Greenline, February 2012

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February 2012 | Volume 33, Issue 2

A m o n t h l y p u b l i c a t i o n f o r FN G L A m e m b e r s . D I G IT A L m o n t h l y i s s u e l o c a t e d a t h t t p : / / g r e e n l i n e . f n g l a . o r g

TPIE 2012 was a Tropical Escape! The Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition (TPIE) 2012 delivered calypso music, beautiful tropical plants and foliage and an ideal tropical escape. More than 6,100 industry professionals gathered in sunny Fort Lauderdale to take in the newest tropical plants, products and ideas which this exotic segment of the horticulture industry has to offer. Taking place January 18-20 at the Broward County Convention Center, TPIE offered a trade show with nearly 400 exhibiting companies, a full-day nursery tour in Homestead, FL, a thought-provoking opening session, cutting-edge educational programs, dozens of hands-on demonstrations and a fantastic outdoor Opening Day Happy Hour. “TPIE is always an exciting show. This year the mood was even more upbeat as people are finally feeling a turn in the economy,” noted Charlie Martin, owner of HB Martin, Inc. and TPIE chairman. “Our attendance was up by 8%, orders were written and buyers were excited by the products they saw. The fabulous weather didn’t hurt either!” TPIE exhibitors set the standard for exciting and inspiring exhibits. “It’s a challenging job to be a booth award judge at TPIE,” noted Robert Bowden,executive director of Harry P. Leu Gardens in Orlando and one of TPIE’s booth award judges. “There are so many exceptional displays. I wish we could give them all awards!” This year’s Best of Show award went to DeRoose Plants, Apopka, FL. A complete list of award winners is available at TPIE’s Opening Session was a standing-room-only event, as retail industry futurist Doug Stephens shared insights related to social, economic and technological trends which will impact everyone’s business in this decade.

“Doug’s vision of the future trends, who our target customer should be and the evolving technologies available to position our company for success, was very enlightening and exciting,” noted Bill Lyden, president of Farm Life Tropical Foliage. “This year’s opening session had a meaningful message for our entire industry and was a fabulous way to kick-off the 2012 TPIE.” Sponsored by Hermann Engelmann Greenhouses and SK, the TPIE Opening Session is a complimentary program for all TPIE participants. The first day of TPIE 2012 ended with the TPIE Happy Hour, sponsored by Sun Parasol/Suntory Collection, as thousands of TPIE attendees shifted from the confines of the exhibit hall to the balmy winter temperatures which only South Florida can offer. Attendees basked along the fountain plaza, enjoying drinks, appetizers and we’re entertained with music and a variety of dancers, including carnival, belly and fire dancers. Other activities at TPIE included a TPIE First-Timers’ Orientation where TPIE rookies were provided an overview of the show and the foliage industry, as well as tips to get the most benefit from the show. Industry buyer Gary Mangum, Bell Nursery, was recognized for attending every TPIE since it began in 1973, making Gary 39 in TPIE years! The TPIE Short Course provided exceptional education for interiorscapers attending from across the country. The management track introduced participants to biomimicry, a process of applying nature’s solutions to human design applications. In addition, sessions with Jason Cupp, a business growth consultant, provided insights on creating the best internal team, as well as improving external sales with new marketing methods. Technician sessions were also popular as they focused on biological pest controls, including a hands-on workshop. Dennis Snow, former Walt Disney World manager, provided an enlightening and entertaining luncheon keynote which offered fun and inspirational examples of exceptional customer service from world-class organizations. Offered as an optional event to the TPIE Short Course, the TPIE Road Continued on page 2


Halsey Beshears FNGLA 2011-2012 President

Cautious optimism would be the phrase I would use to best sum up the feeling of attendees at TPIE. While everyone knows that spring buds new hope for everyone in our industry (pardon the pun, I could not help it), realistically we all know it will not be a spring that brings continuous demand that will carry through the summer. However, in terms of economics, while the supply curve has continued to slope downward, the demand curve has leveled out and remains flat with an ever so slight rise. According to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, housing starts officially were estimated at 606,900 for 2011. This represents a 3.4% increase above the 2010 figure of 586,900.1 Is this reason for cautious optimism? I would say so.

bucket list items for your business that you always wanted to try but never seem to find the time to attempt? Would you make that bold leap into becoming a technologically advanced grower that sets trends rather than follows them? Could you find that perfect balance of family and work in which everything seems to blend cohesively?

Imagine that you knew with certainty, it was going to be 10 years before the United States reached 1.5 million housing starts again (1.5 million housing starts is the number that many economists speculate will put the United States back on track so to speak). Add on top of that, you knew you only had 10 years left to stay in the business. This could be as an employee, an executive, or even an owner. In essence, you know with absolute certainty, you have only 10 years left in your current role at your business. There are multiple reasons how this could happen: an illness in yourself or your family that grants you 10 years; a buyout clause that matures in 10 years; forced retirement due to age; you have a definitive succession plan; or, you are tired and have set the goal to work for only 10 more years. The point is, in 10 years, it is over at your current employment and you will be moving on to another segment in your life.

Take time out of your day to focus on what you want to accomplish. Think about where you want to be one year from now, three years from now, ten years from now. This is not a light task to accomplish. More often than not, it will take you some considerable time if you are serious about focusing on where you want to be in your work or your personal life. Our industry is full of long term thinkers. In the tree business for example, we are constantly planting material that will not come to market for a minimum of three years, sometimes ten years. Our crystal ball is no different than any other segment of the horticulture industry. Simply put, we are forced to clear the peripheral clutter that crowds out our focus ten years from now.

What could you accomplish in 10 years if you brushed away all of the peripheral clutter that crowds out your long term plans? What could be completed with a focus so clear and concise and with the knowledge that in ten years it was all over? Would you be happier in your everyday work? Would you finally begin to check off those

Halsey W. Beshears FNGLA President

TPIE: continued from page 1 Show was a full-day tour which took attendees to Homestead, FL, a major foliage production hub. The well-attended trip included visits to Farm Life Tropical Foliage, Bernecker’s Nursery, Schnebly Redland’s Winery, Kerry’s and Burr’s Berry Farm. In addition to the TPIE Short Course, ongoing demonstrations took place on the show floor. These quick and informal sessions covered a variety of topics including Fairy Garden Essentials, Exploration of Color and Plant Combinations, Tropicals in Container Gardens and Tropicals with Gen Y Appeal. Several demonstrations were presented by members of the American Institute of Floral Design (AIFD) which partners with TPIE on a variety of programs. The complete demonstration program is sponsored by Ball Publishing.

I spoke with a gentleman last week. He told me he was getting married on March 3 and invited me to come. Our conversation was focused on his upcoming marriage and how he was going to find time to work and spend time with his new wife. He reminded me of one thing: all we have is time. Some of us have longer expectancies than others, but everyone has the same twenty four hours in a day. It is how we choose to use that time that defines who we are. He quietly explained to me his plan for the next 10 years. This gentleman to whom I am referring is 81 years old.

Very Respectfully,

1 TPIE is well-known as the trade event for exhibitors to premier their newest plants and products. Many of these are included in the TPIE Exhibitor Showcase, sponsored by Farm Credit. Buyers can vote for their favorite new items. This year’s winning favorites are: favorite new flowering plant, Medinilla magnifica, by Northland Floral, Ontario, Canada; favorite new foliage plant, Calathea lancifolia, Stewart’s Greenhouse, Apopka, FL; favorite new product, Xanadu Collection, Wesnic, Jacksonville, FL. A complete list of new plants and products is available at Using TPIE as its stage, FNGLA’s Horticulture Career Fair engaged nearly 250 middle and high school students in contests and reviews about the nursery and landscape industry and potential career opportunities. Lloyd Singleton, UF/IFAS Extension Service and Chris Beytes, Ball Publishing, were the moderators, keeping a lively pace and incorporating fun into the informative program.



Mark Your Calendar for TPIE 2013: January 23 - 25!

FNGLA HAPPENINGS 2012’s Floriculture Field Days & Performance Trials at Epcot® 2012 Floriculture Field Days and Performance Trials on May 9-11 will feature some of the Floriculture Industry’s finest speakers: Jimmy Turner, Dr. Charlie Hall and Felder Rushing and others as part of the 2012 conference speaker line-up! Jimmy Turner is Senior Director of Horticulture at the Dallas Arboretum. He is a native-born Texan. He grew up in Lone Oak, TX and currently resides in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas. He received a B.S. in Horticulture from East Texas State University and a Master’s degree in Horticulture from The Pennsylvania State University. Turner’s southern charm had the audience glued to their seats at the 2011 conference and he has agreed to come back to Florida to share more of his creative talents and unique ways that he is using plants in Texas. Dr. Charlie Hall is a native of North Carolina. He received his B.S. in Agricultural Economics from the University of Tennessee in 1984 and his Master’s Degree in Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Design from the University of Tennessee. He is currently a professor at Texas A&M University as Professor and holds the distinguished title of Floriculture’s Ellison Chair. Dr. Hall has built a national reputation for providing a down to earth understanding of today’s economic challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities. Felder Rushing is a 10th-generation American gardener whose pioneer ancestors settled across the Southeast, bringing many plants with them. Rushing’s overstuffed, quirky cottage garden has been featured in many TV programs and magazines (including a cover of Southern Living), and includes a huge variety of weather-hardy plants along with

a collection of folk art. According to Rushing, there is no turfgrass, just plants, yard art, and “people places.” Held in conjunction with the Epcot® International Flower & Garden Festival at Disney’s Yacht and Beach Club Resort, the conference is a well-balanced blend of education sessions from top-notch speakers and glimpses into how leading breeders’ new varieties perform in Florida’s tough growing conditions. Breeder representatives will be on-hand to interact with attendees and provide individualized information on their plants & products. Attendees will also have the opportunity to tour the Epcot Flower & Garden Festival with members of Disney’s horticulture team. From floriculture industry trends to new plants and ideas; growers, landscape professionals and garden center retailers will find new and innovative concepts to take back to your businesses. Watch for more information on this upcoming 2012 event on FNGLA’s website! An Opportunity for Exposure Looking for ways to bring more exposure to your company’s products or services? Great Sponsorship Opportunities are now available. Do you have something vital to the floriculture segment of the nursery and landscape industry? Choose to have an exhibit table to display information on your products and services or become one of the exclusive luncheon sponsors. Exclusive session sponsors have the opportunity to address attendees and introduce that session’s speaker. Some sponsorship options also include complimentary registrations for your company’s representatives. For more information on sponsoring, or for conference details, visit FNGLA’s website: and look under “Events” for continued updates!

FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA Industry Awards Nominations: Extended to March 15 Do you know someone who is an FNGLA Superstar? Who has impressed you with his or her service to FNGLA and our industry? Is there someone you have thought about and said, “(S)he deserves an award!” Now is the time to let us know about these special FNGLA members. Nominations are now being accepted for the FNGLA Industry Awards program with a submission deadline of March 15, 2012. Each year through its Industry Awards Program, FNGLA honors a distinct group of individuals who contribute time and energy into enhancing, protecting and serving Florida’s nursery and landscape industry. FNGLA’s Industry Awards Program acknowledges both FNGLA and industry service -- with criteria for each award as well as a variety of awards for different types of involvment. Nominations are now being accepted from FNGLA members and the industry-at-large. Winners will be selected by a committee of industry peers. The Wendell E. Butler Award and the FNGLA Hall of Fame are recognized as FNGLA’s most prestigious awards. The Wendell E. Butler Award is given for service to FNGLA, while the FNGLA Hall of Fame Award is a lifetime achievement award. Visit the FNGLA website,, for a complete list of the industry awards as well as access to nomination forms. Winners of all awards will be recognized at the FNGLA Annual Meeting, June 30, 2012 in Jacksonville, FL. For more information contact Linda Adams,, or contact FNGLA at 800.375.3642.

FNGLA Garden Concept for 2012 Epcot Festival: Backyard Play With an estimated attendance of over 2 million consumers, the Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival is a great venue for FNGLA to reach Florida’s gardening public and to promote key consumer messages. As an official festival partner, FNGLA will serve as the host organization to a 10,000+ square foot garden area focused on family gardening fun. The display sets a “backyard look and feel” and will incorprate a variety of fun gardening elements easily recreated by virtually any home gardener such as a green roof dog house, a topiary pet yard, a soup garden, pizza garden, pie garden, a planted bamboo tunnel, a vine-covered playhouse, and a variety of garden crafts such as stepping stones, bird baths and the like. Many changes have been incorporated and, FNGLA is excited to offer FNGLA members and certified professionals the opportunity to serve as garden hosts. As in years past, certified professionals will receive CEUs for their service and all participants gain entrance into Epcot and the festival for the remainder of the day they volunteer. The festival runs March 2 through June 1 with FNGLA volunteer times available each Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday throughout the 13-week festival in three-hour blocks. Contact Amy DiBella at to schedule your time to host the garden!

FNGLA HAPPENINGS Get in the Game for 2012 with Exciting New FNGLA Opportunities If you listen to the pundits, 2012 is geared to be a great year compared to the past few. Players in our industry have kept heads low and learned to steer a lean and mean operation if you wanted to survive. In the struggle to keep businesses above water, many have cut their marketing and promotions budgets. Now is the time to undo that business no-no and put yourself back into the game. Get ahead of the crowd and stand out to your customers with one of FNGLA’s many advertising opportunities. The Landscape Show: It’s happening September 27 - 29 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando. First, if you aren’t exhibiting, you should be. Second, if you are exhibiting, think hard about investing a little more money this year to get the attention of buyers and sellers coming from all around the globe. There are opportunities that can put your business or products just inside the front door. Items like column wraps, as well as floor graphics, are great ways to show buyers your offerings before they experience any other booth on the floor. Although it seems like a lifetime away, the 2013 TPIE Show, held in Fort Lauderdale at the Broward County Convention Center January 23-25, offers some of these same opportunities. If that show hits your target audience more squarely, sign-up early for full advantage! Greenline: FNGLA’s popular member newsletter, Greenline, is one of the easiest and most affordable means to reach a broad audience of Florida’s nursery and landscape businesses. Starting this edition, Greenline is streamlined into the publication you are reading to keep FNGLA communications clear, concise and consistent. Ben’s Bullets: Another exciting new opportunity is an exclusive advertising/ sponsorship option on the most frequent and timely communication FNGLA provides its members: Ben’s Bullets. Written almost weekly by the Association’s CEO Ben Bolusky, this communication is sent out to our members via an electronic platform. This communication is well-read by FNGLA business owners and valued for its no-frills approach to industry topics and happenings. An opportunity exclusive to FNGLA members, Ben’s Bullets can be sponsored for $150 a week, which is purchased in minimum 5-week blocks, for a total of only $750. That’s five weeks of advertising impressions! Loaded with relevant industry information and visited by the industry-at-large, FNGLA’s website is a technological hub of activity seeing 30,000+ page visits in the average month and more as each of FNGLA’s premier tradeshows approach. The site offers a variety of exposure options including targeting the tradeshow areas. Learn more about how FNGLA can help you effectively reach your target audience. Most advertising opportunities offer FNGLA members a substantial discount. Contact FNGLA’s Business Development Manager Clay Archey at carchey@fngla. org to learn more!

The Jacksonville Landscape Show



Booths still available. Call





Leading Florida’s Green Industry

Northeast Chapter FNGLA - Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association • 904.292.1117 •

INDUSTRY NEWS Florida Agricultural Hall of Fame Banquet to be held February 14 Tickets are on sale for the 34th annual Florida Agricultural Hall of Fame banquet on February 14, which will honor four inductees who have made invaluable contributions to Florida agriculture. Held each year, the banquet celebrates the accomplishments of industry leaders who have served in research, education and business, is held in the Special Events Building at the Florida State Fair in Tampa. Tickets are $60 per person, and tables of eight are available. Tickets may be purchased online at by calling the Hillsborough County Farm Bureau at 813-230-1918. “The contributions of these individuals have made Florida agriculture stronger,” said Reggie Brown, president of the Florida Agricultural Hall of Fame. “Their tireless, unselfish efforts to promote and protect Florida’s greatest industry will be recognized with the agricultural community’s highest honor.” Renowned orchid grower Bob Fuchs is among the four inductees. Fuchs is recognized as orchid royalty around the globe. A collector of orchids since age 10, he is the founder of R.F. Orchids in Miami. In 1984 at the World Orchid Conference, R.F. Orchids’ plant Vanda Deva “Robert” was honored as the Grand Champion of the World, catapulting Fuchs and his nursery into international recognition and acceptance as one of the leading vandaceous orchid firms in the world. He is a member of numerous orchid societies worldwide and a recipient of the South Florida Orchid Society’s Distinguished Service Award. The other 2012 inductees are: • Laurence Paul Cutts, a second-generation beekeeper. • Gerald Mixon, founder of SunnyRidge Farm Inc., now Sunnyridge Farm-Dole. • Sid Sumner, a veteran of Florida’s beef cattle and agriculture industry. For more information about the Florida Agricultural Hall of Fame’s 2012 honorees and previous inductees, visit www. The Florida Agricultural Hall of Fame honors men and women who have made lasting contributions to agriculture in this state and have provided mentoring to our youth, who represent the future of agriculture in Florida.


Save The Date for FNGLA’s 60th Anniversary Convention & Annual Meeting: June 29 – 30, 2012, Jacksonville, FL Friday, June 29:

• Welcome to Jacksonville Tour, hosted by FNGLA’s Northeast Chapter • FNGLA’s 60th Anniversary Party at historic Glen St. Mary’s Nursery (Florida’s oldest nursery still in operation)

Saturday, June 30

• FNGLA Annual Meeting & Membership Luncheon (includes FNGLA Industry Awards presentation, FNGLA Year in Review and Election and Installation of 2012-2013 Officers

Access additional convention details at

INDUSTRY NEWS USDA Releases New Plant Hardiness Zone Map In late January, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released a new version of its Plant Hardiness Zone Map (PHZM), updating a useful tool for gardeners and researchers for the first time since 1990 with greater accuracy and detail. The new map—jointly developed by USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and Oregon State University’s (OSU) PRISM Climate Group—is available online at www.planthardiness.ars. ARS is the chief intramural scientific research agency of USDA. For the first time, the new map offers a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based interactive format and is specifically designed to be internetfriendly. The map website also incorporates a “find your zone by ZIP code” function. Static images of national, regional and state maps also have been included to ensure the map is readily accessible to those who lack broadband Internet access. “This is the most sophisticated Plant Hardiness Zone Map yet for the United States,” said Catherine Woteki, USDA Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics. “The increases in accuracy and detail that this map represents will be extremely useful for gardeners and researchers.” The new version of the map includes 13 zones, with the addition for the first time of zones 12 (50-60 degrees Fahrenheit) and 13 (60-70 degrees Fahrenheit). Each zone is a 10-degree Fahrenheit band, further divided into 5-degree Fahrenheit zones “A” and “B.” To help develop the new map, USDA and OSU requested that horticultural and climatic experts review the zones in their geographic area, and trial versions of the new map were revised based on their expert input. Compared to the 1990 version, zone boundaries in this edition of the map have shifted in many areas. The new map is generally one 5-degree Fahrenheit half-zone warmer than the previous map throughout much of the United States. This is mostly a result of using temperature data from a longer and more recent time period; the new map uses data measured at weather stations during the 30-year period 1976-2005. In

contrast, the 1990 map was based on temperature data from only a 13-year period of 1974-1986. However, some of the changes in the zones are a result of new, more sophisticated methods for mapping zones between weather stations. These include algorithms that considered for the first time such factors as changes in elevation, nearness to large bodies of water, and position on the terrain, such as valley bottoms and ridge tops. Also, the new map used temperature data from many more stations than did the 1990 map. These advances greatly improved the accuracy and detail of the map, especially in mountainous regions of the western United States. In some cases, they resulted in changes to cooler, rather than warmer, zones. While about 80 million American gardeners, as well as those who grow and breed plants, are the largest users of the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map, many others need this hardiness zone information. For example, the USDA Risk Management Agency uses the USDA plant hardiness zone designations to set some crop insurance standards. Scientists use the plant hardiness zones as a data layer in many research models such as modeling the spread of exotic weeds and insects. Although a poster-sized version of this map will not be available for purchase from the government as in the past, anyone may download the map free of charge from the Internet onto their personal computer and print copies of the map as needed.

INDUSTRY NEWS Boxwood Blight Affecting Many Outside Florida A serious dieases found in New Zealand in 1992, the blight has now been detected in the states of CT, MA, RI, NY, PA, MD, VA, NC, and OR, and province of BC. In some cases, detections have been in nurseries only. In others, it has been found in landscape settings and appears to affect almost all of the varieties commercially important in North America. Read more about the disease: lib/caes/documents/publications/ fact_sheets/plant_pathology_and_ ecology/boxwood_blight-_a_new_ disease_for_connecticut_and_ the_u.s.__12-08-11.pdf. FNGLA will provide additional information should the blight progress.

IFAS Research on Loblolly Pines Explore is a university-wide publication at the University of Florida which covers a wide range of research topics conducted at IFAS and beyond. In January, the publication covered how universities and growers are helping the South’s most abundant pine species adapt to climate change. Read the article: http://www.research. A variety of industry-related stories are available in the publication’s archive: publications/explore/past/.

Florida Agriculture Literacy Day Scheduled for May 1, 2012: Volunteers Needed The ninth annual Florida Agriculture Literacy Day is scheduled for Tuesday, May 1, 2012. Florida Agriculture in the Classroom, Inc. invites Florida agriculture industry volunteers to read its newest storybook to elementary school children in honor of the event. The fourth in a series of rhyming children’s books, Healthy Florida Farms educates students on the nutritional value of Florida fruits, vegetables, dairy, beef, poultry and seafood products. Copies of the books and lesson plans for teachers, and bookmarks and other items for students will be distributed to volunteer readers beginning in March. Registration for Florida Agriculture Literacy Day will begin in February at Florida Agriculture in the Classroom’s website at The deadline to register, if you’re reading on Florida Agriculture Literacy Day, is Friday, April 16, 2012. If you are reading after that, we ask that you complete the reading before the end of the school year and schedule it at least two weeks in advance. Florida Agriculture in the Classroom, a non-profit organization based in Gainesville, is charged with educating Florida students and teachers about the importance of agriculture by providing curricula,materials, workshops, grant money and other programs to teachers and agriculture industry volunteers. Florida Agriculture in the Classroom is able to offer books and materials for Agriculture Literacy Day free of because of the funding it receives from sales of the agriculture specialty license plate also known as the ‘Ag Tag.’ View the just-released FAITC annual report at http://www.flagintheclassroom. com/. For more information, contact Holiday Griffin at 352-846-1391 or email

Industry Loses Ag Extension Legend Henry F. Swanson died Jan 10, 2012, in Orlando, FL, at age 88. Henry came to Orange County in 1948 to work for the Orange County Agricultural Extension Service. He began as a 4-H agent and later became the County Extension Director. A true public servant, he became a champion of water and land conservation and was frequently referred to as the Jeremiah of the citrus belt. For his work, he received numerous awards including induction into the Florida Agricultural Hall of Fame, Florida Citrus Hall of Fame, Florida Dairy Hall of Fame, and the Florida Horticultural Hall of Fame.

CERTIFICATIONS Broward Groups Team up to Offer Certified Landscape Technician Exam FNGLA’s Broward Chapter, in cooperation with UF Broward County Extension and OIC of Broward, hosted the FNGLA Certified Landscape Technician (FCLT) exam in Pembroke Pines January 21st. This exam followed a highly successful training program offered through a “Green Jobs” grant. Certified Judges from Florida and the Bahamas judged the exam applicants’ landscape installation skills in areas such as plant identification, equipment operation, irrigation repair and tree installation. Those interested in FNGLA’s landscape certifications have three more opportunities to test this spring: • FCLT Exam: March 21st at Atlantis Resorts in Nassau, Bahamas • FCLMT Exam: April 14th at SeaWorld Horticulture in Orlando • FCLT Exam: April 21st at pTEC St. Petersburg For more information, contact Merry Mott at FNGLA at 800-375-3642 or see FNGLA’s website at

Thanks to our Sponsors: Bobcat of Broward, Pompano Beach Getting Green Plant Service, Southwest Ranches

Thanks to our Instructors: Wes Parrish, Parrish Nursery Carl Wallack, South Plantation High School Mike Orfanedes, UF Broward County Extension Robert Shoelson, Getting Green Plant Service

Thanks to our Judges: Ed Barry, FCLT, Landscape Service Pros Steve Blackburn, FCLC, Staying Green Tony Burzo, FCLC, Atlantis Resorts Randolph Coakley, FCLT, Bahamas Landscape Association Wade Collum, FCLT, City of Pompano Beach Carlucio DaRocha, FCLT, Landscaping Details Evamae Deveaux, FCLMT, Atlantis Resorts Todd Flack, FCLC, 100% Landscaping Jamie Hayes, FCLC, Runway Growers Kim Hoadley, FCLT, Landscape Service Pros Brian Kane, FCLT, Brickman Group Floyd Peters, FCLT, Miami-Dade County Robert Pursell, FCLC, Getting Green Luis Rivera-Montes, FCHP, Nu-Turf

Applicants for the exam get a walk-through of the Plant ID garden in a Review Course prior to the FCLT exam.

Utilizing a transit is an important aspect of the FCLT exam where applicant’s demonstrate ability to determine land elevations.

An applicant answers questions on palm care after completing the Palm Banding station of the FCLT exam.

CERTIFICATIONS Certified Landscape Technician Training Begins in St. Petersburg Landscape professionals in Southwest Florida have an opportunity to prepare for FNGLA’s Certified Landscape Technician (FCLT) exam by taking part in a training program at Pinellas Technical Education Center in St. Petersburg. The class begins Tuesday, February 28th and prepares applicants to take the FCLT Exam at pTEC on April 21st. The course is a hands-on approach to training that provides practice in the skills tested on the FCLT exam. For more information on the FCLT landscape installation class at pTEC, contact Glenn Duncan at grduncan@tampabay. or (727) 418-2273 or Bonnie Desmond at (727) 893-2500, ext. 1101 or For more information on the FCLT exam itself, contact Merry Mott at FNGLA at 800-375-3642 or see FNGLA’s website at

Are You an FNGLA Certified Professional? Certification is a set of standards developed, maintained and administered by industry. These standards establish a minimum level of competency for industry professionals. Certification is voluntary - as opposed to state licensing - and not required by law to do business. However, certification helps regulate the industry by providing a means by which consumers can identify industry members who have demonstrated their skills and abilities. FNGLA certification provides a true mark of distinction and, overall, certification raises the standards, professionalism and image of our industry. If you’re not certified, learn more today: or contact FNGLA at!

Access Your FNGLA Certification Information Online! Maintaining 15 (or 30 if you’re FCLC or FCLD) CEUs over a three-year period is required in order to keep an earned certification up-to-date. In order to assist certified professionals with this task, FNGLA’s website includes an easy-to-use CEU accumulator search under the certifications tab located at Once you’ve keyed in your 7-digit certification number, you’ll gain access to your renewal date, your current number of CEUs to apply to your renewal, the date of your last CEU recorded and a link to your employer details. The link includes expanded information on your employer, such as address detail, email and website detail. Should you need to update any of this data, simply contact FNGLA at or call 800.375.3642 for assistance.

MEMBER NEWS SNA Honors FNGLA Members at Annual Gathering The SNA Board of Directors honors individuals that have served this association and the nursery industry in various capacities throughout the years and have made outstanding contributions during their active participation in the Southern Nursery Association. Announced at SNA events taking place in conjunction with the Gulf States Horticultural Expo (GSHE) held in Mobile on January 19th, two FNGLA leaders received special recognition for their service to the nursery industry. The David E. Laird Senior Memorial Award will be presented to FNGLA President Halsey Beshears. After earning his Master’s degree from the University of Florida, Halsey began his career in the nursery industry in 1997 at his family business, Simpson Nurseries, a wholesale container growing operation servicing the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Regions, and today is Vice President. As his involvement with the family nursery increased, so did his industry involvement. Halsey has participated in and received many industry distinctions including: Wedgworth Leadership Institute Graduate Class V, Wedgworth Leadership Board of Directors (20022008), President, FNGLA Big Bend Chapter (2002-2004),FNGLA Board of Directors (2003-2008), President of Tallahassee Young Entrepreneurs Organization (2008), Farm Bureau Family of Jefferson County (2009), FNGLA Young Nursery Professional of the Year (2009), Board of Advisors Farmers & Merchants Bank (2007-2011), FNGLA President (2011-Present), Jefferson County Farm Bureau Board of Advisors (2009-Present). He is an active member of Presbyterian Church of Monticello and the Tallahassee Young Entrepreneurs Organization. He has been a Private Instrument Rated Pilot since 2000 with over 1000 hours as PIC. Halsey and his wife Cristin have three young daughters. Congratulations Halsey!

Halsey Beshears (left), current FNGLA President and David E. Laird Award winner talks with Adam Putnam (right), Florida’s Commissioner of Agricluture & Consumer Services at The Landscape Show held last Fall in Orlando.

SNA Honorary Membership was awarded to FNGLA Past President Bill Reese. Bill has been a tireless industry advocate since first joining FNGLA in 1975 working his way up the chapter ranking then to serving as FNGLA President in 1989. He was the 1992 FNGLA Wendell Butler Award recipient. Following many years of FNGLA involvement, Bill became very active in the Southern Nursery Association serving as the President in 1989-1990 and then ANLA, serving as a regional representative and eventually on its board of directors. In 2009, Bill was inducted into the FNGLA Hall of Fame. Outside association work, Bill has served on countless organization committees and boards for many causes including Florida Farm Bureau, City of Ocala, Kiwanis, Florida Bill Reese with wife Meta at the 2009 Urban Forestry Council, International Plant Propagators Society and more. FNGLA Annual Convention. Bill and Meta have three sons, three daughters and fourteen grandchildren. Congratulations Bill! ******** ECRWSS ******** Local Postal Customer



INTERACT! is an exciting new service brought to you by FNGLA, Creative and FNGLA’s member service providers. Our goal is to create a tightly knit community, working together to promote our services to other FNGLA members. USING THE SERVICE IS FAST AND EASY. JUST FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS!




Simply use your mobile device to scan the QR code and quickly access information on each FNGLA member service provider.

Member service providers are listed on FNGLA’s website where you can read about the benefits each member has to offer.

Once you’re on a member service provider’s website, you can contact them and get in-depth information about their services.



Matthew J. Antos, CFP® Wealth Management Advisor 204 East Pine Street Lakeland, FL 33801 (888) 652-6468

FNGLA is proud to announce a new benefit our member firms can take advantage of for themselves and their employees: Group Life Insurance from LPL Financial. For complete program details, please visit • Discounted Rates negotiated by FNGLA for all members, spouses, employees and family members. • Guaranteed Issue Amounts up to $50,000 with no medical exams required. • Eligible members can elect up to $300,000 of coverage (simplified underwriting).

Roberts Supply Inc. is the South’s Leading Distributor of Power Equipment and has partnered with FNGLA to bring great savings to FNGLA members. From its humble beginnings as a small, familyowned retail business, Roberts Supply has become an industry staple providing top-quality products and superior customer service. Delivering excellence and meeting customers’ diverse needs, Roberts Supply proudly carries top industry manufacturers. Click the manufacturer to access Roberts Supply’s product line-up for each.


A special THANK YOU to FNGLA’s aligned service providers for their efforts in reaching out to FNGLA members and communicating member benefits and cost-savings.

Creative is the One-Stop-Shop for all printing, graphics and marketing needs of FNGLA members. With its special online system, it’s easy to order everything from business cards to large signs at FNGLA member discounts! Among its many professional services, Creative offers FNGLA members an exclusive FREE 2-hour marketing consultation (worth over $500) with a report and recommendations, 15% discounts off web and logo designs, and monthly specials and coupons.

• Easy online enrollment available.




Learn more about how your business can benefit at:


Looking to Recommend FNGLA Membership to Your Industry Friends?

Welcome New Members The following are new FNGLA members from December 22, 2011 January 21, 2011 BROWARD Florida Turnpike Enterprise Andrew Seibel, Supportive PO Box 9828 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33310-9828 954-270-9828 DADE Topiary Gardens Nursery Jose Perez 18920 SW 311th St Homestead, FL 33030-3845 786-255-3580 Redlands Quality Nursery Corp. Michael Rodriguez 23100 SW 192nd Ave Miami, FL 33170-5104 786-402-9585 LAKE REGION N R G Growers Bobby Stoneking 40440 W 8th Ave Umatilla, FL 32784-8805 352-516-2159

It’s Easy! Log on to the FNGLA Website at and follow the on-screen form!

PALM BEACH Landscape Depot Investments Chad B. Butler 2242 Stotesbury Way West Palm Beach, FL 33414 561-514-1122 Joe Mastracchio, Student 561-846-1321 PINELLAS Brandon Pitchon, Student 727-638-5826 ROYAL PALM Tropic Trim Lawn Service Tom Carey PO Box 7465 Naples, FL 34101-7465 239-595-4089 OUTSIDE FLORIDA Gallup and Stribling Orchids, Inc. Nancy Welty 3450 Via Real Carpinteria, CA 93013 805-684-1998 The Plant Connection Debbie Porter PO Box 17283 North Little Rock, AR 72117 501-375-4028 Plainview Growers Arie Van Vugt 229 Farm Road Pompton Plains, NJ 07444 973-696-8574 Ext. 10

(800) 375-3642

INTERNATIONAL N I F Agri Support Co., Ltd. Christy Qiu Room A2618, China Shine Plaza, No. 9 Linhe Xi Road Tianhe District Guangzhou, 510610 +86 20 3801 1229-808

Calendar of Events

Contact Us

See and submit events at under calendar FNGLA

February 8:

University of Florida CALS Expo, Gainesville


Jacksonville Horticultual and Landscape Show, Jacksonville


Ag Hall of Fame Banquet, Tampa


Right Tree, Right Place Seminar, Orlando

March 4-11:

Philadelphia International Flower Show, Philadelphia


Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival Opening, Lake Buena Vista

April 10:

Urban Pond Management, Rookery Bay Environmental Learning Center, Naples


All Florida Ag Show, Highlands County Fair Convention Center

Phone: 407.295.7994 Toll-free: 800.375.3642 Fax: 407.295.1619 E-mail: Web:

CEO/Executive Vice President Ben Bolusky

Greenline Editor Jennifer Nelis

2011-2012 State Officers

President Halsey Beshears Simpson Nurseries P.O. Box 160 Monticello, FL 32345 (850) 997-2516

President-Elect Wes Parrish Parrish Nursery 5900 SW 185th Way Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33332 (954) 680-3544

Past President Carolan Mahr Ted Mahr Supply, Inc. 407A SW 2nd St Cape Coral, FL 33991 (239) 574-2214

Secretary/Treasurer Mike Marshall Marshall Tree Farm 17350 SE 65th St Morriston, FL 32668-4508 (352) 528-3880

Connect with us: About FNGLA This publication is produced by the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA) as a service to its members. The statements and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Association, its staff, Board of Directors, Greenline or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers or their identification as members does not constitute an endorsement of the products or featured services. The mission of the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association is to promote and protect the success and professionalism of our members.


1533 Park Center Drive Orlando, FL 32835-5705

Read the latest FNGLA news inside & visit Greenline online at

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