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October 2012

A publication of First Choice Ministries First Methodist Houston fmhouston.com

Fall Covenant Campaign Begins Page 5

Team Impact Coming to First Methodist Houston Westchase Page 11

From Our Pastor Dr. Steve Wende

keeping the sabbath October 7

Dr. Steve Wende preaching 8:45 and 11 a.m. Downtown Dr. Paul Clines 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. Westchase

First Methodist Houston Travels To Portugal and Spain and Beyond

“The Uttermost Parts of the World” Tour Guides: Dr. Jim Fleming & Hannaniah Pinto


April 20-May 2, 2013


$5,350 per person (round trip from Houston)

Merida Cordoba Granada Italica Seville Toledo Madrid

Contact Judy Saenz at 832-668-1836 or jsaenz@fmhouston.com to receive more information.


October 2012

Jim Carsson writes that a bumblebee, if dropped into an open tumbler, will stay there until it dies unless it is taken out. It never sees the means of escape at the top, but persists in trying to find some way out through the sides near the bottom. It will exhaust itself seeking a way where none exists, while never noticing the most obvious way out. If you put a buzzard in a pen six or eight feet square and entirely open at the top, the bird will be an absolute prisoner. Although it is physically able to fly, from birth buzzards always begin a flight from the ground with a run of ten or twelve feet. Without space to run, as is its habit, it will not even attempt to fly, but will remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no lid. The bat which flies around at night is a remarkably nimble creature in the air, but will not take off from a level place. If it is placed on the floor or flat ground, all it will do is shuffle about helplessly until it reaches some slight elevation. Up high, it takes off in a flash, but it will wither in place rather than fly directly up. All of this can sound strange at first, but when you think about it, aren’t many of us sometimes like the bee, the buzzard or the bat? We struggle with so many problems, often without realizing that the answer is right there “above” us. When you face difficulties, where do you look for help? Are you dismayed and disabled by the inability of human effort to address your issues? Do you automatically look around to others, depending on them? Do you look into the mirror, thinking that help can only come from your own abilities? Do you instinctively look down inside, only to get lost in your own discouragement?


Or, have you learned the great secret of life: to look up when faced with a challenge, so that the God who loves you can give you the help you need and He yearns to give? It is so hard sometimes to remember how close He truly is. This fall, we have the opportunity to remember, and to build a habit that can bless every aspect of our lives. Through the worship and Bible studies and service to others that are so much a part of our life as a church, our hearts are being made aware of one great truth over all: Through His Holy Spirit God is close, He is powerful, He cares, and He wants us to look to Him. Psalm 121:1-2 puts it beautifully. You have heard it before, but right now, with so many broken and painful things going on in our world and very possibly in your life, read it again, slowly. “I lift up my eyes to the hills, from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” What do those ancient words mean? Whatever you are facing in your family or friendships or finances or physical health or in any other dimension of your life, remember the lesson of the bee, the buzzard and the bat. You are none of those creatures. In Jesus Christ, you are a son or daughter of God. So, look up! God bless you in every way,

October 14

Dr. Steve Wende preaching 8:45 and 11 a.m. Downtown Dr. Paul Clines preaching 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. Westchase

October 21

Dr. Steve Wende preaching 8:45 and 11 a.m. Downtown Dr. Paul Clines preaching 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. Westchase

October 28

Dr. Steve Wende preaching 8:45 and 11 a.m. Downtown Dr. Paul Clines preaching 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. Westchase

Hispanic Worship Service

Sundays at 11 a.m. 6th Floor Downtown Rev. Humberto Hernandez preaching

Sunday School

9:15 a.m. Westchase 9:50 a.m. Downtown

Sign Language Interpretation 10:30 a.m. Westchase 11 a.m. Downtown

Communion and Healing

12:05 p.m. Bintliff Chapel Downtown




United Methodist Men Meeting

Everybody Ought to Know: October Sermon Series Begins Fall Covenant Campaign

By Tom Weir We had 35 men in attendance at our September 8th UMM meeting. The men enjoyed our speaker, US Representative Gene Greene, who spoke about health care. He is well thought of in his district. The Greene family attends Spring Woods United Methodist Church. Our next meeting will be Saturday, October 13. Breakfast will be served at 7:30 a.m. in the Downtown Fellowship Hall. Our speakers will be Justice Brett Busby, 14th Court of Appeals, and Brad Hart, Prosecutor, Harris County district Attorney’s Office. All men are welcome ages 12 to 112+.

UMM Humor: How hot is it in Texas? (Contributed by Eva Hanson in Senior News) The best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance. …Hot water comes from both taps. …You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron. …You realize that asphalt has a liquid state. … It’s so hot and dry in Texas that the Baptists are starting to baptize by sprinkling, the Methodists are using wet-wipes, Presbyterians are giving rain checks, And the Catholics are praying for the wine to turn back into water.

Thought for the Month:

Pray about everything, worry about nothing.

Room To Grow

9:50a.m. * Adult Sunday School Classes * Downtown Growing Together in Faith, Fellowship, and Friendship

Our adult classes are making room for growth! While the first floor is being renovated, some of the Adult classes are moving and sharing space to make room for ministries coming up. This is a great time to join us for Sunday School. Our classes are stronger then ever as we look to the future God has planned for First Methodist. We can do amazing things together! Adelphi – Fellowship Hall, Lower Level Everyone welcome, lecture format, excellent fellowship and involvement/service opportunities. Alpha and Omega – Room 304 A class of singles and couples of varying ages that enjoy Christian fellowship, studying God’s Word, and believe in the power of prayer. The class engages in Bible Study and discussion. Bible Discovery – Room 413 We are all ages and backgrounds, involved in active learning and lively discussion of the Bible.

Continued on page 6


Join First Methodist for special sermon series at both campuses in October as we kickoff our annual covenant campaign. This year’s campaign is designed to share how your support is making a difference for Christ in Houston and around the world.

The Way the Wind is Blowing By Allen Houk I have been writing a lot about the fact that “everybody should have a will” and some of you have been responding and that is really appreciated. Some of you have amended your existing will to include the First Methodist Houston Foundation and that, too, is appreciated. At the risk of being “chicken little” with the sky is falling scenario or the “boy who cried wolf ” please allow me to write again, every body should have a will. And it should be up to date. At the risk of being accused of introducing politics into the discussion, which is clearly not my intention, consider this: regardless of which party wins the upcoming election the mounting national debt with all that that implies will necessitate a creative look at revenue production. New taxes or increasing existing tax rates are already being discussed. There are few options open to governments today, municipal, state or federal. One option is to adjust the estate tax situation by either raising the tax rate, lowering the amount exempt from taxes or a combination of both. Regardless of the solution having an existing will offers the possibility of being “grandfathered”. How may I help you?

October 2012

At the Downtown campus, Dr. Steve Wende will be preaching a sermon series on the joy of living simply and generously. Based on the book, Enough, his messages will help you rediscover the Bible’s wisdom when it comes to prudent financial principles. You’ll learn to overcome fear, experience contentment and discover joy through the Lord’s wisdom. Downtown sermon dates and messages include: October 7 October 14 October 21 October 28 November 4

Faith in the Midst of Financial Challenge When Dreams Become Nightmares Wisdom and Finance Cultivating Contentment Defined by Generosity

Psalm 121:1-2 1 Timothy 6:7-10 Proverbs 11:28 Hebrews 13:1-6 Proverbs 11:24-25

The book, Enough, is available through Hidden Treasures Bookstores for $5 and members are encouraged to purchase a copy to follow along with the messages. At the Westchase campus, Dr. Paul Clines will be preaching a practical, Biblical message series on Learning to Yield. Dates and messages include: October 7 October 14 October 21 October 28

The Secret to a Long and Happy Life How to Yield My Tongue How to Yield My Bad Habits How to Yield My Wallet

The special fall sermon series signals the beginning of the covenant campaign. Watch for more information about our ministries and how your support helps us spread the love of Jesus. Everybody Ought to Know: First Methodist is making an impact in Houston and around the world. Each Sunday, thousands of worshippers join in praise and worship during services at our two campuses. Thousands more watch our services live from homes, nursing homes and hospitals. Our Sunday broadcast is viewed all over the world through online video streaming and our radio broadcast is carried in 27 cities in Florida, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas.

Join the Chorus and Experience the Blessing!





Room To Grow Continued from page 4

First Methodist Houston Downtown Columbarium “Our new columbarium is a beautiful way to honor the love and legacy of members of the First Methodist family. We all want a permanent resting place of prayer and significance for our loved ones, and this garden area will provide such a sacred and beautiful space. It will be a witness in Houston to the love and lasting care of Christ and His people.” – Dr. Steve Wende Q. What is a Columbarium? A. A Columbarium is a place where cremated ashes may be inurned. Q. Why are we building a Columbarium? A. More and more frequently members of our church or their families are choosing to have their loved one’s remains cremated. Creating a space for these remains in the church grounds is a way of honoring the life and legacy of those who have loved the Lord. It is a tradition that goes back to the early Christians. Q. What does the Church teach about cremation? A. The Christian understanding of the resurrection of the body is based on the example of Jesus’ resurrection. St. Paul tells us that our bodies will be transformed when the perishable puts on the imperishable ( I Cor 15:53). In other words, as we die in Christ our resurrection life is not so much a continuation of life as we have known it as it is becoming more truly and completely alive than we can now imagine. The promise is that God will restore all of the person to a new level of perfection. Therefore, historically the church has endorsed burial, cremation, or burial at sea, knowing that God will raise up the faithful Christian to abundant and whole life. Q. How much will a “niche” cost? A. The beginning price per niche for the new columbarium, good until December 31, 2012, is $4,000. Each niche will be the same size with the capacity for two urns with a uniform cover plate. All proceeds will go to Downtown renovations. Q. How can I get detailed information about purchasing a niche? A. Contact Judy Saenz in the church office at 832-668-1836 or jsaenz@ fmhouston.com.

Want to Learn About the Internet? Let’s Go Surfing in Cyberspace! Tuesdays in the Afternoon in the 5th floor Parlor First Methodist Houston - Downtown Beginning November 6, 2012 Four weeks Class leads to learning Email For more information or to register, contact: Ed Murphree at 281-888-6248 edmurphree@aol.com


Contemporary Class – Phoenicia Downtown Market, 1001 Austin St. Dynamic group of young professionals with great fellowship and connections with relevant Biblical study. The Core – Cry Room, Sanctuary We are a newly formed group of all ages and backgrounds, involved in active learning, personal testimony and lively discussion of the Bible. Cornerstone – Room 406 Couples with children, lively discussion, mission projects, strong fellowship and support. Couples In Christ – Room 403 This diverse class relates Biblical principles to everyday life and marriage issues. Epworth – Room 309 All ages, Bible lecture with short question & answer time, excellent fellowship and service. Faith Journey & Human Potential – Room 412 An inclusive class with inquiring minds, dependent on God, with opportunities for growth in faith through service and Christian fellowship. Faithful Followers – Room 303 Helpful Bible teaching and fellowship for adults with special needs. Fidelis – Fifth Floor Parlor Everyone welcome, lecture study of the Bible, fellowship opportunities. Hervey’s Main Street – Room 308 Everyone welcome, class members alternate teaching, involvement in contributions to missions.

Upcoming Mission Trips for 2012 Cuba: Nov. 2nd-10th Eagle Pass : Dec. 19th-23rd Stocking The Shelves Third Sunday Food Drives Each month we have the opportunity to help stock pantries for House of Amos, WHAM and Lifeline. You may pick up a list of needed items at the Missions Kiosk and Center on Sunday or in your Sunday School packets. Please help us help stock the shelves.

Mentoring Can Change a Life Consider investing an hour a week in the life of a child who is at risk of becoming a statistic in the juvenile system or going throughout life not knowing of God’s love for him/her. With an hour a week investment you can change two lives – theirs and yours. Don’t have time? Ask God to help you find time to care for the little one’s that He loves so much. You may make the difference for a lifetime. Mentors are needed at Bush and Port Houston Elementary schools this fall. Contact: Bush - Jessica Sarpu at jsarpu@fmhouston.com or Port Houston - Kathrin Meier at kmeier@fmhouston.com.

Logos – Room 405 All ages, dynamic Bible-based lecture and discussion, exciting fellowship and service opportunities. One In The Lord – Room 409 Everyone welcome! Scripture-based teaching, lecture and discussion, excellent fellowship and service opportunities. Pathfinders – Room 408 Everyone welcome Bible-based life application format, strong mission and fellowship. Redefining Deaf – Clay Street Balcony Utilizing human potential for greatness by sharing what “deaf ” means to us – that Deep Eager Active Faith...D-E-A-F!!

McSingles Events for 2012 McSingles is for mature Christian singles. We are appreciative of free transportation from Harris County, Precinct 3, which keeps the cost for these trips very low. Trips are planned for: Monday, October 15 Saturday, November 10 Saturday, December 8 For further details or to sign up for a trip, contact Doris Hauffe at 281-498-7122.

October 2012

Boys From Willow Falls, Enjoying Their First Donut, Ever! Our next Willow Falls Outreach is Oct. 7th, following the late service. For more information or to be involved, please contact Jessica Sarpu at jsarpu@fmhouston.com


Join The October Mission Team That Will Be Serving In Eagle Pass, Texas Eagle Pass is one of the poorest cities in the great state of Texas, with a bankrupt county and over 40% of the adult population being illiterate. This month, you can serve God by bringing joy to those who feel forgotten. By repairing homes for the elderly, serving at the local food bank, working with children who have been abused and neglected and sponsor a Community Cookout to share the Gospel and serve the neighborhood we will share the love of Christ with those in need. If you are looking for a way to get close to God or a way to serve Him, then carve out time to let Him use you in Eagle Pass. Pick up a packet at the Missions Kiosk or contact Debbie Wallis at dwallis@fmhouston.com. The cost is $200 and the registration deadline is Sept. 30th.




The Drama Years

SPORTING CLAYS TOURNAMENT Friday, November 30, 2012

featuring Haley Kilpatrick founder of Girl Talk!

12-6 p.m. (SFBUFS )PVTUPO (VO $MVC t .D )BSE 3PBE t )PVTUPO 59

Haley Kilpatrick founder of Girl Talk and author of the book The Drama Years visited with tweens and their parents about the challenges their girls will face during the Middle School years!


t $BUFSFE ##2 %JOOFS t 5BY %FEVDUJCMF 3FDFJQU t Station Sponsorships Available

Team Entry Fee Individual Entry Fee Dinner Only .BO 'MVSSZ Mulligans Raffle Tickets* Station Sponsorship

Parents, did you know‌ 1. Middle School girls want boundaries! 2. Middle School girls need good role models. 3. Middle School girls need an anchor activity outside of school. 4. Middle School girls need to be involved in community service.


Before you speak, txt, or type T.H.I.N.K. Is what I am about to type‌. True? Helpful? Important? Necessary? Kind?

* Enter the raffle for a chance to win a new Benelli M1!


Super Sleuth

E-mail: Phone:



Scavenger Hunt


Team Members

For 3rd Graders

October 28th

Bible Presentation


Amount enclosed

ď€ ď€ĄCash

Amount enclosed

(Please make checks payable to Neighbors in Action)

During 11:00 service

Scavenger HunT From 12 to 2:30 pm!

Send completed registration information to:


Reservations: lanorris@fmhouston.com fmhouston.com

Neighbors in Action, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.


October 2012




Ripple Children’s Ministry As we “fall” into October, here are some upcoming events in Ripple Children’s Ministry:

4th/5th Grade Retreat

Join us October 13-15 for a preteen getaway. This promises to be a fun weekend where 4th and 5th graders spend time together, learn how to apply the Bible to their lives, and have fun in the process! For more information, or to register for the retreat, contact Sabitha Panthagani at spanthagani@fmhouston.com.

Fall Festival Quillian Center is continuing the tradition with our annual Fall Festival to be held on Saturday, October 27. The event kicks off with games and activities at 3pm. There will be a costume contest, Truck or Treat and much more. This is a free church-wide event that is also open to the public. Come help us welcome hundreds of visitors to First Methodist Westchase. Volunteers and event sponsors are needed to keep this a free event. For more information on how you can be a part of this event contact Jack Long at 713-458-4712 or jlong@quilliancenter.org.



Just Between Friends

Youth Sports Volunteers Needed

Youth Basketball League

Are you looking for a safe and fun place for your child on Friday nights? Look no further, Quillian Center is here to the rescue. Kidz Night Out is hosted twice a month just for kids. Children between the ages of 5 to 14 will engage in a fun, energetic and safe environment focused on keeping kids active. They will have the opportunity to hang out with friends, interact with a professional and fun loving staff and participate in activities that will want them coming back for more. Kidz Night Out is from 6:30pm to 10:30pm. The fee for Kidz Night out is: $25 for one child / $45 for two children / $60 for three children. This includes dinner, drinks snacks and activities. If you are a member of First United Methodist Church or Quillian Center you receive a $10 discount. To sign up for a Quillian membership please contact Beverly Okosun at 713-458-4713 or bokosun@quilliancenter.org.

Come join us October 11 through 13 as Quillian Center hosts Just Between Friends. They are the nations leading children’s and maternity consignment sales event. Invite a friend and shop comfortably for fabulous deals on all you need for the Fall. For details regarding items sold, how you can volunteer or be a consigner, please visit www.jbfsale.com. Doors will be open to the public on the following days and times: Thursday, October 11, Noon to 9pm Friday, October 12, 9am to 9pm Saturday, October 13, 9am to 2pm

Please help! Quillian Center is intentionally trying to target our Youth Basketball program as a way to introduce hundreds of kids and families into the life of the church. Just think, if you had an audience of 10 kids and their families, twice a week for 12 weeks, what kind of relationship you could build. I we could get 25 committed Christians to teach, coach, mentor and just love these kids we could change 200 lives this season. Volunteer coaches will be taught drills and skills needed for the hardwoods. Team ambassadors will be there to help coaches, be inviting and lead the team in prayer. If you can spare two hours a week to change a life please contact Tom Gaden at 713-458-4705 or tgaden@quilliancenter.org

Dribble, pass, shoot, defense, defense, defense … those are the keys to victory. Our coaches are well trained and ready to teach these fundamentals of basketball. This program is built for boys and girls of all skill levels from age 5 to 14. Registration for the next season of basketball will begin on October 15th, player evaluations will be on November 17th, and practices will begin November 26th. The cost is $95 for children 8-14 and $70 for children 5-7 if you sign up before November 17th. Volunteer coaches are needed help mentor the league participants. For more information contact Tom Gaden at 713-458-4705 or tgaden@quilliancenter.org

Dates & Themes: September 7, 2012: Slumber Party September 21, 2012: Movies Night October 5, 2012: Rock Climbing Night October 19, 2012: Costume Party November 2, 2012: Silly Games Night November 16, 2012: Moonwalk Night November 30, 2012: Scavenger Hunt Night December 7, 2012: Quillian X Games December 21, 2012: Bring On Santa

Wonderland in Westchase Wonderland in Westchase is our holiday celebration hosted jointly by Westchase District, Houston West Chamber of Commerce, Quillian Center and First Methodist Houston Westchase. Mark you calendar for Thursday, December 13. This event will be from 5:30 to 8:30pm and features Santa with Mrs. Claus, carolers, crafts and activities for big kids and small ones alike. The night ends with fireworks! Taste samples from area restaurants in the epicurean area. Weather forecast for Wonderland calls for snow!! Don’t forget to wear you mittens.

The 2012-2013 school year is off to a great start at Wesley Academy! Our goals for the year are to ensure a Christian educational environment, to provide the best education possible for each child, and to ensure a warm inviting atmosphere for families and students. Our Bible emphasis for the year comes from Colossians 3:16-17 (ESV): “Let Christ’s word live in you like a rich treasure. Teach and correct each other wisely. Sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing with thanks in your hearts to God. Do everything you say or do in the name of the Lord Jesus. Always give thanks to God the Father through Christ.” Each month we will explore one Fruit of the Spirit. In September, we focused on Peace with God and each other. In October, we will learn about Self-Control. It is an exciting time in the life of Wesley Academy, as students grow both academically and spiritually. For more information about Wesley Academy, go to www.wesleyacademy.net.


October 2012

2012 JOY Respites We are looking forward to three more wonderful gatherings and would love to have you join us! • Saturday, October 6, from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. • Saturday, November 10, from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. • Saturday, December 8, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The JOY Ministry reaches out to children, youth and adults with special needs as wel as their families. To sign up to attend or to sign up as a volunteer at any one or all of these Respites, please contact Marj Cujko at 713-458-4723 or mcujko@fmhouston.com.

An Electrifying Event is Coming to First Methodist Houston Westchase! Team Impact, some of the strongest men on the planet, including our very own Minister of Students, Stephen Mackey, will be at First Methodist Houston Westchase October 19th21st at 7p.m. With demonstrations of astounding feats of strength – such as shattering five feet of concrete with one blow from their massive arms and snapping baseball bats in half with their bare hands – Team Impact members are sure to capture the attention of both the young and old; all to share an inspiring message of hope. With the problems young people face today, Team Impact has taken seriously the task of reaching America’s youth with a timely message through their highly acclaimed school assemblies. Visiting nearly 1,000 schools each year, this group has the unique opportunity to speak to hundreds of thousands of students about the dangers of drugs, alcohol and the importance of academic excellence. But most importantly, Team Impact will be sharing hope of the Gospel each night at 7p.m., in a free program for people of all ages! Please bring your friends, family, neighbors co-workers…anyone who will listen. This will be a weekend you will not want to miss!! This is not a “youth event”…this is a Gospel event, and we are praying God will move in a POWERFUL way! Team Impact is a group of world-class athletes, including champion power-lifters, previous WWE wrestlers, and former NFL football players. The men of Team Impact travel the globe motivating and inspiring people of all ages and have performed their amazing presentation in front of millions. In addition, Team Impact appears regularly on television programs including their own weekly show where millions of people around the world are able to see their extraordinary demonstrations and hear their inspirational message. You may visit www.team-impact.com to learn more about the efforts of Team Impact.






October 18th 12 pm-1pm Churrasco’s River Oaks $20 per person

Come join us as we reconnect over lunch and share the joys of motherhood! We will be discussing ways to motivate our children to grow into Christ-centered successful young men and women.

Invite your friends!

Reservations by October 2nd to lanorris@fmhouston.com



Congregation Beth Yeshurun Tour with Rabbi Steven Morgen

MOLLie & LOuis KapLan JudaiCa MuseuM October 4th, 9am-2pm Meet at Museum 4525 Beechnut, Houston Tour & Lunch $20

During our Congregation Beth Yeshurun tour, you will have the opportunity to see: Three beautiful sancturaries Three kosher kitchens – meat, dairy amd pareve Kaplan Judaic Museum houses Rabbi Isaac Toubin’s collection of Judaica pieces, Berkowitz Haggadah, tallit cases, Kiddish cups and more. Then on to lunch at Piatto di Santi Italian Gril for authentic Italian food.


We have had a great summer! We lived, loved, and were the adventure by going to and being in ministry at Schlitterbahn, VBS, the Honduras Mission Trip, Student Life Camp, the London Choir Trip, the King’s Lake House, and sharing all of it on Student Sunday. Our congregation learned how to “Live Bravely, Love Humility, and Be Sacrificial” in order to “Be The Adventure” Jesus calls us to in John 10:10. But seasons change, and so do they. School is in full swing! We have created a great team to minister to our students this Fall, working with the busy school schedules in which our students are highly involved: • Our Sunday School Team, Nikki Leaverton, Zach and Emily Copeland, and Mark Welshimer, has taught our students Philippians and are now reviewing the foundations of faith through “Credo.” • Our Service Project at NIA Port Houston, led by Kathryn Meier, Kristen Jones, and Tammy Mailoux, is on Tuesday nights, where our students minister weekly to children right here in our backyard. • Our Confirmation Class for 6th graders is already learning and they are ready for a full schedule with field trips and retreats, led by Les & Lisa Denham and Colleen Dillahunty. • This year we have a stellar Senior Class of 2013 that will help lead our Student ministry and in various aspects in our congregation, under the leadership of Mark Welshimer. • Our Youth Choir, led by Henrietta Lusk, and Youth Handbell Choir, led by Amanda Khan, is already meeting weekly in order to serve in our worship services. These are some of the other activities we have lined up: Dewberry Farm Festival (Jr. High only) - Oct. 7th Spaghetti Luncheon on the 6th Floor - Oct. 14th Bowlerween - Oct. 28th Fall Retreat - Nov. 2-4th Bonfire at McKaskle (Sr. High only) - Nov. 9th Christmas Fun Fest - Dec. 2nd Jingle Bell YMCA – Dec. 9th Christmas Party - Dec. 21st This year Bishop Janice Huie has asked that one of our focuses be to reach young people. First Methodist is committed to this initiative, and we will continue to do all we can to provide the best ministry we can to our own students and the students of Houston. Please join our Facebook page for updates on events, retreats, and communications.

Young Adults Our young adults at First Methodist Downtown have a dream to reach their friends for Christ and be empowered in ministry. In the past this has been a challenge. But recently, they have engaged in a new way of ministry that has invigorated our young adults. Last Spring, a group of young adults gathered for Bible study, reflection, and action in order to reach their friends. They did this by coming together to organically develop, implement, and evaluate a model of faith narrative sharing with their various friends through signature passions. What does that mean? Well, they met, learned, prayed, and planned together to create original strategies to share their faith with their friends who don’t go to First Methodist, through something they are passionate about. They gathered their friends where they were and initiated faith conversations. Our fascinating young adults used their influence and hobbies to connect their friends to faith. They reached out to many of their friends in an authentic and heart-felt way, by simply being themselves and sharing their faith in Christ in natural settings. Many of their friends have responded, and it shows in our ministry. These were the seeds that were planted to help bloom the Young Adult Ministry that we are currently blessed with: • Our Contemporary Young Professionals Sunday School Class is meeting at a “hip” place where young adults get coffee on Sunday mornings at “The Phoenicia” at One Park Place (at McKinney and Austin), literally where many young adults reside. The class, under the leadership of Brant Wallace and Gordon Dillahunty,

has grown exponentially in just a month. • Our Couples In Christ Sunday School class, with leaders Alan & Evelyn Radwanski, Art & Kay Pierce, and Abdul & Kathryn Meier, is reaching many new young couples and initiating organic events to connect young couples and even their children. • Organic events are being led by our young adults with dinner and worship by Sam Song, Bible studies, social events, dinners at member’s apartments, and attractive “come” events that engage our young adults and their friends. • Our Service Project at NIA Port Houston is on Monday nights, led by Brandy Flores and Kathryn Meier, where they will minister to children in one of the neediest neighborhoods in Houston. • Our New Orleans Mission Trip (Jan. 18-20) will be led by Jason Coffey, Kim Wachel, Brant Wallace, Mark Welshimer, and Stephen Andre, where our Young Adults will do light construction at an inner-city United Methodist Church and then share their faith in Jackson Square. • Not only are they growing in numbers and leadership, but the depth of their faith has grown and matured with daily devotionals and a more authentic dialogue that resonates with other young adults. These are exciting days to be a part of the dream of First Methodist, particularly our Young Adult Ministry. Please pray for our team of young adults, that they may continue this new way of ministry to reach young adults and that God may bless it.

“I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith so that you may have a full understanding

Reservations by Sept. 27th to lanorris@fmhouston.com

of every good thing we have in Christ.” Philemon 6



Invite your friends!

Confirmation Class

October 2012


Big News! Multisite Churches Now Number More Than 5,000

When First Methodist Houston responded to the vision to be “One Church, Two Locations,” we were charting new territory. A multisite church was a new breed. Untested. Unproven. Today, the new official statistic is that there are more than 5,000 multisite churches in North America. That’s more than 5,000 different churches, each of which has two or more different geographic campuses – one church in two or more locations. Warren Bird, Ph.D., is Research Director for Leadership Network and co-author of 24 books on various aspects of church health and innovation. This national survey of churches of all sizes was validated by Leadership Network’s constantly growing database of multisite churches. As the growth has now mushroomed to 5,000 and beyond, multisite is truly a “new normal” in cities large and small, urban and suburban and even rural. Today it’s hard to find a church leadership conference that doesn’t deal with some aspect of multisite. Leadership Network’s research has underscored many of the benefits of being multisite: Multisite churches reach more people than single site churches. Multisite tends to spread healthy churches to more diverse communities. Multisite churches have more volunteers in service as a percentage than single site. Multisite churches baptize more people than single site. Multisite churches tend to activate more people into ministry than single site. So the question is how do we use our multisite advantage? By remembering and living out our mission everyday. First Methodist Houston exists to bring people to Christ, grow disciples, and impact the city for God Where ever we are.




joys and concerns

Opportunities for Women in October ✓ October 1, 12 noon, Hidden Treasures, Downtown, Let’s Read Book Club ✓ October 8, 6 p.m., Circle of Friends ✓ October 9, 10:30 a.m., Downtown, Church Circle, UMW ✓ October 16, 10:30 a.m., Reading Circle, UMW ✓ October 21, 8:30 a.m.- 1 p.m., Westchase, Stitches of Glory Fall Bazaar ✓ October 25 to 28, Women’s Emmaus Walk


Luke Reid Stroehlein; 8/27/12, son of Jack & Melissa Stroehlein and grandson of Dr. John Stroehlein. Matthew Ethan Melton; 9/3/12, son of John & Verena Melton


Retreat Was Simply The Best! These ladies of First Methodist were richly rewarded for making the drive to Camp Allen outside of Navasota for the weekend of September 7th-9th. We had a cool front, and the plans for the retreat could not have been more perfect. Reverend Meredith was simply remarkable, and we were all spellbound by her ability to tell stories from the book of Genesis we had all heard before, yet in such a new and relevant way. No one left the Women’s Fall Retreat without having learned a new way of studying the Bible and being deeply moved. Above are pictured the 68 women who attended.

✓ 9:15 a.m. Sundays, Westchase - Women of the Word Sunday Bible class, “Feasts of the Bible” with Kathy Behrman. ✓ 10 a.m. Sundays, Downtown – First Place for Health, “Make every day your best day” with Robin Milutin. ✓ 6 to 9 p.m. Mondays, Westchase – Stitches of Glory sewing group.

Let’s Read Book Club

✓ 12 noon Tuesdays, Downtown – Tuesday Noon Bible Study, Beth Moore’s James – Mercy Triumphs.

✓ 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursdays, Downtown – Sewing Connection sewing group. For further information Downtown, contact Robin Milutin at 832-668-1861. For further information Westchase, contact Debbie Wallis at 713-458-4700.


Miss Winifred Grey Stephens; 8/19/12, daughter of Jacob & Melanie Stephens Miss Gianna Turks; 9/9/12, daughter of Clayton Eugene and Laura Ann Turks


Mr. Rudy Antonio Hernandez & Miss Keisha Marie McCartney; 8/18/12


Mrs. Theresa Hayes; 9/1/12, wife of Mr. Isaiah Hayes and mother of Mr. Dimitri and Diantin Hayes

honorariums and memorials In Memory Of:

Designated Fund: Given By:

Kenneth Pope Martin Flores Martin Flores Martin Flores Martin Flores Martin Flores Jessie Hampton Tim McCrory William “Bill” Ward Martin Flores

First Choice Ministries FUMC-Foundation FUMC-Foundation DT Evangelism DT Evangelism First Choice Ministries First Choice Ministries Apartment Ministry First Choice Ministries Downtown Evangelism

UMW Reading Circle Meeting

✓ 10 a.m. Tuesdays, Downtown – Mom2Mom Bible Study, alternating Tuesdays, Laurie Cole’s “Beauty by the Book”/ Digital Scrapbooking with Colleen Dillahunty.

✓ 12 noon Wednesdays, Downtown – First Place for Health, “Make every day your best day”. ✓ 12 noon Wednesdays, Downtown – Art Journaling with Colleen Dillahunty

(since 9/10/12)

“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” - Romans 12:15

Oct. 1 Good News from New Haven – reviewer Carolyn Belk Nov. 5 Hill Country – reviewer Peg Davis September Book Club participants

Dec. 3 Paper Angels – reviewer Debra Neighbors

The UMW Reading Circle will meet Tuesday, October 16, at 10 a.m. at the home of Mary Beyer, 3306 Merrick, Houston, 77025. Jan Nolte will review the book: These Is My Words: Diary of Sara Agnes Prine – 1881 – 1901 by Nancy E. Turner. Guests are welcome. Contact Ruth Palmer, ruthgp@swbell.net for more information.

Sandra Bowman Loran & Olga Clark M/M Sydney Nurod M/M Dick Bailey Epworth Class Helen Nixon Margaret Bolling Bible Discovery Class M/M Bob Garner M/M Bob Garner

Hiring Nursery Staff Do you love working with children? We need someone that is loving, nurturing, and energetic who wants to share their Christian values and Bible knowledge with children. We need loving individuals that will interact with children through teaching, singing, reading, playing, etc. This is a part time position. Sundays 7:30am – 12:15. Additional hours currently Tuesdays 9:30am-12:30pm and Thursdays 10:30am-1:00pm. To apply contact Lisa Irwin at lirwin@fmhouston.com.

Make Every Day Your Best Day First Place 4 Health Bible Study ladies focusing on their newest study, “Make every day your best day”, which examines the way in which we live our lives so we can dwell on the present, leave the past behind, and avoid worrying about tomorrow. This study will guide us through biblical principles to embrace life day by day, seize each moment, and use our time wisely in the power of the Holy Spirit! These classes meet either on Wednesdays at noon or Sundays at 9:50 a.m.

October 2012

Merrill Bonarrigo, owner of the Messina Hof Vineyard, gave our Primetimers’ (seniors) the John 15 Tour as they strolled through the vineyard and lunched at their Vintage House Restaurant.



TV: Sundays live on KUBE-TV, channel 53 (Comcast) and channel 653 (Comcast HD). Dish & Direct TV subscribers will find us on channel 57. Channel 13 (KTRK) carries th e sermon portion of the service at 5 a.m., delayed by one week. Radio: KHCB-FM 105.7 on Sundays at 8 p.m. Internet: fmhouston.com Video streaming: fmhouston.com/ communications/livestreaming.aspx By phone: 832.668.1800 (DT) or 713.458.4700 (WC)


When the church offices are closed, you may dial the “Pastor on Call” and leave your name, a number where you can be reached, and a brief word about the nature of your emergency. The pastor “on call” will return your call as quickly as possible. Pastor on Call: 832.668.1800, option 7


If you or someone you know needs prayer, fill out a prayer card at church, call the church office or submit your request through our website. Because of your support, First Methodist Houston provides Stephen Ministers, Good Neighbors, Hospital Visitation, CanCare, AIDS Care and Alzheimers Care. “First Edition” (USPS 015-624) is published monthly for $25 per year by First United Methodist Church, 1320 Main Street, Houston, TX 77002-6803. Phone 832-6681800. Periodicals Postage Paid at Houston, Texas and at additonal Mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to First Edition, 1320 Main Street, Houston, Texas 77002-6803. Website: fmhouston.com




PERIODICAL Dated Material

First United Methodist Church 1320 Main Street Houston, TX 77002

Sanctuary Choir Tour of Ireland, Wales and England June 13–24, 2013

Dublin, Caernarfon, Oxford and London See House of Crystal in Waterford, Book of Kells at the Trinity College Library in Dublin, Caernarfon Castle, Warwick Castle, Stonehenge, and Windsor Castle. $3,860 double occupancy. Single room supplement is $850. Contact Judy Saenz at 832-668-1836 or jsaenz@fmhouston.com to receive more information.

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