Greenline, February 2014

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February 2014 | Volume 35, Issue 2


TPIE: Inspiration, Innovation and Creativity! An FNGLA signature event, the Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition (TPIE) brought together more than 6,100 industry professionals on January 22-24 at the Broward County Convention Center in Fort Lauderdale, FL. The show floor itself was the attraction with nearly 400 companies and more than 800 booths displaying the most diverse collection of commercially produced tropical plants, foliage and houseplants anywhere in the world. “TPIE is the very best way to start the year!” said Theresa Riley, co-owner of Rockledge Gardens and the 2014 TPIE Chairperson. “The exhibits were extraordinarily inspiring for the spring selling season. TPIE offered so many new opportunities to capture creative and innovative ideas to use back home.” New to TPIE this year was the TPIE Inspiration Entrance which highlighted products and plants inspired for weddings, special events and holidays. Professional floral designers presented workshops offering new ways to upsell tropicals and foliage throughout the show at the new TPIE Create Theater presented by the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD). A new Innovation Lounge right on the show floor showcased videos highlighting unique ways of using plants and provided a comfortable rest stop and charging stations.

Excelsa Gardens took the prize for Best of Show with their elegant indoor/ outdoor patio space featuring their signature tropical plants as the living décor.

“We are always trying to keep TPIE fresh, exciting and new,” said TPIE show manager, Linda Adams. “This year we changed the floor plan so everyone came into the center of the show, creating a more open entrance and balanced traffic flow. FNGLA added new areas for learning and informal interaction on the show floor and programs highlighting industry success stories, such as the new Interiorscape Award Winners Showcase. We were very pleased with the participation in the new areas and how well the new floor plan was received.” The exhibitors set the bar high with elaborate, breathtaking and exciting displays to showcase their plants (Con’t page 3)


Mike Marshall FNGLA 2013-2014 President

Spring: The Industry’s Favorite Time and the Start of Tallahassee’s Legislative Season Winter officially arrived. While many areas in the country have experienced extreme cold and significant winter weather, we Floridians have been inconvenienced of wearing our jackets less than half of the time. Other than that, we’ve been able to wear shorts and flip flops many a day. At the beginning of the year, there was one weekend where half of the U.S. population, or 150 million Americans, were in weather that was zero degrees or colder. During that time, Florida’s weather was easily in the 60’s or 70’s. This winter has been a great reminder for why Florida and the Southeastern United States are great places to be and why Florida’s population and the landscape industry are going to continue to grow. Speaking of winter, the trade show season is at the half way mark and the initial read is things are picking up around the country. The Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show (MANTS) in Baltimore opened the season in early January and many Florida industry reps reported it was one of the busiest and exciting shows they’ve attended in a long time. Closer to home, our Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition (TPIE) was sporting a new floor plan, new inspiration entrance, new areas for learning and a completely sold out show. All of this added up to a phenomenal show with happy buyers and sellers. Reports from the January shows confirm that 2013 ended as a better year for most of the industry and there is a strong positive outlook as we head into 2014. Before we leave the trade show circuit, I wish to personally thank the TPIE Sponsors, TPIE Show Committee, FNGLA staff and all of the dedicated volunteers who work so hard to ensure TPIE is one of the premier trade shows in the United States year after year. As we leave winter behind in the next month, we head into spring -- a favorite time of year for just about everyone in our industry. Winter’s end also means the beginning of the legislative year in Tallahassee. Representation of our industry in Florida’s capital is one of the greatest and most essential benefits of being an FNGLA member. FNGLA has Jim Spratt of Magnolia Strategies representing us well in


Tallahassee and he identified FNGLA’s 2014 priorities as we start thinking politics. FNGLA’s biggest priority bills for 2014 include: A bill to expand sales tax exemptions to irrigation equipment, as well as replacement parts on power farm equipment (such as tractors, augers, bush hogs, potting machines, etc.). The bill also provides sales tax exemptions on trailers used in production. A springs bill is big as FNGLA works to ensure any new policies do not negatively impact our growers. We also continue fighting to secure science, rather than emotion, shapes local urban fertilizer ordinances. Reclaimed water is another big piece of possible legislation which may open opportunities to utilize reclaimed water for both agricultural and urban users. FNGLA is working to improve the policies to make it more practical and economically feasible for nursery growers to utilize this resource when it makes business sense. FNGLA works every year to protect the FDACS budget, especially when it comes to the Division of Plant Industry, as well as BMP development and implementation. In addition, FNGLA is working with FDACS and FDEP to fund a regional pilot project to encourage use of smart irrigation controllers for irrigating residential landscapes. Protecting the UF/IFAS budget, and especially its Center for Landscape Conservation & Ecology and the Center for Public Information & Education. Last, but not least, 2014 is an election year and contributions to the FNGLA-PAC are greatly needed during election years. Please consider making a contribution to the FNGLA-PAC now or certainly when FNGLA dues renewals come out in a couple of months. Looking forward to a great spring and 2014! Mike Marshall Marshall Tree Farm (Morriston)

FNGLA HAPPENINGS Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition (con’t) (Con’t from Page 1)

and products and provide inspiring ideas for merchandising and added value selling. This year’s Best of Show Award went to Excelsa Gardens, Loxahatchee, FL as its display featured a beautifully-designed indoor/outdoor patio space with Excelsa’s signature tropical plants as the living décor. TPIE buyers were the decision-makers for a variety of plant and product awards. TPIE attendees’ Favorite New Flowering Plant for 2014 was Tibouchina ‘Hippie Dippie Tibbies’™ – Peace Baby PPAF, by ForemostCo. The favorite new foliage plant was Calathea ‘Fusion White’ by Biostock LLC and the winner of the Favorite New Product award was LivePicture® by Suite Plants LLC. Access a full list of booth award and People’s Choice winners at: Members of The Garden Center Group selected 14 great products as the 2014 TPIE “Cool Products” Award winners. Access this list of winners at: Industry business strategist, John Kennedy, had TPIE attendees energized to hit the show floor as he challenged them during TPIE’s Opening Session to make the most of 2014’s coming changes with Creative and Innovative Thinking. The TPIE Short Course offered two days of highly energetic presentations covering topics related to workplace generational differences, time management strategies, design ideas, pest management and technician training. The TPIE Road Show was a sold-out event as more than 100 participants visited five FNGLA-member nurseries, each with its own plant and production specialties as well as unique nursery personalities. Biostock was a triple winner at TPIE. It’s new plant introduction Calathea ‘Fusion White’ was chosen as the “Most Unusual Plant Specimen” by TPIE’s Booth Judges, selected as the People’s Choice winner as the “Favorite New Foliage Plant” and was one of 14 items at the show deemed by The Garden Center Group as a 2014 TPIE “Cool Product.”

After a very busy first day at TPIE, literally hundreds of TPIE attendees moved to the fountain courtyard for the TPIE Happy Hour. Sponsored by Suntory, this year’s event was especially exciting as 100 students from the local McArthur High School created a flash mob and wowed the audience with their choreographed dancing and high spirits. With most of these students in FFA (Future Farmers of America), Suntory representative T. Jay Higgins, also with Sun-Fire Nurseries, ended the event encouraging industry members to support their local schools and FFA and 4-H programs and set an example by giving the McArthur High School’s FFA a donation of $2,500. Offering its own encouragement for student involvement, TPIE hosted FNGLA’s Career Fair with more than 250 students. TPIE also served as the backdrop for landscape displays by four local high schools with FFA and agriculture programs: McArthur, Plantation, South Plantation and Western High Schools. TPIE is a significant revenue source for FNGLA and its programs which support Florida’s entire nursery and landscape industry. Special thanks go to all of the exhibitors and buyers for their support of TPIE, as well as a special thank you to the TPIE Planning Committee, which works hard to keep the show new, fresh, and profitable to its participants. TPIE Committee members are: Chair Theresa Riley (Rockledge Gardens); Vice Chair Lloyd Singleton (UF/Sumter County Extension Service); Immediate Past Chair Charlie Martin (Harold B. Martin, Inc.); Bill Lyden (Farm Life Tropical Foliage); Chris Beytes (Ball Publications); Bisser Georgiev (Live Trends Design Group); John Mendozza (Morning Dew Tropical Plants); Chris Mercer (Mercer Botanicals); and, Manny Rodriguez (Plants In Design). Plan now to be at TPIE 2015, taking place January 21-23 at the Broward County Convention Center, Fort Lauderdale, FL.


Access the complete TPIE 2014 Photo

o Gallery:

FNGLA HAPPENINGS National Foliage Foundation (NFF) Packs a Punch At TPIE Full of energy and enthusiasm, National Foliage Foundation’s (NFF) board members’ presence was felt at the Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition (TPIE), January 22-24, in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Members of the Board hit the floor selling raffle tickets to support NFF’s scholarship efforts. NFF’s annual fundraising reception on January 23 was an opportunity to share with attendees ground-breaking marketing strategies being explored through NFF’s Graduate Assistantship program. On January 24, NFF board members offered their knowledge and experience of the foliage industry to over 250 students at the FNGLA Career Fair. NFF’s Fundraising Cash Raffle was a newly-added element to TPIE for 2014. Tickets were sold for $5 each or $20 for 5 tickets. Rosemary Warner, Vegelab, was drawn as the big $1,000 cash winner! The raffle brought awareness to NFF’s efforts and raised over $3,500 for NFF’s scholarship program. NFF is proud to have provided over $325,000 to students pursuing their careers in horticulture. It is the goal of the Foundation to see these students grow and mature into future leaders of the industry. NFF’s Annual Reception is held at TPIE to recognize individuals contributing to the Foundation’s portfolio. The event is also a chance to communicate research program and scholarship happenings to the audience of stakeholders. At the 2014 event, NFF raised over $24,900, largely in part from a contribution of $10,000 given by FNGLA’s Miami-Dade Chapter’s Dick Fuhr Memorial Fishing Tournament. NFF President Austin Bryant recapped highlights from some of the research conducted by the graduate assistantship team at the University of Florida. Most notably, Bryant focused research related to consumer preference patterns related to foliage. The research hopes to identify appealing characteristics to the consumer using scientific platforms. Such discoveries and understanding could significantly enhance product development and the future of foliage marketing. David Liu, President of Foliage Design Systems and an NFF Board member, served as host of the FNGLA’s Career Fair. Over 250 students came to see the beauty of TPIE and assess the possibility of becoming a part of it. Liu shared with them the size and economic impact of the foliage industry. Several other NFF board members were on hand and shared their business stories with the students. “Math is certainly something you would use in the industry”, said Gary Hennen, Oglesby Plants International, Inc. and Kevin Riley, Rockledge Gardens encourage the creative-thinking students to consider a career in the retail segment of the industry. For more information about the National Foliage Foundation or how to contribute, visit or email Linda Reindl, The National Foliage Foundation is administered by the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA).

(Left Image) Raffle winner Rosemary Warner (Vegelab) is pictured with Michelle Mendozza and Austin Bryant just after her name was drawn. (Right Image) David Liu emceed the FNGLA Career Fair. Students were engaged and learning.


FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA & FDACS Partner with Florida Gardening Outreach & Nationwide IGC Promo Building on a successful relationship with FDACS, FNGLA’s Membership and Marketing Committee (dubbed the M&M Committee) is working with FDACS on two great outreach programs: Project One: Garden Center Pilot Program Targeting 100 of America’s leading IGC’s, the program kicked-off last year with a mission to drive awareness and sales of Florida horticulture by developing and expanding marketing opportunities using the “Fresh from Florida” brand. Utilizing POP materials provided by FDACS, participating IGCs are rewarded for their efforts to promote their Florida-sourced plants as “Fresh from Florida.” 81 stores in 10 states participated. Building on this pilot, we’re happy to partner with FDACS to run this program again for 2014. Project Two: Florida Gardening Outreach Looking to increase awareness outside Florida, we’re targeting the Atlanta, Raleigh/Durham and South Carolina consumers with a regional ad placement running in the April issues (in-home mid-March) of ELLE Décor, HouseBeautiful, Country Living, This Old House, MORE, Real Simple, and Traditional Home. The ad touts outdoor living and includes an inset featuring a house bamboo promoting indoor gardening and houseplants. Look for additional information on reach, perceived effectiveness and an overall recap of happenings once the programs have been completed. For more details on FNGLA’s marketing and promotional efforts, call FNGLA at 800-375-3642 or e-mail: Participating Independent Garden Centers from the 2013 program included many well-known, multi-store garden centers. Among the many self-designed POP displays, this one featured Florida plants and the Fresh from Florida logo mimicking a smart phone.


FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA Industry Award Nominations Now Accepted FNGLA is a successful association because of our many dedicated and involved members. Each year FNGLA recognizes members who go above and beyond in their volunteer service to the Association and the industry. Help be FNGLA’s eyes and ears by nominating folks who you know deserve to be recognized for the extra-efforts they contribute. FNGLA Industry Awards include the designations below. Also noted is the 2013 recipient of each award. FNGLA HALL OF FAME A lifetime achievement award presented to an individual who has given time and effort unselfishly having contributed to the industry through pioneering, teaching, production, legislation, marketing, services or research. 2013 Inductee: Irv Betrock, Betrock Information Systems, Hollywood WENDELL E. BUTLER This award is recognized as FNGLA's most prestigious. It recognizes an individual who serves FNGLA and the industry by providing leadership, service, and contributions, showing a sincere interest in the advancement of the Association and the industry. 2013 Recipient: Nancy G. McDonald, N.G.M. Productions, Mt. Dora FNGLA/FARM CREDIT YOUNG NURSERY PROFESSIONAL OF THE YEAR This award is presented to an FNGLA member who is under 39 years young and has made an outstanding contribution to the industry. This award is sponsored annually by Farm Credit Associations of Florida. 2013 Recipient: Jenn Helms-Shelley, Railroad Nursery, Inc., Homestead OUTSTANDING CHAPTER PRESIDENT This award recognizes FNGLA leaders who provide extraordinary leadership to their Chapter. 2013 Recipient: Vickie Parrish, Parrish Nursery, Inc., Parkland (Broward Chapter) OUTSTANDING CHAPTER SECRETARY/TREASURER This is presented to an individual who is often the key to a successful Chapter. 2013 Recipient: Cindy Hall, Cobble Systems, Jensen Beach (Treasure Coast Chapter Secretary) OUTSTANDING VOLUNTEER This is presented to an individual who has contributed faithfully to the advancement of the industry through Association activities or related service. 2013 Recipient: Mary Schneider, FNGLA Dade Chapter Office, Homestead OUTSTANDING EDUCATOR This is presented to an individual who is actively involved with the teaching of horticulture. 2013 Recipient: Keri Milligan, Oakleaf High School, Orange Park, FNGLA FRIEND OF THE INDUSTRY This award is presented to an individual from outside the Association who has contributed to the advancement or improvement of the nursery and landscape industry. 2013 Recipient: Commissioner Adam Putnam, Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Tallahassee


Floriculture Field Days Promises Premier Learning and Interactions: May 14 & 15 Breeder Participants

Mark your calendar and plan to attend FNGLA’s Floriculture Field Days. Taking place May 14 & 15 in conjunction with the Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival! Florida’s spring season and this event are ideal to evaluate plants for garden performance and test their resilience to the heat and humidity of Central Florida’s climate. Floriculture Field Days offers two jam-packed days of educational programs, expanded trial areas and great interactions with industry suppliers. With breeders from across the US participating, attendees get the unique opportunity to evaluate the plants in a true landscape setting while being able to ask questions directly to the breeders. Breeders generally trial the new varieties expected to be released for use in Florida. It’s a mustattend for anyone who’s serious about floriculture in the landscape and for those looking to bring the latest industry innovations to their clients. If you’re looking for exposure to this industry segment, position your business as a leader to this key audience. Great sponsorships are available: floriculture-field-day/Sponsorship.aspx. Choose to have an exhibit table to display your business products, or capture higher visibility as an exclusive event sponsor of one of the conference happenings which includes the opportunity to briefly address the group at the event. This is a great event to interact with the who’s who in Florida’s floriculture and landscape industries and a great way to connect with the southeast’s key breeders. Make your commitment now for best exposure to this key audience. For details on participating, log onto floriculture-field-day/.

The 2013 conference demonstration plot at the Epcot International Gateway. 2014’s event will utilize this same space for breeder varieties.

FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA Annual Convention: June 20 & 21 Ponte Vedra Beach! FNGLA’s 62nd Annual Meeting and Convention is always a high point of the year, with FNGLA leaders and members sharing important industry information, association updates and, most important, sharing time together to make new business connections and strengthen already established relationships. The 2014 FNGLA Convention will take place June 20 & 21 at the Marriott Sawgrass Resort & Spa in Ponte Vedra Beach. Ponte Vedra Beach is part of the Jacksonville Beaches area, located southeast of Jacksonville and north of St. Augustine. A welcome reception at the oceanfront Cabana Beach Club on Friday evening, June 20 will be the first official convention event. Guests will be able to catch up with FNGLA friends and colleagues while enjoying cocktails and appetizers with a beautiful beachside view of the Atlantic Ocean. FNGLA’s Frontrunners Chapter will open the convention hospitality suite following Friday and Saturday evening activities.

Access FNGLA’s 2013 Convention Photo Gallery at: photos/101900735408609469622/albums/589 3460707947704545?banner=pwa

FNGLA members are encouraged to arrive early as the Marriott Sawgrass and Ponte Vedra Beach offer many enticing activities, including world-class golf, a lavish spa, relaxing pool and beach time, as well as interesting shops and restaurants close to the resort. The hotel is a short drive to historic St. Augustine.

Saturday convention activities will include FNGLA’s Annual Business meeting and the Presidents’ Gala banquet. These events highlight FNGLA’s 2013/2014 Industry Award winners, FNGLA Year in Review, as well as Association elections and leadership reflections. A generous span of unplanned time on Saturday afternoon allows for casual interaction among members, whether poolside or on the golf course. The newly renovated Marriott Sawgrass is offering FNGLA members an exceptional rate of only $115 per night for a standard room. This rate includes complimentary Wi-Fi in the guest rooms. In addition, FNGLA group members receive a 15% discount on spa services. Should you wish to make hotel reservations, you may do so by calling 800-457-4653. Under the chairmanship of Bonnie Marshall (Marshall Tree Farm in Morriston, FL), the convention committee is continuing to work on special events. More details will be available in early spring, both in the Greenline and on the convention’s web page: Look for additional convention details in the coming weeks!

FNGLA’s 2014 Annual Convention takes place June 20 & 21 at the Marriott Sawgrass Resort in Ponte Vedra Beach: a venue with many activities to enjoy!


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FNGLA HAPPENINGS Special Happenings at TPIE targeted Youth and Spanish-Speaking Industry Members TPIE was the venue for many industry happenings. Many organizations used the time to honor award winners. Others leaned on the show and its happenings to provide substance to their programs. Over 250 horticulture students from Broward and Miami-Dade counties were welcomed to the Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition (TPIE) for FNGLA’s Career Fair Friday, January 24. High school and middle school students learned about the vast career opportunities in Florida’s nursery and landscape industry. This year’s event was presented by the National Foliage Foundation (NFF). Board members representing growers, interiorscapers, and even plant identification software, shared with the students why they loved their jobs. Students were invited to visit the TPIE show floor at the conclusion of FNGLA’s Career Fair. “We’re happy to again offer this event at TPIE. It’s a great opportunity to show agricutlure-minded youth many of the career possibilities available to them in horticulture,” said Merry Mott, FNGLA’s Director of Certifications and the FNGLA Career Days Coordinator. In addition, the Institute of Environmental Studies (IES) conducted an FNGLA Certified Horticulture Professional (FCHP) training program entirely in Spanish in conjunction with TPIE January 20-22. Industry professionals from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Venezuela and Columbia attended. The course included two days of instruction, the TPIE Road Show, entrance to TPIE and a nursery management workshop. It is designed to provide the knowledge required for the FCHP exam, but also as an introduction to Florida’s horticulture industry in general. Thanks to Fernando Galindez, Marta Galindez and Guillermo Salazar from IES, this new program provides a unique opportunity for industry certification to Spanish-speaking horticulturists. To learn more about Spanish-language FCHP training, contact Dr. Galindez at 954-330-6533 or For more details on FNGLA youth programming, contact FNGLA’s Merry Mott at 407-295-7994 or

Dr. Fernando Galindez (second from left), Marta Galindez (third from left) and several of their students on the TPIE trade show floor.


Over 250 high school horticulture students participated in FNGLA’s Career Day held at TPIE on Friday, January 24. Students learned from members of the board from the National Foliage Foundation (NFF).

FNGLA HAPPENINGS The One Name Campaign! Member Recruitment Campaign Continues to Grow Last August, FNGLA officially launched “ The One Name Campaign!” with members being asked to provide the name and contact details for just one business who will benefit from FNGLA’s membership, ideally a landscape firm. Once your “one name” has joined, you will be rewarded with a $50 credit towards any state-level FNGLA educational event! Submitting your “one name” is easy! Go to FNGLA’s home page at and look for the “Refer a Member” button on the top right. From here, there’s a simple online submission form. Then, simply follow-up with your recommendation and help orient them to the many programs and benefits which will most benefit their business. It’s really that easy! In the first six months of the program, we’d like to thank the following members who’ve recommended FNGLA membership to industry peers using “The One Name Campaign” program: Sandy Benton (Landscape Service Professionals); Tristen Bowen (Marriott Vacation Club); Austin Bryant (Heart of Florida Greenhouses); Jim Davis (UF-IFAS Sumter County Extension); Cindy Hall (Cobble Systems); Rich Kling (Integrity Merchant Solutions); José Antonio Mejía (RJ Supply Natural Plants Garden SRL); Vickie Parrish (Parrish Nursery, Inc.); Lourdes Rodriguez (Manuel Diaz Farms, Inc.); Friedel Scholl (Soho Landscape); Bill Sellers (Coastal Springs Chapter FNGLA); Brett Sendler (Florida School for the Deaf & Blind); Robert Shoelson (Getting Green Plant Service); Eric Smith (Big Trees Plantation); Shawn Steed, UF-IFAS Hillsborough County Extension Service; Sandy Stein (The Jungle Nursery); and, Ryan Watkins (Brownswood Nursery). When we will be adding you to the list? For more details on FNGLA’s recruitment efforts, call FNGLA at 800-375-3642 or e-mail:

Access FNGLA’s flipbook archives: & Ben’s Bullet’s archive: 13

INDUSTRY NEWS Horticultural Research Institute and AmericanHort™ Form Strategic Alliance to Advance Industry Research The Horticultural Research Institute (HRI) and AmericanHort today announced the formation of a strategic alliance to support and promote research benefiting all horticulture industries. The collaboration will accelerate research efforts in the areas of industry survival issues, sustainability, marketing, and technology. “The partnership with AmericanHort is an important component of HRI’s strategic vision,” says Bob Couch, Dayton Bag & Burlap (Dayton, OH), 2013 HRI President. “This collaboration positions HRI to continue as the premier horticultural research and development institute for our industry.” The new alliance brings together HRI’s 52-year history as the horticulture industry’s leading green industry research and educational foundation and AmericanHort’s vision to unite, promote, and advance the profession. AmericanHort was launched January 1 through the consolidation of the American Nursery & Landscape Association (ANLA) and OFA The Association of Horticulture Professionals. “Advancing the mutual success of all horticulture industry sectors is part of AmericanHort’s strategic vision,” said Michael V. Geary, AmericanHort President & CEO. “Partnering with HRI ticks all the boxes in our mission statement: unite, promote, and advance our industry through advocacy, collaboration, connectivity, education, market development, and research.” One of the first benefits for the horticulture community is having a single entity provide advocacy, education, and collaboration on research issues that matter most: pest and disease management, water management, production, and emerging challenges and opportunities. “This is natural progression for HRI. Over its history, HRI-funded research has really represented all of the plant industry, funding projects benefiting growers, retailers, landscapers, distributors, and consumers,” states Harvey Cotten, Huntsville Botanical Garden (Huntsville, AL), 2014 HRI President. “The formal alliance with AmericanHort allows us to fully leverage what HRI has provided to the greater horticultural community all along: relevant research directed by the industry, for the industry.” The Horticultural Research Institute’s mission is to direct, fund, promote, and communicate horticulture research. The strategic alliance with AmericanHort is another example of how HRI collaborates to build prosperous businesses, advance the green industry, and fulfill its core vision. The Horticultural Research Institute (HRI), founded in 1962, has provided more than $6.5 million in funds to research projects covering a broad range of production, environmental, and business issues important to the green industry. Nearly $11 million is committed to the endowment by individuals, corporations, and associations.


INDUSTRY NEWS PIA Now Stands for Plantscape Institute of America

bringing horticulture indoors.

The Plantscape Industry Alliance (PIA), the leading national organization dedicated to advancing the interior plantscaping community and its industry affiliates, announced at TPIE in Ft. Lauderdale, FL that it has changed its name to Plantscape Institute of America. The name change reflects PIA’s mission as an educational organization with a commitment to presenting education programs that meet the specific needs of the thought leaders and experts who specialize in

Founded in 1990 by the consolidation of four California plantscaping associations to produce educational program in conjunction with the University of California Cooperative Extension, PIA has grown into a national organization.

Industry Relevant IFAS Webcasts Available The University of Florida - IFAS recently released webcast presentations for the 2014 Florida Agricultural Outlook Conference. A series of ten presentations made by Food and Resource Economics faculty and students on various agricultural commodities. The most relevant webcast to Florida’s nursery and landscape industry:

Outlook for the Florida Nursery and Landscape Industry

By Dr. Hayk Khatchatryan, Assistant Professor, Mid-Florida Research and Education Center, Apopka, FL Available at: https://ufifas. 25kvq8o/?launcher=false&fcsContent= true&pbMode=normal

In recent years, PIA’s programming has expanded from four classes in 2011 to twelve classes in 2013 with subjects ranging from customer service and time management to pruning and root health. These programs are taught by PIA faculty in cities across the United States. “The name change reflects PIA’s roots as an organization focused on education, training and awareness of the benefits of plants” says Tim Konig, PIA Chair. Upcoming PIA seminars in the 2014 curriculum will include subirrigation and soil media and Living Wall maintenance. PIA’s annual conference, “PIA@IGC” will take place August 19 - 21 at the Navy Pier in Chicago. The Plantscape Institute of America (PIA) is a community of experts who design, install and maintain plants in the interior environment. Dedicated to bringing nature indoors, PIA advocates the use of living plants in interior landscapes to enhance human well-being. PIA produces PIA Seminars for Plantscapers, a series of regional educational seminars held throughout the year, the International Plantscape Awards by PIA and the PIA annual trade show and conference. For more information, visit

Other topics include, but are not limited to: the outlook for the US and Florida Economy: the outlook for farm labor in Florida agriculture: and, understanding the cost of agricultural best management practices. Access the complete list of webcasts at:


MEMBER NEWS FNGLA Reports Industry Deaths Larry Slaymaker, Slay’s Trees

Longtime Frontrunners Chapter member Larry Slaymaker of Slay’s Trees in High Springs passed away January 13 at home. Larry opened Slay’s Trees in 1988. Even though he retired in 2011, he continued to remain active with the business currently owned and operated by Larry’s son, Justin. If Larry couldn’t be found in his workshop, chances are he was spending time with family and friends in the woods or on the water. Everyone enjoyed Larry’s passion for life and giving spirit. Larry is survived by his wife of 44 years, Jeanette; three children: Jeremiah (Janet) Slaymaker, Justin (Wrenda) Slaymaker, Jessica (John) MacLaren; and, 7 grandchildren.

Donald Alexander, Simpson Nurseries

Recent storms crippled the Deep South and wreaked havoc closing airports, stranding motorists and shutting down normallyfunctioning cities. There were at least a dozen deaths blamed on the storm including Donald Alexander of Bainbridge, GA, a 49 year old truck driver for Simpson Nurseries (Monticello). Donald was on his way to Mobile to the Gulf States Horticultural Expo to deliver Simpson’s booth to the show. He was traveling on I-10 where a multi-vehicle accident occurred on the Blackwater River Bridge in Milton and caused him to lose control of his 18-wheeler and crash into the river. He died as a result of the accident. Simpson Nurseries has created a memorial fund to honor of Mr. Alexander and to assist his wife and children. If you’d like to donate, please send donations to: Simpson Nurseries Memorial Fund in honor of Donald Alexander, PO Box 160, Monticello, FL 32345.

Congratulations on 20 Years with FNGLA’s Staff A young University of Central Florida graduate with a degree in Organizational Communication, Jennifer Nelis joined the FNGLA staff in 1994 as editor of the Foliage Locator. Undaunted by the myriad of botanical plant names, sizes, varieties and accurate nursery placements on maps, Jennifer produced a comprehensive and accurate book upon which the industry relied for many years not only to buy plants, yet also to locate member nurseries throughout Florida. During her 20 years, Jennifer has served as FNGLA Membership and Marketing Director, and currently serves as FNGLA’s Director of Communications and Public Relations. Her well-organized and creative influence has added to the success of such FNGLA activities as the FNGLA garden at the Epcot Flower and Garden Festival; establishing FNGLA as the go-to-resource for members of the Garden Writers of America; and, the strong, positive brand FNGLA has throughout the industry. She currently serves as Greenline editor, manages FNGLA’s website, as well as digital communications. Jennifer has been the professional force for FNGLA to have visibility on social and business media platforms. After 20 years at FNGLA, Jennifer continues to be undaunted by new challenges and enjoys learning new ways for FNGLA to serve its members and the industry. With all of these accomplishments, Jennifer is perhaps best known for her enthusiasm for FNGLA’s members and Florida’s nursery and landscape industry. She is a genuine cheerleader for FNGLA. Jennifer is the fourth addition to the FNGLA staff member “20 Year Club” joining Linda Adams, Sabrina Haines and Linda Reindl. Congratulations to FNGLA and Jennifer Nelis for 20 years of “growing” together!



Welcome New Members The following are new FNGLA members: from December 22, 2013 - January 21, 2013 ACTION Green Star Foliage, Inc. Glenn Barnes 2584 Kelly Park Rd Apopka, FL 32712-5131 407-889-7726 C P Enterprises Charles Poillion 3351 Laughlin Rd PO Box 1149 Zellwood, FL 32798 407-886-3321 Arc Ferns, LLC Dan Carmi 4707 Oak Hill St Apopka, FL 32712-5108 407-889-7868 Verizon Wireless Robert Knight 2600 Maitland Center Pkwy #130 Maitland, FL 32751 407-489-7706 COASTAL SPRINGS Central Florida Mulch, Inc. James H. Peterson 26307 Mountain Lake Rd PO Box 10326 Brooksville, FL 34603-0326 352-799-5415 DADE O F E International, Inc. Carlos Cahiz 12337 SW 130th St PO Box 161081 Miami, FL 33116-1081 305-253-7080

Guaqueta USA Ricardo Guaqueta 11456 NW 43rd Ter Miami, FL 33178-4233 305-500-9274 Rec’d by: Miguel Uzquiano, My Too Sprouts Klasmann-Deilmann Americas Inc. Martin Nugteren 1150 Kane Concourse Ste 400 Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154 305-397-8498 Rec’d by: Joseph C Roberts, ForemostCo., Inc. Alberto Concepcion (Student) 18530 SW 267 St Homestead, FL 33031 786-406-0366 HIGHLANDS HEARTLAND Green Sea Farms Cindy Weinstein 6360 Johnston Rd Zolfo Springs, FL 33890 863 604-3778 Rec’d by: Austin Bryant, Heart of Florida Greenhouses, Inc. INTERNATIONAL DeCloet Greenhouse Mfg., Ltd. Patrick Coppens RR #1 Simcoe, ONT N3Y 4J9 Canada 519-582-3081

Bunnik Creations BV. Dennis Bunnik Corr. Albert Vanit Hartweg 64 2665 MJ Bleiswijk, The Netherlands +31 1052 92801

Heshan Qinwei Garden Pottery Co., Ltd. Mark Wang 1170 Hensley St Richmond, CA 94801 510-860-4721

LAKE REGION Airtec Sprayers, Inc. Tim Schaal PO Box 885 Winter Haven, FL 33882 863-293-5420

ROYAL PALM Riverland Nursery Mayer Berg Full 13005 Palm Beach Blvd Fort Myers, FL 33905-1937 612-760-3675 Rec’d by: Elise Ryan, Color Garden Farm

McGill Citrus Nursery, Inc. Jerry McGill 1413 N Highland Park Dr Lake Wales, FL 33898 863-289-6461 Rec’d by: Walter Farmer Sr, Tiger Creek Citrus Nursery Oglesby & Company Auctioneers Scott Oglesby 203 5th St SW Winter Haven, FL 33880 863-875-7867 Rec’d by: Ron O’Connor, Farm Credit of Central Florida OUTSIDE FLORIDA DeWitt Co., Inc. Janet Miller 905 South Kingshighway Sikeston, MO 63801-4415 573-472-0048

Landscape Dimensions, Inc. John Stuckey 438 Kennan Ave Ft. Myers, FL 33919 239-340-0467 Rec’d by: Matt Fleming, Steele Truck Center, Inc. Adrienne Diaz (Student) 3747 Liberty Sq Ft. Myers, FL 33908 239-464-5754 TREASURE COAST Tucker Environmental Services, LLC Sally Tucker 4436 69th St Vero Beach, FL 32967 772-633-7827

Kenneth Drake 12921 Triadelphia Rd Ellicott City, MD 21042 240-793-7758


Calendar of Events

See and submit events at under calendar


February 5-7: New England Grows, Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, Boston, MA Landscape BMP Certification Class in SPANISH, Manatee County Extension Service, Palmetto


13 & 14: Jacksonville Landscape Show, Northeast Chapter, FNGLA, Jacksonville Fairgrounds, Jacksonville 19:

Jennifer Nelis

SAF’s Pest & Production Management Conference, San Diego Marriott Del Mar, San Diego, California

March 14-23:

Canada Blooms, Direct Energy Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


President Mike Marshall Marshall Tree Farm 17350 SE 65th St Morriston, FL 32668-4508 (352) 528-3880

President-Elect Sandy Stein The Jungle Nursery 29100 SW 162 Ave Homestead, FL 33030 (305) 246-5324

Past President Wes Parrish Parrish Nursery 5900 SW 185th Way Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33332 (954) 680-3544

Secretary/Treasurer Billy Butterfield AmeriScapes Landscape Management Services, Inc. PO Box 568762 Orlando, FL 32856-5041 (407) 872-0855

Connect with us: About FNGLA

22: FNGLA Certified Landscape Technician (FCLT) Exam, pTEC, St. Petersburg

2014 Philadelphia International Flower Show, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


21: Spring 2014 Outdoor Tree School, Florida ISA, Circle B Bar Reserve, Lakeland


Phone: 407.295.7994 Toll-free: 800.375.3642 Fax: 407.295.1619 E-mail: Web:

Ben Bolusky

Florida Turfgrass Association Regional Seminar, Duval County Extension Service, Jacksonville


Contact Us

This publication is produced by the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA) as a service to its members. The statements and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Association, its staff, Board of Directors, Greenline or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers or their identification as members does not constitute an endorsement of the products or featured services. The mission of the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association is to promote and protect the success and professionalism of our members.


1533 Park Center Drive Orlando, FL 32835-5705

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