FNGLA's November Greenline

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November 2015 | Volume 36, Issue 11


FNGLA’s Floriculture Field Days Becomes Florida Flower Trials A new name, new logo and new inspirations: Formerly known as FNGLA’s Floriculture Field Days, the program is now donning the new name “Florida Flower Trials.” Florida’s spring season is an ideal time to evaluate plants for garden performance and test their resilience to the heat and humidity of Central Florida’s climate. As quickly as the new name rolls off your tongue, the Florida Flower Trials and conference will be here. On May 12 & 13, Harry P. Leu Gardens will host a full day of FNGLA educational programs highlighting the best of industry breeder’s new varieties. Day Two of the event will offer attendees an open house format at the two additional trial locations: Walt Disney World and the University of Florida/IFAS Orange County Extension Office. Whether you’re a landscape professional, grower or garden center retailer, Florida Flower Trials provides new and innovative concepts to take back to your business. The nation’s breeders have selected plants to showcase and test in Central Florida’s climate-- where you get the chance to see first-hand how they’re performing. While some of the varieties you may know, others will be new to the industry. This is a chance to be on the forefront of what’s new and trending in landscape color and texture! Walt Disney World Trial Site offers sun options. The trial gardens are located backstage at the Disney Nursery. The number of flowering plants used at Disney World each year is astounding and the trial gardens at the Walt Disney World Nursery are where many of the new varieties are tested. Over 3.5 million bedding plants and annuals are used across the amazing 4,200 acres of landscapes and gardens-and some of the plants you’ll see showcased in the parks are varieties from these trials.

Walt Disney World’s Trial Site, backstage.

Harry P. Leu Gardens in Orlando offers a trial area with shade. Continued page 3



Billy Butterfield, FCLC FNGLA 2015-2016 President

Lemons to Lemonade to Wine: Move Forward with Optimism Turning lemons into lemonade. We’ve all heard that saying, usually when something not so great has happened. I attended the FNGLA Treasure Coast Chapter meeting last month at Gary Roberts Landscape Nursery’s facility. This is always a great chapter meeting to attend, so I start with some lemonade. Cindy Hall, her board and chapter members have a knack of putting together meetings with just the right amount of knowledge-building mixed with a good part of social time. And Gary’s nursery is perfect for this type of gathering. Gary has been in business since 1979, so he has seen good times and tough times. Over the years, he has developed his landscape and nursery business in the Ft. Pierce area with help now from his son Bud as the Director of Landscaping. Then came the lemons. When the recession hit, they had acres of trees and nursery material that probably weren’t going to sell and customers that probably weren’t going to build many houses for a while. Sound familiar? What did Gary do? He made lemonade or rather some pretty tasty wine. They decided to plant a vineyard on a portion of his nursery property, construct a fermenting building, produce and bottle wine. Endless Summers Winery was created. At first I was thinking a vineyard in Ft. Pierce? Yet, with the help of UF/IFAS, he has a beautiful and productive vineyard planted on his property and an event building just expanded to handle weddings and other gatherings, such as FNGLA chapter meetings. They ship Fresh from Florida wine all over the country and have a booming agri-tourism business side-by-side with their landscape nursery. Now that things have picked back up, the landscape and nursery parts of his business have taken off again. On the night of the chapter meeting, Gary took some time to take us for a tour of his mixing and bottling operation, while son Bud honored us all with a wine tasting of that sweet Florida wine produced right there on their property. In fact, last night I drank a bottle of my new favorite red which I took home from the chapter meeting and it was better than any lemonade I’ve ever made. Speaking more of agri-tourism… The FNGLA board of directors just held its meeting in Tallahassee. Agri-tourism came up many times in our meetings with Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam; past FNGLA president and Representative Halsey Beshears; House Speaker Steve Crisafulli; Representative Jake Rayburn; Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Bill Montford, and other state representatives and senators. Garden Center board representative Theresa Riley from Rockledge Gardens had some great questions about the Farm to Table operation they’ve added to their nursery. Will Womack discussed the possibility of an awards recognition program sponsored by the Florida Department of Agriculture to shine a bright light on landscape firms excelling in


environmental stewardship. We discussed water, excessive regulations by local governments, minimum wage, pollinators, possible sales tax exemptions on landscape trailers, invasive pests, low-voltage landscape lighting, the UF/IFAS budget needs, and many other issues so vital to our varied members and their industries. With FNGLA’s board of directors doing the talking, our elected representatives got to hear about these issues directly from their constituents and our members. The board did a great job of taking the ball and running with it. There was no dead air in the meetings and the legislators seemed truly interested in our issues. Senator Montford, a school teacher and educator in North Florida, even asked to be invited to FNGLA chapter meetings around the state so he can get to know our members and businesses even better. You can’t beat that kind of interest from our elected leaders! This was all made possible because we are truly blessed to have Ben Bolusky as our FNGLA leader and Jim Spratt in Tallahassee representing our interests. Ben always sets the stage for great meetings, is great wherever he speaks, and is well respected not only in the halls of Tallahassee, but in Washington as well. And he always has a joke that lightens things up and makes people smile and feel at ease. Jim did a great job preparing us in advance of our meetings with the legislators. Jim gave us background on who we were going to meet, the issues they were championing, and even prompted us with questions to ask to get the conversations started. As a result, we were comfortable and prepared. And, I feel we represented our FNGLA members, the chapters, and the industry very well. Jim is a true leader in Tallahassee as many of the other Ag interests work with and rely on him to get things done. Better than lemonade. I started with lemonade, ended with lemonade, and, in between, threw in a little Endless Summer wine. From my point of view, things are moving in a positive direction. Let us know if there is an issue or anything else which the Board can address for you, your business, or the industry as a whole. In November, we’ve got the Landscape Leaders meeting; the Marketing & Membership Committee meeting; and, the FNGLA-FDOT Liaison Committee meeting. FNGLA’s Citrus Nursery Workshop is held in December; TPIE in January, and the Florida Flower Trials coming up soon after that. I think we’ve got most of the FNGLA chapter Christmas parties scheduled now too. We’re looking forward to seeing you soon. Billy Butterfield, FCLC AmeriScapes Landscape Management Services, LLC (Orlando) ameriscapes-landscape@att.net

Billy Butterfield and FNGLA’s Linda Adams are planning to attend many FNGLA chapter Christmas parties. We hope you’ll attend too. See the chapter schedule of parties on page 19 of this Greenline.

FNGLA HAPPENINGS National Foliage Foundation

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The University of Florida/IFAS - Orange County Extension Service Trial Site’s location offers slightly milder temperatures and easy-to-view plots.

Supporting Education Scholarship Support and Graduate Assistantships The National Foliage Foundation’s scholarship program continues to establish pathways for qualified students in need of financial support to gain experience and expertise, earn post high school degrees and become active members and leaders in the horticulture industry. Scholarships are available through the James H. Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund and NFF’s General Scholarship Fund. Annual deadline for all applications is January 15th. For more information about applying, contact Linda Reindl, lreindl@fngla.org

Join Our Team NFF is administered by the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association For more information contact Linda Reindl, lreindl@fngla.org

Disney’s Horticulture team will also showcase the trial process during the Epcot® International Flower & Garden Festival. Harry P. Leu Gardens is an amazing 50-acre botanical oasis just minutes from downtown Orlando. During the months of April through August, approximately 50,000 people come to visit Harry P. Leu Gardens and have the opportunity to visit the trials and see what’s new in the industry. From a trial perspective, this is the best venue for assessing plants, such as caladiums, in the shade. University of Florida/IFAS - Orange County Extension Services Trial Site offers a special microclimate which is consistently 5 degrees cooler than the surrounding areas, however it is still full sun. This area offers a more organized format with varieties placed in plots so plants can be reviewed very easily. This location serves as a strong resource for local landscape professionals, a definite plus for the breeders. Brad’s Bedding Plants and Speedling serve as official growers for the trials. As premier growers of annuals, each company shares in preparing the new varieties for each trial site. Installation takes place Week 13 and the trial runs through Week 35. Varieties that decline prior to Week 35 may be removed from the beds, but should this occur, the plants will be well documented for your assessment. More details on attending, such as specific education speakers, hotel details and specifics will be available as the conference draws closer: http://www.fngla.org/ events/floriculture-field-day. In the meantime, if you have questions, contact FNGLA’s Linda Reindl, lreindl@ fngla.org


FNGLA HAPPENINGS TPIE is Elevating Expectations in 2016: Inspire, Innovate, Create

With its reputation for bringing more “wow” to its audience than any other North American horticulture industry trade event, TPIE has a new logo with the tagline, Elevating Expectations. And, the TPIE committee has been active with ideas to do just that at TPIE 2016. Taking place January 20-22 in Fort Lauderdale, TPIE is on track again to attract more than 6,200 industry professionals from around the world with more than 400 exhibiting companies. There will also be dozens of connected events, such as the TPIE Road Show and Create Theater workshops, to provide the information, inspiration and key connections to elevate expectations!

International Trend Analyst, Christine Boland returns to TPIE’s Openieng Session to further her views, Shifting Perspecitives.

TPIE is the place to learn the newest trends, not only for plants, but also as they relate to consumers and the global marketplace. The talk of TPIE 2015 was international trend analyst Christine Boland’s Opening Session presentation on Trends and Mindsets. Christine barely touched the surface of her subject at TPIE 2015, so she has been invited back for “the rest of the story.” She calls it: Shifting Perspectives. TPIE’s Opening Session takes place on Wednesday, January 20 at 9 a.m. and is included with the trade show registration. In addition to a focus on trends at TPIE 2016, look for an emphasis on design and style as the industry positions interior plants as an important element of interior designs and spaces. Trending interior design styles will be featured in the TPIE lobby offering ideas to complement plants and rooms for four styles: modern (minimalism); reclaimed/repurposed; midcentury modern; and, children’s spaces. As part of a National Foliage Foundation fundraiser, TPIE attendees can vote with dollars for their favorite interior space. The TPIE Road Show tours are very popular as they make it easy to get through the front door and often into the production areas of some of the best nurseries in the country. Offered the day prior to TPIE’s opening, there will be three different tours each with a different theme. The “Bug Bus” will focus on, you guessed it, pest management, starting with classroom instruction and then heading on the road to Homestead operations to do hands-on pest inspection and problemsolving. Road Show #2 will showcase producers who are developing plant products to match consumer and marketplace trends. Road Show #3 is a special afternoon and evening tour offering a unique opportunity to see South Florida botanical and private gardens with a special focus on nightscaping. TPIE’s Create Theater will be the spot for several plant design workshops offered by members of the American Institute of Floral Design (AIFD). New this year will be a fun “Wine & Design” session where participants can enjoy a glass of wine while they create plant and floral hair accessories. Access the schedule of workshops at http://www.fngla.org/TPIE/ demonstrations.aspx.



Tying in with TPIE’s new Elevating Expectations logo and tagline, a special Elevating Expectations session has been added to the TPIE schedule to help attendees understand the process of raising the bar personally, professionally and as an industry. Good enough is just the beginning. Presented by John Kennedy on Thursday, January 21 at 8 a.m., this session is included as part of the TPIE trade show registration. John Kennedy is a favorite TPIE presenter and has the energy and expertise to make it worthwhile to get up early to attend. Additional events included in the TPIE trade show registration are the TPIE Happy Hour; TPIE Orientation Session; Interiorscape Peer-to-Peer Project Review; TPIE Cool Products presentation; TPIE New Plants and Products Showcase; the National Foliage Foundation’s $1000 raffle; and, Wednesday is “Garden Writers Day” at TPIE as we welcome a contingent of garden communicators from across the nation. Online registration is now open with TPIE trade show registration pricing only $15 through January 8. Prices increase to $30 per person after the January 8 discount deadline. TPIE Road Show, as well as Wine & Design prices, are also discounted through January 8. Take advantage of special TPIE room rates at area hotels by making reservations through TPIE’s online reservation service: http://www.fngla.org/TPIE/accommodations.aspx. Complete TPIE details are now available at www.tpie.org.

John Kennedy will lead TPIE’s Elevating Expectations Session on Thursday, January 21 at 8 a.m. John is dedicated to enhancing lives both personally and professionally by delivering world-class presentations with integrity, passion and results. This session is included with your trade show badge as part of the TPIE experience.







Great Reasons to Exhibit at TPIE TPIE is the place where interior design and plant design connect. If you’re interested in this tropical and interiorscape and not exhibiting, here are a few great reasons to be a part of TPIE:





Connecting 6200 Total Show Attendees in 2015 Demographics of TPIE Buyers:

Ideas, People, & Products

1. Gather qualified leads for postexhibition company follow-up. 2. Introduce new products or services to market: Showcase your new products on the show floor at the Exhibitor Showcase. 3. Give your customers the opportunity to meet the expert: you! 4. Connect face-to-face with buyers not easily accessible to your salesforce. Over 10% of TPIE buyers travel from out of the country. TPIE brings these buyers to you. 5. Take advantage of advertising and sponsorship opportunities to enhance your presence outside of your booth.

6. Network with industry professionals and colleagues.

7. Open doors for future sales calls.

8. Directly influence top decision makers: 84% of TPIE buyers are direct influencers or final decision makers for purchases. 9. Reach dealers, reps and distributors and further develop these relationships. 10. Reinforce your company brand.



of attendees are direct

influencers or involved in final purchasing decisions.


Reach a Global Audience: 35+ Countries over the three-day event 80% of attendees come from Florida or the East, Northeast U.S. TPIE’s tropical and houseplants reach all corners of the nation. Four out of five tropical or houseplants are purchased from Florida.

of attendees are

business owners or presidents of companies.

* Information extracted from 2015 TPIE Surveys and attendee’s demographic profiles.



FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA’s Convention 2016: Mark Your Calendar for June 16 - 18 FNGLA’s 2016 Annual Convention will take place June 16 - 18 at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort on International Drive in Orlando. As part of the convention’s activities and new to 2016, there will be an optional activity for convention goers: a local landscape service project. FNGLA’s Annual Convention is a time each year for FNGLA members and industry friends to celebrate the past year of success while welcoming FNGLA’s new leadership taking office. It is also the venue for FNGLA’s Annual Meeting, the platform for presenting FNGLA’s Industry Award Winners and a great time to see FNGLA’s leaders and thank them for their service. More details will be forthcoming from FNGLA as they develop. 2015’s Annual Convention was held in Coral Gables and brought together a five-year high of over 200 FNGLA attendees. The three-day event acknowledges the hard work of FNGLA leaders and celebrates a year of accomplishments with networking events, great food and top-notch people.

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For complete details of each benefit program, visit www.fngla.org/ membership/benefits

Printing, Graphics and Marketing

Creative is the One-Stop-Shop for all printing, graphics and marketing needs of FNGLA members. With its special online system www.my4color. com, it’s easy to order everything from business cards to large signs at FNGLA member discounts! Among its many professional services, Creative offers FNGLA members an exclusive FREE 2-hour marketing consultation (worth over $500) with report & recommendations; 15% discounts off web and logo designs; and, monthly specials & coupons.

ADVOCACY Government Relations

FNGLA protects your business interests in Florida’s Legislature, regulatory agencies and Florida’s Water Management Districts. FNGLA distributes news alerts and weekly Bullets keeping members fully informed of timely industry hot topics and FNGLA business issues.

Protecting Your Bottom Line

FNGLA fights to protect and promote your business’ bottom line in Tallahassee every day. Issues like ag water, immigration, fertilizer use, Greenbelt, taxes & private property rights are just a few top industry issues where we focus effort.


FNGLA-PAC is a separate fund which supports candidates who promote and protect nursery & landscape industry’s interests in Tallahassee. FNGLA-PAC’s sole purpose is to increase visibility and provide campaign assistance - on a bi-partisan basis - to Florida state legislators and candidates who actively support our industry.


FNGLA members have access to FNGLA’s Policy, Regulations & Operations Standards (PROS), an online resource library featuring business tools for Florida’s nursery and landscape industry.


With thousands of monthly hits and even more traffic during trade show months, the FNGLA website is the hub for everything FNGLA. Members have the opportunity for great exposure and receive discounted advertising rates. www.fngla.org

Proud Member of FNGLA

Being an FNGLA member provides marketplace and industry credibility. As a member, you have access to the “Proud Member of FNGLA” logo for use in your advertising, website and business. Membership plaques are also available.

Greenline E-Newsletter

Published every month, this industry e-newsletter is online so you can read even more about FNGLA. Members are featured in news articles picked up by search engines and news feeds. Average FNGLA member savings on advertising is over 20%

Discounts on FNGLA Education and Events, Certifications & Trade Show Booth Space FNGLA members enjoy reduced pricing to attend educational events; on FNGLA certification manuals and exam fees, plus enjoy a lower certification renewal price; and, FNGLA members receive approximately 30% off the non-member booth price on both TPIE and The Landscape Show booths.

Consumer Public Relations

FNGLA promotes our members and their plants, products and services at a host of industry and consumer-related events including industry trade shows, the Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival, through FloridaGardening.org and the Florida Garden Select program.


FNGLA honors project excellence through FNGLA’s Landscape Awards program and industry commitment through FNGLA’s Industry Awards.

FNGLA on the Web http://greenline.fngla.org | www.fngla.org/locator www.floridagardening.org | www.nationalfoliagefoundation.org www.facebook.com/FNGLA | www.twitter.com/FNGLA 1533 Park Center Drive | Orlando, FL 32835 (407) 295-7994 voice | (800) 375-3642 toll-free | (407) 295-1619 fax | info@fngla.org

INDUSTRY NEWS IGC East Moves to Philadelphia Adopts New Name, EIGC Having spent a short two years in Baltimore, the East Coast edition of the IGC Show is moving out of Baltimore and into the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center. IGC Show organizers have also announced a new focus for the East event, which will be held August 2-4, 2016. The show will now target the special interests of Eastern retailers with regionally relevant keynotes, educational conference sessions and peer-to-peer networking opportunities, including Tuesday evening’s concert. The event is taking on a new name: “EIGC – The Eastern Show for IGCs.” IGC Chicago vendors who exhibit at EIGC will enjoy a “Lucky 13% Discount” on their EIGC booth space, in honor of the IGC Show’s 10-year anniversary, 2016, in Chicago and three years in the East. IGC Chicago will again be held at Chicago’s Navy Pier for it’s very special 10th Anniversary Celebration, August 16-18, 2016. For details, visit www.IGCshow.com.

Florida Ag Hall of Fame Announces Inductees Joseph Joyce’s decades-long work with the University of Florida has earned him a spot among the 2016 Florida Ag Hall of Fame inductees alongside fellow Florida agriculture mainstays Thomas Braddock, Billy Kempfer and Charles Hinton. Shortly after graduating from UF in 1982, Joyce led the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in managing the invasive water hyacinth plant in the St. Johns River in Florida. Later, he became the UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences’ Center for Leadership director. In 1983, Dr. Joyce joined the UF/IFAS faculty as the Director of the Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants. He has also served UF/IFAS as the Director of the Center for Natural Resources, as Interim Dean for Research and Interim Vice President of Agriculture and Natural Resources. He served as the Senior Associate Vice President for 20 plus years and will serve as Director of the IFAS Center for Leadership until his retirement this year. Dr. Joyce also served in the Army Reserves for over 28 years and retired at the rank of Brigadier General. Among Dr. Joyce’s significant contributions to Florida agriculture included the oversight of IFAS fiscal/budget operations, personnel administration, information technology, and facilities planning, operations and management. During his tenure as Associate Vice President, IFAS closed and/or consolidated nine locations and added a net of over 800,000 square feet of new, state-of-the art research, teaching and extension space across the state to serve the needs of Florida agriculture. Dr. Joyce played a key role in the development of a workload increase funding formula, a new funding model for IFAS research and extension programs. The proposal was adopted by the Florida Board of Governors and is used to request funding from the Florida Legislature. As a result, IFAS receives funds to fill needed faculty positions in support of Florida agriculture. Dr. Joyce also oversaw the reorganization of the IFAS Business Office. He downsized the operations and redirected the resources into faculty salaries, moved positions and resources to the unit level. He oversaw several extensive external reviews of IFAS which documented IFAS’ service to the state and demonstrated the value of IFAS’ support of the state’s second leading economic sector – agriculture. Joyce and his fellow award winners will be inducted on February 9 at the Florida State Fair.


INDUSTRY NEWS Raise Your Business’ Professionalism: Garden Writers Can Help By Maria Zampini, maria@upshoothort.com Confucius said, “Study the past if you would define the future.” Let us go back in time before Green Profit, before GrowerTalks magazine, to the early years of Ball Horticultural Company and its founder George J. Ball. A seedsman and flower grower, as described on the Ball Publishing website, he was a prolific writer, too. He authored several books, his best known being the Ball RedBook, the bible for the greenhouse industry. He also began GrowerTalks in 1937. Therefore, we can say Ball was a garden writer. I think garden writers today are an under-utilized link to green industry success and I suspect Mr. Ball just might agree with me. I feel this industry segment has potential unbeknownst to many and as such, we’re missing out on an opportunity to help our businesses reap increased green profits. Together with Diane Blazek of the National Garden Bureau, we co-chair the Association Outreach Task Force for the Garden Writers Association (GWA). We’re charged with expanding GWA’s awareness of other green industry associations nationally and internationally, and to have those same organizations be aware of GWA, its members and their services. My goal today is to introduce you to garden writers. Yes, yes, I’m talking about those nerdy plant people, some of whom may not have degrees in horticulture or decades of experience in the industry. However, members are no doubt some of the most passionate plant and gardening people you’ll ever meet. Most are ready and willing to learn more; be their mentor! Many have some level of direct connection to the end consumer, including master gardeners, garden club members and novice gardeners; that exact demographic our industry wants to reach! What can they do for you? How about being an extraordinary seasonal employee? Let me give you two examples. Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp has her own business, Write for You, and has authored two books: “Indiana Gardener’s Guide” and “The Guide to American Gardens.” She’s the editor of Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan State-by-State Gardening magazines. Plus, for 16 years, she’s worked at Sullivan Hardware and Garden in Indianapolis, Indiana. She also teaches classes and conducts programs. Readers may be familiar with Christina Salwitz, “The Personal Garden Coach” and co-author of “Fine Foliage,” as she’s penned articles for this publication. But what you may not know is she’s been working at IGCs for almost 25 years and currently is part-time for Newcastle Fruit and Produce in Newcastle, Washington. Christina grows their business, helping with social media, and provides customers with sound landscape advice from experience, while they sell her book and she creates magazine-worthy specialty container designs at the nursery. Garden writers can be your partner in communication as well; all you have to do is reach out. Quite often the green industry lags behind in technology and marketing prowess. As an owner, if you know these areas are key to the future of your business, yet they aren’t your personal strong suit or you find them simply overwhelming, garden writers can help de-mystify social media and can fill the marketing void on a “by-project” or part- or full-time basis. Members of the GWA are experienced in crafting messages that support gardening and landscaping. They reach customers, be it consumer or trade, who buy your goods and services, through newspapers, magazines, website, television, radio, blogs and social media. They’re the ones who write about new plants they trial, tools they try and share what they learn from professional development programs, trade shows and gardens they visit. Find one today. You have nothing to lose and the gold standard of communication to gain. Find garden writers in your area by visiting gardenwriters.org. Click on the “Find” tab to locate a writer, photographer or speaker. Maria Zampini is the President of UpShoot LLC and the Director of Plant Development for the HGTV HOME Plant Collection. She is the author of “Garden-pedia: An A-Z Guide to Gardening Terms.” Article reprinted by author, Green Profit magazine and Ball Publishing permission.


INDUSTRY NEWS Agriscience Education Leadership Program Begins Hands-on Learning Tour The Agriscience Education Leadership Program, which is administered by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, kicked-off the first of its learning tours on October 22. The program helps agriscience teachers, science teachers and administrators improve their agriscience programs to provide quality agricultural education for students. This program allows participants to expand their curriculum to include all components of agriculture and helps lay a strong foundation on which students can build. Nominated by school district superintendents and reviewed by a selection committee, middle and high school agriscience teachers, science teachers or administrators are chosen to participate each year. More than 180 teachers have graduated from the program since its inception and are using knowledge they gained to better prepare their students for the workforce and postsecondary education. Each of four trips consists of touring agricultural operations, meeting with industry representatives, understanding Florida’s natural resources, examining environmental opportunities and engaging in leadership development. Participants get to see diverse aspects of agriculture first-hand, including: forestry, fruits and vegetables, row crops, nursery and landscape, livestock, aquaculture and more. For more information about the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, visit FreshFromFlorida.com.


INDUSTRY NEWS Alachua County Hosts Two Florida Water StarSM Programs

Florida Water StarSM travels to Gainesville for two programs: December 8, 2015 and February 2, 2016. The events are hosted by Alachua County in cooperation with the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD), the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) and FNGLA. The training is a comprehensive water conservation program that focuses on Florida-friendly landscape alternatives and irrigation requirements that can have a major impact on water usage. Participants who complete the training can choose to sit for the exam to earn their Accredited Professional designation. Alachua County has included Florida Water StarSM in its Landscape Irrigation Design and Maintenance Standards, allowing Florida Water StarSM Accredited Professionals who hold both AP designations to selfinspect in compliance with their Irrigation System Approval Process. SJRWMD has contracted with FNGLA to administer the Florida Water StarSM Accredited Professional exams in irrigation and landscape. More than 200 professionals have earned one or both of these designations since testing began in 2010. Continuing Education Units are available for a variety of licenses and certifications, including: FNGLA, Registered Landscape Architects, Irrigation Association and licensed irrigation contractors in Florida as well as Volusia and Miami-Dade counties. For more information, contact Merry Mott, 800-375-3642.


Bad News for Florida Citrus: Crop Predictions Drop Again The U.S. Department of Agriculture lowered its estimate of the 2015-2016 Florida orange crop by 7.5 percent, or 6 million boxes, to 74 million boxes. The USDA dropped 3 million boxes off early-mid varieties, now pegging them at 37 million boxes and 3 million boxes off Valencias which put that variety at 37 million boxes as well. Grapefruit and oranges for frozen juice also have decreased significantly. “The lower estimate is a stark reminder that the Florida citrus industry is in the fight of its life,” said Michael W. Sparks, executive VP/CEO of Florida Citrus Mutual. “It also shows how desperately we need more trees in the ground to help maintain the existing infrastructure.” Florida growers are now battling citrus greening, or HLB, a bacterial disease vectored by the Asian citrus psyllid. It attacks the vascular system of a tree and can kill it within two years. Citrus greening is endemic to Florida and has reduced production more than 50 percent over the past decade. Early November, Rep. Buchanan introduced H.R. 3957 - The Emergency Citrus Disease Response Act - which allows growers to immediately expense the cost of planting new citrus instead of the standard 14 year depreciation period under the current IRS rules. The tweak to the IRS code is designed to increase slumping production. It would be available for 10 years. The USDA makes its initial estimate in October of each year and revises it monthly as the crop takes shape until the end of the season in July. The USDA said the final 2014-2015 Florida orange crop tallied 96.7 million boxes. Visit http://www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_State/Florida/ Publications/Citrus/index.php for the complete USDA estimate details.

CERTIFICATIONS Certification Provides New Start for FCHP Graduates FNGLA’s certification programs are always on the look-out for new markets, new recognition and new ways to educate. Along the way, opportunities arise that strengthen both the program and the industry. In the past three years, FNGLA’s Certified Horticulture Professional (FCHP) program has found a new purpose: helping inmates learn a trade while incarcerated and find meaningful employment upon release. A highly successful program with the University of Florida Sumter County Extension at Coleman Federal Correctional has put more than 330 through the program since it began in 2012. UF’s Lloyd Singleton, FCHP and Susan League, FCHP host two classes a year and conduct interviews for those who want to enter the program. There are always more people interviewing than spots available in the class. A new program began this year at Marianna Federal Correctional. In-house trainer C. Lynn Shurette has conducted two classes with 22 earning their FCHP. Plans are to continue the horticulture program and introduce students to other certifications available to them. The first FCHP class at Avon Park Correctional held graduation ceremonies in October for its 11 graduates. FNGLA Highlands Heartland Chapter President Austin Bryant and Vice President Scott Kirouac were in attendance with UF Highlands County Extension and local garden center supporters. Master Gardener Charlie Reynolds, FCHP, heads up horticultural training with Officer Tommy Sauls at the facility’s expansive nursery and greenhouse complex.

Avon Park Correctional Facility recently graduated 11 inmates from its first FCHP class, The facility has an expansive nursery and greenhouse complex ideal for providing inmates with real-world training for placement within the industry upon their release.

Interest in this unique program continues to grow with discussions taking place with Gadsden County in association with Florida A & M University. The next step in the process is linking these graduates with jobs in the industry. Several of Coleman’s former inmates have found industry jobs, and plans are to provide a better pathway to gainful employment. There are programs in place that provide for the bonding of these potential employees and a tax incentive to their employers. For more information, contact Merry Mott at FNGLA or call 800-375-3642.


CERTIFICATIONS Southeast Florida Embraces Landscape Certification FNGLA’s Broward Chapter and the UF Ft. Lauderdale Research Center in Davie hosted a successful combined FNGLA Certified Landscape Technician (FCLT-Installation) and Maintenance Technician (FCLMT) exam on October 16. The exam was a sell-out with 40 individuals testing and 20 professionals judging. Judges commented this class was one of the most prepared groups, thanks to training offered at The Landscape Show, UF Miami-Dade County Extension and Broward Chapter FNGLA. Testing will again be hosted at SeaWorld Horticulture in Orlando in the spring, with the FCLT exam on Saturday, February 6 and the FCLMT exam Saturday, February 20. Earning an FNGLA certification can increase your knowledge and your professionalism – and that of your staff. For more information, or to register for any of FNGLA’s certification exams, contact Merry Mott at FNGLA at mmott@fngla.org. FNGLA is fortunate to have many supporters who help make our professional certifications the standard for Florida’s nursery and landscape industry. We recognize Becker Tree Farm in Hobe Sound for its continued support of FNGLA’s South Florida test site. Tree Planting, Staking and Pruning are important portions of the exam, and Becker provides materials whenever asked. Thank you!


Exam Hosts

Kim Moore, UF Ft. Lauderdale REC Luci Fisher, UF Ft. Lauderdale REC Robert Shoelson, FCLC, Getting Green Rob Pursell, FCLC, Getting Green

Exam Judges

George Alonso, FCLT, Alonso Landscape Stephen Blackburn, FCLC, Staying Green Carlucio Da Rocha, FCLT, Landscaping Details Todd Flack, FCLC, 100% Landscaping Keith Flowers, FCLT, Flowers Landscape Vladimir Foursa, FCLC, B G Katz John Gonzalez, FCLT, GreenSource Landscaping Kim Hoadley, FCLT, Landscape Service Professionals Luc Limbourg, FCLMT, Green Team Solutions Sergio Lopez, FCLT, 100% Landscaping Robert Marshall, FCLMT, Valley Crest Lorenzo Mateo, FCLT, Miami-Dade Parks Millie McFadden, FCLC, City of Miami Beach Guy Michaud, FCLT, Landscape Service Professionals Luis Perez, FCLT, Miami-Dade Parks Larry Searle, FCLC, Searle Brothers Nursery Juan Serrano, FCLT, Miami-Dade Parks Ned Skiff, FCLC, Skiff & Associates

CERTIFICATIONS Training Leads to Success on Landscape Certification Exams When applicants for FNGLA’s Certified Landscape Technician (FCLT-Installation) and Maintenance Technician (FCLMT) exam arrived at their test site in October, they were ready for success. Thanks to a variety of training programs, the 40 professionals seeking FNGLA Certification were well prepared. A Knowledge College Workshop at The Landscape Show in Orlando kicked off the fall training programs, offering attendees a look at both landscape technician exams, as well as a chance to practice several stations in the Certification Showcase on the show floor. A bilingual program was hosted in September by UF Miami-Dade County Extension for South Florida professionals whose primary language is not English. This training in Homestead was geared to landscape installation. Hands-on training day took place in October at the UF Ft. Lauderdale Research Center test site in Davie. This one-day program was sponsored by the FNGLA Broward Chapter and featured both installation and maintenance training. For more information on upcoming training and testing opportunities for FNGLA’s certification exams, contact Merry Mott at FNGLA at mmott@fngla.org.

The Landscape Show Trainers

Tim Harris, FCLC, Valley Crest Deirdre Irwin, St. Johns River Water Mgmt District Carlos Pulido, FCLC, Sunflower Landscaping Paul Sykora, FCLC, Valley Crest Gary Weitermann, FCLT, SeaWorld Horticulture

Miami-Dade Trainers

Marcelino Aguirre, FCLT, Miami Dade Parks Claudia Alzate, FCLT, Metric Engineering Cesar Blas, FCLT, Miami Dade Parks Mario Cantero, SFM Services Henry Mayer, UF Miami Dade Extension Fernando Ortega, SFM Services

Broward Trainers

Ed Barry, FCLT, Landscape Service Prof Stephen Blackwell, FCLC, Staying Green Ben Sierra, FCLMT, Brickman Rob Pursell, FCLC, Getting Green Robert Shoelson, FCLC, Getting Green


MEMBER NEWS Costa Named Finalist in Int’l Association of Horticulture Awards

Nine finalists were named, including Costa Farms from the U.S. and Dutchmaster Nurseries from Canada for the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) International Grower of the Year Awards 2016. Celebrating the world’s best ornamentals growers, the Awards Gala Dinner takes place on Jan. 28, 2016, during IPM Essen, Germany. Chairman of the international jury and AIPH Past-President Vic Krahn said, “The jury was very impressed with the exceptionally high standard of the entries received this year. It was a huge task with so many more entries than previous years. The high standards of the entrants meant the jury had to work exceptionally hard. However, in every judge’s case, they found it extremely thrilling to assess such high quality businesses. They know with certainty that when the winners are announced in January, this industry will be truly inspired by these world acclaimed businesses.” For more details, visit www.aiph.org/ groweroftheyear.


Florikan Opens New Facility in Hardee County Florikan, industry specialists in polymercoated, controlled release fertilizers, hosted a grand opening October 21 at its new 85,000-square-foot manufacturing, distribution and warehousing facility in the Hardee County Commerce Park. In order to better support the rising demand for its products, Florikan is doubling its production capacity to 30,000 tons and increasing the storage capacity of its distribution and finished goods warehouse. Florikan will continue to offer diverse fertilizer products engineered by two unique CRF technologies: Gal-XEONE/Florikote and Nutricote, which will now be manufactured and distributed out of the Hardee County location for the agricultural, turf and ornamental industries. For information, visit www.Florikan.com or call 800-3228666.

Tree Town USA Acquires Medallion North Tree Town USA is proud to announce the acquisition of Medallion Growers North Florida located in Bunnell, Florida. The facility encompasses 665 acres and produces container grown trees, shrubs, ground covers, perennials, and grasses for distribution throughout the Southeastern part of the country. The facility was previously part of the Skinner Wholesale Nursery operations before being acquired by Medallion Growers in 2010. Tree Town USA, headquartered in Houston, acquired the facility to expand its growth in the landscape and retail businesses in the Southeastern and Gulf Coast markets. The current management team will be retained and further augmented by Tree Town USA’s strong operations team. Tree Town USA has over 4,000 production acres. Stan Roper will assume the position of Southeast Regional Sales Manager and will be responsible for all Tree Town USA locations in Florida. Ron Ciaccio will remain the National Director of Sales. For more information, visit www. treetownusa.com or call 800-866-2345.

MEMBER NEWS Florida Home Builders Names Cindy Hall Associate of the Year The Florida Home Builders Association recently honored Cindy Hall of Eco Solutions Marketing in Jensen Beach, as its 2015 Associate Member of the Year during its 2015 Fall Leadership Conference. Selected by a council of industry leaders, the award encourages best practices, expertise, and exceptional leadership qualities. Associate members are suppliers, service providers, and product manufacturers that support the building industry in many different capacities. Hall has served as FHBA 2nd Vice President in and was awarded the FHBA Women of Distinction award in 2013. She is active in her local home building association, the National Association of Home Builders, served on the Florida Green Building Coalition Board of Directors from 2009 to 2015 and is currently serving as The Landscape Show’s chair. Cindy has served her local FNGLA Treasure Coast Chapter in virtually every capacity. Congratulations Cindy!

National Friend of Extension Winner Announced: Ron O’Connor Ron O’Connor takes a hands-on approach to helping at University of Florida/IFAS Extension events, mentoring up and coming agriculture students, taking photographs and even securing grants for many projects. At many industry events, Ron is most easily identified as the photographer, documenting the people and events shaping Florida agriculture. Each year, the national Epsilon Sigma Phi organization recognizes up to four volunteers from across the country business leaders, volunteers or public servants - who go above and beyond in their assistance to Extension professionals. For 2015, they’re honoring Ron O’Connor’s efforts, naming him a “National Friend of Extension.” “I was honored to receive this award at the national level,” said O’Connor, who works as director of marketing and governmental affairs for Florida Farm Credit Systems. “I accepted this award on behalf of the three Florida Farm Credit Associations and the hard working resilient memberborrowers. They provide me the resources that allow me to work with the wonderful professionals in UF/IFAS Extension at both the state and county levels.” Sumter County Extension Agent Martha Maddox originally nominated O’Connor for this recognition, which was endorsed by Florida ESP and UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension, along with Florida’s Alpha Delta Chapter of ESP, made up of faculty from UF/IFAS and Florida A&M University. “A native Floridian and graduate of the University of Florida, Ron O’Connor is deeply devoted to the Extension family and plays a vital role in supporting the total Extension program,” Maddox said. “Ron is one of the Extension supporters we can truly always count on for support whether monetarily, advisory or in lobbying efforts on Extension’s behalf.”


MEMBER NEWS Ag Angel Program Solicits Industry Support The holiday season is upon us and it’s time for the Christmas Ag Angels program to launch its efforts for 2015. Eight years ago, Scott Kirouac started donating to local schools in the Highlands Heartland area of Florida. For 2014, the program raised $31,693 with 100% of the money providing Christmas gifts for less fortunate children. 2014 brought presents and Christmas spirit to hundreds of children in all seventeen Highlands County schools, two Hardee County schools, Highlands County Guardian Ad Litem program and Highlands County Big Brothers Big Sisters.

2014’s Ag Angel program raised $31,693 in 30 days. Scott Kirouac (in red) with many of the “Elves” who participated in the program which includes underprivileged children from two counties, 19 schools and two community program.

The true success of this program is because of its contributors-- people like you. Will you join the effort this year to make an even bigger difference?

Get Involved... As always, 100% of the funds collected will be used to purchase gifts by the teachers and staff (our Elves). No funds are used to give gift cards or cash to the students or parents. This assures the funds are not used for unintended purposes. Scott’s goal has always been, and will continue to be, to provide underprivileged children the joy of waking up Christmas morning and having a special gift to open. He asks you to make your donation now, while fresh in your mind: Proceeds will be distributed to the schools and programs by December 10 enabling the “Elves” time to shop for the children before Winter break. Checks can be made to Ag Angels Inc., P.O. Box 8333, Sebring, Florida 33872 or make a donation online at http://www.agangels.org/#!donate/c1ghi. If you have questions, contact Scott at 863.873.3180.

Spread the Christmas Cheer: FNGLA’s Chapter Events in December It’s a holiday tradition in most FNGLA chapters for the December membership meeting to transition to a Holiday Party. In keeping with this, here’s a list of the December chapter happenings of which we are aware:









Thursday, 12/10 6 p.m.

Harry P. Leu Gardens


Unwrapped Toys


Friday, 12/4

Parrish Residence


Gift Exchange

Coastal Springs

Tuesday, 12/15


Saturday, 12/12

4 p.m.

Gilchrist Club, Trenton


Gift Exchange

Lake Region

Tuesday, 12/8

6:30 p.m.

Ling’s Buffet, Lakeland

Gift Exchange


Saturday, 12/12

6:30 p.m.

Albritton Nursery

Gift for Toys for Tots


Saturday, 12/12

5 p.m.

The Party House

Palm Beach

Saturday, 12/5

Royal Palm

Tuesday, 12/8

Treasure Coast

Thursday, 12/3

7 p.m.

Papa Joe’s, Spring Lake


Atlantic National, Lake Worth


6:30 p.m.

HeadPinz Bowling Center


6 - 8 p.m.

Heathcote Botanical Gardens

Gift Exchange & Dish Gift Exchange, $10 Limit

MEMBER NEWS The Mission of FNGLA FNGLA’s mission is to promote and protect the interests of Florida’s nursery and landscape industry. The following core principles guide the governance and management of FNGLA: Organizational Excellence; Member-Focus; Collaboration and Partnerships; Leadership in Agriculture; and, Continuous Improvement. Don’t just read the newsletter. Be a part of FNGLA!

Welcome New Members FNGLA’s Chapters are organized by county. To find your chapter, locate your location and refer to the chapter name online at http:// www.fngla.org/chapters/index.aspx to determine who to contact locally. 1. Action 2. Big Bend 3. Broward 4. Central East Coast 5. Coastal Springs 6. Miami-Dade 7. Frontrunners 8. Highlands Heartland 9. Polk

10. Manasota 11. Northeast 12. Palm Beach 13. Panhandle 14. Pinellas 15. Royal Palm 16. Space Coast 17. Tampa Bay 18. Treasure Coast

The following are new FNGLA members from September 22, 2015 - October 21, 2015

ACTION Keenan Hart (Student) 5709 Los Palma Vista Dr Orlando, FL 32837 407-873-5612

Village of Palmetto Bay Steven Diaz (Supportive) 9495 SW 180th St Palmetto Bay, FL 33157 305-969-5011

City of Ocoee Miranda Justice (Supportive) 1800 A D Mims Rd Ocoee, FL 34761 407-877-5899

NORTHEAST houseplants.com Brent Morrison (Supportive) PO Box 1850 St. Augustine, FL 32085 904-325-1544

BIG BEND William Beaty (Supportive) 620 Morris Rd Monticello, FL 32344 850-510-7891 BROWARD Cari-Behan Services Gerald Behan 7360 NW 51 Ter Coconut Creek, FL 33073 954-234-1002 CENTRAL EAST COAST City of Daytona Beach Sandra Stinson (Supportive) PO Box 2451 Daytona Beach, FL 32115-2451 386-671-8554 MIAMI-DADE City of Miami Raphael Gonzalez (Supportive) 444 SW 2nd Ave 8th FL Miami, FL 33130 786-614-5044

Beard Equipment Company Roy Benton 6870 Philips Hwy Jacksonville, FL 32216 251-604-7908 Rec’d by: Tom Williams, Williams’ Plant Nursery, Inc. OUTSIDE FLORIDA Plantas y Semillas del Golfo Eliazar Garcia 31259 Fm 506 La Feria, TX 78559 956-970-4536 Sporticulture, Inc. Pete Gilmore 14812 Burntwoods Rd Glenwood, MD 21738 410-442-2299 PANHANDLE Energy Systems A/C Contractors, Inc. Danny Marshall 1027 S Fairfield Dr Pensacola, FL 32506 850-456-5612

Wilkinson Septic Johnny Wilkinson 1859 W Hwy 90 Baker, FL 32531 850-682-4832 Rec’d by: Keith Sylvest, Coastal Machinery Co. ROYAL PALM Irene Balmforth (Student) 5626 Cape Harbour Dr Cape Coral, FL 33914 303-585-1446 Mackinnon Equipment and Services Michael Vida 5566 6th St W Lehigh Acres, FL 33971 239-458-5005 Evergreen Irrigation & Landscaping Robert Greco 720 NE 25th Ave #34 Cape Coral, FL 33909 239-574-2070

Diamond R Fertilizer Co., Inc. Trevor Brinkmeyer (Associate) 4100 Glades Cutoff Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34981 772-201-0099 Turf Surfers Lawn Maintenance and Landscape Jeremy Johnson 10708 Carrollwood Dr Tampa, FL 33618 727-244-7815 Rec’d by: Will Womack,Tampa Bay Landscaping TREASURE COAST Mighty Fine Gardens Chuck Frogner PO Box 13482 Fort Pierce, FL 34979 772-924-0166

TAMPA BAY Hillsborough County Extension Susan R. Haddock (Supportive) 5339 S County Road 579 Seffner, FL 33584-3334 813-744-5519 Bay Mulch Inc. Tom Kirkland 1603 S Forbes Rd Plant City, FL 33566 813-376-6944


Calendar of Events

Contact Us

See and submit events at http://www.fngla.org, under calendar

November 12;

Roots Plus Grower Workshop, Stewart’s Tree Service, Brooksville


Green Industry Best Management Practices (GI-BMP) in Spanish, Indian River Research & Education Center, Ft. Pierce


LIAF Annual Tree Pruning Seminar, Weston Regional Park – Pavilion 1, Weston

21: LIAF Miami-Dade Chapter Inaugural Meeting, Deering Estate Park, Miami

FNGLA Phone: 407.295.7994 Toll-free: 800.375.3642 Fax: 407.295.1619 E-mail: info@fngla.org Web: www.fngla.org


GREENLINE EDITOR Jennifer Nelis jnelis@fngla.org


President Billy Butterfield, FCLC AmeriScapes Landscape Management Services, LLC PO Box 568762 Orlando, FL 32856-5041 (407) 872-0855

President-Elect Robert Shoelson Getting Green Plant Services & Betrock Information Systems PO Box 840107 Pembroke Pines, FL 33084 (954) 680-1819

Past President Sandy Stein The Jungle Nursery 29100 SW 162 Ave Homestead, FL 33030 (305) 246-5324

Secretary/Treasurer Ed Bravo Big Trees Plantation, Inc. 104 SW 131 St Newberry, FL 32669 (352) 332-2150

December Connect with us:


2015 Urban Forestry Workshop, Ironwood Golf Course, Gainesville


New England Grows, Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, Boston


Chemical Spill Response Training, Hampton Inn, Boynton Beach



FCLC Training Class Begins, University of Florida Ft. Lauderdale Research Center, Ft. Lauderdale


National Vegetable Grafting Symposium, Grand Rapids, MI


Florida Water StarSM Accredited Professional Training and Exam, Alachua County Health Department, Gainesville

This publication is produced by the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA) as a service to its members and the industry at large. The statements and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Association, its staff, Board of Directors, Greenline or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers or their identification as members does not constitute an endorsement of the products or featured services.


Palm Management in the Florida Landscape, Hillsborough County Extension, Seffner

The mission of the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association is to promote and protect the interests of Florida’s nursery and landscape industry.


1533 Park Center Drive Orlando, FL 32835-5705

Read the latest FNGLA news inside & visit Greenline online at http://greenline.fngla.org

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