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Iam excited to introduce our latest publication, Trendsetters. This is a new magazine, but also an evolution from our prior brand, Design & Living. This new publication will offer a unique twist on a traditional magazine concept. We are exploring new ways to provide multiple forms of content to you and curate it through the voice of trusted community members. We have so many amazing people in this community deserving of a podium. We want to give them that so they can share and so you, as readers, can benefit from their experiences. We hope they lead you to try new things, experience our community in different ways, and, ultimately, grow and be happy.
Now, in our 13th year of publishing free, positive, unbiased community magazines, we have reached over 500 individual issues published. With that being said, we continue to learn and listen to the feedback from our other publications and plan to use Trendsetters as a platform to try new ways to connect with our readers.
I hope you enjoy this first issue which will serve as a testing ground for improvement. We know that there is so much opportunity to tweak and mold this concept into something better with each edition. We eagerly await your feedback and are excited to hear your recommendations for trendsetting ideas, people and organizations we can feature in the area.
Mike Dragosavich Publisher