Daily Record Financial News &
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Vol. 102, No. 152 • One Section
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New public safety needs top $20M Promised 147 officers won’t come in Curry’s first year
By David Chapman Staff Writer Along the campaign trail, priority No. 1 for Mayor-elect Lenny Curry was public safety. On Monday, his transition team received an early glimpse that it could cost more than $20 million to meet those additional needs.
Forty police officers, 40 community service officers and the needed equipment and IT would be more than $7 million. Another $4.9 million for technological needs like replacing broken laptops and servers along with updating fingerprint identification systems. How many officers will be included in Curry’s first budget
Funding and speed are keys in transition
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academy couldn’t process 147 new officers in the first year. On the fire department side, more than $3 million is needed just to keep 55 firefighters employed. The two-year federal grant that funded those positions ends in February. Rescue units come in at about $1 million and stations cost $2.5 million to $3 million.
In the next month, Curry and his team will determine how much to spend on priorities leading to his July 20 budget submission. That work started Monday when Sam Mousa, Curry’s transition executive director, and a team of budget volunteers began meeting with city departments Safety
continued on
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“It’s a place where you are going to know who your kids are playing with.” Jerry Dean, Jacksonville division president for Vintage Estate Homes
Photo by Carole Hawkins
Former Mayor John Delaney collected all of the city’s job- and capital investmentcreating agencies under the umbrella of the Jacksonville Economic Development Commission starting in 1996, soon after he took office for two terms. On Monday, he began leading the charge by Mayor-elect Lenny Curry, a fellow Republican whom he strongly supported, to recommend how the city should proceed with its economic development efforts. “I’m guessing funding and speed will be the key things,” Delaney said after Curry’s Economic Development Transition Subcommittee completed its first hourlong meeting at the University of North Florida, where the former mayor is president. “I’ve been gone 12 years,” he said. “There have been a lot of changes since then.” Delaney is chairman of the subcommittee. It expects to meet seven more times and wrap up by July 9, about a week after Curry takes office July 1. Mayor Alvin Brown, a Democrat, turned the JEDC into the Office of Economic Development within his office to deal with countywide opportunities. He also led the creation of the independent Downtown Investment Authority to focus on creating jobs and economic impact in the central business district. The JEDC focused on both the county and Downtown, although former JEDC Chair Ceree Harden collegially reminded Delaney of his administration’s push to provide economic incentives for areas just north and west of the St. Johns River. Curry’s transition team wants the economic development group to consider three key objectives: Create an accountability matrix for recipients of public economic development funding; “process map” relationships between city agencies and independent authorities, JAX Chamber, Visit Jacksonville and the Jacksonville Sports Council to determine redundancies and understanding; and evaluate appropriate staffing levels. Members were vocal coming out of the gate. Harden, chairman of the Harden &
hasn’t been determined, said spokesman Brian Hughes. But, it won’t be the full 147 officers Curry promised during the campaign. “We’re going to get the number up as quickly as we can without breaking the bank,” said Hughes, noting that “multiple years” of budgeting led to the problem. Hughes also said the training
Vista Wood in northern Duval County captures the advantages of “boutique” subdivisions, which often means larger lots, natural settings and more variation in home designs. It gives the feeling of an established neighborhood, said developer Chet Skinner.
Small can be just right size
‘Boutique’ neighborhoods gaining an audience By Carole Hawkins Staff Writer It’s easier saleswise to be Amazon than the corner bookstore. To compete, “small” must find ways to say “unique” to buyers. It’s perhaps why “boutique” is being used to describe small communities put together by local builders who face tough competition from large public builders. To the builders, boutique is more than just window dressing for developments of 50 homes or less, though. It’s an emerging niche that aims to win over homebuyers with larger lots, natural foliage and more creative home designs. The first time developer Chet Skinner used the term “boutique” was to describe
legal notices begin on page
Oak Bluff Estates, an 11-home enclave in northern Duval County completed in 2013. He doesn’t remember hearing the word used for a community before. But, it captured what Skinner Bros. Realty was trying to accomplish. “A lot of times we’re working with bigger-sized lots,” Skinner said. “So, if you master-plan it right, you’re able to carve the subdivision around these great natural assets.” Assets that may include mature trees, Boutique continued on Page A-3
An 11-lot boutique development like Vista Wood appeals to buyers who want more of a neighborhood lifestyle, said Jerry Dean of Vintage Estate Homes.
consecutive weekdays
Page A-2 • Tuesday, June 16, 2015 • Financial News & Daily Record
Council committees will be led mostly by veterans By David Chapman Staff Writer Incoming City Council President Greg Anderson will lean on experience to guide the work of the 19-member body next year. Anderson informed council members of their committee assignments Monday, making four second-term members heads of standing committees. Bill Gulliford will lead the Finance Committee; Matt Schellenberg will head Rules; Doyle Carter will rise to take over Recreation, Community Development, Public Health and Safety; while Reggie Brown returns as chair of Transportation, Energy and Utilities. The lone new face leading a standing committee will be Scott Wilson, who will head Land Use & Zoning. Wilson is familiar with the position, having been council member Don Redman’s executive council assistant for eight years. Anderson said he thought naming experienced committee chairs was important with 11 new members, but noted that several first-term members were picked as vice chairs. Doing so provides an opportunity to learn in a leadership role.
“They’re very bright, very energetic,” Anderson said of the new group. An ad hoc committee tackling Jacksonville’s neighborhood blight also will return. It will be headed by new council member Dennis Garrett. Anderson said he believes the ”amazing” work done by council member Denise Lee on the subject has paid “great dividends” and should continue to be a focus. Anderson said he could add other subcommittees later dealing with JEA and solid waste. But, for now, he’s satisfied with how things have shaped up. “I’m confident in this committee structure,” said Anderson. “We have some talented council members … and this allows each of them to show their leadership.”
Finance Committee
Gulliford, chair; Anna Brosche, vice chair; Danny Becton, Aaron Bowman, Lori Boyer, John Crescimbeni and Reggie Gaffney
Transportation, Energy and Utilities
Reggie Brown, chair; Tommy Hazouri, vice chair; Crescimbeni,
Al Ferraro, Gaffney, Joyce Morgan and Scott Wilson
Recreation, Community Development, Public Health & Safety
Doyle Carter, chair; Sam Newby, vice chair; Katrina Brown, Reggie Brown, Garrett Dennis, Ferraro and Schellenberg
Schellenberg, chair; Jim Love, vice chair; Brosche, Carter, Garrett Dennis, Hazouri and Newby Wilson, chair; Boyer, vice chair; Becton, Bowman, Katrina Brown, Love and Morgan
Special Ad Hoc Committee on Jacksonville’s Neighborhood Blight
Dennis, chair; Gulliford, vice chair; Katrina Brown, Crescimbeni, Ferraro, Hazouri and Morgan dchapman@jaxdailyrecord.com (904) 356-2466
million, but will be up to budgetmakers. “Now we, as a city, have a decision to make,” said Senterfitt. On the police side, there’s a request for 40 officers and 40 community service officers — those who handle non-criminal calls. Of those, 15 police officers could be included as part of a federal COPS grant, but that would need about $600,000 in city money after the state said it would throw in $250,000 toward the goal. Some of the officers could be on the street before the middle of 2016 if the funding is in place Oct. 1 and certified officers enter the program, incoming undersheriff Pat Ivey told the budget group. Mousa asked for a five-year cost projection of the 40 officers
and 40 CSOs, which should be available today. Some of the sheriff’s office asks, like almost $200,000 for TASER and body armor replacements, were labeled as enhancements but are considered necessary. “It is getting to the point where we have to do this,” said Ivey afterward, referring to some of the replacements like the fingerprint system. Later in the day came the Inspector General’s Office and Public Works, with the rest of the week slammed with other parts of city government. Today will feature the Jacksonville Public Library, Supervisor of elections and some of the independent authorities. dchapman@jaxdailyrecord.com (904) 356-2466
Public Meetings
9 a.m. – City Council Finance Committee, City Hall, Council Chamber 2 p.m. – City Council Recreation, Community Development, Public Health & Safety Committee, City Hall, Council Chamber 5 p.m. – City Council Land Use & Zoning Committee, City Hall, Council Chamber
Wednesday, June 17
9 a.m. – 2014 Value Adjustment Board, City Hall, Council Chamber 3:15 p.m. – Duval County Election Advisory Panel, City Hall, Don Davis Room
Friday, June 19
Private Private donations donations
A A combination combination of of those those two two
Log Log on on to to www.jaxdailyrecord.com www.jaxdailyrecord.com and and vote! vote!
*The *The results results will will be be published published each each Wednesday Wednesday for for the the prior prior week week poll. poll. The The voting voting closes closes Sunday Sunday at at midnight. midnight.
2015 Jaguars Veterans Minicamp
Downtown “Top to Bottom” Walking Tour
11 a.m.-1:20 p.m. EverBank Field Jaguars.com
10 a.m. The Landing Adlibtours.com
Jaxsons Night Market 5:30-9 p.m. Hemming Park Hemmingpark.org
Happy Together Tour 8 p.m. Florida Theatre Floridatheatre.com
Pecha Kucha: Year of the River
Wednesday, June 17
7-8:30 p.m. Museum of Contemporary Art Mocajacksonville.org
JobNewsUSA.com Job Fair
Continued from front page
Taxpayer Taxpayer dollars dollars
Land Use and Zoning
about revenue, expenses, needs and wants. Fittingly, Jacksonville Fire and Rescue and the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office came first. Overall, the fire department’s asks exceeded $12 million, but Chief Martin Senterfitt said the number isn’t yet verified — it could be more or less. The biggest issue, he said, is the positions. Two years ago, the city received a Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grant to hire 67 firefighters during down economic times. Funding for 55 of those expires in February — the remaining 12 receive an extra year because they are military veterans. Overall, he said, keeping the lapsing employees for the other half of a year costs in excess of $3
How How should should inaugurations inaugurations for for public public officials officials be funded?
9 a.m. – Jacksonville Port Task Force, City Hall, Lynwood Roberts Room
10 a.m.-2 p.m. Prime Osborn Convention Center Jaxevents.com
Friday, June 19 World Refugee Day Noon-4 p.m. Hemming Park Hemmingpark.org
Fun4FirstCoastKids Picnic in the Park
10:30-11:30 a.m. Hemming Park Hemmingpark.org
4-7 p.m. Hemming Park Hemmingpark.org
Southern Exposure: Portraits of a Changing Landscape
Chuggington Live: The Great Rescue Adventure 7:30 p.m. Times-Union Center Jaxevents.com
11 a.m.-5 p.m. Museum of Contemporary Art Mocajacksonville.org
Amateur Night SemiFinals
Thursday, June 18 Downtown “Top to Bottom” Walking Tour
7:30 p.m. Ritz Theatre and Museum Ritzjacksonville.org
10 a.m. The Landing Adlibtours.com
Saturday, June 20 North Florida Arms Collectors Gun Show
Dinosaurs Unearthed
10 a.m.-5 p.m. Museum of Science & History Themosh.org
9 a.m.-5 p.m. Fairgrounds & Expo Center Jaxevents.com
Thursday, June 25
5 p.m. – 2015-19 City Council Investiture and Installation of Officers, Times-Union Center, Jacoby Hall
Monday, June 29-Friday, July 3
Real Estate
Sale of the Day
City Council Fifth Week: No standing committee meetings scheduled
Wednesday, July 1-Friday, July 17
City Council Summer Break: No council or standing committee meetings
Thursday, July 2
4 p.m. – Taxation, Revenue & Utilization of Expenditures Commission, City Hall, Suite 425
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Tuesday, June 16, 2015 • Financial News & Daily Record • Page A-3
Boutique Continued from front page
Sissy’s Laine • Flynn Road, west of San Jose Boulevard in Mandarin • 12 homes on 90-foot-wide lots from the $400,000s to the $600,000s Brady Road • Brady Road in Mandarin • Four homes on 80-by-100 lots, from the $450,000s
The Bluffs at Plummers Cove • Scott Mill Road, north of Interstate 295 in Mandarin • 21 homes on 90-foot-wide lots The Plantation at Ponte Vedra, infill • Off Florida A1A, Ponte Vedra • 24 homes, priced from the $600,000s
Vista Wood • Alta Drive in northern Duval County • 11 marsh-side homes on 70-foot-wide lots, starting from the $280,000s White Oak Farms • Off Julington Creek and Aldan roads in Mandarin • 19 homes on 100-foot-wide lots, starting in the mid-$300,000s
Village Lane • 11664 Village Lane in Mandarin • Seven homes on 1-acre lots
TROY WHITE La Fontana at World Golf Village • 52 condominiums to complete The Residences at World Golf Village, starting in the $280,000s
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS AND PROPOSED ORDINANCE CREATING A NEW SECTION 656.421, ORDINANCE CODE, TO PROHIBIT PLACEMENT OF DONATION COLLECTION BINS WITHIN DUVAL COUNTY. The City of Jacksonville proposes to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE 2015-327 - AN ORDINANCE CREATING A NEW SECTION 656.421 (DONATION COLLECTION BINS PROHIBITED), SUBPART B (MISCELLANEOUS REGULATIONS), CHAPTER 656 (ZONING CODE), ORDINANCE CODE, TO PROHIBIT THE PLACEMENT OF DONATION COLLECTION BINS WITHIN DUVAL COUNTY AND TO PROVIDE FOR REMOVAL AND RECOVERY OF COSTS BY THE CITY UPON REMOVAL OF DONATION COLLECTION BINS AFTER 60 DAYS FROM EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A Public hearing will be held on the first floor of City Hall, St. James Building, 117 W. Duval Street, Jacksonville, Florida, as follows: City Council Public Hearing 5:00 P.M. TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2015 A copy of the proposed ordinance is available for public inspection in the Legislative Services Division, located on the fourth floor of City Hall, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. All interested persons are invited to review the proposed ordinance and to appear at the public hearings and be heard regarding the adoption of the proposed ordinance. Interested persons are advised that, if a person decides to appeal any decision made with respect to any matter considered at a hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Persons needing special accommodations to attend any hearing noticed hereinabove shall contact the Legislative Services Division at 904-630-1404 not less than 48 hours before a hearing or meeting in order to make arrangements. Clay Yarborough City Council President Cheryl L. Brown Council Secretary June 16
Photo by Carole Hawkins
Boutique neighborhoods
Sissy’s Laine offers an enclave of new homes in the heart of Mandarin, already a community that is highly sought-after. foliage, marsh and waterways — the features that give the feeling of a more established neighborhood. The layout also offers builders something different than the standard mass-cleared 50-by-110 lot, and the builders respond by adapting floorplans in creative ways. “It just gives everything a more boutique-y feel,” Skinner said. Skinner reprised boutique in 2014 with Vista Wood, an 11-home community near Dunn Creek, and in March for The Bluffs at Plummers Cove, 21 homes on the St. Johns River in Mandarin. Jerry Dean, Jacksonville division president for Vintage Estate Homes, called boutiques “a good business model for what we do.” The Melbourne-based builder built out Oak Bluff Estates and also another 11-lot development, Vista Wood. Vintage Estate mixes boutique building with take-downs of groups of lots in master-planned communities, like Fleming Island’s Eagle Harbor. The boutique projects, though, give Vintage Estate creative control over the community. Varied elevations keep houses from looking the same. “It gives it the feeling of a semi-custom neighborhood,” Dean said.
Where have all the 75-lot deals gone?
Small subdivisions have always been part of home construction, said developer Greg Matovina. But there are reasons builders are being pushed in that direction more and more. One is the continued dearth of financing. Large public builders can turn to equity to raise cash. But, local builders have traditionally relied on bank loans. And bank lending for construction has been slow to recover. Another reason for building small, Matovina said, is competition for land. National builders are engaged in a land rush that stretches back to the days of the building boom. Because many of the nationals are both the developer and the builder of a community, they can run thin profit margins on the development side, and effectively squeeze out independent developers. There’s a hole in the doughnut that’s gone untouched, though. The 10- to 15-lot deals don’t give the nationals enough to sink their teeth into, Matovina said. Even many local companies don’t want to build that size. A 75- or 100-lot subdivision hits the financial “sweet spot,” said Daniel Blanchard, executive vice president at Ewing Real Estate Inc. They are big enough to justify two or three models and a sales team, and to profit through several years of operations. And they’re small enough that the cost-to-carry won’t kill the deal. “I hear from builders every day who say — bring me a 50-acre deal where I can build 50, 75, 100 lots,” Blanchard said. “They’ve bought the heck out of those.
There are a dozen homes in Sissy’s Laine on Flynn Road, west of San Jose Boulevard. They’re just not left. Now, you see 600-lot deals out there and 10-lot deals.” Matovina said to make a 10-lot deal work for a developer, though, everything has to “fall in place,” with no unusual cost items. Landscaping for a concrete wall on a long stretch of road frontage? Too expensive. A lift station? The deal is dead.
The business model for small-scale
But when those smaller deals do fall in place, there are developers who find them attractive. It allows a company like Skinner Bros. to finance the project on its own, without taking on a lot of debt. And they can get in and out of the deal quickly. “There are some developers who are comfortable taking on that 600-lot subdivision, and going out and raising a good bit of equity,” Skinner said. “This is just a decision that we at our company have made.” It’s a model that can also better fit the needs of builders. During the boom, many local builders were pushed into creating land departments to compete with the nationals for inventory, Skinner said. Boutiques allow them to refocus their resources on the building side. “It allows the developers to be developers and it allows the builders to be builders,” he said. Financial exposure has been a factor pushing Troy White toward the boutique niche. He is building La Fontana, a 52-unit condo community at World Golf Village. He was asked to bid on a bigger complex––a mixed-use condo/ retail project in St. Augustine. He declined after hearing 15 to 20 other builders also were asked to bid. “Every builder who does not have access to public funding has to be strategic if they’re going to compete against public builders at all,” White said. “You can pretend you can go up against them, but you can’t.” The small projects, outside the range of the nationals, are less competitive and more manageable from a financing standpoint. “And, we can make something that’s special and appealing to buyers,” White said. Steering clear of land and
financing competition isn’t all that’s driving the boutiques. Tidewater Homes brought on its inaugural project, Sissy’s Laine, a 12-home subdivision in Mandarin, this year. Afterward, developers approached the company about putting spec homes in communities, offering 60 to 80 lots. But Tidewater wasn’t aiming to do more than 12 to 20 homes a year, said Scott Brannock, vice president of Marketing and Operations. The company can be more hands-on and focused on customers, not always possible with a national builder. “A lot of buyers would like to know who’s actually building their homes, instead of only having contact with a project manager,” he said. Tidewater’s mission is to pick up from where production builders like Lennar or a David Weekley Homes would leave off, without becoming a custom homebuilder. Its first home under construction at Sissy’s Laine will be used as a model for sales there and at other developments in Jacksonville. With prices starting in the $490,000s, Tidewater hopes to attract upscale buyers by making more features standard. That means granite throughout the house, 7 1/2-inch baseboards, crown molding and coffered ceilings. The standard appliance package includes high-end Bosch appliances. There’s also a miniiPad port for home automation. “For people to be able to live in an established area like Mandarin in a brand new home, that’s hard to come by,” Brannock said. Vintage Estate’s Dean said small subdivisions usually have no CDD fees and low HOA fees. And, there’s a good possibility a homeowner will get to know everyone in the neighborhood, he said. “When customers walk into a large master-planned community, what they’re really buying into is the amenities,” Dean said. In the case of boutiques, the neighborhood is the amenity. “It’s a place where you are going to know who your kids are playing with,” he said. chawkins@realty-builder.com (904) 356-2466
Page A-4 • Tuesday, June 16, 2015 • Financial News & Daily Record
Mathis Continued from front page
Associates insurance company, and Jeanne Miller, a former JEDC deputy executive director, talked about the scoring matrix that was developed during Harden’s term on the commission. That matrix scored projects seeking city incentives on their economic impact. For example, a $30,000 job in struggling parts of North Jacksonville was worth more than in the more affluent Southside. Harden also said funding sources for economic development have been a problem. “Funding is such as huge part of everything,” he said. Abel Harding, North Florida market president for IberiaBank, asked how much is left in the city’s Northwest Jacksonville Economic Development Fund. Miller, now executive director of the private Jacksonville Civic Council, wants to hear from the JAXUSA Partnership of the JAX Chamber about its economic development progress. Former City Council member Ginny Myrick, who runs the Myrick Policy Group government relations firm, said Jacksonville operates a good system but with two shortcomings. She said economic development is underfunded and timing is critical for developers and projects — not necessarily for incentives but for staff decisions about whether they qualify. “‘No’ is an answer. Delay is not an answer,” she said. Myrick also asked for a look at “where the pots of money are.” Developer Michael Balanky, who is working on The Healthy Town project proposed on the
Downtown Southbank, agreed with Myrick on the timing of project decisions. “If it becomes controversial, it can be protracted indefinitely,” he said, adding that such delays are costly when staff time at City Hall and other meetings is calculated. Steve Crosby, president of CSX Real Property Inc. and leader of an independent investment entity to stimulate Downtown development, wants the committee to understand the city’s strengths and weaknesses and how those are viewed from the outside and within. He seeks “a better sense of how the world perceives us.” The private, independent investment entity was formed by the chamber and the Civic Council to provide patient capital for real estate investment in the urban core. Dawn Lockhart, president and CEO of Family Foundations, a nonprofit financial and housing counseling organization, said Downtown parking is a challenge. Her group moved into the newly renovated Jessie Ball duPont Center in Downtown and said clients need better directions about how to find available parking. “It’s just not friendly right now,” she said. Delaney said parking is “a big, big deal” in efforts to build Downtown. Eric Mann, president and CEO of the YMCA of Florida’s First Coast, said he expects a significant parking issue along Riverside Avenue “if we don’t get in front of it.” The YMCA is redevel-
oping its 221 Riverside Ave. center, across the street from about 600 new apartment units that are opening as well as in the center of corporate and retail buildings. Subcommittee members offered their initial observations after first hearing from the Office of General Counsel about Sunshine Law requirements and then listening to a quick overview of current economic development procedures and efforts that were led by Brown. Office of Economic Development CEO Ted Carter and Business Development Manager Ed Randolph, as well as Sports and Entertainment Officer Dave Herrell, briefly outlined their departments, projects and responsibilities. They are expected to return at a later meeting. Delaney said he has been impressed with Carter’s work the last four years and also by Aundra Wallace, CEO of the Downtown Investment Authority. Delaney said he would work with Carter and Herrell on the extent of their next presentations and the group will determine its scope of work. He also wants to invite city Building Inspection Division Chief Tom Goldsbury to talk about that department’s role in economic development. The 18-member subcommittee is scheduled to meet at 3:30 p.m. Friday at Delaney’s office at UNF, followed by meetings at 8 a.m. Mondays and 9 a.m. Thursdays through July 9. kmathis@jaxdailyrecord.com @MathisKb (904) 356-2466
Bush makes it official
From News Service of Florida
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush formally launched his presidential bid Monday with a fiery pledge to “run with heart” and a pumped-up promise of “keeping my word, facing the issues without flinching, and staying true to what I believe.” Bush — flanked by his wife, Columba; their three children; and his mother, Barbara — made the announcement to hundreds of supporters, including members of the Florida Cabinet, crowded into the Miami-Dade College campus. Bush, who just returned from a trip to Europe where he met with high-level officials, laid out some of his campaign themes, touching on foreign affairs, economic growth and education, while touting his eight-year record as Florida governor ending in 2007. Bush — who revived his iconic “Jeb!” logo — said there’s no substitute for experience. “We are not going to clean up the mess in Washington by electing the people who either helped create it or have proven incapable of fixing it,” he said.
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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS AND PROPOSED ORDINANCE CREATING A NEW SECTION 656.421, ORDINANCE CODE, TO ESTABLISH A PERMANENT PROCESS FOR PERMITTING BACKYARD HENS IN CERTAIN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS. The City of Jacksonville proposes to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE 2015-337 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 656 (ZONING CODE), ORDINANCE CODE; CREATING A NEW SECTION 656.421, TO ESTABLISH A PERMANENT PROCESS FOR PERMITTING BACKYARD HENS IN CERTAIN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS SUBJECT TO A ONE TIME FEE OF $25; PROVIDING FOR SUNSETTING OF PILOT PROGRAM; PROVIDING THAT EXISTING PERMITS UNDER THE PILOT PROGRAM REMAIN VALID; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR OVERSIGHT BY THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A Public hearing will be held on the first floor of City Hall, St. James Building, 117 W. Duval Street, Jacksonville, Florida, as follows: City Council Public Hearing 5:00 P.M. TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2015 A copy of the proposed ordinance is available for public inspection in the Legislative Services Division, located on the fourth floor of City Hall, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. All interested persons are invited to review the proposed ordinance and to appear at the public hearings and be heard regarding the adoption of the proposed ordinance. Interested persons are advised that, if a person decides to appeal any decision made with respect to any matter considered at a hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Persons needing special accommodations to attend any hearing noticed hereinabove shall contact the Legislative Services Division at 904-630-1404 not less than 48 hours before a hearing or meeting in order to make arrangements.
Rated “B++” by A.M. Best Company Clay Yarborough City Council President
Directors & Officers Fitzhugh K. Powell, Sr. – President, Treasurer & Director Randal L. Ringhaver – Vice President & Director Ronald T. Roy – Secretary & Director Stephen Cumella – Director Rosemary G. Klemmt, Asst. Secretary/Treasurer & Director
Cheryl L. Brown Council Secretary June 16
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Tuesday, June 16, 2015 • Financial News & Daily Record • Page A-5
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BUSINESS LICENSES Michael Corrigan Tax Collector
231 E. Forsyth Street Room 130 Phone 630-2080 Flea Stop Thrift Store The, Masika Z Fisher, 7263 Beach Bv, Jacksonville, Fl, 32216, Trading Tpp Ownr/brok At Retail Cp3 Real Estate Investors LLC, Calvin Lee Patterson Jr, 144 Candlebark Dr, Jacksonville, Fl, 32225, Public Service Or Repair, Not Spec Mccoy, Henry T, Mccoy, Henry T, 410 Janell Dr, Orange Park, Fl, 32073, Public Service Or Repair, Not Spec Warthen, Artis Lee, Artis Lee Warthen, 2920 Palmdale St, Jacksonville, Fl, 32208, Peddler-tang Pp At Retailmovable Calab Tennison LLC, Calas D Tennison, 5353 Ramona Bv, 5, Jacksonville, Fl, 32205, Public Service Or Repair, Not Spec Girvin Investments LLC, Justin Douglas Garrison, 100 Girvin Road, Jacksonville, Fl, 32225, Public Service Or
Repair, Not Spec Inman Steven M, Steven M Inman, 8985 Normandy Bv, 287, Jacksonville, Fl, 32221, Public Service Or Repair, Not Spec Riverfront Entertainment LLC, Janice G Lowe, 2 Independent Dr, 127, Jacksonville, Fl, 32202, Retail Store Morans Trucking, Grorge Lenard Moran, 3830 W. Leonard Cir, Jacksonville, Fl, 32209, Public Service Or Repair, Not Spec Ranger’s Painting And Construction, LLC, Marbin Escobar, 8961 Mornington Dr, Jacksonville, Fl, 32257, Public Service Or Repair, Not Spec Cpr Cleaning Painting & Remodeling LLC, Irina Surgutskaya, 11886 S. Ashbrook Cir, Jacksonville, Fl, 32225, Public Service Or Repair, Not Spec Petite Consultin G Inc, Rhonda P Lee, 11472 Tori Lane, Jacksonville, Fl, 32218, Consultant Ruffin Maddiel A, Ruffin Maddiel A, 6237 Shetland Rd, Jacksonville, Fl, 32277, Public Service Or Repair, Not Spec Professional Renovation Operation LLC, Jimmy Ray Garrard Jr, 2519 Randy Rd, Jacksonville, Fl, 32216, Public Service Or Repair, Not Spec Accessory Dynasty LLC, Damion C Mcleod, 9378 Arlington Ex, 218,
daily record
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office space
Opportunity for up to four lawyers and assistants to lease quality furnished office space on Southside near Lakewood. Building currently occupied by 14 attorneys and staff specializing in primarily trial work. The building has reception area, kitchen, conference rooms, front door free parking and other amenities. Electric and five day a week janitorial included. Prices range from $500 to $1000 per month, per office. Call 224-6996 and speak to the Building Manager or leave a message.
miscellaneous Immediate Employment
Delivering phone books. Make Xtra money in Jacksonville Great pay and flexible hours. Must have: Drivers License, Auto Insurance, Own Transportation. Call Now! 1 (888) 690-4113 Apply on line NOW www.dda-se-sw.com
Jacksonville, Fl, 32225, Trading-tang Pp Whsl To Own Ret Shani Margjon, Shani Margjon, 4151 Cansley Place, Jacksonville, Fl, 32257, Public Service Or Repair, Not Spec Precision Painting Of Jacksonville Inc., Stephanie Fonesca, 2541 Wedgefield Blvd, Jacksonville, Fl, 32211, Public Service Or Repair, Not Spec Simpson Cabinets, LLC, Robert D Simpson, 12700 Bartram Park Blvd, 923, Jacksonville, Fl, 32258, Public Service Or Repair, Not Spec Govia, Karen, Hers & Hers Entertainment, 4429 E. Loveland Pass Dr, Jacksonville, Fl, 32210, Peddler-tang Pp At Retail-movable Smith Alfred III, Smith Alfred III, 3952 Atlantic Bv, Jacksonville, Fl, 32207, Public Service Or Repair, Not Spec Mackenzie, George Bradley, Affiliated Veterinary Specialists, 3444 Southside Blvd, Jacksonville, Fl, 32216, Veterinarian Solwave LLC, James Anthony Sok, 4949 Sunbeam Rd, 1, Jacksonville, Fl, 32257, Retail Store
All assets not exempt by law are liquidated to pay creditors. Lisa Marie Mills fka Lisa M Lizotte fka Lisa Marie Reynolds, 11662 Stonebridge Dr, Jacksonville, FL 32223, Atty: M Wolfe, Case No 15-02380, filed 5-25-2015 Eugene Dyson, 7934 Volvo St, Jacksonville, FL 32244 & Blanca L Stewart aka Blanca Stewart, 10470 SE 159th St, Summerfield, FL 34491, Atty: J Braithwaite, Case No 15-02384, filed 5-26-2015 Andrew Duckworth aka Andrew John Duckworth, 2443 Southside Bv, Jacksonville, FL 32216, Atty: A Mickler, Case No 15-02385, filed 5-26-2015 William T Bennett aka William Thomas Bennett, 2412 Townsend Bv, Jacksonville, FL 32211, Atty: A Emery, Case No 15-02386, filed 5-26-2015
Assets of individual or corporate sole are protected from creditors while repayment plan is developed. Patrice L Brockington fka Patrice L Stephens, 2852 Centerwood Dr N, Jacksonville, FL 32218, Atty: C Galloway, Case No 15-02376, filed 5-22-2015 Lena A Thompson aka Lena Arnette Thompson aka Lena Gomez, 1231 Brookwood Forest Bv, Jacksonville, FL 32225-9041, Atty: K Collier, Case No 15-02398, filed 5-26-2015 James R Hooker & Sandra L Hooker, 5948 Cedar Point Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32226, Atty: M Wolfe, Case No 15-02399, filed 5-26-2015
archived information online at www.jaxdailyrecord.com.
BUILDING PERMITS Key to Abbreviations SFH - Single Family Home MFH - Multi Family Home APT - Apartment STO - Store OB - Office Building GAR - Garage MH - Mobile Home IND - Industrial Building
R15-704652.000, Carlson Enterprises LLC. for Marion Presley, 5183 Acre Estates Dr, 32210, existing building, single family, $8,154 R15-704870.000, Carlson Enterprises LLC. for Pres Properties Investments LLC, 6354 Commodore Dr, 32244, existing building, single family, $5,100 R15-704874.000, Carlson Enterprises LLC. for New Life Baptist Church, 6680 Seaboard Ave, 32244, existing building, church, other religious, $61,963 R15-704927.000, Carlson Enterprises LLC. for Hope Calderon, 10311 Ripple Rush Dr W, 32257, existing building, single family, $13,926 R15-705019.000, Palm Island Homes Inc. for Robert Loth, 11533 Holton Ln, 32219, existing building, single family, $6,500 R15-702462.000, Turnkey Construction & Maintenance Inc. for Kevin Rogers, 8521 Branchwater Dr, 32244, existing building, single family, $6,720 R15-705042.000, M.d. Roofing, Inc for Le Nguyen, 4447 Barnes Rd, 32207, existing building, single family, $6,500 R15-704764.000, Sunbelt Homes And Roofing LLC for Manuel Sales, 2175 Deer Run Trl, 32246, existing building, single family, $7,500 R15-703981.000, North Florida Roofing Contractors Inc. for Adrian Bell, 7899 Macdougall Dr, 32244, existing building, single family, $13,291 R15-703985.000, North Florida Roofing Contractors Inc. for Timothy Peters, 4390 Herschel St, 32210, existing building, condominiums, $9,200 R15-703987.000, North Florida Roofing Contractors Inc. for Mattie George, 5403 Bunche Dr, 32209, existing building, single family, $5,910 R15-703991.000, North Florida Roofing Contractors Inc. for Patricia Betancourt, 6513 Starling Ave, 32216, existing building, single family, $6,875 R15-703993.000, North Florida Roofing Contractors Inc. for Gwendolyn Padmore, 219 9th St E, 32206, existing building, single family, $8,330 R15-703996.000, North Florida Roofing Contractors Inc. for Gerald Williams, 8634 Sanlando Ave, 32211, existing building, single family, $6,953 R15-704002.000, North Florida Roofing Contractors Inc. for Charles Haney, 7115 Esther St, 32210, existing building, single family, $9,720 R15-704006.000, North Florida Roofing Contractors Inc. for Richard Yanez, 2056 Forest Gate Dr W, 32246, existing building, single fam-
ily, $10,900 R15-704008.000, North Florida Roofing Contractors Inc. for Christopher Staples, 2912 Sans Pareil St, 32246, existing building, single family, $10,070 R15-687657.000, Roofmax Corp. for Ernestine Walker, 1210 Whitlock Ave 0002, 32211, existing building, townhouse, $8,516 R15-705012.000, Rogero & Williams Roofing Contract for Lena Moore, 8898 Canopy Oaks Dr, 32256, existing building, single family, $15,400 R15-704813.000, Preferred Construction & Roofing for Orlando Spencer, 3621 Rosemary St 0001, 32207, existing building, duplex, $4,480 R15-704916.000, Armiger Builders LLC for Valbona Apostoli, 4701 Cumberland Cove Ct, 32257, other, single family, $9,000 R15-704923.000, Armiger Builders LLC for Vinh Nguyen, 9954 Larkdale Ct, 32257, other, single family, $8,000 R15-704969.000, Vquest Construction Services Inc for Cara Mota, 5130 Camellia Cir S, 32207, existing building, single family, $6,000 R15-704823.000, Bigfoot Roofing & Construction, Inc for Gislaine Della, 3868 Grand Central Pl W, 32246, existing building, single family, $7,955 R15-702052.000, Cason Roofing Inc for Steve Harper, 5302 Plymouth St, 32205, existing building, single family, $2,100 R15-704833.000, Quality Discount Roofing LLC for Bascom Smith, 3127 Brasque Dr, 32209, existing building, single family, $6,400 R15-704942.000, Quality Discount Roofing LLC for Asa Future LLC., 10762 Spurs Ct, 32257, existing building, single family, $5,939 R15-705039.000, Priority Building & Roofing Contractors LLC for Usa Homes, 9555 Waynesboro Ave, 32208, existing building, single family, $5,000 R15-705040.000, Priority Building & Roofing Contractors LLC for Usa Homes, 2831 5th St W, 32254, existing building, single family, $4,000 R15-699875.000, Hammer Time Roofing L.l.c for Judith Kirtley, 2159 Larchmont Rd, 32207, other, single family, $6,900 B15-699514.000, Maronda Homes Inc Of Florida for Maronda Homes Inc Of Fl, 10219 Magnolia Ridge Rd, 32210, new building, single family, $109,850 B15-699522.000, Maronda Homes Inc Of Florida for Maronda Homes Inc Of Fl, 10268 Magnolia Hills Dr, 32210, new building, single family, $115,878 B15-692898.000, Dav Lin Interior Contractors for Vision Express, 4871 Town Center Pkwy 0005, 32246, tenant build-out, office, bank, professional, $146,352 B15-705107.000, Horn Builders Inc for Gary Hannon, 4244 Point La Vista Rd S, 32207, alterations & repairs, single family, $85,000 B15-701566.000, Screenworks Inc for Tyler Shirley, 538 Candlebark Dr, 32225, accessory building, single family, $5,512 B15-702610.000, Screenworks Inc for David Laskey, 5074 Havenwood Oaks Ter, 32244, accessory building, single family, $8,100
Page A-6 • Tuesday, June 16, 2015 • Financial News & Daily Record
From the Courts CIRCUIT COURT
The information on County and Circuit Court actions, plus the listing of Documents Filed for Record with the Duval County Clerk of the Courts and the Public Notices that are published every day in The Daily Record provide a valuable source of business information.
OFFICE 7140 7012 7001 7196 7035 7270 7203 7202 7267
PHONE 255-1228 255-1231 255-1261 255-1234 255-1300 255-1297 255-1291 255-1249 255-1282
7262 7062 7009 7065 7032 7273 7097
255-1258 255-1248 255-1264 255-1267 255-1270 255-1237 255-1276
7266 7036 7007 7031 7004 7230 7061 7195 7018
255-1279 255-1285 255-1360 255-1288 255-2400 255-1252 255-1243 255-1240 255-1324
7261 7233 7014
255-1306 255-1309 255-1312
Public Notices
Circuit Court
Mortgage Deeds
County Court
Warranty Deeds
Documents Filed
Business Licences
CIVIL ACTIONS 15-002798-CA Christiana Trust v s H o l m a n , Wa r r e n , H o l m a n , U n k n o w n S p o u s e O f Wa r r e n , Tenant 1, Unknown, Tenant 2, Unknown, Surf Consultants Inc; Storey, Edward A, atty, complaint, Div-FC-E 15-002800-CA Howard, Timothy R vs Shepherd, Chaselynn R, Myles, Kerry A; Coleman, Donald Ray, atty, complaint, Div-CV-H 15-002801-CA Deerwood Place I
New Cases
FAMILY LAW 15-003242-DR Gibson, Laura S. and Gibson, Thomas L.; Proper Person, diss of marr, Div-FM-G 15-003243-DR Jones, Thomas A. and Jones, Cheryl Lea; Proper Person, diss of marr, Div-FM-C 15-003244-DR Rojero, Roque and Rojero, Karen S.; Proper Person, diss of marr, Div-FM-A 15-003245-DR Burke, Eugene and McCray-Burke, Vannie; Proper Person, diss of marr, Div-FM-E
Ralph C. Diehl & Pamela et al David H. Clark & Classie S. et al Stephen G. Gentzkow, Personal Rep. of the Estate of Casey Croft Gentzkow; Stephen G. Gentzkow & Carol Gentzkow; any & all unknown parties claiming by, through, under or against the Estate of Casey C. Gentzkow et al Ventures 2013-I-NH vs. Natalie S. Green et vir, et al, final judg VyStar Credit Union vs. Cheatrachetana Tith et vir, et al, final judg WELLS FARGO BANK VS: FINAL JUDG
Business Leads
New Cases
Court Records
Julia Louise Jefferson et al Gregory Lamar Scoggins & Kimberly J. et al The unknown heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees or other claimants claiming by, through, under or against the Estate of Thelma G. Mains et al Michael R. Mirando, Jr. & Josephine; Michael A. Mirando, III & Cheryl Ann et al Jason T. Bifolck et al Toni R. Nevius et al Christopher Walsh & Catheryn et al Robert M. Thompson & Jennifer L.; Nathan Wilson & Brittany Brett et al Elaine McLaughlin & Jerry B. et al Mary A. Wright et vir, et al Robert R. Lambert, Jr. et al
New cases
PROBATE 15-001095-CP In Re: Estate of Towers, Charles D Jr, Wright, Donald Curtis, atty, Div-PR-A 15-001096-CP In Re: Estate of Henderson, Gail Lynn, Leali, Linda Marie, atty, Div-PR-A 15-001097-CP In Re: Estate of Dix, Donald W Jr, Akel, Daniel Dean, atty, DivPR-A 15-001098-CP In Re: Estate of Walton, Wilhelmina Marie, Berg, Rebecca Louise, atty, Div-PR-A 15-001099-CP In Re: Estate of Chambers, Barry Ernest, Bernard, Lawrence Jay, atty, Div-PR-A 15-001100-CP In Re: Estate of Murray,
Condominium Association, Inc., Deerwood Place II Condominiums Association, Inc., Deerwood Place III Condominium Association, Inc., Deerwood Place IV Condominiums Association, Inc., Deerwood Place VI Condominiums Association, Inc. vs Beazer Homes Corp.; Gallagher, Scott Stephen, atty, complaint, DivCV-D 15-002802-CA Wells Fargo Bank N.A. vs Iliff III, James H, Illiff, Jennifer K, Unknown Tenant 1, Unknown Tenant 2, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A., Crystal Ridge Associa-
tion Inc; Schellenberg, Shelly, atty, complaint, Div-FC-A 15-002803-CA CitiMortgage, Inc. vs Chester, Jimmy D Jr, Chester, Victoria J, Hickory Creek Association, Inc., Cach, LLC, Unknown Tenants; Cramer, Jonathan Adam, atty, complaint, Div-FC-G 15-002804-CA Richards, Sheron vs Chhabria, Sharvan; Moran, Timothy S, atty, complaint, Div-CV-E 15-002805-CA Naklad, LLC, A Florida Limited Liability Company vs Burt, Edwin K.; Knight, Adam Joseph, atty, complaint, Div-CV-A
15-003248-DR In Re: Paternity: Plant, Reshena and Davis, Quintin; Proper Person, Div-FM-A 15-003250-DR In Re: Paternity: Russell, Hunter A. and Peterson, Jessica P.; McIntyre, Rod, atty, Div-FM-F 15-003251-DR Stanley, Kelly Lynn and Stanley, Jerimy Wayne; Gardner, Darin Carr, atty, diss of marr, DivFM-C 15-003252-DR Litherland, Bobbie Jo and Litherland, Robby Lee; Proper Person, diss of marr, Div-FM-A 15-003254-DR Lizzmore, Tonia Elaine and Lizzmore, Anthony Quinn; Proper Person, diss of marr, Div-FM-F
15-003256-DR Cast, Jonathan and Cast-Tsagarakis, Krystyn Nichole; Proper Person, diss of marr, Div-FMA 15-003258-DR Denmark, Teresa and Denmark, Jeff Jr; Proper Person, diss of marr, Div-FM-F 15-003260-DR Smart, Roy and Luca, Antonia; Proper Person, diss of marr, Div-FM-A 15-003262-DR Hunter, Eric Lamar and Hunter, Cynora Rene; Proper Person, diss of marr, Div-FM-F 15-003264-DR McDaniel, Molly E. and Rentschler, Howard R.; Green, Paul H, atty, diss of marr, Div-FM-A
Doris Rock, Kelly, Timothy Patrick, atty, Div-PR-A 15-001101-CP In Re: Estate of Taylor, Chasity Monea, Byrd, Connie Jackson, atty, Div-PR-A 15-001069-CP In Re: Estate of Thompson, Terry Dean, McKenna, Richard Patrick, atty, Div-PR-A 15-001103-CP In Re: Estate of Cobb, Nathaniel Sr, Singha, David Robert, atty, Div-PR-A 15-001105-CP In Re: Estate of Bennett, Blanche B, Compton, Wayne R, atty, Div-PR-A 15-001106-CP In Re: Estate of Williams, Monroe, Safer, Eliot Jacob, atty, DivPR-A 15-001107-CP In Re: Estate of Cook, Harvey Francis, Singha, David Robert, atty, Div-PR-A
15-001108-CP In Re: Estate of Knecht, Florann S, Hatzell, James Lawrence, atty, Div-PR-A 15-001109-CP In Re: Estate of Maynor, Gene T, Poucher, Allen Louis, atty, DivPR-A 15-001111-CP In Re: Estate of Thornton, Henry Harvey, Oughton, Preston Hall, atty, Div-PR-A 15-001112-CP In Re: Estate of Holland, Linda Mae, Pearce, James Luther, atty, Div-PR-A 15-001113-CP In Re: Estate of Pfeiffer, Maurice, Oberdorfer, Douglas Aaron, atty, Div-PR-A 15-001115-CP In Re: Estate of Grube (Nancy Grube Koeniguer As Trustee Living Trust Dated 7/31/92), Robert J Jr, Reiter, Thomas Michael, atty, DivPR-A
New Cases
COUNTY COURT 15-004458-CC Discover Bank vs Spruiell, Linda S; Hill, Anna Marie, atty, complaint, Div-CC-O 15-004459-CC Kernan Land Company, LLC DBA North Beach On Kern vs Jones, Joshua; Westling, Dale Gregory, atty, complaint, Div-CC-I 15-004461-CC Wells Fargo Bank N.A. vs Tran, Khoi; Downey, James Gerad, atty, complaint, Div-CC-E 15-004462-CC Vestcor-wr Associates LTD DBA Holly Cove Apts vs Hammond, Julia; Westling, Dale Gregory, atty, complaint, Div-CC-B 15-004463-CC E2E Asset Mngmt. LLC DBA Ravenwood Apts vs Gray, Nikia; Westling, Dale Gregory, atty, complaint, Div-CC-N 15-004464-CC 9801 Old Baymeadows LLC vs Hardee, Marshellena; Joshua Thompson, Proper Person, complaint, Div-CC-I 15-004465-CC Jacksonville Housing Authority vs Taylor, Charlisa; Mummaw, Wendy L, atty, complaint, DivCC-K
7113 7182 7163 7050 7109 7162 7244 7174 7170
255-1315 255-1318 255-1321 255-1303 255-1327 255-1330 255-1333 255-1336 255-1339
7177 7112 7243 7051 7113 7173 7168 7165
255-1342 255-1345 255-1348 255-1351 255-1354 255-1357 255-1363
DIV. “C” TIMOTHY R. COLLINS, JUDGE, 269-6327 DIV. “D” RICHARD R. TOWNSEND, JUDGE, 278-4730 ON DUTY IN NASSAU COUNTY: Wesley R. Poole, Judge, 904-548-4940
15-004466-CC Jacksonville Housing Authority vs Boyd, Kimaya; Mummaw, Wendy L, atty, complaint, DivCC-E 15-004468-CC Manotak Oaks Condominium Association, Inc. A Florida Not-for-profit Corporation vs Brown, Temika, Tenant, Unknown, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.; Tankel, Robert Leon, atty, complaint, Div-CC-N 15-004469-CC Manotak Oaks Condominium Association, Inc. A Floida Not-for-profit Corporation vs Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, Tenant, Unknown; Tankel, Robert Leon, atty, complaint, Div-CC-I 15-004470-CC 9801 Old Baymeadows LLC vs Douglas, James; Proper Person, complaint, Div-CC-K 15-004471-CC Parker Place Homeowners Association Of Duval County Inc., A Florida Non-profit Corporation vs Coleman, Anita F, Unknown Tenant No.1, Unknown Tenant No.2; Taube, Rachel Rose, atty, complaint, Div-CC-E 15-004472-CC Jacksonville Housing Authority vs Wilson, Elnora; Mummaw, Wendy L, atty, complaint, DivCC-B
15-004473-CC Cavalry Spv I LLC vs Padilla, Jared; Solis Garcia, Yulexy, atty, complaint, Div-CC-N 15-004474-CC American Express Centurion Bank vs Matilde Garcia AKA Matilde M Garcia; Clark, Eduardo Alberto, atty, complaint, Div-CC-J 15-004475-CC 1432 Pearl Street Florida Land Trust vs Brown, Brian; Proper Person, complaint, Div-CC-E 15-004476-CC American Express Centurion Bank vs Smith, Sandra; Lunsford, Kristina Yvonne, atty, complaint, Div-CC-Q 15-004477-CC Carl W. Cline And Cynthia A. Cline As Co-trustees vs Williams, Mandisha; Elefant, Fred, atty, complaint, Div-CC-A 15-004478-CC Mallards Landing Associates LTD Mission Pointe Aparments vs Glover, David; Lowenhaupt, Kenneth James, atty, complaint, DivCC-N 15-004479-CC Gardner, William vs Thomas, Rashanda, Gardner, Anita; Proper Person, complaint, Div-CC-J 15-004480-CC Mallards Landing Associates LTD Mission Pointe Apartments vs Wright, Keith, Taylor, Tiffany; Lowenhaupt, Kenneth James, atty, complaint, Div-CC-E
CIVIL ORDERS 17176-1322 Jax Quality Properties LLC vs. Telida Smith-Tomlin et al, final judg 17176-1348 Edward Saramak vs. Tara Henning, final judg 17176-1461 Robert Loth vs. Michelle Kirksey, final judg 17176-1736 Nimrod Shaham vs. Ronald Platt & Leticia, final judg 17176-2072 Natika Jackson vs. Upperroom Outreach Min./Nathaniel Gardner, final judg 17176-2236 Coastline Federal Credit Union vs. Larry H. Strange, final judg 17177-1481 6539 Townsend LLC vs. Tina Gutierrez et al, final judg 17178-1221 Arlanda Sistrunk vs. Cynthia Miller et al, final judg 17178-1260 George R. Saoud vs. Jordan Allan Meyerriecks et al, final judg 17178-1322 Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC vs. Jessica Waller, final judg 17178-1331 Landmark at Crescent Ridge LP vs. Amber Perry, final judg
17178-1339 Alzonia Mayberry vs. Saterica Stewart, final judg 17178-1380 6539 Townsend LLC vs. Tina Gutierrez et al, final judg 17178-1402 DFI Arelia LLC vs. Darcy Tontonoz & Brendan Bolt, final judg 17178-1413 Brenda J. Hill vs. Kenya Simmons et al, final judg 17178-1449 Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC vs. Stacie Vaughn, final judg 17178-1486 Don Carter or Donna Carter vs. Breanna Maria Berloni, final judg 17178-1533 6965 Philips Hwy LLC vs. Jacqueline Huff & Lorenzo White et al, final judg 17178-1547 JSA Realty Holdings LLC vs. Aleshia Parham, final judg 17178-1625 Frank Hunter vs. Cameron Collins & Tara, final judg 17178-1666 Daniel Wofford vs. John Mize, final judg 17178-1897 Michael H. Kirton vs. Elizabeth Carroll, final judg 17178-1908 Monterey Apt. LLC vs. Chontel M. Gergar et al, final judg 17178-1910 Barry P. Baker vs. Russell Hobbs & Ashley, final judg 17178-2240 James D. Knight vs. Jessica Zamor, final judg
Tuesday, June 16, 2015 • Financial News & Daily Record • Page A-7
Documents Filed for Record Warranty Deeds
Ronnie Fussell, Clerk Circuit Court, Duval County Courthouse, 501 W. Adams St.
Subdivision Address*
Bk. &
20 1 26 27 2 23 31 2 29 3172 35 1 27 37 1 25 39 2 25 95668 Abby Glen 9531 Abby Glen 11850 Aladdin Acres Arlington Hills 7636 Arlington Hills Unit 8-A 9238 Armstrong’s Riverview Arrowhead Forest Atlantic Park Atlantic Shores Avanti 6406 Barrington Cove Ph 2 10906 Baywood Phase 2 Beatrice Walk Bella Nina At Tamaya 3085 Bentley Woods 6418 Big Oak Run 4575 Blue Lake Estates &C 3858 Cambridge Estates 7036 Cedar Hills Est Unit 8B Cedar Hills Estates 4005 Cedar Hills Unit 2 7854 Cinnamon Lakes Clearwater Creek 6456 Cleveland Heights Un4 1614 Crabtree’s Rvrsd Manor 10736 Danese Homestead Deerfoot Point 7262 Dinsmore Farms 7525 Duclay Forest 11734 Duval City Edgewood Park Edgewood Park 6626 Edmondsons N Shore Gdns 4434 Georgetown Sd Glynlea Park 1207 130 Glynlea Park Unit 1 Golden Glades Unit 3-A 3143 2435 Greenwood 1204 Grove Park Unit 5 12058 Hawkins Cove Unit 6 Hawks Pointe 5439 Hillcrest 1269 Hillcrest Un2 Hunter Heights Hyde Grove Terrace 7033 2010 Jacksonville Beach Park 521 Jacksonville Beach Park Jacksonville Heights 907 Jasmine Place Lake Shore Terrace Unit 1 Lakeside Park 5049 7124 Longleaf Phase 1 And 2 Lynnwood Meridale 7920 Merrill Pines 7920 Merrill Pines Condominium 9089 Mill Creek 1153 Mill Creek Miravista At Harbortown 13846 14950 Montevilla \ 11049 Monument Oaks Unit 1 11049 Monument Oaks Unit 1 6670 Morse Ridge Un1 Murray Hill Heights Murray Hill Heights 4847 Murray Hill Heights 4649 Murray Hill Heights Murray Hill Heights 149 New Springfield Normandy North End Oak Hill Amended Plat Oakleigh Pointe 11737 Oakwood Villa Estates 7140 Oakwood Villa Estates 7248 Ocean 22 Oceanside Park 539 Old Mill Branch 10026 Old Mill Cove 6332 Old Mill Cove Unit 1 4049 Old Plantation Unit 2 651 Ortega Bluff Unit 3A Pablo Beach North 30 Panther Creek Ph 2B Park Lane Estates Pearl Crest 330 Pearl Crest 324 Ribault Manor 6812 Rio Vista 9176 River Forest Unit 6 5440 Riverbrook@Glen Kernan 4458 Royal Terrace No 1 San Jose Shores 8178 San Mateo 11327 San Mateo Section 4 11457 San Pablo Beach South 1728 Sans Souci Santa Monica Seascape 1601 Secret Hills 3345 Selva Marina Un2 1505 Somerton Place Spring Park Manor 3753 Surf Park 403 Sweetwater Creek 11573 The Cape Unit 5 The Landings@Belle Rive The Lndg@Cross Crk Unit1 The Palms@Marsh Landing 1701 Tidewater Unit One 5199 Tiger Hole Plantation 2630 University Park 5439 University Park Unit 6 8963 Venetia Sec 3 4203 Villages Of Bartram Spgs 5962 Villas Of Timberlin Parc 7701 Vista Del Mar Walkers Glen Unit 2 12106 Waterbrook Falls Unit 3 7272 White Oak Farms 3890
5/29/2015 6/2/2015 5/27/2015 5/28/2015 6/2/2015 5/27/2015 5/29/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 4/24/2015 5/28/2015 5/12/2015 5/29/2015 4/9/2015 5/29/2015 5/12/2015 6/2/2015 5/29/2015 5/27/2015 5/26/2015 6/1/2015 5/29/2015 4/17/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/15/2015 5/29/2015 5/26/2015 5/22/2015 5/29/2015 5/8/2015 5/27/2015 12/25/2013 5/28/2015 5/19/2015 5/6/2015 5/28/2015 6/1/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/19/2015 5/28/2015 5/21/2015 5/21/2015 5/19/2015 5/20/2015 5/1/2015 5/29/2015 6/1/2015 5/15/2015 4/10/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/6/2015 5/27/2015 5/29/2015 5/26/2015 5/29/2015 5/26/2015 5/27/2015 5/25/2015 5/29/2015 5/28/2015 2/5/2015 5/28/2015 5/26/2015 5/29/2015 5/27/2015 5/29/2015 5/21/2015 5/27/2015 6/1/2015 5/29/2015 4/1/2015 5/29/2015 5/5/2015 5/22/2015 6/1/2015 6/2/2015 5/20/2015 5/29/2015 5/26/2015 5/29/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/27/2015 5/8/2015 6/1/2015 6/1/2015 5/29/2015 5/4/2015 5/27/2015 5/29/2015 5/28/2015 5/13/2015 5/28/2015 5/15/2015 6/1/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/13/2015 5/29/2015 5/18/2015 5/28/2015 6/1/2015 5/15/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/28/2015 5/13/2015 5/29/2015 5/21/2015 5/26/2015 5/11/2015 5/29/2015 5/5/2015 5/27/2015 5/22/2015 5/27/2015 5/22/2015 5/27/2015
17185-0442 17186-0463 17185-1842 17185-1905 17186-0552 17184-2210 17185-0771 17185-1201 17185-0172 17185-1498 17186-1103 17185-0720 17186-0963 17185-0971 17185-0702 17186-0515 17186-0256 17186-1356 17186-0433 17186-0644 17185-0914 17185-0104 17186-0864 17185-1944 17186-0733 17184-2051 17185-1591 17185-0215 17184-2124 17186-0152 17185-2479 17185-0107 17184-2009 17185-0648 17186-0266 17186-0765 17185-2382 17185-0140 17185-0142 17186-0681 17186-1107 17185-0895 17186-0605 17186-1025 17185-1354 17185-0335 17185-2355 17186-0757 17185-0029 17185-0546 17185-0669 17184-2265 17185-0153 17185-0943 17185-1856 17186-0039 17184-2287 17185-2020 17185-2078 17184-2323 17186-0214 17186-1148 17186-0231 17185-2055 17186-0375 17186-0114 17185-1356 17185-0536 17185-0537 17185-2053 17184-2249 17185-1486 17186-0024 17186-0116 17186-0216 17186-0677 17184-2049 17185-1169 17185-0550 17184-2330 17185-2291 17186-0298 17186-1079 17186-0986 17186-0184 17185-0254 17185-0348 17185-1640 17186-0913 17185-0722 17185-1878 17185-0805 17186-0675 17186-0679 17184-2212 17185-1363 17185-1172 17186-1245 17185-0076 17185-2277 17186-0131 17185-2013 17186-0943 17184-2259 17185-1655 17186-0716 17186-0799 17185-0507 17186-1129 17186-0672 17185-0451 17185-2311 17186-0149 17186-0685 17185-0387 17186-0975 17186-0391 17186-0347 17185-0311 17185-1762 17185-1233 17185-0574 17185-2045 17185-2140 17184-2094 17185-0617 17185-2327
$15,000 $0 $210,900 $30,900 $77,939 $96,000 $240,752 $245,513 $169,600 $6,000 $43,000 $5,000 $139,900 $300,000 $540,000 $76,100 $104,250 $23,000 $25,000 $639,779 $133,000 $54,900 $275,000 $6,840,000 $159,000 $29,000 $40,000 $76,500 $120,000 $9,010 $45,000 $175,500 $0 $133,000 $10 $83,000 $16,000 $0 $30,000 $10 $222,500 $130,000 $126,900 $228,750 $10 $240,000 $211,500 $122,000 $133,000 $0 $135,000 $115,000 $289,900 $285,000 $10 $165,000 $33,000 $49,500 $248,900 $35,000 $30,900 $58,000 $47,000 $256,500 $200,050 $408,000 $361,850 $10 $125,000 $0 $48,800 $10 $142,000 $155,000 $35,900 $10 $45,100 $8,500 $34,000 $147,000 $212,250 $10 $397,500 $170,000 $435,000 $200,000 $205,000 $175,000 $165,500 $10 $45,000 $112,000 $10 $10 $36,000 $53,000 $110,000 $290,000 $19,000 $218,000 $86,000 $65,000 $270,000 $22,500 $138,000 $166,000 $167,000 $879,750 $112,000 $10 $225,000 $229,000 $31,500 $42,250 $59,100 $10 $329,694 $100 $148,000 $112,072 $198,000 $144,500 $67,000 $385,000 $242,000 $132,000 $371,728
Shiv Persaud et al Fannie Mae Florida State TRNSP Dept Ella Mae Yarborough Ashley Homes LLC Oakridge Landing Development LLC Bradford G Bracey Federal National Mortgage Association Chad Brock Enterprises Inc Chadwick Whitten Brock et al Shriners Hospitals For Children Leon J Hogan et al Cassidi D Randall et al KB Home Jacksonville LLC Charles H McGee Trustee et al KB Home Jacksonville LLC Alan Stepaniak et al Anita M Harris Affordable Housing 011 020 LLC Boatright Properties Inc Arthur R Troscher et al Fannie Mae Tarrance Robinson Alvaca LLC Lindita Kosova et al Fannie Mae Homepoint520 LLC James Hughes Properties LLC Brian C Hoffmann et al Alex J Campbell et al Thomas Corey Deutsche Bank Nat Trust Co Trstee et al Purvis Chandler et al Secretary Of Housing And Urban Develop Wesley Rush Vystar Credit Union New Atlantic Builders Inc Abaide Inc Stephen Armstrong et al HCC Tamaya Residential LLC Ih5 Property Florida L P Bank Of America N A Yuval Lavi Trustee et al Wells Fargo Bank N A Trustee et al Willie Barnes DR Horton Inc Jacksonville Oakleaf 31 Development Corp Lti Property Jacksonville LLC Ludeghina Campbell United States Gov Vet Aff Arguibel Corp Fannie Mae MNSF II Acquisitions LLC Fannie Mae Danielle T Black William Bill Callaghan Christopher H Wurth et al Reinvest North Florida LLC Savy Real Estate Investments LLC Fannie Mae Gregory Davis James S Guyton Jr et al Samantha H Schmaling Hstanley B Endley et al Michael Chao Thomas K Chao Chen Xia et al Paula Jane Sawyer Secretary Of Housing & Urban Devel Bank Of America N A Victoria Santana Irina Koval Duval Station Baptist Church Inc George E Matthews et al Terry L Dennis et al Arthur W Hall et al 5411 Harrold Avenue Trust et al Terry L Dennis et al Louis Dmeott Mark Thomas Ryan P Kobeski et al Dean J Legidakes Jr et al Nicole Dawn Davis Wells Fargo Bank N A Joy D Leverett Lighthouse Development Corp Richard A Rojas et al Jean M Williams Joey Buren Byrd Trustee et al Byrd Joey B et al Robert L Nelson et al Premier Trust Trustee et al Eric Williams et al Fannie Mae Freo Florida LLC Bank Of New York Mellon et al Candace Porter Gwendolyn K Richardson Secretary Of Housing & Urban Devel Wells Fargo Bank Na Harvey Self et al Gladys M Daniels William Mitchell et al DCCF Properties LLC Devon K Forgea et al Patrick H Grandy et al Ryan C Bass et al Cindy Lou Wolf William E Taylor et al Gwendolyn M Taylor Bradley P Davenport et al Tamara Jane Sisk et al Investors Consulting LLC Duval Homes LLC James Warner Mitchell Michael C Bryan et al Robert A Belfield et al Lennar Homes LLC Idan Alrod Jemu LLC Gil Case et al Southeast Property Acquistions LLC Bcel 2 LLC US Bank National Association Trustee et al Heather Simpson Secretary Of Housing And Urban Develop Joseph Gonzalez et al Lennar Homes LLC Timothy Frazier et al Lennar Homes LLC Harold L Parman II et al Mark B Blackburn et al Hiro Bherumalpahlajani et al Standard Pacific Of Florida Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp Nationstar Mortgage LLC Geoffrey Alan Poulin et al Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Monarch Rental Properties Fl LLC James Scott Ball Aca Investments LLC Kirk B Voelker Affordable Housing 091 100 LLC Boatright Properties Inc Clara James Jeremy Ratliff et al Eliana Pelaez Maureen Marlowe Derka Proximal Path Solo 401K Trust et al Southeast Property Acquisitions LLC Louis Demott Mark Thomas Victoria Mendoza Toledo Fannie Mae Blessed Boundaries Community Devel Trst Allison Myheera Leopold Tilley Sago Properties & Development LLC Fannie Mae Jeffrey Williams Jerry T Lloyd et al Laramie James Hartmann Gregg Parish et al Roy A Begue Jr Izetta A Chesser Lori E Terens Carolyn T Reynolds Adam K Eiseman et al Roger A Van Dusen et al Susan Gaffney et al Judy R Brooks et al Clyde A Goebel et al Sharon L Omeechevarria Edison Muniz Mercado et al John J Edmonds et al Hunter S Walker et al Christy M Hanby Freo Florida LLC Paul A Soares et al Jesse A Davila et al Leanne T Davila Advantage Home Builders Inc Panther Creek Golf Club Inc Samuel Bailey Keith B Pearce et al Louis Demott Mark Thomas Louis Demott Mark Thomas DTL Properties Inc Federal National Mortgage Association Siff 3 LLC United States Gov Vet Aff Melinda Joy Holmes et al Federal National Mortgage Association Lawrence C Gelo et al Leila E Arocho Dwight Bradley Brenda Hines Aaron M Law et al Joseph Slade Jackson Ricardo M Stallings et al Vystar Credit Union Richard P Gonzales et al Thomas P Stover et al Hoose Homes & Investments LLC Alison A Kasun Derek Wiggins et al Albert R Hurlbert Larry Edwin Horne Jr Siff 4 LLC Gino R Tenace et al Gino R Tenace Catherine N Njeru Helen K Edstrom et al William Nall et al Gregory A Williams et al Christi R Schaufler Siff 3 LLC Louis Demott Mark Thomas Michael Ballester Corner Lot Properties LLC Melanie Lynn Milligan Steven A Doyle et al Justin Eugene Wiest et al Carl Sellers Jr et al Diana Greiner Fannie Mae James Louie Suarez James Louis Suarez et al Bank Of America N A Trustee Wells Fargo Bank N A Trustee et al William L Martin et al DR Horton Inc Jacksonville Robert E Taylor Trustee et al Ruth Ann Day Michelle Leola Collins et al Robert M Honeycutt Federal National Mtg Association Richard Farmer Jr et al Matthew W McLaughlin et al Steven Alan Willis Jr et al Kathleen P Anderson Prashanth Shimoga Lingadevaru et al Patel Family Trust Federal National Mortgage Association Charles L Gibbs II et al Gary A Willetts Jr et al Robert J Przybylski et al Marcia R Wright Gerrard Jenkins Fannie Mae Sue A Mills Trustee et al Ashley Homes LLC
N/A N/A N/A New Berlin Rd N/A N/A Abby Glen Cr Abby Glen Cr Totree Ln L2 B1 Un8A Altus Dr S 3rd Av L140 Un2 L4 B46 L37 B22 Unit 505 Pinewood Hills Dr Starwood Dr L35 Danube Ct L64 Diamond Leaf Dr Sherman Hills Py Tract 9-11 B1 Anderson Woods Dr Xtopher Robin Dr L28 B83 Unit 8 Rendale Dr Pepper Cr E L56 Trenton Dr W Charon Rd Skylark Dr Deerfoot Cr 2-1 Farm 13...36 B1 McCowan Dr Lyle Rd L2-7,18-21 B1 L2 B1 Elwood Av Ellipse Dr Nightingale Ct Glynlea Rd Brougham Av Us 301 N Jamaica Ct Sunchase Dr L161 Unit 1 Emerald Reef Ct Peacefield Dr L20 Bonnie Brae Ln 3rd St Lora St Rancho Rd Jasmine Pl L4 B1 Palmer Av Claremont Dr L23 B3 L20 21 B4 Merrill Rd 1-2 Merrill Rd 22-6 Marsden St Ballard Ridge Rd Atlantic Bv 312 Vernosa Cr Oak Ridge Dr N Oak Ridge Dr N Lana Ln L86 B83 L8 B14 Lawnview St Lawnview St L9 B21 E 18th St L2 B8 Unit 3 L16 17 B7 L64 B5 Chestnut Oaks Dr E Oakwood Dr Tynan Av Unit 2-C 3rd Av S Sifton Ct Whisperig Oaks Dr W Old Mill Cove Tl E Martin Lakes Dr E L43 10th Av N L66 L7 B1 W 40th St W 40th St Rhone Dr 10th Av Oliver St N Deep River Wy E L9 B23 Madeira Dr Renne Dr E Soforenko Rd 9th St N L19 B17 Sec 10 L12 B4 Unit 2 Ocean Dr S 103 Yucatan Pl Selva Marina Dr L60 Abby Ln N 16th Av Alexis Forest Dr E L3 Unit 171 L89 The Greens Wy 1514 Clapboard Creek Dr Belfort Rd Selton Av Yarmount Rd Demedici Av Bartram Village Dr Timberlin Pk Bv 622 Unit 2323-201 Irwin Manor Dr Rose Creek Ln Mediterranean Ct
*Buyer’s Address, Usually But Not Always Address Of Property Sold • Legal Description Available In Summary Form
Continued on Page A-8
Page A-8 • Tuesday, June 16, 2015 • Financial News & Daily Record
Warranty Deeds Subdivision Address*
Bk. &
5/27/2015 5/28/2015 6/1/2015 6/1/2015 5/21/2015 5/29/2015 5/15/2015
17186-0305 17184-2358 17185-0595 17186-0683 17184-2479 17185-2167 17185-2404
$85,000 $24,000 $160,000 $10 $11,500 $253,900 $205,000
Ashley Homes LLC Tony R Hall Christina M Sharpe Louis Demott John Thomas Investments LLC Gabriel De La Paz Jr et al Michael John Dougherty et al
Oakridge Landing Development LLC Mamajo Properties LLC Marcela Beatriz Gomez Carrillo Mark Thomas Fannie Mae Lennar Homes LLC Rosandrea Keenan et al
Continued from Page A-7 White Oak Farms William A Ogilvie Estates 4645 Windermere Woodstock 2934 Woodstock Park Yellow Bluff Hideaway 16058 16414 Yellow Bluff Hideaway
Provided by
L7 L9 10 Wassail Dr Spencer St L9 B19A Garrett Grove Ct Tisons Bluff Rd
Financial News & Daily Record
Mortgage Deeds Subdivision Address*
Bk. &
15 4 27 24,25 3 27 8200 18033 37 1 25 39 1 26 15594 9568 Abby Glen Abby Glen 9531 11850 Aladdin Acres Aladdin Acres 3748 8760 Argyle Forest Chimney Lks Argyle Forest Chimney Lks 8433 10298 Arrowhead Forest Ashton Hills 12627 618 Atlantic Beach Atlantic Manor 1750 Atlantic Park Subdivision 526 Atlantic Shores 2908 1438 Avondale Bartram Springs 6161 14476 Bartram Springs Bella Nina At Tamaya 3085 67 Belmont Lakes Biscayne Villas 1392 Blue Lake Estates 4575 Brookview 1801 3858 Cambridge Estates Cape Coral 14846 4005 Cedar Hills Cedar Hills Estates 2310 2334 Cedar Hills Estates Cedar North 12314 12334 Cedar North Cinnamon Lakes 7854 Cinnamon Lakes 7854 Cleveland Heights 6456 5457 Collins Lakes Estates Copper Hill 5926 1614 Crabtree’s Rvrside Manor Cypress Bay 1753 8426 Cypress Point Deerfoot Point 7262 Duclay Forest 7525 Dunn’s Crossing 11271 East Hampton 10519 Eden Place 5360 1163 Emilys Walk English Estates 6035 10435 Esplanade At Town Center Floradale 4274 Ft Caroline Lake Estates 1729 Georgetown 4434 Glen Eagle 1302 Glynlea Park 1207 Glynlea Park 130 Glynlea Park 1084 Golden Glades 3173 Goodbys Hideaway 4423 Goodbys Hideaway 4423 Hawkins Cove 12058 Hickory Glen 7308 Hickory Hollow 12466 Highlands 10601 Hillcrest 5303 Hillcrest 3699 Hillcrest 3699 Hunter Heights 5230 Hunters Walk 63 Hyde Grove Terrace 7033 Jacksonville Beach 1019 Jacksonville Beach Park 521 Jacksonville Heights 3159 Jacksonville Heights Jasmine Place 907 Keystone 5325 Lake Forest Hills 1650 Lakewood 1909 Lexington Park 15481 Longleaf 7124 Losco Woods Sd 11268 Magnolia Glynn 10286 Mandarin Lakes 11531 Map Of Lakeside Park 5049 Marsh Landing At Sawgrass 4427 McGirts Village West 5459 Mill Creek 9089 Mill Creek 1153 Mirabella 10075 Murray Hill Heights 4624 Murray Hill Heights 4847 Murray Hill Heights 4649 Murray School Park 1174 Normandy Village 8120 Oak Hill 7988 Oakleigh Point 725 Oakleigh Pointe 11737 Oakleigh Pointe 683 Oakwood Villa Estates 7340 Oceanside Park 408 Old Mill Branch 10026 Old Mill Cove 4049 Old Mill Cove 6332 Old Plank Plantation 651 Ortega 4428 Pablo Beach North 30 Park Lane Estates 5307 Pickwick Park 9521
6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015
17185-0993 17185-1714 17186-0555 17185-1721 17185-0773 17185-1203 17185-0174 17184-2158 17185-1405 17185-1539 17186-0965 17186-1178 17186-0895 17185-1620 17185-0973 17185-0704 17184-2481 17184-2164 17185-1545 17186-0645 17185-0829 17184-2340 17186-0865 17186-0059 17186-0741 17185-0082 17185-0216 17185-1684 17185-1702 17185-0787 17185-1569 17184-2125 17184-2137 17185-2482 17184-2172 17186-0780 17185-0109 17184-2178 17186-0236 17185-0649 17186-0766 17185-1782 17185-1696 17186-0329 17186-0527 17185-0869 17185-2258 17186-0497 17185-1417 17186-1109 17185-0120 17185-0898 17186-0607 17186-0884 17186-1027 17185-0284 17185-0296 17185-2358 17185-2212 17185-1521 17185-0848 17185-0552 17185-0030 17185-0044 17185-0671 17186-0585 17184-2266 17186-0488 17185-0945 17185-0055 17185-1950 17186-0041 17186-1341 17186-1376 17185-1533 17185-1708 17185-2081 17184-2447 17184-2056 17186-1010 17185-2021 17185-2144 17185-1150 17185-2058 17186-0378 17185-1991 17184-2250 17186-0026 17186-0118 17186-1294 17185-1749 17186-0701 17184-2456 17184-2332 17185-0921 17185-2294 17186-0988 17186-0189 17185-0349 17185-0255 17185-1641 17185-2457 17185-0724 17185-0807 17186-0081
$15,000,000 $400,000 $100,000 $250,000 $229,702 $195,000 $161,120 $80,000 $42,585 $30,000 $137,362 $50,000 $146,250 $136,400 $299,000 $432,000 $200,000 $40,000 $75,000 $488,000 $214,000 $28,600 $220,000 $48,850 $156,120 $132,000 $75,113 $47,600 $10,000 $148,432 $83,895 $114,000 $10,000 $46,485 $20,000 $128,000 $172,320 $30,000 $15,000 $106,400 $81,496 $221,015 $35,000 $187,220 $310,000 $77,775 $80,000 $25,000 $123,250 $227,283 $209,093 $104,000 $124,601 $106,400 $233,668 $265,500 $265,500 $211,500 $40,000 $50,000 $56,440 $67,575 $130,591 $10,000 $137,362 $39,806 $112,917 $40,000 $270,750 $217,446 $6,156,000 $132,000 $98,250 $25,000 $15,000 $10,000 $199,120 $202,353 $168,345 $107,300 $46,000 $620,000 $30,000 $251,853 $196,426 $92,000 $62,000 $139,428 $152,192 $110,000 $44,795 $69,000 $163,018 $144,337 $138,000 $225,582 $337,500 $326,250 $211,765 $206,600 $171,830 $115,000 $560,000 $114,408 $120,676
DFH Land LLC et al Veronica G Nabizadeh Et Vir Chad Brock Enterprises Inc William J Vanaman Jr et al Cassidi D Randall et al Charles H McGee Trstee Et Ux TRS Alan Stepaniak Et Ux Andrew Lepkoske et al Sue Ellen Lefevre Kim D Newman et al Lindita Kosova Et Vir Jesse Herrera Jr Daniel R Burgos et al Margaret Ryals Et Vir Homepoint520 LLC Brian C Hoffmann Et Ux Dwight L Adams Jr Et Ux Christine Creel et al Waleed M Eadeh et al Stephen M Armstrong Et Ux Lonnie L Weets John N Paige Jr Willie Barnes Ruby Solomon Ludeghina Campbell et al Wayne A Maloy Danielle Black Siff 4 LLC Donald E Douglas et al Marc Love Siff 3 LLC Christopher H Wurth et al Christopher H Wurth et al Gregory Davis Brenda C Curry et al Rawlston D Buckley Et Ux Samantha H Schmaling Quinn F Baxter et al Irene M Peavy Chen Xia Et Ux Victoria Santana David L Genyard Et Ux Harvey Williams Et Ux John C Prendergast Et Ux Lukas H Tan Et Ux Siff 4 LLC Eloise A Wetherhold Trust Johnny Williams James F Head Jr Et Ux Ryan P Kobeski Et Ux Donald A Monico Jr Et Ux Nicole Davis Joy D Leverett Marcia Conroy Lyles Et Vir Richard A Rojas Et Ux Ruth N Morgan Ruth N Morgan Jessica Williams Et Vir Eric R Wetzel Cheryl A Perkins Siff 4 LLC Siff 4 LLC Candace Porter Candace Porter Harvey Self et al Deangelo Malpress SR William Mitchell et al Jason R Winberry Et Ux Ryan C Bass et al Eric Grayson Lane Et Ux Oakleaf 31 Development Corp Bradley P Davenport Et Ux Hasan Fejzic et al Alfonso A Ellison Et Ux Beverly F Savic Denise A Ziegler Et Vir Robert A Belfield et al Trula M Bristow Et Vir Johron K Perry et al Sharon L Parine James Warner Mitchell Christian J Lisowski et al Hoose Homes & Investments LLC Ramona Rodriguez et al Timothy Frazier et al Anita A Palaj et al Aca Investments LLC Clara James Eliana Pelaez William Richard Carlson Etux Siff 4 LLC Linda A Censon Richard Creech et al Jeffrey Williams Bruce M Conley Et Ux Laramie James Hartmann Adam K Eiseman et al Susan Gaffney Et Vir Edison Muniz Mercado et al Clyde A Goebel Et Ux Hunter S Walker Et Ux Robert G Kinley Et Ux Jesse A Davila et al Samuel Bailey Linda Anne Barr
Medley Capital Corporation Vystar Credit Union Southeastern Bank Vystar Credit Union Home Community Mtg LLC Home Community Mtg LLC USAA FSB Vystar Credit Union Compass Bank Vystar Credit Union Bb&t Vystar Credit Union Discover Home Loans Inc Homeward Residential Inc James T Hughes Atlantic Coast Bank Regions Bank Vystar Credit Union Vystar Credit Union Atlantic Coast Bank New American Funding Bank Of America DHI Mtg Co LTD Suntrust Mtg Inc Home Point Financial Corp Regions Bank Carrington Mtg Svcs LLC Genesis Capital Master Fund II LLC Vystar Credit Union Loandepot.com Genesis Capital Master Fund II LLC Watson Mtg Corp Florida Housing Finance Corporation Everbank Vystar Credit Union Vystar Credit Union Movement Mtg LLC Vystar Credit Union Vystar Credit Union Quicken Loans Inc DHI Mtg Co LTD Freedom Mtg Corp Vystar Credit Union Nationstar Mtg LLC Nationstar Mtg LLC Genesis Capital Master Fund II LLC Terra Capital Holdings Inc Continental Heritage Insurance Company Compass Bank Navy Federal Credit Union Wells Fargo Bank Wells Fargo Bank Wolfe Financial Inc Royal United Mtg LLC 1st Federal Bank Of FL Liberty Home Equity Solutions Inc Secretary Of Housing And Urban Develop Suntrust Mtg Inc Vystar Credit Union Vystar Credit Union Genesis Capital Master Fund II LLC Genesis Capital Master Fund II LLC Academy Mtg Corp Housing Finance Authority Of Hillsborough Co Navy Federal Credit Union Secretary Of Housing And Urban Develop Movement Mtg LLC 121 Financial Credit Union Primelending Wells Fargo Bank Lti Property Jacksonville LLC Navy Federal Credit Union Vystar Credit Union Vystar Credit Union Vystar Credit Union Vystar Credit Union Universal American Mtg Co LLC Carrington Mtg Svcs LLC Quicken Loans Inc Bank Of America Michael C Bryan Navy Federal Credit Union Equity Trust Company Custodian et al Universal American Mtg Co Universal American Mtg Co Vystar Credit Union 654 Ventures Inc Primelending Open Mtg LLC Vystar Credit Union Genesis Capital Master Fund II LLC Vystar Credit Union Carrington Mtg Svcs LLC Hamilton GRP Funding Inc Loandepot.com LLC Homebridge Financial SVCS Inc 1st Federal Bank Of FL Bb&t SWBC Mtg Corp Navy Federal Credit Union Flagstar Bank Vystar Credit Union Suntrust Mtg Inc Quicken Loans Inc Loandepot.com LLC
N/A Presidential Dr Lem Turner Rd Tison Rd Abby Glen Cr Abby Glen Cr Totree Ln Aladdin Acres Fieldside Dr S Rockridge Dr Bent Tree Ln Bent Bay Tl Stocks St Dibble Cr E 11th Av N Madrid St Avondale Av Lowmoor Wy Lake Jessup Dr Danube Ct Reeding Ridge Dr E Marsh Hen Dr Sherman Hills Py Brookview Dr S Anderson Woods Dr Reef Dr W Rendale Dr Miss Muffet Ln Burpee Dr W Sumter Square Dr E Harts Rd Pepper Cr E Pepper Cr E Trenton Dr W Corky Ct Copper Creek Dr Charon Rd Red Cypress Dr Fire Fly Ln Deerfoot Pt Cr 2-1 McCowan Dr Scenic Point Cr Stanfield Glen Ct Blue Pacific Dr E Emilys Walk Ln W Triumph Ln W Midtown Pt 204 Carroll Dr Derringer Rd Ellipse Dr Sinclair Ln Nightingale Ct Glynlea Rd Halifax Rd Brougham Av Barnaby Dr Barnaby Dr Sunchase Dr Glendyle Dr S Betony Ct Biscayne Bv Poppy Dr Hartsfield Frst Cr Hartsfield Frst Cr Damascus Rd N Marisco Wy Bonnie Brae Ln 23rd St N Lora St Stratton Rd N/A Jasmine Pl Keystone Dr N Chatham Rd Lakewood Cr N Turkoman Cr Claremont Creek Dr Stoney Point Ln W Magnolia Hills Dr West Ride Dr Palmer Av Royal Tern Ct Village Pond Cr Marsden St Ballard Ridge Rd Gate Py N 2802 Royal Av Lawnview St Lawnview St Scotten Rd Joffre Dr Renault Dr S Chestnut Oak Dr N Chestnut Oak Dr E Cherry Bark Dr N Oakwood Dr 7th Av S Sifton Ct Old Mill Cove Tl E Whisperng Oaks Dr W Martin Lakes Dr E Baltic St 10th Av N Clarendon Rd Whittington Dr
*Buyer’s Address, Usually But Not Always Address Of Property Sold • Legal Description Available In Summary Form
Continued on Page A-9
Tuesday, June 16, 2015 • Financial News & Daily Record • Page A-9
Mortgage Deeds Subdivision Address*
Bk. &
6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015 6/2/2015
17185-1439 17186-0945 17184-2386 17185-1366 17185-1173 17185-1527 17185-1729 17186-1247 17186-0953 17185-1593 17185-1358 17184-2184 17186-0282 17185-2279 17186-0572 17186-0132 17186-0662 17185-1657 17185-2434 17186-0804 17186-0819 17185-0508 17184-2152 17186-1131 17186-0925 17186-0155 17186-0440 17186-0451 17185-0453 17185-2313 17185-0388 17184-2275 17186-0614 17186-0392 17186-0350 17186-1080 17185-0313 17185-2127 17185-1235 17184-2488 17185-0576 17186-0468 17184-2096 17185-0619 17185-0633 17185-0224 17186-0839 17185-1551 17186-1059 17185-2038 17185-2329 17184-2360 17185-0596 17184-2039 17185-2170 17185-2406
$88,400 $24,000 $134,290 $65,450 $112,365 $30,000 $60,000 $261,000 $15,000 $18,000 $3,692 $20,000 $80,000 $183,150 $730,875 $114,232 $112,611 $110,400 $218,250 $127,000 $10,000 $703,800 $120,000 $89,600 $161,935 $125,000 $107,142 $10,000 $229,837 $224,852 $116,250 $20,000 $110,650 $263,755 $0 $65,027 $140,415 $60,000 $198,000 $67,361 $141,882 $140,800 $240,971 $124,796 $10,000 $196,300 $103,500 $125,000 $20,000 $37,800 $346,895 $24,000 $152,000 $223,163 $259,358 $153,000
Siff 3 LLC Christopher J Nelson Dale A Corbett Et Ux Siff 3 LLC Melinda Joy Holmes Et Vir William D Loehle Et Ux Michael L Munas et al Lawrence C Gelo et al Lisa Cernik et al Brandon Byrne Laquieta Brown Lindsay E Lockamy Patrick G Faulkner II Aaron M Law Et Ux Betty J Lucas Ricardo M Stallings et al Jason Colonna Larry Edwin Horne Jr Darin W Bort Et Ux Catherine N Njeru Catherine N Njeru William Nall Et Ux James Koppenberger et al Christi R Schaufler Mitchell R Rounds et al Kelly L Smith Vadim Vartanov Vadim V Vartanov Michael Ballester Melanie Lynn Milligan James Louie Suarez James Mark Brasseit et al William D Tomlinson Et Ux William L Martin Et Ux Robert E Taylor James Jefferson Et Ux Michelle Leola Collins Et Vir Michael Hilliard et al Matthew W McLaughlin Et Ux Thomas Garcia Kathleen P Anderson John Kenneth Dye Et Ux Robert J Przybylski et al Gerrard A Jenkins Gerrard A Jenkins Donna M Harrell Et Vir Andrea T Stancliffe et al Issa N Odeh et al Victoria Lapaglia Dennis R Vann et al Sue A Mills TRS Tony R Hall Christina M Sharpe Randy L Lindstrom Gabriel De La Paz Jr Et Ux Michael John Dougherty Et Ux
Genesis Capital Master Fund II LLC Vystar Credit Union Quicken Loans Inc Genesis Capital Master Fund II LLC CMG Mtg Inc Vystar Credit Union Network Funding LP Premia Mtg LLC Vystar Credit Union Baxter Credit Union Secretary Of Housing And Urban Develop Vystar Credit Union Vystar Credit Union Guaranteed Rate Inc Atlantic Coast Bank Bank Of America Quicken Loans Inc Fidelity Bank Vystar Credit Union Watson Mtg Corp Florida Housing Finance Corporation PNC Mortgage Vystar Credit Union FBC Mtg LLC Quicken Loans Vystar Credit Union Academy Mtg Corp Housing Finance Authority Of Hillsborough Co Navy Federal Credit Union Primelending Five Star Mtg Community First Credit Union Of FL Vystar Credit Union DHI Mtg Co LTD Jax Postal & Professional Credit Union Quicken Loans Inc Quicken Loans Inc Susan Burke Trustee et al Regions Bank Regions Bank Freedom Mtg Corp Nationstar Mtg LLC Movement Mtg LLC Bb&t Florida Housing Finance Corporation Wells Fargo Bank PNC Mortgage Vystar Credit Union Atlantic Coast Bank Vystar Credit Union Bb&t Mamajo Properties LLC PHH Mtg Corp Quicken Loans Inc Universal American Mtg Co LLC USAA FSB
Continued from Page A-8 Pilgrims Trace Plantation South Plum Tree Rio Vista River Forest River Oaks Riverbrook@Glen Kernan Riverbrook@Glen Kernan Riverdale Gardens Riverside Rolling River Estates Sago Village San Jose Manor San Jose Shores San Jose Shores San Mateo Sandalwood Santa Monica Seabreeze Woods Sd Secret Hills Secret Hills Selva Marina Seven Pines Island Somerton Place St Johns Heights Sumerlin Summerfield Summerfield Surf Park Sweetwater Creek The Landing@Cross Creek The Woods Thornewood Tidewater Tiger Hole Plantation Timothy’s Landing University Park Vaughts Moncrief Gdns Venetia Villa Medici Villages Of Bartram Spgs Villages Of Pablo Walkers Glen Waterbrook Falls Waterbrook Falls Watermill Watermill Westberry Westgate White City White Oak Farms William A Ogilvie Estate Windermere Wynnfield Lakes Yellow Bluff Hideaway Yellow Bluff Hideaway
7639 1921 9609 9176 5440 1765 4402 4458 2745 2356 6917 2432 7940 8178 8228 11327 10757 4527 1707 3345 3345 1505 14209 5218 1312 6225 8123 8123 8123 11573 425 13049 11719 5199 2522 7836 5439 3731 4203 8539 5962 2387 12106 7272 7272 9469 8089 12550 785 10865 3890 15337 4645 12311 16058 16414
Pilgrims Trace Dr Melrose Plantn Dr Blowing Rock Cr N 10th Av Oliver St S Rising Oaks Dr Crooked Brook Ct Deep River Wy E Lake Shore Bv College St Crystal River Rd San Sago Ln Praver Dr W Madeira Dr Jose Cr W Renne Dr E Majuro Dr Barnes Rd Seabreeze Av Yucatan Pl Yucatan Pl Selva Marina Dr Pine Island Dr Glen Alan Ct S Wolfe St Eclipse Cr Summer Palm Ct Summer Palm Ct Summer Palm Ct Alexis Forest Dr E Bright Star Ln Viburnum Dr N Magnolia Falls Dr Clapboard Creek Dr Belfort Rd Playpen Ct Selton Av Moncrief Rd Demedici Av Gate Py W 9216 Bartram Village Dr Bluffton Dr Irwin Manor Dr Rose Creek Ln Rose Creek Ln Maidstone Mill Dr Carisbrook Ct Westberry Manor Dr Westgate Dr Grayson St Mediterranean Ct Parete Rd Wassail Dr Sunchase Dr Garrett Grove Ct Tisons Bluff Rd
*Buyer’s Address, Usually But Not Always Address Of Property Sold • Legal Description Available In Summary Form
Documents Filed for Record Notice of
COMMENCEMENTS Notice filed when construction valued at $2500 or more is to take place 17184-658 Ron Russell Roofing Inc. for The Shay Trust, 8222 Hare Av, filed 6-1-2015 17184-659 Ron Russell Roofing Inc. for Paul E. Smith, L17, B1, Lake Mandarin, Unit 6, filed 6-1-2015 17184-660 Ron Russell Roofing Inc. for Larry Goodwin, L10, B1, Gillen, filed 6-1-2015 17184-661 Ron Russell Roofing Inc. for Siff 2 LLC, L11, B6, R/P of L41-46, Panama Park, filed 6-1-2015 17184-662 Ron Russell Roofing Inc. for Siff 4 LLC, L163, Highlands, Unit 4-A, filed 6-1-2015 17184-663 Ron Russell Roofing Inc. for JWB Property Management LLC, L9, B31, College Park, filed 6-1-2015 17184-664 Ron Russell Roofing Inc. for Siff 4 LLC, L13, B34, Osceola Forest, Unit 1, filed 6-1-2015 17184-667 American Roofing of Jacksonville for Jeff Deangelis, 732 Aquatic Dr, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233, filed 6-1-2015 17184-717 Maronda Homes Inc. for Florida for self, L10, B1, Magnolia Glynn, filed 6-1-2015 17184-724 Bigfoot Roofing & Construction Inc. for David Qualis, 12505 Sweetwater Ln, filed 6-1-2015 17184-766 Golas Construction LLC for William Kemp, Jr., L20, B6, San Jose Forest, filed 6-1-2015 17184-792 Great White Construction Inc. for Phil Scarborough, L21, The Woods, Unit IX-A, filed 6-1-2015 17184-793 Ryan McCarthy, 1057 Kraft Rd, filed 6-1-2015 17184-831 Bigfoot Roofing & Construction Inc. for Nicholas Jorge, 1380 Wolfe St, filed 6-1-2015 17184-844 Preferred Roofing LLC for James Lusis, L12, Miramar Terrace, Unit 2, Sec 1, filed 6-1-2015 17184-845 Jasper Contractors for Sophia Soeum, 11105 Windhaven Dr S, filed 6-1-2015 17184-850 Jasper Contractors for Shannon Clippard, 12315 Bucks Harbor Dr S, filed 6-1-2015 17184-948 Providence Construction Co. for self, L510, Yellow Bluff Hideaway, filed 6-1-2015 17184-978 Jasper Contractors for Ezekiel Mears, 4049 Autrey Av W, filed 6-1-2015 17184-979 D&D Roofing for Christie Weigand, 3641 Valencia Rd, filed 6-12015
17184-995 BRC Roofing & Construction Inc. for George Cranston, 3502 Edgewater Dr, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1110 Jasper Contractors for Robert Goodman, 3943 Demery Dr E, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1159 Jasper Contractors for Ashley Maida Hecht, 6275 Chestnut Lake Dr, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1197 Steven McCurdy, L182, Timber Creek Plantation, filed 6-12015 17184-1198 Lifetime Enclosures for Patricia Walker, 4390 Herschel St, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1199 Lifetime Enclosures for Truc Nguyen, L90, Gentle Woods, Phase 2, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1200 Lifetime Enclosures for Philip Inota, L19, B10, Jacksonville Golf & Country Club, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1201 Jasper Contractors for Timothy Stipplere, 4534 Summer Walk Ct, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1207 Preferred Roofing LLC for Heidi Gillespie, L47, Ashley Terrace, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1284 Jasper Contractors for Yongjie Zhang, 13009 Harborton Dr, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1286 Jasper Contractors for David Enman, 8760 Reedy Branch Dr, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1291 FastTrackBuilders Inc. for Desmond Lloyd Scarlett, 7929 Lonspur Av, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1333 Sunbelt for Brian Hoag, 4070 London Rd, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1344 JCS Systems Inc. for St. Luke’s/St. Vincent’s Healthcare Inc., 4201 Belfort Rd, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1432 Jonathan Menke for Lynn J. Nellenbach, 259 Scott Mill Ln, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1460 Jasper Contractors for Michael Neely, 2404 Cedar Trace Dr W, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1468 Jasper Contractors for Sonnie Luckie, 10313 Meadow Point Dr, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1656 Barber & Associates Inc. for Lake Gray Plaza LLC, Tract 7,8, Jacksonville Heights, filed 6-1-2015 17184-2240 Florida Mobile Masters Inc. for Clyde Henry Cannon, 13410 Dunn Creek Rd, filed 6-2-2015 17184-2243 Romano Bros. Roofing for John Morris, 6021 Wateredge Dr S, filed 6-2-2015 17184-2296 AES Mechanical Services for Walgreens Co., 11430 Beach Bv, filed 6-2-2015 17184-2300 AES Mechanical Services for Walgreens Co., 12230 Atlantic Bv #100, filed 6-2-2015 17184-2302 AES Mechanical Services for Walgreens Co., 866 Dunn Av, filed
6-2-2015 17184-2305 AES Mechanical Services for Walgreens Co., 10899 Baymeadows Rd, filed 6-2-2015 17184-2308 AES Mechanical Services for Walgreens Co., 7221 Normandy Bv, filed 6-2-2015 17185-9 The Home Depot At-Home Services for Maerine Rayner, L12, B84, Cedar Hills Estates, Unit 8, filed 6-2-2015 17185-74 Ram Jack Foundation Repair for Edith Ortega, L8, B12, San Marco, filed 6-2-2015 17185-78 Tillman Building Services Inc. for Nona Harman, 1419 Donald St, filed 6-2-2015 17185-339 James R. Layfield for Alexander Daly, 9865 Heckscher Dr, filed 6-2-2015 17185-340 Pella Windows & Doors for Brian Sandlin, 4842 Wallingford Pl W, filed 6-2-2015 17185-489 Home Depot Exteriors for Margaret Leitereg, L74, Bentwater Place, Unit 2, filed 6-2-2015 17185-490 Webb Properties & Improvements Inc. for L&A LLC, 2703 Philips Hy, filed 6-2-2015 17185-494 The Home Depot At-Home Services for Ruth Woods, Tract J, Sandalwood, Unit 2, filed 6-2-2015 17185-496 The Home Depot At-Home Services for Grace Burke, L2, B8, Imperial Estates, filed 6-2-2015 17185-504 Guardian Fueling Technologies for Estes Express Lines, 1701 Pickettville Rd, filed 6-2-2015 17185-505 A Crown Roofing Inc. for Carrie Hartley, 4263 Eagles View Ln, filed 6-2-2015 17185-740 All Florida Homes for Wells Fargo Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust, 284 Carriann Cove Tl W, filed 6-2-2015 17185-741 All Florida Custom Homes by John Raymer for Linda Barloon, L78, Kensington Gardens, Unit 3A, filed 6-2-2015 17185-742 All Florida Custom Homes by John Raymer for Fannie Mae, L70, Sweetwater Creek, Unit 4, filed 6-2-2015 17185-785 Pro Roofing & Associates Inc. for Ozzie Vazquez, 363 Hartwell Te, filed 6-2-2015 17185-786 Pro Roofing & Associates Inc. for Scott Gilbert & Martha, 811 18th St N, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250, filed 6-2-2015 17185-802 Burger Roofing Co. for William Driscoll, L599, Avondale, filed 6-2-2015 17185-868 Fasanelli Construction Inc. for Chris Mimebauch, L9, Jacksonville Golf & Country Club, Unit 3-C, filed 6-2-2015 17185-913 All Pro Enclosures Inc. for
Douglas J. Saletnik, L40, Mandarin Pines, Unit 4, filed 6-2-2015 17185-967 The Malle Co. for Terran Investments LLC for 1950-2 San Marco Bv, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1146 Mattamy (Jacksonville) Partnership for self, L88, Bartram Park Preserve, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1147 Mattamy (Jacksonville) Partnership for self, L87, Bartram Park Preserve, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1160 Big Foot Roofing & Construction Inc. for 10828 Crosstie Rd, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1164 Alpha Foundations Specialist Inc. for Sandra Evans, 8456 Three Creeks Rd, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1282 Waffle House Construction Division for Waffle House, 8514 Baymeadows Rd, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1340 JRS Construction Inc. for Starfish Group Properties Inc., 2266 Larida Ln, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1341 JRS Construction Inc. for Starfish Group Properties Inc., L3, B7, Shadyside, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1346 Kustom US Inc. for Petra M. West, L7, B8, Harvey’s Addn, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1351 Weather Guard Inc. for Robert Harris, 6521 N Main St, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1352 Weather Guard Inc. for Robert Harris, 6521 N Main St, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1388 Interior Buildouts Inc. for Baron San Pablo LLC, 14286 Beach Bv #10,11, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1389 Carlson Enterprises for Pres Properties Investment LLC, 4520 Birkenhead Rd, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1429 Lockhart Construction & Roofing Services LLC for James Lenard Lockhart, 9930 Chelsea Lake Rd, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1430 Lockhart Construction & Roofing Services LLC for William Bowley, 7970 Old Plank Rd, filed 6-22015 17185-1431 Lockhart Construction & Roofing Services LLC for Mary A. Zingaro, 3756 Anderson St, filed 6-22015 17185-1438 David Koutz LLC for Charles Isenburg, 4404 Telka Lynn Dr, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1462 Advantage Pool Builders Inc. for Advantage Home Builders Inc., L16, Glen Eagle, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1473 Southern Atlantic Electric Co. for Special Tool Solutions Inc., 11699 Camden Rd, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1505 Preferred Roofing LLC for Karen Brown, L21, B7, Imperial Estates, Unit 1, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1562 Lev Con General Contractors Inc. for Jacqueline W. (Mitchell) Van Rossen, 9798 Viceroy Dr E, filed
6-2-2015 17185-1615 Great White Construction for Kathryn Atwill, L10, Hickory Manor, Unit 7, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1618 Empire Roofing for Derek Wiggins, 1631 Dibble Cr E, filed 6-22015 17185-1619 Empire Roofing for Shelly Donald, L75, Summer Trees, Unit 4-B, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1682 ShayCore Enterprises Inc. for Alice Muzzall, 7971 Gordean Rd, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1693 Duffey Southwest Inc. for FCA Fund II LLC, 10375 Centurion Py N, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1728 W.W.Gay Mechanical Contractor Inc. for Broadview Terrace Condominium Association Inc., 1560 Lancaster Te, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1745 Bahri Construction Inc. for Jacksonville Clinic Medical Plaza, 7011 AC Skinner Py #170, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1758 John Gilmore Roofing Inc. for Jim Graves, 4149 Burning Tree Ln, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1769 Jeffrey Schafer, Master Builder for Tony K. Burgess & Julie A., 11623 Woodside Ln, filed 6-22015 17185-1772 American Roofing of Jacksonville for Deane E. Leidholt, 471 Aquatic Dr, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1812 Coleman Construction Group for Jacksonville University, 2800 University Bv N, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1818 Carlson Enterprises LLC for Ronald Pascual & Marcina, L5, Brighton Bay at Kensington, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1851 Merritt Roofing & Construction for Catherine Martineau, 13980 Captain Hook Dr N, filed 6-22015 17185-1852 Merritt Roofing & Construction for Arlanda Sistrunk, 3467 Net Ct, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1853 Merritt Roofing & Construction for Susan K. Campbell, 1084 Willow Cove Ct W, filed 6-22015 17185-1862 Adams Homes of Northwest Florida Inc. for self, L76, Old Kings Plantation, Unit 2, filed 6-22015 17185-1863 Adams Homes of Northwest Florida Inc. for self, L101, Old Kings Plantation, Unit 2, filed 6-22015 17185-1868 Cayman Homes Inc. for Robert Ingrum, 777 Vecuna Rd, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233, filed 6-22015 17185-1869 Providence Construction
Continued on Page A-10
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Documents Filed for Record Continued from Page A-9 Co. for self, L82, Yellow Bluff Hideaway, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1870 Providence Construction Co. for self, L401, Yellow Bluff Hideaway, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1882 Advantage Home Builders Inc. for self, L66, Panther Creek, Phase 2-B, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1990 Amelia Roofing for Chantel Moon & Terry, L31, Queen Akers, Unit 8, filed 6-2-2015 17185-2047 AAA Roofmasters Inc. for Evelyn Amos, L4, B2, 2nd Addn to Fairview, filed 6-2-2015 17185-2142 Dale Tadlock Roofing for Dan Bell & Julie, 4153 Cordgrass Inlet Dr, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250, filed 6-2-2015 17185-2264 Bigfoot Roofing & Construction Inc. for Mark Varney, 3425 Sara Dr, filed 6-2-2015 17185-2289 Top Gun Roofing Inc. for Charles Kurtz, 1290 3rd Av N, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250, filed 6-22015 17185-2352 Michael Fox for Fox Signature Homes LLC, L153, Pablo Creek Reserve, Phase 1, filed 6-2-2015 17185-2353 Tenant Contractors Inc. for Ware Group Real Estate Holdings LLC, 500 Park St, filed 6-2-2015 17185-2381 A to Z Remodeling & Home Repair for Ronald McIntosh, L11, B37, Southside Homes, Unit 8, filed 6-2-2015 17185-2449 Touchton Plumbing Contractors Inc. for Jacksonville Famil Center LLC, 6733 103rd St, filed 6-22015 17185-2456 Stanley Pools Inc. for Lanette Crayle, L106, Yellow Bluff Hideaway, filed 6-2-2015 17186-1 Truecraft for Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, 6516 Firestone Rd, filed 6-2-2015 17186-22 River City Contractors Inc. for HP Retail 220 LLC, 220 Riverside Av, filed 6-2-2015 17186-109 River City Contractors Inc. for Donald Green, 11136 River Creek Dr W, filed 6-2-2015 17186-154 Rapid Response Team LLC for Mary Hayward, 10812 Luana Dr N, filed 6-2-2015 17186-183 Higginbotham Custom Homes LLC for Callie Bozeman, L192, B103, Murray Hill Heights, filed 6-2-2015 17186-234 Ace Door & Window Service Inc. for Claude Slater, Unit 5C, Ocean 21, filed 6-2-2015 17186-250 Pool Dude Pool Services Inc. for Cornelius Williams, L10, Oak Bluff Estates, filed 6-2-2015 17186-259 Pool Dude Pool Services Inc. for Shirley Jackson, 1085 Morning Stroll Ln, filed 6-2-2015 17186-301 HCC Tamaya Residential LLC for Tamaya Loan Acquisition LLC, L161, Bella Nina at Tamaya, filed 6-2-2015 17186-313 Ashley Homes LLC for self, L7, White Oak Farms, filed 6-2-2015 17186-369 Superior Building Inc. for Michael Torelli, L1, Highlands, Unit 21, filed 6-2-2015 17186-435 Bigfoot Roofing & Construction Inc. for Fran Rollin, 4049 Ridge Point Ct, filed 6-2-2015 17186-458 Westmoreland Construction for Commercial Dive Academy, L1-5, B1, Panama Park, filed 6-2-2015 17186-487 International Management Co. LLC for Centurion Realty LLC, 8380 Baymeadows Rd #6, filed 6-22015 17186-551 Mackie Inc. for Hogar Community Reinvestment LLC, L1, 20, B3, Edgefield, filed 6-2-2015 17186-639 William E. Newman for Leonard Goodson & Precious, L35, Dawson’s Creek, Unit 2-A, filed 6-22015 17186-657 5 Star Group LLC for Patricia De la Rosa, L48, Summer Trees, Unit 4-B, filed 6-2-2015 17186-750 Patriot Roofing Services Inc. for MNSF II Acquisitions LLC, 1741 Brewster Rd, filed 6-2-2015 17186-753 Roof-It-Right for James Netherland, L197, Crystal Creek, Unit 2, filed 6-2-2015 17186-754 Dallas Larsen, L4, Rivergate, Unit 1, filed 6-2-2015 17186-755 Brett Edwards, 395 Poinsettia Ct, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233, filed 6-2-2015 17186-764 Denneen Construction for Jacksonville Investments LLC, l10, B45, Pablo Beach South, filed 6-22015 17186-776 Jasper Contractors for Philip Pierce, 12005 London Lake Dr W, filed 6-2-2015 17186-838 Turnkey Construction & Maintenance Inc. for Sergio Mendoza, 11343 Monument Landing Bv, filed 6-2-2015 17186-924 Jasper Contractors for Charles Rowland, 8568 Crooked Tree Dr, filed 6-2-2015 17186-935 Jasper Contractors for Holly Gilstrap, 11879 Leafdale Cr E, filed 6-2-2015 17186-959 The Revered Group of America LLC for Eric G. Peterson, L9, Brady Manor, filed 6-2-2015 17186-1005 Leon C. Martin Inc. for Adam K. Eiseman & Jillian C. Seybert, L2, B2, Oceanside Park, filed 6-2-2015 17186-1042 BRC Roofing & Construction for Tammy Corbin, 3135 Hollow
Tree Ct, filed 6-2-2015 17186-1189 Great White Construction for Suzanne McCarty, L57, Cameron Crossing, filed 6-2-2015 17186-1190 Great White Construction for Jaclyn Hochstadt, 8150 Ladoga Av, filed 6-2-2015 17186-1191 Great White Construction for Robert Lee, 6121 Reflections Ct, filed 6-2-2015 17186-1216 Preferred Roofing LLC for Candace S. Holloway, L12, Lake Marietta, Unit 3, filed 6-2-2015 17186-1221 BRC Roofing & Construction for Tammy Corbin, 3135 Hollow Tree Ct, filed 6-2-2015 17186-1319 Florida Home Improvement for John F. Marsh, L0, Hidden Cove, Unit 2, filed 6-2-2015 17186-1320 Thomas Walker, II & Almma, 7128 Holiday Hill Ct, filed 6-22015 17186-1321 Randy W. Baker, 8623 Bluebell Ln, filed 6-2-2015 17186-1322 Matthew A. Jirrels & Katie, 1916 North Star Ln, filed 6-22015 17186-1323 Keith Shackelford & Joyce, L5, Spring Lake, Unit 5, filed 6-2-2015 17186-1324 Wayne Walsh, 1410 River Bluff Rd N, filed 6-2-2015
LIENS A legal claim placed against property for another satisfaction of alleged debt or duty. Includes lien number, person or company holding lien, debtor, amount of lien, date filed. 17182-517 Sue Innes, $19,393.00 17182-518 Monica Mittag, $302,806.58 17182-519 Anthony Moore, $58,431.00 17182-573 Jacksonville Ranch Club Two Owners Association Inc. vs. Kim A. Watkins & Sherryl C., $1,250.53, filed 5-29-2015 17183-341 Villages of Pablo Homeowners Association Inc. vs. Vladimir Fuentes, $5,004.05, filed 5-29-2015 GENTLE WOODS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION INC. VS: FILED 5-29-2015 17183-342 Sharonda D. Blowe, $736.05 17183-343 Bayview Loan Servicing LLC, $1,157.14 17183-344 Ainsley R. Bowen, $736.05 17183-345 Herman Cherry & Melinda L., $736.05 17183-346 Paul A. Devoux & Kwona T. Gaffney, $736.05 17183-347 Alberto J. Garces & Jessica Estremera, $736.05 17183-348 John R. Kemper & Rosita J., $736.05 17183-349 MNSF Jacksonville 2 LLC, $502.00 17183-350 Fellus Nelson & Amania F., $736.05 17183-351 Cassandra Hargrove, $823.05 17183-352 Sharon A. Hull & Ronald D. Richardson, $938.57 17183-354 WGH Florida LLC, $502.00 17183-355 Youssef O. AlHariri, $1,672.50 17183-1340 NSL Construction Ltd. Co. vs. Hesary Vafa Nematy, $1,800.00, filed 6-1-2015 17183-1774 Walls & Walls Irad Ron vs. FDR Construction et al, $313,843.52, filed 6-1-2015 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL JACKSONVILLE VS: FILED 6-1-2015 17183-2367 Shawnta Jefferson, $1,090.00 17183-2368 Shawnta Nicole Jefferson, $2,292.00 17183-2369 Alexandria Nicole Hamn, $2,292.00 17183-2370 Tyler Mericle, $20,321.00 17183-2371 Morales Wanday Fuentes, $1,035.00 17183-2372 Quintana Katrin Sheppard, $2,292.00 17183-2373 Thomas Carl Huss, Jr., $15,492.00 17183-2374 Latonya Rechell Lockhart, $1,837.00 17183-2375 Patricia Anne Turner, $3,720.00 VILLAS AT CROSS CREEK OWNERS ASSOCIATION Inc. VS: FILED 6-12015 17184-757 José A. Payan, Jr. & Maria, $1,000.00 17184-758 Darrell E. Thomas, $1,000.00 17184-759 Elinor M. Robitaille, $1,000.00 17184-760 Greenland Hideaway Homeowners Association Inc. vs. Shirley G. Whitley, $508.20, filed 6-12015 17184-761 Southern Oaks Association vs. TC 09 LLC, $200.00, filed 6-12015 UF HEALTH JACKSONVILLE VS: FILED 6-1-2015 17184-949 Stacy M. Russell, $9,094.50 17184-950 Jonathan Ross, $37,467.28 17184-951 Shaneka Woods, $6,098.00 17184-952 Sheneka L. Woods, $3,272.00 17184-953 Benjamin Hood, $6,905.00 17184-954 Curtis Youmans, $1,555.00 17184-955 Robert Thompson, $20,420.28 17184-956 Courtney Robinson, $2,597.00 17184-957 Jeremy Harvard, $25,159.00 17184-958 Caleb Yeakel, $11,846.00 17184-959 Meshandra Peterson,
$6,841.00 17184-960 Sarah L. Hackney, $27,730.76 17184-961 Raymond Rhude, $2,637.00 17184-962 Edward Wesley, $17,019.28 17184-963 Michael Hicks, $29,653.00 17184-964 Amy Wade, $93,152.28 17184-965 Joyce E. Dixon, $5,768.00 17184-966 John Westfaul, $14,885.00 17184-967 Charles O’Steen, $17,395.50 17184-968 Cecil J. Johnson, $3,508.00 17184-969 Robert Jodoin, $9,241.00 17184-970 John Grossmeier, $2,755.00 17184-971 Mary Grossmeier, $11,273.00 17184-972 Katherine Griffin, $114,097.28 17184-973 Benuda Haddad, $26,951.00 17184-974 Fox Hill Farms Unit Two Homeowners Association Inc. vs. Wynette M. Johnson-Arline & Charles, $1,626.03, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1356 Shapell’s Inc. vs. Crane Construction et al, $226.40 OLD KINGS PLANTATION Inc. VS: FILED 6-2-2015 17184-2327 Patricia A. Williams, $736.55 17184-2329 Shana Latoya CosbyWalker, $736.55 17184-2351 Cyntoria Simpson, $736.55 17185-191 Niles Construction Inc. vs. RLH Construction LLC et al, $100,490.53, filed 6-2-2015 CHRISTOPHER STEVENSON VS: FILED 6-2-2015 17185-204 Fannie Mae, $4,094.44 17185-206 Fannie Mae, $6,071.96 17185-208 Fannie Mae, $3,870.40 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL JACKSONVILLE VS: FILED 6-2-2015 17185-696 Gabriel Chaney, $2,292.00 17185-697 Roger Lee Isom, $2,421.00 17185-698 Halcina Michel Cornwell, $2,292.00 17185-699 Deidra Monique Gamble, $3,543.00 17185-700 Eugene Griffin, $1,339.00 17185-701 Salina Sapp, $1,225.00 17185-1825 Intron Technologies vs. The Carlton at Oak Landing Condo Association, $10,463.34, filed 6-22015 17186-78 Villas of Estancia Condominium Association Inc. vs. Jesus Rivera & Angel L. Torres, $1,150.36, filed 6-2-2015 PAUL DAVIS RESTORATION OF NORTH FLORIDA VS: FILED 6-22015 17186-243 Elizabeth Osborn, $2,339.92 17186-244 Elizabeth McNutt, $39,428.79 17186-320 Il Villagio Condominium Association Inc. vs. Aladdin M. Abdel-Rahman & Lynn A., $1,460.35, filed 6-2-2015 GREAT WHITE CONSTRUCTION Inc. VS: FILED 6-2-2015 17186-833 Pro Energy Systems et al, $5,604.53 17186-834 Pro Energy Systems et al, $4,014.22 17186-835 Pro Energy Systems et al, $6,377.43 17186-836 Pro Energy Systems et al, $3,200.98 17186-837 Pro Energy Systems et al, $4,131.50 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA VS: FILED 6-2-2015 17186-918 Katrina Renae Graham, $336,436.80 17186-1188 Nigel Mills, $16,117.98 17186-1340 Sunbelt Rentals Inc. vs. ABC Demolition Inc., $1,894.13, filed 6-2-2015
Satisfaction of
Filing shows that debt has been paid and lien on property has been removed 17182-2128 Victoria Preserve Homeowners Association Inc. to Herbert J. Adams & Crystal S., 16234-2333, filed 5-29-2015 17182-2203 Pinecrest Owners Association Inc. to Benjamin G. Lentz & Shawndala M., 16327-1837, filed 5-29-2015 17183-356 St. James Place Homeowners Association Inc. to Kwasi Dingle, 16504-331, filed 5-29-2015 17183-357 Belmont Lakes Homeowners Association Inc. to Sam A. Arnold, III, 16385-212, filed 5-29-2015 17183-998 Highland Glen Owners Association Inc. to Bank of New York et al, 16872-1771, filed 6-1-2015 17184-763 Bentwater Place Association Inc. to Alicia D. Gann, 17184763, filed 6-1-2015 17184-764 Community Association of Hart Estates Inc. to Marlo M. Rivers & Henry L., 15752-323, filed 6-12015 17184-765 Hidden Cove Neighborhood Owners Association Inc. to James C. Webster & Roxane T. Billiot, 167862198, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1282 City of Jacksonville to Duval Station Signature LLP, 124463, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1341 Turtle Creek Village II Homeowners Association Inc. to Herbert Cohen, 14885-138, filed 6-12015 17184-1355 Shapell’s Inc. to CWS Construction, 17002-2445, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1467 CEMEX Construction
Materials Florida LLC to Julie Schwank, 17160-698, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1680 Braywick Owners Association Inc. to Louis L. Miller & Helen G.B., 16776-448, filed 6-1-2015 17185-2305 Diiorio Property Services to ESJ Jacksonville SPE LLC, 17165-513, filed 6-2-2015 17186-253 R.J. Tripp Inc. to LCA Spinnaker Reach LP, 17168-1258, filed 6-2-2015 17186-1293 Tremron Group to Susanna Callender, 16613-791, filed 6-2-2015
STATE OF FLORIDA TAX LIENS TLL Food Services Inc., $1,813.02, filed 6-1-2015 Vevyan Hanania Inc., $376.10, filed 6-1-2015 Film Fund Inc., $347.50, filed 6-1-2015 The Cat’s Meow Catering LLC, $809.18, filed 6-1-2015 Logmax Inc., $7,577.65, filed 6-1-2015 Big City Detailing Unlimited Inc., $20,391.20, filed 6-1-2015 Power Control Systems Inc., $3,533.80, filed 6-1-2015 Power Control Systems Inc., $440.00, filed 6-1-2015 Viibro Pharmacy LLC, $426.62, filed 6-1-2015 Rosewood Repairs LLC, $449.87, filed 6-1-2015 Pich Kim Corp., $426.56, filed 6-1-2015 Copyfax Inc., $8,321.82, filed 6-2-2015 Fine Cars Outlet Inc., $482.72, filed 6-2-2015 Danette L. Funston, $377.42, filed 6-22015 Choice Impact Solutions Inc., $660.00, filed 6-2-2015 Fine Cars Outlet Inc., $534.59, filed 6-2-2015 Vanguard Financial Strategies Inc., $419.27, filed 6-2-2015
Satisfaction of
STATE OF FLORIDA TAX LIENS Filing shows that debt has been paid and lien on property has been removed. Selven McCray, 14109-1660, 14600237, 14782-1729, filed 5-28-2015 Akos Technologies LLC, 14625-953, filed 5-28-2015 Setegne Almayehu, 15509-1903, filed 5-28-2015 Beaches Custom Auto Repair LLC, 16170-2178, 16625-944, 16641-1334, 16693-397, 16715-732, 16715-727, 16762-944, 17048-1613, 17048-1615, filed 5-28-2015 Superior Equipment Rental Inc., 16204-1740, 16782-1968, filed 5-282015 Wells Performance Inc., 16234-2365, filed 5-28-2015 Jimmy Ferry Windows Inc., 16363-907, 16762-17, 17088-40, filed 5-28-2015 Creative Cleaning Solutions Inc., 16700-1020, filed 5-28-2015 B.Y.E. Express Inc., 16715-717, filed 5-28-2015 Brothers Sports Bar Inc., 16729-158, filed 5-28-2015 Hillcrest Title & Trust Agency LLC, 16947-728, filed 5-28-2015 Bridge Terminal Transport Services Inc., 17057-1429, filed 5-28-2015 Dulce Ayana School of Ballet Inc., 16935-1654, filed 5-28-2015 KGM & Affiliates LLC, 16792-1912, 17096-588, filed 5-28-2015 Florida Stone & Rental Inc., 17051267, filed 5-28-2015 Jax Auto Mart Inc., 17076-348, filed 5-28-2015 T.T. Business Ventures Inc., 17060-477, filed 5-28-2015 Castle Used Cars Inc., 17093-1266, filed 5-28-2015 Apollo Packaging Inc., 17112-616, filed 5-28-2015 TMH Acquisition LLC, 17121-181, filed 5-28-2015 Pamela Bowyer, 17128-815, filed 5-282015 Aggressive Electric of Florida Inc., 17132-1957, filed 5-28-2015 Thomas Arteaga, 13682-2458, 139442059, filed 5-29-2015 Andre Harrell, 16171-126, filed 5-292015 Pop’s Diesel Repair Service Inc., 16707895, filed 5-29-2015 Edward Colleton, 16516-562, filed 5-29-2015 JBrock Architectural Woodworking Inc., 13163-49, 14415-2418, 148912318, 15137-868, 15344-1276, 154942415, 15922-2121, filed 6-1-2015 Sign & Drive Motors LLC, 17027-2079, 17027-2083, 17057-1420, filed 6-12015 Jammers Marketing Inc., 16164-2382, filed 6-1-2015 A New Beginning Child Care 2 LLC, 17122-739, filed 6-1-2015 Kaylee Labor Photography LLC, 17141-1366, filed 6-1-2015 Lee David Slater, 16960-1344, filed 6-1-2015 Thomas D. Arteaga, 13682--2458, 16983-1538, 16226-2286, filed 6-1-
FEDERAL TAX LIENS Richard Johnson, $1,939.15, filed 6-22015 Abdel K. Al-Haleem, $17,406.28, filed 6-2-2015 Richard L. Cuenta, $4,342.62, filed 6-22015 T.S. Schuesler & E.A. Cockram, $63,498.30, filed 6-2-2015 Phillip H. Roberts, $11,311.93, filed 6-2-2015 Timothy Dempsey & Lisa, $1,200.70, filed 6-2-2015 Nancy C. Hatton, $30,412.35, filed 6-22015 Ricardo Torres, $43,120.77, filed 6-22015 George Boyette, $13,710.25, filed 6-22015 James Gallup, $3,340.39, filed 6-2-2015 Timothy M. Dempsey, $42,937.52, filed 6-2-2015 Karen L. Brown, $6,923.46, filed 6-22015 Kenco Electrical & A-C Inc., $25,314.02, filed 6-2-2015
Satisfaction of
FEDERAL TAX LIENS Carl Williams, 16817-1, filed 5-27-2015 Asset Managing Group Inc., 169901398, 17068-1195, filed 5-27-2015 Kevin Charles Apple, 17104-2049, filed 5-27-2015 Kapple LLC, 17104-2050, filed 5-272015 Shelly C. Navarrete, 14331-402, filed 5-27-2015 Ivan L. Bernard, 15297-1632, filed 5-27-2015 Anthony A. Abernathy & Mary G., 15332-1983, filed 5-27-2015 Shawn Brantley, 15346-2172, filed 5-27-2015 Charles P. Maiorca & Mary E., 15501706, filed 5-27-2015 Donald L. Glover, 15524-743, filed 5-27-2015 Rodian Montero Lo & Karen Montero, 15614-626, filed 5-27-2015 Wayman Community Development, 16074-2108, filed 5-27-2015 Clifton R. Player, Jr. & Amy G., 16116950, filed 5-27-2015 Tiffany Larsen & Tiffany Lynn Minks, 16741-1985, filed 5-27-2015 Michael’s Diesel Services Inc., 130751560, filed 5-27-2015 Clifford G. Duch & Sylvia L., 169231389, filed 6-2-2015 Grafton Addison, III & Penny, 171662383, filed 6-2-2015 Gregory A. Fields, 12879-1139, filed 6-2-2015 Annie J. Hill, 14189-153, filed 6-2-2015 Jefferson S. Pruett & Louise S., 1481247, 15227-802, filed 6-2-2015 Ahmed Jalloh, 14908-703, filed 6-22015 Wesley T. Herrington, 15005-1958, filed 6-2-2015 Kim E. Knapp, 15137-930, 15304-2374, filed 6-2-2015 Timothy J. Keyes, 15326-1784, filed 6-2-2015 Wanda L. Metzger, 15575-1503, filed 6-2-2015 Orlando G. Florete, Jr., 16202-454, filed 6-2-2015 Cogburn & Wakefield Plumbing Inc., 16335-112, filed 6-2-2015 Robert Paduano & Zuzana, 166712420, filed 6-2-2015
JUDGMENTS Court decision that debt exists and amount owed. 17184-2033 Enterprise Leasing Co. of Florida LLC vs. Jackie Holmes, $8,259.85, filed 6-2-2015 17184-2316 Daniel Wofford vs. John Mize, $3,031.50, filed 6-2-2015 17184-2415 Enterprise Leasing Co. of Florida LLC vs. Titus Washington, $7,161.65, filed 6-2-2015 17185-991 Villa Medici Condominium Association Inc. vs. Leslie T. Scruggs et al, $12,442.65, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1471 Capital One Bank vs. Paula Bruney, $2,919.91, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1616 The Woods of Ortega Condominium Association Inc. vs. Harold McLeod, II, $20,059.08, filed 6-2-2015 17186-728 American Enterprise Bank of Florida vs. MrWink2 LLC, José S. Lantigua, Personal Rep. Of the Estate of José Salvador Lantigua, Daphne Simpson & Christina Lantigua; Hartford Life & Annuity Ins. Co. vs. Amercan Enterprise Bank of Florida et al, $2,820,549.56, filed 6-2-2015 17186-1365 H&E Equipment Services Inc. vs. MMM of Jacksonville Inc. & Michael Damewood, $53,406.98, filed 6-2-2015
Continued on Page A-11
Tuesday, June 16, 2015 • Financial News & Daily Record • Page A-11
Public Notices NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME LAW According to Florida Statute 865.09 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the Fictitious Name of THE CLEANING FOX located at 7801 Point Meadows Dr 7301, in the City of Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida 32256 intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations of the Department of State, Tallahassee, Florida. Dated at Jacksonville, Florida, this 12th day of June, 2015. HERMAN PEMBERTHY June 16 00 (15-7642) NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Self-storage unit contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart #0708, 8585 Touchton Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32216 to satisfy a lien on July 7, 2015 at approx. 10:00am at storagetreasures.com.: Samuel Joseph Hines, Jr.; Darryl Nathaniel Jones; Louis Curtis Williams, IV; Lashara Shandreika Mickens; Sarah Elizabeth Brown; Charles Wesley Graham, Jr. June 16/23 00 (15-7647)
Documents Filed for Record Continued from Page A-10
Satisfaction of
JUDGMENTS Filing shows that debt has been paid and lien on property has been removed 17185-243 Wachovia Dealer Services Inc. to Charles R. Merritt, Jr., 15270508, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1284 Community First Credit Union of Florida to Keith A. Matyi, 15457-291, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1285 121 Financial Credit Union vs. Jason Thomas Chack, 125198, filed 6-2-2015 STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INS. CO. TO: FILED 6-2-2015 17185-1286 Maria C. Galvan & Fernando, 11031-164 17185-1287 Stephanie Nicole Robinson, 125200 17185-1288 Jeffery Dee Proctor, 144872103 17185-1289 Jonathan K. Kwaak, 10350-1367 17185-1290 121 Financial Credit Union to William Henry Smith, Jr. & Angelina Yvette Ofosu Asante, 125203, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1291 State Farm Florida Inc. Co. to Zhen Zhi Wang, 17090-2323, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1292 Florida Telco Credit Union to Summer J. Murillo, 15513-661, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1293 Educational Community Credit Union to Steven Floyd Milton, 12097-1795, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1294 Resurgence Financial LLC to Donald E. Ritter, Jr., 125207, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1295 121 Financial Credit Union to Jonathan N. Thornton, Jr., 16612-1483, filed 6-2-2015 17185-1185 Ford Motor Credit Co. to James E. Workman & Ashley M. Ingram, 15155-34, filed 6-2-2015
LIS PENDENS Notice filed that title of certain property is in litigation and is in danger of being bound by adverse judgment. Judgment has not yet taken place but property is under constraint. 17181-2069 Wells Fargo Bank vs. Michael E. McNeil & Umesheka T. et al, L6, Walker’s Hamlet, filed 5-29-2015 17181-2166 Freedom Mortgage Corp. vs. Kristin Turner & Jason et al, Unit 203, Hammock Grove, filed 5-29-2015 17181-2215 Bank of America vs. Peter A. Podes et al, L17,18, Putnam’s S/D, filed 5-29-2015 17182-547 Selene Finance LP vs. Michael J. Drayton et ux, et al, L716, Ft. Caroline Club Estates, Unit 7, filed 5-29-2015 17182-607 JPMorgan Chase bank vs. Christina J. Daniels & John A. et al, L6, B4, Ft. Caroline Shores, Unit 6, filed 5-29-2015 17182-619 Kernan Forest Master Association Inc. vs. Rolanda Gilkie-Carrethers et al, Unit 2808, Hammock Grove, filed 5-29-2015 17182-693 Southern Oaks Association Inc. vs. Boris Avetisov et al, L19, B3, Baywood, filed 5-29-2015 17182-720 Deutsche Bank National Trust Co vs. Benjamin T. Jordan & Rhonda M. et al, L58, Coachman Meadows, Unit 2, filed 5-29-2015 17182-888 Fannie Mae vs. Mary Louise Miller et vir, et al, L10,11, Mandarin Woods, filed 5-29-2015 17182-890 U.S. Bank vs. Tracy Pride & Johnny et al, L206, Hawks Pointe, Unit 2, filed 5-29-2015 17182-1389 Wells Fargo Bank vs. Rob-
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO. 16-2012-CA-013413 DIVISION FC-H HOMEWARD RESIDENTIAL, INC., Plaintiff(s) vs. MARSHALL O. PETERS, ET AL., Defendant(s) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated May 20, 2015, entered in Case No. 16-2012-CA-013413, of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit in and for Duval County, Florida, wherein Homeward Residential, Inc. is the Plaintiff and Marshall O. Peters; Tasha Peters; State of Florida; Clerk of Court, Duval County; The City of Jacksonville are the Defendants, that I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash by electronic sale at: www.duval.realforeclose.com beginning at 11:00 a.m., on the 16th day of July, 2015, the following described property, as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: All That Certain Parcel Of Land Situate In The County Of Duval, State Of Florida, Being Known And Designated As Lot 3, Block 46, Cedar Springs As Per Plat Thereof, Recorded In Plat Book 4, Page 22, Of The Current Public Records Of Duval County, Florida. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. DATED this 10th day of June, 2015.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Ricketa Sullivan Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) Brock & Scott, PLLC 1501 N.W. 49th Street, Suite 200 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 Attorney for Plaintiff June 16/23 00 (15-7636)
in Leigh Garrett et vir, et al, L56, Nottingham Harbour, Unit 1, filed 5-29-2015 17182-1665 21st Mortgage Corp. vs. JPMorgan Chase Bank et al, L2,11, B4, Riverside Gardens, filed 5-292015 17182-1796 Wells Fargo Financial System Florida Inc. vs. Giggey Craftsmen Inc.; David L. Contner & Joyce L. et al, L46, Merrill Hills, filed 5-292015 17182-1909 Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. vs. Lawrence A. Brown et ux, et al, L25-30, B13, Riverhills Park, filed 5-29-2015 17182-2076 U.S. Bank vs. April Dunwoody & Keith E. et al, L2, B7, Westgate, Unit 2, filed 5-29-2015 17182-2131 JPMorgan Chase Bank vs. Benny B. Wilson, Jr. & Catherine L. et al, L36, Plum tree, Unit 3, filed 5-29-2015 17182-2217 Capital One vs. Shweta Parikh & Ashish et al, L69, Southchase, filed 5-29-2015 17183-66 Community Restoration Corp. vs. Roger D. Reynolds et ux, et al, L29,30, B75, Rio Vista, filed 5-292015 WELLS FARGO BANK VS: FILED 6-1-2015 17183-472 Clinton L. Beach & Tammy T. et al, L285, Plum Tree, Unit 2 17183-506 Talita E. Postell & Trenton A. et al, L4, Northwoods 17183-596 Wilmington Savings Fund Society vs. Chanua Simmons et al, L81, Weston Ranch, Unit 1, filed 6-12015 17183-674 VyStar Credit Union vs. Nancy F. Pate et vir, et al, L7, B8, Oak Hill, Unit 12B, filed 6-1-2015 17183-701 BAC Home Loans Servicing LLP vs. the unknown heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees or other claimants claiming by, through, under or against the Estate of Minerva A. Agee; Gregory Eugene Page, John Steven Agee & Jacob Alexander Becker, et al, L24, Phoenix Park, Unit 2, filed 6-1-2015 17183-1245 Deutsche Bank Trust Co. Americas vs. Pellumb Sadikaj & Nexhmije; Christopher Scott Fowler & Betty Crowder et al, L17, Eaglewood, filed 6-1-2015 17183-1517 OneWest Bank vs. Martha Sue Keck acting through Secy. of HUD et al, L12-B, Aquatic Gardens, filed 6-1-2015 17183-1642 Wells Fargo Bank vs. Richard Dale et ux, et al, L2,6, Sec 16, Los Angeles Gardens, filed 6-1-2015 17183-1644 Bank of New York Mellon vs. Juan B Delacruz & Suzanne et al,
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No. 16-2014-CA-006039 Division: FC-G COMPASS BANK, Plaintiff(s), vs. OLGA GENO, ET AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated January 29, 2015, in the above action, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at Duval County, Florida, on the 10th day of September, 2015, at 11:00 a.m. at: www.duval.realforeclose.com for the following described property: Lot 7-B, in Block 9, of Hidden Village Unit Five, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 39, at Page 37, 37A and 37B, of the Public Records of Duval County, Florida. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within sixty (60) days after the sale. The Court, in its discretion, may enlarge the time of the sale. Notice of the changed time of sale shall be published as provided herein. DATED: June 4, 2015
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Ricketa Sullivan Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) Gladstone Law Group, P.A. 1499 W. Palmetto Park Rd, Suite 300 Boca Raton, Florida 33486 (Attorneys) June 9/16 14 (15-7404)
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 16-2015-DR-001967-FM DIVISION FM-E CHANDA BLAIR, Petitioner, and ANTONIO BLAIR, Respondent. AMENDED NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: Antonio Blair Last Known Address 4437 Ken Knight Dr. Jacksonville, FL 32209 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Chanda Blair, whose address is 11501 Harts Rd. #502, Jacksonville, FL 32218 on or before July 16, 2015, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at Duval County Courthouse, 501 W. Adams Street, Family Law, Room 2474, Jacksonville, Florida 32202, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915). Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the addresses on record at the clerk’s office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED: June 12, 2015 RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Phyllis Miley-Gooden Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) June 16/23/30, July 7 00 (15-7639)
L4, B10, San Jose Manor, Unit 2A, filed 6-1-2015 17183-1796 U.S. Bank vs. Charlotte J. Jones et al, L5, Highlands, Unit 2, filed 6-1-2015 17183-1858 Community First Credit Union of Florida vs. David G. Snead & Marilu G. et al, L27, Captiva Bluff, Unit 1, filed 6-1-2015 17183-2006 Bank of America vs. Faith Hill et vir, et al, L15, B80, Cedar Hills Estates, Unit 8, filed 6-1-2015 17183-2080 Wells Fargo Bank vs. Keith W. Anderson & Donna et al, Sec 16, T1S, R25E, filed 6-1-2015 17183-2334 Caliber Home Loans Inc. vs. Charles Carroll et al, L16, B15,
BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2015/2016 BUDGETS; AND NOTICE OF REGULAR BOARD OF SUPERVISORS’ MEETING. The Board of Supervisors of the Beach Community Development District will hold a public hearing on July 2, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. at 14785 Old St. Augustine Road, Jacksonville, FL 32258 for the purpose of hearing comments and objections on the adoption of the budgets of the District for Fiscal Year 2015/2016. A regular board meeting of the District will also be held at that time where the Board may consider any other business that may properly come before it. A copy of the agenda and budgets may be obtained at the offices of the District Manager, Fishkind & Associates, Inc., 12051 Corporate Blvd., Orlando, Florida 32817, during normal business hours. The public hearing and meeting are open to the public and will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Florida law. The public hearing and meeting may be continued to a date, time, and place to be specified on the record at the meeting. There may be occasions when Board Supervisors or District Staff may participate by speaker telephone. Any person requiring special accommodations at this meeting because of a disability or physical impairment should contact the District Office at (407) 3823256 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Service by dialing 7-1-1, or 1-800-955-8771 (TTY) / 1-800-955-8770 (Voice), for aid in contacting the District Office. Each person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at the public hearing or meeting is advised that person will need a record of proceedings and that accordingly, the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based. Jill Burns District Manager June 16/23 00 (15-7623) NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION STATE OF N.C. CARTERET COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION FILE NO: 13-JT-49 IN RE: Silvernale, J.T. (male) d/o/b 11/09/2011 TO: Roy Dwayne Parks, legal father of a male born on November 9, 2011, in Carteret County, North Carolina to Crystal Searle (Lepore). Take notice that a Petition seeking to terminate your parental rights has been filed in District Court - Carteret County, N.C.; that you may file an Answer to the Petition within thirty (40) days after June 16, 2015, and that failure to answer said Petition within the time prescribed may result in your parental rights being terminated. A copy of the Answer must also be served on the Petitioner, Carteret County DSS and its Attorney. Take notice that the Court will conduct a hearing to determine whether one or more grounds alleged in the Petition exist. If the Court finds that one or more grounds exist, the Court will proceed to determine whether parental rights should be terminated. That Notice of the date, time, and location of the hearing will be mailed to you by the Petitioner upon receipt of an address for you, after you file an answer or thirty (40) days from the first date of service if you do not file an Answer. You have the right to be represented by counsel of your choice. If you are indigent, you may be entitled to appointed counsel. Attorney, C. Brady has been provisionally appointed for you - her number is 252-726-8411. Ms. Brady’s appointment shall be reviewed by the court at the first hearing after service. Please take notice that you are entitled to attend any hearing affecting your parental rights; as described above, the Petitioner will mail you Notice of the date, time, and location of the hearing (including pre-trial hearing) upon receipt of your address. Stephanie Sonzogni, Attorney Carteret County DSS -Petitioner PO Box 779 Beaufort, NC 28516 252-728-3181 N.C. Bar # 24537 June 16/23/30 00 (15-7646)
Jacksonville Golf & Country Club, Unit 4-A, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1111 Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC vs. Johnetta Thorpe Williams & Robert L. et al, L5, B1, Turtle Creek Village, Unit 2, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1622 Compass Bank vs. Julia Parsons & Luis Rojas et al, Sec 44, T2S, R27E, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1730 NationStar Mortgage LLC vs. the unknown heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, beneficiaries & all other claimants claiming by, through, under or against the Estate of Rutha Mae Watson; Pamela Miller Spann,
CEDAR POINTE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2015/2016 BUDGETS; AND NOTICE OF REGULAR BOARD OF SUPERVISORS’ MEETING. The Board of Supervisors of the Cedar Pointe Community Development District will hold a public hearing on July 2, 2015 at 11:45 a.m. at 14785 Old St. Augustine Road, Jacksonville, FL 32258 for the purpose of hearing comments and objections on the adoption of the budgets of the District for Fiscal Year 2015/2016. A regular board meeting of the District will also be held at that time where the Board may consider any other business that may properly come before it. A copy of the agenda and budgets may be obtained at the offices of the District Manager, Fishkind & Associates, Inc., 12051 Corporate Blvd., Orlando, Florida 32817, during normal business hours. The public hearing and meeting are open to the public and will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Florida law. The public hearing and meeting may be continued to a date, time, and place to be specified on the record at the meeting. There may be occasions when Board Supervisors or District Staff may participate by speaker telephone. Any person requiring special accommodations at this meeting because of a disability or physical impairment should contact the District Office at (407) 3823256 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Service by dialing 7-1-1, or 1-800-955-8771 (TTY) / 1-800-955-8770 (Voice), for aid in contacting the District Office. Each person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at the public hearing or meeting is advised that person will need a record of proceedings and that accordingly, the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based. Jill Burns District Manager June 16/23 00 (15-7624) VILLAGES OF WESTPORT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2015/2016 BUDGETS; AND NOTICE OF REGULAR BOARD OF SUPERVISORS’ MEETING. The Board of Supervisors of the Villages of Westport Community Development District will hold a public hearing on July 2, 2015 at 11:30 a.m. at 14785 Old St. Augustine Road, Jacksonville, FL 32258 for the purpose of hearing comments and objections on the adoption of the budgets of the District for Fiscal Year 2015/2016. A regular board meeting of the District will also be held at that time where the Board may consider any other business that may properly come before it. A copy of the agenda and budgets may be obtained at the offices of the District Manager, Fishkind & Associates, Inc., 12051 Corporate Blvd., Orlando, Florida 32817, during normal business hours. The public hearing and meeting are open to the public and will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Florida law. The public hearing and meeting may be continued to a date, time, and place to be specified on the record at the meeting. There may be occasions when Board Supervisors or District Staff may participate by speaker telephone. Any person requiring special accommodations at this meeting because of a disability or physical impairment should contact the District Office at (407) 3823256 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Service by dialing 7-1-1, or 1-800-955-8771 (TTY) / 1-800-955-8770 (Voice), for aid in contacting the District Office. Each person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at the public hearing or meeting is advised that person will need a record of proceedings and that accordingly, the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based. Jill Burns District Manager June 16/23 00 (15-7625)
Siwina Kaye Gray, Paulette W. Delaugher, Dasye W. Houston & Margaret Snow et al, 11,12, B124, Armstrong’s Riverview, filed 6-1-2015 17184-1948 U.S. Bank vs. Green Emerald Homes LLC; Carl Bartley & Aundrea Goggins et al, L78, Biscayne Estates East, Unit 1, filed 6-1-2015 17184-2015 Wells Fargo Bank vs. Lori Chanelle White et vir, et al, L37, B3, Woodmont, Unit 1-D, filed 6-2-2015 17184-2116 Bank of America vs. James Watson & Sadie et al, L148, Victoria Lakes, Unit 2, filed 6-2-2015
Page A-12 • Tuesday, June 16, 2015 • Financial News & Daily Record
Public Notices IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 16-2015-CA-002373 DIVISION CV-E CLEAR BLUE INVESTMENTS, LLC, AS TRUSTEE OF DUVAL COUNTY LAND TRUST # 138677-1046, Plaintiff(s) vs. GEORGE E. MESSIC, III, if living, and if deceased, his unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, creditors and all other parties claiming by, through, under or against him; etc., et al., Defendant(s) NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Southtrust Bank, a corporation Principal Address: Unknown Last Known mailing address: 301 S. College Street, 30th Fl. Charlotte, NC 28288 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to quiet tax title on the following property in Duval County, Florida: Lot 12-A, POTTSBURG FARMS PLANTATION, according to map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 38, pages 41, 41A and 41B of the public records of Duval County, Florida. has been filed against you and George E. Messic, III, if living and if deceased, his unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, creditors and all other parties claiming by, through, under or against him; Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. f/k/a Wachovia Bank, N.A. and Citibank (South Dakota), and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Lawrence J. Bernard, Esquire, Plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is 480 Busch Drive, Jacksonville, Florida 32218, on or before 30 days from the first date of publication of this notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff’s attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court on the 5th day of June, 2015. RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Latoya Cofer Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) June 16/23/30, July 7 00 (15-7632) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 16-2014-DR-009301-FM DIVISION FM-G SANDRA WILLIAMS, Petitioner, and JACQULYN F. SHIFLETT, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR TEMPORARY CUSTODY OF JACQULYN F. SHIFLETT, II TO: Jacqulyn Shiflett Last Known Address 3407 Lawson Street Richmond, VA 23224 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Temporary Custody has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Sandra G. Williams, whose address is 8514 Berry Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32211 on or before July 17, 2015, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at Duval County Courthouse, 501 W. Adams Street, Family Law, Room 2474, Jacksonville, Florida 32202, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. The action is asking the court to decide how the following real or personal property should be divided: NONE Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915). Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the addresses on record at the clerk’s office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED: June 12, 2015 RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Raymond Harris Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) June 16/23/30, July 7 00 (15-7628)
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 16-2014-DR-005726-FM DIVISION FM-A LATOYA S. ODOM, Petitioner, and BOBBY BROWN, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE WITH DEPENDENT OR MINOR CHILDREN TO: Bobby Brown Last Known Address 655 W. 8th Street Jacksonville, FL 32209 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Divorce has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Latoya Odom, whose address is 10072 Lancashire Dr., Jacksonville, FL 32219 on or before June 27, 2015, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at Duval County Courthouse, 501 W. Adams Street, Family Law, Room 2474, Jacksonville, Florida 32202, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. The action is asking the court to decide how the following real or personal property should be divided: NONE Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915). Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the addresses on record at the clerk’s office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED: May 22, 2015 RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Kimberlee Jones Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) May 26, June 2/9/16 13 (15-6978) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 16-2015-DR-003128-FM DIVISION FM-E SHARON MCCLENDON-BROWN, Petitioner, vs. JOHN MOBIN CAMPBELL, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE (NO CHILD OR FINANCIAL SUPPORT) TO: John Mobin Campbell Last Known Address 611 Ivy Street Jacksonville, FL 32206 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Sharon McClendon-Brown, whose address is 5504 Plymouth Street, Jacksonville, FL 32205 on or before July 18, 2015, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at Duval County Courthouse, 501 W. Adams Street, Family Law, Room 2474, Jacksonville, Florida 32202, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. The action is asking the court to decide how the following real or personal property should be divided: NONE Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915). Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the addresses on record at the clerk’s office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED: June 12, 2015 RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Linda Meurer Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) June 16/23/30, July 7 00 (15-7630)
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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 16-2014-CA-007772 DIVISION FC-C king peak, llc, Plaintiff(s) vs. SHERRILL H. SUTTON, UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF SHERRILL H. SUTTON, UNKNOWN TENANT(S) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, and all unknown parties claiming by, through, under or against the above named Defendant(s), who is/are not known to be dead or alive, whether said unknown parties claim as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, spouses, or other claimants, Defendant(s) NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment dated May 6, 2015, entered in Civil Case No. 16-2014CA-007772, of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit in and for Duval County, Florida wherein King Peak, LLC is Plaintiff and Sherrill H. Sutton, Unknown Spouse Of Sherrill H. Sutton, and Unknown Tenant(s) In Possession Of The Subject Property are Defendant(s). Ronnie Fussell, the Clerk of Court for Duval County, shall sell to the highest bidder for cash at 11:00 a.m., in an online auction at: www.duval.realforeclose.com in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes, on the 23rd day of June, 2015, the following described real property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 16-2015-CA-000352 Division FC-H The Bank of New York Mellon FKA The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the certificateholders of the CWABS, Inc., ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-10, Plaintiff(s) vs. MELODY A. WILLIAMS and all unknown parties claiming by, through, under and against the above named Defendant who are unknown to be dead or alive whether said unknown are persons, heirs, devisees, grantees or other claimants; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF MELODY A. WILLIAMS; ALTON C. WILLIAMS; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF ALTON C. WILLIAMS; NORTH FLORIDA ROOFING & REPAIR; TENANT I/UNKNOWN TENANT; TENANT II/UNKNOWN TENANT; TENANT III/UNKNOWN TENANT and TENANT IV/UNKNOWN TENANT, in possession of the subject real property, Defendant(s) NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Final Judgment/Order entered in the above noted case, that the Clerk of Court will sell the following property situated in Duval County, Florida, described as: Lot 31 And 32 Block 12A, Oakwood Villa Estates, According To The Plat Thereof Recorded In Plat Book 8, Pages 23, 24 And 25 Of The Public Records Of Duval County, Florida The Clerk of this Court shall sell the property to the highest bidder for cash on the 9th day of July, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. on Duval County’s Public Auction website: www.duval.realforeclose.com in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. DATED: June 4, 2015
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Ricketa Sullivan Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) Law Office of Gary Gassel, P.A. Attorney for Plaintiff 2191 Ringling Boulevard Sarasota, Florida 34237 Telephone: (941) 952-9322 Fax: (941) 365-0907 (Attorney) June 9/16 12 (15-7396)
Lot 16, Kensington Gardens Unit Five-A, According To The Plat Thereof, As Recorded In Plat Book 49, Pages 3, 3A Through 3D, Inclusive, Of The Public Records Of Duval County, Florida a/k/a Street Address: 12627 Barnsbury Court, Jacksonville, Florida 32246 If you are a person claiming a right to funds remaining after the sale, you must file a claim with the clerk no later than 60 days after the sale. If you fail to file a claim you will not be entitled to any remaining funds. After 60 days, only the owner of record as of the date of the lis pendens may claim the surplus. DATED: May 13, 2015
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Brenda Sellers Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) SHIPMAN LAW, P.A. Marquista A. Shipman Florida Bar No. 0072805 Attorney for Plaintiff 2001 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 212 Hollywood, FL 33020 Telephone: (954) 593-6900 Facsimile: (954) 320-1993 Primary E-mail: service@shipmanlawpa.com Secondary E-mail: mshipman@shipmanlawpa.com June 9/16 12 (15-15-7392)
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 16-2015-CA-000448 DIVISION FC-B FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION (“FANNIE MAE”), A CORPORATION ORGANIZED AND EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff(s) vs. PHILIP MARK IAN KOH; ET AL., Defendant(s) NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated May 29, 2015, and entered in Case No. 16-2015-CA-000448-FC-B of the Circuit Court in and for Duval County, Florida wherein Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America is Plaintiff and Philip Mark Ian Koh; Maria Khristina Koh; Castle Credit Corporation; Unknown Tenant No. 1; Unknown Tenant No. 2; and All Unknown Parties Claiming Interests By, Through, Under Or Against A Named Defendant To This Action, Or Having Or Claiming To Have Any Right, Title Or Interest In The Property Herein Described are Defendants, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash on Duval County’s Public Auction website: www.duval.realforeclose.com at 11:00 a.m. on the 6th day of July, 2015, the following described property as set forth in said Order or Final Judgment, to-wit: Lot 15 Of Kingswood Terrace, According To The Plat Thereof As Recorded In Plat Book 60, Page(s) 9 And 10, Of The Public Records Of Duval County, Florida. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. DATED at Jacksonville, Florida, on June 4, 2015.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Ricketa Sullivan Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) SHD Legal Group P.A. Attorneys for Plaintiff PO Box 11438 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33339-1438 Telephone: (954) 564-0071 Service Email: answers@shdlegalgroup.com 1440-149254/JA June 9/16 11 (15-7403)
NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice is hereby given that commencing at JESSIE’S UNION 76, 2423 Edison Ave., (904) 384-6751 at 9:30 a.m., on July 1, 2015. These liens are claimed for labor and parts. The following vehicles will be for sale and cash is required. 1999 Ford F250SD VIN# 1FTNW20FXXEC99644 $4919.53. Sealed bids will be accepted. These liens are subject to enforcement pursuant to section 713.585, Florida Statutes and vehicles may be sold to satisfy these liens. The owner of the vehicle or any person claiming an interest in or lien thereon has a right to a hearing at any time prior to the scheduled date of sale by filing a demand for hearing with the clerk of the circuit court in Duval County and mailing copies of the demand for hearing to all other owners and lienors as reflected on the notice. The owner of the vehicle has a right to recover possession of the vehicle without instituting judicial proceedings by posting bond in accordance with the provisions of section 559.917, Florida Statutes (Motor Vehicle Repair Act, see Exhibit D). Any proceeds from the sale of the vehicle remaining after payment of the amount claimed to be due and owing to the lienor will be deposited with clerk of the circuit court for disposition upon court order. MVR#MV77297 June 16 00 (15-7626) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO. 16-2012-CA-008175 DIVISION FC-F THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF THE CWABS, INC., ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-1, Plaintiff, vs. STEVEN R. COLEMAN, ET AL, Defendant(s). NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment dated June 3, 2015, and entered in Case No. 16-2012CA-008175 of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit in and for Duval County, Florida in which The Bank of New York Mellon fka The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the certificateholders of the CWABS, Inc., Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2007-1 is the Plaintiff and Steven R. Coleman; Matrix Financial Services Corporation; Unknown Spouse of Steven Coleman n/k/a Melody Coleman; United States of America, on Behalf of the Internal Revenue Service are defendants, the Duval County Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash electronically at: www.duval.realforeclose.com at 11:00 a.m. on the 15th day of July, 2015, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Foreclosure: Part Of Lot 10, Plat Of A Subdivision Of The William A. Ogilvie Estate Recorded In Plat Book 9, Page 10 Of The Current Public Records Of Duval County, Florida, Described As Follows: Commence At An Old Lightwood Hub At The Southeast Corner Of Said Lot 10; Thence South 77 Degrees 46 Minutes 30 Seconds West, Along The South Line Of Said Lot 10, 1215 Feet To The Point Of Beginning; Thence Continue South 77 Degrees 46 Minutes 30 Seconds West, Along The Said South Line Of Lot 10, 220 Feet; Thence North 12 Degrees 13 Minutes 30 Seconds West, 500 Feet; Thence North 77 Degrees 46 Minutes 30 Seconds East, 220 Feet: Thence South 12 Degrees 13 Minutes 30 Seconds East, 500 Feet To The Point Of Beginning. A/K/A 4840 Parete Road South, Jacksonville, FL 32218-7926 Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. DATED this 10th day of June, 2015, Duval County, Florida.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court Duval County, Florida By: Ricketa Sullivan Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) Buckley Madole, P.C. P.O. Box 22408 Tampa, FL 33622 eservice@BuckleyMadole.com (Attorney) June 16/23 00 (15-7633)
Tuesday, June 16, 2015 • Financial News & Daily Record • Page A-13
Public Notices NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME LAW According to Florida Statute 865.09 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the Fictitious Name of ZAXBY’S located at 0 Sandymac Road, in the City of Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida 32254 intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations of the Department of State, Tallahassee, Florida. Dated at Jacksonville, Florida, this 12th day of June, 2015. COMMONWEALTH JASZ, INC. By: Ronald J. Gosselin, President June 16 00 (15-7627) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No. 16-2014-CA-002145 Division FC-G WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, d/b/a CHRISTIANA TRUST AS TRUSTEE OF THE RESIDENTIAL CREDIT OPPORTUNITIES TRUST, as substituted Plaintiff for Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC, Plaintiff(s) vs. JASON E. MURPHY; et al., Defendant(s) NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated May 26, 2015 entered in Civil Case No. 16-2014-CA-002145 of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit in and for Duval County, Florida, wherein Wilmington Savings Fund Society, Fsb, d/b/a Christiana Trust As Trustee Of The Residential Credit Opportunities Trust, as substituted Plaintiff for Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC is Plaintiff and Jason E. Murphy; et al. are the Defendants. The Clerk will sell to the highest bidder for cash on the 9th day of July, 2015, at 11:00 a.m. to the highest bidder for cash online at: www.duval.realforeclose.com the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: A part of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 6, Township 1 South, Range 26 East, City of Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: For a point of reference, commence at the intersection of the northerly right-of-way line of Dunn Avenue (a 100 foot right-of-way as now established), with the easterly right-of-way line of V.C. Johnson Road (a 60 foot right-ofway as now established); thence North 00º22’20” East along said easterly line of V.C. Johnson Road, a distance of 3907.74 feet; thence South 89º19’14” West departing said easterly line of V.C. Johnson Road, a distance of 60.01 (59.90 measured) feet to a point on the westerly rightof-way line of said V.C. Johnson Road and the Point of Beginning; thence South 89º21’00” West, a distance of 263.51 feet; thence North 00º22’20” West, a distance of 248.00 feet; thence South 89º21’00” West, a distance of 263.51 feet to a point on the aforementioned easterly rightof-way line of V.C. Johnson Road; thence South 00º22’20” West along said right-of-way line of V.C. Johnson Road, a distance of 248.00 feet to the aforesaid point of beginning (containing 1.50 acres more/less) Street address: 11906 V.C. Johnson Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32218 Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. DATED this 4th day of June, 2015. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Ricketa Sullivan Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) Daniel S. Mandel, Esquire Daniel S. Mandel, P.A. Attorneys for Plaintiff 1900 N.W. Corporate Blvd., Ste. 305W Boca Raton, FL 33431 Telephone: (561) 826-1740 Fax: (561) 826-1741 June 9/16 12 (15-7400)
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 16-2015-DR-001669-FM DIVISION FM-F VINCENT LILLY, Petitioner, and PRISCILLA LILLY, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE (NO CHILD OR FINANCIAL SUPPORT) TO: Priscilla Lilly Last Known Address 8918 Eight Ave. Jacksonville, Florida 32208 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Vincent Lilly, whose address is 8918 Eight Ave., Jacksonville, Florida 32208 on or before July 11, 2015, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at Duval County Courthouse, 501 W. Adams Street, Family Law, Room 2474, Jacksonville, Florida 32202, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. The action is asking the court to decide how the following real or personal property should be divided: NONE Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915). Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the addresses on record at the clerk’s office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED: June 5, 2015 RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Kimberlee Jones Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) June 9/16/23/30 13 (15-7393) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO. 16-2015-CA-000972 DIVISION FC-F OCWEN LOAN SERVICING LLC, Plaintiff(s) vs. EREZ LAVI; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF EREZ LAVI; BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Defendant(s) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated May 22, 2015, and entered in Case No. 16-2015-CA-000972, of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit in and for Duval County, Florida, wherein Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC is the Plaintiff, and Erez Lavi; Unknown Spouse Of Erez Lavi; Bank Of America, National Association are the Defendant(s). Ronnie Fussell as the Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash online at: www.duval.realforeclose.com at 11:00 a.m., on the 15th day of July, 2015, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: The Northerly 25 Feet Of Lot 11, And The Southerly 37 And 1/2 Feet Of Lot 12, Block 9, Lem Turner Park, According To The Plat Thereof As Recorded In Plat Book 4, Page 31, Of The Current Public Records Of Duval County, Florida. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. DATED this 10th day of June, 2015.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Ricketa Sullivan Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) Robertson, Anschutz & Schneid, P.L. Attorneys for Plaintiff 6409 Congress Avenue, Suite 100 Boca Raton, Florida 33487 Telephone: (561) 241-6901 Fax: (561) 910-0902 Primary Email: mail@rasflaw.com June 16/23 00 (15-7637)
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 16-2012-DR-002450-FM DIVISION FM-C IN RE: The Marriage of CESAR CHAVIRA, Former Husband, and STEPHANIE CHAVIRA, n/k/a STEPHANIE FLYGARE, Former Wife. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR PUBLICATION TO: Stephanie Chavira, n/k/a Stephanie Flygare YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you. You are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on The Lasky Law Firm, Former Husband’s attorneys, whose address is 2950 Halcyon Lane, Suite 305, Jacksonville, Florida 32223, on or before July 22, 2015, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at Duval County Courthouse, 501 W. Adams Street, Family Law, Room 2474, Jacksonville, Florida 32202, either before service on Former Husband’s attorney or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office notified of your current address. Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk’s office. DATED: June 11, 2015 RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Trimaine Williams Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) June 16/23/30, July 7 00 (15-7631) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO. 16-2012-CA-010940 DIVISION FC-D THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK AS TRUSTEE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF THE CWABS INC., ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES SERIES 2007-9, Plaintiff(s) vs. BILLIE MORGAN A/K/A BILLIE D. MORGAN, ET AL., Defendant(s) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment dated May 11, 2015, and entered in Case No. 16-2012CA-010940 of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit in and for Duval County, Florida in which The Bank Of New York Mellon fka The Bank Of New York As Trustee For The Benefit Of The Certificateholders Of The Cwabs Inc., Asset-Backed Certificates Series 2007-9 is the Plaintiff and Billie Morgan a/k/a Billie D. Morgan; Unknown Tenant #1 n/k/a Randy Morgan; Asset Acceptance, LLC; Florida Housing Finance Corporation are Defendants, the Duval County Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in/on electronically at: www.duval.realforeclose.com at 11:00 a.m., on the 7th day of July, 2015, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Foreclosure: Lot 17, Block 19, Sandalwood, Unit 4, According To The Map Or Plat Thereof, As Recorded In Plat Book 31, Pages 65 And 65A, Of The Public Records Of Duval County, Florida. A/K/A 1948 Kusaie Dr., Jacksonville, FL 32246 Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. DATED this 4th day of June, 2015, Duval County, Florida.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court Duval County, Florida By: Ricketa Sullivan Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) Attorney For Plaintiff Buckley Madole, P.C. P.O. Box 22408 Tampa, FL 33622 eservice@BuckleyMadole.com June 9/16 11 (15-7399)
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No. 16-2015-CA-000924 Division FC-A U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff(s) vs. SHARONDA PENDER AKA SHARONDA T. PENDER AKA SHARONDA TARSHELL PENDER, et al., Defendant(s) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment entered in Case No. 16-2015-CA-000924 of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit in and for Duval County, Florida, wherein U.S. Bank National Association, Plaintiff and Pender, Sharonda, et al. are Defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at: www.duval.realforeclose.com at the hour of 11:00 a.m. on the 13th day of July, 2015, the following described property: Condominium Unit No. 4-5 Of Wilow Ridge, A Condominium, According To The Declaration Thereof, As Recorded In Official Records Book 13434, Page 1765, And All Other Amendments Thereof, Of The Public Record Of Duval County, Florida. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. DATED this 4th day of June, 2015.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Brenda Sellers Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) Greenspoon Marder, P.A. Trade Centre South, Suite 700 100 West Cypress Creek Road Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Telephone: (954) 491-1120 (Attorney) 31516.0499 June 9/16 12 (15-7408)
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO. 16-2015-CP-001295 DIVISION PR-A In Re: THE Estate Of DAVID EUGENE WILLIAMS, Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of David Eugene Williams, deceased, who was found dead on May 15, 2015, is pending in the Circuit Court for Duval County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is Duval County Courthouse, 501 W. Adams Street, Room 1173, Jacksonville, Florida 32202. The names and addresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against the decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publication of this Notice is June 17, 2015. Personal Representative Lacey Anne Williams 700 Madras Lane Charlotte, NC 28211-1611 ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: Dan W. Armstrong Attorney for Lacey Anne Williams Florida Bar No. 506613 Law Offices of Dan W. Armstrong, P.A. P.O. Box 1535 Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32004-1535 Telephone: (904) 280-0058 Facsimile: (904) 280-0109 Email: DWArmstrong@msn.com June 16/23 00 (15-7641)
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 16-2014-CA-005068 DIVISION CV-B GREEN LEAF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, LLC, Plaintiff(s), vs. ERC GENERAL CONTRACTING SERVICES, INC. AND GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION TO: ERC General Contracting Services, Inc., a Florida corporation YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for breach of contract has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on D. R. Repass, Esquire, the Plaintiff’s attorney whose address is 111 Solana Road, Suite B, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082, on or before July 3, 2015, and file the original with the clerk of this court either before service on plaintiff’s attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint DATED this 26th day of May, 2015. Karen K. Cole Circuit Judge June 2/9/16/23 13 (15-7253)
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 16-2015-CA-000611 DIVISION FC-E FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION (“FANNIE MAE”), A CORPORATION ORGANIZED AND EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff(s) vs. KIRSTEN S. LAMARRE A/K/A KIRSTEN S. HOPPER; BRIAN G. LAMARRE; HIGHLAND LAKES OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC.; UNKNOWN TENANT NO. 1; UNKNOWN TENANT NO. 2; and ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING INTERESTS BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST A NAMED DEFENDANT TO THIS ACTION, OR HAVING OR CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED, Defendant(s) NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated May 26, 2015, and entered in Case No. 16-2015CA-000611 of the Circuit Court in and for Duval County, Florida wherein Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”), A Corporation Organized And Existing Under The Laws Of The United States Of America is Plaintiff and Kirsten S. Lamarre a/k/a Kirsten S. Hopper; Brian G. Lamarre; Highland Lakes Owners Association, Inc.; Unknown Tenant No. 1; Unknown Tenant No. 2; And All Unknown Parties Claiming Interests By, Through, Under Or Against A Named Defendant To This Action, Or Having Or Claiming To Have Any Right, Title Or Interest In The Property Herein Described are Defendants, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash on Duval County’s Public Auction website: www.duval.realforeclose.com at 11:00 a.m. on the 15th day of July, 2015, the following described property as set forth in said Order or Final Judgment, to-wit: Lot 9, Highland Lakes On Argyle Forest Unit Six, According To The Plat Thereof As Recorded In Plat Book 47, Pages 75, 75A, 75B, 75C, And 75D, Of The Current Public Records Of Duval County, Florida. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. DATED at Jacksonville, Florida, on June 10, 2015.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Ricketa Sullivan Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) SHD Legal Group P.A. Attorneys for Plaintiff PO Box 11438 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33339-1438 Telephone: (954) 564-0071 Service Email: answers@shdlegalgroup.com 1440-149103/EA1 June 16/23 00 (15-7634)
Page A-14 • Tuesday, June 16, 2015 • Financial News & Daily Record
Public Notices IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO. 16-2012-CA-000125 DIVISION FC-F JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff(s) vs. EDWARD T. COLLINS, et al, Defendant(s) NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated May 29, 2015, and entered in Case No. 16-2012-CA-000125 of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit in and for Duval County, Florida in which JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association is the Plaintiff and Edward T. Collins aka Edward Collins, Duval County, Duval County Clerk of the Circuit Court, State of Florida, City of Jacksonville are defendants, the Duval County Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in/on Duval County’s Public Auction website: www.duval.realforeclose.com Duval County, Florida at 11:00 a.m. on the 9th day of July, 2015, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Foreclosure: Lot 16 And 17 Block 2, Telfair Stockton’s Subdivision Of Lots 27 And 28, Panama Park, As Per Plat Thereof As Recorded In Plat Book 7, Page 42, Of The Public Records Of Duval County, Florida. Being More Particularly Described As Follows: Beginning At The Southeast Corner Of Said Lot 17; Thence, On The East Line Thereof, North 6 Degrees 07 Minutes 48 Seconds East 100.00 Feet; To The North Line Of Said Lot 17, Thence On Said North Line, South 89 Degrees 59 Minutes 45 Seconds West, 52.00 Feet, Thence South 00 Degrees 00 Minutes 15 Seconds East, 49.69 Feet; Thence NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME LAW According to Florida Statute 865.09 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the Fictitious Name of sills associates located at 3812 Woodley Road, in the City of Washington, DC 20016 intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations of the Department of State, Tallahassee, Florida. Dated at Jacksonville, Florida, this 12th day of June, 2015. HILARY SILLS June 16 00 (15-7643) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 16-2015-DR-003460-FM DIVISION FM-E ALETHER MONFORD, Petitioner, and ANTONIO MONFORD, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE W/CHILDREN TO: Antonio Monford Last Known Address 900 W Adams St Jacksonville, FL 32202 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Divorce has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Alether Monford, whose address is 3516 Myra Street, Jacksonville, FL 32205 on or before July 18, 2015, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at Duval County Courthouse, 501 W. Adams Street, Family Law, Room 2474, Jacksonville, Florida 32202, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. The action is asking the court to decide how the following real or personal property should be divided: NONE Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915). Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the addresses on record at the clerk’s office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED: June 12, 2015 RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Te’Airra Marshall Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) June 16/23/30, July 7 00 (15-7640)
South 89 Degrees 59 Minutes 45 Seconds West, 6.68 Feet; Thence South 00 Degrees 00 Minutes 15 Seconds East. 49.72 Feet; To The Northerly Right-Of-Way Line Of East 55th Street, A 50 Foot RightOf-Way As Now Established; Thence On Said Right-Of-Way, North 89 Degrees 59 Minutes 45 Seconds East, 48.00 Feet To The Point Of Beginning. A/K/A 625 E 55th St, Jacksonville, FL 32208 Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens, must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. DATED in Duval County, Florida this 4th day of June, 2015.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court Duval County, Florida By: Ricketa Sullivan Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) Albertelli Law: NJ-14-131301 Attorney for Plaintiff P.O. Box 23028 Tampa, Florida 33623 Telephone: (813) 221-4743 Facsimile: (813) 221-9171 eService: servealaw@albertellilaw.com June 9/16 11 (15-7409)
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION division Case No. 16-2011-CA-010925 Division: FC-A DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF THE FIRST FRANKLIN MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2006-FF13, MORTGAGE PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-FF13, Plaintiff(s) vs. MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR FIRST FRANKLIN A DIVISION OF NATIIONAL CITY BANK OF INDIANA, DOUG FERONE, SHAELA FERONE, DUVAL COUNTY CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT, Defendant(s) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered July 31, 2013 in Civil Case No. 16-2011-CA-010925 of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit in and for Duval County, Jacksonville, Florida wherein Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, As Trustee For The Certificateholders Of The First Franklin Mortgage Loan Trust 2006Ff13, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-FF13 is Plaintiff and Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. As Nominee For First Franklin A Division Of Natiional City Bank Of Indiana, Doug Ferone, Shaela Ferone, Duval County Clerk Of Circuit Court, are Defendants, the Clerk of Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash electronically at: www.duval.realforeclose.com in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes on the 20th day of July, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. on the following described property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment, to-wit: Lot 32, Ortega Bluff Unit Two, according to Plat thereof as recorded in Plat book 51, Page(s) 75, and 75A through 75F, of the current Public Records of Duval County, Florida. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens, must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. DATED this 4th day of June, 2015. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Ricketa Sullivan Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) McCalla Raymer, LLC Attorney For Plaintiff 110 SE 6th Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Telephone: (407) 674-1850 June 9/16 14 (15-7405)
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 16-2015-DR-003260 DIVISION FM-A ROY SMART, Petitioner, and ANTONIA LUCA, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE (NO CHILD OR FINANCIAL SUPPORT) TO: Antonia Luca Last Known Address 293 Bishop Drive Gainesville, FL 32607 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Roy Smart, whose address is 4495 304 Roosevelt Blvd., #230, Jacksonville, FL 32210 on or before July 9, 2015, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at Duval County Courthouse, 501 W. Adams Street, Family Law, Room 2474, Jacksonville, Florida 32202, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. The action is asking the court to decide how the following real or personal property should be divided: NONE Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915). Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the addresses on record at the clerk’s office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED: May 29, 2015 RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Trimaine Williams Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) June 2/9/16/23 13 (15-7252) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION Case No. 16-2014-CA-006027 Division FC-C WELLS FARGO BANK N.A., Plaintiff(s) vs. ANTOINETTE WOODS A/K/A ANTOINETTE P. WOODS, et al., Defendant(s) RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE RE-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order Granting Plaintiff’s Motion to Cancel Foreclosure Sale filed April 22, 2015 and entered in Case No. 16-2014-CA-006027, of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit in and for Duval County, Florida, wherein Wells Fargo Bank N.A. is the Plaintiff, and Antoinette Woods a/k/a Antoinette P. Woods, et al. are Defendants, the clerk will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, beginning at 11:00 a.m. at: www.duval.realforeclose.com in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes, on the 30th day of June, 2015, the following described property as set forth in said Lis Pendens, to wit: Lot 6, Pebble Ridge, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 44, Pages 49, 49A and 49B, of the Public Records of Duval County, Florida. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus funds from the sale, if any other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. DATED at Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida, this 4th day of June, 2015. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Ricketa Sullivan Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) WELLS FARGO BANK N.A. c/o Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, PLLC Attorneys for Plaintiff 2727 West Cypress Creek Road Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 Telephone: (954) 462-7000 June 9/16 14 (15-7395)
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No. 16-2014-CA-008708 Division: FC-C BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., Plaintiff(s), vs. REMONA COBB, ET AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated May 5, 2015, in the above action, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at Duval County, Florida, on the 22nd day of September, 2015, at 11:00 a.m. at: www.duval.realforeclose.com for the following described property: All Of Lot Nine (9), Block Four (4), Together With A Part Of Lot Ten (10), Block Four (4), As Shown On The Plat Of Floradale, Unit Eleven (11), As Recorded In Plat Book 32, Pages 34 And 34A, Of The Current Public Records Of Duval County, Florida, And Said Part Of Lot Ten (10), Block Four (4), Being More Particularly Described As Follows: Beginning At The Most Westerly Corner Of Said Lot Ten (10), Block Four (4); Thence North Six (6) Degrees, Thirty-Nine (39) Minutes Ten (10) Seconds East Along The Division Line Between Lots Nine (9) And Ten (10), A Distance Of FiftySeven And Ninety-Seven Hun-
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION Case No. 16-2014-CA-008162 Division FC-F WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., Plaintiff(s) vs. SELINA E. OBENG, et al., Defendant(s) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated May 22, 2015, and entered in Case No. 16-2014-CA-008162, of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit in and for Duval County, Florida, wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. is the Plaintiff, and Selina E. Obeng, et al. are Defendants, the clerk will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, beginning at 11:00 a.m. at: www.duval.realforeclose.com in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes, on the 15th day of July, 2015, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: The East 1/2 of Lots 3 through 8, together with a portion of Lot 2, Block 3, as shown on map of MELTER’S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 3E, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 105, of the Public Records of Duval County, Florida; being more particularly described as follows: Begin at the intersection of the Southerly right-of-way of Swift Street (a variable right-of-way as now established) with the Western right-of-way line of Bridier Street (a variable right-of-way as now established); thence South 16 degrees 05 minutes 59 seconds West along said Westerly rightof-way line, 146.98 feet to the Northwesterly right-of-way line of Haines Street Expressway (as now established); thence South 56 degrees 29 minutes 53 seconds West along said Northwesterly right-of-way line, 73.42 feet; thence North 16 degrees 06 minutes 38 seconds East, 205.64 feet to the aforementioned Southerly right-of-way line of Swift Street; thence South 70 degrees 35 minutes 59 seconds East along said Southerly right-of-way line, 47.63 feet to the point of beginning. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus funds from the sale, if any other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. DATED at Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida, this 10th day of June, 2015. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Ricketa Sullivan Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. c/o Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, PLLC Attorneys for Plaintiff 2727 West Cypress Creek Road Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 Telephone: (954) 462-7000 June 16/23 00 (15-7635)
dredths (57.97) Feet To The Circular Turnaround Of Leontyne Price Court, Having A Radius Of Fifty (50) Feet; Thence North ThirtyNine (39) Degrees, Zero (00) Minutes Fifty-Five (55) Seconds East Around And Along Said Circular Turnaround Of Leontyne Price Court, Thirty-Seven And NinetyFour Hundredths (37.94) Feet, (Chord Bearing And Distance) To The Curved Southwesterly Right Of Way Line Of Leontyne Price Court (A Sixty (60) Foot Right Of Way As Now Established); Thence South Eighty-Six (86) Degrees, Thirty-Seven (37) Minutes, Twenty-One (21) Seconds West Around And Along Said Curved Southwesterly Right Of Way Line Of Leontyne Price Court, Having A Radius Of One Hundred Fifteen (115.0) Feet, Thirty-One And Fifty-Seven Hundredths (31.57) Feet (Chord Bearing And Distance); Thence South Thirty-Four (34) Degrees, Fifty-Six (56) Minutes Eighteen (18) Seconds West, One Hundred Eight And Forty-Seven Hundredths (108.47) Feet To The Point Of Beginning. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within sixty (60) days after the sale. The Court, in its discretion, may enlarge the time of the sale. Notice of the changed time of sale shall be published as provided herein. DATED: June 4, 2015
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Ricketa Sullivan Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) Gladstone Law Group, P.A. 1499 W. Palmetto Park Rd, Suite 300 Boca Raton, Florida 33486 (Attorneys) June 9/16 14 (15-7401)
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 16-2015-DR-000143-FM DIVISION FM-G CALLIE MOSLEY, Wife/Petitioner, and LaBRAIN MOSLEY, Husband/Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE (NO CHILD OR FINANCIAL SUPPORT) TO: LaBrain Mosley Last Known Address 3928 Toledo Road Jacksonville, Florida 32217 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Callie Mosley, whose address is 2922 West 8th Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32254 on or before July 18, 2015, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at Duval County Courthouse, 501 W. Adams Street, Family Law, Room 2474, Jacksonville, Florida 32202, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. The action is asking the court to decide how the following real or personal property should be divided: NONE Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915). Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the addresses on record at the clerk’s office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED: June 12, 2015 RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Betty Royal Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) June 16/23/30, July 7 00 (15-7629)
Tuesday, June 16, 2015 • Financial News & Daily Record • Page A-15
Public Notices IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO. 16-2015-CA-000327 DIVISION FC-A NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC D/B/A CHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPANY, Plaintiff, vs. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, BENEFICIARIES, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHERS WHO MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE ESTATE OF HAZEL THOMAS, DECEASED; BETTY SCOTT ADAMS; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ACTING ON BEHALF OF THE SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, Defendant(s). NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated June 2, 2015, and entered in Case No. 16-2015-CA-000327, of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit in and for Duval County, Florida, wherein Nationstar Mortgage Llc d/b/a Champion Mortgage Company is the Plaintiff, and The Unknown Heirs, Beneficiaries, Devisees, Grantees, Assignees, Lienors, Creditors, Trustees And All Others Who May Claim An Interest In The Estate Of Hazel Thomas, Deceased; Betty Scott Adams; United States Of America, Acting On Behalf Of The Secretary Of Housing And Urban Development are the Defendant(s). Ronnie Fussell as the Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash online at: www.duval.realforeclose.com at 11:00 a.m., on the 13th day of July, 2015, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: Lot 7, Block 5, Lake Forest, Section 6, According To The Plat Thereof, As Recorded In Plat Book 19, Page 35, Of The Public Records Of Duval County, Florida. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. DATED this 4th day of June, 2015. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Brenda Sellers Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) Robertson, Anschutz & Schneid, P.L. Attorneys for Plaintiff 6409 Congress Avenue, Suite 100 Boca Raton, Florida 33487 Telephone: (561) 241-6901 Fax: (561) 910-0902 Primary Email: mail@rasflaw.com June 9/16 15 (15-7407)
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO. 16-2013-CA-004302 DIVISION FC-E U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR STRUCTURED ASSET SECURITIES CORPORATION, MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-BC2, Plaintiff(s) vs. RICHARD T. WALKER, JR. A/K/A RICHARD T. WALKER A/K/A RICHARD WALKER; JANINE K. WALKER A/K/A JANINE WALKER; ELAINE C. ESTES F/K/A ELAINE C. NEWMAN; UNKNOWN TENANT #1; UNKNOWN TENANT #2, Defendant(s) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated April 20, 2015, and entered in Case No. 16-2013-CA-004302, of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit in and for Duval County, Florida, wherein U.S. Bank National Association, As Trustee For Structured Asset Securities Corporation, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-BC2 is the Plaintiff, and Richard T. Walker, Jr. a/k/a Richard T. Walker a/k/a Richard Walker; Janine K. Walker a/k/a Janine Walker; Elaine C. Estes f/k/a Elaine C. Newman; Unknown Tenant #1; Unknown Tenant #2 are the Defendant(s). Ronnie Fussell as the Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash online at: www.duval.realforeclose.com at 11:00 a.m., on the 30th day of June, 2015, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: Lot 80, Settlers Point, According To The Plat Thereof As Recorded In Plat Book 44, Pages 93, 93A And 93B Of The Current Public Records Of Duval County, Florida. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. DATED this 4th day of June, 2015.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Ricketa Sullivan Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) Robertson, Anschutz & Schneid, P.L. Attorneys for Plaintiff 6409 Congress Avenue, Suite 100 Boca Raton, Florida 33487 Telephone: (561) 241-6901 Fax: (561) 997-6909 Primary Email: mail@rasflaw.com June 9/16 15 (15-7406)
NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Self-storage unit contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart, 8121 Point Meadows Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32256, to satisfy a lien on [07/06/2015] at approx. [2:00 pm] at following sites [www.storagetreasures. com]. “All items in storage units contain household items unless other wise mentioned.” Dekyse Dowen June 16/23 00 (15-7645 NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME LAW According to Florida Statute 865.09 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the Fictitious Name of R & R TWIC ESCORT SERVICE located at 3877 Herschel St Unit 2, in the City of Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida 32205 intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations of the Department of State, Tallahassee, Florida. Dated at Jacksonville, Florida, this 12th day of June, 2015. JAMES A. RILEY June 16 00 (15-7644) NOTICE OF SUSPENSION AND ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT CASE NO.: 201305404 TO: James W. Halstead A Notice of Suspension to suspend and an Administrative Complaint to revoke your license and eligibility for licensure has been filed against you. You have the right to request a hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, by mailing a request for same to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Licensing, Post Office Box 5708, Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5708. If a request for hearing is not received by 21 days from the date of the last publication, the right to hearing in this matter will be waived and the Department will dispose of this cause in accordance with law. June 9/16/23/30 15 (15-7394) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 16-2014-CA-006273 DIVISION CV-G IBERIABANK, a Louisiana state bank, Plaintiff(s) vs. UNKNOWN HEIRS, descendants, assigns, devisees, grantees, lienors, creditors, trustees and all other parties claiming by, through, under or against the Estate of WALTER JOHN LINSENMAYER, III; AUNDRIA VICKERS, an individual; BERNARD VICKERS, an individual; IRA SUE HARRELL, an individual; ANNREA DISHAROON, an individual; TAMMY WASDIN, an individual; VICKI HENDERSON, an individual; PAM FRY, an individual; LORI EBANKS, an individual; and UNKNOWN TENANTS in possession of 6346 Raw Hyde Trail S., Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida 32210, Defendant(s) NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment in the above-captioned action, the Clerk of Court will sell the property situated in Duval County, Florida, described as follows: Lot 15, Block 1, HYDE PARK TRAIL, according to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 35, Page 98 and 98A of the Current Public Records of Duval County, Florida Property Address: 6346 Raw Hyde Trail S., Jacksonville, Florida 32210. at public sale, in the presence of the Plaintiff, to the highest and best bidder for cash at: www.duval.realforeclose.com on the 23rd day of July, 2015, at 11:00 a.m., pursuant to the terms of the In Rem Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure of the Verified Amended Complaint and in accordance with Section 45.031, Florida Statutes. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. DATED this 4th day of June, 2015.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
Financial News & Daily Record
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Ricketa Sullivan Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) Adrian Rust, Esquire Attorney for Plaintiff Rogers Towers, P.A. 818 A1A North, Suite Suite 208 Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 June 9/16 15 (15-7402)
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO. 16-2015-CA-001292 DIVISION FC-E CHARLES SCHWAB BANK, Plaintiff(s) vs. DEBORAH L. DUKES, Defendant(s) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated May 22, 2015, and entered in Case No. 16-2015-CA-001292, of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit in and for Duval County, Florida, wherein Charles Schwab Bank is the Plaintiff, and Deborah L. Dukes are the Defendant(s). Ronnie Fussell as the Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash online at: www.duval.realforeclose.com at 11:00 a.m., on the 15th day of July, 2015, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: All Of Lot 11; Together With The Westerly 42.65 Feet Of Lot 10, Block A, As Shown On The Plat Of Sibley Park, As Recorded In Plat Book 13, Page 9 Of The Current Public Records Of Duval, County, Florida, And Being More Particularly Described As Follows: Beginning At The Northwest Corner Of Said Lot 11, Said Corner Being The Intersection Of The. Easterly Right Of Way Line Of Beam Street (Formerly Bay Boulevard) With The Southerly Right Of Way Line Of Bessent Road (Formerly Herbert Avenue); Thence Easterly Along Said IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No. 16-2015-CA-000264 Division FC-H U.S. BANK TRUST, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR LSF8 MASTER PARTICIPATION TRUST, Plaintiff(s) vs. JAMES WARREN; HEATHER THURMAN; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF HEATHER THURMAN; DELMER LEE BYRD; GAIL HATCHER BYRD; STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE; CITY OF JACKSONVILLE; UNKNOWN TENANT(S) IN POSSESSION #1 and #2, and All Other Unknown Parties, et al., Defendant(s) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Summary Judgment of Foreclosure dated May 22, 2015, entered in Civil Case No. 16-2015-CA-000264 of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit in and for Duval County, Florida, wherein U.S. Bank Trust, N.A., As Trustee For Lsf8 Master Participation Trust, Plaintiff and James Warren; Heather Thurman; Delmer Lee Byrd; Gail Hatcher Byrd; State Of Florida Department Of Revenue; City Of Jacksonville; Unknown Tenant(s) In Possession #1 n/k/a Frank Thomas are Defendants. I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at: www.duval.realforeclose.com at 11:00 a.m. on the 9th day of July, 2015, the following described real property as set forth in said Final Summary Judgment, to wit: Lot 7, Kings Road Heights Addition Plat No. 2, According To The Plat Thereof As Recorded In Plat Book 6, Page 75, Of The Current Public Records Of Duval County, Florida. A/K/A: 2125 Wright Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32207 If you are a person claiming a right to funds remaining after the sale, you must file a claim with the clerk no later than 60 days after the sale. If you fail to file a claim you will not be entitled to any remaining funds. After 60 days, only the owner of record as of the date of the lis pendens may claim the surplus. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the court on June 4, 2015.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Ricketa Sullivan Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) Attorney For Plaintiff: Brian L. Rosaler, Esquire Popkin & Rosaler, P.A. 1701 West Hillsboro Boulevard Suite 400 Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Telephone: (954) 360-9030 Facsimile: (954) 420-5187 June 9/16 15 (15-7397)
Southerly Right Of Way Line Of Bessent Road, 77.2 Feet.; Thence Southerly, Parallel To, And 9.85 Feet When, Measured At Right Angles To The Easterly Line Of Said Lot 10, 79. 06 Feet To The Northerly Right Of Way Line Of Oasis Street (Formerly Pleasant Street); Thence Westerly Along Said Northerly Right Of Way Line Of Oasis Street, 89.0 Feet To Said Easterly Right Of Way Line Of Beam Street; Thence Northerly Along Said Easterly Right Of Way Line Of Beam Street, 60.45 Feet To The Point Of Beginning. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. DATED this 10th day of June, 2015.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Ricketa Sullivan Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) Robertson, Anschutz & Schneid, P.L. Attorneys for Plaintiff 6409 Congress Avenue, Suite 100 Boca Raton, Florida 33487 Telephone: (561) 241-6901 Fax: (561) 910-0902 Primary Email: mail@rasflaw.com June 16/23 00 (15-7638)
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 16-2010-CA-001882 DIVISION FC-G DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR AMERIQUEST MORTGQGE SECURITIES, INC., ASSET-BACKED PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-R7, Plaintiff(s) vs. Edward James Van Voorhis, Jr., et al., Defendant(s) RE-NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE OF SALE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated March 26, 2013, and an Order Rescheduling Sale dated May 8, 2015, and entered in Case No. 16-2010CA-001882 of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit in and for Duval County, Florida, wherein Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, As Trustee For Ameriquest Mortgqge Securities, Inc., Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2005-R7, is Plaintiff, and Edward James Van Voorhis, Jr., et al., are the Defendants, the Duval County Clerk of the Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash online at: www.duval.realforeclose.com to begin at 11:00 a.m., on the 9th day of July, 2015, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to-wit: Lot 41 And The West 1/2 Of Lot 39, Block 13, Subdivision “A” Atlantic Beach, According To The Plat Thereof Recorded In Plat Book 5, Page 69, Of The Current Records Of Duval County, Florida. Property Address: 388 11th Street, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233. and all fixtures and personal property located therein or thereon, which are included as security in Plaintiff’s mortgage. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus funds from the sale, if any other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. DATED at Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida, this 4th day of June, 2015.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at crtintrp@coj.net or (904) 255-1695 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
RONNIE FUSSELL Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Ricketa Sullivan Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) Clarfield, Okon, Salomone & Pincus, P.L. Attorney for Plaintiff 500 S. Australian Avenue, Suite 730 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Telephone: (561) 713-1400 Email: pleadings@cosplaw.com June 9/16 15 (15-7398)
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