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October 2014

On the Inside...

4 - Welcome to The Source 6 - Our Church, Our Stories 10 - Bible Study Opportunities 17 - The Great Pumpkin Hunt

A publication of First Choice Ministries First Methodist Houston fmhouston.com

keeping the sabbath October 5

a pastoral word Dr. Steve Wende, Senior Pastor

Dr. Steve Wende preaching 8:45 and 11 a.m. Downtown Dr. Paul Clines preaching 9:15 and10:30 a.m. Westchase

October 12

Rev. Andy Noel preaching 8:45 and 11 a.m. Downtown Dr. Paul Clines preaching 9:15 and 10:30 a.m. Westchase

October 19

Dr. Steve Wende preaching 8:45 and 11 a.m. Downtown Dr. Steve Wende preaching 9:15 and 10:30 a.m. Westchase

October 26

Dr. Steve Wende preaching 8:45 and 11 a.m. Downtown Dr. Paul Clines preaching 9:15 and 10:30 a.m. Westchase Hispanic Worship Service

Sundays at 11 a.m. 6th Floor Downtown Rev. Humberto Hernandez preaching

Sunday School

9:15 a.m. Westchase 9:50 a.m. Downtown

I’ve always loved the story about the child who was in Sunday School when the teacher asked, “Can you tell me how the walls of Jericho fell down?” Immediately the child cried, “Don’t look at me! I didn’t knock them down!” The teacher was stunned. She caught the child’s parents after class to share with them the problem. She reported to them what he had said. After a moment’s surprise, they looked at her and said, “Well, we don’t know all the details, but if our little Johnny says he didn’t knock those walls down, we believe him!” The teacher was appalled. She then went to the Chair of the Education Committee to report what had happened. The Chair said, “Well, I understand that you are upset, but I’ve known that family a long time. If they say Johnny didn’t do it, I’m inclined to believe them.” By this time the teacher was staggered by all these responses. Finally, she went to a member of the Board of Trustees, thinking that perhaps they could do something about this terrible problem. When she explained the situation he replied, “Look, let’s not make a big thing about this. Just get me an estimate and I’ll have those walls repaired!” I know, I know. The story’s a groaner. But I like it because it reminds us that it’s not just children who are sometimes ignorant of God’s Word, it is too often all of us. In fact, one of the greatest challenges

we’ve got today is the number of people who believe in the Bible, but don’t know it. That is a problem, because through the Bible we learn to look at the world through God’s eyes. There are so many loud voices in our world telling us what to think and do and be. In the final analysis, though, what matters is God’s opinion, not theirs. There is amazing strength and clarity available to individuals and families when we begin to move from saying “It seems to me” to “God has said.” The first is just our opinion, usually shaped by the opinions around us. The second is drawn from God’s Word, and it points us and those we care about securely toward lives of blessing and joy. Friends, if you are not already, will you become a two-hour Christian this fall? Come to worship, of course. That’s crucial. But add one more hour to your Sunday experience. Join a group studying God’s Word, and if you have children, enroll them in a class. For those Downtown, you might consider Bible 101, a new class just started, led by Rev. Dick Jenkins. For those at Westchase, come to the Connections Class led by Debbie Wallis. And may the God whose Word is the essence of life, bless you always!

Sign Language Interpretation 10:30 a.m. Westchase 11 a.m. Downtown

Communion and Healing

12:05 p.m. Bintliff Chapel Downtown


First Methodist provides multiple environments for relevant, powerful worship. At our Downtown location, the traditional service is at 11a.m., with a more liturgical worship at 8:45 a.m. and our Hispanic service at 11 a.m. on the fourth floor. A new contemporary service will begin in October at 11:11 a.m. At our Westchase location, the 10:30 a.m. service is contemporary, with traditional worship at 9:15.

October 2014

Fifth Sunday Fellowships

Barbecue, Bingo and Cannon Balls! If you were anywhere in the vicinity of Westpark & Westcenter on Sunday, Aug. 31, you most likely caught a whiff or two of barbecue. And, not just any barbecue, mind you … we are talking Mackey’s World-Famous Barbecue! “Why,” you ask, “would the intoxicating aroma of barbecue be wafting from a church parking lot in the middle of the morning?” Well, that’s an easy one! Stephen Mackey and his “barbe-crew” were preparing lunch for over 350 people at another West Campus Fifth Sunday Fellowship Luncheon! Started last year by Pastor Paul, these thrice yearly gatherings draw between 300-400 people to the outdoor pavilion for a mouth-watering lunch, great fellowship and fun, and even the opportunity to take a dip in one or both of the pools! Church ministry teams take turns hosting the event, and do everything from planning the menus and purchasing supplies, to serving the guests and providing entertainment. (When was the last time you played BINGO with 300 Methodists?!) It’s an “all-hands-on-deck” day, and the serving body of Christ is definitely present and accounted for, from beginning to end. The Westchase Campus of First Methodist Houston has been blessed with beautiful, spacious facilities that offer church fellowship opportunities not found anywhere else in the city. Our Fifth Sunday Fellowships help introduce new attenders and the community to these offerings, of course, but more importantly, to each other. The luncheons usually draw dozens of “first-timers,” and within the span of an hour or two, new friendships are forged and existing ones made stronger. That’s a compelling combination when your mission is to reach people for Christ and journey together through worship, service and discipleship. Our fifth Sunday gatherings don’t come along very often, but when they do, beat a path to the Quillian Pavilion, as fast as you can! You won’t want to miss a single moment of the sweet fellowship, delicious food and feeling like you’ve come home for a family reunion. And, bring a friend or two. This “family” is too remarkable not to be shared with others.



United Methodist Men’s News

Saturday, Sept. 13, Methodist Men, at their monthly breakfast meeting, hosted a most interesting and informative program honoring the graduates of the Toastmasters Program of Jim Arnold’s prison ministry. Program graduates Tommie Dorset and Tommie Anderson were the keynote speakers on this outstanding endeavor, to a standing-room only audience. Their talks focused on “Witnessing the Power of Toastmasters to Change Lives.” The breakfast meeting honored 20 other graduates of the program. Allen Houk also presented his always on-point and timely morning devotional to the group. All Methodist men, ages 12 to 112, are invited to share a great country breakfast, an inspirational hymn singing and devotional, a great keynote speaker and Christian fellowship. Please join us at our next meeting Saturday, Oct. 11 for another inspiring program.

Senior Golf League

Beginning Thursday, Oct. 9, the First Methodist Senior Golf League will begin their 2014-2015 tour. We will begin the tour at Sharpstown Golf Course at 10 a.m. Please contact Tom Gaden at 713-4584705 or tgaden@quilliancenter.org to be added to the list. There is no charge to join the league, but all golfers are responsible for their own green fees. The Senior Tour schedule is as followed: • 10/9-Sharpstown GC • 10/16-Hermann GC • 10/23-Gus Wortham GC • 10/30-Glenbrook GC Additional courses will be played in November and will be communicated to the “League Participants” via e-mail.


The way we worship By Glenda Flores

Worship is the central focus in our congregational life. It is imperative that the worship experience be engaging, spiritually uplifting, and transformative for all who walk through the doors of First Methodist. This is accomplished through dynamic and meaningful services. The Downtown Worship Committee helps carry out the vision of the church through the way it worships. The committee is comprised of lay leaders with ministry areas that directly shape, nurture, and enhances the congregation’s worship life. Working in close conjunction with staff members Rev. Ann Spears, Dr. Terry Morris, Judy Saenz, and Stan Adams, the committee meets four times each year, sharing insights and concerns. We are charged with the task of making recommendations and/or suggestions to the staff involving our worship life at the Downtown Campus and to support the staff in providing meaningful, creative worship that invites our members forward on their spiritual journeys. It is important that we know the goals of the congregation in order to support, plan, and expand worship opportunities. We welcome your feedback, as this is a vital aspect in any organization. If you have comments, suggestions, compliments or ideas you would like to bring before the committee, please contact me at glenda@flores.ms or 713-851-1338.

October 2014

Let me first say how thankful we are for the incredible support we have received for The Source! We have been overwhelmed by your abundance of prayer, your participation on the launch team, and the gift of our worship space on the Sixth Floor Downtown. God is using our church family to create a welcoming and hospitable place for new people, and we cannot wait to experience what’s in store! We are hoping and praying that The Source becomes a community of people who gather to deepen our relationships with God and with each other. We are believers and doubters, seekers and runners, worshippers and listeners. We hope to become a hospitable community where everyone is able to come as they are. “The Source” refers to God as our source of life — in the same way that the sun provides energy and allows for life on earth, God is our ever present source of strength, life, and being, whether we have come to realize it or not. God pours out God’s grace upon us before we recognize it, continues to do so as we journey in relationship with God, and welcomes us back every time we run. God’s love is perfect — we desire to be open to this love, and to pour it out to one another. October is an exciting month for us; we officially launch our new service on October 12 at 11:11 a.m. on the 6th Floor and hope that some of you will join us! If you would like more information or have any questions, please check out our new website, www.thesourcehouston.org, or contact me at kbowie@fmhouston.com or Rev. Terence Hagans at thagans@fmhouston.com. And please continue to pray that God would be glorified in our plans, words, and worship! fmhouston.com

By Rev. Kaitlyn Bowie


Survivor of domestic violence finds support at First Methodist By Carol Whitman She’s a bundle of energy and efficient organization as she goes about her work as a volunteer with the Lifeline Ministry for the homeless at First Methodist Houston. Sometimes she talks with the clients and listens to the needs of those who come in off the streets. Many of them tell stories of domestic violence and abuse. Pam Henn understands their pain. She’s experienced domestic violence herself. She knows first-hand how difficult it is to break that cycle. Pam grew up in a dysfunctional family. She never knew her father, a Navy veteran of 10 years. He had been an alcoholic and died of related causes in 1959 when she was just 2 ½ years old. Her mother worked to support five children. But she had an alcoholic boyfriend in the neighborhood who ruled the roost. He was abusive in his discipline of Pam and her siblings. When Pam was 17 years old, she had had enough of the “crazy house” with her mother, so she married a high school boyfriend who had a good job at Hughes Tool. At the same time, Pam was working at Foley’s and going to barber school to earn a license. The couple was married 19 years and had seven children together. Over the course of their marriage, Pam’s husband used psychological and physical abuse to control the family. He also controlled Pam’s finances so she would have to depend on him

for money, even though she earned income as a barber. It was a rough life, but somehow, fear of what would become of the family caused her to believe she had no options for taking the kids and getting out of the relationship. Violence in the home escalated over the years. Then one night Pam woke up in her backyard with police and paramedics preparing to take her to the hospital. In a violent rage, her husband had knocked her unconscious. He had beaten her so severely that the police chief told Pam he would help her get out of this abusive situation. Indeed, the domestic violence sergeant referred her to an attorney. Later when she returned from the hospital, she found an IRS refund check in the mailbox. It turned out to be a nest egg she could use to call the attorney and start divorce proceedings. Within 60 days, she had a divorce with a protective order for herself and the children. Pam then became a client of the Houston Area Women’s Center. There she felt safe and could work out issues that had led to such a painful life. Around that time, she began attending First Methodist Houston. She joined the Bible Discovery Sunday School class taught by Rev. Michelle Hall. Each Sunday she learned new theology that helped her develop good spiritual growth. She often turned to Michelle Hall for advice and excellent counsel. “In a very short time, I felt the

“In a very short time, I felt the love and acceptance of the church, which gave me a sense of family unity. That support helped me stay emotionally healthy and grounded.”

(continued on page 7)


October 2014

love and acceptance of the church, which gave me a sense of family unity,” says Pam. “That support helped me stay emotionally healthy and grounded. I’m now in ‘One in the Lord’ class with many fellow members who work with me in the Lifeline Ministry.” Pam’s life has changed immensely since

those dark days of abuse. She started studies at Houston Community College Coleman in Health Services where she earned an associate degree in Human Services. From 1992 to 2007, she experienced a peaceful and constructive life. Then she married a man who was in a recovery program. Within 30 days of the marriage, her husband relapsed and became physically violent. This time Pam knew she had options. She took photos and medical records to the authorities and gained a divorce within 60 days. Pam is now in a Master’s program at Springfield College. She hopes to earn a Master’s by 2015. She has done much reflection and education over the years. She understands why she made bad choices, but she knows, with God’s love, she can be free from the past. That’s why she has a passion for the church and its ministries. If she can help the homeless see they have options for getting out of a desperate situation, she feels she’s making a difference. “I thank God that I survived my situation,” says Pam. “In the Lifeline ministry,

we see so many people with unprocessed anger from physical or sexual abuse. They are self-medicating with alcohol or drugs to deal with their pain. Many people remain in bad situations because of fear. But help and grants are available to those who seek them,” says Pam. “We think Pam is a jewel of a volunteer,” says Juanette Winscott-Sides, director of First Methodist’s Lifeline Ministry. “She just walked in here one day and offered to help. Now she is here four days a week, and I don’t know what we would do without her. She knows every element of our service, and she has a heart for our homeless clients. Her dedication and organizational skills have been a huge blessing to our program, but I believe we’re a blessing to her too,” says Juanette. “I get many rewards from serving this church,” says Pam. “The work keeps me motivated and allows me to use my experiences and training to help others.”

Join First Methodist Houston Downtown as we journey though the discovery of Ezra and Nehemiah, two of the great leaders of the Bible. With their enormous and focused faith in God and their dedication to following his will, they were able to draw from God wisdom, patience, skill and perseverance. Ezra and Nehemiah achieved great things because they had the right starting place for their actions: God’s Word. fmhouston.com


Halloween Mystery Café October 11

We invite you and your friends to the Halloween Mystery Café presentation of Houston’s world premiere play Killer Karaoke on Wednesday, Oct. 22, at 11 a.m. in the Downtown Fellowship Hall. As the play unfolds YOU will try to guess “WHO DONE IT” while there are still some crooners living! Enter the glittering and cutthroat world of the professional Karaoke Singer! A crazed serial killer is stalking the contestants of the Gulf Coast Regional Semi-Final right before the National Silver Microphone Karaoke Competition. This Mystery Café is structured as a four-act-play with a three-course seated lunch. Since this is the week before Halloween, we are encouraging you to come dressedup in a Halloween costume and prizes will be awarded. Costumes are optional, but we hope everyone will participate. Won’t you join us at this fun Halloween event for great fellowship, food and mystery? Your ticket cost is $20. There will be prizes for the winners of the mystery as well as the costume contest. We need a minimum number of 50 people to bring this mystery performance to the church. Sign up today by contacting Judy Saenz at 832-668-1836 or jsaenz@fmhouston. com. Reservation deadline is Monday, Oct. 13.


Introducing the Finance Team By Ron Sledge, Lay Leader The accounting and finance functions for a church, and other non-profits in general, is not for the faint of heart. The accounting rules are unique, the lingo/vocabulary is unique, and the goals and objectives are super-unique — when compared with that of “business and commerce.” Our particular church adds to that baseline complexity the nifty extras of our twocampus structure, a school, a recreation center, and a multi-media ministry. I am certain we have well over “1,000 separate categories of revenues and expenses” in our Church chart of accounts. It takes a special group of folks to keep track of everything and keep everything on track. We just so happen to have such a special group of folks in our Finance Office. The team is led by Ken McLemore, who came aboard last fall, from Nashville. Ken has extensive background and experience with other non-profit organizations, school support entities, energy company development, hotel/resort finance, banking, and as a CPA and auditor. It is a “bonus” for us that he was the CFO of the GCFA of the United Methodist Church — the primary administrative agency of the 35,000 churches in our denomination (we finally have someone who can decipher our apportionment formula!). The Finance Office is responsible to and supportive of our clergy, program directors, our Conference office, our employed staff, our auditors, our Finance Committee, our Trustees, our Wesley Academy community, Missions, First Choice, our NIA outreach, our Quillian community, and of course, to

Back Row: Ken McLemore, Jeri Ann Adams. Front Row: Karen Sprague, Tony Harkins you and me – for all manner of accounting/reporting/payroll/HR and countless tasks which go unseen. Karen Sprague, Tony Harkins, and Jeri Ann Adams all work hard and work together to keep up in a fast-moving and demanding environment. Their collective experience and varied career backgrounds in bank management, medical administration, regulatory compliance, insurance underwriting, and human resources merge to help us carry out our many missions, in the name of Christ. Please offer them a word of thanks for all they do.

October 2014

Youngsters of Yore, Unite! ATTENTION all adults between the ages of “50-something” and “older than dirt” … have we got a treat for you! Make plans now to join with this engaged group as they study, eat, exercise and game their way toward new friendships and fellowship … all in the same day! Here’s the scoop: WHO: Youngsters of Yore (YOY for short!) WHAT: Meeting for Bible Study, Exercise, Lunch & Board/Card Games WHERE: Westchase Campus – Admin./Youth Bldg. (3663 Westcenter Drive) WHEN: Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, beginning October 14 Bible Study – 10-11:15 a.m. Low-impact Exercise – 11:30-12 noon Lunch – (Alternating BYOL & delivery) – 12:15-12:45 p.m. Games – 1-3 p.m. WHY: Because these folks are movers and shakers! The great thing about this day too, is you can participate for as many or as few of these offerings as you wish. Want to be in Bible Study, but not exercise or lunch? Not a problem! Come back for games, at 1 p.m. Want to come for just lunch and games? That’s great! You can bring your own lunch or we’ll order in, and don’t forget to bring your favorite board or card game, too. If you’d like more information, you can contact Marj Cujko at 713-458-4723 or mcujko@fmhouston.com, or just come on Oct. 14 and see what it’s all about. Invite your friends … invite your neighbors … invite your friend’s neighbors! There’s room for everyone in “YOY!”

Preparing for the Holidays: A workshop for those who are grieving The hustle and bustle of the holiday season can be stressful for anyone – even more so for those who are grieving the death of a loved one. How do you celebrate the holidays when your heart is breaking? How do you face the empty place at the table? How can you remember and honor your loved one during the holiday season? Preparing for the Holidays: A Workshop for Those Who are Grieving is designed to help those who have experienced the death of a loved one face the holiday season with hope. Topics covered will include setting realistic expectations, combining family traditions with new ones, being gentle with yourself, and reaching out to others. The workshop will be held on Sunday, November 9 from 12:15 – 2 p.m. at the


Downtown Campus. Lunch will be available for a nominal fee. If you are grieving the death of a loved one, consider attending this workshop to learn some tools to help you prepare for the holidays. This workshop is also open to the community, so if you know of a friend, neighbor, or coworker who would be blessed by this workshop, please invite them to join us. For more information, please contact Rev. Charles Thompson at 832-668-1840 or Treva Kigar at 281-463-6738.

“Sanders Family Christmas” with Texas Repertory Theatre

Join us for an afternoon of theater Sunday, Dec. 14 and enjoy this matinee performance of Sanders Family Christmas - a toe-tapping, bluegrass Christmas filled with humor and nostalgia! The Gospel-singing Sanders family returns to a small church in the wildwood to share their stories of warmth and family amidst a rousing collection of Christmas tunes, all done with good humor and filled with the spirit of the season. This holiday production will have you clapping your hands, tapping your feet, and celebrating the pure joy of the Christmas season! The cost is $35 which includes your ticket and transportation from the church. We will leave the Downtown Campus at 2 p.m. and return at 5:45 p.m. Deadline for reservations is Monday, Dec. 1. To reserve your ticket (limited number available) contact Judy Saenz at 832-668-1836 or jsaenz@fmhouston.com.


Fellowship Hall, Lower Level Everyone welcome, lecture format, excellent fellowship and involvement/service opportunities Teacher: Allen Houk President: John Rodriguez


Room: 305 A class of singles and couples of varying ages that enjoy Christian fellowship, studying God’s Word, and believing in the power of prayer. Teacher: Jeff Aldis President: ldylette Roberson


Room: 413 All ages and backgrounds, involved in active learning and lively discussion of the Bible. Teacher: Mark Buehler President: Kimery McKaskle

CONTEMPORARY CLASS Room:402 Dynamic, engaging, group of contemporaries. Great fellowship and connections with relevant Biblical study. Leader: Nick Uselton


Room: 406 Couples with children, lively discussion mission projects, strong fellowship and support. Teachers: Kurt Nondorf, Ron Sledge President: Matt Winston


Room: 403 This diverse class relates Biblical principles to everyday life and marriage issues. Leaders: Art & Kay Pierce; Brant Wallace


Room 307 A class of ladies of varying ages that enjoy interactive study, Christian fellowship, and believing in the power of prayer. Teacher: Robin Milutin & Treva Kigar President: Jean Miles



8:45·10:45 am Room: Lower Level 9 A&B Leaders: Rev. Humberto Hernandez, Erica Winston


Room: 309 All ages, Bible lecture with short question and answer time, excellent fellowship and service. Teacher: Michelle Hall President: Glenda Flores


Room: 409 All ages, a self-directed group of Christian pilgrims sharing their faith journey and spiritual growth. Topics chosen by class with shared teaching duties. Discussion of Biblical, historical and modern day lessons. President : Jim Hackedorn

FIDELIS - Room: 405

Everyone welcome, lecture format, serious study of the Bible, fellowship opportunities. Teacher: Stephen Webb President: Harry Horne


Room: 308 Everyone welcome, class members involved in contributions to missions. Teachers: Christie Bluhm, Jim Elliot, Di Anne Kneipp, Phillip Pena, Bob Stover President: Bob Stover


Room:414 Everyone welcome for interactive study with a focus on Bible application. Teacher: Bill Scheel President: Barbara DePrato


Room 412 All ages, dynamic Bible-based lecture discussion, exciting fellowship and service opportunities. Teachers: Karen Kent, Nancy Jenkins, Key Medford, John Milutin, Cecile Phillips, Jan Runkel, Betsy Thompson President: James Abney


Room: 303 Everyone welcome! Scripturebased teaching, lecture and discussion, excellent fellowship and service opportunities. Teachers: Rev. John Onstott President: Tommy Ratliff


Room: 408 Everyone welcome! Bible-based life application format, strong mission & fellowship. Teachers: Dave Lund & George Little President: George Little


Room: 4th Floor lobby A group of very diverse people who share their growing relationships with our Lord. Teacher/Leader: Dr. Julie Howard


Room: 211 A class for all ages and stages of life seeking spiritual formation through active learning, lively discussion, strong fellowship and support, and service for those most in need. Teachers Rotate Leaders: Becky Bowyer and Laura Griffenberg

SPANISH BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER 12:30-2:00 pm Room: 405 Leader: Luisa Kenny


For More Information about Sunday School Classes Downtown, contact Charles Thompson at cthompson@fmhouston. com.

October 2014


Sundays @ 8:15 AM

All Ages

DGroups that meet during the week

Hinson Chapel Leader: Jay Klingenberg

Sundays @ 9:15 AM

2:17 Young Adults

WA 217 Leader: David Panthagani

Three Strands

WA 235 Leader: Jason Knesek

Couples, 30’s, 40’s


30’s, 40’s

WA 211 Leader: Dr. Pendergrass

Salt & Light

30’s, 40’s

WA Library Leader: Paul Conrad

40’s, 50’s

WA 219 Leader: Keith West

Women of the Word

Adults considering membership Leader: Debbie Wallis

Encouraging Word 30’s, 40’s

WA 216 Leader: Stacy Valdes

Selah Bible Hour

Choir Room Leader: Todd King


The Bible Lab 40’s, 50’s

WA 208 Leader: Keith Edwards

Truth Seekers 50’s, 60’s

WA 213 Leader: Mark Harwell

Journey of Friends 50’s, 60’s

Open Door 50’s, 60’s

Adult Bible Hour

Adults, All Ages

Adults, All Ages

WA 218 Leader: David Ross

Leader: Marj Cujko

Every Wednesday Covenant Bible Study 6:30-8 PM, WA Library Leader: Lenoria Walker

Every Other Wednesday Men’s DGroup 6:30-7:30 AM

Men, 40’s+ Leader: Mark Harwell Panera Bread at Memorial City

Every Thursday

WA 220 Leader: Kathy Behrman

Sundays @ 10:30 AM Connections WA Conference Room

7:30 AM, SB 108 Leader: Pastor Paul Clines

Every Tuesday Growing in Christ 10-11:30 AM, SB 108

Adults, All Ages

Good News

Women, All Ages

Every Other Monday

Men’s DGroup Men, 40’s+

The Edge

College Students

8 PM, Westchase 320 Leader: Apoc Antu

Every Saturday Palabra Inspiradora

7:30 PM Adults (en español) Leader: Jose Martinez 4918 Blueberry Dr., 77084 Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday Men’s DGroup 6:30 PM Men, 30s-40s Leader: Dr. David Pendergrass 9663 Meadowvale Dr., 77063

For More Information about DGroups at Westchase, contact David Pendergrass at dpendergrass@fmhouston.com.

WA 201 Leader: Larry Harman Hinson Chapel Leader: Anji Sullivan

Financial Peace University

WA 214

Adults, All Ages Leader: Ruth Chipongian Impacto (en espanol) WA 215 Adults, All Ages Leader: Susie Morales



In August, just before school began, the Launch Youth ministry retreated to the King’s lakehouse in Huntsville, Texas. It was a great weekend of community, worship, and fun on the water! Boating, swimming, and tubing took up all our free time, and in our times of worship together we took time to recognize and prepare for all the newness and change God is ushering in in this season at First Methodist and Launch Youth Ministry. With the beginning of a new school year, new building space, and new staff people, we are so excited for what God has in store for the upcoming year! Special thanks to the King’s for allowing us into your beautiful home!




THE JOURNEY Winter Retreat December 5-7 at Pine Cove Camp

Deposits will be due November 1. Look for more information coming soon!


October 2014

Mommy and Me Classes

Seats for all classes are on a first come, first served basis. All class fees are non-refundable.

Mommy and Me Story Time

Ages: 2-4 with parent Day: Wednesdays 10-10:45 a.m. Dates: October 1, 8, and 15 Cost per class: $40 (includes a craft and a to go snack)

Mommy and Me Movement

Ages: 18 months and up with parent Day: Tuesdays 10-10:45 a.m. Dates: October 21, 28, November 4, 11, 18, December 2 Cost per class: $100 Minimum: 6 kids to keep class Maximum: 12 kids per class

Mommy and Me Art Exploration

Ages: 18 months and up with parent Day: Wednesdays, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Dates: October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, November: 5, 12 Cost per class: $70 (includes supplies) Maximum: 10 kids per class Main Street Park is open to the public every week, Tuesday thru Thursday from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

1320 Main Street, Houston, TX 77002 | 832-668-1800

Six On Six This fall, the Launch Youth Ministry is kicking off a new Wednesday night program! On the third Wednesday of the month, students will gather for Six on Six (or S.O.S.). From 6-8 p.m. on the newly renovated 5th and 6th Floors, we’ll enjoy our new facilities, fellowship over games and food, and have a time of worship together. Students are invited to come as they are and invite friends to help them get plugged in to Launch youth. For more information, contact Emily Ordonez at eordonez@ fmhouston.com. 13

Church Circle News The UMW Church Circle will meet Tuesday, Oct. 14 at the Downtown Campus in Room 211. Our meeting will begin at 10:30 a.m. Susan Gallman, assistant leader, has a special program planned. JoAnn Lund will present a program about the Native Americans. We look forward to JoAnn’s program. Our September meeting was gathering dental items to make dental kits. Thanks to Ruth Ann Adams and Bonnie Chesser for getting all the supplies. We do not have any birthdays for October. After our program and short business meeting led by Jane Thompson, our leader, we will have our luncheon. Please bring your favorite food dish to share. All ladies of our church are welcome to come and visit Church Circle. Come and receive a blessing!

Reading Circle News The UMW Reading Circle will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 21, at First Methodist Downtown. Check with Receptionist for meeting location. Betty Krause, Chair, will preside. • 10 a.m. - Refreshments • 10:30 a.m. - Business & Program • 11:30 a.m. - Adjourn JoAnn Lund will be hostess and also present the program. Judy Lepadatu will share with us the work she does with homeless women and the women’s shelter with which she is very involved. Judy and her husband, Dan, are longtime members of First Methodist and worship Downtown. JoAnn will have items to assemble Health Kits for our Texas Conference UMW project. The kits will be delivered to the location designated by the Conference for distribution. Visitors are always welcome to attend Reading Circle meetings. We have book reviews and other programs of interest. We meet on the third Tuesday of each month except July & August in the homes of members or other locations hosted by members. For more information, contact Ruth Palmer at ruthgp@swbell.net.


Join the ladies of Let’s Read Book Club Join the ladies of the Let’s Read Book Club the first Monday of each month at 12 p.m. in Hidden Treasures Books and Gifts Downtown. Monday, Oct. 6, Janet Nolte will review The Book of Hours by Davis Bunn. Brian thought he had no future. Now he has the chance to start over...if he can solve the mysteries of the past found inside Castle Keep. Monday, Nov. 3, Marry Marriott will review Between Sundays by Karen Kingsbury. Football season becomes a time of realization that life’s most important victories are won off the field. A star quarterback with much to learn, a younger player with much to give, and a woman with a heart for underprivileged kids—thrown together into a time of self-discovery and a new awareness of the things that matter most.

Mary Marriot is a proud 20 year member of First Methodist. She attends Hervey’s Main Street SS class in between her choir obligations. Mr. and Mrs. Marriott attend Allen’s Noon Thursday Bible Study, and have served First Methodist as members of the Board. Join us at 11:30 a.m. for tea and coffee, or bring your lunch at noon and munch during the review. For more information, call Hidden Treasures Books and Gifts at 832-668-1876.

Port Houston volunteers needed Neighbors in Action is looking for regular volunteers for our kids and youth programs! No Spanish is required! You can help in many ways: • teach Kids Bible study on Mondays or Tuesdays (6 - 7 p.m.) together with other volunteers • teach Youth Bible Study (boys or girls) on Wednesday evenings (6 - 7:30 p.m.) • teach cooking class on Friday evenings (6 - 7:30 p.m.) • help with child care for Moms Bible Study on Mondays (9 - 11 a.m.) • provide meals on Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursdays (at 6 p.m.) for all the children and teenagers that come to the programs • serve food for children on Mondays - Thursdays (6 p.m.) If God is calling you to serve in Port Houston and you can commit to volunteer on a regular basis, please contact Kathrin Meier at 832 343 8105 or kmeier@fmhouston.com. We need you and your gifts!

October 2014

Honduras Mission Trip Recap

Honduras is the fourth poorest country in the Western Hemishphere. 85% of the population lives in poverty — as in, dirt floors, no toilet, no water, no electricity. For many, basic survival is their way of life. The goals of our trip were to show the love of God by digging a water well and sharing the Gospel with the people. W hat a wonderful experience our week in Honduras (Aug. 18-25) was! Kurt and I were blessed to serve with a great team led by Mark and Judy Reynolds of MANNA Water for Life. The people we encountered in Guaimaca and Cerro Grande were very kind and loving and welcomed us with hugs and kisses. Although we had to leave before the water well drilling was completed, the trip was successful in many other ways. God’s love and plan of salvation were taught to the school children each day and shared as we went door-to-door. On one hike up the mountain by the drill site, five people accepted Christ, and we were allowed to pray with the people at each home we visited. From this trip, I want to remember to pray for opportunities to share the gospel and to be bold in talking to others about God. If it can be done in Honduras, it can be done in Houston! - Marlene Nondorf fmhouston.com

First Methodist partnering with Habitat for Humanity

First Methodist is teaming up this fall with our downtown neighbors and Habitat for Humanity to work on homes for well deserving families in Houston. This is an opportunity for us to connect with our Downtown neighbors and serve those in need together. There are two remaining weekend opportunities for serving ­— Saturdays, Oct. 25 and Nov. 22 — and we plan to fill each team with 12 church members and 12 residents living in our downtown neighborhood. If you would like to serve on one of the weekend projects, please go to www. fmhouston.com/habitat and complete the registration form. For more information, contact the Missions Office at 832-668-1819 or kjames@ fmhouston.com.

SAVE THE DATE OCTOBER • Oct. 1-4: Eagle Pass Mission Trip • Oct. 4: Willow Falls Refugee Outreach • Oct. 4-12: Guatemala Mission Trip • Oct. 25: Habitat for Humanity Project NOVEMBER • Nov. 9-15: El Salvador Mission Trip • Nov. 22: Habitat for Humanity Project DECEMBER • Dec. 18-21: Adult Eagle Pass Mission Trip • Dec. 19-21: Family Eagle Pass Mission Trip


Wesley Academy:

A Light in the Community The month of October reminds us of autumn leaves, warm baked goods, dress-up, and jack-o-lanterns. Jack-o-lanterns may be beautifully carved, but their beauty cannot be fully seen unless they have a light that shines from within. In the same way, Wesley Academy provides light to its community. Matthew 5:16 says, “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (ESV). Each school day, Wesley Academy shines its light. This light began to shine nearly 20 years ago when the school was birthed by First United Methodist Church of Houston. The light of Wesley provides hope for families, a challenging learning environment for students, the love of Christ, and a nurturing home for all who enter its doors. How can you help Wesley Academy continue shining its light? Here are a few suggestions: • Visit Wesley Academy and show your support for the light it provides. • Pray for Wesley. Ask God to bring the students and families that need us to be a light for them. • Give a financial gift to Wesley Academy. Gifts, whether large or small, enable us to provide scholarships for students, to purchase supplies, and to cover operating costs. Checks can be made payable to Wesley Academy and can be sent to the school (10570 Westpark Drive, Houston 77042) or dropped in the offering plate on Sunday.


October 2014


On Friday, Oct. 31, Quillian Center invites all children to experience The Great Pumpkin Hunt. Activities will begin at 6 p.m. when kids, wearing their costumes, will search for The Great Pumpkin. Along the way they may find other “tricks” and “treats!” Also that evening, there will be inflatables, games, a costume contest, and dancing to Thriller. Children can explore the “Trunk or Treat” zone and, for the brave at heart, attempt to negotiate the FUN HOUSE! If you would like to help sponsor an activity at The Great Pumpkin Hunt, please contact Tom Gaden at 713-459-4705. We also need cupcakes, candy and other treats. Tell your friends that this is an excellent alternative to trick or treating.

Kidz Night Out (KNO) is back this fall at Qullian Center! Beginning Friday, Sept. 12, KNO is a wonderful escape for children ages five to 13. While parents might gain a few hours to enjoy dinner or a movie, the kids will be safe at Quillian Center playing games, dancing, enjoying pizza and other fun activities. KNO begins at 6:30 p.m. and ends promptly at 10:30 p.m. The cost is $25 per child, $40 for two, or $50 for three. Please reserve your space by contacting Karen Wallis at 713-458-4707 or kwallis@quilliancenter.org. 2014 KNO Dates • September 12, 19, 26 • October 3, 17, 24 • November 7, 14, 21 • December 5, 12, 19





October 2014

joys and concerns



Mr. James C (Pete) Porter, 8/26/2014 Mr. George Brodie, 8/31/2014

honorariums and memorials In Honor Of: Designated Fund: Laura Aldis DT Youth Renovation Blair Brubaker FMH Foundation(25th Birthday) In Memory Of: Desginated Fund: Laura Macune Downtown Music Ministries Laura Macune Downtown Music Ministries Laura Macune Downtown Music Ministries Jack Maynard Downtown Live Streaming Jack Maynard First Choice Ministries Marcie Standerfer First Choice Ministries Marcie Standerfer First Choice Ministries Elizabeth Wilcox FMH Foundation Marcie Standerfer First Choice Ministries Ron King First Choice Ministries Elizabeth Wilcox FMH Foundation Elizabeth Wilcox FMH Foundation Elizabeth Wilcox FMH Foundation Elizabeth Wilcox FMH Foundation Olivia Hyder First Choice Ministries Elizabeth Wilcox General Ministries Elizabeth Wilcox General Ministries

Given By: Rev Ann/Mr Max Spears Carole Brubaker Given By: M/M Walter Luck M/M Alex Johnson M/M James Spillar Doris Maynard Aunt Judy,Cousins Kevin and Jeff and Families Martha Moore Brenda Shield Dr. Jim Butler Evelyn Ellis Evelyn Ellis J M Sampey M/M Robert Davenport Carole Brubaker Robert Reynolds Hyder Family Julia Ray Margaret Lam

TV: Sundays live on KUBE-TV, channel 53 (Comcast) and channel 653 (Comcast HD). Dish and Direct TV subscribers will find us on channel 57. Channel 13 (KTRK) carries the sermon portion of the service at 5 a.m., delayed by one week. Radio: KHCB-FM 105.7 on Sundays at 8 p.m. Internet: fmhouston.com Video streaming: fmhouston.com/ communications/livestreaming.aspx By phone: 832.668.1800 (DT) or 713.458.4700 (WC)


When the church offices are closed, you may dial the “Pastor on Call” and leave your name, a number where you can be reached, and a brief word about the nature of your emergency. The pastor “on call” will return your call as quickly as possible. Pastor on Call: 832.668.1800, option 7


If you or someone you know needs prayer, fill out a prayer card at church, call the church office or submit your request through our website. Because of your support, First Methodist Houston provides Stephen Ministers, Good Neighbors, Hospital Visitation, CanCare, AIDS Care and Alzheimers Care. “First Edition” (USPS 015-624) is published monthly for $25 per year by First United Methodist Church, 1320 Main Street, Houston, TX 77002-6803. Phone 832-6681800. Periodicals Postage Paid at Houston, Texas and at additional Mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to First Edition, 1320 Main Street, Houston, Texas 77002-6803. Website: fmhouston.com





PERIODICAL Dated Material

First United Methodist Church 1320 Main Street Houston, TX 77002

The Source Ministry Team in their new worship space

coming next month • The New Face of First Methodist • Building A Strong Foundation - Stewardship Series • More Our Church, Our Stories

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