevant. For would a White judge be allowed to belong to any organization that referred to Whites positively or in any fashion suggesting that Whites as a race ought to affiliate with others primarily for the purposes of advancement resulting from genetic loyalty? On a show on global exploration, it was observed that dogs are a part of human society the world over. But perhaps it should be clarified in some parts of the world they are considered little more than menu items and mistreated in vile contempt. During a ceremony where John McCain was recognized for his willingness to acquiesce to the demands of liberal elites, the Arizona Senator called for respectful civil discourse. Was he referring to the variety of such articulated when he contemptuously referred to Ted Cruz as a hobbitt? For what the
Senator was saying in that instance is that the average voter should sit down and shutup. For in Tolkein's narratives, hobbitts represented the virtue of the common person and what such individuals can accomplish in a time of crisis.
routes if possible but be sure to finish a fight if backed into a corner?
Its seems that the mass shooting of an Orlando gay nightclub was declared a likely a terrorist incident within a matter of hours. Ironically, this is by the same administration no doubt still insisting that the Fort Hood attack was workplace violence.
Despite his travails, it is pointed out that Joseph never says anything “belligerent” to his brothers. Where does it say because of that we are obligated to be walked all over? Isn't it propagating this mindset of never saying anything that results in holocausts and destroyed cultures? So were “Sandusky's kids” supposed to have retained a quiet and meek spirit while being brutalized?
Contrary to the assertion made in a pulpit, why shouldn't you push back when attacked especially physically? Doesn't propagating such docility in a church open people up to victimization? Isn't it better to teach not to start fights and to look for escape
Shooting took place in a gay bar in Florida the same day a jihadist was caught on his way to attack the LA pride parade. If you believe the government propagandists that these incidents not linked, I have a bridge you might like to purchase.
Bishops Demand The Redistribution Of Other People's Property In the 6/6/16 issue of America, an article dealing with political involvement lists economic justice as one of the primary issues of concern to American Roman Catholic Bishops. That is code for confiscation under the threat of force from those that have in the name of those that do not for the purposes of bureaucrats allocating as such
state functionaries see fit. As such, should resource endowed institutions such as the Roman Catholic Church be forced to surrender a significant portion of their holdings on behalf of other denominations or religions organizations that might not be so well of in terms of finances and property?
Gender Set Asides Nearly As Offensive As Restroom Deviants On The Five, Eric Boling pondered in light of the transgender bathroom brouhaha if a man considered himself to be a woman, would he also qualify for government assistance or grant programs for women to establish businesses? Nearly as much an outrage as men urinating in front of little girls ought to be government funds
going to assist anyone for a reason not really based upon actual accomplishment but solely as a result of inherent biology. For did not the Obama regime justify this endeavor to upend this aspect of the American social order on the grounds of needing to end discrimination wherever it might be found?
Will Russell Moore Become A Theological McLarenite? It is often remarked that history appears cyclical in nature. By that, it is meant that, if one watches long enough, one can detect certain patterns that come back around from time to time. And with certain social currents seeming to speed by faster than ever before, often these “temporal ebbs” pour over a society or movement before those watching are even aware. Today, Brian McLaren has branded himself as a Christian that advocates a number of positions that many other Christians would have a hard time accepting. For example, one can follow his spiritual path from a stance downplaying the relevance of the Afterlife such as the eternality of Hell and that the
Kingdom of God is not so much about everlasting life in Heaven but rather about establishing utopia here on Earth to co-officiating at his son's gay wedding. However, about 25 to 30 years ago, one would have probably have had to have been quite skilled at socio-theological forecasting to predict how far McLaren would have fallen off the deep end. For at around that time, McLaren was an academic with a specialty in literature laboring to establish a postdenominational church with the desire to get back to the simplicity of the Gospel truth all sincere Christians profess. Those wanting to get in on what is near the ground
level of a similar phenomena only need to watch Southern Baptist Commission On Ethics & Public Policy President Russell Moore. For while at the moment holding to a foundational theology sounder than Brian McLaren's, one can now hear Moore's articulation of a certain number of beliefs that is setting him down a path not all that markedly different than the one Brian McLaren has previously trodded. This is evident in the column published by Russell Moore titled, “Why This Election Year Makes Me Hate The Word 'Evangelical'”. In those remarks, Dr. Moore announces that he no longer wants to be known as an “evangelical” because the connotations that have accrued surrounding the term subverts the cause of Jesus. Instead, Moore clarifies that he is a “Gospel Christian”. As in regards to the other word games played by those in the arenas of public policy, who could possibly object to the term “Gospel Christian”? For such a phrase, much like the founding motivations of McLaren's Cedar Ridge Community Church, brings to mind the primary narrative of Scripture though which the remainder of divine revelation is understood and brought to life in the heart and soul of each professing believer. But as in the case of other terms bandied about in the media such as “choice”, “equality”, and “tolerance”, those invoking the term “gospel” often do so for the purposes of imbuing it with meanings altered enough to undermine the traditional understanding as well as support for those one must view as one's opponents or adversaries. Moore writes, “Part of the problem is that more secular people have for a long time misunderstood the meaning of 'evangelical', seeing us almost exclusively in terms of election-year voting blocs or our most buffoonish television personalities.” Moore is himself tottering close to becoming one of these if he is not careful. What is so wrong if activist Evangelicals are seen primarily as a voting bloc and why is it the fault of the average Christian that realizes that now is the time for all good men to come to the aide of their country? For apparently Dr. Moore has no problem with reducing Evangelicalism or “Gospel Centered Christianity” to a set of platform positions when it apparently advances the agenda preferred by Russell Moore. Moore continues, “The other problem is the behavior of some evangelical leaders. I have watched as some of those who gave stern and windy speeches about 'character' in office during the Clinton administration now minimizing the spewing of
profanities, .... race-baitingm and courting white supremacists ... [and] debasing public morality and justice through the casino and pornography industries.” Have not Moore and his closest associates not done the same thing? Donald Trump has verbalized gruff things that have gone over the line, particularly in reference to Megyn Kelly, Karli Fiorinia, and Heidi Cruz. However, at no time did Donald Trump “race bait”. In regards to “race baiting”, all that Donald Trump did was call for the enforcement of U.S. immigration law and proffer as suggestions a number of proposals such as a wall that might protect the lives of Americans living in what has become a dangerous area. How is this any different than the policies implemented by the Jewish State of Israel which so many Evangelicals are so chummy with that they conveniently overlook the hostility of this competing world religion to Christianity's most fundamental tenet that Jesus is both Messiah and God? If Russell Moore is going to stand rigorously by the principle that it is essentially sinful for ethnic groups or nationalities to advocate policies that are more favorable to the particular group in question, instead of sitting on the board of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, shouldn't he resign from that position and publicly repent of the organized ethnocentricism he goes out of his way to condemn when it is supposedly engaged in by White people? For in his column, Russell Moore condemns Donald Trump for courting White supremacists. Mistaken as that pernicious ideology is on a number of points, perhaps disaffected Conservatives and even Evangelicals have decided to give that disreputable element a hearing because many average Americans that have never done a thing to injure a Black person or another minority are fed up with churches and denominational leaders that live higher up the socio-economic ladder beating the mere pewfillers over the head about how horrible Black folks and illegal aliens have it. That message is further compounded by the assumption promoted that somehow the average American is at fault for the misery allegedly endemic among these supposedly oppressed demographics when in reality such is often the result of many in these particular ethnicities failing to exercise self control and a little delayed gratification. The sincere Christian is obligated to admit that Donald Trump is hardly a role model when it comes to important aspects of his individual character.
However, it seems that bold “Gospel Christians” such as Dr. Moore are as guilty of the selective outrage that he has accused his coreligionists of when it comes to certain celebrities and public figures. Some Christians might have gotten a little cozy with a candidate that wasn't quick enough to distance himself from those perceived as White supremacists (which in this era run amok in political correctness can be defined as little as failing to commence the automatic self-denunciation for simply being White as command of entrenched elites and social engineers). However, a number of Southern Baptists with whom Moore is closely associated are disturbingly reluctant to distance themselves from C.J. Mahaney. To say that C.J. Mahaney is a controversial pastor would be an understatement. Not only under Mahaney's ecclesiastical leadership did child molesters get by relatively unscathed. He also ran the Covenant Life Church he pastored in Gaithersburg, Maryland along the lines of a cult. For example, it was not enough for members to show up regularly for the Sunday morning and even the Sunday evening services. They were also expected to participate in a number of prisoner of war style encounter groups referred to as discipleship meetings where they were to spill their innermost secrets included as to how they kept their homes.
Moore writes, “We have been too willing to look the other way when the word 'evangelical' has been coopted by heretics and lunatics. This sort could deny creedal Christianity and gospel clarity with impunity, as long as they were on the right side of the culture war. Thankfully, this sort of evangelicalism is not the future.” Perhaps Dr. Moore might prefer an Evangelicalism where believers are to overlook any number of abuses on the part of those that articulate not only the required doctrine but also a number of additional peculiarities to let it be known in the process how much they despise the traditional American way of life. Usually such statements take the form of detailing how horrible White people are and how the institutionalized church ought to exercise direct control over areas of your personal life over which God did not originally provide much detail other than a few broad principles He'd probably rather you figure out on your own how to implement. Like Brian McLaren that went down this path before him, Russell Moore possess the ability to articulate his particular understanding of the Christian faith before a number of generational demographics. It is just unfortunate that each of these figures has grown increasingly liberal as this ability has earned each of them wider circles of acclaim.
Photo by Frederick Meekins
About The Author: The Calloused Digit is the newsletter of Issachar Bible Church & Apologetics Research Institute. The content has been composed by Frederick Meekins.