2014 safe sanctuary training pp

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Elaine W. Pendergrass May 21, 2014

Objective for today:

By the time you leave today, you will be a Safe Sanctuary Worker. You will be able to explain types of abuse, how to spot potential abuse, and how to report abuse. You will also know how to prevent yourself from becoming “the accused.”

Bible Emphasis:

“And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, ‘Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea,’” (Matthew 18:2-6, ESV).

In the News

       

Mary Kay LeTourneau Priests: Abuse/Not reporting Jerry Sandusky Female teachers/students Indecent Exposure Child pornography Social Media

Purpose of Safe Sanctuary

  Safe and Secure Environment  For Children  For Volunteers

 Church Integrity  Internally  Within Community

Important definitions

 Child/Youth: Minor (age Birth – 18th Birthday) who participates in a program/activity sponsored/supervised by the Church  Worker: Anyone (paid/unpaid) who does full or part-time work in the Church and has contact with children/youth  Safe Sanctuary Worker (what you aspire to be): Worker who has completed the requirements stated within the Policy

Types of Abuse

       

Physical Abuse Neglectful Supervision Sexual Abuse Physical Neglect Medical Neglect Abandonment Emotional Abuse

Why Does This Matter at Church?

  Addicts seek drugs/alcohol  Child predators seek victims    

What better place to find victims than at Church? Many children Built-in trust with children Low security

Steps to Grooming

 Identify victim  Research  Meet child’s needs  Desensitize child

 Begin abuse Source: http://drphil.com/articles/article/704

Safe Sanctuary Workers Must Complete:

 • Application • Background Checks (every 2 years) • Interview • References

Prohibited from Working with Children

  Prior offense of sexual contact/child abuse  Prior offense involving violence  DUI/DWI conviction within 5 years  Drug-related conviction within 5 years  If an applicant has survived child abuse, he/she must meet with the Director/Supervisor prior to receiving an assignment.

Risk in Not Following Policy

 Disciplinary Action: • Not just a time-out, potential dismissal from employment • Be reported to law enforcement

Safety Begins at Check-In  Downtown:

 Check in on computer  Claim tag with matching #s

Westchase:  Sign in on roster  Bracelet with matching #s

Team Approach     

Two Adult Rule Line of Sight Open Door Policy 3 Years Older Rule

Rule of Thumb: Do not have slightly older children/youth working with younger children.

Restroom Rules   Adult females diaper/escort children  Tell another worker  Two Adult Rule  Open Door Policy (Preschool)  3rd-5th Grade Buddy System

Helpful Hints      

Dress appropriately Live above reproach Use common sense Don’t overreact Practice good boundaries both in conversations and actions  When it doubt, don't  Use appropriate physical touch

Written Parental Permission

     

To spend time alone To transport To change pick-up/drop-off location Off-campus activities Overnight activities

Host Family Rules

  Background Check  Copy of Safe Sanctuary Policy  Signed agreement to abide by Policy

Rules of Conduct

       

Team Approach No children alone in room Separate sleeping areas Couples not alone Same Gender: Be careful 3-4 youth in hotel room Adults: separate rooms/beds

Driver Qualifications

  Vehicle works well  Multi-passenger vehicle  Age 21-75  Safe Sanctuary Worker  Current Driver’s License  Current Insurance

Driving Rules

       

No drugs/alcohol Obey traffic laws Team Approach Same gender No phones/eating Break after 4 hours Unload passenger side


  15 minutes before event  Supervise all workers under Age 18  Until all children are gone  Scan the room  Room placement  Walk-throughs


  NO Corporal Punishment  Meant for teaching  Appropriate:    

Warning Time Out Communicate with family Send home

How to Spot Potential Abuse: Physical Signs

 Bruises in odd places  Unexplained marks  Appears uncomfortable when seated  Odd stories about injuries  Same stories, different injuries  Hungry/very thin/hides food  Wears same clothes

How to Spot Potential Abuse: Emotional Signs

 Withdrawn  Startles easily  Overly emotional/emotionless  Wants to stay  Avoids certain adults

How to Spot Potential Abuse: Acting Out

 Odd behavior for the child  Acting out behaviors  Talking about age-inappropriate things  Acting in age-inappropriate ways

Reporting Suspected Abuse

       

Err on side of caution Be confidential Report to Director/Supervisor Document in writing (sticky note) Report online: http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/ Retaliation prohibited Emergency: Call 911

Response of Church

      

Remove accused with dignity Allegations taken seriously Allegations kept confidential Cooperate with authorities Show care for victims Notify parents with pastoral support

To learn how to work with children in appropriate ways, visit: Teaching Kids About God www.elainependergrass.com

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