Greenline, December 2012

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December 2012 | Volume 33, Issue 12


TPIE 2013: Plant What’s Next Celebrating its 40th year, TPIE is the tradeshow which jumpstarts the New Year for buyers and sellers in the tropical foliage marketplace. TPIE takes place on January 23-25, 2013 in Ft. Lauderdale at the Broward County Convention Center. As the gathering place for 6,000 industry professionals from around the world, TPIE is where the focus is on all that’s new and profitable in the tropical foliage arena. TPIE attendees receive a value-packed experience for the price of a show badge. Register by January 7th and pay a discounted rate of $15. Even at its regular on-site rate of $30, TPIE is a bargain. Not only do buyers have access to hundreds of the top tropical foliage vendors in the country, the following extras are available to attendees with a trade show badge: • TPIE 2013 opens at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, January 23rd with a stirring and thought-provoking presentation by Dan Waldschmidt, blog author of Edgy Conversations. Dan will share ideas to help business owners stop making important decisions based on conventional wisdom and start focusing on the unique advantages each business has! Discover in advance a glimpse of Dan’s edgy and relevant philosophy by reading his blog at This session is sponsored by Hermann Engelmann Greenhouses and SK. • TPIE’s Happy Hour is a favorite way to end the first day of the show. When the show closes at 5 p.m. the action moves outside. Ft. Lauderdale’s mild winter temps and an ocean in the background create ideal conditions to grab a drink, meet with industry friends and take in some tropical entertainment. This popular event is sponsored by SunParasol, Suntory Collection. • Demonstrations right on the show floor are offered throughout TPIE’s three show days. These informal, 15-20 minute sessions provide peer-to-peer sharing of ideas and expertise on a wide variety of topics. Ball Publications is the TPIE Demonstration sponsor. • A special presentation of Cool Stuff at TPIE takes place on the demonstration stage at 2p.m. on Thursday, January 24th. Facilitated by Robert Hendrickson of The Garden Center Group, this session will showcase the top 15 cool plants and products for which buyers voted on Wednesday, the first day of the show. • The TPIE Exhibitor Showcase features New Plants and Products, as well as special and unique items featured by exhibitors. This popular spot lets you see close-up the latest varieties and products in the industry. Visit on Wednesday and vote for your favorite new item. The TPIE Exhibitor Showcase is sponsored by Farm Credit.

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Wes Parrish FNGLA 2012-2013 President

BMPs: To Participate or Not to Participate… That Is the Question It was five years ago when we finally finished the Container Nursery BMP manual. The “we” to whom I refer, were representatives from the: Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services; University of Florida/IFAS; and, nursery grower stakeholders from Southeast Florida. The reason it happened down here was thanks to a lawsuit filed in Broward County over the quality of water being discharged into the Everglades. The development of agricultural best management manuals was part of the settlement. There were landscape maintenance BMPs, golf course BMPs and equine BMPs. Now, there was a container nursery BMP. Other BMPs are in the works. The current container nursery manual deals with nearly every production issue. It offers important sections on erosion control and waste management. Each of us deals every day with all of these aspects in our operations. The self-assessment helps you identify BMP procedures you are already implementing! The self-assessment also helps you identify additional BMP practices that are not only practical to use, yet also financially and technically feasible for you to implement in the future. It is a simple assessment, yet I suggest you consider seeking the assistance of an USDANatural Resource Conservation Service representative, your soil and water conservation office, or UF/Extension personnel. Recently, I was asked to participate with other nursery growers in the updating of our current container nursery BMP manual. We met at FNGLA’s office in Orlando and decided the BMP manual should be reviewed in its entirety so as to make any appropriate changes in light of evolving industry practices and technological advances. We also decided to add explicit sections covering aspects of fieldgrown nurseries, ferneries and greenhouses.

Why should you enroll in the nursery BMP program? There are several convincing reasons and any one of them is reason enough. By signing up for the BMPs, you are telegraphing your preference for voluntary programs rather than traditional regulatory programs. This one is good enough for me, yet I will offer you more. BMP participants are recognized as responsible operations doing their part for the greater good. Improving management practices can, and, likely will, reduce your production costs. Am I there yet? Are you convinced? Since the container nursery BMP was adopted by rule by FDACS, you are protected from any state agency seeking costs or damages for contamination related to target pollutants. In other words, when you adopt the BMP, your container nursery gains protection -- a presumption of compliance not granted otherwise. I think this benefit, in and of itself, should seal the deal for you to sign your nursery into the BMP program! Yet, I recently learned one additional huge benefit of doing so. At least one water management district exempts container nurseries participating in the BMP from water use restrictions during droughts. Even though this program was put into place because of a lawsuit regarding the Everglades, this does not mean only South Florida nurseries should be involved. Are you located in one of Florida’s water management districts? Of course you are! Any nearby body of water may point its watery fingers at you, so the BMP is worthy of your consideration. The BMP was developed by growers for growers -- with expert guidance from UF/IFAS and FDACS. It is our participation that makes this BMP and its benefits possible. I hope you will join the many hundreds of container nursery growers, with tens of thousands of acres in production, by signing up for the BMP. By now, I trust you agree this is a very good thing for each of us to do. Wes Parrish


(from page 1) • A TPIE First Timer’s Orientation will take place at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, January 23rd. This special session not only welcomes those who are attending TPIE for the first time, it also provides show details and information on the programs, as well as a chance to meet industry volunteer leaders who can be of assistance throughout the show. The 2013 TPIE Short Course offers an exclusive TPIE Road Show which tours nurseries and related companies in the Homestead area. This is a separate ticketed event, so it’s not included with your TPIE trade show badge. Two days of educational sessions geared to interiorscapers are offered at the TPIE Short Course for a nominal fee. Discounted prices are available through January 7th. For the first time ever, the TPIE Short Course is being produced by an exciting partnership among FNGLA, OFA and PLANET. New at 2013 TPIE is a TPIE mobile website: Especially designed for mobile devices, this website allows easy access to create your TPIE agenda, search the exhibitor directory, find booths on the TPIE floor plan, search for plants and products and keep up with show happenings and events. As part of its 40th anniversary celebration, you’re invited and encouraged to share TPIE memories on TPIE’s Facebook page at: Be sure to post how old you are in TPIE years! We know there are some people who have been to all 40. Don’t be shy! TPIE Housing is now open through EventSphere, TPIE official housing company. With 8 host hotels, you’ll find a range of prices and amenities. Make your hotel reservations before January 4th for the best selection of hotels and group rates. Call 1-866-902-7405 or reserve a room online at: For more information, and to register for TPIE, go directly to For information on exhibit booths, contact Clay Archey ( or Sabrina Haines (

FNGLA Partnered in National Irrigation Show in Orlando FNGLA joined industry professionals in nursery, greenhouse, agriculture, landscape and irrigation at the Irrigation Show 2012 when the national show was hosted in Orlando in November. FNGLA staff worked its trade show booth, and also took part in the Florida Irrigation Society’s industry meetings and receptions. In addition, FNGLA teamed with FIS, the Irrigation Association, Work Force Central Florida and Employ Florida Vets to host The Green Industry Job and Career Fair. Companies looking for high-value employees discussed career opportunities with the job-seeking professionals who attended.

FNGLA HAPPENINGS 2013 FNGLA Election Recap & Legislative Preview By Jim Spratt, Magnolia Strategies, LLC Well, the dust has been slowly settling on one of the most bitterly fought and expensive election cycles we have ever experienced in this country. Am I the only one who has enjoyed seeing all the non-campaign commercials?


For all the ads, mail, phone calls, debates, polls and money spent this election cycle, what exactly did we get? Actually, not that much really new or exciting. The President has four more years. The Democratic Party remains in control of the U.S. Senate. And, the Republicans still control the U.S. House of Representatives. So, what does this mean for FNGLA members? Notwithstanding the current national security soap opera, the most important immediate issue is the impending fiscal cliff. Will this lame-duck Congress be able to stitch together a proposal which avoids significant tax hikes and massive spending cuts in military and discretionary spending? Will any fix be short term or have long term solutions? How much of a “solution” will deal with overall deficit reduction? No matter your personal feelings on these matters, rest assured of one thing: what our elected leaders choose to do will have direct impacts on our financial markets and will be the first indicator of how Congress will deal with other key issues as we move into 2013. Elections have winners and losers. We all understand that. Prior to November 6th, there was significant talk about repealing Obamacare. While most in Washington believed a full repeal of the Obamacare law would have been difficult at best, it is now safe to say it isn’t going to happen. Moving forward, the questions will focus on how we may improve or fix parts and pieces of the law so businesses and individuals understand what Obamacare’s actual impact will be. FNGLA has received calls from members asking for guidance on Obamacare’s implementation. Quite frankly, though, we do not yet have clear answers to share. However, as FNGLA works with our partners in Washington and Tallahassee, we will distribute guidance to you as soon as definitive interpretations become available. Clearly, minority votes were critical in many national and state elections. In fact, one of the most significant “surprises” was the turnout and voting percentage of Hispanic Americans. If there is a positive message, both parties now have a political reason to actually make some

progress, dare I say, maybe even, work on meaningful solutions to our nation’s utterly broken immigration policy. In the political chess match, many more postelection Republicans now recognize they can no longer afford to alienate such a huge demographic voting bloc. To continue doing so will cause the Republican Party and its candidates to fall further behind in federal and state races. On the other hand, Democrats, who have taken great political delight in blaming Republicans for inaction on immigration, must now fully engage in this “game” because simply blaming the other side is no longer a long term solution.


The national election scene received the lion’s share of media coverage and here in Florida there was no gubernatorial election in 2012. Yet, thanks to the constitutionally mandated redistricting process, all 40 Florida State Senate and 120 State House of Representatives seats were up for election. While there was a little shuffling and the Democrats picked up a small handful of seats in both chambers, the end result is remarkably similar to the national scene. Nothing has really changed as both the Executive and Legislative branches are firmly in control of the Florida Republican Party. FNGLA members should be pleased to learn our current FNGLA past president, Halsey Beshears, was successful in his first-time bid for election to the State House of Representatives. We congratulate Halsey and look forward to many years of his continued leadership! As FNGLA prepares for the 2013 Florida Legislative Session, we do so with cautious optimism. Notwithstanding our national economy, Florida’s revenue forecast continues to return to the black. While this is a welcome change from previous years, there are always factors which can derail these positive budget numbers. Nonetheless, the Tallahassee scuttlebutt suggests the key issues for 2013 include education reforms with an expectation to increase funds back into our education system. Campaign finance reform is also receiving a lot of attention and, quite honestly, there is much room for improvement in that arena. FNGLA also expects significant debate on how Florida will choose to implement and take part in the new federal health care law. Lastly, we expect significant legislative talk about improving workers’ compensation and unemployment tax laws.

FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA Participates in USGBC’s Greenbuild Event

Drilling down to agricultural issues, FNGLA continues to engage our elected leaders on the immigration issue. As we all know, well intended, yet misguided, state immigration policies will create serious headaches for business owners, as well as badly damage Florida’s economy and reputation -- nationally and internationally. FNGLA believes the debate on fertilizer use by homeowners, as well as trained and licensed professionals will once again be debated. FNGLA continues to advocate for policies which are science-based; recognize the expertise of trained professionals; and, do not create a conflicting patchwork of local ordinances which lack any consistency. FNGLA has also been looking into some potential loopholes in Florida’s Agricultural Tax Assessment Law (aka Greenbelt). While all of the nuances are not yet clear, it seems some property appraisers are pushing aggressively to assess buildings (such as greenhouses and shade houses) as commercial buildings or improvements to real property. This would subject some nursery growers to additional taxes above and beyond their Greenbelt assessment. FNGLA hopes to resolve this issue without legislative changes; however we are preparing to utilize every option to resolve this worrisome issue. Whew! That was a lot of topics and jumping around for one report. No doubt FNGLA’s legislative agenda will be more aggressive than ever before as the issues we face are larger, more complex and impact your bottom-lines more than ever before. Thank you for being a FNGLA member and helping lead Florida’s nursery and landscape industry. Jim Spratt is President of Magnolia Strategies, LLC, a Tallahasseebased lobbying firm with a focus on small business and agriculture issues. Jim is a former FNGLA staff member and has been serving Florida’s nursery and landscape industry since 2004. Jim can be reached at

Focused on spotlighting houseplants as a solution for indoor pollution, FNGLA recently participated in the U.S. Green Building Council’s tradeshow Greenbuild. Greenbuild is the world’s largest conference and expo dedicated to green building. The international conference brings together building industry leaders, experts and frontline professionals dedicated to sustainable building and affords them the opportunity to learn from industry experts and to interact with the show’s 1,000 exhibitors and 30,000 conference attendees. The 2012 event took place in San Francisco, CA and the 2013 event will be held in Philadelphia, PA. FNGLA partnered with the National Foliage Foundation (NFF) and Green Plants for Green Buildings (GPGB) to bring our industry’s message to the event: YOU NEED PLANTS!: • YOU can be part of the indoor environmental revolution! • Its a human NEED to connect with nature. • PLANTS are a solution to many types of indoor pollution. Armed with the on-going research efforts within the industry, FNGLA was well-represented by FNGLA’s staff members Linda Reindl and Jennifer Nelis as well as University of Georgia researcher Dr. Bodie Pennisi. For details on FNGLA’s involvement with the USGBC and in the Greenbuild event, contact Jennifer Nelis,

FNGLA HAPPENINGS Why Did The Landscape Show Cross The Road in 2013? To Get to the Other Side of the Orange County Convention Center! The Landscape Show will be crossing the road in 2013. After being in the West building of the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando since the facility opened in 1983, The Landscape Show moves into the newer North/South Building of the convention center! It is located across the street (International Drive) from the West Building. Extensive renovation in the West Building has created an opportunity for the show to relocate to the North/South building, offering greater space for more activities to take place on the trade show floor. The North/South building is also more compact, requiring less walking with plentiful parking convenient to the building. “When asked by the convention center staff to move to the North/South Building due to the renovations, we had our concerns,” explained The Landscape Show chairman, Ty Strode. “Yet, after a complete review of the new facilities and the opportunities it offers in terms of convenience and space, this will be a positive change for everyone taking part in the show.” The Landscape Show committee and staff are developing a new floor plan for the new exhibit hall. All current exhibitors will be given first opportunity to select booths from the new floor plan based on their show priority. Booth selection will occur after the first of the year. Current plans include more interactive areas on the show floor, including a main stage, Discovery area and networking lounges. “A new floor plan offers the perfect opportunity for exhibitors to expand their space to showcase more of their plants, products and services,” noted Sabrina Haines, Trade Show Exhibits Manager. “The Landscape Show will continue to be one of the most affordable and effective forms of marketing for anyone in the nursery and landscape industry. We’re excited about the new plans and the new location. It should be an even more dynamic event.” The Landscape Show will take place September 19-21, 2013 in the North side of the North/South Building at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando. Look for more information in the spring of 2013!

2013 Floriculture Field Days: Time to Reserve Breeder Beds The 2013 Floriculture Field Days is scheduled for May 14 & 15 in conjunction with the Epcot® International Flower and Garden Festival. FNGLA’s Floriculture Field Day Conference planning committee wants to show industry and end-consumers which plants thrive in Florida’s climate. FNGLA has again teamed up with Disney Horticulture to continue to look for ways to showcase the newest flowering plant releases and the greatest innovations in floriculture plant breeding.

With an estimated 2.4 million annual attendees to the Epcot® International Flower and Garden Festival, this event is an ideal platform to showcase the newest featured annuals and perennials to the industry while building consumer awareness & excitement at the same time aiming to convince consumers that flowers and plants are a necessity, not a luxury. Here’s what’s new during the 2013 Field Days: Reduced Prices for Breeders; Bonus Space inside The Epcot® International

FNGLA HAPPENINGS TPIE: With only Seven Weeks Left You Can’t Afford to Miss This Unique Sales Opportunity! With the holidays already upon us, don’t miss this great opportunity to build new and old relationships celebrating 40 trend-setting years at TPIE! Many green industry professionals around Florida and the nation know about TPIE and just what a benefit it can be for your business if you’re looking for the best trade show. Interact with independent garden center retailers, plant brokers, interiorscapers, chain retailers, retail florists, floral designers, and even landscape professionals, exhibit at TPIE! Just walking the aisles won’t lead to your next big sale. TPIE brings business buyers direct to the show: one venue, one time — and you should be there to take advantage of the opportunity. According to many TPIE exhibitors like Doug Reichwein of Whistling Pines Foliage, “TPIE is the most productive sales driven trade show for our company. You have an opportunity to meet existing customers without having to travel the country and an opportunity to forge relationships with many potential new customers from around the US”. Based on FNGLA member pricing, for less than $1000 exhibitors receive a carpeted 10’x10’ space, ID sign, and, in most cases, complimentary move-in and out assistance. Add to that a generous number of complimentary show badges, free list of registrants following the show, free admission to a popular opening session and the ever popular TPIE Happy Hour, sponsored by Suntory—you’ll get exceptional return on your investment at TPIE! The Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association (FNGLA) consistently brings together 400+ of the “best of the best” exhibitors in the green industry from all around the globe. Don’t ignore this opportunity to be among this group of progressive, trend-setting exhibitors. Book a booth while limited space is still available! Access TPIE’s updated floor plan and current list of exhibitors. Contact either Clay Archey or Sabrina Haines at the FNGLA office, 800.375.3642 to reserve your booth space today. While everyone else is deep in snow, TPIE exhibitors and buyers enjoy the balmy weather only South Florida can offer in January! Make a smart and pleasant business decision: get ahead of your competition and exhibit at TPIE in 2013!

Flower & Garden Festival; Two Targeted Field Days – Day 1 (Grow It and Sell It), Day 2 (Design It and Maintain It); Consumer Survey conducted by industry volunteers at the trials and inside the festival; and, more! Look for additional details as the program draws closer or contact Linda Reindl,

Interested in Reserving Space in the Trial Beds? Download the Sign-up form:

FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA & LMN Team-up for Two-Day Landscape Workshop

FNGLA has once again teamed up with the Landscape Management Network and the local Ringpower/CAT dealer in Orlando and Kelly Tractor in Palm Beach to present 2-day workshops focused on business success, productivity and the bottom line. This workshop gets landscape professionals out of their trucks and brings their landscape businesses to the next level. The workshop was so impactful to those who previously attended and such a success, it’s headed back to Orlando (December 10 & 11) and on to Palm Beach (December 12 & 13). Bring your real numbers. Leave with real results you use the very next day. Every attendee will leave the workshop with: • An operating budget built with your numbers for your company • An efficiency rating that shows you what your sales should be & how money is lost to waste and inefficiency • Estimating methods that improve field productivity and profit • Dead simple, proven methods to measure and track job costs • Wage and bonus systems that get your staff thinking like entrepreneurs “This is my 30th year in the industry and this is, without a doubt, the most comprehensive, detailed, analytical landscape contractor program I’ve ever seen. If you’re a landscape contractor, I highly recommend you take this program. You can’t live without it,” said Tommy Aiello, Aiello Landscape, Vero Beach, FL Landscape professionals — bring your laptop. You won’t be sitting back listening to what you should be doing — you’ll be busy actually doing it, using your own numbers to create a budget and a plan for greater profit. The instructors are actual landscape contractors who’ve built some of the top companies in the landscape industry from the ground up. The cost for this 2-day workshop is just $99 for FNGLA members and $125 for non-members and it includes both days of education, morning coffee and lunch! FNGLA Certified Professionals receive 8 CEUs for attending the full program. To register for either location, go to: This is another exciting way FNGLA is partnering to deliver new business tools to your FNGLA membership for success and prosperity. For more details, look for electronic member promotions to arrive in your inbox in the coming weeks. If your business is landscape, this is a business-changing event you should not be missing!

FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA Chapter Holiday Party Invitation & Challenge If you’ve not been to an FNGLA chapter meeting lately, or ever, December is a wonderful month to attend one or more chapter holiday parties! Each FNGLA chapter party is as unique as the chapter. Some offer formal events with dancing and entertainment, while others are laid back and very informal, exchanging fun gifts and sharing pot luck meals. Taking part in a chapter holiday party is one of the many benefits of being a member of the FNGLA family. There is no better place to enjoy FNGLA fellowship and get you in the spirit of the season than an FNGLA chapter party! Look for FNGLA COO Linda Adams and FNGLA Board of Directors’ member Billy Butterfield as they once again take the FNGLA Chapter Holiday Party Challenge. This year they hope to make it to seven Chapter parties. Who will meet or beat their challenge? Access dates and details on FNGLA’s Chapter Holiday parties: CHAPTER%20HOLIDAY%20PARTIES.pdf. And look for Chapter Party coverage on FNGLA’s Facebook page: http://

INDUSTRY NEWS 2013 Florida Agriculture Literacy Day Scheduled: Tuesday, April 30 The 10th annual Florida Agriculture Literacy Day is scheduled for Tuesday April 30, 2013, and the children’s book being developed for the event will commemorate the 500th year anniversary of Ponce de Leon’s discovery of Florida. Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and Florida Agriculture in the Classroom invite farmers, growers, ranchers, FFA teachers and students and agriculture industry representatives to read in kindergarten through fifth grade classrooms around the state as part of the event. The book being developed is about Florida history and the role agriculture has played in it. The book and materials provided to volunteer readers for free is thanks to the funding Florida Agriculture in the Classroom receives from sales of the agriculture specialty license plate nicknamed the ‘Ag Tag.’ Teachers and agriculture industry representatives interested in participating, please check Florida Agriculture in the Classroom’s website, in early 2013 to register. Florida Agriculture in the Classroom is a non-profit organization that educates Florida teachers and students about where their food, fiber and fuel come from using lessons, materials, grant programs and other projects. To buy an Ag Tag online, please visit



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INDUSTRY NEWS SNA Announces New Regional Marketplace The Southern Nursery Association (SNA) recently announced plans for a new regional marketplace during SNA 2013, scheduled for August 5 - 7, 2013, at Atlanta’s Georgia International Convention Center (GICC). SNA 2013 combines the SNA Research Conference, the Southern Plant Conference, the SNA State Officer’s Conference, the Annual SNA Business Meeting, and this new regional marketplace to deliver one unparalleled event – all under one roof. SNA 2013 will bring together the most forward thinking industry leaders, researchers, growers, manufacturers, distributors, landscapers and retailers from across the Southeast to share ideas, learn new techniques, address key industry issues, and locate new products. The vision for the new marketplace specifically addresses the needs of the industry by creating a regional marketplace in the Southeast and will feature the best plants and related garden products. The product mix will include ornamental trees and shrubs, color, related landscape and outdoor living products, garden gifts and accessories, seasonal products, and more. The event is expected to bring together more than 3,000 industry professionals and draw the top growers and manufacturers from across the region. Meister Media’s Today’s Garden Center is the official media sponsor of SNA 2013 and will produce an educational track geared specifically to retail garden centers. The Georgia Green Industry Association (GGIA) will produce educational tracks for both growers and landscapers. Other components of education will be the SNA Research Conference, spotlighting the latest horticultural research on hundreds of topics in thirteen categories, and the Southern Plant Conference, offering a unique opportunity for both growers and retailers to learn from other industry professionals and discover new production techniques and the hottest new plants coming to market soon. “The earlier announcement of the August 2013 event has received a very positive response and a number of industry members have already committed to participation,” said Karen Summers, Executive Vice President of SNA. “The support of Today’s Garden Center as a media sponsor will provide the perfect vehicle to propel this highly-anticipated event and promote buyer participation. We are excited about launching this new regional event to connect the industry here in the Southeast,” she added. The GICC, conveniently located adjacent to Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport and minutes from downtown Atlanta, is Georgia’s newest and second largest convention center featuring more than 400,000 SF of meeting space – all on one level. The ATL SkyTrain, a free light rail train linking the GICC to the airport and rental car center, coupled with excellent transportation connections from across the U.S., and a wide array of affordable nearby hotels (including two new Marriott properties on the GICC campus) and restaurants offers participants added convenience. Founded in 1899, the Southern Nursery Association is a non-profit trade association representing the horticultural industry in the southeastern U.S. SNA provides member services to wholesale growers, brokers, retailers, landscape contractors, landscape architects, grounds maintenance contractors, interiorscapers and allied suppliers. The SNA strives to unite and advance the horticulture industry through educational, research and marketing efforts. More details of SNA 2013 will be released in the weeks to come. For further information, contact the Southern Nursery Association, Inc., PO Box 801454, Acworth, GA 30101, 678.809.9992,, or go online:

MEMBER NEWS FNGLA Members Receive Recent Honors DEROOSE PLANTS (Apopka) has been honored with the Florida Commissioner of Agriculture’s 2012 Ag-Environmental Leadership Award! The Commissioner’s Agricultural-Environmental Leadership Award has been presented annually since 1994. The program spotlights the environmentally innovative farming practices of the state’s growers and ranchers. Award recipients come from different parts of Florida’s agricultural industry, but they all share a commitment to protect and preserve Florida’s resources while continuing to provide agricultural products for society. Ag Commissioner Adam Putnam toured Deroose Plant’s nine-acre greenhouse operation on November 13th. Read about the award and Deroose Plants as the 2012 recipient: deroose.html. Congratulations Paul and the Deroose Plants team! FARM CREDIT OF FLORIDA, a leading agricultural financial cooperative, announced that Don Rice, the association’s Chief Executive Officer will be retiring this month, after a successful career spanning over 30 years within the Farm Credit system. After conducting a national search, the CEO search committee selected Gregory Cunningham to lead the $1.2 billion dollar cooperative. “Greg comes to our association with 26 years of financial experience and a strong agricultural background. We anticipate our members will benefit from his experience in the commercial banking industry combined with his 22 years of Farm Credit service,” said Larson. “The Farm Credit Board of Directors believes that Greg’s past success and outstanding leadership skills confirm his ability to help us realize the full potential of our association.” Prior to joining Farm Credit of Florida, Mr. Cunningham held the position of CEO of Legacy Ag Credit and prior to that, CCO of Alabama Ag Credit. DR. HANNAH CARTER, director of the University of Florida Wedgworth Leadership Institute and an assistant professor in agricultural education and communication, has been named the 2012 Outstanding Director by the International Association of Programs for Agricultural Leadership (IAPAL). “It’s an honor and a recognition of the work I’ve done, not only in the Wedgworth Leadership Institute but within the realm of agriculture and natural resources,” Carter said. “Honestly, I’m a little overwhelmed, just because the previous recipients of the award are kind of the legends of our particular field.” She is the second director of the Wedgworth Leadership Institute to receive the honor. The first was Eugene Trotter, the institute’s founder, who received the award in 2003. IAPAL is an international association of programs such as the Wedgworth Leadership Institute. Carter received the honor during the association’s annual meeting in October in Canandaigua, N.Y. The Wedgworth Leadership Institute trains leaders in Florida’s agricultural and natural resources businesses to develop leadership capabilities in outside roles, such as holding elected office or serving on industry boards. Carter has been director of the Wedgworth Leadership Institute, a part of the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, since 2004. She has a doctorate in agricultural leadership and a master’s degree in extension education, both from UF, and a bachelor’s degree in environmental sciences from the University of Maine at Presque Isle.

CERTIFICATIONS SeaWorld Hosts Record-Breaking Landscape Exam for 2012 When SeaWorld Horticulture hosted its first-ever FNGLA Certified Landscape Technician (FCLT-Installation) exam in November, it was the seventh landscape certification exam held in 2012 – the largest number in recent history. This was the third exam of the year for SeaWorld which had hosted two previous FNGLA Certified Landscape Maintenance Technician (FCLMT) exams. Special thanks for serving as the FCLT exam hosts: SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment, Mark Russell, FCHP and Gary Weitermann, FCLMT. Other firsts for 2012 included the first-ever FCLMT exam held outside of Florida, hosted by the Bahamas Landscape Association. FNGLA’s Broward Chapter hosted two FCLT exams and pTEC St. Petersburg hosted its annual FCLT exam. As FNGLA’s certifications are linked more closely with best management practices and the bid specifications of local agencies, interest in the exam has increased, leading to more test sites around the state to accommodate Florida’s nursery and landscape industry. Setting an irrigation clock and fixing a broken line are tested during the Irrigation Station.

The 2013 FNGLA landscape certification exam schedule kicks off March 2nd in St. Petersburg. For more information on earning one of FNGLA’s five industry certifications, contact Merry Mott at FNGLA at 800-3753642 or access details online at certifications/index.aspx.

Thank You Judges

Plan Layout requires the applicant to follow a planting plan and lay out a landscape using the correct scale.

• Bruce Bachand, FCLC, Carol King Landscape Maintenance • Steve Fairtrace, FCLD, South Florida Water Management District • Ed Hayslip, FCLD, Oasis Irrigation • Jo Anne Kani-Miller, FCLC, A New Vista • Lee Lovett, FCLC, Forest Hills Landscape • Luke Preslaski, FCLC, Bay Landscape & Palm Service


Welcome New Members The following are new FNGLA members: from October 22, 2012 - November 21, 2012, 2012 FRONTRUNNERS Linda Baiz (Student) 5020 SE 107 St Belleview, FL 34420 352-693-3823

Petra Farms Mark Rodriguez 18950 SW 139th Ave Miami, FL 33178-1960 305-972-9846

DeVault Enterprises Shirley Durrett 1809 W Reno Broken Arrow, OK 74012 918-249-1595

INTERNATTIONAL Evergreen Nurseries Agri-Tech Ltd. Yuping (Sally) Lin 2nd Floor, Longjiang Bldg., East Shengli Rd Zhangzhou, Fujian, 363000 China 008618605906322

NORTHEAST Clay County School District Kelly Mosley (Supportive) 2306 Kingsley Ave Orange Park, FL 32073-4245 904-284-6572

Hawaiian Tropicals Direct LLC Yachi Li 14-4865 Ililani Pahoa, HI 96778

MIAMI- DADE L & R Pro Enterprises, Inc. Carmen Perez 1034 NE 42nd Ave Homestead, FL 33033-5901 786-601-2518

OUTSIDE FLORIDA Beneficial Insectary, Inc. Christen Smith 9664 Tanqueray Ct Redding, CA 96003 800-477-3715

PINELLAS Zachary Hefty (Student) 5412 17th Ave N St. Petersburg, FL 33710 727-254-1220 ROYAL PALM Dillley Citrus Nursery Inc. James Dilley 53090 Bermont Rd Punta Gorda, FL 33982-9751 863-368-1997 Chuck Reed, Reed Brothers Citrus

TREASURE COAST Landscape Products Inc. Rodney Stanley 1208 NW 10th Ave Okeechobee, FL 34972 772-631-0819 Mulch & More Rodney Stanley (Affiliate Firm) 3706 SW Citrus Blvd Palm City, FL 34990 772-221-9507 Wholesale Mulch Rodney Stanley (Affiliate Firm) 1295 SE Dixie Cutoff Rd Stuart, FL 34997-3437 772-220-0100

Calendar of Events

Contact Us

See and submit events at under calendar FNGLA

December Ornamental and Turf/Private Applicator Review/Test, Osceola Heritage Park, Kissimmee


10 & 11: FNGLA & LMN Landscape Estimating + Business Management Workshop, Orlando Green Industries Best Management Practices (GI-BMPs) Class Orange County Extension Office, Orlando


13 & 14: FNGLA & LMN Landscape Estimating + Business Management Workshop, Palm Beach Green Industries Best Management Practices (GI-BMPs) Class Lee County Extension Office, Ft. Myers


January 12:

Winter 2013 Ornamental & Turf Pest Management Workshop, Orange County Extension Office, Orlando


CENTS Show, Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, OH


TPIE Show, Broward County Convention Center, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Phone: 407.295.7994 Toll-free: 800.375.3642 Fax: 407.295.1619 E-mail: Web:




President Wes Parrish Parrish Nursery 5900 SW 185th Way Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33332 (954) 680-3544

President-Elect Mike Marshall Marshall Tree Farm 17350 SE 65th St Morriston, FL 32668-4508 (352) 528-3880

Past President Halsey Beshears Simpson Nurseries P.O. Box 160 Monticello, FL 32345 (850) 997-2516

Secretary/Treasurer Sandy Stein The Jungle Nursery 29100 SW 162 Ave Homestead, FL 33030 (305) 246-5324

Connect with us: About FNGLA This publication is produced by the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA) as a service to its members. The statements and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Association, its staff, Board of Directors, Greenline or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers or their identification as members does not constitute an endorsement of the products or featured services. The mission of the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association is to promote and protect the success and professionalism of our members.


1533 Park Center Drive Orlando, FL 32835-5705

Read the latest FNGLA news inside & visit Greenline online at http://greenline.fngla.

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