June 2014 low res

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firstedition June 2014

Summer Fun Up Ahead!

keeping the sabbath June 1

Dr. Steve Wende preaching 8:45 and 11 a.m. Downtown

a pastoral word Dr. Paul Clines, Executive Pastor WC

Dr.David Pendergrass preaching 9:15 and10:30 a.m. Westchase

June 8

Dr. Steve Wende preaching 8:45 and 11 a.m. Downtown Dr. Paul Clines preaching 9:15 and 10:30 a.m. Westchase

June 15

Rev. Terence Hagans preaching 8:45 and 11 a.m. Downtown Dr. Paul Clines preaching 9:15 and 10:30 a.m. Westchase

June 22

Dr. Steve Wende preaching 8:45 and 11 a.m. Downtown Dr. Paul Clines preaching 9:15 and 10:30 a.m. Westchase

June 29

Dr. Steve Wende preaching 8:45 and 11 a.m. Downtown Dr. Paul Clines preaching 9:15 and 10:30 a.m. Westchase Hispanic Worship Service

Sundays at 11 a.m. 6th Floor Downtown Rev. Humberto Hernandez preaching

Sunday School

9:15 a.m. Westchase 9:50 a.m. Downtown

Sign Language Interpretation 10:30 a.m. Westchase 11 a.m. Downtown

In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. Psalm 5:3 A few weeks ago my “baby” boy, Hayden, graduated from the 8th grade at Wesley Academy. He’s been a student there since the 3rd grade and I’ve driven him to school almost every day. Those rides, first with Stephen and Hayden, then just with Hayden, have been some of the best moments of my day everyday over the past five years. We talk about sports, review material for a test (that he didn’t study for!), talk about what we’re doing this coming weekend, sometimes he just sleeps. But those 20 minutes in the car everyday over these past five years have done more for our relationship than a trip to Disney or a weekend at the beach could possibly do. You know, it’s the same way with our relationship with the Lord! Making the time to spend a few minutes in God’s presence, every single day, will do more to nurture a close and intimate relationship with God than anything else you can do. It doesn’t need to be a formal ritual, another box on your spiritual “to do” list, or a burden. It’s just being intentional about consistently spending time with God. You can talk about anything that concerns you (maybe if we ALL mention something about a Texans quarterback he’ll bring us one!), you can read the Bible, you can sing (maybe), or you can talk to him about challenges your friends are facing. Whatever it is, he’s there and ready to listen and when we go to him, he’ll go to work! More importantly, God wants to have a close relationship with you, one that stays strong through every circumstance. That relationship is only built through regular time spent together. Like those car rides every morning with Hayden. Start today. He’s ready!

Speaking of being ready, I hope you’re ready for a summer of impact at First Methodist Houston! We’ve laid great plans to reach more people and grow stronger disciples. At both the Downtown and Westchase Campuses there will be exciting ways to serve our community, impact the world, lead children to Jesus, worship together, and deepen our ties to one another. While we’re growing together, one great and practical way you can help us impact a life is by making it possible for a child to go to summer camp for one week at Quillian. As you know, our Quillian sports and recreation ministry is a vital tool for reaching families our church would never reach. By sponsoring a child for a week you’ll be making it possible to introduce another family to First Methodist Houston! Contact Tom Gaden today (713-458-4705 or tgaden@fmhouston.com) and find out how you can put a smile on a kid’s face this summer!

Communion and Healing

12:05 p.m. Bintliff Chapel Downtown


June 2014

put a smile on a child

For more information call Tom Gaden at 713-781-9195.

Make a difference in the life of a child by sponsoring a summer camper. Sponsorship: 1 week tuition- $195 1 day tuition- $60 1 month tuition- $800



Rev. Ann and Max Spears invite you to join them for a trip of a lifetime. Led by Biblical Archaeologist Dr. Jim Fleming, this amazing two-week trip will focus on the life of Paul: from his shipwreck in Malta to his death in Rome. Come and meet new friends, explore the many historical sites and grow in your knowledge of the Bible.


Retired woman has one large upstairs bedroom fully furnished - kitchen, W/D, and covered car garage privileges. Ideal for student or retiree. Minutes from Medical Center. $500/month. Call 713-202-8297.


United Methodist Men’s News Saturday, May 10 United Methodist Men hosted a fascinating presentation by First’s own Charles Pehl on “Climate Change-End of the Age or Just Hot Air!” This intriguing presentation was made to a packed house of UMM members and several ladies of First, who just needed to know more on this crucial topic! Allen Houk, as usual, presented his own thought provoking Bible Study to support the program. Methodist Men meet every second Saturday of the month for a great country breakfast, Christian fellowship and a thought provoking speaker. Their next meeting is their special Father- Son/Daughter-Grandson/Granddaughter Breakfast, Saturday, June 14 (the day before Father’s Day). The speaker will be announced shortly. Stay tuned for details.

Church Circle News Church Circle UMW of First Methodist Houston will meet Tuesday, June 10 at 9:30 a.m. Downtown. Please note our new time this month. We will be traveling to Clarewood House to celebrate Alice Elrod’s birthday. Her birthday is June 12. We will have lunch with Alice. Remember that we have no meeting in July. Our next meeting date after June 10 will be Aug. 12. Our Church Circle members who have July birthdays are: Susan Gallman, July 7; Ofelia Umengan, July 14; and Betty Boone, July 22. Happy birthday early to Susan, Ofelia and Betty. Jane Thompson, our leader, will conduct a short business meeting while we are visiting at Clarewood House. Remember, our Church Circle invites all women of our church to visit our Circle. We have inspiring programs, very friendly members and delicious luncheons. Come and receive a blessing!


First Word By Rev. Charles Thompson My friend, Don Adams, used this article in his newsletter a while back. I thought it would be of interest to you. The following is a list of some of the most expensive meals in the world: • At the Fijimake Gekijyo restaurant in Tokyo you can get a bowl of Ramen for $110 • The Capital Dawg in Sacramento, California serves up “The Ultra-Dog,” the world’s most expensive hot dog at $145.99 • In Scotland you can order a bottle of “End of History” beer, Belgian ale packaged inside taxidermied squirrel carcasses for $800 – 1,100 per bottle • The Westin Hotel in New York City offers a white truffle bagel that sells for about $1,000 • For $1,000 New York City also boasts the “Golden Opulence Sundae,” which includes rare cocoa beans harvested off the coast of Venezuela • At $2,000 a slice (or $16,000 per pie) you can enjoy Britain’s Wagyu Meat Pie and its savory combination of six pounds of Kobe beef and matsutake mushroom which sell for $910 per pound • And in Italy, Chef Viola’s “Louis XIII” pizza, loaded with lobster, caviar, eight different types of cheese, and seasoned with hand-picked pink Australian river salt, sells for $12,000 June 1 is our monthly communion Sunday. As you may have guessed, I cannot resist the temptation to declare that this symbolic “meal” is by far the most expensive ever served, costing the life of God’s only Son. That is amazing to consider, but even more amazing is that this meal is designed to be especially for every person who receives it. Susanna Wesley, mother of the founders of Methodism, was in the last decade of her life when this dawned on her. One Sunday as she received the sacrament and the minister said, “The body and blood of Christ given for you,” she realized that it was, indeed for her. Grace has been defined as “God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.” Jesus has paid the bill…for you.

Make a difference this summer • Come to church as often as you can; • Send your offering even when you’re out of town; • Call someone who is missing from the “regulars”; • Invite a visitor to go to lunch with you. • Call them next Saturday to invite them back ; • Keep your eyes open for people who may be looking for a new church home; • Ask forgiveness from those you may have hurt; • Focus on the good things about our church!; • Pray for your pastor, church and our leaders; • Pray about where you can serve best in 2014; • Carefully consider mentoring someone to take your place on a committee so that you can use your energy in new areas of ministry; • Follow what God lays on your heart to do… even if it seems a little “crazy”!

June 2014

Reading Circle News

Special guest at Let’s Read Book Club Join us at noon Monday, June 2 for Let’s Read Book Club. We will have a special review by guest author Dr. Elaine Parker Adams. A true story about the sacrifices and hardships faced by black Methodist preachers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the book, The Rev. Peter W. Clark, Sweet Preacher and Steadfast Reformer, was written by our reviewer, the great granddaughter of Rev. Peter W. Clark. She provides a detailed description of the sacrifices and hardships faced by black Methodist preachers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The book also provides deep insight into the racial attitudes and economic conditions in post-Reconstruction Louisiana. Please invite a friend to join you for this special event. Bring a lunch and we’ll provide coffee and iced tea. Call Hidden Treasures Books and Gifts at 832-668-1876 for more information.


The UMW Reading Circle will meet at the home of Ruth Palmer (The Spires, 2001 Holcombe Blvd., Terrace Room – B-1 Level) Tuesday, June 17. Bren Reno will be the co-hostess. • 10 a.m. - Refreshments • 10:30 a.m. - Business and Program • 12 Noon - Adjourn Member Betty Krause will review the book The Eighth Day by Chuck Meyer. The book has been described as “The Rest of the Story.” It is based on the Bible. Betty will share some of the “fun” things in the book such as background of what might have happened leading up to events described. Mr. Meyer has written several books based on the Bible. All are light-hearted, fun reading. Betty heard him at Tarrytown United Methodist Church in Austin when he spoke to the Sunday School class that she attended while visiting son Winston and his family. We appreciate Betty sharing her review of this book with us. Reading Circle meets the third Tuesday of each month (except July and August). Visitors are always welcome. For more information, contact Ruth Palmer at ruthgp@swbell.net. September 16 meeting will be at Holly Hall hosted by Mary Lou Low and Jodie Chambers. Enjoy your summer!

Port Houston Women’s Bible Study In April Neighbors in Action started a Bible Study and Small Group for Port Houston women. We come together on Wednesday morning to sing worship songs, pray for each other and the community, read the Bible and talk about our testimonies, God’s works in our lives and how we apply our faith to daily life. For all of us, it has become a very blessed and special time, and we ask all First Methodist members to pray for our group and the Port Houston community!


RE GI N O ST W ER ! Join us for Vacation Bible School! Downtown: June16-20 - Register by June 1! Westchase: July 7-11, 2014 - Contact children@fmhouston.com






Camp In the CIty

July 7-11

Yo u r H o m e I n t h e C i t y


1320 main Street fmhkids.com

June 2014

What’s happening in Ripple Ministry By Jamie Daughdrill Ripple Children’s Ministry is busy making waves around our community and around the world. Each month we work on a mission project to help others around the world. This month was letters to Templo Bautista in Cuba. We also visited Willow Falls for a children’s Bible Study. On Easter Sunday we made sure everyone who visited our campus would see the news that Jesus is Risen and participated in an enormous Easter Egg Hunt! Our volunteers are amazing people who give their time each week to make sure that this generation of kids knows just how awesome our God is. As a small thank you we celebrated together with a brunch and craft time. For some it was the first time to meet each other. We definitely need to do that again! During Ripple Training we had two special guest speakers to help us be the best we can be for all the kids who come through our doors. Melanie Hagar spoke with our toddler and preschool teachers, and Anastacia Anderson spoke with our elementary teachers. Everyone had a great time visiting and meeting new faces, as well as growing in our knowledge and ability to teach this generation of kids. This summer we hope to host 200 kids from around our community for Weird Animals VBS. Be a part of this exciting week as we teach kids that Jesus loves them to matter what! Contact us TODAY to be a volunteer! Ripple Children’s Ministry is dedicated to loving children, making disciples, and equipping families in the hope that each child we meet will be inspired to choose Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Our goal is to teach biblical concepts in age-appropriate, fun ways with the hope that children internalize biblical values, share them with others, and create a ripple effect throughout our community and our world. “We will not hide these truths from our children but will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD.” Psalm 78:4

“My favorite part of serving in Ripple Children’s Ministry is serving God in a child’s world.”

“My favorite part of serving in Ripple Children’s Ministry is playing with and teaching the children. And seeing and hearing their interpretations of what we say and do.”

“The children always make me smile. I don’t have kids, so they always surprise me with interesting and sweet things.”



We are ready, and we hope you will join us for Summer of Service! Children, youth, adults and friends of First Methodist Houston have the opportunity to partner with God to share his love by serving those in need. Local Projects are available for all ages and skill levels – individuals, families, small groups, Sunday School classes/DGroups. Take a peek below to get an overview of this summer’s service opportunities.



• Van driver(s) needed to transport kids from Port Houston to/from VBS and Pine Cove Camp at Downtown Campus • Help needed with administrative tasks at NIA Community Center • Groups needed to host a day of VBS in the park

Please continue collecting change at your home. When your change can is full, bring it in, empty it and take it home again. Just the little change we have around our homes can help provide Bible translation for the Burmese.

LIFELINE MINISTRY Get a feel for how Lifeline Ministry works - assemble sack lunches for the homeless and tour the facility

3RD SUNDAY FOOD DRIVE Help provide important necessities to people in our community through the 3rd Sunday Food Drive benefitting Lifeline Ministry - June 15, July 20, Aug. 17

THAILAND/BURMA Assemble care packages for our team to take to refugee children this summer. Great project for families.

SCHOOL SUPPLIES Bring supplies during July for our annual Back to School Supplies Drive. Benefits Port Houston Elementary students.



Sort books for an organization that builds libraries in Africa

• Help take warehouse inventory • Sort medical supplies

LIFE CENTER FOR THE HOMELESS • Clean/improve facility (build fence, repair roof, clean worship space) and share a meal with Life Center residents

SEAFARER’S MINISTRY Host a game night and dinner for Seafarers

Travel the world with us in 2014 Join us in ministry in 2014. Go with us as we take the love of Jesus to those who are hurting around the country and the world. For more information about any of these trips, contact the Missions Office at 832-6681819 or kjames@fmhouston.com.


Honduras (Students) | July 11-18 | $1,500 Working with Jeremiah Mission, we will participate in construction projects, VBS and community outreaches.

Honduras | August 18-25 | $1,500 Help deliver the hope of the Gospel by digging a water well with MANNA Water for Life.

June 2014



As• Van followers Christ,towe are called toFalls serve oppressed to proclaim Good News of driver(s)ofneeded transport Willow kidsthe to/ poor andPlease continueand collecting changethe at your home. When Christ to the First at Methodist accomplishingyour thischange through global church ministries from VBS andentire Rippleworld. Pool Parties WestchaseisCampus canlocal is full,and bring it in, empty it and take and through strategic partner ministries. On these pages, you will see what we are doing as a congregation • Purchase bathing suits for refugee children in need it home again. Just the little change we have around Provide scholarships for one at Quillian Camppartners or our homes can help providefor Bible translation for results. the to•respond to God’s call andweek the list of ministry who we serve alongside more strategic VBS Burmese. If you are not currently involved in service to the poor, oppressed and those who have not yet heard of Jesus, please consider service in one of the following ministries.


HONDURAS Assemble hygiene kits for our youth team to take to children in Honduras this summer. Great for families.

Assemble care packages for the homeless. Great for families.


WILLOW FALLS • Children’s outreach - Sunday School activities • Help with literacy activities led by Children’s Museum of Houston

VBS IN THE PARK Help lead VBS in a local park for our refugee friends.

Take flyers promoting church activities to area apartments on Thursdays

SCHOOL SUPPLIES Bring supplies during July for our annual Back to School Supplies Drive. Benefits Port Houston Elementary students.

3RD SUNDAY FOOD DRIVE Help provide important necessities to people in our community through the 3rd Sunday Food Drive benefitting WHAM and House of Amos - June 15, July 20, Aug. 17

GOOD STEWARD Sort books for an organization that builds libraries in Africa



• Assist with food distribution to needy families • Help a new English speaker with conversation skills in weekly ESL classes • Painting and flooring projects

• Landscaping - plant flowers, replace edging, install stepping stones, etc. • Painting projects around WHAM and Second Blessing • Sort items in food and clothing pantries

For more information or to register for any of these opportunities, visit www.fmhouston.com/summerofservice, or contact the Missions Office at 832-668-1819 or kjames@fmhouston.com.

- Join us on a mission trip Eagle Pass | September 24-27 | $200 Make a difference for a needy family by doing light home repair, serving in the food bank or women’s shelter.


Guatemala | October 4-11 | $1,800 Be a part of this general surgical mission team delivering medical care to Quiche Indians in the west central highlands of Guatemala.

El Salvador | November 9-15 | $1,900 Be part of this team that delivers the hope of the Gospel by digging a water well with Living Water International.


Join us this month as we take time to spend “Summer in the Psalms – Learning to Look Up.” This June message series will explore the Psalms of Ascent (Psalms 120-134). You are also encouraged to read a Psalm each day of the summer – there will be a reading guide available, and you’re also encouraged to journal about what you’re reading. Downtown Campus Message Series


June 2014

First Methodist Houston Women’s Ministry Survey 2014

Become a sponsor for Port Houston summer programs

Ladies, please fill out this survey as completely as possible to help our church minister to and with women. Select as many as apply to you. FELLOWSHIP - I would like to participate in:  Women’s Weekend Retreat  Saturday Retreat  Seasonal Events  Weekday or night classes STUDY TIME - I would like to participate in a Women’s Bible Study:  Weekday morning  Weekday noon  Weekday evening  Sunday evening MISSIONS/EVANGELISM - I would like to serve/work in our church’s ministries by:  Learning to share my faith  Praying for missionaries  Serving on a local mission project CHURCH MINISTRIES - I would like to help our church expand its ministry in:  Serving the homeless  Hospital visitation  Family ministry INTERESTS - I would participate in or teach:  Sewing  Exercise  Divorce Recovery  Grief Recovery  Parenting  Time management TALENTS - I would be willing to use my talents through:  Artwork  Computer Graphics/Design  Photography  Crafts  Bulletin board displays DEMOGRAPHICS - I am:  18-24  25-34  35-44  45-54 55-69  70+  Single Married  Divorced  Widowed  Employed  Unemployed  Self-employed  Retired I CURRENTLY ATTEND:  Sunday School  D-Group  Wednesday West  Visitor  Church Downtown  Church Westchase Name: Email Address: Phone: Thank you for your time. Please pray with us as we seek God’s desire for this ministry. Please turn in to the Welcome Center or mail to the Church: Attention Women’s Ministry. fmhouston.com

Summer is around the corner, and Neighbors in Action will offer a plethora of different activities to the children and teenagers of Port Houston, including four weeks of VBS, service projects for teenagers, a mission trip to Honduras, as well as several Christian summer camps. We are currently looking for sponsors for our summer programs. This is what your donation can do: • $25: Crafts for one day of Vacation Bible School • $50: Food for one day of Vacation Bible School • $75: Send a Port Houston child to Stoney Creek Camp • $200: Transportation to Quillian Pool Party • $235: Send a Port Houston child to Pine Cove Camp Please consider prayerfully being Christ’s hands and feet in Port Houston by making a gift to our ministry and supporting the transformation of lives. With your support, we can make this an unforgettable summer for the whole Port Houston community! “Last summer, my life changed forever. Neighbors in Action took me to Stoney Creek Camp, where I learned about God’s unconditional love and gave my life to Christ. Now, I want to be a better person and do what God asks me to do.” Ashley, 11

Put a Smile on a Child Scholarship Fund Camp Quillian is celebrating 30 years this summer. Thousands of children have experienced the fun that comes with camp - sports, games, crafts, special events, guest speakers, VBS and the opportunity to make new friends for a lifetime. Camp Quillian provides a full day of activities all summer long for children ages five to 14. Unfortunately many of our campers cannot afford the $195 weekly tuition. If you can help send a child to camp, please consider this opportunity.

Quillian’s Family Fun Fest On Saturday, July 19 Quillian Center will host FAMILY FUN FEST! The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. Both the Noah’s and the large pool will be open until 9:30 p.m. There will also be water slides, face painting, and games galore. Families and individuals will enjoy croquet, horse shoes, badminton, volleyball, rock climbing and some of the best BBQ in Houston. Save room for cake and ice cream as we celebrate 30 years of Camp Quillian. Kona Ice will also be on site serving your favorite Hawaiian shaved ice. Individual tickets are available for $19. A family ticket (four or more) can be purchased for $75. Where else can you enjoy swimming, dinner, games, music, entertainment and dessert for under $20 a person? All proceeds benefit summer programs at Quillian Center. Presale tickets will be sold beginning June 22. This is going to be a super FUN event. Moms and dads will get a chance to play games that the kids play daily at camp. Come enjoy an evening with family and friends at the first FAMILY FUN FEST sponsored by Quillian Center. For more information contact Mason Williams at 713-458-4730.


Camp Quillian is accredited by the American Camp Association and provides working parents a safe haven for their children when school is out for the summer months. Our staff is built with energetic young Christians ready to make a difference in child’s life this summer. If you are interested in “Putting a smile on a child” please contact Tom Gaden at 713-468-4705 or tgaden@quilliancenter. org.

Pool parties at Quillian Center Looking for an exciting summer destination to have your child’s birthday party? How about a place for your family to have a cool and relaxing family reunion? Quillian Center’s pool party packages are just the ticket. We have the famous Noah’s Ark pool, which is great for younger children. We also have a big pool with slides and diving boards that is great for older children or bigger parties. For more information on pool packages and our swimming pools in general, head over to www.quilliancenter.org, or contact William Melton at 713-458-4712 or wmelton@ quilliancenter.org.

Swim Lessons begin this month Swim Lessons are held twice per week in four-week sessions. Classes are 40 minutes long and begin promptly at their scheduled time each day. Children three to five years old will learn skills needed to feel more comfortable in the water, and they will learn a few very basic swimming skills. They are then ready to begin their learning progressions for swimming. Students six years or older with basic aquatic skills will learn each of the six swimming strokes. The cost for each session is $100 per person. ($90 per person for Quillian Family Members!) Registration must be completed in the Quillian Center office. Session One: June 10 through July 3 Tuesday / Thursday Classes • 8:15 a.m. to 8:55 a.m. - Ages 6 to 12 • 9:00 a.m. to 9:40 a.m. - Ages 3 to 5 • 5:40 p.m. to 6:25 p.m. - Ages 6 to 12 Wednesday / Friday Classes • 8:15 a.m. to 8:55 a.m. - Ages 6 to 12 • 9:00 a.m. to 9:40 a.m. - Ages 3 to 5 • 5:40 p.m. to 6:25 p.m. - Ages 3 to 5

Session Two: July 15 through August 8 Tuesday / Thursday Classes • 8:15 a.m. to 8:55 a.m. - Ages 6 to 12 • 9:00 a.m. to 9:40 a.m. - Ages 3 to 5 • 5:40 p.m. to 6:25 p.m. - Ages 6 to 12 Wednesday / Friday Classes • 8:15 a.m. to 8:55 a.m. - Ages 6 to 12 • 9:00 a.m. to 9:40 a.m. - Ages 3 to 5 • 5:40 p.m. to 6:25 p.m. - Ages 3 to 5

Wesley Academy


June 2-August 4

Ages 6 months- Pre-K 2, 3, or 5 day program available For information visit: www.wesleyacadey.net or call 713-266-3341 fmhouston.com


The Gift of Education What if your child or grandchild attended a school with state-ofthe-art facilities? What if she was given individualized instruction? What if she she was challenged in areas where she excelled and was supported in areas where she needed to grow? What if your child or grandchild had fewer students in her class than those at public schools? What if she received deliberate instruction about God’s love and grace every single day? What if she had opportunities to serve alongside students of different ages, ethnicities, and walks of life? What if her talents and abilites were recognized and she was given the tools to excel in those areas? This dream could be a reality. Wesley Academy is the private Christian school on the First Methodist Houston Westchase campus. Wesley is currently accepting applications for the 2014-2015 school year. Give the gift of education to your child or grandchild. The impact lasts for a lifetime. Visit www.wesleyacademy.net or call 713-266-3341 to find out more information or to set up a tour.

A Special Man Father’s Day is June 15. We honor fathers this day — and every day of life. They play a very important and basic role in life, in all society. My very wise grandmother used to say, “Anyone can have a child, but it takes a special man to be a father.” I wholeheartedly agree. Being a father is much more than performing a biological function. It is about loving and caring, guiding and sharing. A father is the head of his family. He does this, not out of insecurity, selfishness or pride, but out of the desire to be an obedient servant to God. (Ephesians 5:22) A father offers wise council so that he


may lead his children to a path of righteousness. He is slow to anger, yet demands respect. “For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; ...” Ephesians 6:1-3 (See also Genesis 18:19) A father is strong, reliable and confident. But, a father is also tender, loving and understanding. “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: ...” Matt. 7:12 (See also Psalms 103:13) A father is a good provider. As long as he is capable, he is willing to labor hard

to provide shelter for his family, and food on the table. “…if any would not work neither should he eat…”(II Thessalonians 3:10) A father recognizes the importance of making time for those he loves. Little league baseball and dance recitals seem to be his favorite past time. “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) A father is not judged by how much he earns or how many material goods he provides. What does matter to his children is how well he is being a father.

June 2014


joys and concerns Baptisms • Miss Emma Kargbo; 05/11/2014, daughter of Abdul Kargbo and Kathrin Meier


• Ms. Lucille Duren, 02/25/2014, aunt of Mrs. Linda Schwarzbach • Mrs. Geraldine McDougal, 03/27/2014, mother of Sue McDougal of San Antonio • Mrs. Patsy Eujean Hardy, 04/29/2014 • Mr. Larry T. Cobb, 05/01/2014, husband of Mrs. Gail Morrison Cobb • Mr. Cliff Woltz, 05/08/2014, father of Mr. Tom Woltz, Sr. and Mrs. B.J. Woltz-Lempa • Mrs. Marcia P. Cobb, 05/09/2014, mother of Craig Cobb

honorariums and memorials In Honor Of:

Designated Fund:

Given By:

In Memory Of:

Designated Fund:

Given By:

Steve and Karin Wende Easter Offering Dr/M Ed Hungerford Lifeline Ministries Wendy Beecher Roger Birkman Robert (Bob) Dyer George Beebe Ron King Robert (Bob) Metzler Roger Birkman Ron King Liz Vondy Joan Veale Robert (Bob) Dyer Jack Fillman Roger Birkman Roger Birkman Wanda Spaw Family Genevieve (Gen) Adair Genevieve (Gen) Adair Elizabeth (Betty) McAlexander

FUMC Foundation FUMC Foundation FUMC Foundation FUMC Foundation First Choice Ministries First Choice Ministries Woodward Fund/DT Music DT Renovations/Fellowship Hall First Choice Ministries First Choice Ministries FUMC Foundation Easter/DT Renovations Woodward Fund/DT Music Woodward Fund/DT Music FUMC Foundation Downtown Prayer Garden FUMC Foundation

M/M Steve Laufman Anonymous

M/M Major Collins M/M Major Collins M/M Major Collins Stacey Deleonardo Beebe Vera Stephens Vera Stephens Vera Stephens Mary Lou Matheny Darlene Ann Tennison Steve Laufman M/M Alfred King III Catheryne Fillman Wanda Niebuhr Richard and David Spaw for the Louis and Dr/M Ed Hungerford III M/M Marcus Epperson FUMC Lubbock Seekers Sunday Class M/M Randy Humphreys M/M Bob Rand Jim Connell Gordon Rideout Stan Games M/M Theodore Smith M/M Emmett Ward M/M Ivan Marsteller Pat Bonner M/M Kenneth Minter III Betty Easter Nancy Kling Alice Smith Alice Smith Cary Jean Stevenson Epworth Sunday School Class

Elizabeth (Betty) McAlexander FUMC Foundation Genevieve (Gen) Adair Downtown Prayer Garden Genevieve (Gen) Adair Downtown Prayer Garden Elsie Ann Rideout General Ministries Elsie Ann Rideout General Ministries Genevieve (Gen) Adair Downtown Prayer Garden Seth Ward FUMC Foundation Roger Birkman Woodward Fund/DT Music Genevieve (Gen) Adair Downtown Prayer Garden Genevieve (Gen) Adair Downtown Prayer Garden Genevieve (Gen) Adair Downtown Prayer Garden Genevieve (Gen) Adair Downtown Prayer Garden Kelly Adair Downtown Prayer Garden Genevieve (Gen) Adair Downtown Prayer Garden Genevieve (Gen) Adair Downtown Prayer Garden Bobby Burkhalter First Choice Ministries


TV: Sundays live on KUBE-TV, channel 53 (Comcast) and channel 653 (Comcast HD). Dish and Direct TV subscribers will find us on channel 57. Channel 13 (KTRK) carries the sermon portion of the service at 5 a.m., delayed by one week. Radio: KHCB-FM 105.7 on Sundays at 8 p.m. Internet: fmhouston.com Video streaming: fmhouston.com/ communications/livestreaming.aspx By phone: 832.668.1800 (DT) or 713.458.4700 (WC)


When the church offices are closed, you may dial the “Pastor on Call” and leave your name, a number where you can be reached, and a brief word about the nature of your emergency. The pastor “on call” will return your call as quickly as possible. Pastor on Call: 832.668.1800, option 7


If you or someone you know needs prayer, fill out a prayer card at church, call the church office or submit your request through our website. Because of your support, First Methodist Houston provides Stephen Ministers, Good Neighbors, Hospital Visitation, CanCare, AIDS Care and Alzheimers Care. “First Edition” (USPS 015-624) is published monthly for $25 per year by First United Methodist Church, 1320 Main Street, Houston, TX 77002-6803. Phone 832-6681800. Periodicals Postage Paid at Houston, Texas and at additional Mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to First Edition, 1320 Main Street, Houston, Texas 77002-6803. Website: fmhouston.com




First United Methodist Church 1320 Main Street Houston, TX 77002

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