Greenline, March 2014

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March 2014 | Volume 35, Issue 3


Floriculture Field Days Brings New Venues and New Opportunity Springtime is finally just around the corner and anticipation is building for FNGLA’s Floriculture Field Days on May 14 & 15, 2014. Held in conjunction with the Epcot® International Flower and Garden Festival, top professionals from across the U.S. will converge to assess the newest bedding plant varieties and strengthen their business practices during this two-day educational event. The program’s trial sites have expanded to include three different venues with three different perspectives: Epcot’s International Gateway; Harry P. Leu Gardens; and, UF/IFAS Orange County Extension Service. Plan now to attend and see how you can make your business bloom! The 2014 participating breeders are excited to see how their latest varieties meet the challenges of Florida’s tough climate. This is a great opportunity for one-on-one time: Breeder representatives will be on hand to interact with attendees and provide individualized information on their plants and products. During the conference, attendees will take to the road and learn as they go. Educational sessions start each morning at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort and then attendees will hop on buses to explore a theme park --one day Epcot and the other SeaWorld. Each afternoon, we’ll visit Harry P. Leu Gardens and UF/IFAS Orange County Extension Service for educational sessions and trial garden visits. Programs will feature information about new varieties and address key business strategies for growers, landscape professionals and independent garden centers. This is two days jam-packed with learning, connecting and evaluation! Ensure you are part of the action: Stay at the conference’s host hotel. Reserve your room at Disney’s Coronado Springs by the April 11 deadline to guarantee the special FNGLA rate of $129 Single/Double. To reserve your room today, contact Disney’s Group Reservations at 407-939-4686 or go to (Con’t page 3)


Mike Marshall FNGLA 2013-2014 President

FNGLA Membership: Well Worth the Investment Membership renewals for FNGLA will be mailing in the next month, so I wish to take this opportunity to focus on the importance of FNGLA for each of our businesses and to the industry as a whole. During the last 5 years of the economic downturn, FNGLA membership dropped from nearly 2,500 members in 2008 to around 1,700 members in this current membership year. Despite this historic downturn, and loss of almost one-third of our membership, FNGLA still remains the largest and best state nursery and landscape association in the country. The best part of the story isn’t that FNGLA is still the biggest association, but that even with less members, FNGLA still does the best job providing benefits to us and representing us in a superior way both at the local, state and national levels. The traditional association benefits FNGLA provides include: industry certifications, educational programs, trade shows, employment law hotline, and other member exclusive benefits. These traditional benefits alone make membership in FNGLA a good business decision, however this doesn’t include what many believe is the most valuable benefit of FNGLA membership. The most valuable benefit we get for our membership dollar is the advocacy FNGLA provides our industry in protecting us from regulatory and legislative changes that impact, or have the potential to impact, our industry each year. This isn’t just protecting us as an industry against something that could go wrong some day in the future. It is real protection against ever- changing rules, regulations and legislation from a variety of agencies as well as local, state and federal governments. So how does FNGLA really protect in all of these ways? FNGLA is a reliable resource on whom members depend to stay updated on employment information from the Affordable Care Act, to minimum wage, to workers compensation, immigration, I-9s and the list goes on and on. FNGLA is also continuously working with agencies such as the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) on issues relating to BMPs, pests, diseases and quarantines; Florida’s five different water management districts around the state on the impact of their rules & regulations, water use, water restrictions, etc.; USSDA-Risk Management Agency (RMA) on the many crop insurance challenges impacting nursery growers in any given year and to improve the crop insurance options for our industry overall. These are just a few of the agencies with whom FNGLA works on a regular basis to protect and improve our businesses and the Florida industry. FNGLA also works hard at the state level and has the presence of Jim Spratt in Tallahassee representing our industry and businesses to state agencies, state officials and our elected legislators. We are known in Tallahassee as an industry with a huge $15 billion economic impact, as well as a reliable resource for officials and legislators to come for science-based answers to regulatory questions. FNGLA’s priorities


for the 2014 session include: sales tax exemptions for our industry; monitoring water policy to avoid any negative impacts to growers; fighting for science-based urban fertilizer legislation; protecting the FDACS budget in areas of plant shipping and BMP development and implementation; and, protecting the UF/IFAS budget, including the Center for Landscape Conservation & Ecology, as well as the Center for Public Issues Education (PIE). If the benefits FNGLA offered to members stopped here, we would each be getting more than our dues worth. But they don’t stop here. FNGLA also provides the Florida industry and our businesses with a presence in Washington, D.C. Ben Bolusky, represented the national nursery industry in DC for 12 years before becoming our CEO in 1998. Ben’s relationships and connections in DC along with his position at FNGLA continue to provide him with regular opportunities to give input on rules, regulations and legislation that impact us from the national level. I had the opportunity to travel with Ben and the other officers to DC last May, and I can tell you firsthand that Ben and FNGLA are known and respected in our nation’s capital. Just last month, Ben was an invited guest of U.S. Congressman Tom Rooney for his Ag-fly in. While in DC Ben met with House Speaker John Boehner; Congressman & former Romney VP running mate Paul Ryan; Sen. Marco Rubio; House Ag Committee chairman Frank Lucas (R-OK) and ranking Democrat Collin Pederson (D-MN); APHIS Administrator Kevin Shea; U.S. Reps. Ted Yoho and Steve Southerland; and, political commentators Bill Kristol and Fred Barnes – both of the Weekly Standard and sometimes Fox News. This type of representation is not known to most in our industry, yet it truly is one of the most important benefits FNGLA has to offer. Some in the industry might not be as enthusiastic as I am about the impact of this representation at the local, state and national levels. I have heard some say that politics and representing our business interests in a political way is something they would rather avoid. I can tell you this for sure that avoiding the political process at any level isn’t going to make it go away. I heard a quote from a local politician more than ten years ago that “the world is run by those who show up.” That quote was true then and is certainly true now. I can assure our members that FNGLA is definitely showing up over and over again and in critical ways for our individual businesses and for our industry. So for one low price of membership, we get all of the benefits AND all of the representation and protections FNGLA has to offer. When you renew your membership this year, please consider adding a contribution to the FNGLA-PAC to help make our efforts even stronger. Remember 2014 is an election year and contributions to the FNGLA PAC are of especially great importance and need. Have a great spring everyone! Mike Marshall Marshall Tree Farm (Morriston)

FNGLA HAPPENINGS Floriculture Field Days (con’t) (Con’t from Page 1)

FNGLA’s Floriculture Field Days is an ideal venue to interact with the leaders of the Floriculture industry and to gain business exposure. Position your business as a leader to this key audience of floriculture experts, landscape professionals and garden center owners.

Breeder Participants

Choose to have an exhibit table to display your business products or capture higher visibility with an exclusive event sponsorship of one of the conference happenings which includes the opportunity to briefly address the group at the event. If you have questions regarding sponsorships, contact Mike Summers, FNGLA’s Director of Association Services at

Scenes from 2013’s Floriculture Field Days

View the complete photo gallery: New for 2014, FNGLA has added a trial garden site at Harry P. Leu Gardens in Orlando. This site brings the total trial sites to three: Epcot’s International Gateway, UF-IFAS’ Orange County Extension Service and, now, Leu Gardens. Three trial sites means three times the evaluations and close scrutiny on an array of growing and maintenance conditions!


FNGLA HAPPENINGS 2014 Legislative Preview: Issues Affecting Our Industry By Jim Spratt, Magnolia Strategies, LLC to often faraway appeal hearings. Lastly, FNGLA is exploring mechanisms to allow businesses to get their trucking documentation electronically rather than having to wait and keep track of paper forms.

It is spring time in Tallahassee which means Florida’s Legislature will be convening to pass a balanced budget and conduct other business as may be necessary -- or arguably unnecessary! 2014 is also an election year, which means federal, state and local election ads will begin to overpopulate our televisions in just a few short months. Florida legislative sessions during election years often assume a more laid back and friendly pace. However, judging by the committee meetings leading up to session, our elected officials didn’t get the “memo” and it could very well be a bumpy, if not totally hectic, spring. FNGLA continues its tradition of aggressively advocating for Florida’s nursery and landscape industry and, most importantly, your business’ bottom line. One of the most important legislative issues on which FNGLA is working this year would expand items captured under our state’s sales tax exemption laws. Included in this omnibus bill are exemptions for irrigation equipment: replacement parts and accessories for power farm equipment: structures used to store raw agricultural products on the farm; and, trailers used in the production of agricultural goods. FNGLA is also tirelessly working on some sorely needed updates to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle laws. Specifically, revamping the Commercial Motor Vehicle Review Board to include members from the business community. (The Review Board hears appeals to citations issued for commercial motor vehicle infractions). We are also working with legislative leaders to provide local access (via the web) to appeal citations rather than being forced to travel and appear in person


On the defensive side, FNGLA continues to engage legislators on several well intended, yet patently misguided, pieces on legislation. Most notably, we continue to press the “Gang of Five” state senators who have drafted new springs protection rules. None of us can stomach dirty springs or poor water quality. Yet the bill as drafted creates several bad policies which do not reflect or appreciate the voluminous data related to agricultural Best Management Practices nor the science relating to sound urban fertilizer management strategies. FNGLA expects this legislation will require our steady involvement and potential strong grassroots activity by our members before the session adjourns. Looking at the budget, there are many positive signs. Revenues are up and early indications reflect healthy funding for UF/ IFAS. Funding also looks good for the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and its best management practices cost-share programs; nursery plant inspectors; and, hopefully, renewed funding for the Operation Cleansweep Program. Many FNGLA members will recall Operation Cleansweep offered the opportunity to get rid of obsolete, expired or unusable pesticides at no cost to the grower. Certainly, the list above isn’t anywhere near exhaustive. FNGLA fully expects other issues will arise as the 2014 session progresses. Nevertheless, FNGLA is maintaining and expanding its foothold in the Tallahassee trenches to protect our member business’s bottom lines. Thanks for all you do and thank you for being an FNGLA member! Jim Spratt is President of Magnolia Strategies, LLC, a Tallahassee-based lobbying firm with a focus on small business and agriculture issues. Jim is a former FNGLA staff member and has been serving Florida’s nursery and landscape industry since 2004. Jim can be reached at jim@

FNGLA HAPPENINGS Garden Volunteer Opportunities for 2014: FNGLA’s Partnership at the Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival The 2014 Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival promises to be another exceptional event and opportunity for FNGLA to showcase our industry and Florida gardening to the expected attendance of over 2 million consumers. 2014 marks FNGLA’s 16th year of participation. For 2014, FNGLA continues the volunteer opportunities for members and FNGLA Certified Professionals.


As an official festival partner, FNGLA is the host organization to the returning theme of children’s gardening focused on family gardening fun. The garden area’s theme, Backyard Play, has been carried over from last year’s garden. With its “backyard look and feel,” the area incorporates a variety of fun gardening elements easily recreated by virtually any home gardener. Many areas are returning from last year’s garden such as a green roof dog house, a topiary pet yard, a soup garden, pizza garden, pie garden, a planted bamboo tunnel, and, a variety of garden crafts such as stepping stones and bird baths. An “exercise” area will be featured across from the children’s play structure. FNGLA is seeking members and FNGLA certified professionals to serve in pairs as garden hosts for the opening day and then each Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the festival: March 7 - May 18, 2014. Volunteers can pick from two different 3-hour shifts: noon to 3:00 p.m. or 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.


The setting for FNGLA’s Floriculture Field Days, the performance trial garden features breeder selections of plants expected to be released for use in Florida’s climate. For the public, this is a sneak peak opportunity. FNGLA is seeking members and FNGLA certified professionals to serve as trial garden hosts for each Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday: April 17 - May 18, 2013. There is one shift for the trials: 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The trials are located on the promenade at the International Gateway, just outside of the resort entrance to Epcot.

While we are able to allow garden-qualified friends and spouses to serve as FNGLA volunteers for both areas, they must be able to fulfill the host duties including answering garden-specific questions. We cannot allow children to participate. All FNGLA volunteers gain entrance to the park for the day of their commitment and are free to enjoy Epcot and the festival before and after their volunteer time. FNGLA Certified Professionals will also receive 2 CEUs for their volunteer service. Don’t delay in coordinating your preferred time slots as volunteers will be accepted for Opening Day and each extended weekend on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact FNGLA at to sign-up as a garden volunteer!


FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA Industry Award Nominations Accepted Until March 7 FNGLA is a successful association thanks to our many dedicated and involved members. Each year FNGLA recognizes members who go above and beyond in their volunteer service to the Association and the industry. Help be FNGLA’s eyes and ears by nominating folks who you know deserve to be recognized for the extra-efforts they contribute. FNGLA Industry Awards include the designations below. Also noted is the 2013 recipient of each award. FNGLA HALL OF FAME A lifetime achievement award presented to an individual who has given time and effort unselfishly contributing to the industry through pioneering, teaching, production, legislation, marketing, services or research. 2013 Inductee: Irv Betrock, Betrock Information Systems, Hollywood WENDELL E. BUTLER This award is recognized as FNGLA's most prestigious. It recognizes an individual who serves FNGLA and the industry by providing leadership, service, and contributions, showing a sincere interest in the advancement of the Association and the industry. 2013 Recipient: Nancy G. McDonald, N.G.M. Productions, Mt. Dora FNGLA/FARM CREDIT YOUNG NURSERY PROFESSIONAL OF THE YEAR This award is presented to an FNGLA member who is under 39 years young and has made an outstanding contribution to the industry. This award is sponsored annually by Farm Credit Associations of Florida. 2013 Recipient: Jenn Helms-Shelley, Railroad Nursery, Inc., Homestead OUTSTANDING CHAPTER PRESIDENT This award recognizes FNGLA leaders who provide extraordinary leadership to their Chapter. 2013 Recipient: Vickie Parrish, Parrish Nursery, Inc., Parkland (Broward Chapter) OUTSTANDING CHAPTER SECRETARY/TREASURER This is presented to an individual who is often the key to a successful Chapter. 2013 Recipient: Cindy Hall, Cobble Systems, Jensen Beach (Treasure Coast Chapter Secretary) OUTSTANDING VOLUNTEER This is presented to an individual who has contributed faithfully to the advancement of the industry through Association activities or related service. 2013 Recipient: Mary Schneider, FNGLA Dade Chapter Office, Homestead OUTSTANDING EDUCATOR This is presented to an individual who is actively involved with the teaching of horticulture. 2013 Recipient: Keri Milligan, Oakleaf High School, Orange Park, FNGLA FRIEND OF THE INDUSTRY This award is presented to an individual from outside the Association who has contributed to the advancement or improvement of the nursery and landscape industry. 2013 Recipient: Commissioner Adam Putnam, Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Tallahassee


FNGLA HAPPENINGS The One Name Campaign! Member Recruitment Campaign Last August, FNGLA officially launched “ The One Name Campaign!” with members being asked to provide the name and contact details for just one business who will benefit from FNGLA’s membership, ideally a landscape firm. Once your “one name” has joined, you will be rewarded with a $50 credit towards any state-level FNGLA educational event! Submitting your “one name” is easy! Go to FNGLA’s home page at and look for the “Refer a Member” button on the top right. From here, there’s a simple online submission form. Thank you to the following members who’ve recommended FNGLA membership to industry peers using “The One Name Campaign” program: Sandy Benton (Landscape Service Professionals); Tristen Bowen (Marriott Vacation Club); Austin Bryant (Heart of Florida Greenhouses); Jim Davis (UF-IFAS Sumter County Extension); Cindy Hall (Cobble Systems); Rich Kling (Integrity Merchant Solutions); José Antonio Mejía (RJ Supply Natural Plants Garden SRL); Vickie Parrish (Parrish Nursery, Inc.); Lourdes Rodriguez (Manuel Diaz Farms, Inc.); Friedel Scholl (Soho Landscape); Bill Sellers (Coastal Springs Chapter FNGLA); Brett Sendler (Florida School for the Deaf & Blind); Robert Shoelson (Getting Green Plant Service); Eric Smith (Big Trees Plantation); Shawn Steed, UF-IFAS Hillsborough County Extension Service; Sandy Stein (The Jungle Nursery); and, Ryan Watkins (Brownswood Nursery). When will we be adding you to the list? For more details on FNGLA’s recruitment efforts, call FNGLA at 800-375-3642 or e-mail:

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FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA Convention Delivers ROR: Return on Relationships! FNGLA’s Convention and Annual Meeting is the ultimate experience in building ROR: Return on Relationships! The Convention is intentionally developed with a relaxed schedule so members can devote time to get to know their FNGLA colleagues better. Often referred to as the FNGLA Family Reunion, the convention is a unique experience of camaraderie among competitors. This year’s convention is no exception. It takes place June 20 – 21 at the Marriott Sawgrass at Ponte Vedra Beach -- located between Jacksonville and St. Augustine. FNGLA’s Frontrunners Chapter will serve as host of the meeting with assistance from FNGLA’s Northeast Chapter. While there will be plenty of focus on FNGLA business, industry issues and opportunities, as well as Association traditions, much of the convention will be important people-to-people time. Whether it’s recognizing Industry Award winners, electing and encouraging volunteer leaders or catching up on family news by the pool, FNGLA’s convention makes ROR (return on relationships) an important part of its ROI (return on investment). “The convention is the perfect place not only to develop new business relationships and friendships, it also allows time for self-development,” noted FNGLA convention manager, Linda Adams. “Whether it’s taking time to unwind via the spa, or a long walk on the beach to lower stress levels, or be inspired by other members to get more involved in a new aspect of the industry, or to share in an impromptu, yet valuable, conversation offering important insights, the FNGLA convention will become one of your favorite FNGLA meetings.” Local FNGLA members are doing the legwork for optional activities, such as golf and a behind-the-scenes tour of THE PLAYERS Stadium Clubhouse at TPC Sawgrass – a golfer’s mecca. Also available will be tours to St. Augustine, access to the Cabana Beach Club and a 15% discount for FNGLA members to the hotel’s spa services. With its idyllic connection to the outdoors, the Marriott Sawgrass at Ponte Vedra Beach is an ideal setting for FNGLA’s 62nd Annual Convention. Laid out across 15 acres of natural beauty, with a backdrop of one of the world’s most famous golf courses and Atlantic beaches nearby, the Marriott Sawgrass says welcome in a relaxing and scenic way. FNGLA convention attendees are receiving a very special rate of only $115 per night for this newly refurbished, luxury resort. Reservations can be made by calling 800457-4653 (mention FNGLA) or online at aspx. A complete schedule of activities and registration information are available at Convention sponsors are greatly appreciated and needed. For more details related to sponsorship opportunities, visit annual-convention/sponsorships.aspx. For additional information related to the FNGLA Convention, contact Linda Adams at or call the FNGLA office at 800-375-3642.



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INDUSTRY NEWS After 85 years, OFA Short Course changes name to ‘Cultivate’ AmericanHort announces that its annual convention and trade show has been renamed to Cultivate – An AmericanHort Experience. Formerly known as OFA Short Course, Cultivate’14 will continue to offer premier educational and networking experiences, and more than 7 acres of trade show exhibits including technology, new products and services, and new plant varieties. This year also sees an expansion of products and services for retailers, nursery production, and landscaping. Thousands of attendees from more than 20 countries are expected this year. “The word ‘cultivate’ reflects what happens at the event. Thousands of people attend each year to cultivate their businesses and professional networks,” said Michael V. Geary, CAE, the President and CEO of AmericanHort. “Updating the brand of the 85 year old event makes sense for the vision of AmericanHort. Cultivate captures the essence of what the experience is for our attendees.” “This is not your grandfather’s trade show. In fact, Cultivate is more than a trade show. It is a dynamic experience designed to offer interactive learning and community building, and it celebrates all of horticulture,” said Mark Foertmeyer, AmericanHort’s Chairman of the Board. Geary said, “We refresh this event every year, and now the name truly reflects what people will experience. And industry companies use this event to introduce innovative products and new varieties. This is fitting in the host city of Columbus because it has also become known as an incubator for innovative companies, including some of the world’s premier retail brands.” Considered to be the largest horticulture trade show in North America, Cultivate’14 will be held in Columbus, Ohio on July 12-15, 2014. Cultivate’15 will be held on July 11-14, 2015, and future events are scheduled in Columbus, Ohio each July through 2018. AmericanHort was formed in 2014 by the consolidation of the American Nursery & Landscape Association and OFA – The Association of Horticultural Professionals.

SUSTA Offers Horticulture Outbound Trade Mission The Southern United States Trade Association (SUSTA) is organizing a trade mission to Holland for August 27 - 29, 2014 and is looking for interested horticulture business participants. The Netherlands play a significant role within the European Union in international horticulture trade. Holland has outstanding technology and exports to many countries all over the world. The fee to participate is $500. This fee includes local business-related transportation, pre-arranged meeting services and reimbursement of hotel (additional details apply). The trip also includes a stop at the Plantarium show which expects 17,000 trade visitors from Northwestern Europe. SUSTA brings the bounty of the Southern US to the World. For details, contact SUSTA: 504-568-5986 or


INDUSTRY NEWS New Farm Bill Passes Congress The U.S. Senate voted on February 4 to pass the Agricultural Act of 2014, also known as the Farm Bill, by a vote of 68-32. This follows its approval by the U.S. House of Representatives, and President Obama quickly signed it into law. “The new Farm Bill speaks to our nation’s agricultural priorities and it is encouraging to see horticulture, including nursery and greenhouse crops, gaining in importance and support,” said Michael Geary, President and CEO of AmericanHort. “Strengthening federal funding opportunities for horticulture in research, pest management, and marketing doesn’t just happen by accident. AmericanHort’s professional staff and our dedicated members helped drive those conversations in Washington D.C. to ensure that our industry’s needs are met.” The five-year Farm Bill, over 900 pages, addresses many program areas ranging from conservation and nutrition, to crop insurance and energy production from biomass. The new Farm Bill contains more than $16 billion in cuts and budget savings. For horticulture – which includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, nursery and floriculture production, and Christmas trees – the programs of greatest importance have all received substantial increases, totaling more than $1.1 billion over the next five years. These programs focus on specialty crop research needs, environmental management, and prevention and response to new pest and plant disease challenges. In the recent past, such funds have been essential to our industry’s response to emerging threats like boxwood blight, impatiens downy mildew, Phytopthora ramorum, the cause of sudden oak death, and where we will likely look for support to answer important science questions on rose rosette disease. Specialty Crop Block Grants will now, for the first time, be available for multi-state coordinated projects, expanding the opportunities for our state and regional industry association partners to work together on marketing efforts and other needs, which also benefits garden retailers. “Promotional campaigns like Plant Something (www.plant-something. org) help to unite and strengthen all aspects of our industry, including breeding and growing, distribution, garden retail, and landscape services,” said AmericanHort senior vice president Craig Regelbrugge. “Research assists our producers in delivering high quality products to our retailers and marketing programs help consumers better understand the important economic and environmental benefits our plants and services mean to them and their communities,” added Regelbrugge. The National Clean Plant Network (NCPN) program is strengthened with both funding and technical fixes AmericanHort worked to secure. NCPN has become a cornerstone element of industry efforts to import clean plant material for trialing and development by our fruit tree and nut tree growers,” said AmericanHort’s regulatory and legislative director Joe Bischoff. These growers have significant regulatory and pest management challenges, from viruses in particular, and the clean plant centers at Washington State University at Prosser, University of California at Davis, and Clemson University, are vital to delivering new varieties and cultivars to help this segment of our industry thrive. For more detail, visit


MEMBER NEWS ScottsMiracle-Gro Announces Commitment Towards Enhancing Florida Water Quality: $5 Million Commitment The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company recently launched a multiyear program across Florida to provide financial support to environmental groups and academic institutions focused on scientific research to help identify potential solutions to the state’s water quality issues. The company also said it will launch a multi-media consumer campaign beginning immediately and escalating throughout the spring to remind homeowners how they can maintain healthy lawns and gardens while also protecting the state’s critical water resources. “As the leader in consumer lawn and garden care, we have a responsibility to help our consumers use our products correctly in order to be good stewards of the environment,” said chairman and chief executive officer Jim Hagedorn, who is a resident of Florida. “As a resident of the Treasure Coast, and as someone with a passion to be on the water, I have witnessed the challenges in the St. Lucie River, the Indian River Lagoon and other waterways. I want Floridians to be confident that we’re helping them do their part to help protect our most valuable natural resources.” Over the past several years, ScottsMiracle-Gro has taken key steps to improve the environmental profile of its lawn care products by removing phosphorus, reducing the amount of total nitrogen while also increasing the amount of slow-release nitrogen. The company has also introduced innovations in its widely-used lawn spreaders to ensure on-target fertilizer application. Additionally, enhanced instructions on product packaging provide consumers with clear instructions on how to use the products successfully while also helping to protect water quality. ScottsMiracle-Gro’s commitment will be demonstrated by: Investing in Florida-based scientific research; Committing to Educating Florida Homeowners; Partnering with Floridians to help restore natural resources; and, by supporting green infrastructure through community gardening. Hagedorn stressed that ScottsMiracle-Gro is committed to ongoing engagement and improvement. “The very act of lawn and garden care is the most tangible way that most homeowners interact with the environment,” Hagedorn said. “Gardeners love the environment, and so do we. It is the very embodiment of our business. While we are excited about these new initiatives, we will continue to look for even better solutions whenever possible.” “At the end of the day, everyone who lives in Florida wants water quality across the state to improve, and we’re committed to helping where we can and working with others to find solutions.” For additional information, visit us at

Nell Named to USDA Committee Terril Nell, Ph.D., professor emeritus, Environmental Horticulture Department, University of Florida, and past FNGLA Friend of the Industry and FNGLA Hall of Fame Winner has been appointed to the Specialty Crop Subcommittee of the USDA’s National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education and Economics Advisory Board (NAREEEAB). The subcommittee’s tasks include studying the scope and effectiveness of the research, extension and economic programs affecting the specialty crop industry. Congratulations Terril!



Welcome New Members The following are new FNGLA members: from January 22, 2014 - February 21, 2014 ACTION Rain Forest Verde Collection John M. Lamos 5226 Round Lake Rd Apopka, FL 32712 407-600-3299 DADE Hortica Insurance & Employee Benefits Laurie Coffey 1 Horticultural Lane PO Box 428 Edwardsville, IL 62025 P & P Nursery Rosalyn Crespo 25201 SW 177th Ave Homestead, FL 33031 305-248-8200 FRONTRUNNERS Michele Schulze (Student) 4512 NE 15th St Ocala, FL 34470 352-512-1022 Garden Gate Nursery Mary Rodriguez (Associate) 2406 NW 43rd St Gainesville, FL 32606-6602 352-376-4922 MANASOTA Chris Industries Corp. Eric Jackson 2400 17th St E Palmetto, FL 34221-6475 941-729-7600 NORTHEAST Mor-Joy Farms, Inc. Joyce Morin 8025 Ott Williams Rd Clermont, FL 34714 352-241-0588 Rec’d by: Buck Wurster/B & L Landscape Co., Inc.

OUTSIDE FLORIDA Charlene Hutchens (Student) PO Box 8247 Morganton, NC 28680 828-283-1313 PALM BEACH New Horizons of the Palm Beaches, Inc. Brenda Amerson 13308 47th Ct. N Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411-8125 561-662-2733 Kyle Seidenstucker (Student) 816 31st St West Palm Beach, FL 33407 561-601-7452 ROYAL PALM Sundiata Hill (Student) 1768 Raleigh St Ft. Myers, FL 33916 239-603-5721 Container Grown Greg Davenport 613 Corbel Dr Naples, FL 34110 239-273-9027 SPACE COAST Christina Tucker (Student) 3512 W Roundtree Dr Cocoa, FL 32926 321-223-0710 TAMPA BAY The Magnolia Group - Commercial Landscape Management Edward Keenan 4814 N Coolidge Ave Tampa, FL 33614 813-642-7722

Stover Sales, Inc. Scott Liner 11430 New Berlin Rd Jacksonville, FL 32226 904-228-4738 Rec’d by: Josh Williams, Williams’ Plant Nursery, Inc.

You will soon receive notice to renew your FNGLA Membership for the upcoming 2014-2015 year. Please look soon for your electronic dues renewal notice for an easy, convenient way to renew your FNGLA membership. We’re looking forward to a great year representing your business interests! 13

Calendar of Events

See and submit events at under calendar

Contact Us FNGLA


2014 Philadelphia International Flower Show, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Phone: 407.295.7994 Toll-free: 800.375.3642 Fax: 407.295.1619 E-mail: Web:


Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance Certification & Exam, Collier County Extension Service, Naples




Canada Blooms, Direct Energy Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Spring 2014 Ornamental Plant Disease Update & Management Workshop, UF-IFAS Tropical Research Center (TREC), Homestead


Miami Dade FNGLA: 2014 Nursery Tour, Miami/Homestead


President-Elect Sandy Stein The Jungle Nursery 29100 SW 162 Ave Homestead, FL 33030 (305) 246-5324

Past President Wes Parrish Parrish Nursery 5900 SW 185th Way Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33332 (954) 680-3544

Secretary/Treasurer Billy Butterfield AmeriScapes Landscape Management Services, Inc. PO Box 568762 Orlando, FL 32856-5041 (407) 872-0855

Connect with us:

April 5-10:

2014 California Spring Trials, throughout Southern California


FNGLA Certified Landscape Contractor Training Class begins, pTEC, St. Petersburg

10-11: The Native Plant Show, UF-IFAS Osceola County Extension Service, Kissimmee 25-27:

Ben Bolusky


President Mike Marshall Marshall Tree Farm 17350 SE 65th St Morriston, FL 32668-4508 (352) 528-3880

Southeastern Flower Show, Buckhead Theatre, Atlanta

About FNGLA This publication is produced by the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA) as a service to its members. The statements and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Association, its staff, Board of Directors, Greenline or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers or their identification as members does not constitute an endorsement of the products or featured services. The mission of the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association is to promote and protect the success and professionalism of our members.


1533 Park Center Drive Orlando, FL 32835-5705

Read the latest FNGLA news inside & visit Greenline online at

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