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firstedition July 2012

Cool off at Noah’s Ark and the Quillian Pools Report on Texas Annual Conference

A Musical Summer at Downtown and Westchase Campuses

A publication of First Choice Ministries First Methodist Houston fmhouston.com


July 2012

keeping the sabbath

from our pastor Dr. Steve Wende, Senior Pastor

Summer can be a beautiful season of renewal, as things slow down and we have more time for all the things “we wish we could do” but too often don’t. With this in mind, Dr. Paul Clines and I are offering two very special message series designed to enrich your walk with Christ. At Westchase, Paul is giving a walkthrough of the Bible, from beginning to end, to help everyone understand better how all the different pieces of God’s Word fit together. This is a powerful overview designed to help those new to the Scriptures, but also to enrich the lives of those who know the Scriptures well. So many of us have heard sermons on particular passages, but this series will help you put it all together. Downtown, I will be looking at the healing Christ offers through His Spirit. Something we often forget is that the word “salvation” in our Bibles comes from a Greek word which means literally “wholeness.” To be saved in Christ does not just mean that we live lives that are better but, in His power, also more whole. We will be learning how His love can heal the wounds and broken places we so often hide, and release us to have full and free lives. July begins with wonderful services of celebration for the birth of our nation, and then continues with these very special sermon emphases. It will be an excellent time to invite friends and family to worship with you. So, please join with me in praying that Christ will use these messages to reach new places in each of our hearts with His blessing, and reach new members with His salvation. With that in mind, let me give you seven suggestions I once shared for making a season of renewal powerful. So many found them helpful that I wanted to recommend them again. They are entitled The Seven Ups. 1. Wake Up! …to a great day. Decide that this day


will be good as you live it in Jesus. “This is the day the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 2. Dress Up! …to always look your best, wear a smile, and show openly the joy God puts in your heart. “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” I Samuel 16:7 3. Hush Up! …before you say negative things. God gave us two ears and one mouth, so He must have meant for us to do twice as much listening as talking. “He who guards his lips guards his soul.” Proverbs 13:3 4. Stand Up! …for what you believe. Stand for something or you will fall for anything. “Let us not be weary in doing good; for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good.” Galatians 6:9-10 5. Look Up! … to the Lord. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 6. Reach Up! …to something higher. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5-6 7. Lift Up! …your prayers. “Do not worry about anything; instead PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING.” Philippians 4:6 Cut this list out, put it on the refrigerator, and bring a friend with you as we renew our hearts in Christ! God bless,

July 1

Dr. Steve Wende preaching 11 a.m. Downtown David Pendergrass preaching 10:30 a.m. Westchase

July 8

Dr. Steve Wende preaching 8:45 and 11 a.m. Downtown Dr. Paul Clines preaching 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. Westchase

July 15

Dr. Steve Wende preaching 8:45 and 11 a.m. Downtown Dr. Paul Clines preaching 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. Westchase

July 22

Dr. Steve Wende preaching 8:45 and 11 a.m. Downtown Stephen Mackey preaching 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. Westchase

July 29

Dr. Steve Wende preaching 8:45 and 11 a.m. Downtown Dr. Paul Clines preaching 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. Westchase

Hispanic Worship Service

Sundays at 11 a.m. 6th Floor Downtown Rev. Humberto Hernandez preaching

Sunday School

9:15 a.m. Westchase 9:50 a.m. Downtown

Sign Language Interpretation 10:30 a.m. Westchase 11 a.m. Downtown

Communion and Healing

12:05 p.m. Bintliff Chapel Downtown



Primetimers’ Summer of Service Wednesday, July 18

Our Missions Ministry has many opportunities for volunteers to serve others this summer. Join us Wednesday, July 18 at 9:30 a.m. for the “Primetimers” (Seniors) Summer of Service Event at Wesley Community Center. We will be sorting and bagging rice and beans for Wesley’s Food Cooperative efforts. The sorted food will be distributed to families and seniors in their programs. We will meet in the Downtown Lobby at 9 a.m. and return by 2 p.m. This service project will allow us to serve others while fellowshipping with our peers. After working up an appetite we will go to lunch at the original Ninfa’s on Navigation. Lunch will be at your own expense. Please make your reservation with Judy Saenz, 832-668-1836 or jsaenz@fmhouston.com by Thursday, July 12.

Join us for an

Old-Fashioned Hymn Sing with Gerald Ray

Sunday, August 12 Fellowship Hall Downtown Lunch served at 12:15 p.m. Singing begins at 12:45 p.m. Requests of your favorite hymns begins at 2 p.m. For more information, contact Judy Saenz at 832-668-1836 or jsaenz@fmhouston.com.


On Earth as in Heaven By Glen Severs, First Methodist Lay Leader

I recently participated as a delegate from First Methodist Houston to the 43rd Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church South Central Jurisdiction, held June 4 – 7 at the Galveston Convention Center. The theme of the conference was “On Earth as in Heaven.” Throughout the conference, the delegates were reminded of our charge to “Make disciples for Christ for the transformation of the world.” Bishop Janice Riggle Huie began the conference Monday evening with her Episcopal Address entitled “Remember the Future.” Each day began with a morning devotion service; Tuesday at Moody UMC just a few blocks from the Convention Center; Wednesday at the Great Storm Monument on Seawall Blvd and Thursday in the Convention Center Main Hall. The main speaker for the conference was Rev. Jorge Acevedo, the Lead Pastor at Grace Church, a multi-site, United Methodist congregation in Southwest Florida with four campuses. This church has grown in its weekend attendance from 400 to over 2,700 in the past 14 years. Grace Church is recognized as having one of the largest and most effective ministries in America. Rev. Acevedo is an extremely compelling speaker who blended occasional humor into his three sessions that were based on the principle that pastors cannot be “Solo Heroes.” He tried that approach in his early ministry and discovered that when he tried to do everything on his own, he didn’t have the stamina to be an effective leader and his congregation was not growing. He had to learn to leverage his leadership through Laity Leadership. Rev. Acevedo began to develop “Vision Driven” teams modeled after John Wesley’s collaborative decision making philosophy. He developed leaders to organize teams that are “Passionately Committed” to the mission. Healthy teams create an environment of high trust, unity and spiritual growth; are passionately committed to the mission; are able to confront different issues and solve them through innovation;

create a culture and system for transformation to discipleship and to produce fruit. How to start, Rev Acevedo says is “Be the Mission” and “Build One Healthy Team.” The business session of the conference focused on filling the elected positions on the various conference committees that will execute their responsibilities during the next 12 months. This turned out to be somewhat confusing as many delegates had a different list of positions to be filled compared to the “official” list distributed at the conference. Bishop Huie and Rev. B. T. Williamson handled this surprise beautifully and the voting was completed the last morning of the conference. On the final day there was a request for feedback on the facilities at the Galveston Convention Center to help the Planning Team for the 2013 Texas Annual Conference. At this conference, our own Rev. Ann Spears was elected the Chair of the Order of Deacons and participated in the leadership of the Ordination Service. At that service, Rev. Susan Kent, the daughter-in-law of Kenneth and Molly Kent in our church, was commissioned. First Methodist delegates to Annual Conference were Mary Lou Adams, Marzie Bailey (alt.), Rod Caldwell, Mary and Sam Daffin, Luisa Kenny (Dist. Delegate), Patsy McLean (alt.), Fern Moore, Ruth and Dick Palmer, Glen Severs, Liz Vondy, Dwayne Walker and Tom Weir. Although Marzie Bailey served as an alternate, she replaced Dwayne Walker as a voting delegate for the third and fourth days at his request. As Lay Leader this was my first ever Texas Annual Conference and I was absolutely impressed with the detailed planning and coordination that must take place to accomplish this major event.

July 2012


College-bound student blessed by Church Apartment Ministry Those who volunteer in the Apartment Ministry have a unique opportunity to meet many wonderful people from all over the world. One of those is a young lady named Brianne. She used one of our apartments while at MD Anderson for treatment of cancer of her tongue. Brianne lives with her grandparents and her grandmother accompanied her to Houston for her treatments. She was able to return home to Austin to do chemotherapy treatments there. The tumor involved the entire tongue and her doctors hoped the chemo would reduce it enough to prevent surgery. Unfortunately, it has been determine that she will have to undergo surgery at MD Anderson on July 9. Brianne attended her prom May 5, graduated from high school on May 31, and is planning on attending Texas State University this fall; she is an ambitious young lady.

Please keep Brianne, her family, her doctors and her medical staff in your prayers. We pray for a successful surgery and a bright, prosperous future for this special young lady. Also keep the Apartment Ministry, part of the Missions Program at First Methodist, in your prayers. Our church leases seven apartments which provide a special service for cancer patients and their families while being treated at the Medical Center.

United Methodist Men News By Tom Weir Our June 9 meeting marked 13 ½ exciting years of UMM at First Methodist Houston. We enjoyed a great program, Christian fellowship of men, and the best breakfast in Texas. Our next meeting will be Saturday, July 14. Our great breakfast will be served at 7:30 a.m. in the Downtown Fellowship Hall. Its cost is only $5 per man. We will nominate and elect our president-elect at this meeting. Our speaker will be Rodney Daniels. He began his professional career in corporate America with UPS. God directed his career path and in 2007 he and his wife were guided to work with a ministry called Teen Challenge. This ministry provides rehabilitation facilities for men and women who face addiction and abuse from drugs and alcohol. He remained Vice President over the Texas operations until the end of 2011. In January of 2012, he accepted the directorship of Home of Hope which offers shelter and rehabilitation to young adolescent girls


rescued from the human trafficking trade. He is excited by the growing support from the Houston community for Home of Hope. Join us on July 14 at UMM for an inspirational program, great Christian fellowship and really good food. All men are welcome. UMM Humor: A Calling Card. A pastor went to visit church members. At one house, it was obvious someone was home, but no one came to the door even though the pastor knocked several times. Finally, the pastor took out a card and wrote “Revelation 3:20” on the back of it and stuck it in the door. Revelation 3:20: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me.” The next day, a card turned up in the collection plate. Below the pastor’s message was the notation: “Genesis 3:10.” Genesis 3:10: “I heard your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself.”

Three Sopranos sing The Gospel Greats at Westchase By Kathy Behrman

The Three Sopranos entertained more than150 people in the Westchase Worship Center on June 3 in the afternoon. Their selections were “The Gospel Greats” and never have I heard them sung with such beauty. Great is Thy Faithfulness, Ride On King Jesus, and How Great Thou Art filled the Worship Center in praise and honor of our Lord. The angels surely stopped that afternoon to listen. All of the songs touched the hearts of those who were fortunate enough to be in attendance. Adrianna Nelson, Alexis Walker, and Kourtney Johnson all attend HBU and are members of the Schola Cantorum Choir. The choir has been invited to be the host choir for the Classical Musical festival in Eisenstaedt, Austria in August of this year. A love offering was given to help with expenses for this trip. The Women’s Ministry of First Methodist was honored to host these three young women. It was a delight to see and help mentor these young women as they spread the love of our Lord to all who will listen. They will no doubt touch the lives of many as they following the calling placed upon their hearts.

Fit and Healthy Summer Sundays @ 10 a.m. Downtown or Wednesdays @ Noon Downtown Contact Robin Milutin at 832-668-1861 or rmilutin@fmhouston.com.



Exciting additions to the team By Brian Coats, Director of Communications

The ministry team at First Methodist Houston Westchase has some new faces this summer. Dr. David Pendergrass and Stephen Mackey are the new Associate Pastor for Discipleship and Director of Student Ministries, respectively. I chatted with David and Mackey recently, posing the same three questions to both of them. Their answers reveal a deeply-committed, passionate desire to bring people to Jesus and grow disciples. Q: What attracted you to First Methodist Houston Westchase? Mackey: When I first talked to Paul [Clines], it was very evident that he has an evangelical heart and he is passionate about seeing people come to know Christ and grow in their faith. So that was foremost for me. Second, I was blown away by the ethnic make up of the church. So often you hear and see Sunday mornings as being the most segregated time in the body of Christ. Not here. I am very excited to get to serve, live life with and raise my family in a community as diverse as this. Finally I was drawn to the potential of how much ministry can be done here. David: It’s amazing how clear the Spirit has spoken to me about coming to First Methodist, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store. Paul offers fantastic Christian leadership, my wife is on staff and there are many deliberate Christians. Additionally, there are many great things already happening at, there is much potential for great Kingdom work - and on an on. I look forward to being used in any way that Jesus sees fit. I look forward to investing into the lives of my sisters and brothers in Christ so that we might build one another up into Christ Jesus.


Q: Now that you are here, what are some of your hopes and goals for your ministry and for the church? Mackey: My goal is to see every high school and middle school student in our church community have a personal relationship and grow in intimacy with Jesus Christ. I want us to go out into the surrounding

community and reach unchurched and unsaved students, and I want every student that steps through our doors to be known, loved and called by name. I also hope we develop a culture of our students going into full time vocational ministry as they get older, and I hope our student ministry is a safe place for kids to explore scary things. Finally, I want us to be known for how well we love people. David: It’s my understanding that a disciple of Jesus is marked by two major characteristics: a deliberate, loyal, all-encompassing love of God and a healthy, sacrificial love of others as much as we love ourselves. I’d like to help disciples possess these characteristics by equipping them with the proper tools and methods (such as how to read the Bible well, how to have thriving devotional habits, and how to have healthy relationships). I’d like to see every single person at FMH growing in a small group. I’d like to see every teacher fully equipped and encouraged as they make disciples. I’d also like to see each person taking responsibility for his/her own discipleship, able to make disciples themselves at work and at home. Q: How did you come to Christ, and how did God call you into ministry? Mackey: I came to know Christ at an early age; I was raised in the faith. Things really took off for me in seventh grade when my youth pastor took me to the youth evangelism conference in Dallas and I heard God speak to me in a way that I never had before. It was then I felt called into the ministry

and have been chasing after Jesus and other people ever since. I am an evangelist to my core. I want to chase after people, particularly young people and introduce them to a relationship with Jesus Christ. David: I am a Christian work-in-progress. I began being a Christian when I was six, having confessed my faith in Jesus and then was baptized. I’ve grown up in the church and have always enjoyed learning more about the Kingdom and doing my best to be a deliberate disciple of Jesus. I was called to full-time ministry when I was eighteen, after having spent nearly ten years convinced I was going to be an astronaut. Yet, I had a real crisis of faith during my undergraduate degree, which forced me to start from ground zero in my faith. Because of my personal need to have a faith that is rationally true, and not just emotionally-driven, I have a deep sympathy for those who struggle with their faith. Thankfully, Christianity is both intellectually and emotionally satisfying and true. After 14 years in ministry, including having been a pastor, the one thing that excites me the most about Christian ministry is seeing God transform people. There is nothing like it! Though I am still broken and ignorant, I hope that I can love God with all my heart and my neighbor as myself. And if God will enable me, help others do the same. For more information and some videos of Mackey and David in ministry action, visit the Westchase Facebook page. Coming in July: A Q&A with Jay Whatley, the new organist at First Methodist Houston Downtown.

Stephen Mackey is the former Area Director of Young Life Greater Hill Country, overseeing ministries in Blanco, Canyon Lake, Johnson City and Smithson Valley since 2008. A graduate of the United States Air Force Academy Preparatory School and Texas A&M University, Stephen has served as speaker at venues across the United States, from faith-based summer camping ministries, to educational conferences, graduations to motivational seminars. A former Division 1 college football player, Mackey, as he is called, is a bodybuilder and current North American Strongman competitor. He is one of the newest members of Team Impact. Mackey has recorded several wins over his career as a strongman competitor, and has set personal best in the log clean and press, bench press and squat at over 400lbs., 500lbs., and 700lbs., respectfully. Mackey and his wife Teressa have a new born son, Harrison David. He is a lover of the imperfect, of second chances and of hope. His favorite scripture is Jeremiah 29:11.



David attended Gardner-Webb University in North Carolina for both the Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies and Master of Divinity in Pastoral Studies. He attended Baylor University in Texas for the Doctorate of Philosophy in Historical Theology. He has extensive training in biblical studies and theology, vocal performance and music production, along with training in individual and couples counseling. David has served at various churches for fourteen years in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas, and has served as a hospice chaplain. He has also taught classes in Religion for several years at Lone Star College (Cy-Fair). David recently served on the Bible faculty at Houston Christian High School and as Pastor of The Disciple Church in Houston, Texas. David loves to wrestle with his kids, take his wife out to eat, play video games, watch movies, listen to and write music and read. And no, he doesn’t dye his hair red. Every-oncein-a-while, an angel comes from heaven and blesses certain children with God’s favorite color while they are still in the womb. David and Elaine have been married since 1999 and have two phenomenal children: Hayden (7) and Julia (5).


A Summer of Music Downtown July will be an exciting time for the music ministry downtown. July 1st will be our annual patriotic service with choir, organ, piano, brass, and percussion instruments. We have a unified service presenting music honoring our country and praising our God. We are truly “One nation, under God.” There will be only one service at 11 a.m. on July 1. Revive us again! That’s right, it’s July Revival time again for the remainder of the month. Toe tapping, hand clapping, and swaying is not required, though you may find it hard to keep from doing so. The choir has several exciting spirituals planned, as well as good old gospel music for small groups, women’s choir, and men’s choir. Of course, it would not be revival without your favorite hymns that Everybody Ought to Know. This year’s song leader will be Cynthia Douglas. She will also lift her beautiful

voice in a rousing rendition of Blessed Assurance with the choir. This will be Jay Whatley’s first revival month with us. Jay is the newly hired organist downtown. He brings more that 20 years experience to the organ and piano benches. His playing is sure to be a treat for everyone, especially when he is joined by Sharon Goldsberry, our favorite pianist! August is “Ya’ll Come” month for the choir. If you have musical experience, come and sit in with the choir at either service. The choir needs a break from rehearsals on Wednesday nights, and we want to see if we can get you hooked on singing praises to God. Come a little early so we can get you a robe and a folder. The choir warms up at 8:15 a.m. for the first service and 10:30 a.m. for the second service. We hope to see you there!

There is a difference in the way the church treats bequests By Allen Houk If one designates First Methodist as a beneficiary in a will, the 12-member Board of Trustees of the Church becomes responsible for the funds represented by the bequest. Generally, the funds are quickly expended on the church’s properties. You recall, approximately two years ago, it was necessary to replace the chill water piping throughout the Downtown buildings. The funds to do so came from the Trustees, but the original source was bequests. On the other hand If one designates the First Methodist Foundation as a beneficiary in a will, the Trustees (seven in number) of the Foundation become responsible for the funds represented by the bequest. The treatment of funds received from bequests is different however. Funds received are invested in liquid assets and/or advanced to the church in the form of non-interest bearing loans. For example, take the chill water piping challenge. It was a $260,000 project. The Foundation would have loaned the money to the church, with the “corpus” of the bequest represented by a note.

When the church repays the note, in our hypothetical example, the funds will be reinvested in liquid assets. The Foundation works to maintain the original value of the bequest. Income, however, from investments may be given to the church as needed. As long as there is a viable church capable of repaying the loans made to it by the Foundation, the corpus of bequests will be maintained. Consider, as a good example of Foundation support to the church, the acquisition of the King parking lot. One half of the purchase price came from the Foundation represented by a $2.5 million non-interest-bearing loan. The church recently repaid that loan and the Foundation reinvested the proceeds in liquid assets. In the next First Edition----several suggestions designed to protect your will’s existence and its objectives.



Nearly 200 kids attended SKY Vacation Bible School June 11-15 at the Downtown Campus. Through lessons, songs, games, crafts and other activities, kids discovered that by trusting God, everything is possible!


July 2012


VBS 2012: Operation Overboard Join us for Vacation Bible School July 9-13. All children age 3 by July 1, 2012 through those who have finished 5th Grade are welcome to attend. Cost is $15 and includes a t-shirt. Go to fmhouston.com to register.

VBS Pool Party VBS will conclude with a Family Pool Party on Friday, July 13 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Meet at the Quillian Center pools. The pool party is FREE and snacks will be provided.

Have a JOY-filled time at JOY Camp! Join us for JOY Summer Camp for special needs kids, youth and adults! Dive in and discover God’s underwater universe! Explore the depths of God’s Word at VBS 2012 with Operation Overboard – Dare To Go Deep With God! In this action-packed adventure, your camper will swim with humpback whales and seahorses, scuba through a vibrant coral reef, and take a personal submarine to the ocean floor, where eels and octopi play. Through interactive lessons that are easy for campers to apply to their lives today, they will “go deep” into God’s Word, exploring Bible stories of people who revealed deep faith by knowing how to: • Depend on God • Dare to care • Claim Jesus • Choose to follow Operation Overboard Vacation Bible School 2012 helps campers dare to go deep with God in all kinds of fun ways. Divers will learn about faith using every learning style: • Get ready to dive in during assembly time at Ocho’s Cove. • Go deep with the key element of Bible fun at the Underwater Passage. • Discover the underwater beauty of creative crafts at Aquatic Arts. • Hang out in our knee-high wading pool at Noah’s Ark! • Float around in fun and games at the High Tide Hangout. • Take the music plunge at the Choral Reef. • Enjoy aquatic themed snacks at the Diver’s Diner.

Words of encouragement for your family I’m proud of you. • Way to go! • Bingo­—you did it. • Magnificent. • I knew you could do it. • What a good helper. • You’re very special to me. • I trust you. • What a treasure. • Hurray for you! • Beautiful work. • You’re a real trooper. • Well done. • That’s so creative. • You make my day. • You’re a joy. • Give me a big hug. • You’re such a good listener. • You figured it out. • I love you. • You’re so responsible. • You remembered. • You’re the best. • You sure tried hard. • I’ve got to hand it to you. • I couldn’t be prouder of you. • You light up my day. • My buttons are popping off. • I’m praying for you. • You’re wonderful. I’m behind you. Take the time to share the words that build up those around you. Take the time, make the effort to encourage them, to help them strive to be their best and to be their best, to live lives that glorify God. Give them the words, show the faith and trust in them that will lead them and those who see them, to a closer walk with the Master.

Register by Friday, July 6. For more information, contact Tanya Sterling at 713-458-4702 or tsterling@fmhouston.com.

Are you on Facebook? Check out (and “like”) the Ripple Children’s Ministry page! fmhouston.com




July 2012


“I Love This Land” Celebration of Freedom Choir member competes On Sunday morning, July 1 at 10:30 a.m., the worship arts ministry of Westchase will be presenting a service celebrating the birth of our great nation and the freedoms we all enjoy. With multimedia and special effects, the Worship Choir and soloists accompanied by a full orchestra will be singing many of your patriotic favorites such as Battle Hymn of the Republic, My Country ‘Tis of Thee, America, the Beautiful, A Salute to the Armed Forces, This Land Is Your Land, The Stars and Stripes Forever, God Bless the USA and many more. This will be the must-see event of the summer. Join us as we celebrate and thank God for His blessings on our country.

COMING IN AUGUST First Methodist Houston Westchase Fine Arts Academy We will be offering private and group instruction for instruments, voice, drama, art, and dance with lessons conveniently located at the church. Stay “tuned” for more information to come!

Wayne Watson returns to Westchase Songwriter Wayne Watson will join us in worship Sunday, Aug. 19 at 10:30 a.m. Watson’s connection with his audience has to date produced 23 number-one singles on Christian radio. In the 90s, Watson became one of the first major Christian artists to attract mainstream attention.

in Miss Texas pageant

Adrianna Nelson, who is a vital part of the Worship Choir at Westchase, will represent Houston in the Miss Texas Pageant in Allen, Texas. The Miss Texas Pageant is the official pageant leading to Miss America. Adrianna is a veteran of the Miss Texas Pageant and has won the Preliminary Talent award three times and finished last year as the first runner-up. As a graduate of the High School of Performing and Visual Arts and a senior vocal major at Houston Baptist University, Anna has worked very hard to ensure she sings at her top potential. Anna also has her Associates Degree from Lon Morris College in Vocal Performance. Adrianna’s platform is “Just Living Safely — The Dangers of Drunk Driving.” Her platform is in memory of Justin Slaughter, her fiancé, who was killed in a drunk driving accident in 2008. She is able to share not only the sorrow of losing him and the celebration of his life but how her faith has taught her to hold on and believe that God has a plan. As a soprano in the First Methodist Houston Westchase Worship Choir, she continues to share that faith each time she sings.

Westchase Worship Choir Christmas CD Premiere

Sunday, Aug. 26 10:30 a.m. Westchase Worship Center fmhouston.com



There is no one in my country who can tell me about Jesus. Will you pray for God to send missionaries to me and a translation of scripture in my native language so I can know Him? Nearly 3 billion people in the world are unreached. They have no community of Christians in their area who can tell them about the love of Christ. This summer, in addition to our local projects, we are learning more about these people and commiting as a congregation to lift them

Third Sunday Food Drive

You can help feed Houston’s hungry by donating to the Third Sunday Food Drive. The next donation date is Sunday, July 15. Needed items: • peanut butter and jelly • saltine crackers • canned soups/meats • canned fruits/veggies • spaghetti sauce and pastas • travel toiletries • bottled water

Donations are provided to Lifeline Ministry, West Houston Assistance Ministries and House of Amos.

up in prayer. There are several ways you can help. • Pick up a prayer card in your Sunday School class and pray for a different people group each week. • Grab a change can and use your change to help give someone the Bible in

Volunteers needed at Neighbors in Action Volunteers are needed this summer at the new Neighbors in Action Community Center in the Port Houston neighborhood. Volunteers are needed every Tuesday night beginning at 5 p.m. Our program includes children in Kindergarten through 8th grade who are divided into six classes by age and gender. Volunteers will lead these groups in a 30-minute Bible study from curriculum that will be provided. Group size varies from five to 15 kids, and two volunteers per group are needed. After Bible study, there is an hour for sports or arts and crafts. Volunteers are needed for these activities as well. There is a large park across the street from the community center that provides great space for several different sports. Art projects will be offered to those students who wish to remain indoors instead of playing sports. To volunteer or receive more information, contact Wilma Ortega at 281-8882470 or wortega@fmhouston.com.

their own language. • Wear a prayer wristband and pray for the people of that continent. Don’t forget about our local projects! The Houston community needs you too! Sign up for a project in the Lobby, Atrium, or online at fmhouston.com.

Can you help the Medical Apartment Ministry? The Church Apartment Ministry serves Texas Medical Center paitents and their families by providing affordable furnished apartments near the Texas Medical Center for those receiving long-term medical treatments. The ministry is provided by a coalition of congregations, of which First Methodist Houston is a member, through the dedicated efforts of caring volunteers. Telephone volunteers are needed to answer calls of interested apartment applicants. There is an immediate need for a volunteer Tuesday afternoons from 1-3:30 p.m. Other opportunities are available Monday through Thursday from 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1-3:30 p.m. For more information or to volunteer, contact Debbie Brassfield at 713-6655964.

July 29 - August 4, 2012 Register today at Want more info about what’s happening in the Missions Ministry? • Pick up a Missions Ministry booklet from the kiosk in the Downtown Lobby or Westchasewww.pinecove.com/ Atrium. summer camps/outback. • Check us out on Facebook - search “First Methodist Houston Missions.” • Contact the Missions Office at 832-668-1819 or kjames@fmhouston.com. 12


So much fun at Quillian Summer Camp Quillian Center offers the only Summer Day Camp in Houston that is accredited by the American Camp Association. It is a dynamic program for boys and girls ages five to 14. Every day is filled with games, crafts, special events and swimming. Camp runs in one-week sessions throughout the summer, so there is still time to get your child involved. For more information contact Jack Long at 713-458-4712.

Beat the heat at the Quillian Pools

It is a hot Houston summer and the pools at Quillian Center offer the perfect opportunity to cool off with family and friends. The pool is open for daily swim times and also available for private parties. Swimming lessons are available for children ages three to 12. Special events are being planned now for the Fourth of July with tons of games and family fun. • Open Swim hours: Monday - Saturday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Bump. Set. Spike. Adult Volleyball League Are you looking for a fun way to beat the summer heat? Quillian’s Summer Indoor Adult Volleyball League is the place for you. This fun and competitive six-week season will begin July 11 and runs through Aug. 15. The Adult Volleyball League is coed and will play all games on Wednesday evenings in the Quillian Gymnasium. The cost is $150 per team, and registration is now open for teams and individuals. For more information or to register your team, contact Derek Devore at 713-4584730 or ddevore@quilliancenter.org.

Are you looking for a safe and fun place for your child on Friday nights? Quillian Center is here to the rescue. Kidz Night Out is hosted twice a month just for kids. Children ages five to 14 will engage in a fun, energetic and safe environment focused on keeping kids active. They will have the opportunity to hang out with friends, interact with a professional and fun loving staff and participate in activities that will make them want to come back for more. Cost: • $ 25 for one child • $ 45 for two children • $ 60 for three children • Dates: July 13 and 27, Aug. 10, Sept. 7 and 21 Reservations can be made with Beverly Okosun at 713-458-4713 or bokosun@ quilliancenter.org.

Fun in the Sun

These little ones are taking a break from the heat at Noah’s Ark Pool, getting ready for an amazing adventure down one of the slides.This pool was voted best pool in Houston in a poll by Great Day Houston! Open swim times at Noah’s Ark Pool are Monday - Saturday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

We’re on Facebook! Are you? Check us out - Quillian Recreation Center fmhouston.com




TV: Sundays live on KUBE-TV, channel 53 (Comcast) and channel 653 (Comcast HD). Dish & Direct TV subscribers will find us on channel 57. Channel 13 (KTRK) carries the sermon portion of the service at 5 a.m., delayed by one week. Radio: KHCB-FM 105.7 on Sundays at 8 p.m. Internet: fmhouston.com Video streaming: fmhouston.com/ communications/livestreaming.aspx By phone: 832.668.1800 (DT) or 713.458.4700 (WC)


When the church offices are closed, you may dial the “Pastor on Call” and leave your name, a number where you can be reached, and a brief word about the nature of your emergency. The pastor “on call” will return your call as quickly as possible.

Pastor on Call: 832.668.1892


If you or someone you know needs prayer, fill out a prayer card at church, call the church office or submit your request through our website. Because of your support, First Methodist Houston provides Stephen Ministers, Good Neighbors, Hospital Visitation, CanCare, AIDS Care and Alzheimers Care. “First Edition” (USPS 015-624) is published monthly for $25 per year by First United Methodist Church, 1320 Main Street, Houston, TX 77002-6803. Phone 832-6681800. Periodicals Postage Paid at Houston, Texas and at additonal Mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to First Edition, 1320 Main Street, Houston, Texas 77002-6803. Website: fmhouston.com


welcome to the family (since 5/20/12)

“And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” - Acts 2:47

• Kelland Aldis, Cypress 77429 • Joshua Bratton, Houston 77066 • Bradley Faison, Houston 77005 • Alexandra Faison, Houston 77005 • Reagan Fisk, Houston 77077 • Bryan Garrison, Pasadena 77504 • Emily Gillock, Houston 77008 • Adam Haj, Houston 77089 • Mark Harrison, Houston 77096

• Peggy Helpinstill, Houston 77081 • Thomas Polasek, Houston 77018 • Rephael Reyes, Houston 77025 • Gladys Sanchez, Pasadena 77504 • Andrew Zermeno, Houston 77011 • Allan and Lisa Jaster, Houston 77082 • Otis Anderson, Houston 77067 • Joe and Val Cawthorn, Houston 77004

joys and concerns “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”

- Romans 12:15

Births: Luke Anthony Knesek, 5/4/12; son of Jason and Erin Knesek


Andrew Zermeno, 5/20/12 Victoria Ann Jaster, 5/27/12, daughter of Allan and Lisa Jaster Joshua Dean Coats, 6/10/12, son of Brian and Nicole Coats

Weddings: Mr. Charles T. (Ezra Charles) Helpinstill II and Ms. Peggy Ann Powell; 5/20/12


Mrs. Joan Mapes, 5/20/12, mother of Mr. Brad Mapes Ms. Bernice “Adele” Rankin, 6/3/12

honorariums and memorials In Honor Of:

Designated Fund

Given By:

In Memory Of:

Designated Fund:

Given By:

Dorothy Galloway Rev. Leo Tyler Jim Hackedorn

Mildred Ragan Jack Fillman Mildred Ragan Michael Stanley Mildred Ragan Eleanor Bowman Jack Fillman Russell Jackson Jack Fillman Travis Porter Jr. Elsie McDowell Elsie McDowell Dan Wolfe Bert Ella Brunson Bert Ella Brunson Joan Mapes Jack Fillman

First Choice Ministries General Ministries FMH Foundation

Downtown Renovations Living Memorial Downtown Renovations First Choice Ministries Downtown Renovations First Choice Ministries Downtown Renovations First Choice Ministries Downtown Renovations Woodward Fund Living Memorial Living Memorial Living Memorial General Ministries General Ministries Living Memorial Downtown Renovations

Mary, Lynn and Marvin Galloway Corinne Lock From His Children

Rae Garner M/M J. Michael O’Donnell M/M Gaines Davis Johnnie Reaves Gloria Acker Sandra Bowman Nancy Biedenweg Frances Jackson Dr/M George Hughes Pamela O’Rourke Edith Bethay J. Douglas Bethay Mary Jean Black Quillian Class Oliver Walkup M/M Harry Cain M/M John Markle

New members, births, baptisms, weddings and deaths can also be viewed in the Members Only section at fmhouston.com.

July 2012





First United Methodist Church 1320 Main Street Houston, TX 77002

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