Greenline, December 2013

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December 2013 | Volume 34, Issue 12


TPIE 2014: Inspire, Innovate, Create! “The times they are a-changing,” sang Bob Dylan in 1964. That line continues to ring true as businesses cautiously move from the hunker-and-bunker stance of the Great Recession to an assertive, ready-to-engage approach for 2014. For plant producers, retailers and service providers, there’s no better resource to get ready for the changing times than the Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition (TPIE). Taking place January 22-24 in Fort Lauderdale, TPIE continues to offer the New Year’s first look at industry trends, new plant introductions, out-of-the-box ideas and the latest in design, style, and color when it comes to foliage and tropicals. “As a garden center retailer, I’m always excited to attend TPIE,” said TPIE chair, Theresa Riley, co-owner of Rockledge Gardens (Rockledge, FL). “Just when I think I’ve seen all the plants out there, I go to TPIE and discover a cool new plant that I know will be a hit with our customers at Rockledge Gardens. Even if I wasn’t on the TPIE planning committee, I would recommend TPIE as the best trade event in the country, not only to find new plants and products but to be inspired by the creative people who exhibit there and share their expertise. I always leave TPIE reenergized and excited about being in this industry.” In its 41st year, TPIE is a signature event for FNGLA, providing members an exceptional and affordable marketplace to showcase their plants and products to potential buyers not only from across the country but around the world. TPIE booth sales are ahead of last year with only a handful of booths remaining for purchase. “We see the early sell-out of booths at TPIE (Con’t Page 3)


Mike Marshall FNGLA 2013-2014 President

2014 Offers Great Opportunities, Starting with TPIE The end of the year means winter is here. It also means the winter trade show season is rapidly approaching. The Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition (TPIE) is right around the corner. TPIE has become one of the industry’s premier powerhouse events on the annual winter show schedule. With exhibitors and attendees from around the United States and literally dozens of countries, TPIE is a unique international marketplace for FNGLA members, exhibitors and, especially, buyers. It is an opportunity to showcase and celebrate the latest trends in the world of foliage, floral and tropicals in warm and inviting South Florida. TPIE offers wholesale buyers the country’s most fabulous array of foliage and tropical plants, products and resources. TPIE provides the opportunities to connect with vendors in person and touch and feel their plants and products. This year’s show is exceptionally strong with booth space nearly sold out, yet, a small handful of booths are still available. If you’re interested, call the FNGLA office immediately to reserve your space. TPIE 2014 offers four days of educational opportunities. These include the TPIE Road Show, TPIE Short Course, as well as even more educational opportunities thanks to the free demonstrations held daily on and around the show floor.

The TPIE Short Course does a great job of linking those of you who seek top-quality education with the programs you need to increase your knowledge. Produced in partnership with FNGLA, OFA and PLANET, the TPIE Short Course is a custom-built national educational conference specifically for interiorscapers. Learn from seasoned industry pros and accomplished experts from related fields. This year, the TPIE Road Show is headed to Homestead for a fun-filled day showcasing some of the industry’s finest nurseries. With lots of stops and plenty of learning opportunities, the TPIE Road Show will round out your TPIE experience with an up-close view of some of Florida’s top nursery producers. You will get behind-the-scenes looks at their production strategies. Costa Farms, Sunshine Tropical Foliage, The Jungle Nursery, Plant Creations and RF Orchids are all planned stops! TPIE is a unique event perfectly blending what is new and trending in the foliage and tropical plant world with a hugely successful trade show and great educational opportunities. Be sure your calendar is marked for TPIE on January 22-24 in Fort Lauderdale. TPIE 2014 is sure to be great! Have a great holiday season and I will see you back here in 2014. Mike Marshall Marshall Tree Farm (Morriston)

Access FNGLA’s flipbook archives: 2

FNGLA HAPPENINGS Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition (con’t) as a positive indicator the nation’s economy is improving. Business leaders see the advantage of engaging face-to-face with their customers, especially to set the tone for a new business year,” said Linda Adams, TPIE Show Manager. TPIE offers several opportunities for participants to make the most of changing times. Here are just a few of which to take advantage at the show: • TPIE’s Opening Session will focus on Innovate and Create – Change that Brings Success, presented by business strategist, John Kennedy. • TPIE’s new Create Theater will offer workshops by AIFD floral designers presenting clever and creative ways to incorporate more plants in profitable market segments, including weddings, special events and holidays. • TPIE’s new Inspiration Entrance will showcase ways to tie TPIE exhibitor plants and products together to add value and up sell. • TPIE’s new Innovation Lounge will not only be a place to rest and recharge (including recharge your phones and tablets), yet also to check out the industry’s newest and most innovative plants and products, as well as to see videos offering innovative ways to incorporate plants into communities, business and lifestyles for the greater good. • Presentation of Interiorscape award-winning projects from national award programs such as PLANET, PIA, Green Plants for Green Buildings and I-Plants Magazine. Borrow ideas from the “best of the best” interiorscape projects installed and serviced across the country. • TPIE Short Course sessions offer a variety of topics, including the insights you need to sell to the multiple generations who make up our changing marketplace, pushing beyond design limitations, as well as technician sessions to improve service success with interior accounts. • The TPIE Road Show gives participants a behind-the-scenes look at four of Florida’s leading production nurseries including Costa Farms, Sunshine Tropical Foliage, The Jungle Nursery, and Plant Creations. A stop at RF Orchids will provide inspirational ideas to create a retail utopia using tropical plants and foliage. Be ready to take plenty of notes and photos to incorporate some of these ideas into your business. With thousands of plants and products to see at TPIE and dozens of informative sessions to attend, you’re sure to come up with many resources and ideas to make your participation at TPIE well worth the trip. Yet, you may find the people you meet at TPIE its greatest value. TPIE attracts more than 5,000 professionals who share similar enthusiasm and passion for the industry. Whether it’s someone you meet on the show floor, at the TPIE Happy Hour, on the tour bus or standing in a lunch line, you are sure to connect with people who provide insights and ideas you weren’t expecting to learn at TPIE. It may even end up being the best tip from the show. Get out of the bunker and get ready to create your own change in 2014. Start your business momentum at TPIE. Register now at Take advantage of special rates and added-value perks for TPIE attendees with local hotels by making your reservations through TPIE’s housing management company, EventSphere. January is a popular time in Ft. Lauderdale and hotels fill up, so make your reservations now for the best choices.


FNGLA HAPPENINGS 2014 Legislative Preview By Jim Spratt, Magnolia Strategies, LLC The Florida Legislature has already completed several weeks of Committee meetings in preparation for the 2014 session which begins in March. Pre-session committee meetings typically provide opportunities for Committees to pick up projects and work uncompleted from the previous Legislative Session. These early committee meetings also give agencies the opportunity to update progress on current issues, budget items and present their requests for Fiscal Year 2014.


Several Members of the Florida Senate have chosen to focus their attention on bold and aggressive legislation to protect Florida’s springs. Initial drafts embrace a heavyhanded regulator approach to springs protection. The draft bill requires implementation in some cases of aggressive Best Management Practices (BMPs), subverting the standard process, review and selection of appropriate BMPs which a grower would typically undertake. The bill outlines specific criteria for protection zones around springs and requires transition from septic to central sewer in specific areas. The bill also continues the short-sighted approach to residential fertilizer ordinances allowing local governments to adopt a myriad of conflicting regulations without any consideration of sound science. While FNGLA appreciates and supports efforts to protect our springs and Florida’s other unique natural resources, draconian regulations are not the best approach. In order to “get it right,” we must use existing programs, such as the Minimum Flows and Levels (MFLs) for water quantity issues and the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) and Basin Management Action Plans (BMAPs) for water quality issues. These programs are steeped in science and long term water data and consider all stakeholders in the development of needed protection strategies. FNGLA has already engaged the elected officials championing these well-intended, yet misguided, bills and will continue to be involved and monitor any progress made by these proposed bills.



Having weathered several years of tough economic times, the upcoming Legislative Session offers a rare opportunity to expand on sales tax exemptions for items used in agricultural production. Working with several agricultural groups, FNGLA is aggressively pursuing sales tax exemptions for irrigation equipment (all components from the pump to where the water is delivered) and replacement parts for farm equipment. Current law allows sales tax exemptions for equipment only if the equipment’s use falls between cultivation and harvesting. The proposed bill expands coverage to items used in the storage and transport to the first point of sale. Undoubtedly, these changes will have a direct impact on FNGLA members’ bottom-line. FNGLA will continue to champion this effort and navigate this bold initiative to hopeful successful passage in the spring.


Historically, FNGLA advocates for specific budget lineitems within the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) budget, as well as for the University of Florida/ Institute of Food and Agricultural Science (IFAS). The upcoming session is no exception. The FDACS budget contains increased funding for BMP cost-share programs and additional dollars for the citrus germplasm facility. The UF/IFAS budget appears to be right on track and FNGLA has not received any indication UF/ IFAS will be targeted for cuts. We will monitor the UF/ IFAS budget daily throughout the entire process to ensure funding for programs such as the UF/IFAS Center for Landscape Conservation & Ecology are kept intact.


As a final early budget item, FNGLA will be working to reinstate the retired Operation Cleansweep program. Many FNGLA members will recall Operation Cleansweep provided an opportunity to discard safely any outdated, suspended or expired pesticides free-of-charge. During its nearly 10 years of existence, Cleansweep was hugely successful as it collected nearly 1.5 million pounds of pesticides in 66 Florida counties. FNGLA will keep you posted on the progress for Cleansweep funding. Although FNGLA expects many other issues and ideas to be revealed before the official start of the 2014 Legislative Session, this is a quick and early update on the issues in which FNGLA is already engaged on your behalf. Please stayed tuned to Ben’s Bullets and legislative updates as we approach the 2014 Session.

Jim Spratt is President of Magnolia Strategies, LLC, a Tallahassee-based lobbying firm with a focus on small business and agriculture issues. Jim is a former FNGLA staff member and has been serving Florida’s nursery and landscape industry since 2004. Jim can be reached at jim@

Floriculture Field Days Promises Premier Learning and Interactions: May 14 & 15 Plan to attend FNGLA’s Floriculture Field Days. Taking place May 14 & 15 in conjunction with the Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival! Florida’s spring season is an ideal time to evaluate plants for garden performance and test their resilience to the heat and humidity of Central Florida’s climate. Floriculture Field Days offers two jam-packed days of educational programs, expanded trial areas and great interactions with industry suppliers. With breeders from across the US participating, attendees get a “boots on the ground” perspective of the new varieties expected to be released for use in Florida, it’s a must-attend for anyone who’s serious about floriculture in the landscape. If you’re looking for exposure to this industry segment, position your business as a leader to this key audience. Great sponsorships are available: http://www. Choose to have an exhibit table to display your business products or capture higher visibility as an exclusive event sponsorship of one of the conference happenings which includes the opportunity to briefly address the group at the event. Make your commitment now for best exposure to this key audience. For details on participating, log on to floriculture-field-day/. For details on sponsoring or exhibiting at a tabletop, contact Linda Reindl, The 2013 conference demonstration plot at the Epcot International Gateway. 2014’s event will utilize this same space for breeder varieties.


FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA to Host Landscape Management Network Workshop Next Week in Palm Beach: December 12 & 13 IT’S TIME TO GET SERIOUS ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS’ SUCCESS. FNGLA is teaming up again with the Landscape Management Network (LMN) to present a 2-day workshop focused on business success, productivity and the bottom-line. This workshop gets landscape professionals out of their trucks and takes their landscape business to the next level. It was so impactful to those who previously attended and such a success, it’s now headed to the Palm Beach area. Landscape professionals – you won’t be sitting back listening to what you should be doing – you’ll be busy actually doing it, using your own numbers to create a budget and a plan for greater profit. The instructors are actual landscape contractors who’ve built some of the top companies in the landscape industry from the ground up. The program has been described as the ultimate business management tool for contractors. DAY 1: BUILD A PLAN FOR PROFIT In just 6 hours, we’ll show you how easy it is to build a profitable operating budget, customized for your business. Each attendee uses your own company numbers to customize a plan for sales, wages, equipment and overhead spending. The result? Sales goals, overhead plans, and an overhead recovery system all designed to help you achieve a fair profit. DAY 2: ESTIMATING + BIDDING Using your own plan for profit, you’ll calculate exactly what your company needs to charge for labor, equipment, and materials to ensure every job is priced for profit. You’ll learn how to systemize your pricing for consistent, profitable, and trainable results. • Estimating - to ensure you’re making profit • Planning Work - how to take information in your head and put it in the hands of your people • Keeping Score - how to track and cost jobs to ensure your crews are working for profit • Motivating - learn to get your staff thinking like owners with simple bonus + wage systems For just $99 per person (fee includes both days of sessions and lunches), you’ll have access to industry experts and formulas designed to give you a competitive advantage and equip you to lead your business to a more profitable future. Bring your laptop and your company’s financials (kept private). FNGLA Certified Professionals receive 8 CEUs for attending the full program. The event takes place December 12 at: Kelly Tractor CAT, 5460 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach, Florida 33417 starting at 8:30 a.m. Learn more about the event at: http:// Register at: https:// 23b. For additional details, contact LMN’s Nicole Chin or call 888-347-9864.


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FNGLA HAPPENINGS NFF: 2013 Happenings Culminate in Reception at TPIE 2013 has brought another steady year for National Foliage Foundation (NFF). TPIE 2014 will again host the traditional NFF reception and provide an opportunity for NFF endowment holders to reflect on the foundation’s efforts during the year. NFF continues to move forward with its mission to support students preparing for their careers in horticulture as well as to continue financial support for valuable industry research. Over the years, NFF’s scholarship program has established a solid pathway for qualified students in need of financial support to gain experience and expertise. This year, NFF supported 14 students, from incoming freshmen to students in the Masters’ program. NFF is proud to have provided over $300,000 to students’ education. NFF’s Graduate Assistantship is also advancing. Patricia Dewars, University of Florida Business Graduate student, is supported by NFF and will be working with Dr. Thomas A. Colquhoun and Dr. David Clark, professors at the University of Florida, to uncover consumer preference patterns related to foliage. They hope to identify what appeals to the consumer through scientific platforms. Such discoveries and understanding could significantly enhance product development and how we market foliage in the future. NFF’s attention regarding research expanded in 2013 to address a concern in the citrus nursery segment of the industry. Thanks to a generous gift of the Hughes Memorial Fund in 2010, NFF had an opportunity to broaden its focus to reach citrus nursery growers. It was found that many of the growing issues run parallel with greenhouse production and were an ideal fit. To date there has been no research reported on the effects of different irrigation systems on budded citrus tree growth, irrigation volumes required for budded citrus production or use of alternatives to overhead irrigation for citrus greenhouse production. In 2013, Dr. Richard Beeson, UF Professor and Researcher at the IFAS Mid-Florida Research and Education Center, has been tagged with the task of evaluating four different irrigation systems and comparing tree trunk caliper growth among available systems, and quantifying the volume of water required by these various irrigation systems to produce similar size trees from seed to market-size budded trees. With the financial support of NFF, projects like this can provide the industry with valuable research results and targeted ways to enhance production not only in the foliage, yet also in related industry segments.

Leading up to TPIE, the National Foliage Foundation will be selling raffle tickets for a chance to win $1,000. Participating is a great way to show support for the foundation’s programs.

To request an NFF Grant Application or scholarship application, please contact FNGLA or visit NFF’s website at www. The National Foliage Foundation is administered through the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA),


FNGLA HAPPENINGS Exhibiting at TPIE Carries Many Benefits ONLY TEN BOOTHS AVAILABLE! Less than seven weeks until show time and with the holidays fast approaching you don’t want to miss this great opportunity to be among the 750+ booths and the “best of the best” exhibitors in the green industry. Book your booth now: Many green industry professionals around Florida and the nation know about TPIE and just what a benefit it can be for your business if you’re looking for the best trade show. Interact with top buyers: independent garden center retailers, plant brokers, interiorscapers, chain retailers, retail florists, floral designers, and even landscape professionals. Just walking the aisles won’t lead to your next big sale. TPIE brings business buyers direct to the show: one venue, one time — and you should be there to take advantage of the opportunity. Exhibit at TPIE! “TPIE is the most productive sales driven trade show for our company. You have an opportunity to meet existing customers without having to travel the country and an opportunity to forge relationships with many potential new customers from around the US,” said Doug Reichwein of Whistling Pines Foliage. And he’s not alone in his sentiment. For less than $1000, exhibitors receive a carpeted 10’x10’ space, ID sign, and, in most cases, complimentary move-in and out assistance. Add to that a generous number of complimentary show badges, a free list of registrants following the show, free admission to a popular opening session and the ever popular TPIE Happy Hour, sponsored by Suntory—and you’ll get exceptional return on your investment at TPIE! Be among this group of progressive, trend-setting exhibitors. Make a smart business decision and get ahead of your competition! Contact Mike Summers at to reserve your space now, while there’s a spot left for you!



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FNGLA HAPPENINGS Great Southern Landscape Field Days Attracts 100 Participants In its first year expanding beyond just the tree segment of the industry, the Great Southern Landscape Field Days packed a punch with its two-day educational application. On day one, the 100+ industry participants enjoyed intense learning, expert knowledge and key conversation. And Day two, held at the UF Demonstration Site, brought hands-on field training. It was learning on a whole new level! Special thanks to conference partners: SMR Farms; Becker Tree Farm & Nursery; Fish Branch Tree Farm; Marshall Tree Farm; ACT Growers; BASF; Landscape Management Network (LMN); Neal Community Realty, Inc.; Roots Plus Field Growers Association; and, Sunset Specialty Groundcovers. Special thanks to Gravely International, Thursday’s lunch Sponsor. Access event photos at: http://

The One Name Campaign! Member Recruitment Update In August, FNGLA officially launched “ The One Name Campaign!” with members being asked to provide the name and contact details for just one business who will benefit from FNGLA’s membership, ideally a landscape firm. Once your “one name” has joined, you will be rewarded with a $50 credit towards any state-level FNGLA educational event! Submitting your “one name” is easy! Go to FNGLA’s home page at and look for the “Refer a Member” button on the top right. From here, there’s a simple online submission form. Then, simply follow-up with your recommendation and help orient them to the many programs and benefits which will most benefit their business. It’s really that easy! Thank you to the following members for jumping onboard the campaign: Sandy Benton (Landscape Service Professionals); Tristen Bowen (Marriott Vacation Club); Austin Bryant (Heart of Florida Greenhouses); Cindy Hall (Cobble Systems); Rich Kling (Integrity Merchant Solutions); José Antonio Mejía (RJ Supply Natural Plants Garden SRL); Vickie Parrish (Parrish Nursery, Inc.); Lourdes Rodriguez (Manuel Diaz Farms, Inc.); Friedel Scholl (Soho Landscape); Bill Sellers (Coastal Springs Chapter FNGLA); Brett Sendler (Florida School for the Deaf & Blind); Robert Shoelson (Getting Green Plant Service); Eric Smith (Big Trees Plantation); Shawn Steed, UF-IFAS Hillsborough County Extension Service; and, Sandy Stein (The Jungle Nursery). For more details on FNGLA’s recruitment efforts, call FNGLA at 800-375-3642 or e-mail:


CERTIFICATIONS Educational Winter Wonderland: Its a Great Season to Train Your Employees! Across Florida, a myriad of training opportunities kick off 2014 to benefit you, your employees and your business. Whether you want English or Spanish, landscape, horticulture or irrigation, choose from the following menu of educational offerings. For more information, contact Merry Mott at FNGLA at 800-375-3642, 407-295-7994 or

FNGLA Certified Horticulture Professional

Training Course for FCHP Begins January 16 with Ken Howell in Orlando The core of all FNGLA’s certifications is the FCHP – designed for growers, retailers, landscape professionals and any others interested in Florida’s nursery and landscape industry. A comprehensive look at the principles tested in FCHP.

FNGLA Certified Horticulture Professional

Training Course for FCHP Begins January 16 with Bob Cook in Ft. Myers New Class Location! After teaching in Collier County for over 10 years the Spring 2014 class moves to Fort Myers – centrally located to accommodate more students in Lee County and neighboring areas.

FNGLA Certified Horticulture Professional en Espanol

FCHP Training Course and Exam in Spanish January 20-22, Broward County Convention Center, Ft. Lauderdale FNGLA y el Institute of Environmental Studies de la Florida lanza programa en Espanol de entrenamiento y certificacion de profesionales de la horticultura paisajista ofrecido en TPIE.

FNGLA Certified Landscape Technician

Training Course begins January 21 with Exam February 22 pTEC St. Petersburg with Glenn Duncan Complete training and testing for FCLT-Installation, a perfect certification for landscape installation technicians – and a prerequisite for the FNGLA Certified Landscape Contractor (FCLC) certification.


CERTIFICATIONS Florida Water StarSM Irrigation and Landscape Design

Training Course and optional Exam for Accredited Professionals January 28 & 29, UF Duval County Extension, Jacksonville This water conservation program focuses on Florida-friendly landscape TM and irrigation techniques that have a major impact on water usage. The course is offered free through a JEA grant.

Florida Water StarSM Irrigation and Landscape Design

Training course and optional exam for Accredited Professionals February 27 & 28 (date tentative), SWFWMD, Sarasota The same water conservation program listed above offered free through the Southwest Florida Water Management District for the benefit of area professionals.

FNGLA Certified Landscape Technician

Exam with Walk-through March 21 & 22 SeaWorld Horticulture in Orlando FCLT-Installation Exam for landscape installation technicians – and a prerequisite for the FNGLA Certified Landscape Contractor (FCLC) certification.

FNGLA Certified Landscape Contractor

FCLC Training Course begins April 8 pTEC St. Petersburg with Glenn Duncan Prepare for the FNGLA Certified Landscape Contractor (FCLC) certification exam with this course conveniently located in St. Petersburg. Exam offered online.

FNGLA Certified Landscape Maintenance Technician

Exam with Walk-through April 11 & 12 SeaWorld Horticulture in Orlando FCLMT Exam for landscape maintenance technicians focuses on Best Management Practices.

FNGLA Certified Landscape Technician and Maintenance Technician Dates tentative Spring 2014 – English and Spanish University of Florida Ft. Lauderdale Research & Education Center, Davie Stay tuned for more information on training and exam dates for FCLT and FCLMT!

The spring landscape exams schedule kicks off February 22 with an FCLT-Installation exam at Pinellas Technical Education Center in St. Petersburg with a training course beginning January 21.


INDUSTRY NEWS Fresh From Florida Garden Center Pilot Project A Success FNGLA is working with the proven “Fresh From Florida” campaign at the Florida Department of Agriculture (FDACS) as together we explore ways to move the sales needle for Florida plants, especially foliage and tropicals. These FNGLA talks resulted in a “Fresh From Florida” pilottest last spring advertising Florida foliage with 81 independent garden centers in 10 states in the Midwest, Mid-Atlantic and in the Northeast. The results were eye-popping! Jumping 137% were sales of Spathiphyllum. Gardenia sales increased 109%. Mandevillas spiked 79% and sales of Boston Hanging Ferns went up 50%. Hibiscus sales increased 10% and, overall, the participating out-of-state retailers experienced 14% more sales in Florida foliage plants. FNGLA’s Marketing & Membership Committee met recently with the FDACS “Fresh From Florida” team to discuss expansion of the pilot foliage program and to launch a new pilot inside Florida for landscape plants. Stay tuned as we continue to develop promotions partnering with FDACS and the Fresh from Florida campaign. For more details on FNGLA’s involvement in this and other promotions, contact FNGLA at or call 800375-3642.


INDUSTRY NEWS University of Florida’s Consumer Preference Study Findings Mixed containers for patios and outdoor landscapes have boomed in popularity in recent years and now look like a mainstay for some garden centers and big box stores. Until recently, little research has been done about what combination of plants most consumers would like to see in mixed containers. University of Florida researchers, utilizing funding from the American Floral Endowment, have released their finding examining consumer preferences for indoor mixed containers for holiday and/or seasonal use. Access the complete report at research/Research_Post_Production/455report.pdf.

FAITC’s Ag Literacy Day Scheduled for 2014 Florida Agriculture Literacy Day is scheduled for Tuesday April 29, 2014. The annual reading event is a chance for farmers, ranchers, University of Florida IFAS extension and 4-H agents and master gardeners, FFA teachers and students and agriculture industry representatives to read a children’s book about the Florida agriculture industry to students in kindergarten through fifth grade. Next year’s book is about agriculture projects in classrooms. The working title is Florida Farms at School. Please check Florida Agriculture in the Classroom’s website in early 2014 for information about registering to read for the event. Florida Agriculture in the Classroom invites Florida agriculture industry volunteers to read its newest storybook to elementary school children. The book celebrates 500 years of Florida Agriculture History. Registration for Florida Agriculture Literacy Day will begin in early 2014: Watch for details on how and when to register. FNGLA members, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services employees, University of Florida IFAS Extension Agents, 4-H Agents and Master Gardeners, Florida Farm Bureau members, Florida Cattlemen and Cattlewomen members, FFA teachers, students and other agriculture industry representatives are invited to read and are asked to schedule their classroom visits with schools at least two weeks before their readings. Florida Agriculture in the Classroom is funded by sales of the agriculture specialty license plate called the “Ag Tag”. By making a tax deductible, $20 purchase of an Ag Tag, you will help educate Florida’s future consumers, voters and leaders about the importance of the Florida agriculture industry. In addition to your $20 contribution to Florida Agriculture in the Classroom, you pay a $5 administrative fee that goes to the state. To buy your Florida Ag Tag, go to: http://www. For more information on Florida Ag in the classroom, visit or contact Lisa Gaskalla, 352-846-1391.


MEMBER NEWS FNGLA Chapter Holiday Party Invitation & Schedule December is a wonderful month to attend one or more chapter holiday parties! Each FNGLA chapter party is as unique as the chapter. Some offer formal events with dancing and entertainment, while others are laid back and very informal, exchanging fun gifts and sharing pot luck meals. Taking part in a chapter holiday party is one of the many benefits of being a member of the FNGLA family. There is no better place to enjoy FNGLA fellowship and get you in the spirit of the season than an FNGLA chapter party! Here’s a list of many of FNGLA’s Chapters and the dates for their parties: Action - Friday, 12/6; Palm Beach - Saturday, 12/7; Royal Palm - Saturday, 12/7; Lake Region - Tuesday, 12/10; Frontrunners - Wednesday, 12/11; Broward - Friday, 12/13; Highlands Heartland - Friday, 12/13; Treasure Coast Friday, 12/ 13; Manasota - Saturday, 12/14; and, Northeast - Saturday, 12/14. For details on each chapter’s happenings, access their chapter web page:

Ag Angels Passion for Kirouac and FNGLA Highlands Heartland Chapter Philanthropy Adopted four years ago by the FNGLA Highlands Heartland Chapter and started seven years ago by Scott Kirouac, the Ag Angels program was created to bring the Holidays to less fortunate children living in the area. Ag Angels was born when Kirouac visited his grandson at his elementary school. He overheard staff talking about how some of the kids at the school would likely get nothing for Christmas. “It kind of broke my heart,” said Kirouac, remembering being a kid himself on Christmas morning and the excitement of having gifts to open. He asked the teachers if he donated the funds would they be willing to shop for the children and, of course, the teachers said yes... and Ag Angels was born. Since then, the program has grown and expanded. In the past four years, Ag Angels has raised over $50,000. Kirouac said that 100 percent of donations go to purchase gifts for the children. “It almost chokes me up at times. I will continue to do what I’m doing to try to help out as many kids as I can,” Kirouac said. To make a donation to Ag Angels, call 863-873-3180 or email Kirouac at



Welcome New Members The following are new FNGLA members: from October 22, 2013 - November 21, 2013 ACTION Ariens Company Bill Collester 3681 Oak Vista Ln Winter Park, FL 32792 407-657-0560 Rec’d by: Billy Butterfield, AmeriScapes Landscape Mgmt. DADE Andersen Nursery Farm Eric Andersen 26301 SW 187 Ave Homestead, FL 33031 561-714-0989 Rec’d by: Brian Evelyn, Oglesby Plants International, Inc. TruckMax Manny DeCaso AFF 6000 NW 77th Ct Miami, FL 33166-3511 305-777-9000 HIGHLANDS HEARTLAND Newton Crouch Inc. Randy White Alex Fells (Associate) 5427 Desoto City Rd Sebring, FL 33870 863-990-0617

INTERNATIONAL Dalsem Horticultural Projects B.V. Ton Schrover Woudseweg 9 2635 CG Den Hoorn, The Netherlands 011-31-15-269-5800

OUTSIDE FLORIDA Campania International Karen States 2452 Quakertown Rd Ste 100 Pennsburg, PA 18073 215-541-4627

Extreme Technology Maygan Bosma Full 210 Martindale Rd Saint Catherines, ONT L2R 6P9 Canada 905-684-0876

Green Market Systems Kathryn Cram 130A Oak Park Dr Mooresville, NC 28115 704-707-6022

LAKE REGION Esterline Wholesale Nursery Phillip Budworth 2728 N Galloway Rd Lakeland, FL 33810 863-858-6753

Plant-TecH2O, Inc. William Lyon PO Box 520 Hempstead, NY 11551 516-483-7845

PALM BEACH Tropical Landscapers, Inc. Jason Kleinrichert 8917 116th Ter S Boynton Beach, FL 33437-4513 561-369-2899 Rec’d by: Susan Sinclair, Sinclair Landscape Nursery, Inc. ROYAL PALM Molter Landscape, Inc. Joe Molter 586 W Place Naples, FL 34108 239-592-6770

MANASOTA Native Son Landscaping LLC John L. Blaser 1121 Lewis Ave Sarasota, FL 34237 941-365-2407 NORTHEAST Oakleaf High School Keri Sidle (Supportive) 4035 Plantation Oaks Blvd Orange Park, FL 32065 904-213-1900


Calendar of Events

See and submit events at under calendar

Contact Us FNGLA

December 6:

Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance Certification & Test Seminar, Manatee County Extension, Palmetto


2013 Poinsettia Trial Field Day, University of Florida, Gainesville


2013 Urban Forestry Workshop, Ironwood Golf Course, Gainesville


Green Industries Best Management Practices (GI-BMP) Training, Clay County Extension Office, Green Cove Springs & Orange County Extension Office, Orlando


Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance (LCLM) Workshop, Duval County Extension Service, Jacksonville

12 & 13: FNGLA / Landscape Management Network Workshop, Kelly Tractor CAT, West Palm Beach Green Industries Best Management Practices (GI-BMP) Training, Duval County Extension Service, Jacksonville


January 9 & 10:

2 Day Professional Landscape Course, Duval County Extension Office, Jacksonville

Phone: 407.295.7994 Toll-free: 800.375.3642 Fax: 407.295.1619 E-mail: Web:




President Mike Marshall Marshall Tree Farm 17350 SE 65th St Morriston, FL 32668-4508 (352) 528-3880

President-Elect Sandy Stein The Jungle Nursery 29100 SW 162 Ave Homestead, FL 33030 (305) 246-5324

Past President Wes Parrish Parrish Nursery 5900 SW 185th Way Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33332 (954) 680-3544

Secretary/Treasurer Billy Butterfield AmeriScapes Landscape Management Services, Inc. PO Box 568762 Orlando, FL 32856-5041 (407) 872-0855

Connect with us: About FNGLA This publication is produced by the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA) as a service to its members. The statements and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Association, its staff, Board of Directors, Greenline or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers or their identification as members does not constitute an endorsement of the products or featured services. The mission of the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association is to promote and protect the success and professionalism of our members.


1533 Park Center Drive Orlando, FL 32835-5705

Read the latest FNGLA news inside & visit Greenline online at

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