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Daily Record Financial News &

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Vol. 102, No. 149 • One Section

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Returning focus on neighborhoods

Curry transition team making issue a priority By David Chapman Staff Writer On the campaign trail, Mayorelect Lenny Curry consistently talked about “celebrating our neighborhoods.” To best accomplish that, Ed Burr posed a simple question to members of his Infrastructure Transition Committee. “Should there be a Neighborhoods Department recreated?” Burr asked the group that began

its work Wednesday. The city’s Neighborhoods Department was deconstructed during Mayor Alvin Brown’s reorganization of city government. Its responsibilities were spread across other departments. Burr wasn’t looking for an immediate answer. It was more of a threshold question, but one that likely will be addressed early in the group’s work. Burr later said there will be a reorganization, although not

massive. However, Kerri Stewart said earlier she can see a substantial reorganization on the way. Stewart said she was speaking as an individual and not for the Operations, Human Resources and Productivity Transition Committee she heads. The group will be looking at the way the city government is structured. The committee will look at whether activities throughout are best performed by the city — or

perhaps might be better shifted to the nonprofit or private sector. It won’t be making recommendations on specific employees. Like Burr openly asking about neighborhoods, Stewart also points to the department as an example. She served as the Housing and Neighborhoods director under former Mayor John Peyton and questions whether the department being “blown up” in past Transition continued on Page A-3


Carroll cleared of Allied conf lict

Panel finds errors in reporting income

Photo by Bobby King

By Brandon Larrabee The News Service of Florida

Run, Jaxson, run! Jaxson de Ville is on the run, being chased by a group of children during the Jacksonville Jaguars practice at the Florida Blue Health and Wellness Practice Fields next to EverBank Field.

Fire alarms malfunctioning at jail City budgets $1.1M for repair at 3 buildings

By Max Marbut Staff Writer The fire alarm system at one of the few buildings in Duval County that can’t be evacuated is failing and will cost more than $740,000 to replace. The fire detection and suppression system at the Pretrial Detention Facility, as well as the systems at the Police Memorial Building and the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office Community Transition Center, are slated for major upgrades. Those will include replacing fire sensors, notification


devices, wiring and control panels. The cost of the project for all three buildings is $1.1 million. Legislation enacted May 25 by City Council to appropriate $717,000 for the repair and replacement states the fire alarm systems also do not comply with building code requirements. The equipment was installed in 1991 and some components do not meet requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. In addition, some parts that need to be replaced no longer are available due to the age of the system.

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“It probably lasted beyond its life expectancy,” said Tara Wildes, Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office director of corrections. Aging infrastructure in older buildings is a fact the city deals with on a regular basis, said Luis Flores, chief of public buildings. The city maintains more than 100 structures in Duval County. Some of the oldest and most challenging are the multistory structures in Downtown. Most of those have building engineers whose job is to constantly monitor the Fire

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The Florida Commission on Ethics has found probable cause that former Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll did not properly report income from consulting work that led to her 2013 resignation, but it cleared Carroll of potentially more-serious allegations regarding her dealings with Allied Veterans of the World. In response, Carroll said the decision vindicated her, and she called again for Gov. Rick Scott to publicly apologize for pushing her out of office in the wake of an illegal gambling probe. Carroll resigned two years ago amid revelations that a company she coowned, 3N & J.C. Corp., provided consulting services for Allied Veterans of the World, the entity at the center of an investigation into illegal gambling and other crimes in the Internet café industry. Carroll Carroll was never charged in the case and has denied any wrongdoing. But she concedes, as the ethics commission found, that she filed inaccurate financial disclosures in 2010. Carroll initially reported receiving less than $1,000 in income from her consulting company, rather than the $16,047 of net income she earned that year. “I do not intend to challenge the ethics committee, their probable cause is based on the fact that I did file a report that was incorrect,” Carroll said in a written statement following the commission’s decision. “I believe they will find that this was not intentional. If they find a reason to fine me for that, so be it.”

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