Daily Record Financial News &
Friday, July 24, 2015
Vol. 102, No. 180 • One Section
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Council, Helping entrepreneurs Holland disagree on raises An entrepreneur
Issue likely to be appealed
Anthony Butler Sr.
Butler’s E3 Business Group growing By Max Marbut Staff Writer Anthony Butler Sr. could be called an “entrepreneur for entrepreneurs.” The Baltimore native came to Jacksonville in 2003 to work as a computer consultant. In 2008, he established E3 Business Group Inc., a nonprofit dedicated to helping entrepreneurs succeed by providing mentoring and resources needed by small business owners. The business has since grown to about 1,000 members in five chapters in the U.S., including 150 members in North and Central Florida. “This is the only organization that does everything we do that’s ready to work with anybody,” said Butler. “We help people
“Anthony (Butler) showed me the difference between having knowledge and applying knowledge.” Traci Irven Team 1 Service owner learn how to think like an entrepreneur.” Annual membership dues range from $250-$600, depending on the level of services needed, Butler said. They average $350. In 2011, Butler moved his organization
Photo by Max Marbut
By David Chapman Staff Writer
into a 110-year-old building Downtown at 138 E. Duval St. E3 members can utilize meeting rooms, shared office space and related services, such as copy and fax machines, and Wi-Fi at the “Center for Entrepreneurial Development.” Butler said the building was abandoned for about 20 years before he moved in. Members have worked together to renovate the building. E3 hosts on the second Saturday of each month in an empty lot next to the building the “Marketing Our Business” festival that gives members an opportunity to showcase their products and services. Butler said E3 is not about “networking” in the usual sense, meaning people getting Butler continued on Page A-3
City Council’s budget season hasn’t kicked off in full, but already there is some pushback coming from a familiar source. The Property Appraiser’s budget includes more than $365,000 this year for merit pool and competitive pay adjustments for its employees, which doesn’t sit well with most members of the council’s Finance Committee. Leading the charge was John Crescimbeni, who said he struggles each year with budgets from constitutional officers and the independent authorities that have built-in pay increases of some form for their employees. Pay cuts city employees took in 2010 haven’t been restored, he said, and increases haven’t been proposed. Holland Other council members agreed with Crescimbeni’s concern. Mayor Lenny Curry’s budget group rejected pay increases in the budget, with the exception of the property appraiser because of a timing issue. “We’re kind of in a box with this budget,” said Crescimbeni. Property appraiser offices across the state also have their budgets approved by the state’s Department of Revenue. Property Appraiser Jerry Holland told the group his office’s was submitted in May and received tentative approval. It stays that way until Aug. 15, when appeals can be processed. The same type of issue happened last year with the office, which was headed by Jim Overton. His $9.78 million budget was approved by the state. Former Mayor Alvin Brown submitted a $9.68 million Merit continued on Page A-3
McKesson to close Westside distribution center
McKesson Medical-Surgical will close its Westside Industrial Park distribution center at the end of September and consolidate the functions into its Chicagoarea operation. McKesson Medical-Surgical leases a 168,500-square-foot center in the business park. It was formerly used by Jacksonvillebased PSS World Medical Inc., which McKesson Corp. acquired in 2013. The center opened in 2008. McKesson Medical-Surgical spokesman Randy King said the
Jacksonville Regional Distribution Center that will be closed served the Eastern U.S., from central Texas east. It primarily distributed medical-surgical supplies and equipment to physicians’ offices and other health care settings. “We have to continually evaluate our market capacity and we want to make sure we deliver the best service,” King said. King said three, and possibly more, of the 16 employees at the center found jobs at the nearby Moore Medical Distribution Cen-
legal notices begin on page
ter, also owned by McKesson. Moore Medical is an Internetbased specialty direct marketing and distributor of medical, surgical and pharmaceutical products to health care practices and facilities outside of hospitals. King said the 70,000-squarefoot Moore Medical distribution
center is staffed by more than 40 employees and serves the Southeastern U.S. McKesson Corp. is based in San Francisco. McKesson Medical-Surgical is based in Richmond, Va. When McKesson bought PSS, it also took over its former headquarters office space in Southpoint at 4345 Southpoint Blvd. McKesson Medical-Surgical announced in October 2013 it agreed to extend the lease for the space, which was set to expire March 31, 2014, for three more
years. McKesson Medical-Surgical said it also would continue to lease space in the nearly Enterprise Park building at 4190 Belfort Road, although those terms weren’t announced. King said the space serves as a key field support office performing multiple functions, ranging from accounts receivable to IT to marketing and more. He said McKesson employs about 500 people there. “We remain committed to a Mathis continued on Page A-2
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