FNGLA's January Greenline

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January 2016 | Volume 37, Issue 1


TPIE: A Smart Start to Elevate Your 2016 Business Year Even with positive economic growth predicted for 2016, business owners must harvest new ideas and resources to maximize business success and elevate expectations for customers. Whichever segment of the nursery and landscape industry you are in, the Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition (TPIE) offers inspiring and on-point programs as well as helpful and innovative resources to elevate your business success in 2016. “We have planned an amazing event this year using TPIE’s new tag line, Elevating Expectations, as our theme,” explains TPIE Chairman, Lloyd Singleton. “We promise to deliver the forecast of trends, inspiring ideas, innovative methods and a culture of creativity. You’ll want to be a part of the networking and connections with the industry’s best at TPIE.” With a sold out exhibit hall, TPIE has nearly 400 exhibiting companies in more than 820 booths spaces showcasing their newest and best-selling plants, products and services. Add to that the expertise and current information the booth personnel have to share, and just walking the trade show floor makes TPIE an excellent business tool to get 2016 off to a smart start. As consumer spending habits continue to change, it’s more important than ever to understand shifting consumer trends and perspective. No one knows this topic better than Christine Boland, an international trends analyst who specializes in retail, design and social trends and how to apply them to individual businesses. Following a standing room only presentation at TPIE 2015, Christine returns as TPIE’s Opening Session keynote speaker. Here’s your second chance to learn from one of the world’s leading trend thought leaders. The session takes place on Wednesday, January 20 at 9 a.m. Admission is included with a TPIE show badge. More trend ideas can be found at the Create Theater where floral designers from the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD) will offer idea-loaded workshops each day of the show. Learn ways to pair four of today’s hottest interior design styles with plant design, including modern, reclaimed, mid-century modern and children’s spaces. Or try your hand at creating plant-dressed hair accessories at the new Wine and Continued page 3



Billy Butterfield, FCLC FNGLA 2015-2016 President

Improving The World in Which We Live: It’s Not So Terrifying! Happy New Year! Passing the time over the holiday weekend, I came across an article from Business Insider. The headline read “15 Ways the World Will Be Terrifying in 2050.” Being the optimist that I am, and also believing there is a horticultural solution to almost every problem, (or duct tape) I read further. Here are my solutions to some of the “terrifying” problems it says we have to address over the next 34 years: Terrifying problem # 1: “The number of people living in cities will likely triple.” As long as I’m not one of those people, then I don’t see this as a bad thing. Some people, like my kids for instance, would prefer to be in a big city rather than a more rural area. And what an opportunity for our interior foliage industry! The marketing headlines could read, “As the population density increases, so should the density of plants in your home.” “Science has shown the more plants you have, the cleaner the air you will breathe, and the calmer and more relaxed you’ll be.” “If you don’t have a green thumb, here’s a list of interior plant maintenance companies ready to come to you and take care of your plants.” And, also, “Here is a list of local garden centers where you can buy new plants from experts to change out your interior garden from time to time.” Plus: “The more people who like to live in densely populated cities, the more room there is for green spaces in the less densely populated areas!” Terrifying problem #2: “The air could be thick with pollution, worsening lung conditions and respiratory diseases.” This is an easy one. Plant more trees, plants and grass. This is what we should be doing now. We should be planting even more trees all along our roadways and in our parks and parking lots. Roof-top gardens should be the norm. We should be developing plants with shallow roots systems which will survive with little water, yet devour carbon dioxide in the harsh environment of a rooftop garden. When you fly over a large city now, the occasional roof top garden stands out as a splotch of green in a concrete jungle.


County road departments often look at trees as something you have to mow around or dig up when you need to do utility work. Landscaping and trees in roadways have been shown to calm traffic, reduce road rage, and generally make people feel better about their commute. Why wouldn’t road departments care more about this along with all the other benefits of trees, plants and turf? It shouldn’t take 34 years to turn this all around. Terrifying problem #3: “More than half of the world’s population may not have adequate access to water.” One of the things I learn in 5th grade on Fridays is we’ve got the same amount of water in the world now we’ve always had and always will have. Yes, we are actually drinking dinosaur pee. What we need is clean and easily accessible water in areas which don’t have it -- where people live and farm. Another scientific challenge for our plant breeders is to continue to develop plants and crops that use less water. In the case of food crops, develop varieties which mature in shorter time frames with an increase in yield per acre. The Israelis have made great strides in farming with limited water in their harsh desert environment. Netafim is from Israel and we use it in many of our landscape beds now. I’ve seen sewage treatment plants using hydrilla and cattails in their holding ponds to suck out the nitrogen and phosphorus after waste water is treated. The resulting water is supposedly cleaner than where they pump the water to dispose of it. It seems we have many ways to address this terrifying problem now. Why wait 34 years to deal with a catastrophe? Terrifying problem #4: “Millions could be without food.” Scientists and breeders have increased the yield per acre over the years, while decreasing agriculture’s impact on the environment. Here’s another challenge for plant breeders: Develop crops which produce higher yields with less water, fertilizer and other inputs. Farming has been blamed for so many bad things around the world in the past, it’s time to address those problems, fix them, and let people know without farmers there will not be enough food to eat as the population reaches 9 billion by 2050. I have faith in our farmers and growers and I know they can rise to the challenges they face.

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TPIE Happy Hour & Lanyard Sponsor & Innovation Lounge


Opening Session Sponsors

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Design workshop. Pre-registration and a fee is required for the Wine and Design workshop.

Create Theater presented by AIFD Thursday Sessions Sponsor

Exhibitors’ Showcase

Welcome Orientation Sponsor

Tradeshow Bags

General Sponsor

Interiorscape trends take center stage at the Create Theater on Thursday, January 21 at 11:30 a.m. as presentations are made by industry interiorscaper professionals as part of the new “Trending Interiorscape Projects, Peer-Presented.” Learn the challenges and solutions on projects showcasing current interiorscape trends as the following industry leaders share their work firsthand through fast-paced and informative presentations: Jan Goodman, CityScapes, on holiday projects; Jim Mumford, Good Earth Plant Company on living walls; and Shana Pliska, Planterra Conservatory on special events. The Create Theater is also the spot to see what’s trending at TPIE as The Garden Center Group presents the top 15 TPIE Cool Products as voted by show attendees. This is presented on Thursday, January 21 at 2 p.m. For more hands-on and face-to-face learning, take advantage of the TPIE Road Show, which occurs on Tuesday, January 19. Choose one of three creatively designed tours featuring on-the-go training. For only

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Rest Stations


FNGLA HAPPENINGS Continued from page 3




$120 (pre-registration rate) the TPIE Road Show includes behind-the-scenes access to nurseries and/or botanical gardens, coach travel to the tour stops, a meal and exclusive time with industry experts and colleagues. Tying in with TPIE’s new Elevating Expectations logo and tagline, a special Elevating Expectations session is being offered at TPIE to help attendees understand the process of raising the bar personally, professionally and as an industry. Good enough is just the beginning. Presented by John Kennedy on Thursday, January 21 at 8 a.m., this session is included as part of the TPIE trade show registration. John Kennedy is a favorite TPIE presenter and has the energy and expertise to make it worthwhile to get up early to attend an 8 a.m. session. Business success often depends on business connections. TPIE delivers those not only on the trade show floor and in learning sessions, but through fun activities such as the TPIE Happy Hour which takes place in the Fountain Courtyard outside the convention center on Thursday, January 20 from 5 – 6 p.m. Sponsored by Suntory, this popular event offers a relaxing tropical atmosphere which lends itself to casual conversations and shared ideas. Many profitable business deals have their genesis at the TPIE Happy Hour!

is good for admission for all 3 days of the show, PLUS you have access to these exceptional opportunities:

Register for TPIE’s trade show badge for only $30. This includes three days of the show, TPIE Opening Session, continuous learning sessions, 400 vendor companies and thousands of plants, products and people to see and meet. The TPIE Road show is an additional $150 per attendee to participate.

TPIE’s Opening Session with Christine Boland

The best hotel rates and availability are secured through TPIE’s housing company, Eventsphere. Use TPIE’s online housing reservation for the up-to-date availability and pricing. Shuttle buses run from most TPIE host hotels to the convention center on all three show days.

TPIE’s Elevating Expectations Session with John Kennedy TPIE’s Happy Hour TPIE Create Theater Design Workshop Sessions

For more information about TPIE, visit www.tpie.org or call FNGLA at 800-375-3642. TPIE is a signature event produced by FNGLA and its members with its proceeds used to serve the industry.

Trending Interiorscape Projects Session, Peer Presented TPIE Cool Products Presentation TPIE Exhibitors’ Showcase Featuring new Plants & Products FNGLA Certifications Showcase A Network of 6,000+ Industry Professionals & Thought Leaders


TPIE’s sunny Ft. Lauderdale venue provides the sizzle for the show’s 400+ exhibitors in 820 booth spaces. The show includes three days of events and happenings designed to inspire, innovate and create excitement for your business success including two key educational sessions: TPIE’s Opening Session presented by Christine Boland, an international trends analyst (Wednesday, 9 a.m.) and TPIE’s Elevating Expectations Session presented by John Kennedy, an industry business consultant (Thursday, 8 a.m.).

FNGLA HAPPENINGS TPIE Road Show: Maximize Your Show Experience With A Preshow Tour

Garden Writers Invited to Attend TPIE & Preshow Tour

Held in conjunction with FNGLA’s Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition, TPIE’s Road Show offers on-the-go training for industry professionals seeking top-quality educational programs while experiencing firsthand what South Florida offers. Three tours with three unique focuses are offered for 2016’s event. Whether you are looking for the latest on innovations in design, interior maintenance/pest management; wanting to touch, feel and soakin South Florida’s tropical gardens; or looking to enhance your garden center, plan now to secure your seat on the bus! A ticket to participate is required and lunch or dinner is included in the tours. After January 8, tickets are $150.

In an effort to link Florida’s nursery and landscape businesses with the nation’s premier garden communicators, FNGLA has extended an invitation for select garden writers to attend and experience TPIE.

Tuesday, January 19, 2015 It’s the “Bug” Bus | 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Whether in an interior or exterior landscape, creating the ideal mix of biological and chemical controls for managing pests is key. This year’s TPIE Road Show’s “bug” bus will not only provide classroom instruction identifying specific pest threats and symptoms to look for, but will also provide key maintenance techniques to minimize outbreaks on the job site. Attendees will then take to the bus for a trip to Homestead where they will have a hands-on experience. Stops include Butler’s Foliage and Farm Life Tropical Foliage. Trends In the Marketplace Tour | 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Board this bus and take an inside look at what industry producers are doing in response to consumer trends and buying habits to make their plants and products relevant and enticing to the end customer. Marketing expert, Christine Boland, will be on board the bus to share ways retail garden centers can increase their tropical foliage sales by taking advantage of current trends and marketplace intelligence. Stops include: Farm Life Tropical Foliage, Silver Vase, Plants In Design, Costa Farms, My Too Sprouts and Deleon’s Bromeliads. Botanical Garden & Design Tour | 12:45 – 9:30 p.m. Looking for innovative landscape designs that will inspire you to reach new levels? Immerse yourself in South Florida’s array of tropicals! Breaking from the traditional time frame, TPIE Road Show’s Garden and Design tour is thrilled to offer a full tour of both botanic and private gardens. Attendees will spend an afternoon and evening seeing some of South Florida’s finest landscape designs along with first-time stops featuring nightscapes. Stops include Vizcaya Museum & Gardens, The Kampong and several private gardens.

Their experience begins the day prior to the show’s opening with the Botanical Garden & Design Tour, part of the TPIE Road Show, where they will experience South Florida’s unique tropical plants touring both botanic gardens and private home gardens. Sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with other tour attendees, the experience is designed to showcase not just Florida’s great plants, but our great industry people too! Garden writer guests will be given VIP seating at the TPIE Opening Session presented by Christine Boland followed by a personalized tour of the show floor. From there, the show itself offers an array of educational sessions where these communicators can continue to build their base knowledge of Florida’s plants. For more details, contact FNGLA’s Jennifer Nelis, jnelis@fngla.org.

GWA members have more direct interaction with the nation’s gardening consumers than any other organized garden group.


FNGLA HAPPENINGS Presidents Perspective, Continued from page 2

I’m not going to go through all 15. Each of you could come up with solutions rather than “terrifying problems.” My point is we shouldn’t be looking at how bad things could be; rather let’s look at how good we can make things over the coming years with what we have to work with now. And, put our minds to work on developing new things to address these and other challenges that may come up.

I’m surely not an expert such as the ones who work for a nationally distributed magazine and I’m not really good at keeping New Year’s resolutions. (I’m eating a cherry pop tart as I write this). Yet, I hope we can look back at tomorrow, next week, next year, and 34 years from now and know we made a positive difference in the world with what we do every day in our jobs and our lives.

When customers call me and show me problems they think they have on a property, I always tell them there is a landscape solution to each problem. It may be a hedge to block a view; a group of shade trees in an area; a flower garden; or, turf as opposed to mulch, yet we can figure it out. I do believe we are an industry capable of addressing many of the challenges that truly matter. And, we have the opportunity every day to improve the world in which we live, maybe one job at a time.

I hope you all have a prosperous, healthy and happy 2016. See you at TPIE. Billy Butterfield, FCLC AmeriScapes Landscape Management Services, LLC (Orlando) ameriscapes-landscape@att.net

TPIE Features Certification, Job Board and Career Fair There are more reasons than ever to attend the Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition January 20-22, 2016 in Ft. Lauderdale. In addition to a vibrant show floor, other activities can introduce you to industry certifications, careers and potential employees. FNGLA’s Certification Showcase, on Aisle 2500, not only introduces you to how to bring additional education and professionalism to your company, you can actually practice several of the exams – including Plant and Irrigation Identification, and Job Evaluation. Become a part of FNGLA’s Landscape Certification Exams by attending Judge Certification training on Thursday. This program gives an inside look at how exams are judged and what it takes to serve as an efficient judge. Many high school Career Fair participants also hold their FNGLA Certified Horticulture Professional certification. Friday brings tomorrow’s leaders to TPIE at the Horticulture Career Fair. Nearly 250 horticulture students from South Florida visit to learn more about what Florida’s nursery and landscape industry has to offer. A Job Board will also be featured in FNGLA’s Information Center beside the Certification Showcase on Aisle 2500. Job openings and resumes can be posted there free of charge. For more information, contact FNGLA’s Merry Mott or call 800-375-3642.


FNGLA HAPPENINGS National Foliage Foundation

Join NFF’s Team

The National Foliage Foundation (NFF) offers you the opportunity to join the many industry supporters who have realized the significant role NFF plays in securing the future of the horticultural industry. Customize your support to the National Foliage Foudation by specifying whether your contribution should enhance research grants, NFF’s graduate assistantship or student scholarships. A gift may be given as a cash contribution or pledge and is tax deductible. Plan now to support the future of the industry by helping NFF build its portfolio. A contribution will provide an impact for foliage industry and beyond.

NFF is administered by the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association For more information contact Linda Reindl, lreindl@fngla.org

NFF: A Reason to Give The National Foliage Foundation (NFF) recognizes the importance of giving back to the industry and has a dedicated team working hard to be good stewards of the foundation’s funds. NFF board’s conservative approach over the years has provided a road map for enhancing the development of the green industry and increasing enjoyment of plants used both indoors and out. At some point in everyone’s life, there will be a cause or a reason to become a donor. People tend to think, “Philanthropy: that’s easy. You have a lot of money, and you give it away.” But to be a philanthropist, you don’t need to have a lot of money. You have to understand the reason you are giving and what is at the root of an industry’s challenges. You have to be able to take in a lot of information and evaluate what an organization is doing. Giving is more than just financial… it is giving of time, expertise and talents that can truly make a difference. Whether it is mentoring, helping students to achieve their goals, or providing support for needed industry research, it is time for you to consider joining NFF’s team. Research is one of NFF’s primary efforts. The areas of interest include production, distribution, marketing and utilization of plants. Production focuses on methods to improve plant quality and longevity, as well as the development of greater product diversity. Distribution focuses on the development of better shipping and storage methods to preserve plant quality and longevity. Marketing focuses on the better understanding of purchasing motivation of consumers and methods of increasing demand for foliage products. Utilization includes finding new ways to improve plant longevity indoors, maintain quality and provide care that’s in sync with environmental standards. Training future industry leaders is also one of NFF’s priorities. Students are the ones who will find the solutions for future industry challenges. A generous gift from the estate of James H. Davis launched NFF’s scholarship program. Today, NFF provides funds on an annual basis to help pave career paths for qualified students who are in financial need. For more information about submitting a research proposal, applying for scholarships, or finding out how you can make a difference with NFF, contact Linda Reindl, lreindl@fngla.org or 407-295-7994.


FNGLA HAPPENINGS Florida Flower Trials Takes Place May 12 & 13 in Orlando Mark your calendars for May 12 & 13, 2016 and get an intimate look at the new color varieties showcased at the Florida Flower Trials. Hear from national breeders and learn how to make your business bloom. Florida’s spring season is an ideal time to learn more about new colors and evaluate plants for garden performance and resilience. Breeders will bring their newest releases and challenge their durability against the heat and humidity of Central Florida’s climate. Florida Flower Trials, previously known as FNGLA’s Floriculture Field Days, features new varieties at three locations: Walt Disney World’s nursery; Harry P. Leu Gardens; and, the University of Florida/Orange County Extension Service. The two-day event will offer educational seminars, tours and open houses for landscape professionals, garden center retailers and growers. Annual color truly brings a splash of energy to any landscape design. Yet, for many landscape installations, annual beds are a small percentage of the business dynamic and, many times, are the first line-item in contracts to be cut back. Come gain the competitive edge you need to keep color in your business and your customers smiling at what they see. For details on participating, visit www.FloridaFlowerTrials.org. For details on sponsoring, contact FNGLA’s Linda Reindl, lreindl@fngla.org . Your participation will help increase awareness and strengthen the professionalism of our industry.


FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA’s 2016 Convention Hotel Reservations Now Being Accepted It’s not too early to make your hotel reservations for FNGLA’s 2016 Annual Meeting. Scheduled for June 16-18 at the Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando, you can take advantage of an FNGLA discounted single/double room rate of only $139 by calling 866-996-6338. Mention FNGLA’s Annual Convention to receive the special group rate. New at the 2016 convention will be an optional landscape service project to take place Thursday afternoon, June 16. FNGLA President Billy Butterfield will lead the work team as they improve the landscape at a Central Florida Boys and Girls Club. Other convention activities will include a private tour of Harry P. Leu Gardens, a special behind-the-scene tour of Sea World’s horticulture facilities, as well as a unique tour of the conservation area at Shingle Creek which is the headwaters of the Everglades. This area is located at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort. The traditional activities will be included at the 2016 convention including a Welcome Reception, the FNGLA Annual Meeting and the President’s Gala. Complete details and registration options will be available in early spring of 2016.

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FNGLA NEWS Call For FNGLA Industry Award Nominations FNGLA is a successful association because of its many dedicated and involved members. Each year FNGLA recognizes members who have gone above and beyond in their volunteer service to the association and the industry. Help be the eyes and ears of FNGLA by nominating folks who you know deserve to be recognized for the extra-efforts they contribute. Nominations will open soon so now’s the time to start thinking about worthy candidates. FNGLA Industry Awards include the following designations below. Also noted is the 2015 recipient(s) of each award.

FNGLA Hall of Fame

A lifetime achievement award given to an individual who has given unselfishly of their time and effort having contributed to the industry through pioneering, teaching, production, legislation, marketing, services or research. 2015 Inductee: Hugh Gramling

Wendell E. Butler

This award is recognized as FNGLA’s most prestigious award. This award recognizes an individual who serves FNGLA and the industry by providing leadership, service, and contributions, showing a sincere interest in the advancement of the association and the industry. 2015 Recipient: Kevin and Theresa Riley, Rockledge Gardens

FNGLA/Farm Credit Young Nursery Professional of the Year

This award is presented to an FNGLA member who is under 39 and has made an outstanding contribution to the industry. This award is sponsored annually by Farm Credit Associations of Florida. 2015 Recipient: Richard May, May Nursery

Outstanding Chapter President

This award recognizes FNGLA leaders who provide extraordinary leadership to their Chapter. 2015 Recipient: Amanda Hebert, Big Earth Landscape Supply, Tampa Bay Chapter

Outstanding Chapter Secretary/Treasurer

Presented to an individual who is often the key to a successful Chapter. 2015 Recipient: Chandler Green, Green Heron, Royal Palm Chapter

Outstanding Volunteer

Presented to an individual who has contributed faithfully to the advancement of the industry through association activities or related service. 2015 Recipient: Deb Joneck, Florida Coast Equipment

Outstanding Educator

Presented to an individual who is actively involved with the teaching of horticulture. 2015 Recipient: Stephen Greer, FCHP, South Dade Senior High


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INDUSTRY NEWS Business Conditions Improve Statewide Florida is more gainfully employed: Florida’s unemployment rate has fallen to 5%, the first time since last January the state’s jobless rate was not higher than the national average. The drop, down from 5.2 percent in late last year, came as Florida added a robust 35,200 jobs over the month of November. Florida’s seasonally-adjusted total non-agricultural employment was 8,184,800 in November 2015. Compared to November a year ago, the number of jobs in the state was up by 239.600, an increase of 3% with South Florida’s job creation leading the state. Additionally, gas prices are at the lowest levels since 2009: The average price of a regular gallon of gas dipped below $2 nationwide for the first time in nearly seven years, the AAA travel club reported. Throughout Florida, this price can be matched easily. Adjusted for inflation, gas prices are almost the lowest they have ever been, said Mark Soskin, a professor of economics at the University of Central Florida. Read much more on some of these specific economic details in the Department of Economic Opportunity’s recent report: http://www.floridatrend. com/public/userfiles/news/pdfs/DEOrelease-Nov2015.pdf With these economics in play, business conditions may be good for a prosperous spring!


Mind the Business of Your Business at AmericanHort’s “NextLevel” Conference: January 18 - 20 Ft. Lauderdale

In a continuing effort to help the horticulture industry’s business owners, managers, and emerging leaders raise the bar for themselves and their companies, AmericanHort is hosting the NextLevel conference, January 18-20, 2016 in Ft. Lauderdale targeting high-level industry professionals.

Brian Kight is a keynote presenter and a session speaker at AmericanHort’s NextLevel Conference taking place January 18 - 20 in Ft. Lauderdale.

NextLevel offers owners, managers, and emerging leaders a fresh perspective of their business. While it’s all too easy on a day-to-day basis to get caught up in administrative tasks, NextLevel provides an opportunity to focus on key business items such as company culture, vision, marketing strategy, succession planning and more. Renowned business experts will be presenting at the event, such as keynote speaker Brian Kight, who will provide leadership strategies to improve company culture in his talk, The Performance Pathway. Kight will also be speaking on leadership as a session speaker. Kight is nationally recognized for his work in college championship football and his ability to apply frameworks to some of the most pervasive business challenges. Because of these frameworks, professionals all over the world have become better at recognizing and responding to critical moments and ultimately produce better outcomes both in the workplace and at home.

Education tracks will include leadership, marketing, family business, and human resources. “Hubs” help attendees take what they have learned in sessions to develop strategies directly related to the horticulture industry and their industry segment. These Hubs include: Advance My Career, Balance Life and Business, Establish My Legacy, and Build My Bottom Line. Hubs are the perfect opportunity to collaborate with other industry professionals to gain different perspectives and insights that help create a well-rounded business strategy for success. To learn more about and register for 2016 NextLevel conference, please visit www.YourNextLevel.org.



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INDUSTRY NEWS Landscape Labor Relief Signed Into Law Several FNGLA landscape members use the H-2B worker program as a source of labor. The H-2B program allows nonagricultural employers to secure visas for temporary foreign workers when U.S. workers are unavailable. Good news from our nation’s capital! H-2B employers can breathe a sigh of relief because when Congress passed the federal spending and tax cut bill just before Christmas, it included the sorely needed H-2B relief sought by FNGLA, AmericanHort and NALP. As a result, many of your H-2B landscape workers should be able to return to work with you without having to fiddle with the visa cap. Signed into law, the bill: • Exempts H-2B returning workers from the annual 66,000 cap; • Addresses H-2B wages by once again allowing the use of private wage surveys effectively overriding their disallowance under the H-2B rule issued in 2015 by the Obama Administration; • Clearly defines seasonal work as ten months, rather than the nine months imposed by the earlier H-2B comprehensive rule. For more info, FNGLA landscape members are welcome to contact FNGLA! To join FNGLA, go to: http://www.fngla.org/ membership/join.

USDA Decreases Estimate of Florida Orange Crop The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently lowered its estimate of the 2015-2016 Florida orange crop by almost 7%, or 5 million boxes, to 69 million boxes. The USDA dropped one million boxes off early-mid varieties, now pegging them at 36 million boxes and four million boxes off Valencias which put that variety at 33 million boxes. “The lower estimate is a reflection of the times and the challenges our growers face,” said Michael W. Sparks, executive VP/CEO of Florida Citrus Mutual. “We knew this year’s crop was going to be the lowest in years but this is a bit surprising.” “The silver lining is that the lower crop should put upward pressure on grower returns which they need to cover ever increasing production costs,” Sparks continued. “I do know our growers are resilient and we are going to keep grinding away.” Florida growers are now battling citrus greening, or HLB, a bacterial disease vectored by the Asian citrus psyllid. It attacks the vascular system of a tree and can kill it within two years. Citrus greening is endemic to Florida and has reduced production more than 50% over the past decade. The USDA makes its initial estimate in October of each year and revises it monthly as the crop takes shape until the end of the season in July. The USDA said the final 2014-2015 Florida orange crop tallied 96.7 million boxes.


Visit http://www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_State/Florida/Publications/Citrus/cit/2015-16/cit1215.pdf for the complete USDA estimate.

INDUSTRY NEWS Second Florida Water StarSM Opportunity in Gainesville

If you missed the December Florida Water StarSM (FWS) training in Gainesville, join us February 2, 2016 for this second opportunity. The event is hosted by Alachua County in cooperation with the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD), the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) and FNGLA, sponsored by SiteOne. Alachua County has included Florida Water Star in its Landscape Irrigation Design and Maintenance Standards, allowing FWS Accredited Professionals who hold both AP designations to self-inspect in compliance with their Irrigation System Approval Process. For more information, contact Merry Mott at FNGLA at 800-375-3642.

Be a Part of Encouraging New Horticulture Professionals Through FFA Take part on Saturday, March 5, 2016 when 350 students demonstrate their horticultural skills at the Florida FFA Career Development Events (CDEs) in Floriculture and Nursery/Landscape at the University of Florida Mid-Florida Research and Education Center in Apopka. This event attracts the best of the best to compete for the statewide championship – highlighting OUR industry. For more information, contact Merry Mott at FNGLA or call 800-375-3642.


CERTIFICATIONS Space Still Available in Spring Landscape Technician Exams FNGLA’s Northeast Chapter and the University of Florida Duval County Extension bring FNGLA’s Certified Landscape Technician (FCLT-Installation) exam to the Jacksonville Zoo on Wednesday, January 27, 2016. This new test site provides easy access for professionals in northeast Florida, including Tallahassee and Gainesville. For Central Florida professionals, the FCLT-Installation exam will be given Saturday, February 6, 2016 at SeaWorld Horticulture in Orlando. FCLT is a hands-on exam designed for landscape installation technicians working in the field. It tests landscape skills including plant identification, equipment operation, tree installation, irrigation repair and job evaluation. Maintenance professionals can earn their FNGLA Certified Landscape Maintenance Technician (FCLMT) designation on Saturday, February 20, 2016, again at SeaWorld Horticulture. This hands-on exam focuses on Green Industry Best Management Practices and features exams in fertilization, turf care, pest management and irrigation. To take part in these exams, or upcoming exams in Broward County, contact FNGLA’s Merry Mott at mmott@fngla.org or 800-375-3642.

See What You Know at FNGLA’s Certification Showcase at TPIE Have a little fun while testing your skills at FNGLA’s Certification Showcase at the Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition, January 20-22, 2016 in Ft. Lauderdale. Not only can you learn more about how to bring additional education and professionalism to your company, you can actually practice several of the exams – including Plant Identification and Irrigation Identification. The display will be open during the hours of TPIE and staffed by FNGLA’s Certified Professionals, Certified Judges and members of FNGLA’s Certification Committee.


Stop by and see if you’ve got what it takes to be an “FNGLA Certified Professional!” Contact FNGLA’s Merry Mott for program details, mmott@fngla.org.

MEMBER NEWS Pantone Color Institute’s 2016 Color of the Year: Rose Quartz & Serentity For the first time Pantone introduces two shades, Rose Quartz and Serenity as the PANTONE Color of the Year 2016. Rose Quartz is a persuasive yet gentle tone that conveys compassion and a sense of composure. Serenity is weightless and airy, like the expanse of the blue sky above us, bringing feelings of respite and relaxation even in turbulent times. Whether in soft or hard surface material, the pairing of Rose Quartz and Serenity brings calm and relaxation. Appealing in all finishes, matte, metallic and glossy, the engaging combo joins easily with other mid-tones including greens and purples, rich browns, and all shades of yellow and pink. Add in silver or hot brights for more splash and sparkle. These are the colors the organization expects to trend in home interiors and exteriors-- and, as our industry has seen, these colors flow down to the nursery and landscape industry. “Joined together, Rose Quartz and Serenity demonstrate and inherent balance between a warmer embracing rose tone and the cooler tranquil blue, reflecting connection and wellness as well as a soothing sense of order and peace,” said Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of Pantone Color Institute. Pantone has also provided an array of color pairings to accompany the 2016 selections. They can be accessed at: http://www. pantone.com/color-of-the-year-2016.

Pecketts Announces New Ownership

Jolayne Pena Alger, 84, mother of Gus and Tom Pena of Green Leaf Nursery, passed away peacefully December 28, 2015. She will be greatly missed by her husband Richard Turner Alger and her family. The family requests, in lieu of flowers, donations be made in Jolayne’s name to Homestead Hospital Foundation.

Chet Peckett recently announced the sale of Pecketts: Pecketts, Inc., a wholesale grower located in Apopka, Florida, since 1978 and specializing in Spathiphyllum and Christmas Cactus, has been sold to Milan Perlly. “After 38 years in business, it is time to pass the baton,” said Peckett. “Our products and commitment to the industry and customer expectations will remain the same. I believe with our team and Milan’s fresh perspective, Pecketts will continue to expand and successfully meet the needs of the changing market and our valued customers.” Milan has an extensive background in various industry management roles including quality control. For more details, contact Pecketts at 800-326-5901.


MEMBER NEWS The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company’s National Initiatives Scotts Miracle-Gro Looks to Expand to Industry Green Goods Scotts Miracle-Gro Chairman and CEO Jim Hagedorn recently announced to interested stakeholders during an analysts and investors meeting Scotts interest in becoming a minority investor with a live goods company. He said they’ve been “pretty heavily” involved in talks this past spring with one company in particular, which he called an “industry leading brand” with a “significant presence” in the current retail channels. “People don’t go out and buy soil and plant food for fun. They buy our products because they are gardening. And frankly, I don’t like that answer. I want us to be more than a dirt and fertilizer company. We want to be a gardening company. Live goods puts us closer to the consumer. It makes us even more relevant in their lives,” Hagedorn said. He continued, “We also don’t necessarily need to put our own brands on live plants. There are good plant brands already in the market that have high levels of consumer acceptance – or ones that could have.”

Scotts Miracle-Gro Accepting Applications to Fund Community Projects Across the U.S. Scotts Miracle-Gro Company recently announced the opening of the GRO1000 Grassroots Grants award program, now in its sixth year. The program aids communities and not-for-profit civic organizations looking to improve their neighborhoods through the installation of pollinator habitats and community gardens and green spaces. GRO1000 is part of Scotts Miracle-Gro’s promise to support the creation of more than 1,000 community gardens and green spaces in the U.S., Canada and Europe by 2018, which will align with the company’s 150th anniversary. To date, more than 680 community organizations across the country, as well as dozens of major U.S. cities, have received program funding. New in 2016 is “The Pollinator Promise,” which is a yearlong effort from Scotts Miracle-Gro to improve consumer education about pollinators and to promote the creation of backyard and urban habitats where they can thrive. The Pollinator Promise will fund the establishment of at least 50 pollinator gardens throughout the United States in 2016, as part of the company’s GRO1000 community garden initiative. Scotts Miracle-Gro will work with partners focused on increasing pollinator habitats to promote the availability of grants for gardens and green spaces throughout the country. “Pollinators are vital to our planet’s agriculture and ecosystem. We want to do what is in our power to help create more habitats where these creatures can thrive,” said Jim King, senior vice president of corporate affairs at Scotts Miracle-Gro. “It is our hope that the creation of these habitats, along with our continued funding of community greenscapes through GRO1000, has a positive influence on gardeners, cities and nature’s pollinators everywhere.” The 2016 GRO1000 Grassroots Grants application is available online at www.GRO1000.com. The deadline for application submission is February 22. Grants, which range from $500 to $1,500, are awarded based on pollinator habitat creation, community impact, youth involvement, harvest donation and sustainability, among other factors. Winners will be announced following the first day of spring, March 21, 2016. For more information on how to join Scotts Miracle-Gro’s pollinator effort, “The Pollinator Promise,” visit the newly developed website, www.scottsmiraclegro.com/PollinatorPromise. In addition to information on submitting a grant application, visitors can also learn more about how to create their own pollinator garden.


MEMBER NEWS The Mission of FNGLA FNGLA’s mission is to promote and protect the interests of Florida’s nursery and landscape industry. The following core principles guide the governance and management of FNGLA: Organizational Excellence; Member-Focus; Collaboration and Partnerships; Leadership in Agriculture; and, Continuous Improvement. Don’t just read the newsletter. Be a part of FNGLA!

Welcome New Members

FNGLA’s Chapters are organized by county. To find your chapter, locate your location and refer to the chapter name online at http:// www.fngla.org/chapters/index.aspx to determine who to contact locally. 1. Action 2. Big Bend 3. Broward 4. Central East Coast 5. Coastal Springs 6. Miami-Dade 7. Frontrunners 8. Highlands Heartland 9. Polk

10. Manasota 11. Northeast 12. Palm Beach 13. Panhandle 14. Pinellas 15. Royal Palm 16. Space Coast 17. Tampa Bay 18. Treasure Coast

The following are new FNGLA members from November 22, 2015 - December 21, 2015 ACTION Ingenium Power and Sport LLC Jeff Short 5071 Forsyth Commerce Rd Orlando, FL 32807 407-883-1900 South Lake High School Chris Clausen (Supportive) 562 Green Spring Cir Winter Springs, FL 32708 407-865-2455 BIG BEND LawnKeepers Hurbert Roberts (Supportive) 4441 Entrepot Blvd Tallahassee, FL 32310 850-321-3545 INTERNATIONAL Jobber Connor Bradley 10520 Jasper Ave NW Edmonton, T5J 1Z7 Canada 587-316-1941 Aldershot Greenhouses, Ltd. Ed Vermolen 1135 Gallagher Rd Burlington, ONT L7T 2M7 Canada 905-632-9272 LAKE REGION Citrific Mathew Konrad 2400 Rosalie Lake Rd Lake Wales, FL 33898 646-233-1987

MIAMI-DADE Jeannie Dessingue (Student) 15243 SW 112 Ter Miami, FL 33196 305-531-1708 Plant Life Farms, LLC Donovan Garrison PO Box 900999 Homestead, FL 33090 305-278-9192 OUTSIDE FLORIDA C & P Trading, Inc. Vinh Tang 1424 S Gerhart Ave Commerce, CA 90022 626-975-4436 Florisin, LLC Doug Hayes 1001 Harris St Bldg 1 Eau Claire, WI 54703 715-377-4646 Marchioro USA, Inc. Brad Forgette 128 Liberty Industrial Pkwy McDonough, GA 30253 770-692-0011 Pete Garcia Company Inez ten Braak 5154 Peachtree Blvd Atlanta, GA 30341 770-458-8888

PANHANDLE 318 Holdings Jimmy Hood 794 N County Hwy 393 Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459 850-324-8720 Walsh & Walsh Chance Walsh 14514 Perdido Key Dr Pensacola, FL 32507 808-729-2999 PALM BEACH Cal Piper Plantsource, LLC Cal Piper 2425 Lake Dr #6 Riviera Beach, FL 33404 561-578-0102 PINELLAS Angela Achim (Student) 7570 46th Ave N Lot #213 St. Petersburg, FL 33709 727-656-3413 Brian Sherman (Student) 1700 31st Ave N St. Petersburg, FL 33713 727-667-8937 Chelsea Swartwout (Student) 901 7th Ave S St. Petersburg, FL 33705 727-563-6921 Kelly McMullan (Student) 509 11th St NW Largo, FL 33770 727-642-7111

Kenneth Brooks (Student) 1909 13th Ave S St. Petersburg, FL 33712 813-812-0295 Laura Clarke (Student) PO Box 530861 St. Petersburg, FL 33747 727-495-1195 Marie Stewart (Student) 5998 8th St S St. Petersburg, FL 33705 305-491-1521 Tuan Le Tran (Student) 1019 45th St N St. Petersburg, FL 33713 727-793-8370 ROYAL PALM Natives of Corkscrew Nursery Chris Stephens 22971 Corkscrew Rd Estero, FL 33928 239-849-9230 Pinnacle Lawn and Landscape Service Inc. John St. Pierre 5348 Palangos Dr Punta Gorda, FL 33982 941-769-1268 Rec’d by: Pete Rials, PalmCo Surf N Turf Pro, LLC Tom Keeton 918 NE 7th Ter Ste 7 Cape Coral, FL 33909 239-673-6151


Calendar of Events

Contact Us

See and submit events at http://www.fngla.org, under calendar

January 8-16:

2016 American Farm Bureau Annual Convention & IDEAg Trade Show, Orange County Convention Center, Orlando

11- 13:

CENTS Show, Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio


ISA Certified Arborist Course & Exam, Oakland Park

18-20: AmericanHort’s Next Level, Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty-Six, Ft. Lauderdale 20-22:

Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition (TPIE), Broward County Convention Center, Ft. Lauderdale


Gulf States Horticulture Expo, Mobile Convention Center, Mobile, AL

26: Tree Biology from A to Z, Emma Lou Olson Civic Center, Pompano Beach 26-27:

Palm Management in the Florida Landscape, Naples Botanical Garden, Naples


IPM Trade Show, Essen Germany


Tree Biology from A to Z, Emma Lou Olson Civic Center, Plant City


WINTERgreen Tradeshow, Gwinnett Center, Duluth, Georgia

February 2-3: Florida Water Star Accredited Professional Training and Exam, Gainesville

FNGLA Phone: 407.295.7994 Toll-free: 800.375.3642 Fax: 407.295.1619 E-mail: info@fngla.org Web: www.fngla.org


GREENLINE EDITOR Jennifer Nelis jnelis@fngla.org


President Billy Butterfield, FCLC AmeriScapes Landscape Management Services, LLC PO Box 568762 Orlando, FL 32856-5041 (407) 872-0855

President-Elect Robert Shoelson Getting Green Plant Services & Betrock Information Systems PO Box 840107 Pembroke Pines, FL 33084 (954) 680-1819

Past President Sandy Stein The Jungle Nursery 29100 SW 162 Ave Homestead, FL 33030 (305) 246-5324

Secretary/Treasurer Ed Bravo Big Trees Plantation, Inc. 104 SW 131 St Newberry, FL 32669 (352) 332-2150

Connect with us: About FNGLA This publication is produced by the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA) as a service to its members and the industry at large. The statements and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Association, its staff, Board of Directors, Greenline or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers or their identification as members does not constitute an endorsement of the products or featured services. The mission of the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association is to promote and protect the interests of Florida’s nursery and landscape industry.


1533 Park Center Drive Orlando, FL 32835-5705

Read the latest FNGLA news inside & visit Greenline online at http://greenline.fngla.org

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