2 minute read
"I highly suggest listening to Evolve by Erika. Erika is a kundalini yoga teacher that shares tips on how to get clear on what you want, shift your mindset, and elevate your vibration. “Episode 64: More On Manifestation” is currently my favorite."

Calm - "Find 3 to 25-minute guided meditations that promote deep rest. You don't need to be an expert to get started."

Insight Time - "Create a wellness routine at home. They have a breathwork category full of simple exercises."

What are health, wellness and beauty to you?
My approach to health, wellness and beauty may seem holistic. I believe real beauty comes from nurturing what is inside, and it shows in our mood, vitality and glow.
Why do you believe yoga is an important practice for people to incorporate?
In a world that promotes doing more, yoga reminds us to slow down and do less. I always tell people "we are human beings, not human doings." I believe everyone can benefit from taking time to rest and be present. It's in those moments that we can realign with what sets our soul on fire.
People often say things like, "Oh, I wouldn't be any good at yoga, I'm not flexible." Why should people reexamine that statement and how can beginners get involved in the practice?
Yoga is so much more than asana (the poses). There are many practices like yoga nidra that only require you to lie comfortably on a mat. Unfortunately, many people don't know about these practices because yoga is often recognized as a fitness class. Some classes may require strength, but a good teacher will always remind you that you are exactly where you need to be and provide you the tools you need to say "YES" to yoga. amazing teacher who I was able to open up to about my illness. She taught me pranayama (breathwork) and showed me that yoga was much more than a physical practice She created practices that grew with me as I continued to heal and flourish, but I'm not sure if that would have been possible without her guidance. That year I signed up for a 200 hour yoga teacher training and I've never looked back. Yoga changed my life and it continues to help me evolve in the best ways.
What are some health/beauty options in town that you have utilized that have not already been listed?
I recently had a 60-minute massage inside Inspire's Salt Cave and it was a magical experience. I appreciated the use of essential oils and mantras. NOW THAT SOUNDS AWESOME!
Briefly, what is your morning routine?
5 a.m. - I wake up and head to Yuj Yoga.
6 a.m. - I instruct 60-minute heated flows on Thursday and Friday.
7 a.m. - Close up, head home, drink hot lemon water and shower.
Clean beauty products are hard to find. That is why I buy my shampoo, conditioner and bodywash at Swanson Health Products. They have a brand called Giovanni that is affordable and free of propylene glycol (which I'm sensitive to).
For those out there that don't know, can you tell us about how you got into yoga?
I started practicing yoga in 2014 but it wasn't until I got sick in 2018 that I decided to learn more and dive deeper. That year I met an
8 a.m. - Head to work. I have a hybrid marketing career and most days I work from home.
Around 9 or 10 a.m. - I'll eat breakfast, listen to a podcast and make myself some tea or coffee.
you know?
Swanson Health Products, a company with an estimated revenue of over $500 million was founded in Fargo in 1969!
Instagram: @yujyogafargo

Facebook: /yujyogafargo
