FNGLA's December Greenline

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December 2015 | Volume 36, Issue 12


Start 2016 by Elevating Expectations at TPIE TPIE is the smart way to start your 2016 business year! With pre-show tours on January 19, TPIE takes place in Fort Lauderdale on January 20-22. You’ll gather a year’s worth of inspired ideas and profitable connections at this unique, international event. TPIE excels at connecting ideas, people and products. With more than 400 leading industry companies creating nearly 200,000 square feet of inspiring displays and 6,000 industry professionals in attendance, TPIE delivers ideal opportunities for information gathering, ideasharing and valuable resources for a profitable 2016. Start your TPIE experience by taking part in one of the three TPIE Road Show tours on Tuesday, January 19. There is something for everyone – pest management live and up close; market trends and growers who are using them as part of their product mix; and, a first-of-its-kind Nightscaping landscape tour. Opening day of TPIE on Wednesday, January 20, kicks off with international trends analyst, Christine Boland’s Opening Session presentation, “Shifting Perspectives.” Christine is back by popular demand, sharing the latest on societal shifts and how they influence consumer perceptions and buying habits. Throughout the show, nationally-recognized floral designers will stage plant-design workshops at the TPIE Create Theater, presented by the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD). New this year is a “Wine and Design” workshop which will offer attendees a chance to create plant hair accessories while enjoying a glass of wine! International Trend Analyst, Christine Boland returns to TPIE’s Opening Session to further her views, Shifting Perspectives.

TPIE’s first day ends with the most popular event, the TPIE Happy Hour, sponsored by Sun Parasol/Suntory. It’s hard to find a better place than the outdoor courtyard of the Broward County Convention Center to enjoy Fort Lauderdale’s mild January temperatures, listening to the soothing sounds of steel drums while enjoying a drink and keeping the conversation flowing with Continued page 3



Billy Butterfield, FCLC FNGLA 2015-2016 President

Education & Certifications are Conduits for Improvement When I started in the landscape business in Central Florida in the early 1980’s, I worked for a company that had the landscape maintenance contract for Busch Gardens in Tampa. I worked there for a couple of months and soon, just before Christmas week, my boss asked me if I’d be interested in moving to Orlando to start up a new contract they had just gotten. The new job started January 1, so I needed to get moved, set up an office, obtain the equipment, hire the 18-person crew, and be ready to start work in a little less than two weeks. I had never run a job that large on my own, so it was quite daunting. After a couple of months, my boss let me know I really needed to increase my horticultural and human resource intelligence (my words, not his) and I needed to find some sort of outside training -- quickly. He told me about a trade show, called FNATS, coming up at the Orange County Convention Center and I should attend it. I contacted the then FNGA on the telephone, joined the Association and signed up for the show and the educational program -- the National Horticulture Short Course. Soon after, I took the FCNP class and, a couple of years later, I took the FCLC test. I finally passed the FCLC exam (FNGLA Certified Landscape Contractor) and became FCLC #32. Those are the reasons I joined FNGLA, and they are some of the reasons I stay involved. I have been attending the educational program (now the Knowledge College) at The Landscape Show ever since. That was the first FNGLA committee I joined. Now, there are lots more than 2,000 certified professionals throughout our state, thanks to FNGLA’s certification programs. It’s quite a feat to keep something going for decades, never allowing it to become stagnant or outdated, and keeping people interested in attending year after year. FNGLA’s educational and certification programs have grown and evolved over the years. New programs are added to the mix, while some change or even go away based on our industry’s needs. The people on these committees brainstorm, hold strategic planning sessions, work with


large companies and small businesses, big box stores, schools and other educational institutions, garden centers, nursery growers and landscape contractors. Why? All to find out what the industry segments under FNGLA’s umbrella are seeking to help them grow and improve their businesses. And, these programs have always responded. This all came together at The Landscape Show this past September when educational seminars were staged in the professional certification area right on the show floor. The Knowledge College educational programs, the FNGLA certification area and the FNGLA information booth were on the show floor right next to each other. Tree pruning and landscape design were highlighted in the Knowledge College breakouts, as well as two parts of the certification exams. The synergy and collaboration were fantastic -- and it showed by the number of people who attended. FNGLA’s Landscape Division Leaders came together this past month to discuss issues. What a great group of industry leaders this is and what great discussion we had about our businesses and challenges affecting the industry as a whole. Phillip Hisey, director of landscape at On Top of the World near Ocala, stepped up to assume the chairmanship of this group. The continuing education and development of field and management personnel came out as an important focus of landscape contractors’ needs. Landscape irrigation was a significant part of the day’s meeting. Perception of the industry, the labor force we need, award recognition programs, succession plans and a lot of other new and old ideas were discussed. FNGLA Certification Director Merry Mott and Education Director Linda Reindl attended the meeting and will be looking at ways by which FNGLA may address the issues brought up by these leaders. This group is so motivated and had so much to talk about, they plan Continued page 6

Billy Butterfield and FNGLA’s Linda Adams are planning to attend many FNGLA chapter Christmas parties. We hope you’ll attend too. See the chapter schedule of parties on page 18 of this Greenline.

FNGLA HAPPENINGS Continued from page 1

colleagues and customers. Perhaps it’s not so surprising how many business deals have had their genesis at the TPIE Happy Hour! Thursday morning, January 21 at TPIE starts bright and early with an 8 a.m. complimentary session focusing on Elevating Expectations, presented by one of TPIE’s most popular speakers ever -- John Kennedy. John will help you implement ways to consistently elevate expectations for your customers and yourself! At 11:30 a.m. on Thursday will be the brand new Trending Interiorscape Projects – a peer-presented program taking place at the TPIE Create Theater! A select few of the nation’s leading interiorscape companies will present projects giving details for success on popular trends such as holidays, living walls, special events and innovative plant use. Ongoing at the show will be displays showcasing the use of plants as important interior design components; the Exhibitor Showcase of Products featuring new and innovative plants and products; and, the FNGLA Landscape Certification Showcase. Continuing as TPIE favorites will be the presentation of the TPIE Cool Products awards; the National Foliage Foundation’s $1,000 raffle; and, the FNGLA Horticulture Career Fair.

John Kennedy will lead TPIE’s Elevating Expectations Session on Thursday, January 21 at 8 a.m. John is dedicated to enhancing lives both personally and professionally by delivering world-class presentations with integrity, passion and results. This session is included with your trade show badge as part of the TPIE experience.

Whether you come to TPIE for a day or the week, you’ll find the ideas, people and profits to make it worth the trip. Registration is now open with best prices available through January 8. Online hotel reservations are available at TPIE host hotels with special TPIE rates and added values available through December 30 at most hotels. Reserve your room at http://www.fngla.org/TPIE/accommodations.aspx. For complete show details, be sure to visit www.tpie. org.

Medical Marijuana Back in Florida’s Spotlight: State Selects Nurseries The Florida Department of Health recently announced the five nurseries approved to dispense medical cannabis. They are: Northeast Region – Chestnut Hill Tree Farm; Northwest Region – Hackney Nursery Company; Central Region – Knox Nursery; Southeast Region – Costa Nursery Farms; and, Southwest Region – Alpha Foliage. The decision moves the state closer to implementing the 2014 law allowing for the production of marijuana low in euphoria-inducing THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), and high in CBD (cannabidiol). The law was intended to treat patients with intractable epilepsy and people with advanced cancer who obtain their doctors’ permission.


FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA’s 2016 Legislative Agenda: What to Watch! By Jim Spratt, Magnolia Strategies, LLC

“G” Rated

Strange, challenging, unique. These are just a few of the “G” rated words which can used to describe the current state of affairs in the State Capitol. To put it into context, the Florida Legislature’s last regular session ended abruptly -- without a budget and with pieces of legislation simply falling victim to the process. Building upon this obvious collegiality (satire intended!) of the Florida House and Senate, the Legislature returned for not one, not two, but three special sessions: to redraw congressional districts; to pass a balanced budget; and, finally to redraw state senate districts. Even with all of this unplanned chaos, the Legislature has been holding committee meetings much earlier to prepare for the 2016 session. It starts in January rather than its traditional March beginning. Given this year’s muddy track record of “working together,” one can surmise very little actual progress will be achieved in 2016. Yet, there are glimpses of actual cooperation. For example, as we approach January, it appears the House and Senate are on the same page when it comes to comprehensive water legislation. In fact, this top FNGLA priority is on track to be one of the first pieces of legislation to pass in 2016. Alas, a beacon of hope! Certainly, nothing in Tallahassee is ever easy. So, we ask all of you as FNGLA members to be ready to respond to grassroots alerts and other opportunities as we seek to advance FNGLA’s legislative agenda for our industry. Yet, dare we say, things are finally starting to look a little more stable in the Capitol! As FNGLA prepares for session, we are juggling a very diverse and ambitious legislative agenda. Included among FNGLA’s legislative priorities are items for virtually every segment of FNGLA’s membership base. Here are FNGLA’s legislative priorities for 2016:


HB 7005 -- Rep. Matt Caldwell and SB 556 -- Sen. Charlie Dean • Comprehensive statewide water package protects Florida springs; deals with Central Florida Water Initiative; addresses Northern Everglades/Lake Okeechobee; and, offers numerous water law clarifications. • Most importantly, the bill underscores the direct link between Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs) implementation and water quality protection. • Adds the term “self-suppliers” to several critical sections of Florida water law. • Shifts the burden to the Water Management Districts to identify or develop sources of water to avoid competing applications.

Sales Tax Exemptions

• Purchase of trailers used in Landscape Business to be exempt from Florida’s Sale and Use Tax


HB 59 --Rep. Neil Combee and SB 304 -- Sen. Kelli Stargel • Preempts local governments from enforcing a rule or ordinance which restricts Agritourism activities.



HB 411 --Rep. Beshears and SB (no bill number yet) -- Sen. Travis Hutson • Brings state law into line with Federal standards for farm vehicles. • Expands the list of vehicles which do not require a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) to operate • Eliminates the intrastate 150-mile radius provisions; removes hours of services provisions; and, allows Florida farm vehicles to travel across state lines within 150 miles of the farm. • The above apply to the grower, family member or direct employee -- not to contracted drivers or driver services. The above also do not apply to chemical or other transport of hazardous substances.

Fire Safety

HB 431 -- Rep. Jake Raburn and SB 822 -- Sen. Kelli Stargel • Exempts pole barns and non-residential farm buildings with occupancy of 35 or less. • Directs state fire marshal to adopt rules placing buildings into three groups: Class One -- Non-residential building occasionally used for public events (12 times per year); Class Two -- buildings where more than 300 persons gather; and, Class Three -- new structures built for the primary purpose of housing the public.

Invasive Pests (Part of Larger Agriculture Bill)

HB 749 Rep. Jake Raburn and SB (no bill number yet) -- Sen. Travis Hutson • Increases penalties for one who introduces an invasive pest • Penalty for introduction will be a 2nd degree misdemeanor; and, penalty will be a 2nd degree felony for introduction of a pest which causes an Agriculture Emergency Declaration

Low-Voltage Lighting

HB 535 Rep. Dane Eagle and SB 704 – Sen. Travis Hutson • Allows landscape contractors and others to install low-voltage landscape lighting without an electrical permit. • Does not allow unlicensed individuals to install GFI outlets or wiring inside houses or structures.

Landscape Irrigation

• Expands the number and types of sprinklers (including the universe of smart irrigation controllers) exempt from clock and calendar water restrictions.


UF/IFAS $3.5 million: Workload Increase for new faculty positions $1.8 million: Information, Technology, Training and Support $1.3 million: Invasive Species Early Detection, Rapid Response

FDACS $7 million: Agricultural BMP implementation/ cost share $900,000: 8 FTEs Office of Agricultural Water Policy $1.5 million: Ag Water Supply Planning and Conservation Programs $4.5 million: Florida Ag Promotional Campaign (Fresh From Florida)

Jim Spratt is President of Magnolia Strategies, LLC, a Tallahassee-based lobbying firm with a focus on small business and agriculture issues. Jim is a former FNGLA staff member and has been serving Florida’s nursery and landscape industry since 2004. Jim can be reached at jim@magnoliastrategiesllc.com. 5

FNGLA HAPPENINGS Presidents Perspective, Continued from page 2

to meet again in February to continue the discussion and to help move future programs forward. An educational group is meeting and discussing how we can better work with the landscape architects to further strengthen our members’ businesses. An FNGLA Committee continues to work with the Florida Department of Transportation to guide the largest purchaser of plant material in our state to build a professional relationship with our industry and the vendors FDOT uses, and to improve the long term sustainability of the landscapes along Florida’s roadways. And, yet another group is meeting to discuss how to take “education on the road” to FNGLA members. I believe this is what has kept these programs going for so many years; listening to and acting on the needs, issues and requests of our members and the industry we serve. It’s not about growing programs; it’s about putting programs together which our members want and need at the time. I’ve always looked at FNGLA’s programs as a way for me to learn how to improve myself personally and to improve my business. And, my business has changed over the last 20 years. It’s important to bring new ideas to the table that are relevant. The diversity of many of these committees helps do just that. FNGLA is a very dynamic organization proving time after time it can react to the changing times

and address issues out there which we may not be able to address as an individual or a single company. I’m excited about the direction these discussions, these committees, and the resulting programs will bloom over the years from all this collaboration. I’m also excited about all the FNGLA Christmas parties happening this month! This year Linda Adams, Linda Reindl, Robert Bowden from Beautiful Leu Gardens here in Orlando and I will be attending as many as we can drive to and fit in. This has been one of my favorite things to do for the past 5 or so years. While it’s a lot of driving in a two or three week period, it’s always worth it to have the time to visit with many of the friends we’ve made over the years. Thanks to all who work so hard to put these and all the other local FNGLA chapter events together throughout the year. Hopefully we’ll see you soon. Merry Christmas!

Billy Butterfield, FCLC AmeriScapes Landscape Management Services, LLC (Orlando) ameriscapes-landscape@att.net

FNGLA’s 2016 Convention Hotel Reservations Now Being Accepted It’s not too early to make your hotel reservations for FNGLA’s 2016 Annual Meeting. Scheduled for June 16-18 at the Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando, you can take advantage of an FNGLA discounted single/ double room rate of only $139 by calling 866-996-6338. Mention FNGLA’s Annual Convention to receive the special group rate. New at the 2016 convention will be an optional landscape service project to take place Thursday afternoon, June 16. FNGLA President Billy Butterfield will lead the work team as they improve the landscape at a Central Florida Boys and Girls Club. Other convention activities will include a private tour of Harry P. Leu Gardens, a special behind-the-scene tour of Sea World’s horticulture facilities, as well as a unique tour of the conservation area at Shingle Creek which is the headwaters of the Everglades. This area is located at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort. The traditional activities will be included at the 2016 convention including a Welcome Reception, the FNGLA Annual Meeting and the President’s Gala. Complete details and registration options will be available in early spring of 2016.







Great Reasons to Exhibit at TPIE





Connecting 6200 Total Show Attendees in 2015 Demographics of TPIE Buyers:

Ideas, People, & Products

TPIE is the place where interior design and plant design connect. If you’re interested in this tropical and interiorscape market and not exhibiting, here are a few great reasons to be a part of TPIE:


INSPIRE 1. Gather qualified leads for postINNOVATE exhibition company follow-up. CREATE 2. Introduce new products or services to market: Showcase your new products on the show floor at the Exhibitor Showcase. 3. Give your customers the opportunity to meet the expert: you! 4. Connect face-to-face with buyers not easily accessible to your salesforce. Over 10% of TPIE buyers travel from out of the country. TPIE brings these buyers to you.

• • •


of attendees are direct

influencers or involved in final purchasing decisions.


Reach a Global Audience: 35+ Countries over the three-day event 80% of attendees come from Florida or the East, Northeast U.S. TPIE’s tropical and houseplants reach all corners of the nation. Four out of five tropical or houseplants are purchased from Florida.

of attendees are

business owners or presidents of companies.

* Information extracted from 2015 TPIE Surveys and attendee’s demographic profiles.

5. Take advantage of advertising and sponsorship opportunities to enhance your presence outside of your booth. 6. Network with industry professionals and colleagues. 7. Open doors for future sales calls. 8. Directly influence top decision makers: 84% of TPIE buyers are direct influencers or final decision makers for purchases. 9. Reach dealers, reps and distributors and further develop these relationships. 10. Reinforce your company brand.


FNGLA HAPPENINGS National Foliage Foundation

NFF-Funded Industry Research One of the primary objectives of the National Foliage Foundation (NFF) is to fund research projects with the potential for enhancing the development of the green industry. In line with FNGLA’s research priorities, NFF has continued its strong presence of underwriting research since 1987. NFF may be small in terms of a foundation but, over the years, it has carved out its niche as one of the trusted sources of funding for Florida’s environmental horticulture industry-- giving back over $1.3 million in research and scholarships. This year alone, over $100,000 was given to support multi-year projects.

Join NFF’s Team

In 2015, NFF supported the following projects: • Effects of Gardening Activities on Brain Activation and Health of Women • Producing Colored-Leaved Ficus Plants via Biotechnological Means • A Study and Development of an Initiative to Increase Undergraduate Student Enrollment in the Plant Science Major and Specializations • The Impact of a Living Greenwall on Student Attitudes, Moods, and Academic Performance • Comparison of Growth and Water Use of Irrigation Systems during Production of Budded Citrus in Phyto-Sanitary Greenhouses • Breeding new Ruellia spp.(Mexican petunia, wild petunia) cultivars for indoor use Through research, the green industry can tap into unique resources and find the keys to things like reducing carbon footprints, understanding how our brain can be affected by gardening and ultimately creating more sustainable lifestyles. There’s no better time than now to breathe in nature and think green. If you wish to know more about these research projects or if you are a researcher and wish to apply for an NFF research grant, visit www.nationalfoliagefoundation. org/research. Research proposals are accepted from academic institutions across the country. For additional questions, please contact Linda Reindl at lreindl@fngla.org or by phone at (407) 295-7994.


The National Foliage Foundation (NFF) offers you the opportunity to join the many industry supporters who have realized the significant role NFF plays in securing the future of the horticultural industry. Customize your support to the National Foliage Foudation by specifying whether your contribution should enhance research grants, NFF’s graduate assistanship or student scholarships. A gift may be given as a cash contribution or pledge and is tax deductible. Plan now to support the future of the industry by helping NFF build its portfolio. A contributions will provide an impact for foliage industry and beyond.

NFF is administered by the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association For more information contact Linda Reindl, lreindl@fngla.org

FNGLA HAPPENINGS Florida Flower Trials Takes Place May 12 & 13 in Orlando Mark your calendars for May 12 & 13, 2016 and get an intimate look at the new color varieties being showcased at the next Florida Flower Trials. Hear from breeders across the country and learn how to make your business bloom. Florida’s spring season is an ideal time to learn more about new color and evaluate plants for garden performance and their resilience. Breeders will bring their newest releases and challenge their durability against the heat and humidity of Central Florida’s climate. Florida Flower Trials, previousky known as FNGLA’s Floriculture Field Days, features new varieties at three locations: Walt Disney World’s nursery; Harry P. Leu Gardens; and the University of Florida/Orange County Extension Service. The two-day event will offer educational seminars, tours and open houses for landscape professionals, retail garden centers and growers. Annual color truly brings a splash of energy to any landscape design, yet for many landscape installations, annual beds are a small percentage of the business dynamic and, many times, are the first line-item on contracts to get reduced. Come gain the competitive edge you need to keep color in your business and your customers smiling at what they see. For details on participating, visit www.FloridaFlowerTrials.org. For details on sponsoring, contact FNGLA’s Linda Reindl, lreindl@fngla.org . Your participation will help increase awareness and strengthen the professionalism of the industry.


NextranUSA.com 9

INDUSTRY NEWS Upcoming Opportunity: Be Involved! Take part on Saturday, March 5, 2016, when 350 students will demonstrate their horticultural skills in Floriculture and Nursery/Landscape at the Florida FFA Career Development Events (CDEs) at the University of Florida MidFlorida Research and Education Center located in Apopka. This event attracts the best of the best in FFA programs from across the state to compete for the statewide championship – highlighting Florida’s nursery and landscape industry. For more information or to sign-up as a volunteer, contact FNGLA’s Merry Mott, mmott@ fngla.org, or call 800-375-3642.

Florida’s FFA Students Make Their Mark at Nationals Florida was front and center at the National FFA Convention in Louisville, KY taking top honors in several categories, including the national championship in Forestry -- won by Kathleen High in Lakeland. Near and dear to FNGLA’s heart was the Floriculture Career Development Event, in which Apopka High School placed 5th in the nation. Other awards of note included 4th place for Okeechobee Brahman for Dairy Cattle Evaluation, 6th for Charlotte FFA for Horse Evaluation and an Agriscience award for South Sumter. Winning FFA students who have their FCHP designation included Jake Cason from Williston with a 7th place for Farm Business Management and both Jana Caracciola of South Lake and Tiffany Jordan Conrad of Lennard who received their American FFA Degree. FNGLA supports FFA events which deliver agricultural education to students helping them develop their full potential as tomorrow’s leaders.

See What You Know at FNGLA’s Certification Showcase at TPIE Have a little fun while testing your skills at FNGLA’s Certification Showcase at the Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition, January 20-22, 2016 in Ft. Lauderdale. Not only can you learn more about how to bring additional education and professionalism to your company, you can actually practice several of the exams – including Plant Identification and Irrigation Identification. The display will be open during the hours of TPIE and staffed by FNGLA’s Certified Professionals, Certified Judges and members of FNGLA’s Certification Committee. Stop by and see if you’ve got what it takes to be an “FNGLA Certified Professional!” Contact FNGLA’s Merry Mott for program details, mmott@fngla.org.


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February 11 & 12, 2016 at the Jacksonville Fairgrounds

Help your business grow! What’s new in the field • Refresh your relationships Educational seminars and credits

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Leading Florida’s Green Industry

Northeast Chapter FNGLA • 904.292.1117 • nefngla.org


INDUSTRY NEWS Ball Publishing Launches E-newsletter for Tropicals Tropical Topics is the newest Ball Publishing e-newsletter and it focuses on the world of tropical horticulture! The initial idea for this came this summer during FNGLA’s TPIE strategic planning session. After a couple of twists and turns to the original idea, Florida’s tropical foliage and houseplant growers now have an excellent new resource showcasing tropical foliage and related trends to the industry. It is also an effective promotional venue for TPIE – the tropical horticulture connection place to be each January! Written by Ellen Wells, of Buzz fame, Tropical Topics hits 30,000 email boxes every two weeks. Subscribe to the newsletter: https://www.ballpublishing.com/BPSubscriptions/newslettersignup.aspx?newsletter=tropicaltopics.

Mind the Business of Your Business at AmericanHort’s “NextLevel” Conference: January 18 - 20 In a continuing effort to help the horticulture industry’s business owners, managers, and emerging leaders raise the bar for themselves and their companies, AmericanHort is hosting the NextLevel conference, January 18-20, 2016 in Ft. Lauderdale targeting highlevel industry professionals. NextLevel offers owners, managers, and emerging leaders a fresh perspective of their business. While it’s all too easy on a day-to-day basis to get caught up in administrative tasks, NextLevel provides an opportunity to focus on key business items such as company culture, vision, marketing strategy, succession planning and more. Renowned business experts will be presenting at the event, such as keynote speaker Brian Kight, who will provide leadership strategies to improve company culture in his talk, The Performance Pathway. Kight will also be speaking on leadership as a session speaker. Kight is nationally recognized for his work in college championship football and his ability to apply frameworks to some of the most pervasive business challenges. Because of these frameworks, professionals all over the world have become better at recognizing and responding to critical moments and ultimately produce better outcomes both in the workplace and at home.

Brian Kight is a keynote presenter and a session speaker at AmericanHort’s NextLevel Conference taking place January 18 - 20 in Ft. Lauderdale.


Education tracks will include leadership, marketing, family business, and human resources. “Hubs” help attendees take what they have learned in sessions to develop strategies directly related to the horticulture industry and their industry segment. These Hubs include: Advance My Career, Balance Life and Business, Establish My Legacy, and Build My Bottom Line. Hubs are the perfect opportunity to collaborate with other industry professionals to gain different perspectives and insights that help create a wellrounded business strategy for success. To learn more about and register for 2016 NextLevel conference, please visit www. YourNextLevel.org.

INDUSTRY NEWS ANSI Approves Standard for Determining Landscape Plant Water Demand The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) published ANSI/ ASABE S623, a standard for determining the water demands of landscape plants. ASABE began developing the standard in 2011 in response to a request from the Irrigation Association. ANSI/ASABE S623, Determining Landscape Plant Water Demands, contains information for calculating the amount of water required to sustain landscape plants for minimum acceptable appearance. The standard will prove useful for landscape and irrigation systems designers, landscape maintenance companies, water purveyors and irrigation manufacturers. The standard was developed by a committee of subject-area experts from the industry, academia and public service. The committee was comprised of ASABE members, irrigation industry representatives, plant scientists, landscape architects, water purveyors and regulatory-agency personnel. “The process took a long time, but the concepts were vetted extensively and especially for determining plant factors for woody shrubs and trees,” said Mecham. The Irrigation Association will begin to incorporate the standard into its books and manuals as they are updated to stay current with the latest information available. The association has also already submitted the new standard to several other organizations for incorporation in developing green codes and standards with landscape and irrigation provisions. To learn more, visit http://www.asabe.org/standards/projects,adoptions,-revisions,-withdrawals.aspx. ASABE is recognized worldwide as a standards developing organization for food, agricultural and biological systems, with more than 250 standards currently in publication. Conformance to ASABE standards is voluntary, except where required by state, provincial or other governmental requirements. The documents are developed by consensus in accordance with procedures approved by the American National Standards Institute.

USDA announces $350 Million for Restoration Agricultural Secretary Tom Vilsack has announced the availability of $350 million to help landowners protect and restore key farmlands, grasslands and wetlands across the nation. The funding is provided through the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP), created by the 2014 Farm Bill to protect critical water resources and wildlife habitat, and encourage private owners to maintain land for farming and ranching. Through the voluntary sale of an easement, landowners limit future development to protect these key resources. “The benefits of restoring, enhancing and protecting these working agricultural lands and critical wetlands cannot be overstated,” Vilsack said. “USDA is committed to preserving working agricultural lands to help protect the long-term viability of farming across the country as well as to restoring and protecting vital sensitive wetlands that provide important wildlife habitat and improve water quality.” ACEP’s agricultural land easements not only protect the long-term viability of the nation’s food supply by preventing conversion of productive working lands to non-agricultural uses, they also support environmental quality, wildlife habitat, historic preservation and protection of open spaces. Native American Tribes, state and local governments and non-governmental organizations that have farmland or grassland protection programs are eligible to partner with NRCS to purchase conservation easements. To learn about ACEP and other technical and financial assistance available through NRCS conservation programs, visit www.nrcs.usda.gov/GetStarted or your local USDA Service Center.


INDUSTRY NEWS UF to Host an Expanded Poinsettia Short Course Designed for commercial greenhouse plant producers, the 2015 Poinsettia Field Day takes place December 8 at the University of Florida Hilton in Gainesville. Join industry experts Dr. Roger Styer, Styer’s Horticultural Consulting; and Dr. Raymond Cloyd, Kansas State University, for the latest growth strategies, pest management/control techniques and insight about the newest and most popular poinsettia varieties – including how they performed in the University of Florida greenhouses. Morning sessions and lunch at the Hilton will be followed by a discussion and walk-through of new poinsettia varieties with Dr. Jim Barrett. Attendees also will have an opportunity to learn about the latest greenhouse research taking place at the University of Florida with Dr. Paul Fisher and Dr. Carrie Harmon on such topics as producing profitable poinsettias, practical disease diagnosis, growing container edibles and training your staff how to water. The cost to attend is $75. Three pesticide credits approved for the State of Florida (Ornamental and Turf category) are provided. More details and registration: http://www.cvent.com/d/1fqjzr.

Monsanto Sets Sights on Carbon Neutrality by 2021 The world’s largest seed company, Monsanto said it will work with farmers to make its operations carbon neutral by 2021. In an interview, Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant said the St. Louis company will meet its goal by changing how it operates and working with farmers who use its seeds and other products on millions of acres of farmland around the world. “Farming is an untold story” in global efforts to address climate change, he said. “This is a really good beginning, because it allows agriculture to become potentially a piece of the solution, rather than a part of the problem,” Grant said. “It’s easy to declare these things from day one. The proof is in the delivery, but from the work we’ve done so far, I’m optimistic.” Several major companies with ties to agriculture have announced efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Estimates suggest the agricultural industry contributes around 10 percent of U.S. emissions. Monsanto will work to eliminate its carbon footprint through its seed production business using breeding, plant biotechnology, conservation tillage and cover cropping systems. The company also has targeted energy improvements and emission reductions in its vehicles and facilities and, its looking to producers to assist by developing a financial incentive program for those who reduce their footprints as well. They intend to launch the program by 2017. Scott Faber, Environmental Working Group’s senior vice president for government affairs, welcomed the pledge. “Simple changes in how we farm could sequester much more carbon in the soil,” Faber said. “The devil is in the details, but it’s encouraging to see technology providers like Monsanto recognize that climate change is not only an urgent crisis, but also an economic opportunity.” The Associated Press contributed to this report.


INDUSTRY NEWS Florida’s Economy Rebounds, Invest in Your Business’ Persona Creating a new and solid plan to market your business as Florida economy rebounds is a recipe for success for 2016 and beyond. People still like to squeeze the tomatoes, touch the fabric, smell the perfume, and ask questions to the salespeople-so revamping your customers’ experience with you is vital for both continued success with previous clients and ideal for connecting and impressing new clients. In this task to rethink and revise your overall company strategy, connecting with proven marketing, design and product experts can help ease the burden from your own team. An FNGLA-aligned service provider, CreativePGM has always believed in providing high quality customer service and products. As technology continues to change the face of marketing, they realize their client’s needs are rapidly changing as well. The Creative team has taken notice and expanded its offerings to provide more than just printing. Ever wonder who creates those large posters or where to get a Point-of-Purchase display? Maybe you need a vinyl banner, pull up banner, or new sign. All of these pieces to the marketing puzzle are easily procured from CreativePGM and can set you apart from your competition. Whether at a trade show or client meeting, leaving your audience with the right message, and a memorable brand is key. From your business card, to your branded apparel, to the presentation folder or brochure you leave behind…all of these marketing elements need to represent your brand and what you have to offer the perspective client. Having a team to work with that understands that message, and can help you deliver it consistently is an invaluable asset. FNGLA selected CreativePGM because they’re experts in helping you manage your brand. Instead of having to shop multiple vendors for your various marketing needs, Creative provides you with a reliable team of marketing professionals who can be both a trusted advisor, and universal vendor for your marketing needs. The team at Creative will help you keep your brand consistent and memorable, while working with you to ensure all the pieces of your marketing puzzle are impactful, on target and resonating with your audience.

FNGLA Member Benefit

With its special online system, www.my4color.com, it’s easy to order everything from business cards to large signs at FNGLA member discounts! Among its many professional services, Creative offers FNGLA members an exclusive deal on branded apparel. FNGLA members can get t-shirts as low as $5.53 per shirt with a minimum order of 48 shirts. Contact them today for details! Call Creative today at (407) 855-0202, or email them at customerservice@creativepgm.com to get started on a fresh new marketing plan for 2016. Don’t Be Afraid of Success…Be Creative!


CERTIFICATIONS Jacksonville Zoo to Host Landscape Technician Exam in January Upcoming Orlando Area Exams:

Join SeaWorld Horticulture in Orlando for the FCLT exam on Saturday, February 6, and the FCLMT exam Saturday, February 20. FNGLA’s Northeast Chapter and the University of Florida Duval County Extension bring FNGLA’s Certified Landscape Technician (FCLT-Installation) exam to the Jacksonville Zoo on Wednesday, January 27. This new test site provides easy access for professionals in northeast Florida, including Tallahassee and Gainesville. FCLT is a hands-on exam designed for landscape installation technicians working in the field. The exam tests landscape skills including plant identification, equipment operation, tree installation, irrigation repair and job evaluation. Details on the program can be found online at http://www.fngla.org/certifications/FCLMT. For more information on how you can earn an FNGLA certification, contact Merry Mott at FNGLA at mmott@fngla.org or 800-375-3642.


MEMBER NEWS Farm Credit of Northwest Florida Launches ‘AgVocator’ Scholarship Program Farm Credit of Northwest Florida is offering a new scholarship opportunity for college-bound high school seniors. The agricultural lender will award six $1,500 AgVocator Scholarships for seniors within its chartered territory, which includes 18 counties in the Florida Panhandle. The AgVocator Scholarship is meant to encourage young people to use their talents to create stronger communities in the rural areas where they live. Preference will be given to students who are pursuing a career in agriculture, forestry, horticulture or a similar field. “As ‘AgVocators’, Farm Credit actively supports our rural and agricultural communities,” President and CEO Rick Bitner said. “The AgVocator Scholarship Program is one of the ways that Farm Credit invests in the young people of the rural communities we serve.” Two students in each of Farm Credit of Northwest Florida’s regions will receive a scholarship, including: • The Eastern region, made up of Franklin, Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Taylor and Wakulla counties • The Central region, made up of Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson and Washington counties • The Western region, made up of Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa and Walton counties In addition to area of study, consideration will be given to each applicant’s academic aptitude, vocational promise, personal attributes and leadership qualities. “We have some outstanding students in Northwest Florida, and we believe that they are the future of agriculture,” Bitner said. “We are making a commitment with these scholarships to reward their hard work and help put them on a path to success.” Applications are due no later than February 15, 2016. To receive a copy of the application and to learn more about the guidelines and eligibility, see http://farmcredit-fl.com/news/careers.aspx.

Announcing the 2016 Farm Credit of Northwest Florida

Scholarship www.farmcredit-fl.com

About Farm Credit of Northwest Florida

Farm Credit of Northwest Florida is a member-owned financial cooperative headquartered in Marianna, Fla., that serves 18 counties throughout the Florida Panhandle. Farm Credit’s mission is to provide rural and agricultural communities reliable, consistent and competitive credit and financial services. In 2016, Farm Credit is celebrating a century of service to area farmers, agribusinesses, and rural landowners and homeowners. Farm Credit also gives back through cooperative returns to borrowers and their role as AgVocators for agriculture and rural America. For more information about the types of financing available or how cooperative lenders share their profits with borrowers, go to www.farmcredit-fl.com.


MEMBER NEWS Spread the Christmas Cheer: FNGLA’s Chapter Events this Month It’s a holiday tradition in most FNGLA chapters for December membership meetings to transition to Holiday Parties! Here’s a list of upcoming December chapter happenings of which we are aware:








Thursday, 12/10 6 p.m.

Harry P. Leu Gardens


Non-Perishable Food

Coastal Springs

Tuesday, 12/15

6 p.m.

Papa Joe’s, Spring Lake



Saturday, 12/12

4 p.m.

Gilchrist Club, Trenton

$20 & $10 Kids

Gift Exchange

Highlands Heartland

Thursday, 12/17 5:30 p.m.

The Garden Cafe, Sebring

Lake Region

Tuesday, 12/8

6:30 p.m.

Ling’s Buffet, Lakeland


Gift Exchange


Saturday, 12/12

6:30 p.m.

Albritton Nursery


Gift for Toys for Tots


Wednesday, 12/9 6:30 p.m.

The Schnebly Residence


Unwrapped Toy, Must RSVP


Saturday, 12/12

5 p.m.

The Party House


Gift Exchange & Dish

Palm Beach

Saturday, 12/5

6 p.m.

Atlantic National, Lake Worth


Royal Palm

Tuesday, 12/8

6:30 p.m.

HeadPinz Bowling Center


(Pinellas and Tampa Bay invited)

Unwrapped Toy

Ag Angel Program Solicits Industry Support Eight years ago, FNGLA member Scott Kirouac started donating to local schools in the Highlands Heartland area of Florida. For 2014, the program raised $31,693 with 100% of the money providing Christmas gifts for less fortunate children. 2015’s target is $35,000 in just 30 days-- and the program reports it is nearing its financial target, but is still a few thousand dollars shy. This program brings Christmas spirit to hundreds of children in all 17 Highlands County schools, two Hardee County schools, Highlands County Guardian Ad Litem program and Highlands County Big Brothers Big Sisters. The true success of this program is because of its contributors-- people like you. Will you join the effort this year to make an even bigger difference? Get Involved... As always, 100% of the funds collected is used to purchase gifts by the teachers and staff (our Elves). No funds are used to give gift cards or cash to the students or parents. This assures the funds are not used for unintended purposes. Scott’s goal has always been, and will continue to be, to provide underprivileged children the joy of waking up Christmas morning and having a special gift to open. He asks you to make your donation now, while fresh in your mind: Proceeds will be distributed to the schools and programs by December 10 enabling the “Elves” time to shop for the children before Winter break. Make a donation online at http://www.agangels.org/#!donate/c1ghi. If you have questions, contact Scott at 863.873.3180.


2015’s Ag Angels Program hopes to raise $35,000 in just 30 days with the last day for donations being Thursday, December 10.

MEMBER NEWS The Mission of FNGLA FNGLA’s mission is to promote and protect the interests of Florida’s nursery and landscape industry. The following core principles guide the governance and management of FNGLA: Organizational Excellence; Member-Focus; Collaboration and Partnerships; Leadership in Agriculture; and, Continuous Improvement. Don’t just read the newsletter. Be a part of FNGLA!

Welcome New Members FNGLA’s Chapters are organized by county. To find your chapter, locate your location and refer to the chapter name online at http:// www.fngla.org/chapters/index.aspx to determine who to contact locally. 1. Action 2. Big Bend 3. Broward 4. Central East Coast 5. Coastal Springs 6. Miami-Dade 7. Frontrunners 8. Highlands Heartland 9. Polk

10. Manasota 11. Northeast 12. Palm Beach 13. Panhandle 14. Pinellas 15. Royal Palm 16. Space Coast 17. Tampa Bay 18. Treasure Coast

The following are new FNGLA members from October 22, 2015 - November 21, 2015 ACTION Kenworth of Central Florida Ken Gustafson 1800 N Orange Blossom Tr Orlando, FL 32804 407-425-3170

MANASOTA Sarasota County Extension - South Central Gio Ijpkemeule (Supportive) 6700 Clark Rd Sarasota, FL 34241-9328 941-861-9805

Ultimate Image Land Care, Inc. Fred Heldreth 3310 Curryville Rd Chuluota, FL 32766 407-704-1852

Turf Tec Mark Bodkin 6301 Porter Rd Ste 12 Sarasota, FL 34240 941-812-3704

BROWARD City of Pompano Beach Mark Brumet (Supportive) 4120 NW 96 Ter Sunrise, FL 33351 954-600-7304

MIAMI-DADE Food Fitness International, Inc. Lisa Dorfman Sup 6421 SW 109th St Miami, FL 33156 305-854-1065

PANHANDLE Suncoast Concrete, Inc. Kenny Bryan Full 3341 Pearl Ridge Rd Pace, FL 32571 850-994-4326 Rec’d by: Keith Sylvest, Coastal Machinery, Inc.

Alyssa Lavoro (Student) 920 S Flamingo Rd Davie, FL 33325 954-868-8187

OUTSIDE FLORIDA S G I (USA), LLC Jonathan Law 13858 Crescent Ridge Ln Chino Hills, CA 91709 951-268-0911

LMK Construction Hayes Lister 255 Old Dairy Farm Rd Wewahitchka, FL 32465 850-227-8180 Rec’d by: Keith Sylvest, Coastal Machinery

NewPro Corp. Jeremy Dearringer 10650 Andrade Dr Zionsville, IN 46077 317-733-8499

L & L Construction Services, LLC Doug Lea 9655 S Trace Rd Milton, FL 32583 850-232-9059

COASTAL SPRINGS Agromillora Florida, Inc. Mireia Bordas 9038 CR 229 Wildwood, FL 34785 863-978-8646 Rec’d by: David Nelson, Ben Hill Griffin, Inc.

ArizonaEast, LLC Brianna Genovese PO Box 569 Minotola, NJ 08341 856-457-4141 x107 Jose Betancourt (Supportive) 29 Howard St Kittery, ME 03904 786-205-5830

PALM BEACH Florida Boy’s Lawn and Landscape Jorden Ross 953 SW 13th Pl Boca Raton, FL 33486 561-886-7982 ROYAL PALM Gulf Breeze Landscaping of Naples, LLC Todd Webber Full 3530 Kraft Rd Ste 204 Naples, FL 34105 239-213-8464 Rec’d by: John Schwind, Steele Truck Center Chapman’s Mulch Co. Mark Chapman 15625 Pine Ridge Rd Ft Myers, FL 33908 239-466-0700 Rec’d by: John Schwind, Steele Truck Center SPACE COAST Town Scapes Brian Scalise PO Box 360981 Melbourne, FL 32936 321-419-9200


Calendar of Events

Contact Us

See and submit events at http://www.fngla.org, under calendar




Green Industry Best Management Practices (GI-BMP) Workshop, FAMU Research & Extension Center, Quincy


Florida Water StarSM Accredited Professional Training and Exam, Alachua County Health Department, Gainesville

Phone: 407.295.7994 Toll-free: 800.375.3642 Fax: 407.295.1619 E-mail: info@fngla.org Web: www.fngla.org


Palm Manangement in the Florida Landscape, Hillsborough County Extension Office, Seffner



Palm Management in the Florida Landscape, Hillsborough County Extension, Seffner


Green Industry Best Management Practices (GI-BMP) Workshop, Indian River County Extension, Vero Beach


Limited Certification Pesticide License Training Workshop, St. Lucie County Extension Office Classroom, Ft. Pierce

January 6-8:

Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show (MANTS), Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD


2016 American Farm Bureau Annual Convention & IDEAg Trade Show, Orange County Convention Center, Orlando

11- 13:

CENTS Show, Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio

18-20: AmericanHort’s Next Level, Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty-Six, Ft. Lauderdale 20-22:

Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition (TPIE), Broward County Convention Center, Ft. Lauderdale

Ben Bolusky

GREENLINE EDITOR Jennifer Nelis jnelis@fngla.org


President Billy Butterfield, FCLC AmeriScapes Landscape Management Services, LLC PO Box 568762 Orlando, FL 32856-5041 (407) 872-0855

President-Elect Robert Shoelson Getting Green Plant Services & Betrock Information Systems PO Box 840107 Pembroke Pines, FL 33084 (954) 680-1819

Past President Sandy Stein The Jungle Nursery 29100 SW 162 Ave Homestead, FL 33030 (305) 246-5324

Secretary/Treasurer Ed Bravo Big Trees Plantation, Inc. 104 SW 131 St Newberry, FL 32669 (352) 332-2150

Connect with us: About FNGLA This publication is produced by the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA) as a service to its members and the industry at large. The statements and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Association, its staff, Board of Directors, Greenline or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers or their identification as members does not constitute an endorsement of the products or featured services. The mission of the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association is to promote and protect the interests of Florida’s nursery and landscape industry.


1533 Park Center Drive Orlando, FL 32835-5705

Read the latest FNGLA news inside & visit Greenline online at http://greenline.fngla.org

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