1 minute read
Approved WHITNEY
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1. Bala Bars
"They're my favorite weights, they're easy to grip with their sleek design!"

2. At-Home Workouts
"Being self-employed and a single mom, I don’t have tons of free time to head to a gym. Doing workouts at home when I have 30 to 60 free minutes in my day has allowed me to maintain a workout routine without the hassle of trudging to and from a gym."
3. Isle of Paradise Drops

"These are a clean product (meaning it is free from harmful chemicals) and you mix them with the moisturizer that you’re already using. You can use them with your face and body lotion. And, being that they’re drops, you’re able to customize your tan level by the number of drops you choose to add. They give a good sun-kissed glow that you can control."
Whitney's go-to face moisturizer is from the brand Obagi , and she uses Aveeno body lotion Mix a few drops of the Isle of Paradise Drops, which can be found at Sephora, with your moisturizer to give your skin a natural glow. glow!"
- Geneva Nodland, Editor