FNGLA's June 2014 Greenline

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June 2014 | Volume 35, Issue 6


FNGLA’s Annual Convention Heads to Ponte Vedra Beach: June 20 & 21 Although the calendar says June, it’s year-end for FNGLA. It is scheduled for June 20 & 21 at the Marriott Sawgrass in Ponte Verde Beach, Florida. FNGLA’s Annual Convention celebrates the past year of FNGLA leadership and accomplishments. The Association’s momentum is continued as new leaders are elected and as visions and goals are set. “FNGLA’s convention is an important and fun meeting,” said FNGLA President Mike Marshall. “This is where we gather as an association family in a relaxed atmosphere to share association family news, accomplishments and the outlook for the future.” FNGLA’s convention begins with optional activities on Friday morning, June 20 which includes either a private tour of Jacksonville Zoo and Botanical Gardens or a customized leadership training session by the director of the Wedgworth Leadership Institute, Dr. Hannah Carter. The convention officially starts with a Friday evening Welcome Reception pool side at the 100th Hole. Saturday, June 21 starts with FNGLA’s Annual Business meeting when the Year in Review video is presented, industry award winners are recognized, and officer elections are held. That afternoon, an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of the Sawgrass TPC clubhouse and golf course is available. The Convention finale is the Presidents Gala. FNGLA is honored to have two special guests at this year’s Gala. Secretary of Florida’s Department of Transportation Ananth Prasad will accept FNGLA’s Friend of the Industry Award and Florida’s Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam will provide the keynote address. A complete schedule, hotel information and online registration is available at http://www.fngla.org/events/annual-convention/. Pre-registration pricing is available through June 6. Prices increase after June 6, although registration packages will continue to be available. Laid out across 15 acres, the Marriott Sawgrass combines modern luxury accommodations, breathtaking natural beauty, a wide arrange of dining options, a 25,000 square foot spa and a private beach club for you to take advantage. With its idyllic connection to the outdoors, this resort is an ideal setting for FNGLA’s 62nd Annual Convention. Make your reservation by calling 800-457-4653 or online at https://aws.passkey.com/g/21380260. FNGLA thanks the sponsoring companies of the Convention and welcomes additional sponsors. If you wish to join this group of distinctive and supportive companies, contact Linda Adams at ladams@fngla.org.



Mike Marshall FNGLA 2013-2014 President

Time Flies My presidential service to FNGLA is coming to an end. One month from now, I will become what is affectionately known as a “Has Been” (aka Past President). In my final Presidential Perspectives, I will do what 61 FNGLA presidents before me have done -- reflect on the past and look toward the future. Before I reflect in both directions, I wish to acknowledge that what FNGLA is able to accomplish each year, and in our 60 plus years of serving our industry, is because of its professional and dedicated volunteers and staff. Without these passionate, hardworking people, FNGLA wouldn’t be the strongest and most successful state nursery association in the country. Thank you to all those industry members and staff who make FNGLA happen each and every day. It truly has been an honor and privilege to serve as a leader for such a passionate and devoted industry. Looking back, it really does amaze me how far our industry has come in the 30 years I have been in and around FNGLA/FNGA. Our industry has matured into a respected profession that adds significantly to the health and welfare of all Floridians and also contributes an estimated $15 billion annually to the economy of Florida. All of the programs, events and member benefits of FNGLA have grown in stature as well during that time, including The Landscape Show, TPIE, Certifications, Educational Events and Government Affairs. This growth of our industry has led to more opportunity for our members while the higher profile status of our industry has led to a greater need for our Association. Now more than ever, FNGLA is an integral part of our industry and, now more than ever, everyone involved in the green industry should be a part of FNGLA. This past year’s improvements in the economy and job market have led to a busier year for many in our industry. Hopefully, the slow and steady improvement we have seen the last 12 months will lead to a breakthrough for all segments of Florida’s Landscape and Nursery industry leading to many successful years to come. Last year also brought challenges to the industry with unwelcome changes in the nursery crop insurance program. FNGLA quickly responded to these challenges and our message to USDA is that it’s time to simplify the nursery crop insurance policy so it can become once again a useful tool for our industry’s risk management. This past year, FNGLA partnered with Fresh From Florida to develop

new ways to market our diverse industry with the limited resources of a membership association. Marketing programs are now underway and additional plans are being made to help market FNGLA member plants and services within Florida and throughout the United States. Last year, FNGLA and the Division of Plant Industry agreed to work together to streamline and update the Florida Nursery Grades and Standards which were last revised in 1998. Subcommittees have been working hard throughout the year and plan to have a streamlined and improved standards for industry comment later this year or early 2015. Finally, in the last year FNGLA’s Education Task Force has been assessing the dynamic changes in the industry and in each of our businesses over the last 5 or 10 years. These industry and technology changes are being assessed to see how FNGLA will feed our industry’s educational needs well into the future. Our goal is to make FNGLA’s educational programs more relevant than ever to our diverse professional membership. So, be on the lookout for new and exciting FNGLA educational programs and events in the near future. As we look to the future, FNGLA is in great hands with incoming President Sandy Stein from The Jungle Nursery in Miami; President-elect nominee Billy Butterfield of AmeriScapes Landscape Management Services of Orlando; and, Secretary/Treasurer nominee Robert Shoelson of Getting Green Plant Services & Betrock Information Systems in Ft Lauderdale. Sandy has already begun planning for next year and will lead the Board of Directors in a strategic planning session this summer. FNGLA is well positioned to continue to be the strongest and best nursery association in the country for many years to come. I am looking forward to finishing my term during the 62nd Annual Convention & Annual Meeting at the beautifully located and newly remodeled Marriott Sawgrass at Ponte Vedra Beach on June 20 & 21. FNGLA’s Annual Convention is a time each year for FNGLA members and industry friends to come together and celebrate the past year of success while welcoming FNGLA’s new leadership into office. It is also the venue for FNGLA’s Annual Meeting and when we celebrate our industry’s best and brightest with the FNGLA’s Industry Awards. I speak for FNGLA’s Frontrunners Chapter and convention committee when I say we are proud and excited to host this year’s convention. I look forward to seeing you all there. Mike Marshall Marshall Tree Farm (Morriston) Michael@MarshallTrees.com

FNGLA Membership Dues Renewals

FNGLA members whose dues have not yet been paid for the 2014/15 membership year were recently sent a second notice-- both electronically and in print. Membership fees are officially due July 1 each year. After this time, you may experience a gap in communication and notices. Please be sure to submit your dues if you have not already done so. We very much appreciate your continued support of FNGLA & its activities!



FNGLA HAPPENINGS From Commissioner Putnam Dear Members: The warm weather has arrived and summer is here. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to say hello to the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA) family. I look forward to seeing you at the FNGLA Annual Convention this month. For over six decades, FNGLA has successfully served all aspects of the nursery and floriculture industry and I am confident this outstanding organization will remain a driving force in our state for years to come. As I travel the state, I am encouraged by the outlook and future of Florida agriculture. I value FNGLA’s partnership with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and your continued support of our efforts to market Fresh from Florida products and services in the global marketplace. Together we can celebrate and promote the great bounty of Florida’s ag industry. From where I stand, I can see great days ahead. Sincerely, Adam H. Putnam Commissioner of Agriculture

2014 Legislative Recap A summary of many of the public policy decisions made in 2014 and their impact on your business. By Jim Spratt, Magnolia Strategies, LLC The Florida Legislature adjourned at 10:41 p.m. on Friday, May 2. Other than the late final night, the overall tempo of this year’s policy and budget session was fairly tame. Better than usual revenue numbers allowed for a $2 billion increase in funding for the 2014/15 budget, as well as $500 million in tax cuts. In the end, the Legislature passed less than 250 bills of the more than 2,500 filed. If you’re one who believes less government is better, then you’re smiling.

BUDGET FUNDING One early priority of the Legislature and the Governor was a decrease in car/truck/trailer fees which were raised in 2009 to help balance the state’s budget. This item passed and has already been signed by the Governor. This rollback in registration fees will save FNGLA members a pile of cash and will make personal tag renewals a little less shocking. FNGLA always stands ready to help our friends at the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (FDACS), as well as the University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS). So, we’re pleased to report the budget now includes: • $3 million for Agricultural Best Management Practice (BMP) projects within three major water basins -- the Okeechobee, Caloosahatchee, and St. Lucie Basins; • $5 million for BMP implementation within spring sheds; • $10 million for Lake Okeechobee restoration, including agricultural BMP projects; • $2 million for the IFAS Southwest Research & Education Center in Immokalee;



• $2 million for the new FDACS Citrus Germplasm facility in Lacrosse; • $100,000 for caladium research; • $150,000 for laurel wilt disease research; and, • Continued full funding of the IFAS Center for Landscape Conservation & Ecology, as well as the IFAS Public Issues Education (PIE) Center FNGLA is also very pleased to report not only did the statutory provisions related to Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) landscaping on new highway and road construction projects remain intact, it received more support than ever before. And, $1.8 million was directed to fund Highway Beautification Grants of which $800,000 is designated to Keep Florida Beautiful.

LEGISLATIVE INITIATIVES HB 001/ SB 558 – Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Making a second consecutive appearance, legislation to require state specific labeling of food containing GMOs failed to get a hearing in either legislative chamber. Although these bills haven’t gained much traction in Tallahassee, it is commonly expected the proponents of this effort are posturing for a constitutional ballot initiative in 2016. While the legislation did not directly impact the nursery and landscape industry, its language opened the door to additional labeling efforts which could be easily applied to plant breeding and genetics research -- the cornerstone for new plant varieties which fuel the success of so many of our member businesses. HB 1313/ SB 1576 – Springs Protection A tale of two chambers is the best explanation for this session’s springs’ protection legislation. In the Senate, five committee chairmen formed a springs working group which developed 15 comprehensive drafts of springs’ protection laws. These repeated drafts required BMP implementation for agricultural operations within spring sheds; specific direction to local governments to identify and begin upgrading septic tanks and construction wastewater treatment systems; and, a provision directing local governments to meet or exceed the State’s Model Fertilizer Ordinance. Oh, I almost forgot this Senate legislation had a $370 million dollar price tag to “offset” the costs of compliance. While the Senate kept up a full court press, the House remained vigilant and deferred on even giving a hearing to the springs legislation. This begs the question: Bad policy or a harbinger of things to come? All indications are the Florida House and Senate focus in 2015 and 2016 will be on water policy. For FNGLA and the other leading agricultural associations, there will be lots of discussion and potentially changes to Florida water quality and water quantity laws. As a result, FNGLA expects we will spend a significant amount of time educating elected officials and steadfastly ensuring sound science drives the legislative discussion. HB 575/ SB 312 – Sales Tax Exemptions By far, one of the biggest disappointing outcomes of the 2014 session was this legislation came up short in the late moments just before adjournment. It was designed to broaden the items under the sales tax exemptions for agricultural production. The bill included all irrigation parts, (Continued on page 6)


FNGLA HAPPENINGS (Continued from page 5) replacement parts for power-driven farm equipment, farm trailers, as well as structures used to store raw agricultural products. The bill’s price tag was roughly $15 million. FNGLA and others invested many hours working with the Department of Revenue, House and Senate staff and legislators to get this bill (or at least portions of it) over the finish line. Honestly, it stings to come so close yet fall short. Yet, there is a lesson here for all of us. It underscores the difficulty and rapidly changing ebb and flow of any legislative session. You can rest assured FNGLA will work over the summer to tee this issue up again for 2015. We encourage every FNGLA member to convey the importance of these sales tax exemptions every time you interact with your state legislators and candidates for state office. HB 537/ SB 1092 – Commercial Motor Vehicle Review Board Another significant bill came up short this session, yet it was not due to policy disagreements. The bill fell victim to personal politics within the Florida Senate. This legislation expanded the number of members on the Commercial Motor Vehicle Review Board (CRMV). This board reviews all appeals of citations issued for CRMV compliance, i.e. weight, height, width issues. Although the bill passed the full House without even a single “no” vote, the companion measure got caught up in the annual Senate logjam. Nevertheless, in conversation with senior FDOT staff, the agency is committed to updating some aspects of the process to make it more business and user friendly. At a minimum, it will eventually allow for web-based appeals rather than being forced to drive across the state to appear in person. It will also allow the use of email and smart phones in real time to secure or amend permits. HB 7091/ SB 1630 – Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services This was the omnibus bill containing numerous “clean-up” provisions relating to FDACS’ statutory authority and it updated some of the Department’s programmatic implementation. In the last week of session, several provisions were added to benefit agricultural operations. For instance, the language clarifies agricultural lands assessments for lands participating in dispersed water storage programs. It also provided a 25-day buffer after the application deadline for submitting agricultural lands classifications to the Property Appraiser’s office. Lastly, the bill creates a process for landowners to get baseline wetlands determinations prior to participating in any water storage programs. HB 601/ SB 536 – Reclaimed Water This bill required a complete analysis and feasibility study on the use of reclaimed water in Florida. Usually, FNGLA does not get too excited about a study bill. However, there is a continued push to move agricultural production from using potable ground water to sometimes lower quality sources such as reclaimed water. The costs of hooking up to reclaimed water as opposed to traditional ground and surface water sources is a concern. Lastly, a very significant focus will be on water policy in next year’s legislative session. So, FNGLA is cautiously optimistic about the findings of the reclaimed water study. Certainly more to come as all of the details are flushed out. HB 843/ SB 1030 – Medical Marijuana (Cannabis) Probably the most complex and fascinating development of the session was the successful passage of SB 1030 relating to Low-THC Cannabis. This issue was debated extensively in multiple committees and all sides had very strong and well thought out points of view. Ultimately, the legislation authorizes the growing of a limited strain of cannabis commonly known as Charlotte’s Web. The oil extracted from it often offers relief to seizure-ridden children and other patients.


FNGLA HAPPENINGS The legislation authorizes the development of a Compassionate Use Registry of patients who can be prescribed this form of cannabis. Lastly, the legislation establishes a set of criteria for eligibility to apply for a Florida Department of Health permit to grow the cannabis. The criteria requires: (1) licensed cultivation of 400,000 or more plants; and, (2) established businesses operated as nurseries (as defined in 581.011 FS) for at least 30 consecutive years. This legislation overwhelmingly passed by both chambers is awaiting action by the Governor who has stated he will sign it into law. Undoubtedly, passage of this landmark legislation has stoked considerable interest in and attention on our industry. The phone lines have been lighting up with grower questions and media inquiries. It’s important to recognize there are still several mechanical procedures which will be ongoing through the summer, notably the Department of Health’s process to develop and adopt the rules to implement this legislation.

Concluding Observations

FNGLA has deliberately expanded its legislative agenda. We’ve had to aggressively fight for our members’ bottom-line. While this session is a reminder of the fickle nature of legislation, FNGLA will not let the outcomes deter us from our core mission to promote and protect the business interests and professionalism of our members. Although we did not succeed in getting passed every good piece of legislation this session, we certainly did not slide back nor did we shy away from the issues you expect FNGLA to wrestle. Thank you for your membership and your continued involvement in FNGLA. Your membership dollars and support of the FNGLA PAC are directly responsible for this Association’s consistent capacity to protect your business. Thank you for all you do and for being industry leaders. Jim Spratt is President of Magnolia Strategies, LLC, a Tallahassee-based lobbying firm with a focus on small business and agriculture issues. Jim is a former FNGLA staff member and has been serving Florida’s nursery and landscape industry since 2004.

FNGLA PAC: The Political Foundation Assuring a Growing Influence for Florida’s Green Industry FNGLA-PAC’s sole purpose is to increase visibility and provide campaign assistance - on a bipartisan basis - to Florida state legislators and candidates who actively support Florida’s nursery and landscape industry. By law, FNGLA-PAC’s money cannot be used for lobbying purposes. FNGLA-PAC is a separate fund which supports candidates who promote and protect nursery and landscape industry’s interests in Tallahassee. Ready to contribute? Access the online donation form: http:// www.fngla.org/political-center/FNGLA-PAC/donate.aspx or send your contribution to FNGLA, 1533 Park Center Dr., Orlando, FL 32835-5705.


FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA’s Landscape Awards: Submit Best Projects by June 27 FNGLA’s 2014 Landscape Awards program is accepting submissions: Enter your very best landscape projects! As the industry is again on the rise, now is a grand opportunity to promote and position your landscape firm as one of the “best of the best” our professional industry has to offer! FNGLA’s Landscape Awards bring excellence and prestige to your business portfolio. The entry categories and applications are straightforward and submitted on-line. And, you can even submit twice as many digital images of your landscape entry! Florida landscape projects installed and completed since January 1, 2011 are eligible for submission. The cost to enter a project is $145 for FNGLA members and $200 for non-FNGLA members. The deadline for all entry applications is 5 p.m., Friday, June 27, 2014. Submit New Installations; Redesign/ Renovation; and, Maintenance projects in the following categories:

• Residential Single-Family • Residential Community • Commercial • Theme Park • Institutional/Public • Interior Project • Special Project

The winners receive their awards on the main stage of The Landscape Show, September 25-27, 2014 in Orlando. Chosen from the pool of winning projects, three projects are elevated with additional honors at the show: the Floriculture Award; the Roy Rood Award (best Project of the Year); and, the Florida FriendlyTM Landscape Award. In addition, the Blakely Award is presented to an FNGLA member-business which exemplifies design and landscape excellence by the appearance of the landscaping at their place of business. There is always much to celebrate! A recap of last year’s project winners can be located here: http://www. fngla.org/recognition/landscape-awards/winners.aspx.

• Student Project • Environmentally Sustainable Site Special Awards include:

• FNGLA S.J. Blakely Award • FNGLA Floriculture Award • FNGLA Florida Friendly Landscape™ Award • FNGLA Roy Rood Award 8

Winners from the 2013 awards received their plaques from Adam Putnam, Florida’s Commissioner of Agriculture at The Landscape Show’s main stage. With its prominent placement, the main stage is again planned as the location for presenting 2014’s winners!


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FNGLA HAPPENINGS 2014 Floriculture Fields Days: An Exceptional Experience! Over 150 industry professionals gathered from across the country in May for FNGLA’s Floriculture Field Days. Attendees dodged raindrops and braved the heat and humidity of Central Florida to assess over 130 plant varieties from the nation’s top breeders which were trialed throughout Orlando: at Walt Disney World’s Epcot; Harry P. Leu Gardens; and, the UF-IFAS Orange County Extension Service. The 2014 event also offered two jam-packed days of guided tours to SeaWorld and the Epcot® International Flower and Garden Festival; an educational event with 13 sessions from landscape design to business strategies; and countless networking opportunities!

2014 Sponsors:

The 2014 Floriculture Field Days gave the industry’s top floriculture breeders an opportunity to see how well their plants performed in Florida’s unique weather conditions and were all on-hand during the Field Days to answer questions and share the latest information on the newly crafted characteristics and robust qualities of their new floriculture varieties. From Caladiums to Begonias and all shapes and sizes in between; attendees were able to get up close and see for themselves which ones were thriving and which might be ideal for their own business clients and projects. Presenters included, Christina Salwitz who translated “garden speak” into a language that gets people of all ages excited about achieving their gardening goals. Rick Schoellhorn enlightened attendees with what the future holds for plant genetics and Bob Kodzis closed the program by preparing attendees to be “Ready for Anything.” Special thanks go to all of the event sponsors, breeders, trial sites, and our official growers and landscape contractor for participating in the program. FNGLA’s programs could not be successful without the continued financial support of the industry.

The Official Growers & Landscape Contractor for the Trials:

Conference attendees received a complete packet detailing the plants showcased in the trial gardens. To access this great resource, visit: http://issuu.com/ fngla/docs/2014planttrialbooklr. For more details on this conference and future educational programs, visit FNGLA’s website at: http:// www.fngla.org/events/ floriculture-field-day/.

and Performance

May 14 & 15, 20 14

Trial Sites: Walt Dis ney World®, Harry P. Leu Gardens and UF/IFAS Ora nge County Ext ension Service

Trial Plant Detai

Brought to you



Trials at Epcot ®



Two Exceptional Days!

Many Great Moments!

Access the 2014 Floriculture Field Days Photo Gallery: https://plus.google.com/ photos/101900735408609469622/albums/6014104492256600897 11

FNGLA HAPPENINGS New Headquarters Hotel for The Landscape Show The Hilton Orlando has been selected as the new headquarters hotel for The Landscape Show for 2014 & 2015. The Landscape Show will take place in the south concourse of the North/South Building of the Orange County Convention Center. Conveniently, the Hilton Orlando has a skywalk which connects the hotel to the south concourse, making it easy to get from the hotel to the convention center. “The Hilton is an amazing convention resort,” said Cindy Hall, EcoSolutions Marketing and Chairperson of The Landscape Show. “It’s a quick and easy walk from the hotel to the show and very accessible to the restaurants and night life on International Drive. We’re excited to offer it as the hotel of choice for The Landscape Show.” The Hilton Orlando is offering a special rate of $149 for The Landscape Show participants who book through Eventsphere, the official hotel management company of The Landscape Show. Rooms booked through Eventsphere include complimentary internet, reduced parking fees, a reduced resort fee, fitness center access, unlimited local, toll-free and long distance calls, and 15% discount in all outlets excluding Tropics. The Promenade, a newly renovated outdoor event space at the Hilton, will be the location of The Landscape Show Opening Night Reception on Thursday, September 25 at 5:30 p.m. In addition, The Lobby Bar offers an ideal meeting spot for colleagues to continue their conversations. The Hilton Orlando features spectacular amenities that everyone will enjoy: 2 pools, a lazy river, water slide, whirlpool, cabanas, fire pits, spa & fitness center, 9-hole putting green, ¼ mile jogging track, recreational courts including: volleyball, tennis, basketball, and bocce ball. Housing is now open and reservations can be made using the online registration form to book your hotel or call 1-877-414-7997. Agents are available to assist you 24/7, 365 days a year.

Landscape Show Exhibitors: MyBooth.org Is Open! Exhibitors of The Landscape Show will find easy access to all the information and forms needed to prepare for The Landscape Show at mybooth.org. Take advantage of this convenient and well-organized online center to keep track of which items you’ve completed and which ones are yet to be done. Mybooth.org is the place for exhibitors to register for the show badges, book hotel rooms, complete directory information, sign up for show specials and manage all show administrative tasks. It is also the place where exhibitors can find the exhibitor manual, show rules and regulations, convention center and decorator forms and information, as well as promotional opportunities. For exhibitors who wish to be even more visible at The Landscape Show, a variety of sponsorship and advertising opportunities exist. New this year are varying levels of sponsorship for the Opening Night Cocktail Reception as well as mobile website advertising. Signage advertising is available at all levels, from the floor to eye-level column wraps to large open lobby spaces. The Landscape Show continues to offer exhibitors great economic value. With nearly 80% of the show sold out, it’s easy to see The Landscape Show is THE marketing choice! If you haven’t selected your exhibit space yet for the 2014 show, call the FNGLA office today at 800-375-3642 to reserve your spot or expand your exposure at The Landscape Show.


INDUSTRY NEWS 2014 Hurricane Season Has Begun: Three to Six Hurricanes Expected

It’s been a decade since the historic 2004 hurricane season when four hurricanes -- Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne -- affected Florida for the first time since record-keeping began. It’s also been an unbelievable 22 years since Hurricane Andrew redefined what it meant to be in the nursery industry in South Florida. Andrew still holds the distinction of being the costliest hurricane in Florida history with total damage reported at $26.5 billion, plus the 65 lives lost. Hurricane Katrina was just a category 1 storm as she crossed over South Florida, and her path left many picking up the pieces while she was en route to unleash her fury in Louisiana. As we enter the 2014 season, experts are predicting a slower-than-usual season, with eight to 13 tropical storms and three to six hurricanes. And while this is good news, history has taught those in the nursery industry every year is a year for pragmatism and concern. Starting this hurricane season, forecasters at the U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami will begin dropping small drones into storms in the hope they can learn more about how storms strengthen and be better able to predict a storm’s intensity. The Florida Legislature created a sales-tax holiday for hurricane supplies, which will help save money on items useful in the event of a hurricane. Now through June 8, Floridians can buy batteries, flashlights, first-aid kits, fuel tanks, coolers, tarps, certain generators and other storm-related items without paying sales taxes. FNGLA reminds you to be prepared and stay informed, even in a slow year. To keep up with the latest storm details, you can access the National Hurricane Center’s radar information at: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/?atlc.


INDUSTRY NEWS New Labeling for Bee Protection On Its Way The full impact of neonicotinoids on bees and other insect pollinators is still being determined. In an effort to protect pollinators, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will require a new Bee Advisory Box (also referred as ‘the bee box’) on future pesticide labels. The EPA bee advisory box is clear, pesticide can kill bees and other pollinators when not used according to directions. The label provides users with specific guidelines for minimizing exposure to the active ingredients to bees and other pollinators.

Industry Summit Asks: What Would You Do With 40% Less Water? The continuing drought in California and other parts of the country highlights a national trend affecting many in the green industry – the increasing frequency and magnitude of water scarcity. Globally, water demand is predicted to outstrip availability by 40% in 2030. The 2014 Seeley Summit is entitled Water: Horticulture’s Next Game Changer? and provides a unique opportunity to learn and develop a multi-faceted approach to tackling this issue. The majority of green industry businesses are located in close proximity to urban centers. Expansion of urban areas through suburban development has brought both expanding business opportunities and increased competition for water resources. This applies not only to ground water, but also to public surface water, such as lakes and rivers. Without protective legislation, green industry firms are often expected to forfeit their current use of potable water for urban/suburban consumption. Even with such legislation, amounts permitted for production purposes likely will decline as demand increases for potable water by expanding urban centers. This has already occurred in Florida, where initial permitted amounts 12 years ago have been decreased by as much as 40% in some areas. Just 15 years ago, nursery and greenhouse irrigation was unregulated in these same areas.

Look for this label soon and do your part to protect pollinators by following the restrictions and use guidelines on these labels. For more details, visit: http:// www.epa.gov/opp00001/ ecosystem/pollinator/bee-labelinfo-graphic.pdf


Technologies alone will not solve all of the industry’s problems. The green industry, in particular, can play a very active role and lead by example in working toward water conservation and water quality preservation during discussions on water resource policy development. Without active involvement, green industry firms will not get policies that are equitable to them and instead will be left out in the cold. Dr. Ron Griffin, a resource economist at Texas A&M University will discuss the roots of the water scarcity problem -- primarily deficient policy signals for water’s innate value -- and implications for the future policy environment in which water is allocated and priced. Part of the message concerns needed policy change, which can be anticipated by water users, and part concerns the future of water pricing and availability. Join Dr. Griffin and many other experts from both within and outside the green industry as we tackle the burgeoning issue of water scarcity. This year’s Seeley will take place June 22-24, 2014 in Lisle, Illinois – conveniently located for ease of travel into Chicago O’Hare and Midway airports. Reserve your spot now by visiting www. seeleysummit.com

INDUSTRY NEWS Farm Credit of Central Florida Names New Director Farm Credit of Central Florida Chairman of the Board, David J. Stanford, announced the appointment of Michelle G. Hurst to the cooperative’s board as an outside director. “We are elated to have Michelle’s expertise in accounting, trust, and estate planning as a resource to our association,” Stanford said. Michelle is a CPA and a partner at Bunting, Tripp & Ingley LLP in Lake Wales. “I look forward to being a part of the Farm Credit Board, a team of sophisticated, warm and highly intelligent businessmen who really understand the complexities and challenges their customers face today and want to help make their Association The Lender of Choice,” said Michelle. Raised in Bavaria Germany, Michelle, is bilingual, and earned her BS in accounting from the University of South Carolina. Michelle has an extensive background in accounting and has been with her current firm since 1992, after working with firms in Vero Beach, FL. and Greenville, South Carolina. She has been an active member of her community, serving in numerous positions of authority including, Past President of Lake Wales Breakfast Rotary Club, Florida Institute of CPA’s, Lake Wales YMCA Service Club, and the Heartland Estate Planning Council to name a few. “Michelle is well respected throughout the area and her skills will greatly enhance the strength of our board of directors,” said Reggie Holt, President & CEO of Farm Credit of Central Florida.

Farm Credit of Central Florida‘s newest Board Member, Michelle Hurst.

Foliage Care & Handling Highlighted to Cut Flower Audience “How do you care for and handle foliage plants when shipping to your customers? Terril Nell, UF professor emeritus and postharvest consultant to the floral industry offers several on-the-money pointers in an article published in the June 2014 edition of Floral Management. Here are the questions expertly answered: Have your plants been acclimated for indoor conditions? What was the temperature range during shipping? How were your plants shipped? Did you treat your plants for ethylene exposure? See Terril’s insight and learn how to manage these issues and best answer these key questions: http://www.fngla.org/ images/greenline/careHandlingFoliage_DrNell.pdf. The National Foliage Foundation (NFF) is acknowledged for its role in providing funding for research on ethylene sensitivity of foliage plants and the effectiveness of EthylBloc®. To learn more about NFF and its research efforts, visit: www.nationalfoliagefoundation.org.


CERTIFICATIONS FNGLA Landscape Certification Ends Spring On A High Note The two final FNGLA landscape certification exams for the spring took place in April and May, bringing the number of landscape professionals certified in 2014 alone to 40. SeaWorld Horticulture hosted its FNGLA Certified Landscape Maintenance Technician (FCLMT) exam on April 12. This test site in Orlando continues to be a favorite of landscape professionals across the state. Broward Chapter FNGLA hosted its first bilingual FNGLA Certified Landscape Technician (FCLT) exam at the UF Ft. Lauderdale Research Center on May 2. Multi-lingual judges assured the exam was judged fairly for all. The next round of testing takes place in August 2014 at SeaWorld Horticulture. For more information, contact Merry Mott at FNGLA at mmott@fngla.org.


FCLMT Exam SeaWorld Horticulture: Thank You Judges:

FCLT Exam UF Ft. Lauderdale REC: Thank You Judges:

Host: Gary Weitermann, FCLMT, SeaWorld Judges: Jay Arthurs, FCLMT, Mainscape Gareth Barnard, FCLMT, SeaWorld Randy Britson, FCLC, Bay Landscape Dan Brown, FCLMT, SeaWorld Jorge Del Palacio, FCLMT, SeaWorld Larry Harripersad, FCLMT, SeaWorld Herb Jimenez, FCLMT, SeaWorld JoAnne Kani-Miller, FCLC, A New Vista Lee Lovett, FCLC, Forest Hills Landscape Luke Preslaski, FCLC, Bay Landscape Sarah Rosen, FCLMT, SeaWorld Jose Serrano, FCLMT, SeaWorld John Starcher, FCHP, Toro

Hosts: Robert Shoelson, FCLC, Getting Green Kim Moore, UF Ft. Lauderdale REC Luci Fisher, UF Ft. Lauderdale REC Judges: Evelio Arias, FCLT, Miami-Dade Parks Billy Butterfield, FCLC, Ameriscapes Landscape Cris Cardenas, FCLT, Miami-Dade Parks Carlucio Da Rocha, FCLT, Landscaping Details Steve Fairtrace, FCLD, S FL Water Mgmt District Todd Flack, FCLC, 100% Landscaping Chuck Flemming, FCLC, Blue Water Landscape Vladimir Foursa, FCLC, BG Katz Mike Gonzalez, FCLT, Miami-Dade Parks John Kotch, FCLMT Sergio Lopez, FCLT, 100% Landscaping Robert Marshall, FCLMT, ValleyCrest Andres Morrow, FCLT, Miami-Dade Parks Rob Pursell, FCLC, Getting Green Steve Rivera, FCLT, Miami-Dade Parks Rene Rodriguez, FCLT, Miami-Dade Parks Larry Searle, FCLC, Searle Brothers Wayne Simmons, FCLT, Miami-Dade Parks Gary Weitermann, FCLMT, SeaWorld

CERTIFICATIONS Florida Water StarSM Hosted by City of Ocoee and FIS The City of Ocoee hosted Florida Water StarSM (FWS) training and testing for industry professionals from around Central Florida The Florida Irrigation Society (FIS) brings Florida Water Star to its annual Water Summit in Orlando on July 16. For more information, contact, FIS at 727-209-1595 or administration@fisstate.org. This comprehensive water conservation program focuses on Florida-friendly landscape alternatives and irrigation requirements that can have a major impact on water usage. SJRWMD has contracted with FNGLA to administer the FWS Accredited Professional exams in irrigation and landscape. Complete information about the Florida Water StarSM program can be found at www.floridawaterstar.com or contact Deirdre Irwin, dirwin@sjrwmd.com, at the St. Johns River Water Management District.


MEMBER NEWS Brickman and ValleyCrest Announce Merger Agreement The Brickman Group. Ltd. LLC and ValleyCrest Companies, LLC announced recently they have entered into a definitive merger agreement, creating a world-class landscape company with a talented and engaged team delivering customized solutions for commercial clients throughout the U.S. Brickman and ValleyCrest are both leaders in landscape with highly complementary capabilities and geographic footprints. They will continue to serve trusted relationships in diversified client environments such as corporations, universities, hospitals, hotels & resorts, parks & public spaces and housing communities. These include some of the most respected companies and renowned institutions in the country. “We are excited to bring together two family founded industry pioneers to continue shaping the industry while caring for client relationships that have been built over decades,” said Andrew Kerin, Chief Executive Officer of Brickman. Combined, Brickman and ValleyCrest employ more than 20,000 team members nationally. The merger is expected to be completed in the coming months.

Strawberry Industry Loses Pioneer & Innovator Third-generation Manatee County farmer James Carson Nanney, 87, died Sunday, May 11. Jim’s life revolved around a deep love for his family. He is survived by his wife of 62 years Mary “Red”, 6 children and 15 grandchildren. Nanney, whose grandfather’s farm was on the site of the former Manatee County Agricultural Center, made improving the ornamental industry his life’s work. He is credited with development of strawberry stock production which enables Florida growers to accelerate early winter production. He received many awards for his work in the agriculture industry over the years, but was most proud of the Manatee County Outstanding Agriculturist Award he received in 2000. Nanney spent 30 years as Production Manager for R.J. Claprood and Fulwood Farms in Sun City, and later was also a horticulture consultant, traveling to Saudi Arabia, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico and Costa Rica.

James Nanney

Access more details at: http://www.bradenton.com/2014/05/13/5150605/third-generation-manatee-farmer. html#storylink=cpy.



Welcome New Members The following are new FNGLA members: from April 22, 2014 - May 21, 2014 ACTION Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. Chris Delegato 115 W Crown Point Rd Winter Garden, FL 34787 321-303-4680 Evergreen Lawn & Pest Control James Fanning 1200 Tilden Ave Apopka, FL 32703 407-880-6655 Florida Irrigation Supply, Inc. TJ Jones 300 Central Park Dr Sanford, FL 32771-6671 407-995-9095 Rec’d by: Russ Mueller, Bolling Forest Products, Inc. BROWARD Jose Landscaping & Maintenance Jose Prieto 18331 Pines Blvd Pembroke Pines, FL 33029 754-551-6498 Rec’d by: David Williams, Tri-County Truck & Equipment

DADE FR Agricultural Group, LLC Mario R Ramos 6841 SW 147 Ave #2H Miami, FL 33193 305-336-7081 Rec’d by: Nelson Guzman, Three Star Nursery Corp.

MANASOTA Siesta Oaks of Sarasota, Inc. Mark Simpson 2340 Riviera Dr Sarasota, FL 34232 941-232-0384 Rec’d by: Jim Fuhr, Universal Enterprises Supply Corp.

Philip Marraccini (Supportive) 13955 SW 248 St Homestead, FL 33032 305-905-2284

OUTSIDE FLORIDA GKI/Bethlehem Lighting Renee Hebert 800 John Quincy Adams Rd Taunton, MA 02780 440-522-8249

LAKE REGION Cutrale Farms, Inc. Aaron Corkum 602 McKean St Auburndale, FL 33823 863-965-5000 Rec’d by: Nate Jameson, Brite Leaf Citrus Nursery, LLC

ROYAL PALM Arthur J Neumann, ASLA, PA Arthur Neumann 480 Yucca Rd Naples, FL 34102-5323 239-734-0550 Rec’d by: Paul Polomsky, Treesource, Inc. SPACE COAST Advocate, Inc. William Monroe 120 Vin Rose Circle SE Palm Bay, FL 32909 321-544-5662 TREASURE COAST Horizon Distributors David Moss Full 3066 Gran Park Way Stuart, FL 34997 561-413-8484

PINELLAS Jennifer Roberts (Student) 1391 Dinnerbell Lane E Dunedin, FL 34698 401-369-2202

Access Greenline and other FNGLA archived publications at:

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Calendar of Events

Contact Us

See and submit events at http://www.fngla.org, under calendar




Trees Florida, Innisbrook Golf Resort, Palm Harbor Florida


National Lawn & Garden Show, Denver, CO


FNGLA Miami/Dade: Dick Fuhr Memorial Fishing Tournament, Chesapeake Beach Resort, Islamorada


Green Industry Best Management Practices (GI-BMP) Training, UF/ IFAS Orange County Cooperative Extenstion, Orlando


Green Industries Best Management Practices Training (GI-BMP) in Spanish, Indian River Research & Education Center, Ft. Pierce


FNGLA Annual Convention, Marriott Sawgrass Golf Resort & Spa Ponte Vedra Beach


Garden Centers of America (GCA) Summer Tour, San Francisco


Phone: 407.295.7994 Toll-free: 800.375.3642 Fax: 407.295.1619 E-mail: info@fngla.org Web: www.fngla.org


GREENLINE EDITOR Jennifer Nelis jnelis@fngla.org


President Mike Marshall Marshall Tree Farm 17350 SE 65th St Morriston, FL 32668-4508 (352) 528-3880

President-Elect Sandy Stein The Jungle Nursery 29100 SW 162 Ave Homestead, FL 33030 (305) 246-5324

Past President Wes Parrish Parrish Nursery 5900 SW 185th Way Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33332 (954) 680-3544

Secretary/Treasurer Billy Butterfield AmeriScapes Landscape Management Services, Inc. PO Box 568762 Orlando, FL 32856-5041 (407) 872-0855

Connect with us: About FNGLA


AmericanHort Short Course (Formerly OFA Short Course), Columbus, OH


Florida Irrigation Society Water Summit, Kissimmee


SNA Show, Atlanta, GA


Southeast Builder’s Conference (SEBC) 2014, Orlando

This publication is produced by the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA) as a service to its members. The statements and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Association, its staff, Board of Directors, Greenline or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers or their identification as members does not constitute an endorsement of the products or featured services. The mission of the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association is to promote and protect the success and professionalism of our members.


1533 Park Center Drive Orlando, FL 32835-5705

Read the latest FNGLA news inside & visit Greenline online at http://greenline.fngla.org

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