FNGLA's March 2015 Greenline

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March 2015 | Volume 36, Issue 3


Nursery & Landscape Industry Showcased at Florida State Fair Gov. Rick Scott and the Florida Cabinet — Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam, Attorney General Pam Bondi and Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater — “flipped the switch” signaling the official opening of the Florida State Fair and made their way inside to the Taste of Florida Breakfast and FNGLA’s lush display showcasing the nursery and landscape industry among the area’s many agriculture participants. The 2450 square foot “garden” display served as the backdrop for the Taste of Florida event and remained in place for the duration of the fair, serving to inspire the fair’s 500,000 guests and fuel their enthusiasm for their outdoor spaces. While the fair saw 1/2 million guests, the Florida Agriculture Hall of Fame Building, where FNGLA’s showcase garden was located, saw approximately 65,000 to 70,000 consumers during the 12-day fair event. Florida’s Commissioner of Agriculture kicked-off the morning’s festivities with a shout-out to FNGLA speaking of its value to Florida. See the shout out at: https:// vimeo.com/119152598. Many FNGLA members contributed plants, materials or manpower to the effort. See the complete list to the right. And a grand thank you to these folks for their contribution. Continued page 3

Special Thanks to those who assisted onsite with the garden:

AmeriScapes Landscape Management, Inc. Ameriscape USA (Tampa) Ed Bravo, Big Trees Plantation (Newberry) Steve Brown, A & S Horticulture (Maitland) Sydney Park-Brown, Riverview Flower Farm (Seffner) Billy Butterfield, AmeriScapes Landscape Management, Inc. (Orlando) FNGLA’s Tampa Bay Chapter Will Womack, Tampa Bay Landscaping (Tampa)

And to those who donated plants and material: Bates Sons & Daughters (Lake Placid) Better Blooming Orchids (Kissimmee) Big Earth Landscape Supply (Tampa) Big Trees Plantation (Newberry) Chestnut Hill Tree Farm (Alachua) FiberDust LLC (Glastonbury, CT) Florida Strawberry Growers Association Florida Tuxedo Plants (Miami) Forest Grove Palms (Alachua) Garden Light LED (Tampa) Isuzu/Nextran Truck Center (Tampa) Medallion (Homestead) Oak Lane Farms (Bell) Oglesby Plants Int’l (Apopka) Pine Island Nursery (Miami) Plants in Design (Miami) Riverview Flower Farm (Seffner) Salmon’s Wholesale Nursery (Ocala) Slay’s Trees (High Springs) Sunshine Growers (Lakeland) Tampa Bay Landscaping (Tampa) Tropic Traditions Nursery (Gainesville) Wekiwa Gardens (Apopka)



Sandy Stein FNGLA 2014-2015 President

FNGLA’s Success: Valuable Industry Relationships “Never fail to appreciate someone who cares for you. Just because they’re always in your life to help in some way, never fail to give thanks or recognition. To value someone or something too lightly is a risk no one should take.” – Unknown FNGLA works on multiple fronts simultaneously for the good of our members. I have spent significant time sharing what for me has been most appealing and congruent with my personality. That is our Association’s efforts around attracting more of our industry to our roles and finding new ways to market our products sold through retail outlets or installed by Certified Professionals within the state and across the country. This month though, I want to place the focus on just how your Association has been so successful building relationships and protecting our Association’s political best interests in Washington and Tallahassee. Ben Bolusky, our CEO, came to FNGLA by way of the former American Nursery and Landscape Association. It was quite the coup for our Association to have landed Ben. His connections in Washington and his experience working for the best interests of nursery growers and landscape contractors nationally, maybe made acquiring him a “reach,” but thank the powers that be, we did. Ben has been helping make this Association a voice that has had a seat at the table for all things important to the landscape contracting and nursery industries for many years now. All of us know and appreciate Ben. Some of us may not know Jim Spratt though. Jim was FNGLA’s in-house staff lobbyist for approximately 8 years. Though he spent most of his time in Tallahassee, Jim is no shy-guy. He has worked hard building relationships for us in Washington as well, and has regularly updated your FNGLA Board of Directors on his progress protecting our abilities to continue in the businesses we all love. 2

Jim first garnered the attention of FNGLA when, as part of the Florida Department of Agriculture’s water policy division, he helped craft the Best Management Practices which have been in place making our ag-business lives manageable with respect to water for many years now. FNGLA saw an opportunity to bring Jim onboard and was not going to miss it. Three years ago Jim left to start his own firm, Magnolia Strategies, LLC, where he continues his important work for FNGLA, as well as for other ag-interests, all of whom understand the expertise Jim brings to educate our legislators on issues vital to our industries and who understand the deep respect shared by all who know Jim. Married to Sharon and the father of two-year old twins, James and Laura, Jim is just getting started as a family man, yet he is our seasoned go-to-guy and I regard him as a great friend. If you come to our annual convention in Coral Gables on June 12 & 13, you will be able to meet Jim. I have no doubt you too will see just why our Association is in such great hands in Tallahassee and Washington. If you’re shy, don’t worry, Jim will say hi to you. Sandy Stein The Jungle Nursery (Miami) sstein@junglenursery.com


With an estimated 65,000 to 70,000 visitors to the display, the FNGLA area reached many Florida-based consumers as well as agriculture leaders from across the state and the area is home to the “Taste of Florida Breakfast” held the fair’s opening day. The 2016 Florida State Fair will take place February 4 - 15 at the Florida State Fairgrounds, Tampa.


FNGLA HAPPENINGS 2015 Legislative Preview: Issues Affecting Our Industry By Jim Spratt, Magnolia Strategies, LLC

As the Legislative Sessions swings into full gear, it’s important you know what’s pinging squarely on FNGLA’s radar in Tallahassee. FNGLA will be reaching out to targeted FNGLA members and members-at-large on specific grassroots actions when needed to propel forward top priorities such as water policy and budget issues. Stay tuned to your email...the ride may get a little bumpy before the Legislative Session closes in May! In the interim, here is a snapshot of FNGLA’s full legislative plate as we protect and promote your business interests:

Water Policy

HB 7003 by Rep. Caldwell

Contains numerous statutory amendments and clarifications including: equal standing for self-suppliers of water to be eligible for technical assistance from water management districts in the development of alternative water supplies and the identification of water sources. This bill also reinforces the founding principles of Florida’s water law ensuring the Districts are meeting their statutory requirement to plan for all existing and future reasonable, beneficial uses of water. Requires the Districts to re-open their water supply plans if a new or competing use of water impacts an MFL (minimum flows and levels). Requires the implementation of BMPs within Springs Protection Zones.

SB 918 by Sen. Dean

This bill is largely a continuation of last year’s Springs Restoration legislation which did not succeed. Unlike the more comprehensive approach adopted by HB7003, this bill focuses almost exclusively on springs. This water


bill mandates the creation of Springs Protection Zones and outlines land use activities which are prohibited within the zones. It requires expedited adoption of MFLs for Outstanding Florida Springs and provides direction to develop and enforce interim regulatory programs until scientific data exists to finalize the MFLs. This bill requires significant investments to abolish the use of septic tanks within Spring Protection Zones, connecting these septic users to central waste water systems. The bill also creates a new advisory council to review and rank water and restoration projects statewide. Lastly, the bill encourages local governments to adopt, at a minimum, the state model ordinance for urban fertilizer application yet, provides significant latitude to adopt much more emotionally driven non-science based regulations.

Agricultural Sales Tax Exemptions

$15 million Impact on State Revenue HB 249 by Rep. Raburn, SB 398 by Sen. Stargel • Irrigation parts/repairs – $2.4m • Parts and repairs for power farm equipment – $9.3m • Stakes for plant production – $0.6m • Trailers used in ag production – $1.3m • Equipment used for storing ag products on the farm – $1.4m

Property Rights

HB 383 by Rep. Edwards, SB 284 by Sen. Diaz de la Portilla

Codifies portion of U.S. Supreme Court ruling on a Florida case (Koontz decision) relating to unconstitutional governmental exactions on property owners. Also, this legislation clarifies when settlements between governmental entities and property owners can be reached during potential Bert Harris Act Claims.

Commercial Motor Vehicle Review Board HB 120 by Rep. Beshears, SB 220 by Sen. Simpson

Expands make-up of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Review Board by four people to include specific private citizens and statutorily extends the time an individual has

FNGLA HAPPENINGS to appeal citation. Also, this legislation provides mechanism to appeal citation issued based on portable scale.

Other Bills

• Assessment on Nonresidential Farm Buildings: HB31, SB142 • Fire Code for Assemblies in Ag Buildings: (Awaiting bill numbers: Rep. Raburn, Sen. Stargel) • Liability Protection for Gleaning: HB137, SB158 • Genetically Modified Organisms: HB351, SB416

FNGLA Priority Budget Issues University of Florida/IFAS Budget:

• Workload – $5.5m • Protect Center for Public Issues Education (PIE) funding – $1.45m • Center for Leadership – $0.892m

Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services Agricultural Water Policy:

• Nutrient reduction and water retention projects in Lake Okeechobee Watershed – $15m • Ag best management practices within Northern Everglades – $5m • Ag best management practices within Florida’s spring sheds – $5.2m • Ag water supply planning and conservation programs – $1.5m

Division of Plant Industry (DPI) Pest and Disease Issues:

• Reclassification of 119 DPI inspectors – $0.752m • Support avocado industry in its efforts against laurel wilt and its vector – the red bay ambrosia beetle – $0.5m

Citrus Nursery Issues:

• Citrus greening research – $8.0m • Citrus Health Response Program (CHRP) – $7.4m • Transfer funding to support the Citrus Inspection Trust Fund – $2.5m

Agricultural Products Marketing

• Florida Agricultural Promotional Campaign to promote Fresh From Florida – $4.0m

Operation Cleansweep

• Operation Cleansweep to collect expired chemicals/ pesticides – $0.1m Jim Spratt is President of Magnolia Strategies, LLC, a Tallahassee-based lobbying firm with a focus on small business and agriculture issues. Jim is a former FNGLA staff member and has been serving Florida’s nursery and landscape industry since 2004. Jim can be reached at jim@ magnoliastrategiesllc.com.

Assure a Growing Influence for Florida’s Green Industry: FNPAC FNGLA’s Legislative efforts are an important element of FNGLA’s activities, however these happenings can be vast and sometimes costly. FNGLA’s Political Action Committee (FNGLA’s PAC) sole purpose is to increase visibility and provide campaign assistance - on a bipartisan basis - to Florida state legislators and candidates who actively support our industry. By law, FNGLA-PAC’s money cannot be used for lobbying purposes. FNGLA-PAC is a separate fund which supports candidates who promote and protect nursery and landscape industry’s interests in Tallahassee. Can you donate to this purpose? Yes and here’s how... http://www.fngla.org/political-center/ FNGLA-PAC/donate.aspx.


FNGLA HAPPENINGS If Productivity and Your Bottom Line are Essential in Your Landscape Business, Don’t Miss Next Week’s Workshop FNGLA is teaming up again with the Landscape Management Network (LMN) to present two 2-day workshops focused on business success, productivity and your bottom-line. This workshop gets landscape professionals out of their trucks and takes their landscape business to the next level. It’s the most popular green industry workshop in North America with over 3,000 companies attended to date. We’ve offered this before and it was so impactful to those who previously attended and such a success, it’s now headed to West Palm Beach and St. Augustine.

March 10 & 11 at: Kelly Tractor CAT, 5460 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach March 12 & 13 at: Ringpower CAT, 500 World Commerce Pkwy., St. Augustine Attend this workshop and you’ll leave with real numbers built for your business. Bring a few simple statements and you’ll leave with: • Profitable sales goals • Benchmarks to compare your results • Real charge-out rates and markups calculated specifically for your company • Your true capacity for sales: how much revenue you should be earning with your company

Day 1: Don’t Hope for Success, Plan for It

In just 1 day, you’ll build a profitable operating budget customized for your business. You’ll leave this workshop with clear sales goals and spending plans showing you exactly what your business needs to sell and accomplish to earn a fair profit.

Day 2: Know Where You Need to Be and Where You Stand

Never guess at a price again. Using your budget, you’ll calculate the right price for every job, including costs, overhead and the profit you want to earn. You’ll learn simple, proven methods for job tracking, job costing, and incentive systems that get staff thinking and acting like owners instead of hourly workers just putting in time. Don’t miss the deadline, sign up by tomorrow, Friday, March 6. Two Convenient Locations: March 10 & 11 in West Palm Beach || March 12 & 13 in St. Augustine. Cost is $99 FNGLA Members/$149 Non-members (Includes both days, lunches and beverages).


FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA’s Floriculture Field Days Take Place May 13 & 14 Spring is in the air and FNGLA is gearing up for the 2015 FNGLA Floriculture Field Days! Taking place May 13 & 14, 2015, this educational program showcases trials of the newest bedding plant varieties tested at three different venues: Walt Disney World’s nursery, Harry P. Leu Gardens; and, UF/IFAS Orange County Extension Service. Plan now to attend and see how you can make your business bloom! Want to know “What’s New and What’s Next in 2015 and Beyond?” As attendees come together to learn all they can about the new varieties and genetics changing the landscape of our industry, you will also have the opportunity to examine new innovations for your businesses. Previously, John Kennedy, John Kennedy Consulting, has spoken to our audiences about not “wasting this recession” and the need to change everything about your perspective and insight to what is possible! Now John’s message is even more encouraging:”Don’t waste this recovery!” All economic indicators are showing a continuous improvement in our economy’s strength and you will want to take full advantage of every opportunity to drive momentum, margin and magical thinking! John will immerse himself into every aspect of Floriculture Field Days and put the finishing touches to your investment with strategies and “successories” to breed your new business plan. The winners of the top picks will likely have a common theme: different, innovative, magical. Watch for the full program details of John’s program and the rest of the speaker line-up coming in April’s Greenline! The 2015 participating breeders are excited to see how their latest varieties meet the challenge of Florida’s tough climate. This is a great opportunity for one-on-one time. Breeder representatives from Ball Flora Plant; Bates Sons and Daughters; Benary; Classic Caladiums; Greenfuse; Sakata; Hem Genetics; and, PanAmerican Seeds will be on hand to interact with attendees and provide individualized information on their plants and products. Ensure you are part of the action! Stay at the conference’s host hotel. Reserve your room at Disney’s Coronado Springs by the April 17 deadline to guarantee the special FNGLA rate of $139 Single/Double. Reserve your room online at Walt Disney World’s Coronado Springs Resort, http://www.disneynow.com/profile/form/index.cfm?PKformID=0x1942003fe4 or contact Disney’s Group Reservations at 407-939-4686. BE A PARTICIPATING SPONSOR FNGLA’s Floriculture Field Days is an ideal venue to interact with the leaders of the Floriculture industry and to gain exposure for your business. Position your business as a leader to this key audience of floriculture experts, landscape professionals and garden center owners. Access available Floriculture Field Days exposure opportunities at: http://www.fngla. org/events/floriculture-field-day/Sponsorship.aspx.


Last Call for FNGLA Industry Awards Nominations: Submission Deadline is March 6 Let FNGLA’s Industry Awards Committee know all the good work your industry colleagues have been doing on behalf of FNGLA and the industry. Who should be honored with the FNGLA Industry Awards in 2015? You can be a part of the process by submitting your nominations to FNGLA by March 6. Award recipients will be recognized at FNGLA’s Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 12 at the Westin Colonnade in Coral Gables. The FNGLA Industry Awards include Outstanding Chapter Secretary or Treasurer, Outstanding Chapter President, Outstanding Volunteer, Outstanding Educator, Farm Credit/FNGLA Outstanding Young Nursery Professional, FNGLA Hall of Fame and the FNGLA Wendell Butler Award which is FNGLA’s most prestigious award recognizing industry service and leadership. Nomination forms and awards descriptions are available online. For more information contact Linda Adams at ladams@fngla or call 800-375-3642.

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FNGLA HAPPENINGS Registration is now open for FNGLA’s Convention and Annual Meeting! Plan to attend FNGLA’s favorite event for building business relationships and keeping current with your Association and industry. Taking place June 12 & 13 at the Westin Colonnade in historic Coral Gables, the FNGLA Convention offers a diverse selection of FNGLA exclusive activities. Start the convention on Friday, June 12 with optional tours of two of our nation’s most unique gardens and botanical research centers. Special tours are available for FNGLA convention participants of Montgomery Botanical Gardens and the elaborate European-style gardens at Vizcaya, the famed south Florida winter residence of millionaire James Deering. After a day of exploring gardens, or discovering Little Havana, shopping along Miracle Mile or finding your way to South Beach, the FNGLA Convention moves inside for a Cuban Nights themed reception. The historic and grand rotunda of the Westin serves as the backdrop as guests enjoy authentic Cuban fare, drinks, music and dancers and even a freshly rolled cigar. FNGLA’s Annual Meeting is at the top of the agenda for Saturday morning, June 13. Here’s where industry and Association trends and news are shared, inspiration is provided via FNGLA’s Industry Awards presentation, and leaders are elected to keep the Association moving forward. An open afternoon on Saturday allows time for an on-yourown visit to Fairchild Tropical Botanical Gardens, just a short drive from the Westin. Fairchild is internationally renowned as a botanical garden, plant and palm conservation leader and hosts several diverse and unique specimen collections. A number of discounts and tour options are available. For those who prefer an afternoon to relax and cool down with FNGLA friends, the Westin roof top pool offers an exceptional view of Miami and the landmarks of Coral

Gables. FNGLA’s Convention comes to its grand finale Saturday evening at the President’s Gala. This is where the traditional and contemporary meet, as FNGLA’s Past Presidents are recognized and current leaders offer their wisdom for the future. Special guest speaker will be Florida State Representative Katie Edwards. The night will not be complete until current FNGLA president Sandy Stein follows the tradition of passing the FNGLA Big Shoes to incoming FNGLA president Billy Butterfield. Finish your convention stay in grand style on Sunday with a tour of the Biltmore Resort, another of Coral Gables historic landmarks. Located within two miles of the Westin, the Biltmore offers complimentary tours at 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. each Sunday afternoon. Not only does FNGLA’s convention offer a valuable and diverse program, it does so at exceptional pricing thanks to the many convention sponsors. Registration options provide for single event purchase, yet the best option is a Full Package for only $135 if you register by June 2. The Full Package includes Friday’s Cuban Nights Reception, Saturday continental breakfast, Annual Meeting and the President’s Gala, access to the FNGLA Miami-Dade Chapter Hospitality Suite and chapter welcome gift. The option to attend Montgomery Botanical Center is available at no extra fee. The Vizcaya admission price is only $15. Reservations for the Westin Colonnade are now being accepted at the FNGLA group rate of only $139. Use the online reservation system or call 305-441-2600. Included in the rate for FNGLA Convention participants is complimentary self-parking, as well as complimentary Wi-Fi in the hotel’s guest rooms and public areas. More convention details are available online. Contact Linda Adams at 800-375-3642 or ladams@fngla.org for additional information.


FNGLA HAPPENINGS Maximize Opportunities for Industry Visibility & Promotion via FNGLA Grower Members:

• The FNGLA Locator powered by PlantANT places your product online where buyers search for plants and services every day. FNGLA Members can advertise 5 listings at no cost: http://www.fngla.org/locator. • Take advantage of your “Fresh From Florida” membership, provided to you from FNGLA. What does this mean? It means your business qualifies to take advantage of customized Fresh From Florida benefits. As one example, Customized Business signage with Fresh From Florida logo. Qualified members may be reimbursed up to $1,500 in printing costs when using the Fresh From Florida logo on retail packaging, plant sleeves, and automobile signage/wraps: Access aditional details: http://www.bit.ly/FNGLAFFF. • Our newest member benefit, PlantFinder, brings together both print and online advertising opportunities. FNGLA members can choose both print and online advertising with member discounts or up to 5 free online listings. FNGLA members and loyal PlantFinder advertisers also receive free PlantFinder banner ads and an additional 5 listings, over $70 monthly value, free to FNGLA members. Call PlantFinder at 800-627-3819 for more information.

Landscape Members:

The grass is beginning to grow and March is the month to take advantage Upcoming Opportunities: of special discounts exclusively for FNGLA Members from Gravely. Gravely is launching its Florida Fleet Sale Event – a 20% discount on May brings FNGLA’s Floriculture ONE (1) Gravely Commercial Mower. The dates for the sale are March Field Days and several exposure 23 – 31, 2015, available at all Florida Gravely dealers. Purchase a Second opportunities for businesses looking Gravely Commercial Mower within 90 days and become qualified for to connect with this segment of Fleet Pricing for the remaining 12 months. Contact Bill Collester for the industry. See the available details, 920-756-5106. opportunities and more on the • Add an Isuzu to your fleet and utilize your FNGLA member benefit. conference at http://www.fngla.org/ Isuzu Commercial Truck of America, Inc. will provide all FNGLA events/floriculture-field-day/index. members a special FNGLA-only discount on the purchase of any new aspx. Isuzu commercial vehicle from any Florida Isuzu dealership. The member benefit will provide an additional $800 discount above any published June brings FNGLA’s Annual retail assistance that may be in effect at the time of purchase. The Convention! 2015 is “Bienvenido discount will be off the selling price of the vehicle a Miami Tropical” as before applicable taxes. The discount is immediate, we celebrate a year of and no rebate coupons are needed. Contact Matt FN GL A ME accomplishment and look MB ER SH IP IS A GO OD BU SI NE SS DE CI SI ON Messick at 678-763-3537 for more information. forward to 2015-16 and the • Take advantage of your Fresh From Florida industry successes we know membership, provided to you from FNGLA. await us. For details on What does this mean? It means your business sponsoring this event, go to qualifies to take advantage of customized http://www.fngla.org/events/ Fresh From Florida benefits. Members may be annual-convention/. reimbursed up to $1,500 in printing costs when using the Fresh From Florida logo And, there are many, many print, on automobile wraps. Access other Fresh digital and other conference From Florida benefits: http://www.bit.ly/ More Prog opportunities to fit your needs. rams, Mo re Details on the flip side! FNGLAFFF. See more at: http://www.fngla.org/ •





Isuzu Commerc l Vehicle Discou nt ial Truck of America, Inc. FNGLA mem provides bers special discounts on the purchase of any new Isuzu vehicle from any Florida Isuzu dealership commercial .

Credit Car d

Processing Integrity Merc Discounts hant Solutions offer s members speci al FNGLA group benefits inclu comparisons, ding: no hidde no n fees, free cost old equipment early termination fees, abilit , and working y to use your check proce ssing and gift with all card types and offeri card programs. ng


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This Law “Hot Hot line” offers advic line needed assist e to FNGLA ance workers’ comp with wage & hour, OSH members A, I-9 issues ensation retali and ation claims.

Group Life Ins

urance Take advantage of discounted rates on group life insurance for yourself, family mem bers and your empl oyees. The program featu res Issue Amounts Guaranteed up to $50,000 required. with no medi


cal exams

FNGLA’s grow al Benefits & Vis ibility ers, retail garden cente rs & landscape professionals are enrolled in the Fresh From campaign prom Florida oting Florida’s plants throughou t the Southeast Fresh From and giving you Florida mem access to ber benefits.



Online Mar

PlantANT.com keting offers FNGLA members five complimentary plant listings in the newly relaunched FNG LA Locator now hosted FNGLA mem online bers a 5% PlantANT with more than five listin by PlantANT. gs qualify for discount. You with real time can also track statistics and your results upload imag smartphone es with Plant app. Access ANT’s PlantANT at locator. www.fngla.org/

Online Mar

Use PlantFinde keting r’s system to incre PlantSearch online ase your expo plant buyers sure to and suppliers. FNG members can receive an Onlin LA Plant Booth e at www.Plan tSear com to mana ge online listin ch. gs and pictu members can res. choose both print and onlin FNGLA member disco e advertising unts or up to with 5 free online members and listings. FNG loyal PlantFinde LA PlantFinder r advertisers bann also receive free up to $72.50). er ads and 5 listings (Tota l Monthly Value Get started today email info@ ! Call 800-6 plantsearch.com 27-3819 or .

Payroll Pro cessing

Tired of being Discount treated like a number? You can your company’s outsource payroll witho giving up the ut flexibility and perso attention you need. MasterPay nal keep you in USA will compliance and make payro members are ll easy. FNG eligib LA published payro le for an exclusive 15% discount on ll immediate and processing prices. The discount is on-going -- not • FREE Direc an introductor t Deposit and y rate. Web Access • Automated payment of all Federal, State taxes & Local payro • Garnishment ll administration with electronic Payments Child Support

Access FNGLA’s complete Member Benefits Flyer at: http://www.fngla.org/membership/benefits/PDFs/make-most-of-membershipflyer.pdf.


INDUSTRY NEWS Fresh From Florida & FNGLA Promote Florida Gardening

FNGLA is super excited to announce as part of our FDACS’ Fresh From Florida partnership, a marketing campaign for Florida plants and landscaping is being launched on the major TV and cable networks! The Florida consumer advertising begins running March 9 in all of Florida’s top 10 markets. This is part of the television production, media and digital buys, print ads and point of purchase campaign forged together by FNGLA and Fresh From Florida. FNGLA will be re-enrolling all of our Florida-based nursery, landscape firm and retail garden center members into Fresh From Florida as a special benefit as part of your FNGLA membership. Watch for the first-time ever Fresh From Florida TV and cable ads promoting Florida plants and landscaping!

Florida Agriculture Literacy Day: April 21 The 12th annual Florida Agriculture Literacy Day is scheduled for Tuesday April 21 and a new non-fiction children’s book developed for it will highlight Florida’s livestock and poultry industries. The book, the title of which is ‘Drive Through Florida: Livestock and Poultry,’ features an animated red truck that takes students on a tour of Florida’s beef, dairy, poultry, swine, equine, sheep and goat industries. The book is geared to third, fourth and fifth grades. Volunteers are encouraged to read on Agriculture Literacy Day at their local elementary school, preferrably on April 21, but any day can serve as a celebration. The book and materials will be provided to volunteers in advance and can be left at the school to add to their library. This program is possible thanks to funding FAITC receives from sales of the agriculture specialty license plate known as the ‘Ag Tag.’ Teachers and agriculture industry representatives interested in participating, please check FAITC’s website, www.agtag.org, to order materials. The deadline to register for materials is Tuesday April 7. Volunteers are asked to schedule their classroom visits first and then order materials on the FAITC’s website. For more information on this engaging event, contact Lisa Gaskalla at 352-846-1391 or email gaskalla@ufl.edu.


INDUSTRY NEWS PLANET to Become The National Association of Landscape Professionals The Professional Landcare Network (PLANET) announced a reinvigorated vision and recommitted focus on national representation of the professional landscape industry. As of April 2015, the organization’s name will change to the National Association of Landscape Professionals. The association is the only national trade association built by the collaboration of landscape professionals who specialize in landscape, lawn and tree care, irrigation, landscape design and installation, and interior plantscaping. Its diverse membership also includes manufacturers and suppliers as well as consultants, faculty and students members. “The Professional Landcare Network was formed 10 years ago with the merger of the Associated Landscape Contractors of America and the Professional Lawn Care Association of America,” said PLANET CEO Sabeena Hickman, CAE, CMP. “We are the national association that represents companies across all sectors of the landscape industry, but our name didn’t reflect the unity and breadth of our membership and our industry.” The National Association of Landscape Professionals will continue to provide business and safety education to its members, certification through the Landscape Industry Certified designation, as well as lobbying on behalf of the industry with lawmakers and promoting the industry to the public. But, it also will now focus on a reinvigorated commitment to advocacy, spotlighting the professionalism of its members, providing the public with the best, most trusted source of landscape and lawn care information, and promoting the value of using professional landscape industry services. “Our new name will more accurately reflect our industry and our members, bringing higher visibility to the professionalism and care that our members bring to creating and maintaining the nation’s landscapes,” said PLANET President, Jim McCutcheon, Landscape Industry Certified. The rebranding process produced more than just a new name and logo. It also included six months of member research to refine the strategic direction of the association, making sure the organization’s vision, mission and goals represented member needs and delivered solutions to support landscape companies and advance the industry.

Irrigation Association Relocates The Irrigation Association has relocated its office to a new location in Fairfax, Virginia, moving from its Falls Church Virginia location where it had been headquartered since 1999. The Irrigation Association will be headquartered at 8280 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Fairfax, VA 22031. The Irrigation Association is the leading membership organization for irrigation companies and professionals. Together with their members, they are committed to promoting efficient irrigation and to long-term sustainability of water resources for future generations. IA works to improve industry proficiency, advocate sound water management and grow demand for water-efficient products and services. For more information, visit www.irrigation.org.


INDUSTRY NEWS Progress in the Fight Against Citrus Greening A 3D printed “SmartTrap” may turn the tide in a decade-old war to save Florida’s $10.7 billion citrus industry from a bacterial disease known as citrus greening. Scientists at the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services developed the traps using 3D printing technology to more efficiently catch and study the Asian citrus psyllid, which carries the bacterial disease decimating Florida’s citrus groves. A five-year, $200,000 National Institute of Food and Agriculture grant awarded to Florida this week will allow the traps to be deployed and tested in California and Texas to prevent a similar crisis. “This technology is a gigantic leap forward,” said Commissioner Adam H. Putnam. “This 3D printing innovation gives our scientists the best chance to find a game-changing breakthrough in the fight against citrus greening.” Using computer software and a fast-working 3D printer, researchers can easily adjust the trap’s shape, color, lights and chemicals to better attract the psyllid. This allows researchers to more efficiently and accurately study the insect that transmits greening. Citrus greening makes fruit turn green and bitter and causes it to drop to the ground sooner. Eventually, the disease is fatal to the tree. Previously, yellow sticky traps were hung in the trees, requiring a trained trap-reader for further testing. With the “SmartTrap,” about 99 percent of the insects collected are psyllids. The traps also preserve the psyllids, unlike the yellow sticky traps, which leave psyllids exposed to the elements where they quickly decompose and are virtually impossible to remove from the entangling glue for further analysis. The Asian citrus psyllid, no bigger than a pin, is an invasive insect first recognized in Florida in 1998. Citrus greening began seriously affecting crops in 2005 and has contributed to record low citrus harvests.

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INDUSTRY NEWS Florida Water StarSM Expands Across The State Two additional Florida Water StarSM training programs have been planned for 2015. Join industry professionals to increase your irrigation and landscape knowledge that can lead to water savings. This comprehensive water conservation program focuses on Florida-friendly landscape alternatives and irrigation requirements that can have a major impact on water usage. The full-day program includes a half day on irrigation and a half day on landscape and provides the opportunity to test to earn the Florida Water StarSM Accredited Professional designation. Florida Water StarSM training and testing will be a part of the 2015 Native Plant Show in Kissimmee, hosted by the Florida Association of Native Nurseries. This is yet another example of industries working together toward a common goal of water conservation. Training is April 8 with an optional exam the following day, April 9. Florida Water StarSM travels to Ft. Lauderdale May 13 & 14 at the City of Ft. Lauderdale. Hosted by the South Florida Water Management District, the program is expected to draw a large South Florida audience. Other programs in 2015 took place in March in Clearwater and was hosted by the Southwest Florida Water Management District and sponsored by Toro and in Palm Coast in February, hosted by the City of Palm Coast and sponsored by Hunter. More than 100 industry professionals have taken part in this water conservation training in 2015. Continuing education credits are approved for FNGLA Certified Professionals, Irrigation Association, Registered Landscape Architects and Volusia County’s irrigation license. Complete information about the Florida Water StarSM program can be found at www.floridawaterstar.com or contact Deirdre Irwin, dirwin@sjrwmd.com, at the St. Johns River Water Management District. To register for April 8 in Kissimmee, or May 13 in Ft. Lauderdale, contact Merry Mott, mmott@fngla.org or call 800-3753642.

Florida Water StarSM training in Palm Coast included a tour of the Florida FriendlyTM display gardens.


Florida Water StarSM attracts attendees from around the state to learn about water conservation through efficient landscape and irrigation design.


Dual Landscape Certification Exams a Hit at SeaWorld SeaWorld Horticulture in Orlando hit a homerun with the first-ever combination exam of both FNGLA’s Certified Landscape Technician (FCLT-Installation) and Landscape Maintenance Technician (FCLMT) exam, Saturday, February 21, 2015.

Thank you to our Judges!

Gary Weitermann, FCLMT, SeaWorld, Host Cynthia Brown, FCLMT, Sea World Dan Brown, FCLMT, Sea World Jorge Del Palacio, FCLT/MT, SeaWorld John Dixon, FCLMT, Sea World Herb Jimenez, FCLT/MT, Sea World Jo Ann Kani-Miller, FCLC, A New Vista Ken Martin, FCLC, Ken-Lin Landscaping Christian Martinez, FCLT, ValleyCrest Luis Perez, FCLT, ValleyCrest Paul Rauch, FCLC, Pay It Forward Farm Sarah Rosen, FCLT, Harry P. Leu Gardens Diane Sappington, FCLD, A Landscape Vision Jose Serrano, FCLT/MT, Sea World Paul Sykora, FCLC, ValleyCrest Kris Thiel, FCLT/MT, Lowes Linda Tootle, FCLT, Tootle Construction Tim Wills, FCLT/MT, Universal Studios Ryan Woodward, FCLMT, Jupiter Island Club Space is still available in the bilingual FCLT-Installation exam Friday, April 24, 2015, hosted by FNGLA’s Broward Chapter and the UF Ft. Lauderdale Research Center in Davie. Training will take place Friday, April 3. The training program is offered in English only. Contact Robert Shoelson at Getting Green at 954-6801819 to register for the training program and Merry Mott at FNGLA at 800-375-3642 or mmott@fngla.org for the exam.

Plant ID, Pest Management, Fertilization, Vehicle Operation, Irrigation, Pruning, Turf Management and, Site Evaluation are all part of the one-day certification exam. An FNGLA installation exam will be given on April 24 in Broward County.


MEMBER NEWS Florida Ag Hall of Fame Inducts Industry Leaders The Florida Agricultural Hall of Fame honors men and women who have made lasting contributions to agriculture in this state and to mentoring of our youth, who represent the future of agriculture in Florida. The annual banquet took place February 10 in Tampa as part of the Florida State Fair happenings. For 2015, four awards were given and two include familiar industry faces and names: Robert Blake Whisenant best known as the inventor of the Earthbox, and Edward, Ferdinand S. & Joseph Duda, third generation leaders for A. Duda & Sons, Inc. The other two inductees, Dr. Alvin C. Warnick and Pat Wilson are closely linked to Florida’s cattle industry. These individuals have made outstanding contributions to Florida’s agriculture industry and have mentored future leaders in their fields. “Each of these men left an indelible mark on the history of Florida agriculture,” said Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam. “Not only are they leaders in their respective fields, but they’ve also influenced agriculture industries in other parts of the world. I’m proud to honor these Floridians for their contributions.”

Robert Blake Whisenant invented the Earthbox and is a 2015 Agriculture Hall of Fame Inductee.

The Florida Ag Hall of Fame has honored 144 inductees since 1980. These individuals’ contributions to agriculture have helped advance the industry and ensure it continues to thrive. Their tireless, unselfish efforts to promote and protect Florida’s greatest industry are recognized with the agricultural community’s highest honor.

Edward, Ferdinand S. & Joseph Duda, third generation leaders for A. Duda & Sons, Inc. were also inducted into the 2015 Florida Agriculture Hall of Fame.

Photo Courtesy of Ron O’Connor-Farm Credit

At the Florida Agriculture Hall of Fame Dinner, FNGLA members met Dr. Kent Fuchs, new President of the University of Florida.



Welcome New Members The following are new FNGLA members: from January 22, 2015 - February 21, 2015 ACTION International Iron Heidi Larson 2325 Clark St Apopka, FL 32703 407-809-5856

MIAMI-DADE Miami-Dade County Margarita Marcio (Supportive) 3447 SW 112 Ct Miami, FL 33165 305-297-3565

PALM BEACH Palm Beach County Extension - South Laurie Albrecht (Supportive) 559 N Military Trail W Palm Beach, FL 33415-1311 561-233-1700

J.N.M. Horticulture Services, LLC Jonathan McKinney 1824 Marion County Rd Weirsdale, FL 32195 352-259-0905

Dixie Chopper Ed Garcia 6800 SW 40th St #141 Miami, FL 33155 786-631-0903

BROWARD AJ Baumgartner (Supportive) 770 NE 38th St Oakland Park, FL 33334 954-803-3130

Jolo Farms, Inc. Yale Fishman 13661 Deering Bay Dr Coral Gables, FL 33158 305-216-9999

PINELLAS Tara Solutions Cesar Diaz 310 E Harrison St Tampa, FL 33602 813-563-1463

FRONTRUNNERS Stockwood Liners LLC Tommy Lewis 2576 SE 32nd Place Ocala, FL 34471 352-528-3422

Muni Farms Matthew Munilla 26100 SW 157 Ave Homestead, FL 33031 786-488-2100

LAKE REGION McDowell Landscape Services, Inc. Mark McDowell 5160 Athenia Dr Lakeland, FL 33813 863-370-8300 MANASOTA J & T Holland, Inc. Terri Holland 480 Shotgun Ln Osprey, FL 34229 941-966-1870

NORTHEAST University of North Florida Rhonda Gracie (Supportive) 1 UNF Drive Jacksonville, FL 32224-7699 904-620-1375 Marshall Creek CDD Roy Hutcherson (Supportive) 9 Ladyfish St Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 904-813-1275

ROYAL PALM Jose Mares Lawn Service, LLC. Jose Mares 4547 31st Place SW Naples, FL 34116 239-465-9372 Rec’d by: John Schwind, Steele Truck Center, Inc. GCase Landscape LLC Gilbert Case 1131 13th Street SW Naples, FL 34117 239-877-7811 Rec’d by: Debbie Perkins, Perkins Nursery, R & R Sprinkler & Sod, Inc. Rene St. Pierre 931 SE 11th Ave Cape Coral, FL 33990 239-772-2607 Rec’d by: John Schwind, Steele Truck Center, Inc.

Environmental Turkey Solutions Anthony Cialone 99 Vanderbilt Beach Road Ste 200 Naples, FL 34108 239-325-1855 Daley Lawn Care, Inc. Jeff Daley 2316 Pine Ridge Rd #462 Naples, FL 34109 239-353-5416 Rec’d by: John Schwind, Steele Truck Center, Inc. Pinnacle Landscapes, Inc. Britton Dudley P O Box 100520 Cape Coral, FL 33910 239-225-0615 TAMPA BAY Pop’s Nursery Casey Cooper 2910 James L Redman Pkwy Plant City, FL 33566 813-325-2844 Rec’d by: Lori Johnson, American Farms, LLC TREASURE COAST Creek Nursery, LLC Dawn Rose Full 1776 SW Ranch Tr Stuart, FL 34997 772-233-5285

PANHANDLE Solid Rock & Material David Dykes 3578 Juniper Creek Rd Milton, FL 32570 850-336-6291 Rec’d by: Keith Sylvest, Coastal Machinery

Also part of the Florida State Fair Opening Day Events was The Governor’s Day Luncheon where Florida’s Cabinet Members honored Veterans and touted the many benefits of Florida agriculture. From left: Ron O’Connor (Farm Credit of Florida), James Lewis (Farm Credit of Florida), FNGLA’s Incoming President Billy Butterfield (AmeriScapes Landscape Management), Jennifer Nelis (FNGLA), Reggie Holt (Farm Credit of Florida), Will Womack (Tampa Bay Landscaping), Liz Felter (University of Florida), Amanda Hébert & her husband Scott (Big Earth Landscape Supply). Also present, but not pictured, was Linda Reindl (FNGLA).


Calendar of Events

Contact Us

See and submit events at http://www.fngla.org, under calendar


10 & 11: FNGLA/LMN Build A Better Landscape Business, RingPower CAT, St. Augustine Pests of Annual and Perennial Flowers, UF/IFAS Orange County Extension, Orlando


12 & 13: FNGLA/LMN Build A Better Landscape Business, Kelly Tractor, West Palm Beach 18 & 25: Make 2015 Your Most Profitable Year - 2 of a 4 Part Series, Indian River Research and Education Center, Ft. Pierce

FNGLA Phone: 407.295.7994 Toll-free: 800.375.3642 Fax: 407.295.1619 E-mail: info@fngla.org Web: www.fngla.org


GREENLINE EDITOR Jennifer Nelis jnelis@fngla.org


President Sandy Stein The Jungle Nursery 29100 SW 162 Ave Homestead, FL 33030 (305) 246-5324

President-Elect Billy Butterfield AmeriScapes Landscape Management Services, Inc. PO Box 568762 Orlando, FL 32856-5041 (407) 872-0855

Past President Mike Marshall Marshall Tree Farm 17350 SE 65th St Morriston, FL 32668-4508 (352) 528-3880

Secretary/Treasurer Robert Shoelson Getting Green Plant Services & Betrock Information Systems PO Box 840107 Pembroke Pines, FL 33084 (954) 680-1819

Landscape Inspectors Association of Florida 2015 Annual Industry Seminar, Sunrise Civic Center, Sunrise

Connect with us:

9 & 10:

3rd Annual Native Plant Show, Osceola Heritage Park, Kissimmee



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13 & 14: FNGLA’s Floriculture Field Days, Orlando

1533 Park Center Drive Orlando, FL 32835-5705

Read the latest FNGLA news inside & visit Greenline online at http://greenline.fngla.org

This publication is produced by the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA) as a service to its members. The statements and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Association, its staff, Board of Directors, Greenline or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers or their identification as members does not constitute an endorsement of the products or featured services. The mission of the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association is to promote and protect the success and professionalism of our members.

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