Daily Record Financial News &
Friday, April 24, 2015
Vol. 102, No. 115 • One Section
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Brown orders discrimination study Spokesman said mayor recently realized importance to residents
By Marilyn Young Editor Mayor Alvin Brown’s decision to have city lawyers study anti-discrimination laws and best practices came after a recent realization the issue was important to residents. “Over the course of the last several months, it became abundantly clear that people want action to set the city up to know how to handle discrimination,” said Brown’s campaign spokesman, Yianni Varonis. A University of North Florida poll released in March showed 62
percent of residents support adding sexual orientation to the list of groups protected from workplace discrimination. The mayor wants a broad, comparative study of federal, state and local laws to ensure the City Council has the information it needs to prevent discrimination in the city, according to a news release issued Thursday. Brown asked that the study be completed by June 30. The new council takes office July 1. Three years ago, council heavily debated and ultimately rejected a Human Right Ordinance that would have added sexual
orientation to the city’s discrimination policy. Brown did not take a public stand on the ordinance, only saying he was against discrimination. When asked if the mayor felt differently about the issue now, Varonis said, “I don’t think it’s necessarily a difference except the fact that he has had three more years to be mayor and had the opportunity to spend more time with his constituents … and to learn more about the issues they care about.” When asked if Brown regretted not taking a public stand on
the issue in 2012, Varonis said, “I think the mayor would regret not taking action after the study comes in.” He would not answer whether Brown had regrets about not taking a stand on the ordinance three years ago. Varonis discounted the timing of the announcement, which came less than a month before the May 19 election. He said Brown only made the decision this week to seek the study. Jimmy Midyette, chair of the Northeast Florida LGBT Leadership PAC, said he understands Brown... Continued on Page A-2
Gulliford pension bill makes key changes
Pratt Guys’ Philips Highway retail and storefront has undergone massive renovations in recent weeks in anticipation for Saturday’s grand opening. It’s been more than a year in the making for the business, which specializes in handcrafted pergolas, outdoor kitchens and pavers — everything needed to make backyards shine.
For brothers, it all builds up to this Pratt Guys opening a year in the making
By David Chapman Staff Writer After all the hard work, the long hours in the sun, the Pratt Guys had done it. They’d signed the lease for their retail space and showroom, a place they’d be able to show their handcrafted pergolas, picturesque outdoor kitchens and sleek paver designs. The staples of how they would transform plain backyards into catalog-worthy Florida hangouts. It was a moment to celebrate when they signed the papers in
late 2013, finalizing a lease to be among the cadre of specialized home services along Philips Highway. Soon after, the sign with their 1950s-inspired logo and services hit the roof, telling the world the business would be open in March 2014. But March passed. April, May and June did, too. Summer turned to fall and still the brothers didn’t have the time and money needed to devote toward the space. All the renovations they’d do themselves — no Pratt Guys... Cont inued
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The Pratt brothers, Derek, Adam and Jason, with their father, Daniel.
Photos by David Chapman
By David Chapman Staff Writer Court cases, bill rejections and measures being introduced have dominated public safety-related pension plans in recent weeks. Now, there’s another option. City Council member Bill Gulliford filed a bill this week taking another stab at reform, although this version has some changes to a negotiated version council rejected in late March via a 9-9 split. One heavily debated point on that bill was the length of time council couldn’t impose benefits. Some held fast to three years, as collective bargaining laws state. Others said the Police and Fire Pension Fund board wouldn’t approve anything less than 10 years, which shaved five years off the so-called 30-year agreement that defined benefits. Gulliford was among those who were adamant about three years, but his latest measure sets the length at seven years. He called it a “very difficult” point to compromise. “I can’t get three and they can’t get 10,” he said, referring to the fund board. “That’s between the two and I think it’s fair.” Another massive change: The city wouldn’t have to make accelerated payments toward the $1.6 billion unfunded liability problem within the plan. One idea proposed by Mayor Alvin Brown had the city and JEA each borrowing $120 million, with the remaining another $60 million coming from pension fund accounts. The $300 million would be a present-day equivalent of $400 million paid over time that has been determined is needed to get the fund at healthy levels. Gulliford said there isn’t a funding source for that part and by decoupling that part from the rest of the bill will lock in some savings now. “This helps stop some of the bleeding now,” he said. In the short term, he said, any excess pay-down up to $20 million would have to be matched by the fund. Pension... Continued
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