Greenline, January 2012

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January 2012 | Volume 33, Issue 1


Time to Attend TPIE: Start 2012 with a Tropical Escape It’s the only tropical foliage event in the United States and you haven’t missed it! There’s still time to attend the Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition, which takes place January 18-20 at the Broward County Convention Center in Fort Lauderdale, FL. It’s January’s coolest trade show in the warmest destination! One of FNGLA’s signature events, TPIE is a tremendous business value. For just a $30 trade show badge, you receive access to the 800+ booths on the show floor and more than 400 companies as your business resources; complimentary admission to the TPIE Opening Session featuring consumer retail expert Doug Stephens, president of Retail Prophet, complimentary admission to the TPIE Happy Hour; and, complimentary demonstrations on the show floor. Now that’s a great deal! “TPIE is the best way to start 2012,” noted Charlie Martin, Harold B. Martin, Inc., chairman of the show. “Companies are reinventing themselves and being more creative than ever to serve customers and offer valuable products. TPIE is an amazing resource for information and ideas that inspire, and education and vendor resources which motivate. Even if you only have a day to spend at TPIE, the return will be invaluable.” TPIE’s Opening Session gets you ready for the future! At 9 a.m. on Wednesday, January 18, Doug Stephens will share what to expect in consumer trends for the next several years and how that applies to your business -- whether it’s retail or wholesale. Use the information immediately as you visit the trade show floor and throughout the year as you make decisions for your business’ future. This will be valuable information no matter what your type of business. Sponsors are Hermann Engelmann Greenhouses and SK - Soendgen Keramik.

The first day of TPIE starts with a great educational program and ends with a lively Happy Hour. Anyone can throw a party in a ballroom. TPIE’s Happy Hour takes advantage of Ft. Lauderdale’s mild January temperatures and offers an indoor/outdoor setting. We will use the TPIE lobby space and spill out into the tropically landscaped exterior of the convention center and fountain plaza. There is no better place to end the busy first day of the show than at the TPIE Happy Hour, sponsored by Sun Parasol Suntory Collection. The TPIE Short Course offers a unique opportunity to take a pre-show Road Trip with fellow industry professionals visiting FNGLA-member nurseries in Homestead on Tuesday, January 17. Wednesday offers a fullday, two-track program with an Interiorscape focus. Everyone benefits by the entertaining and educational luncheon presentation Creating a World Class Service Organization by former Walt Disney World executive Dennis Snow. On-site registration will be available for the TPIE Short Course classes and luncheon, but not the TPIE Road Show. Online registration will be available throughout the show, 24/7. Onsite registration opens on Wednesday, January 18 and each show day beginning at 8 a.m. TPIE is sponsored by FNGLA, the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Assocaition, as a benefit to its members and the industry-atlarge. The proceeds from FNGLA’s trade shows support the many key programs and services which FNGLA offers its members and industry. Whatever the issue, a strong association and industry benefit everyone! TPIE reflects the strength of FNGLA and Florida’s nursery and landscape industry.


Halsey Beshears FNGLA 2011-2012 President

Every year at the end of the year, I enjoy sitting down and reflecting over the last 12 months. One of my reflecting moments involves pulling out a tattered folder in my filing system that says leadership/motivation articles. I peruse this manila folder every year about this time and read over some of my favorite articles, clippings, and sayings I have collected over the years. There are three in my office where I can see them daily. Two are on the front of two cards given to me the last two years and one is on a business card I took from a restaurant nine years ago. Because they are my favorites, they occupy some of the precious space of my small office and tack board (along with my other favorite collection of Sunday comics and the most recent artwork of three little girls…). I wish to share them with you: • “Courage is being scared to death…and saddling up anyway.” -John Wayne • “The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it.” -John Ruskin • “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than success, than what other people think or say or do….I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it…” -Chuck Swindoll I will not write out a long lengthy dissertation on the profoundness of each of these statements. (For the complete saying from Chuck Swindoll, simply Google> Chuck Swindoll; Attitude). To each his own and these three speak to me. They are here for each of you to read and share. Most everyone has heard these three sayings. They

continue to inspire me daily. I share them with you in hopes that maybe they will inspire or help someone. For everyone who is fatigued, tired, frustrated or searching for answers, just know that your attitude can help improve the situation. No, it will not sell more plants, services or goods. It will not make a payment at the bank. It will not make the decision any easier to let go of those longtime employees because you do not need them. It will not find you that perfect job nor change the one you are in. But it can change your outlook and your focus and reenergize you to come up with a new or different plan to move forward. Having the courage to do this, to make a change, in spite of the adversity you may face from this economy and other challenges ahead will help define you. In the end, the reward you gain from accomplishing your goals you set in the New Year will be greater than any tangible benefit you may gain. The reward is what you accomplish, how it defines you, and what you have become by setting a goal and seeing it through in spite of being scared to death to try. 2012 will be different than 2011, this is certain. Your attitude towards the change that lies ahead can affect the outcome of the year. Good luck to all of our members and thank you for continuing to support FNGLA. I wish each and every member, a Happy and prosperous New Year in 2012. Very Respectfully, Halsey W. Beshears FNGLA President


Save The Date for FNGLA’s 60th Anniversary Convention & Annual Meeting: June 29 – 30, 2012, Jacksonville, FL Friday, June 29:

• Welcome to Jacksonville Tour, hosted by FNGLA’s Northeast Chapter • FNGLA’s 60th Anniversary Party at historic Glen St. Mary’s Nursery (Florida’s oldest nursery still in operation)

Saturday, June 30

• FNGLA Annual Meeting & Membership Luncheon (includes FNGLA Industry Awards presentation, FNGLA Year in Review and Election and Installation of 2012-2013 Officers

FNGLA HAPPENINGS The Florida Legislature Convenes! Typically, Florida’s Legislature convenes in March and meets for 60 days. However, every ten years the Legislature meets in January to redraw state and federal legislative district boundaries. So, the Florida Legislature convenes on January 10th and will be in session until March 8th. As you might expect, the debate and dialogue over how districts are drawn and where the lines ultimately end up will be the main focus and debate during the 2012 session. Yet, FNGLA expects -- and is prepared for -- other issues to hit the radar screen before the Legislature adjourns. FNGLA’s legislative muscle is focused on the following nursery and landscape issues: Fertilizer: FNGLA is working with the Florida Pest Management Association (FPMA) and other green industry allies to exempt licensed and trained professionals from the confusing and conflicting patchwork of local government fertilizer ordinances. The bill does not preempt a local government from adopting a fertilizer use ordinance. However, it does establish the Green Industries Best Management Practices (GI BMP) as the standard by which lawn and landscape maintenance professionals must be judged statewide. This change will allow lawn and landscape professionals to conduct work in multiple jurisdictions using practices and techniques based on sound horticultural and agronomic science -- without being subject to local nuances and the agendas of those who support wellintended, yet misguided, fertilizer use ordinances. Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Landscape Program: Since 1999, Florida law requires FDOT to utilize 1.5% of the dollars allocated for construction projects for the purchase on Florida-based nursery trees and plants. This program has received some negative attention over the past couple of years and FNGLA clearly expects a fight to protect the program this year. Much of the consternation about the program stems from FDOT’s lackluster support, coupled with shrinking state budget dollars these past four years. We have an uphill battle to demonstrate the many benefits of plants to the state, its businesses, visitors, residents and the environment as opposed to the perception that plants are only frivolous and ancillary items. Attempting to offset the negative perception of the program, FNGLA asked UF/IFAS to identify the tangible dollar benefits the FDOT landscape program provides. See a copy of this fact sheet at PROS/FDOTlandscapeprogram.pdf. The FDOT landscape program sorely needs support from FNGLA members around the state. FNGLA encourages each FNGLA member who benefits from this program to take a moment to contact your FL state representatives and senator in Tallahassee to express your support for the program. If you are unsure who your elected officials are, please visit FNGLA’s Legislative Action Center and enter your zip code. It’s that easy and your elected officials will then be displayed on the screen. If you choose to reach out to your elected officials, let FNGLA staff know how your discussion went. Immigration: Labor is one of the single most important issues to every FNGLA member. Many of you are all too familiar with

how close Florida came last session to adopting an immigration law similar to those which have been passed in Arizona, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina. We absolutely dodged a bullet in 2011. Unfortunately, Congress continues to fall short of passing the necessary immigration policy reforms needed so there is a stable, consistent and legal workforce. FNGLA continues to meet with state legislative leaders and early indications are they do not have the appetite to address immigration in the 2012 session. While this is early positive news, FNGLA is not celebrating because we recognize issues as emotionally charged and volatile as immigration can quickly be elevated to a top priority overnight. FNGLA will communicate any movement on this issue Budget: State budget projections continue to bounce up and down like children in a bounce house. In August, the revenue projections were above estimates, however the December numbers were back in the red by almost $2 billion. As a result, legislative leaders have been hedging their bets, holding off on plugging in budget numbers until the later projections are released. Regardless of the numbers, FNGLA is working hard to protect the University of Florida/ IFAS budget, as well programs within the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (FDACS) which benefit FNGLA members and allow you to sell and move your plants and products. UF/IFAS: FNGLA is working on securing an appropriation need for the UF/IFAS budget -- $1.3 million funding for the Center for Landscape Conservation & Ecology (CLEC) and the Center for Public Issues Education (CPIE). If funded, these two critically important centers will develop and disseminate educational material to the general public and policymakers on critical landscape issues. While a catalyst for this initiative is to address the explosion of fertilizer ordinances, the CPIE/ CLEC connection has the potential to provide information on new pests and diseases, new plant and turf varieties, new irrigation techniques and technologies, as well as other critical landscape issues which arise. Other Issues: Anytime the Legislature is in session, the opportunity arises for many good and bad ideas to be debated. FNGLA is watching bills relating to water, energy policy, sales-tax exemptions, economic development and environmental regulation just to name a few. FNGLA expects the session to be a non-stop sprint as we fly through the first 60 days of 2012. As always, we welcome your comments, questions and thoughts on the issues FNGLA works to protect the bottom-line of your business. Thank you for being an FNGLA member!

FNGLA HAPPENINGS 2012’s Floriculture Field Days & Performance Trials at Epcot® 2012 Floriculture Field Days and Performance Trials on May 9-11, 2012 will feature some of the Floriculture Industry’s finest speakers: Jimmy Turner, Dr. Charlie Hall and Felder Rushing and others as part of the 2012 conference speaker line-up! Jimmy Turner is Senior Director of Horticulture at the Dallas Arboretum. He is a native-born Texan. He grew up in Lone Oak, TX and currently resides in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas. He received a B.S. in Horticulture from East Texas State University and a Master’s degree in Horticulture from The Pennsylvania State University. Turner’s southern charm had the audience glued to their seats at the 2011 conference and he has agreed to come back to Florida to share more of his creative talents and unique ways that he is using plants in Texas. Dr. Charlie Hall is a native of North Carolina. He received his B.S. in Agricultural Economics from the University of Tennessee in 1984 and his Master’s Degree in Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Design from the University of Tennessee. He is currently a professor at Texas A&M University as Professor and holds the distinguished title of Floriculture’s Ellison Chair. Dr. Hall has built a national reputation for providing a down to earth understanding of today’s economic challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities.

Felder Rushing is a 10th-generation American gardener whose pioneer ancestors settled across the Southeast, bringing many plants with them. Rushing’s overstuffed, quirky cottage garden has been featured in many TV programs and magazines (including a cover of Southern Living), and includes a huge variety of weather-hardy plants along with a collection of folk art. According to Rushing, there is no turfgrass, just plants, yard art, and “people places.” Held in conjunction with the Epcot® International Flower & Garden Festival at Disney’s Yacht and Beach Club Resort, the conference is a well-balanced blend of education sessions from top-notch speakers and glimpses into how leading breeders’ new varieties perform in Florida’s tough growing conditions. Breeder representatives will be on-hand to interact with attendees and provide individualized information on their plants & products. Attendees will also have the opportunity to tour the Epcot Flower & Garden Festival with members of Disney’s horticulture team. From floriculture industry trends to new plants and ideas; growers, landscape professionals and garden center retailers will find new and innovative concepts to take back to their businesses. Watch for more information on this upcoming 2012 event on FNGLA’s website! An Opportunity for Exposure Looking for ways to bring more exposure to your company’s products or services? Great Sponsorship Opportunities are now available. Do you have something vital to the floriculture segment of the nursery and landscape industry? Choose to have an exhibit table to display information on your products and services or become one of the exclusive luncheon sponsors. Exclusive session sponsors have the opportunity to address attendees and introduce that session’s speaker. Some sponsorship options also include complimentary registrations for your company’s representatives. For more information on sponsoring, or for conference details, visit FNGLA’s website: and look under “Events” for continued updates!

May 9 - 11, 2012 at the Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival

FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA Industry Awards Nominations Now Being Accepted Do you know someone who is an FNGLA Superstar? Who has impressed you with his or her service to FNGLA and our industry? Is there someone you have thought about and said, “(S)he deserves an award!” Now is the time to let us know about these special FNGLA members. Nominations are now being accepted for the FNGLA Industry Awards program with a submission deadline of March 1, 2012. Each year through it’s Industry Awards Program, FNGLA honors a distinct group of individuals who contribute time and energy into enhancing, protecting and serving Florida’s nursery and landscape industry. FNGLA’s Industry Awards Program acknowledges both FNGLA and industry service -- with varying criteria for each award as well as a variety of awards for varying types of involvment. Nominations are now being accepted from FNGLA members and the industry-at-large. Winners will be selected by a committee of industry peers. The Wendell E. Butler Award and the FNGLA Hall of Fame are recognized as FNGLA’s most prestigious awards. The Wendell E. Butler Award is given for service to FNGLA, while the FNGLA Hall of Fame Award is a lifetime achievement award. Visit the FNGLA website for a complete list of the industry awards as well as access to nomination forms. Winners of all awards will be recognized at the FNGLA Annual Meeting, June 30, 2012 in Jacksonville, FL. For more information contact Linda Adams,, or contact FNGLA at 800.375.3642.

FNGLA Honored with National Agriculture Education Award In recognition of FNGLA’s director of industry certifications and career development, Merry Mott was honored with a National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE) Outstanding Cooperation Award during the NAAE annual convention in November 2011. NAAE is the nation’s professional association for agricultural educators. Mott manages the link between FNGLA and Florida agricultural education programs to deliver FNGLA’s Certified Horticulture Professional (FCHP) program. FCHP is approved by both Workforce Florida and the Florida Department of Education as it conforms to the 2007 Florida Career and Professional Education Act (CAPE). This act seeks to improve secondary academic performance via rigorous, relevant coursework that can be assessed through outlets such as industry certification exams. CAPE aims to meet Florida’s workforce needs of access to high-wage and high-demand careers.

FNGLA’s Merry Mott.

In representing FNGLA, Mott participates in the Florida FFA State Convention, FFA Career Development Events and Florida Association of Agricultural Educators (FAAE) programs to promote the FCHP program and FNGLA membership. Students further explore the horticulture career field by engaging with FNGLA’s professional members through the association’s Horticulture Career Fairs.

The FCHP program is also recognized by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for its water conservation and best management practices for Florida’s green industry. FCHP continues to gain popularity as one of the leading and most effective tools in Florida’s agricultural education programs.

FNGLA HAPPENINGS Get in the Game for 2012 with Exciting New FNGLA Opportunities If you listen to the pundits, 2012 is geared to be a great year compared to the past few. Players in this industry have kept heads low and learned to steer a lean and mean operation if they wanted to survive. In the struggle to keep businesses above water, many have cut their marketing and promotions budgets. Now is the time to undo that business no-no and put yourself back into the game. Get ahead of the crowd and stand out to your customers with one of FNGLA’s many advertising opportunities. TPIE: The TPIE show is just around the corner, January 18-20th to be exact at the Broward County Convention Center in Ft. Lauderdale. First, if you aren’t exhibiting, you should be. Second, if you are exhibiting, think hard about investing a little more money this year to get the attention of buyers and sellers coming from all around the globe. There are opportunities that can put your business or products just inside the front door. Items like column wraps, as well as floor graphics, are great ways to show buyers your offerings before they experience any other booth on the floor. Additionally, window graphics on the glass walk-overs from the parking garage let anyone coming in from the self-park area see your business before any other exhibitors. Although it seems like a lifetime away, the 2012 Landscape Show, held in Orlando at the Orange County Convention Center September 27-29, offers some of these same opportunities. If that show hits your target audience more squarely, sign-up early for full advantage! Greenline: FNGLA’s popular member newsletter, Greenline, is one of the easiest and most affordable means to reach a broad audience of Florida’s nursery and landscape businesses. Starting this edition, Greenline is streamlined into the publication you are reading to keep FNGLA communications clear, concise and consistent. Ben’s Bullets: Another exciting new opportunity is an exclusive advertising/sponsorship option on the most frequent and timely communication FNGLA provides its members: Ben’s Bullets. Written almost weekly by the Association’s CEO Ben Bolusky, this communication is sent out to our members via an electronic platform. This communication is wellread by FNGLA business owners and valued for its no-frills approach to industry topics and happenings. An opportunity exclusive to FNGLA members, you can reserve this opportunity in five-week blocks for just $750 each block. Loaded with relevant industry information and visited by the industry-at-large, FNGLA’s website is a technological hub of activity seeing 30,000+ page visits in the average month and more as each of FNGLA’s premier tradeshows approach. The site offers a variety of exposure options including targeting the tradeshow areas. Learn more about how FNGLA can help you effectively reach your target audience. Most advertising opportunities offer FNGLA members a substancial discount. Contact FNGLA’s Business Development Manager Clay Archey at carchey@ to learn more!

FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA Returns to Kids’ Garden Concept for 2012 Epcot Garden With an estimated attendance of over 2 million consumers, the Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival is a great venue for FNGLA to reach Florida’s gardening public and to promote key consumer messages. As an official festival partner, FNGLA will serve as the host organization to a 10,000+ square foot garden area focused on family gardening fun. The display sets a “backyard look and feel” and will incorprate a variety of fun gardening elements easily recreated by virtually any home gardener such as a green roof dog house, a topiary pet yard, a soup garden, pizza garden, pie garden, a planted bamboo tunnel, a vine-covered playhouse, and a variety of garden crafts such as stepping stones, bird baths and the like. While many changes have been incorporated to allow for a reduced budget, FNGLA is excited to still offer FNGLA members and certified professionals the opportunity to serve as garden hosts. As in years past, certified professionals will receive CEUs for their service and all participants gain entrance into Epcot and the festival for the remainder of the day they volunteer. The festival runs March 2 through June 1 with FNGLA volunteer times available each Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday throughout the 13-week festival in three-hour blocks. Contact Amy DiBella at to schedule your time to host the garden!

FNGLA Presents Lifetime Honorary Membership Last fall, FNGLA’s Board of Directors voted to honor Harold Cardwell’s service to the industry with an FNGLA Honorary Lifetime Membership: an honor seldom given. In fact, only three individuals hold this distinction. With 33 years of service to the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind, Harold is a WWII veteran who started his horticulture career at the onset of his sight loss. As his involvement in the industry grew, he held a variety of chapter-level leadership positions including two terms as FNGLA Central East Coast Chapter President. FNGLA President Halsey Beshears, FNGLA CEO Ben Bolusky and FNGLA Past President Rosemary Warner were among the 60+ people paying tribute to Harold at the Central East Coast Chapter’s November chapter meeting where he officially received his certificate of honorary membership. Photo Couresty of Ron O’Connor, Farm Credit Associations of Forida.

The Jacksonville Landscape Show



Booths still available. Call





Leading Florida’s Green Industry

Northeast Chapter FNGLA - Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association • 904.292.1117 •

INDUSTRY/MEMBER Green Building on the Rise Many development leaders are predicting 2012 will bring more rebound globally for the building industry despite the commercial real estate slowdown and the end of many federal recovery funding projects. Top trends predicted for the U.S. embrace the USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council) LEED program as the new standard for high-end commercial construction. Domestic LEED project registration rose almost 40% in 2011 and this trend should continue for 2012. The focus of the green building industry has shifted from new building design and construction to the greening of existing buildings and to the “living” that’s being done inside once construction has ceased. For the green industry across the U.S., this is welcome news. Also, look for leading building designers to take the further step of reduced water consumption by specifying rainwater recovery systems and the latest in water conservation irrigation systems and devices. Forward-thinking nursery and landscape owners are re-examining their plant palettes focusing more on water-conservative crops that are well-suited for local landscape sites and foliage/interior plants that can sustain fewer waterings/longer times between servicing, as well as adapting their marketing programs to promote the water-wise characteristics of their offerings. FNGLA partners with the National Foliage Foundation and Green Plants for Green Buildings each year promoting plants to the wide audience of green builders.

Lowe’s Names It’s 2011 Top Outdoor Living Vendors Congratulations to the leadership and staff at Hermann Engelmann Greenhouses in Apopka, marketers of the Exotic Angel Plants. They took home one of the top awards Lowe’s offers to its vendors. Engelmann rose above 5,500 other vendors to earn the Supplier of the Year Award for Outdoor Living.

Women and Hispanic Farmer/ Rancher Discrimination Claims Process The United States government is establishing a claims process to make available $1.3 billion or more to farmers who alleged discrimination by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) based on being female or based on being Hispanic, in making or servicing farm loans during certain periods between 1981 and 2000. If you qualify and submit a timely claim, you could receive an award up to $50,000 in cash. USDA will also provide a total up to $160 million in debt relief to successful claimants who currently owe USDA money for eligible farm loans. Successful claimants may also receive an additional amount, equal to 25 percent of the combined cash award plus debt relief, to help pay federal taxes that may be owed. You can request a Claim Package, which will include forms and instructions for filing a claim,. Request a package online at www. or by calling 1-888-508-4429.

CERTIFICATIONS 2nd Florida Water StarSM Exam Scheduled for Lake County Industry professionals who do business in and around the Lake County area are invited to Florida Water StarSM (FWS) training and testing February 7th & 8th in Tavares. The Lake County Board of County Commissioners and the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) have partnered to fund a series of FWS training sessions for irrigation contractors and landscape professionals. Taught by nationally recognized instructors Joy Dorst and Kurt Thompson, the training is a comprehensive water conservation SM program that focuses on Florida-friendlyTM Candidates for Florida Water Star Accredited Professional in Irrigation and Landscape prepare landscape alternatives and irrigation requirements that can have a major impact for their exams. on water usage. Participants who complete the training and accompanying examination, have the opportunity to become either a Florida Water StarSM Accredited Landscape or Irrigation Professional. Continuing Education Units are available: Four CEUs for FNGLA certified professionals, four CEUs for Registered Landscape Architects through DBPR, four Irrigation Association CEUs for IA certified professionals and eight CEUs for licensed irrigation contractors in both Lake and Volusia counties.

Attendees at the Florida Water StarSM training were provided additional To register, or for additional information, contact Steve Gladwell at 352-742-3968 or information by sponsor RainBird.

FNGLA Joins Orange County Utilities in Conservation Training Spring into your spring landscapes with FNGLA and the Orange County Utilities (OCU) Water Division at the “Landscaping for Today and Tomorrow” educational program on Thursday, March 8th in Orlando. This one-day seminar, designed for garden center retailers, landscape professionals and commercial maintenance pros and developers, brings the industry’s latest techniques and products to give a new look to your landscape – and make your irrigation more efficient. The cost is just $25 and provides 4 CEUs for FNGLA Certified Professionals. Plan to attend for information you can provide to your customers, including: • Spotting problems in your landscape before they get out of hand • Selling water conservation to your customers – and your boss • Stop over-watering while keeping a lush landscape • Selecting the best plants for a successful landscape with a push of the button The goal of the training is to: (1) provide proper horticultural training (water conservation and BMPs) to garden center and landscape employees you will pass along to your customers – the public; (2) introduce these employees to FNGLA; (3) highlight advanced training and certification, such as FNGLA Certified Horticulture Professional and (4) enhance the working relationship between FNGLA and local agencies. To register, or for additional information, contact Merry Mott at FNGLA at or 407-295-7994.

CERTIFICATIONS Two FNGLA Maintenance Certification Exams Scheduled FNGLA’s Certified Landscape Maintenance Technician program will host two exam dates – in completely different locations. Applications are now being accepted for the following exams: February 23rd – Atlantis Resorts, Nassau, Bahamas The Bahamas Landscape Association (BLA) developed this new test site to serve its members in the islands. With more than 60 FNGLA Certified Professionals, 21 of them now Certified Judges, BLA has worked for years to certify its members, either online or through trips to Florida for landscape exams. This exam will be the first FNGLA certification exam site established outside our state! April 14th – SeaWorld Horticulture, Orlando After a successful first-time exam in 2011, SeaWorld will once again host the FCLMT exam at its horticulture offices in 2012. With outstanding support from SeaWorld staff, this site is centrally located and a perfect venue for the maintenance exam! For more information on these exams, and to receive study materials, contact Merry Mott at FNGLA at 800375-3642. A FREE study guide is included with your

registration that provides information on each exam section and the knowledge and skills you will be asked to demonstrate. The FCLMT exam links closely to BMPs – Florida Friendly Best Management Practices for Protection of Water Resources by the Green Industries. Exam applications must hold either the FCHP certification or the GI-BMP certificate and demonstrate proficiency in: • • • • • • • •

Plant Identification Integrated Pest Management Fertilization Vehicle Safety & Operation Irrigation Maintenance & Repair Pruning Quality Control Turf Equipment & Management

Complete information about the exam – and a short 10-minute video that describes FNGLA’s certification programs – can be found on the certification section of FNGLA’s website at index.aspx.

Landscaping for Today and Tomorrow attracts professionals from many aspects of the industry, including retail, landscape and property management.

Seminar attendees learn how to have successful landscapes with efficient irrigation.

CERTIFICATIONS Are You an FNGLA Certified Professional? Certification is a set of standards developed, maintained and administered by industry. These standards establish a minimum level of competency for industry professionals. Certification is voluntary - as opposed to state licensing - and not required by law to do business. However, certification helps regulate the industry by providing a means by which consumers can identify industry members who have demonstrated their skills and abilities. FNGLA certification provides a true mark of distinction and, overall, certification raises the standards, the professionalism and the image of our industry. If you’re not certified, learn more today: or contact FNGLA at!

FNGLA Cultivates Students Through FFA When more than 350 students demonstrate their horticultural skills at the Florida FFA Career Development Events (CDEs) in Floriculture and Nursery/Landscape, they are preparing for a career in Florida’s nursery and landscape industry, as well as FNGLA’s Certified Horticulture Professional (FCHP) exam. For the seventh year in a row, FNGLA’s Pinellas Chapter will host the FFA CDEs in St. Petersburg-- on Saturday, March 17, 2012. These events present real-life situations that can be found in the workplace, including plant identification, landscape management, customer assistance and Best Management Practices. They test problem-solving skills and horticultural knowledge. FNGLA has worked with Florida’s Department of Education, industry professionals and FFA to assure a link among the principles taught and tested for horticulture students – whether on the high school level or for those new to the industry. Be a part of these exciting events! There are many opportunities: • Volunteer to help (proctor exams or lead groups of students) • Be a sponsor (sponsorships start at just $100) • Exhibit at the event (meet students, parents & teachers) Help us encourage the best and brightest to become part of our industry by providing an outstanding CDE experience. For information on FNGLA’s participation in Florida FFA, contact Merry Mott at FNGLA, call 800-375-3642.

Identification of tools, plants and pests are integral to the FFA Career Development Events.

350 FFA students from around Florida compete in Career Development Events in Floriculture and Nursery/Landscape.


Welcome New FNGLA Members The following are new FNGLA members from October 22, 2011 - December 21, 2011 ACTION P & L Lawn Maintenance Inc. Larry Comas 300 N Goldenrod Rd Orlando, FL 32807-8208 407-273-9123 Referred by: Bruce Bachand, Carol King Landscape Maintenance DADE D’Bright Colors Chris Gonzalez 14850 SW 184 St Miami, FL 33187 786-486-7583

NORTHEAST Wesnic Bill Gilbert 6000 Bowdendale Ave Jacksonville, FL 32216-6042 904-733-8444 INTERNATIONAL G Sky Plantsystem, Inc. Debbie Kotalic 601-318 Homer St Vancouver, B C Canada V6B 2V2 304-634-7004

Rodriguez and Son Landscaping Carlos Rodriguez PO Box 650930 Miami, FL 33265 305-207-2000

Primiere Lawn Care & Gardening N.V. Randy Piper Union Road #130 Colebay, The Netherlands Antilles 305-918-9424 Referred by: Robert McDonough, Greenfingers N.V.

TRC Foam, LLC Daniel Engelman PO Box 540301 Greenacres, FL 33454-0301 248-672-2490

Van Der Knaap Group of Companies Ludo Van Boxem Bovendijk 50 2295 RZ Kwintsheul, The Netherlands +31-174-296606

FRONTRUNNERS Morton Buildings, Inc. Kenneth Zullo 1901K NW 67th Pl Gainesville, FL 32653 772-205-0361

OUTSIDE FLORIDA Dan Schantz Farm & Greenhouses, LLC Denny Heilman, Full 8025 Spinnerstown Rd Zionsville, PA 18092 610-967-2181

Patricia Churnick, Supportive 14251 NE 60th St Williston, FL 32696-4912 352-558-4151

Koppert Biological Systems, Inc. Cindy Tillett 1502 Old US 23 Howell, MI 48843 810-632-8750

LAKE REGION Bureau of Citrus Budwood Registration / DPI Mike Kesinger, Supportive 3027 Lake Alfred Road (Hwy 17) Winter Haven, FL 33881 863-298-7712

Longfield Gardens, Inc. Dave Strabo 1245 Airport Rd Lakewood, NJ 08701 732-905-8790

Ludvig Svensson, Inc. Stella Thomas 535 Griffith Rd Charlotte, NC 28217 704-357-0457 Plant Pie Company George Cluff 638 Morsetown Rd West Milford, NJ 07480 973-600-4792 Practical Software Solutions Greg Lafferty 452 Penny Ln NE Concord, NC 28025 704-721-6800 x3019 Spectrum Technologies, Inc. Mike Thurow 12360 S Industrial Dr E Plainfield, IL 60585 815-436-4440 T & S Austram, Inc. Brent Barney 1400 E Geer St Ste 8 Durham, NC 27704 225-229-3578 PALM BEACH Island Oasis of Palm Beach Bonnie Jezowski Mike Jezowski, Associate Member PO Box 2962 Jupiter, FL 33468-2962 561-743-5296 JaMar Group, Inc. Brian Snyder 8352 154th Road N Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418-7307 561-351-4497

ROYAL PALM Brian’s Lawn Care Brian Yocum PO Box 110914 Naples, FL 34108-0116 239-352-9628 Referred by: John Schwind, Steele Truck Center, Inc. George T. Sands, Inc. George Sands PO Box 10983 Naples, FL 34101-0983 239-793-0318 Referred by: John Schwind, Steele Truck Center, Inc. Pottery Express/Bamboo Farm Janice Schmidt 25370 Zemel Rd Punta Gorda, FL 33955-4116 941-505-8400 Sam Mayes, Supportive 19814 Beaulieu Ct Ft. Myers, FL 33908-4831 239-671-1307 TAMPA BAY Cargotec USA Inc. Joe Robles 7810 Professional Place Tampa, FL 33637 813-628-4633 TREASURE COAST Town of Jupiter Island William R Hurst, Supportive 2 Bridge Rd Hobe Sound, FL 33455-2100 772-545-0171 Referred by: Harold Jenkins, Jenkins Landscape

Calendar of Events

Contact Us

See and submit events at under calendar



FNGLA Phone: Toll-free: Fax: E-mail: Web:

407.295.7994 800.375.3642 407.295.1619


Winter Pest Management Workshop, Orange County Extension


MANTS: Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show, Baltimore


Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition (TPIE), Ft. Lauderdale



Florida Citrus Show, Ft. Pierce

Ben Bolusky


Florida Cattleman’s Institute & Allied Trade Show, Kissimmee



Mid-States Horticultural Expo, Lousiville, KY

February 1-2:

Tampa Spring Expo, Tampa


Jacksonville Horticultual and Landscape Show, Jacksonville

Jennifer Nelis

President Halsey Beshears Simpson Nurseries P.O. Box 160 Monticello, FL 32345 (850) 997-2516

President-Elect Wes Parrish Parrish Nursery 5900 SW 185th Way Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33332 (954) 680-3544

Past President Carolan Mahr Ted Mahr Supply, Inc. 407A SW 2nd St Cape Coral, FL 33991 (239) 574-2214

Secretary/Treasurer Mike Marshall Marshall Tree Farm 17350 SE 65th St Morriston, FL 32668-4508 (352) 528-3880

Connect with us: About FNGLA This publication is produced by the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA) as a service to its members. The statements and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Association, its staff, Board of Directors, Greenline or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers or their identification as members does not constitute an endorsement of the products or featured services. The mission of the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association is to promote and protect the success and professionalism of our members.


1533 Park Center Drive Orlando, FL 32835-5705

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